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The improper activation of the Abl tyrosine kinase results in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The recognition of an inactive conformation of Abl, in which a catalytically important Asp-Phe-Gly (DFG) motif is flipped by approximately 180 degrees with respect to the active conformation, underlies the specificity of the cancer drug imatinib, which is used to treat CML. The DFG motif is not flipped in crystal structures of inactive forms of the closely related Src kinases, and imatinib does not inhibit c-Src. We present a structure of the kinase domain of Abl, determined in complex with an ATP-peptide conjugate, in which the protein adopts an inactive conformation that resembles closely that of the Src kinases. An interesting aspect of the Src-like inactive structure, suggested by molecular dynamics simulations and additional crystal structures, is the presence of features that might facilitate the flip of the DFG motif by providing room for the phenylalanine to move and by coordinating the aspartate side chain as it leaves the active site. One class of mutations in BCR-Abl that confers resistance to imatinib appears more likely to destabilize the inactive Src-like conformation than the active or imatinib-bound conformations. Our results suggest that interconversion between distinctly different inactive conformations is a characteristic feature of the Abl kinase domain.  相似文献   

The Werner syndrome protein (WRN) is a caretaker of the human genome, and the Abl kinase is a regulator of the DNA damage response. Aberrant DNA repair has been linked to the development of cancer. Here, we have identified a direct binding between WRN and c-Abl in vitro via the N-terminal and central regions of WRN and the Src homology domain 3 of c-Abl. After bleomycin treatment in culture, WRN and c-Abl are dissociated and followed by an Abl kinase-dependent WRN relocalization to the nucleoplasm. WRN is a substrate of c-Abl in vitro and in vivo. WRN is tyrosine phosphorylated either transiently by treatment of HeLa cells with bleomycin or constitutively in cells from chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients, and these phosphorylations are prevented by treatment with the Abl kinase inhibitor STI-571. Tyrosine phosphorylation of WRN results in inhibition of both WRN exonuclease and helicase activities. Furthermore, anti-WRN immunoprecipitates from CML cells treated with STI-571 show increased 3'-->5' exonuclease activity. These findings suggest a novel signaling pathway by which c-Abl mediates WRN nuclear localization and catalytic activities in response to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Gefitinib is an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) of potential use in patients with breast cancer. Unfortunately, in clinical studies, gefitinib is often ineffective indicating that resistance to EGFR inhibitors may be a common occurrence in cancer of the breast. EGFR has been shown to be overexpressed in breast cancer, and in particular remains hyperphosphorylated in cell lines such as MDA-MB-468 that are resistant to EGFR inhibitors. Here, we investigate the cause of this sustained phosphorylation and the molecular basis for the ineffectiveness of gefitinib. We show that reactive oxygen species (ROS), known to damage cellular macromolecules and to modulate signaling cascades in a variety of human diseases including cancers, appear to play a critical role in mediating EGFR TKI-resistance. Furthermore, elimination of these ROS through use of a cell-penetrating catalase derivative sensitizes the cells to gefitinib. These results suggest a new approach for the treatment of TKI-resistant breast cancer patients specifically, the targeting of ROS and attendant downstream oxidative stress and their effects on signaling cascades.  相似文献   

A series of Taxol derivatives tethered at C2' and C-7 to glutamate and folate have been synthesized for evaluation as prodrugs which release Taxol via hydrolytic lability of their alpha-alkoxy and alpha-amino esters. The half-time for hydrolysis of these materials was determined in pH 7 and pH 5 buffer. The in vitro cytotoxicity has been assessed in cell culture against A-549 lung cancer, MCF-7 breast cancer, and HT-29 colon cancer. Selected agents were further screened for folate binding and competitive binding with free folic acid. One agent (54), further evaluated in animal studies was found to increase the lifespan in mice, but was less effective than Taxol itself.  相似文献   

