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Charcoal analysis was carried out as part of an interdisciplinary project focusing on the copper mining history of the former mining area of Schwaz and Brixlegg, a region pivotal as a copper source in prehistoric Europe. The goal was to use remains of carbonised wood to investigate environmental implications of prehistoric mining, as well as to gain new insight about the ancient mining technique of fire-setting. Charcoal samples from seven copper mining sites (Late Bronze Age to Early Iron Age) were analysed. The results reveal a strong preference for coniferous wood as fuel in fire-setting, but not in ore smelting/roasting processes. Species composition at the ore-processing sites indicates moderate forest degradation processes caused by human intervention.  相似文献   

In the arid and semiarid lands (ASAL) of Kenya, fuelwood and charcoal constitute 95–98% of the total energy demand for cooking, heating and lighting. The resultant deleterious ecological effects are severe and need urgent remedial interventions. A study was carried out in Marsabit District, which is a vast ASAL region, to examine the effects of woodfuel consumption on Marsabit Forest and the surrounding areas. It was found that wood for fuel harvested from Marsabit Forest was approximately 56,000 tons y−1. The rate of deforestation was estimated at 1.6 ha y−1. This resulted in great loss of indigenous biodiversity, destruction of vital ecosystems and habitats. To control further degradation of the forest, it is recommended that an immediate ban be imposed to stop harvesting of the indigenous species such as Olea spp. and Teclea spp., which are seriously endangered. Also, woodfuel conservation through wider and more efficient use of the improved energy-saving technologies should be enhanced.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅西部独特、丰富的自然资源对当地居民生计及生态服务等方面起着重要的作用。由于长期以来当地居民与山地生态系统的相互作用,特别是农业生产、畜牧业放牧、薪柴采集以及其他多种多样的资源利用方式,形成了一种特殊的山区文化景观。本文以印度北部的山地小流域PaliGad(共有25个村子)为例,主要研究当地的资源利用状况,利用卫星遥感数据对该地区可利用自然资源进行评估分析,通过从户到户的社会经济调查,对其提供的生态服务功能以及受威胁的程度进行估计,研究分析了村民对资源需求及获取的时空变化情况。结果显示,平均每人每天的薪柴采集量为1.12k,平均每人每天通过修剪枝叶获得饲料采集量为3.69kg,平均每人每天从森林中采集草料的量为3.25kgo对生态系统服务功能进行估测的结果显示,森林可提供更多的临时调节功能,而农业更多的是支撑服务功能,河流,水体给当地人提供了文化服务功能。以山区典型的人-地生态系统为例,这类生态系统中的自然资源破碎化程度很高。研究发现,该区域贫瘠土地上的自然资源需求还在不断增加。因此,从长远来看,人对资源的无止境获取将不利于整个流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The western Himalaya has had a central role as a life support system for the local people and as a source of ecological services . This long term use of these resources, including livestock grazing, fuel wood collection and a variety of other uses , has shaped its montane cultural landscape . The present paper focuses on resource utilization in the Pali Gad watershed , which consists of 25 villages situated in the lesser Himalaya . Using a satellite derived map , natural resources available in this area were assessed , and the ecosystem services provided by them and level of pressure on them were computedthrough a door to door socioeconomic survey . The study revealed a spatio-temporal variation in the resource demand and extraction at the permanent villages . Average fuel wood consumption was 1 . 12 kg􊄯day􊄯capita , fodder consumption was 3 . 69 kg􊄯day􊄯capita from lopping and 3 .25 kg/day􊄯capita from grass collection from forest . An attempt has been taken to evaluate the ecosystem services . The forest provides more provisional and regulatory services, whereas agriculture provides more supporting services and river bed􊄯water bodies serve more cultural purposes for the locals. This study contributes an example of a human shaped ecosystem in a mountainous region where an additional fragmentation of natural resources exists. An increase in resource demand has been noticed in the less productive lands of the region . This has resulted in increased resource extraction from the entire watershed may not be sustainable in the long run .  相似文献   

