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Fish use the lateral line system for prey detection, predator avoidance, schooling behavior, intraspecific communication and spatial orientation. In addition the lateral line may be important for station holding and for the detection of the hydrodynamic trails (vortex streets) generated by swimming fish. We investigated the responses of anterior lateral line nerve fibers of goldfish, Carassius auratus, to unidirectional water flow (10 cm s−1) and to running water that contained a Kármán vortex street. Compared to still water conditions, both unidirectional water flow and Kármán vortex streets caused a similar increase in the discharge rate of anterior lateral line nerve fibers. If exposed to a Kármán vortex street, the amplitude of spike train frequency spectra increased at the vortex shedding frequency. This increase was especially pronounced if the fish intercepted the edge of a Kármán vortex street. Our data show that the vortex shedding frequency can be retrieved from the responses of anterior lateral line nerve fibers.  相似文献   

In this work, we focus on biomimetic lateral line sensing in Kármán vortex streets. After generating a Kármán street in a controlled environment, we examine the hydrodynamic images obtained with digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV). On the grounds that positioning in the flow and interaction with the vortices govern bio-inspired underwater locomotion, we inspect the fluid in the swimming robot frame of reference. We spatially subsample the flow field obtained using DPIV to emulate the local flow around the body. In particular, we look at various sensor configurations in order to reliably identify the vortex shedding frequency, wake wavelength and downstream flow speed. Moreover, we propose methods that differentiate between being in and out of the Kármán street with >70% accuracy, distinguish right from left with respect to Kármán vortex street centreline (>80%) and highlight when the sensor system enters the vortex formation zone (>75%). Finally, we present a method that estimates the relative position of a sensor array with respect to the vortex formation point within 15% error margin.  相似文献   

Summary Square-root (or Ratkowsky) models are a special case of Blehrádek's temperature rate-relationship first published in 1926 and widely used in several fields of biology. Blehrádek-type models also describe microbial growth, and have been extended for use in food microbiology by the inclusion of terms for water activity and pH. The parameters of the square root-type models are defined and their determination described. Favorable features of square root-type models include parsimony, parameter estimation properties, and ease of use. Square root-type models have been developed for a number of organisms of concern to the food industry and have also been adopted for use in a number of electronic devices used in predictive microbiology. Criticisms of square root-type models are also considered.Mention of brand or firm names does not constitute an endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned.  相似文献   

For olfaction to occur, signal molecules must move through the environment from the source to the receptor cells. As molecules approach receptor structures they pass through a boundary layer surrounding those receptor structures. Within boundary layers the interaction between the forces causing chemical dispersion changes. To investigate how the boundary layer changes the dynamics of the chemical signals, we measured chemical dynamics within the boundary layer around the moth antennae using microelectrodes. The results showed that the boundary layer amplified three aspects of the chemical signal: peak height, peak onset, and decay time. Spectral analysis of turbulent signals showed that the temporal aspects of the chemical signal were altered. The boundary layers around the male and female antennae have different effects on the spectrum of chemical temporal fluctuations. Specifically, at a flow speed of 0.12 m s−1, the analysis showed distinct amplification patterns for each sex. Thus, the fluid flow around the antennae functions as a filter, altering the structure of the chemical signal that is arriving at the receptors. The results illustrated in this study show that male and female moths have different physical filters that can alter the information that can be extracted from odor plumes. Accepted: 1 September 1997  相似文献   