We used the whole cell patch-clamp technique in calf pulmonary endothelial (CPAE) cells to investigate the effect of wild-type and mutant c-Src tyrosine kinase on I(Cl,swell), the swelling-induced Cl- current through volume-regulated anion channels (VRAC). Transient transfection of wild-type c-Src in CPAE cells did not significantly affect I(Cl,swell). However, transfection of c-Src with a Ser3Cys mutation that introduces a dual acylation signal and targets c-Src to lipid rafts and caveolae strongly repressed hypotonicity-induced I(Cl,swell) in CPAE cells. Kinase activity was dispensable for the inhibition of I(Cl,swell), since kinase-deficient c-Src Ser3Cys either with an inactivating point mutation in the kinase domain or with the entire kinase domain deleted still suppressed VRAC activity. Again, the Ser3Cys mutation was required to obtain maximal inhibition by the kinase-deleted c-Src. In contrast, the inhibitory effect was completely lost when the Src homology domains 2 and 3 were deleted in c-Src. We therefore conclude that c-Src-mediated inhibition of VRAC requires compartmentalization of c-Src to caveolae and that the Src homology domains 2 and/or 3 are necessary and sufficient for inhibition.  相似文献   

The v-abl transforming protein P160v-abl and the P210c-abl gene product of the translocated c-abl gene in Philadelphia chromosome-positive chronic myelogenous leukemia cells have tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity. Under similar assay conditions the normal c-abl gene products, murine P150c-abl and human P145c-abl, lacked detectable kinase activity. Reaction conditions were modified to identify conditions which would permit the detection of c-abl tyrosine kinase activity. It was found that the Formalin-fixed Staphylococcus aureus formerly used for immunoprecipitation inhibits in vitro abl kinase activity. In addition, the sodium dodecyl sulfate and deoxycholate detergents formerly used in the cell lysis buffer were found to decrease recovered abl kinase activity. The discovery of assay conditions for c-abl kinase activity now makes it possible to compare P150c-abl and P145c-abl kinase activity with the altered abl proteins P160v-abl and P210c-abl. Although all of the abl proteins have in vitro tyrosine kinase activity, they differ in the way they utilize themselves as substrates in vitro. Comparison of in vitro and in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation sites of the abl proteins suggests that they function differently in vivo. The development of c-abl kinase assay conditions should be useful in elucidating c-abl function.  相似文献   

Targeted therapeutics using antibodies are an attractive option over conventional cancer chemotherapeutics due to their potential to deliver a therapeutic specifically to cancer tissue without damaging normal tissue. However, there are known problems with immunoconjugates such as decreased immunoreactivity and poor solubility. Using dendrimers as carriers for these agents has the potential to resolve these issues. We synthesized J591 anti-PSMA (prostate specific membrane antigen) antibody dendrimer conjugates containing fluorophores on the dendrimer. The in vitro studies of these conjugates show that they specifically bind to cells expressing PSMA. Confocal microscopy experiments document the binding and internalization of these conjugates. This research encourages the further study of antibody-dendrimer-drug conjugates for use in targeted therapeutics.  相似文献   

Six analogs of imatinib, an Abl kinase inhibitor clinically used as a first-line therapeutic agent for chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML), have been synthesized and characterized. And their potency as Abl kinase inhibitors have been screened by a robust virtual screening method developed based on the crystal structure (PDB code 2hyy) of Abl-imatinib complex using Surflex-Docking. The docking results are consistent with the inhibitory potency of the compounds characterized by MS method. And the H-bonds between imatinib analogs and Thr315 and Met318 residues in Abl kinase are shown to be crucial for achieving accurate poses and high binding affinities for the ATP-competitive kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Signaling by the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Abelson (Abl) plays key roles in normal development, whereas its inappropriate activation helps trigger the development of several forms of leukemia. Abl is best known for its roles in axon guidance, but Abl and its relatives also help regulate embryonic morphogenesis in epithelial tissues. Here, we explore the role of regulation of Abl kinase activity during development. We first compare the subcellular localization of Abl protein and of active Abl, by using a phosphospecific antibody, providing a catalog of places where Abl is activated. Next, we explore the consequences for morphogenesis of overexpressing wild-type Abl or expressing the activated form found in leukemia, Bcr-Abl. We find dose-dependent effects of elevating Abl activity on morphogenetic movements such as head involution and dorsal closure, on cell shape changes, on cell protrusive behavior, and on the organization of the actin cytoskeleton. Most of the effects of Abl activation parallel those caused by reduction in function of its target Enabled. Abl activation leads to changes in Enabled phosphorylation and localization, suggesting a mechanism of action. These data provide new insight into how regulated Abl activity helps direct normal development and into possible biological functions of Bcr-Abl.  相似文献   