Given the extent of tropical forest deforestation and as a number of conservation programmes and local communities rely on forest fragments, it has become important to understand how fragment exploitation by local communities affects forest structure and function. The effects of forest exploitation on forest structure and status of forest fragments were investigated in 20 nonreserved forest fragments in central Uganda. Enumeration of plots showed that tree species composition of the forest fragments was 60.0%, 23.7% and 6.3% for under‐storey, middle and top canopy trees respectively. The major activity was fuel wood extraction (65%), followed by brick making (10%), cultivation and livestock paddocks (10%), charcoal burning (5%), local brew distillation and others (5%). These extractive processes caused drastic structural changes, habitat degradation and destruction. Tree stumps enumeration indicated that under storey trees formed the highest proportion for wood extraction. There was no significant difference in the level of forest exploitation (basal area loss) among forest patches of varying sizes.  相似文献   

Global changes and associated droughts, heat waves, logging activities, and forest fragmentation may intensify fires in Amazonia by altering forest microclimate and fuel dynamics. To isolate the effects of fuel loads on fire behavior and fire‐induced changes in forest carbon cycling, we manipulated fine fuel loads in a fire experiment located in southeast Amazonia. We predicted that a 50% increase in fine fuel loads would disproportionally increase fire intensity and severity (i.e., tree mortality and losses in carbon stocks) due to multiplicative effects of fine fuel loads on the rate of fire spread, fuel consumption, and burned area. The experiment followed a fully replicated randomized block design (N = 6) comprised of unburned control plots and burned plots that were treated with and without fine fuel additions. The fuel addition treatment significantly increased burned area (+22%) and consequently canopy openness (+10%), fine fuel combustion (+5%), and mortality of individuals ≥5 cm in diameter at breast height (dbh; +37%). Surprisingly, we observed nonsignificant effects of the fuel addition treatment on fireline intensity, and no significant differences among the three treatments for (i) mortality of large trees (≥30 cm dbh), (ii) aboveground forest carbon stocks, and (iii) soil respiration. It was also surprising that postfire tree growth and wood increment were higher in the burned plots treated with fuels than in the unburned control. These results suggest that (i) fine fuel load accumulation increases the likelihood of larger understory fires and (ii) single, low‐intensity fires weakly influence carbon cycling of this primary neotropical forest, although delayed postfire mortality of large trees may lower carbon stocks over the long term. Overall, our findings indicate that increased fine fuel loads alone are unlikely to create threshold conditions for high‐intensity, catastrophic fires during nondrought years.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss can be accelerated by human consumption in regions that are far removed from habitat degradation because of economic globalization, but no study has directly quantified the effects of global trade on extinction risks at a global scale with consideration for species differences. We propose a novel biodiversity footprint index based on bird extinction risks to evaluate the effects of global wood production and trade on biodiversity. Using 536 endangered bird species threatened by wood harvesting and logging, we calculated the “quasi-extinction” probabilities, that is, the probabilities that population sizes become lower than an extinction threshold after habitat loss based on initial population sizes and forest habitat loss rates. We then used bilateral wood trade data to link the biodiversity impacts in wood exporters to wood importers. We found that if recent trends in forest cover loss continue until 2100, bird species in Brazil would be the most rapidly and heavily affected by wood production and trade, followed by those in Indonesia; these two countries alone would account for about half of all global bird extinctions. Large-scale wood importers (i.e., China, Japan, and the United States) significantly elevate overseas extinction risks and, simultaneously, reduce domestic impacts, indicating a heavy responsibility of these countries for global biodiversity loss. We also conducted a scenario analysis, which showed that the total projected number of extinct species would not decrease if each country produced the amount of wood materials necessary to meet current consumption levels. This is because bird extinction risks in tropical wood importers, such as Mexico and the Philippines, as well as Japan and China will increase if these countries increase domestic wood production. Our biodiversity footprint index is useful to identify countries whose bird species are highly affected by wood production and trade, and to quantify the role of wood trade in bird species extinctions. Additional scenario analyses are needed to establish effective patterns of wood production and consumption for bird biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅西部独特、丰富的自然资源对当地居民生计及生态服务等方面起着重要的作用。由于长期以来当地居民与山地生态系统的相互作用, 特别是农业生产、畜牧业放牧、薪柴采集以及其他多种多样的资源利用方式, 形成了一种特殊的山区文化景观。本文以印度北部的山地小流域Pali Gad (共有25 个村子)为例, 主要研究当地的资源利用状况, 利用卫星遥感数据对该地区可利用自然资源进行评估分析, 通过从户到户的社会经济调查, 对其提供的生态服务功能以及受威胁的程度进行估计, 研究分析了村民对资源需求及获取的时空变化情况。结果显示, 平均每人每天的薪柴采集量为1 . 12 kg , 平均每人每天通过修剪枝叶获得饲料采集量为3 . 69 kg , 平均每人每天从森林中采集草料的量为3 .25 kg。对生态系统服务功能进行估测的结果显示, 森林可提供更多的临时调节功能, 而农业更多的是支撑服务功能, 河流􊄯水体给当地人提供了文化服务功能。以山区典型的人- 地生态系统为例, 这类生态系统中的自然资源破碎化程度很高。研究发现, 该区域贫瘠土地上的自然资源需求还在不断增加。因此, 从长远来看, 人对资源的无止境获取将不利于整个流域的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Many rural communities no longer have abundant forest areas for firewood collection. Based on this scenario, we evaluated how the scarcity of forest environments influences the collection and use of this resource in rural areas. A community located in the Atlantic Forest region of northeastern Brazil, which already lacks forest areas for firewood, was selected for field research. We observed that despite this context of forest scarcity, firewood remains the main source of fuel energy in the community. In total, 27 species of wood were cited, with an emphasis on exotic species in terms of number of citations. The perceived wood quality explained the frequency of plant use, but not the number of consumers. This can be explained by the difficulty of access to some species considered of better quality, because in the studied region, the plants are usually collected in private areas. Efforts in conservation strategies are recommended to encourage an increase in the frequency of use of the available exotic species in order to safeguard the native ones.  相似文献   