Animal fliers frequently move through a variety of perturbed flows during their daily aerial routines. However, the extent to which these perturbations influence flight control and energetic expenditure is essentially unknown. Here, we evaluate the kinematic and metabolic consequences of flight within variably sized vortex shedding flows using five Anna''s hummingbirds feeding from an artificial flower in steady control flow and within vortex wakes produced behind vertical cylinders. Tests were conducted at three horizontal airspeeds (3, 6 and 9 m s−1) and using three different wake-generating cylinders (with diameters equal to 38, 77 and 173% of birds'' wing length). Only minimal effects on wing and body kinematics were demonstrated for flight behind the smallest cylinder, whereas flight behind the medium-sized cylinder resulted in significant increases in the variances of wingbeat frequency, and variances of body orientation, especially at higher airspeeds. Metabolic rate was, however, unchanged relative to that of unperturbed flight. Hummingbirds flying within the vortex street behind the largest cylinder exhibited highest increases in variances of wingbeat frequency, and of body roll, pitch and yaw amplitudes at all measured airspeeds. Impressively, metabolic rate under this last condition increased by up to 25% compared with control flights. Cylinder wakes sufficiently large to interact with both wings can thus strongly affect stability in flight, eliciting compensatory kinematic changes with a consequent increase in flight metabolic costs. Our findings suggest that vortical flows frequently encountered by aerial taxa in diverse environments may impose substantial energetic costs.  相似文献   

This work proposes the establishment of core zones in the Biosphere Reserve of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán (BRTC), based on plant species richness and endemism. A total of 561 species of the four most important plant families in the region (Asteraceae, Cactaceae, Leguminosae and Poaceae) as well as 174 endemic species of these and other families were used in the analyses. Distribution of these taxa was analyzed using two different iterative complementarity methods. Significant correlations were found between patterns of species richness and endemic plants distribution in the study area. These results were combined with other analysis where two different indices (species richness index and human population index) were used. The results suggest the delimitation of four core zones within the Biosphere Reserve, covering a total area of 105,300 ha. The core zones represent 21.8% of the area, and would protect 72.54% of the species from the selected plant families and 67.8% of endemic species.  相似文献   

Information on richness of plant resources, and their forms of use and management in the biosphere reserve Tehuacan-Cuicatlan, Mexico is analyzed. This 10 000 km2 region hosts nearly 2700 vascular plant species, and it is acknowledged as one of the arid areas with the highest floristic diversity in North America. The seven indigenous ethnic groups that live in this region have cultural roots that date back almost 10 000 years. Based upon ethnobotanical and floristic studies, as well as bibliographical sources, a total of 808 useful plant species were identified, most of them (90%) being native, and 44 species being endemic to the region. A total of 681 species are wild plants, 109 are weeds and ruderal plants, and 86 are domesticated crops. However, it was noted that considerable overlap exists between the species of these 3 categories. For example, while wild and ruderal plants (706 species) are foraged by both humans and domestic animals, 59 species of this group are also managed in situ. On the other hand, 168 wild, ruderal and domesticated species are cultivated. The Tehuacán-Cuicatlan Valley is one of the richest regions of Mexico in plant resources. Local knowledge on use and management of plants is a valuable source of information for designing conservation and social development strategies for the biosphere reserve.  相似文献   

Traditional Knowledge and Useful Plant Richness in the Tehuacán–Cuicatlán Valley, Mexico. This study systematizes ethnobotanical information about the interactions between people and plants, ethnofloristic richness, the relative importance of useful species richness in relation to general species richness, and plant management in the Tehuacán–Cuicatlán Valley of central Mexico. The study recorded a total of 1,605 useful vascular plant species (61.2% of the total species richness of the regional vascular flora), this being the region with the highest absolute richness of useful plant species in Mexico. The null hypothesis that plant families with a higher number of useful species would be those having a higher general species richness was analyzed through residuals method. The plant families richest in useful species were Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cactaceae, Cyperaceae, Mimosaceae, and Solanaceae, most of which also have the highest general floristic richness. However, analyses of use categories did not generally corroborate our hypothesis. About 1,335 of the useful species are wild, more than 500 species are submitted to some type of management (62 species are tolerated, 34 protected, 50 enhanced, and 358 cultivated), but only a few have been studied to document their process of domestication. This information can be useful for developing regional strategies of sustainable management of plant resources.  相似文献   

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