A number of Src SH2 domain inhibitors enhance the kinase catalytic activity by switching the closed inactive to the open active conformation. ATP-phosphopeptide conjugates were designed and synthesized as Src tyrosine kinase inhibitors based on a tetrapeptide sequence pTyr-Glu-Glu-Ile (pYEEI) and ATP to block the SH2 domain signaling and substrate phosphorylation by ATP, respectively. In general, ATP-phosphopeptide conjugates with optimal linkers such as compounds 5 and 7 (K(i) = 1.7-2.6 microM) showed higher binding affinities to the ATP-binding site relative to the other ATP-phosphopeptide conjugates having short or long linkers, 1-4 and 6, (K(i) = 10.1-16.1 microM) and ATP (K(m) = 74 microM). These ATP-phosphopeptide conjugates may serve as novel templates for designing protein tyrosine kinase inhibitors to block SH2 mediated protein-protein interactions and to counter the activation of enzyme that resulted from the SH2 inhibition.  相似文献   

Many human gene therapies will require cell-specific targeting. Though recombinant viruses are much more efficient than nonviral vectors, the latter, especially polymers, have the advantage of being targetable via conjugation of cell-specific ligands, including sugars, peptides, and antibodies, which can be covalently attached to the polymer using a variety of chemistries. Cyclodextrin, which forms inclusion complexes with small hydrophobic molecules, has been incorporated into a gene-delivery polymer and may provide a facile and versatile attachment site for targeting ligands. Polyethylenimine (PEI) was derivatized with beta-cyclodextrin on approximately 10% of the polymer's amines (termed CD-PEI). Human insulin was also derivatized with a hydrophobic palmitate group (pal-HI), which could anchor the protein to CD-PEI/DNA polyplexes. CD-PEI was essentially nontoxic to HEK293 cells at concentrations optimal for gene delivery and mediated nearly 4-fold higher gene expression than unmodified PEI, which is relatively toxic to these cells. More importantly, addition of the pal-HI to CD-PEI enhanced gene expression by more than an order of magnitude compared to unmodified PEI, either with or without the pal-HI. Because of the relative ease with which CD-binding moieties may be attached to various types of ligands, CD-PEI may be a generally useful material for testing novel cell-specific targeting compounds.  相似文献   

The calcium-dependent tyrosine kinase (CADTK), also known as Pyk2/RAFTK/CAKbeta/FAK2, is a cytoskeleton-associated tyrosine kinase. We compared CADTK regulation with that of the highly homologous focal adhesion tyrosine kinase (FAK). First, we generated site-specific CADTK mutants. Mutation of Tyr402 eliminated autophosphorylation and significantly decreased kinase activity. Mutation of Tyr881, a putative Src kinase phosphorylation site predicted to bind Grb2, had little effect on CADTK regulation. Src family tyrosine kinases resulted in CADTK tyrosine phosphorylation even when co-expressed with the Tyr402/Tyr881 double mutant, suggesting that Src/Fyn etc. phosphorylate additional tyrosine residues. Interestingly, CADTK tyrosine-phosphorylated FAK when both were transiently expressed, but FAK did not phosphorylate CADTK. Biochemical experiments confirmed direct CADTK phosphorylation of FAK. This phosphorylation utilized tyrosine residues other than Tyr397, Tyr925, or Tyr576/Tyr577, suggesting that new SH2-binding sites might be created by CADTK-dependent FAK phosphorylation. Last, expression of the CADTK carboxyl terminus (CRNK) abolished CADTK but not FAK autophosphorylation. In contrast, FAK carboxyl terminus overexpression inhibited both FAK and CADTK autophosphorylation, suggesting that a FAK-dependent cytoskeletal function may be necessary for CADTK activation. Thus, CADTK and FAK, which both bind to some, but not necessarily the same, cytoskeletal elements, may be involved in coordinate regulation of cytoskeletal structure and signaling.  相似文献   

