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Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the substrate preference of American plaice and the interaction between substrate and temperature preference. When given a choice of several substrate types, American plaice clearly preferred substrates that had a finer particle size than gravel, but did not totally avoid any substrate type. When given a choice between sand and gravel, they clearly preferred sand. Preference for substrate took precedence over temperature preference down to a temperature of‐1.0°C. An examination of field data showed that American plaice were widely distributed across both gravel and sand substrates at temperatures above and below‐1.0°C. Broad tolerances of substrate and temperature are probably a factor in this species’ wide distribution throughout the northwest Atlantic.  相似文献   

This paper documents the first report of concurrent infections of lymphocystis lesions and X-cells and the varied associations between multiple, clustered or single lymphocystis lesions and X-cells in a NW Atlantic pleuronectid.  相似文献   

Low routine oxygen consumption rates were measured for 100 American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides Fabr.) which were taken from St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia, on five occasions (August, November, February, April and June) during 1970–1971. The pooled data for the rate of oxygen consumption R(mg O2/h) at weight w(g) are represented by the equation R = 0.0582w0.8. Over the range 1–6 °C no significant (P < 0.05) effect of temperature on oxygen consumption was detected. Neither season, sex, state of maturity, nor stage of gonad ripeness had significant effects upon the rate of oxygen consumption.A comparison of the data with those for other species of flatfish gives no evidence for an evolutionary adaptation of metabolic rate to the prevailing subarctic temperatures. An analysis using a growth equation derived from energy principles indicates that the influence of temperature on metabolic rate can account for the differences in growth rate among plaice populations but that characteristics of the food supply may also have an important effect.  相似文献   

The distribution of Pseudoterranova decipiens C helps demonstrate the ecological basis of this genetically defined sibling species. In northern Norwegian waters the major fish intermediate host is Hippoglossoides platessoides. Overall prevalence, mean intensity and intensity range in H. platessoides were 15%, 16.5 and 1-165, respectively. Outside the range of its only known definitive host, the seal Erignathus barbatus, the parasite was not found in the same intermediate host.  相似文献   

Prey exploitation was documented for Hippoglossoides platessoides, Pleuronectes ferrugineus , and P. americanus collected from southeast Sable Island Bank in February and June 1989. Diets varied significantly by sample and with fish species and length. Of 239 species consumed by flatfishes, 66 were determined to be principal prey. Crustaceans, particularly amphipods, were the most frequently exploited prey of all three flatfish species. Small H. platessoides fed on suprabenthic fauna, while larger fish exploited epifauna and hyperiid suprafauna. P. ferrugineus exploited epibenthic fauna, consuming crustaceans and tunicates when small and polychaetes when larger. P. americanus preyed on epifauna; smaller fish exploited polychaetes while larger fish usually consumed crustaceans associated with ectoproct colonies. Feeding intensity was dramatically lower in February, food being found in stomachs of only 36% of H. platessoides and 49% of P. ferrugineus , and lacking in the stomachs of P. americanus . In June, stomachs of 86% of H. platessoides , 94% of P. ferrugineus and 96% of P. americanus contained food. Results indicate that prey resources for the three flatfish species are partitioned by specific habitat and prey type preferences.  相似文献   

We have described the tissue distribution and properties of thyroid hormone (TH) deiodination activities of the marine American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides. We then studied the 1- or 4-week responses of the plaice liver and brain deiodination activities and the plasma thyroxine (T4) and 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) levels to an intraperitoneal injection (5-500 ng/g) of the polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners 77 (3,3'-4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl) or 126 (3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl). T4 and 3,3'5'-triiodothyronine (rT3) outer-ring deiodination (ORD) activities were greater in liver than in kidney, gill, heart, brain, intestine or muscle; inner-ring deiodination (IRD) activity occurred in all tissues but was consistently higher in brain. Deiodination characteristics (optimal pH, optimal dithiothreitol concentration, responses to inhibitors and apparent Km values of 0.6-4 nM) fell in the same rage as those of low-Km deiodinases in other teleosts. Deiodination activities were maximal when assayed at 25 degrees C but uniformly low over the natural range of 0-9 degrees C. Neither PCB 77 nor PCB 126 altered brain T4ORD activity or plasma T4 levels (P < 0.05). However, at 1 week post injection hepatic T4ORD activity was increased and plasma T3 levels lowered by PCB 77 (5 and 25 ng/g), while hepatic IRD activity was increased by PCB 126 (50 and 500 ng/g). Neither PCB 77, PCB 126 nor selected hydroxylated. PCBs given in vitro compared with T4 for binding sites on plasma proteins or altered hepatic deiodination activity, indicating no direct action on plasma proteins or deiodinases We conclude that plaice TH deiodination tissue distribution and characteristics resemble those of other teleosts. Deiodination activities are low at natural assay temperatures but at 1 week show some responses to PCBs 77 and 126.  相似文献   