In this study, we used material flow analysis and life cycle assessment to quantify the environmental impacts and impact reductions related to wood consumption in Japan from 1970 to 2013. We then conducted future projections of the impacts and reductions until 2050 based on multiple future scenarios of domestic forestry, wood, and energy use. An impact assessment method involving characterization, damage assessment, and integration with a monetary unit was used, and the results were expressed in Japanese yen (JPY). We found that environmental impacts from paper consumption, such as climate change and urban air pollution, were significant and accounted for 56% to 83% of the total environmental impacts between 1970 and 2013. Therefore, reductions of greenhouse gas, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide emissions from paper production would be an effective measure to reduce the overall environmental impacts. An increase in wood use for building construction, civil engineering, furniture materials, and energy production could lead to reductions of environmental impacts (via carbon storage, material substitution, and fuel substitution) amounting to 357 billion JPY in 2050, which is equivalent to 168% of the 2013 levels. Particularly, substitution of nonwooden materials, such as cement, concrete, and steel, with wood products in building construction could significantly contribute to impact reductions. Although an increase of wood consumption could reduce environmental impacts, such as climate change, resource consumption, and urban air pollution, increased wood consumption would also be associated with land‐use impacts. Therefore, minimizing land transformations from forest to barren land will be important.  相似文献   