Development of aminoglycoside-nucleic acid conjugates is presented. Synthesis of a DNA dimer covalently linked to kanamycin and neomycin isothiocyanates has been carried out. The development of such conjugates will help couple the sequence specificity of nucleic acids to the electrostatic/shape complementarity of aminoglycoside antibiotics in binding nucleic acid targets.  相似文献   

Using synthetic functionalized analogues of pyochelin, a siderophore common to several pathogenic Pseudomonas and Burkholderia species, four fluoroquinolone-pyochelin conjugates were efficiently synthesized and evaluated for their biological activities.  相似文献   

Isozeaxanthin under acidic conditions forms an allylic cation which reacts readily with thiol nucleophiles. With N-acetylcysteine as a nucleophile the products obtained are carotenoid-cysteine conjugates in which the amino acid moiety is attached to the carotenoid via sulphur in position 4. The water solubility of the products can be increased by deprotection of the amino group. The antioxidant activity of the products were examined on human liver cells under conditions of hydrogen-peroxide induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Sprouty (Spry) was first identified in a genetic screen in Drosophila to be an antagonist of fibroblast growth factor and epidermal growth factor (EGF) signaling, seemingly by inhibiting the Ras/MAP kinase pathway. Data base searches lead to the identification and cloning of, to date, four mammalian sprouty genes. The primary sequences of the mammalian sprouty gene products share a well conserved cysteine-rich C-terminal domain with the Drosophila protein. The N-terminal regions, however, do not exhibit significant homology. This study aimed at determining the disposition of Spry proteins in intact cells before and after stimulation of the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase. Full-length or deletion mutants of Spry, tagged at the N termini with the FLAG-epitope, were expressed in COS-1 cells by transient transfection and analyzed by immunofluorescence microscopy before and after EGF stimulation of the cells. In unstimulated cells, the Spry proteins were distributed throughout the cytosol except for human Sprouty2 (hSpry2), which, although generally located in the cytosol, co-localized with microtubules. In all cases, the Spry proteins underwent rapid translocation to membrane ruffles following EGF stimulation. The optimal translocation domain was identified by deletion and immunofluorescence analysis to be a highly conserved 105-amino acid domain in the C-terminal half of the hSpry2 protein. The translocation of this conserved domain, based on hSpry2 data, was independent of the activation of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation (IR) treatment results in activation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-Abl because of phosphorylation by ATM. In vitro evidence indicates that DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) can also phosphorylate and thus potentially activate Abl kinase activity in response to IR exposure. To unravel the role of ATM and DNA-PK in the activation of Abl, we assayed Abl, ATM, and DNA-PK activity in ATM- and DNA-PKcs-deficient cells after irradiation. Our results show that despite the presence of higher than normal levels of DNA-PK kinase activity, c-Abl fails to become activated after IR exposure in ATM-deficient cells. Conversely, normal activation of both ATM and c-Abl occurs in DNA-PKcs-deficient cells, indicating that ATM but not DNA-PK is required for activation of Abl in response to IR treatment. Moreover, activation of Abl kinase activity by IR correlates well with activation of ATM activity in all phases of the cell cycle. These results indicate that ATM is primarily responsible for activation of Abl in response to IR exposure in a cell cycle-independent fashion. Examination of DNA-PK activity in response to IR treatment in Abl-deficient cells expressing mutant forms of Abl or in normal cells exposed to an inhibitor of Abl suggests an in vivo role for Abl in the down-regulation of DNA-PK activity. Collectively, these results suggest a convergence of the ATM and DNA-PK pathways in the cellular response to IR through c-Abl kinase.  相似文献   

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