Green sea urchins were the most abundant food species (62% by weight) in American plaice (all female) collected from an area in eastern Newfoundland where sandy bottom abuts urchin dominated bedrock. Of secondary importance were capelin (12.9% by weight), which were spawning in the area when the samples were obtained. The results suggest that American plaice may be important predators of urchins in such habitats.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural aspects of sperm destruction patterns were offered as additional cytological parameters for evaluation of the genus affinity of flatfishes Hippoglossoides dubius and Cleisthenes herzensteini. At the beginning of spermatozoan destruction, cell membrane in both species was found swollen, besides, discontinuity of membranes was observed, and membraneous parts were seen separating from sparmatozoa. We observed the ability of separated membraneous parts to aggregate to twisting conglomerates that wind round the objects of destruction. In H. dubius the membraneous conglomerates wound round spermatozoa, and after that such spermatozoa were phagocyted by follicular cells. In C. herzensteini, the membraneous conglomerates grasped the particles of destructed spermatozoa: the formed residual bodies were collected in the gonad lumen but not phagocyted by follicular cells. The expressiveness of the differences found in the pattern of sperm destruction is so considerable that, in the authors' opinion, these data are to supplement a list of criteria making reasonable reconsideration of the taxonomic status of C. herzensteini: its belonging to the genus Hippoglossoides, and establishing of the genus Cleisthenes as an independent rank.  相似文献   

In the dab ( Limanda limanda L.), the diploid number is 46 and the karyotype consists of 23 pairs of chromosomes, all of which are telocentric or subtelocentric, so that the total number of chromosome arms is 46 (AN-46).  相似文献   

Summary The normal skin of the pleuronectid fish, Hippoglossoides elassodon, is described by light and electron microscopy. The epidermis consists of 5 to 9 layers of cells, the majority of which are squamous cells and the minority mucous cells. The squamous cells are characterized by numerous desmosomes and associated cytoplasmic filaments. The mucous cells accumulate mucous droplets in vacuoles of Golgi origin and are observed apparently in the process of releasing their content at the free surface. The dermis consists of alternating lamellae composed of typical collagen fibers. Pigment cells are of three types: melanophores, iridophores (guanophores), and lipophores.This work was supported by Public Health Service Research Grant CA-08158 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

Climbing perches use the tail for forward propulsion when on land. The spiny gill covers are used to obtain purchase on the substratum. Unusually amongst teleosts, the opercular and subopercular bone are not bound strongly together into a single operculum. Instead they are joined only by a thin, flexible membrane, so that the fish has two sections of the gill cover hinged separately; the opercular on the suspensorium and the subopercular on the rearmost part of the lower jaw. The gill covers open very widely and the subopercular rotates ventrally as well as laterally. Two modes of locomotion are employed. Usually Anabus adopts a near-upright posture and alternately drives the left and right spiny suboperculars into the substratum, using the tail to vault over the subopercular (which acts in the manner of a short vaulting pole). During vigorous movement the fish may leave the substratum altogether during the vault. Fatigued fish, or fish which have fallen during climbing, move on their sides, using the tail for propulsion and a single spiny opercular which is repeatedly driven into the substratum. Maximum speeds observed on land corresponded to 1.8 body lengths S?1. No evidence of involvement of the pelvic fins in locomotion was obtained; the pectorals seemed only to help in tilting the head from side to side and did not contribute significantly to forward propulsion. On mud and tree bark the fish were laterally unstable, often resting on their sides. Grassy substrata provided support and permitted a more upright posture. Slope climbing ability was restricted to 25° when climbing tree bark and 30° when climbing grass. Coupled with lateral instability these observations disqualify the species from any tree-climbing capacity. Anabas can climb vertical obstacles of at least half body length in height by pushing the head against the obstacle, using the spiny gill covers for purchase until one or other subopercular hooks over the top of the barrier. The subopercular is then used as a fulcrum for an upwards vault to clear the obstacle.  相似文献   