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has resulted in the conversion of >230,000 km2 of tropical forest, yet little is known on the quantities of biomass consumed or the losses of nutrients from the ecosystem. We quantified the above-ground biomass, nutrient pools and the effects of biomass burning in four slashed primary tropical moist forests in the Brazilian Amazon. Total above-ground biomass (TAGB) ranged from 292 Mg ha-1 to 436 Mg ha-1. Coarse wood debris (>20.5 cm diameter) was the dominant fuel component. However, structure of the four sites were variable. Coarse wood debris comprised from 44% to 69% of the TAGB, while the forest floor (litter and rootmat) comprised from 3.7 to 8.0% of the TAGB. Total biomass consumption ranged from 42% to 57%. Fires resulted in the consumption of >99% of the litter and rootmat, yet <50% of the coarse wood debirs. Dramatic losses in C, N, and S were quantified. Lesser quantities of P, K, and Ca were lost by combustion processes. Carbon losses from the ecosystem were 58–112 Mg ha-1. Nitrogen losses ranged from 817 to 1605 kg ha-1 and S losses ranged from 92 to 122 kg ha-1. This represents losses that are as high as 56%, 68%, and 49% of the total above-ground pools of these nutrients, respectively. Losses of P were as high as 20 kg ha-1 or 32% of the above-ground pool. Losses to the atmosphere arising from primary slash fires were variable among sites due to site differences in concentration, fuel biomass, and fuel structure, climatic fluctuations, and anthropogenic influences. Compared to fires in other forest ecosystems, fires in slashed primary tropical evergreen forests result in among the highest total losses of nutrients ever measured. In addition, the proportion of the total nutrient pool lost from slash fires is higher in this ecosystem compared to other ecosystems due to a higher percentage of nutrients stored in above-ground biomass.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) abundance and distribution is critical for effective elephant conservation, yet no such analysis exists despite decades of assessments and planning. We explored the influence of habitat- and governance-related drivers on elephant abundance across the 13 Asian elephant range countries. We tested competing statistical models by integrating a binary index of elephant abundance (IEA) derived from expert knowledge with different predictor variables including habitat, human population, socioeconomics, and governance data. We employed logistic regression and model-averaging techniques based on Akaike’s Information Criterion to identify the best-performing subset among our 12 candidate models and used the model-averaged results to predict IEA in other areas in Asia where elephant population status is currently unknown. Forest area was our strongest single predictor variable. The best performing model, however, featured a combination of habitat and governance variables including forest area, level of corruption, proportional mix of forest and agriculture, and total agricultural area. Our predictive model identified five areas with medium–high to high probability to have populations with >150 elephants, which we believe should be surveyed to assess their status. Asian elephants persist in areas that are dominated by forest but also seem to benefit from a mix of agricultural activities. A relatively low level of corruption is also important and we conclude that effective governance is essential for maintaining Asian elephant populations. Asian elephant populations cannot be maintained solely in protected areas but need well-managed, mixed-use landscapes where people and elephants coexist.  相似文献   

In Norway, the boreal forest offers a considerable resource base, and emerging technologies may soon make it commercially viable to convert these resources into low‐carbon biofuels. Decision makers are required to make informed decisions about the environmental implications of wood biofuels today that will affect the medium‐ and long‐term development of a wood‐based biofuels industry in Norway. We first assess the national forest‐derived resource base for use in biofuel production. A set of biomass conversion technologies is then chosen and evaluated for scenarios addressing biofuel production and consumption by select industry sectors. We then apply an environmentally extended, mixed‐unit, two‐region input?output model to quantify the global warming mitigation and fossil fuel displacement potentials of two biofuel production and consumption scenarios in Norway up to 2050. We find that a growing resource base, when used to produce advanced biofuels, results in cumulative global warming mitigation potentials of between 58 and 83 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents avoided (Mt‐CO2‐eq.‐avoided) in Norway, depending on the biofuel scenario. In recent years, however, the domestic pulp and paper industry—due to increasing exposure to international competition, capacity reductions, and increasing production costs—has been in decline. In the face of a declining domestic pulp and paper industry, imported pulp and paper products are required to maintain the demand for these goods and thus the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the exporting region embodied in Norway's pulp and paper imports reduce the systemwide benefit in terms of avoided greenhouse gas emissions by 27%.  相似文献   

The sulfuric acid hydrolysate of lignocellulosic biomass, such as wood chips, from the forest industry is an important material for fuel bioethanol production. In this study, we constructed a recombinant yeast strain that can ferment xylose and cellooligosaccharides by integrating genes for the intercellular expressions of xylose reductase and xylitol dehydrogenase from Pichia stipitis, and xylulokinase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and a gene for displaying β-glucosidase from Aspergillus acleatus on the cell surface. In the fermentation of the sulfuric acid hydrolysate of wood chips, xylose and cellooligosaccharides were completely fermented after 36 h by the recombinant strain, and then about 30 g/l ethanol was produced from 73 g/l total sugar added at the beginning. In this case, the ethanol yield of this recombinant yeast was much higher than that of the control yeast. These results demonstrate that the fermentation of the lignocellulose hydrolysate is performed efficiently by the recombinant Saccharomyces strain with abilities for xylose assimilation and cellooligosaccharide degradation.  相似文献   

Drought has been frequently discussed as a trigger for forest decline. Today, large-scale Scots pine decline is observed in many dry inner-Alpine valleys, with drought discussed as the main causative factor. This study aimed to analyse the impact of drought on wood formation and wood structure. To study tree growth under contrasting water supply, an irrigation experiment was installed in a mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest at a xeric site in a dry inner-Alpine valley. Inter- and intra-annual radial increments as well as intra-annual variations in wood structure of pine trees were studied. It was found that non-irrigated trees had a noticeably shorter period of wood formation and showed a significantly lower increment. The water conduction cells were significantly enlarged and had significantly thinner cell walls compared with irrigated trees. It is concluded that pine trees under drought stress build a more effective water-conducting system (larger tracheids) at the cost of a probably higher vulnerability to cavitation (larger tracheids with thinner cell walls) but without losing their capability to recover. The significant shortening of the growth period in control trees indicated that the period where wood formation actually takes place can be much shorter under drought than the 'potential' period, meaning the phenological growth period.  相似文献   

松材线虫(Bursaphelenchusxylophilus)是引起严重森林病害的外来物种,可能导致森林生态系统急剧退化。为了探讨在松材线虫侵袭所引起的森林演替过程中植被结构变化对鸟类群落的影响,我们研究了这些常绿阔叶演替林中的鸟类群落结构。2004年5–6月,我们在浙江省宁波市选择了分别处于3个不同演替阶段的7个样地:包括象山县被松材线虫侵袭5年后的常绿阔叶灌丛和侵袭12年后的常绿阔叶林样地各3个,同时在天童国家级森林公园选择了约40龄的常绿阔叶林样地1个。结果显示,在常绿阔叶灌丛和松材线虫侵袭12年后的常绿阔叶林中,鸟类物种多样性和丰富度均显著高于约40龄常绿阔叶林;3类栖息地的鸟类多度、均匀度均无显著差异;在侵袭12年后的常绿阔叶林中鸟类群落最丰富。多元回归分析结果显示,立地年龄是影响鸟类群落组成的主要因素。  相似文献   

Biomass slurry fuel (BSF) production has recently been developed as a natural energy for the conversion of solid biomass into fuel. In addition to using fuel, filtrates from BSF production may also serve a chemical source with several organic compounds. There is an increasing interest in the research and application of biomass-based filtrates. In this study, fungicidal and termiticidal properties of filtrates from BSF production using sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) and acacia (Acacia mangium) wood were evaluated in laboratory decay and termite resistance tests. Wood blocks treated with the filtrates showed increased resistance against brown-rot fungus, Fomitopsis palustris. However the filtrates from sugi wood processed at 270 degrees C which contained less phenolic compounds than the other filtrates were effective against white-rot fungus, Trametes versicolor. Phenolic compounds of filtrates seemed to play a role in the decay resistance tests however the filtrates did not increase the durability of the wood blocks against subterranean termites Coptotermes formosanus. Despite high acetic and lactic acid content of the filtrates, vanillin content of the filtrates may have served as an additional food source and promoted termite attack. It can be concluded that filtrates with phenolic compounds from lignin degradation during BSF production can be considered for targeted inhibition of brown-rot.  相似文献   