Summary The skin of newly-hatched larval flathead sole, Hippoglossoides elassodon, is described by light and electron microscopy. The epidermis is usually two cells thick and shows differentiation into both squamous and mucous cells. The squamous cells are characterized by numerous cytoplasmic filaments, typical desmosomes, and lack of keratinization; the mucous cells are distended with mucous droplets, which appear to originate in the Golgi apparatus. A basement membrane is present, although thinner and less dense than that of older fish, and the dermis contains loose formations of collagen and pigment cells.This work was supported in part by USPHS research grant CA-08158 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

The autonomic innervation of the ovary of the dab was studied histologically and physiologically. The ovary receives a branch of nerve bundles that emerge into the abdominal cavity at the postero-ventral end of the kidney and can be traced back to the sympathetic chain in the vicinity of the 5th vertebra. Almost all the nerve fibers are AChE-positive, and some of them also emit adrenergic fluorescence. Electrical stimulation of the ovarian nerves caused ovarian contractions, and administration of ACh elicited contractions of the ovary preparations, supporting the hypothesis that the ovary is innervated by excitatory cholinergic fibers. In the ovarian nerve bundles, many AChE-positive and non-fluorescent ganglion cells are scattered. Ultrastructural studies suggest that nerve endings situated on the ovarian smooth muscle and on ganglion cells are cholinergic. These results also suggest that the cells are the post-ganglionic neurons of the cholinergic innervation and the axons of the cells reach to the muscle cells. On the other hand, the adrenergic fluoresecent fibers possibly participate in the inhibitory innervation, since the presence of inhibitory beta-adrenoceptors were demonstrated by pharmacological studies.  相似文献   

Tim Brac 《Tissue & cell》1983,15(3):365-373
The microinjection of polycationic but not anionic molecules causes swelling of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in salivary gland cells of a fly larva. Ca-EGTA buffers, lanthanum chloride, lysozyme, bovine serum albumin, cationic and anionic ferritin were microinjected into salivary gland cells and their effects observed by light and electron microscopy. Immediately after the microinjection of polycationic molecules, the cytoplasm changed from transparent to opaque as the RER became swollen. Binding of polycationic molecules to the RER may cause the membrane to become permeable to some solute and swell due to osmotic forces.  相似文献   

Summary Localization and characterization of different lipids in the cellular constituents of the skin of Heteropneustes fossilis has been made using several histochemical techniques.High contents of cholesterol, its esters and phospholipids have been correlated with the metabolically active state of the basal cells undergoing cell proliferation and differentiation.The polygonal cells in the outermost layer of the epidermis, though rich in phospholipid contain small amounts of cholesterol and its esters. This has been correlated with the metabolically less active state of these cells.Neutral lipids and phospholipids in the polygonal cells of the outermost layer may contribute to the contents of surface slime and act as an efficient barrier for the penetration of water through the skin.The deposits of neutral lipids in the subcutis may provide energy during the period of fasting, act as a barrier for water diffusion through the skin and serve as shock absorbing pads protecting the fish from mechanical injury.Supported by a post doctoral fellowship sponsored by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of IndiaSupported by a research scholarship sponsored by Banaras Hindu University  相似文献   

A combination of adsorption (protamine-agarose) and gel filtration (Sephacryl S-300) chromatography was used to enrich for factor(s) in Xenopus laevis frog egg extract that induce nuclear swelling-chromatin decondensation in permeabilized human sperm. It was determined that a 70-fold purification of the factor(s) that induce human sperm nuclear swelling has resulted from the purification scheme. The reduced, active factor(s) have a Kav of 0.12 and an approximate molecular weight of 290,000 daltons. The extract nuclear swelling activity is sensitive to temperatures of 50 degrees C and above, as well as proteolytic treatment. RNase and cycloheximide treatments of the extracts have no effect on the nuclear swelling activity. These data suggest that the egg extract factor(s) that induce nuclear swelling in permeabilized human sperm are protein(s) that are present in the unfertilized frog egg.  相似文献   

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