 通过处理(根据当地习惯收割凋落物和林下层植物)和保护(无任何人为干扰)样地的比较试验,在10年时间里(1990~2000年)研究了鼎湖山生物圈保护区马尾松 (Pinus massoniana) 林群落植物养分积累动态及其对人为干扰的响应,在此基础上深入和较系统地分析讨论了不同的经营措施对马尾松林可持续性的影响,为我国目前大面积的退化马尾松林恢复和马尾松林可持续性管理提供理论依据。结果表明:1990~1995年,5年时间里由于人为干扰活动而直接从处理样地取走的各元素养分量,在林下层为(kg·hm-2):132.72 (N)、4.72 (P)、63.32 (K)、23.51 (Ca)和7.00 (Mg),在地表凋落物为(kg·hm-2):48.93 (N)、1.85 (P)、17.28 (K)、19.25 (Ca)和2.92 (Mg)。1990~2000年,保护样地林下层和地表凋落物各元素养分贮量分别以39%~41%和37%~38%的年平均增长速率逐年提高,至1995年达到高峰,之后各元素贮量在林下层和地表凋落物均以14%的年平均速率下降。在处理样地,1990~1995年期间各元素贮量在林下层年平均积累速率为17%,之后(1995~2000年期间)则为26%;与此同时,各元素贮量在地表凋落物年平均积累速率为22%~23%,之后(1995~2000年期间)则为28%。在整个试验过程,马尾松林乔木层养分元素总贮量随时间而增加,但其增加的速率随时间和样地不同而异。1990~1995年,保护样地乔木层养分元素总贮量增加了34.9%~38.1%,较处理样地(收获林下层和凋落物)总贮量增加的百分比(29.3%~33.5%)高。然而,1995~2000年,保护样地乔木层养分元素总贮量增加的百分比为26.3%~28.9%,较处理样地(1995~2000年也停止人为干扰)总贮量增加的百分比(28.8%~32.1%)低。可见,1990~1995年,人为干扰活动导致处理样地马尾松林乔木层养分元素年平均积累量降低约1.58%~1.72%,即年平均增长量约减少0.12~2.39 kg·hm-2(2.39 (N)、0.12 (P)、0.77 (K)、1.98 (Ca)、0.29 (Mg)),这些量约相当于每年通过林下层和凋落物收割活动而直接从林地中取走的养分总量的6%~19%。正是由于长期以来受收割林下层和凋落物这种人为干扰的影响,鼎湖山马尾松林乔木层养分贮量较低。这种利用方式不仅直接从林地中取走大量的养分而且还对林地肥力产生间接的负面影响,其结果使该退化林地不能恢复或继续退化。作者建议的森林利用方法代替目前收割林下层和凋落物方式,既可以满足当地居民燃料的需求还有利于马尾松林的自然恢复。  相似文献   

2005-2007年大兴安岭林火释放碳量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据野外火烧迹地调查,比较过火前后归一化植被指数的差异,计算2005—2007年大兴安岭林区各种可燃物类型的过火面积、火烧消耗的可燃物量,对森林火烧程度进行分级,并利用植物平均含碳率估算林火释放碳量.结果表明:2005—2007年大兴安岭林区总过火面积为436512.5 hm2,其中轻度、中度和重度火烧面积分别为207178.4、150159.2和79159.4 hm2.这些火烧消耗可燃物量为3.9×106 t,释放碳1.76×106 t,其中落叶松林、针阔混交林、阔叶林和草地燃烧释放的碳量分别为0.34×106、0.83×106、0.27×106和0.32×106 t.  相似文献   

Africa’s rate of urbanization is the highest in the world. This is relevant to ecologists working in Africa because urban growth is strongly associated with habitat destruction, and also creates new fields of study. The ecological footprint concept is used to illustrate how urban settlements in Africa impact on rural ecosystems. At an aggregate level, African countries have the lowest ecological footprints in the world. However, there is little available data for individual cities, so evidence is fragmented making concerted policy initiatives difficult. Wood fuel continues to be a major source of energy for urban households and there is a long running debate as to what extent providing wood fuel for urban use damages forest ecosystems. Growing evidence contests the assertion that urban wood fuel markets are responsible for forest degradation. Although there are other options available, the social consequences of switching energy sources need to be taken into account. Outright bans, for example on charcoal, would lead to a loss of livelihoods in rural and urban households, and may not solve deforestation as well as increasing fossil fuel use would increase the ecological footprint.  相似文献   

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