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The article discusses the concepts of “closeness to nature” and “hemeroby”, and outlines a method to establish two indicators of hemeroby. Until now Germany's national land use monitoring systems have lacked an indicator to capture the naturalness respectively hemeroby of the landscape. Based on digital spatial data on land use (DLM-DE) and the mapping of potential natural vegetation, these indicators have now been estimated for the whole of Germany and illustrated cartographically. The indicators have been integrated into a land use monitoring system (IOER-Monitor). A hemeroby index that considers all hemeroby classes of a reference area (e.g. administrative unit and regular grid cell) is presented as well as an indicator named “Proportion of certain natural areas”. The results on hemeroby of several time-cuts can be used to estimate the cumulative impact of land use changes on the environmental status.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to suggest practical planning principles, which are absent in landscape ecology planning, according to which the spatial completeness of the watershed is derived from native Korean Feng-Shui (). Landscape ecology planning principles are used widely in contemporary planning projects in terms of patch, corridor, matrix and network of landscape pattern. However, landscape indices for planning principles are complicated and constrained, and so are limited to applications for site and eco-village plannings. Native Korean Feng-Shui is different from Chinese Feng-Shui in that it is aimed at theoretical completeness in terms of aspect and topographical shape, based on the concept of ideal Myung-dang () to complete the space, according to local conditions in the physiognomy of the watershed. The complementary method is called Bi-bo () in native Korean Feng-Shui. These principles have been applied in traditional Korean villages, leading to consistent location choices and fractal patterns in land use. Furthermore, Bi-bo woodlands and ponds have been introduced to achieve spatial completeness in the landscape structure of the village.  相似文献   

While biodiversity protection has become a widely accepted goal of environmental protectionists, no such agreement exists regarding why it is important. Two, competing theories of natural value – here called ‘Economism’ and ‘Intrinsic Value Theory’ – are often cited to support the goal. Environmentalists, who have recently proposed the articulation of a universal ‘Earth Charter’ to express the shared values humans derive from nature, have cited both of these theories as support for biodivesity protection. Unfortunately these theories, which are expressed as polar opposites, do not work well together and the question arises: is there a shared value that humans place on nature? It is argued that these two value theories share four questionable assumptions: (1) a sharp distinction between ‘intrinsic’ and ‘instrumental’ value; (2) an entity orientation; (3) moral monism; and (4) placeless evaluation. If these four assumptions are denied, an alternative value system emerges which recognizes a continuum of ways humans value nature, values processes rather than only entities, is pluralistic, and values biodiversity in place. An alternative theory of value, which emphasizes protecting processes rather than protecting objects, and which values nature for the creativity of its processes, is proposed as a more attractive theory for expressing the universal values of nature that should motivate an Earth Charter and the goal of biodiversity protection.  相似文献   

Carabid beetles and environmental parameters were investigated in 52 grassland sites with three replicate pitfall traps in each site and in the valley of the River Eider in Schleswig–Holstein (northern Germany) with 61 pitfall traps. Environmental parameters included water content of soil, sand content, organic matter content and pH. Ground beetle assemblages were derived by detrended correspondence analyses (DCA) and characterised by the specific environmental conditions as means for each assemblage. On the regional scale including all investigated sites of Schleswig–Holstein, five assemblages were differentiated. On the local scale including the investigated sites in the valley of the River Eider, three assemblages were found corresponding well with those found on the regional scale. Environmental conditions at the sites of the five assemblages were correlated with land use data, soil types, and water level stages provided by three maps of a geographic information system (GIS). The GIS maps were combined to develop smaller areas with land use, soil type and water level stage information. The characteristic environmental conditions were assigned to each area to derive the spatial distribution of the five ground beetle assemblages. Spatial prediction was correct for 65% of investigated sites. The potential area of each assemblage was estimated for the valley. The different grassland areas were evaluated as potential habitats for ground beetle species comparing total species richness with the regional species richness of each assemblage. The comparison shows that species richness in the evaluated assemblages is relatively low compared to the regional potential.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the current status and method of biotope mapping for practical use for landscape planning and environmental policy in urban ecosystem in Korea. We examine current ecological mapping of Seoul, Seongnam, Daegu, and Yongin. Ecological mapping is examined closely in terms of investigation methodology, investigation subject, classification of urban landscape, and the present condition of application. Biotope mapping in Seoul and Seongnam were carried out by the city governments concerned with the pre-set budgets earmarked for mapping. In order to promote the utilization of biotope maps for city planning in Korea, the following actions should be considered. First, the survey method should be standardized by introducing a uniform standard with respect to the scope of survey, the quality of primary data used, the survey method, and the level of the survey. Second, it is necessary to identify a basic category of biotope for each area by consolidating the outcome of the previous surveys. Third, it is highly desirable to minimize the differences between the evaluation criteria and the assessment factors. Fourth, it is ideal to apply the results of the biotope evaluation to city planning in an indirect manner through reflecting the results first in the landscape plans. In order to facilitate this alternative utilization, it is necessary to strengthen the control provisions contained in the ordinances of the city concerned or to enact a set of new provisions in the ordinances so that biotope mapping could be used more widely as a criterion for the spatial environmental impact assessment.  相似文献   

Many landscapes that straddle the rural/urban divide suffer from low levels of species diversity following extensive clearing and fragmentation of native vegetation communities and conversion of land to agriculture. Further pressures are placed on remnant vegetation by encroaching urban expansion. These landscapes now exhibit a mosaic of small, patchy vegetation remnants that are under considerable pressure from housing and light-industrial development. Furthermore, agriculture in these landscapes tends to be of high economic value from uses such as intensive horticulture. Concerted and well-planned efforts are needed to balance the many conflicts of interest and competing demands for land with the need to restore landscapes for the protection of biodiversity. There has been a recent move in Australia toward regional biodiversity planning and goal setting, however specific detail on how to plan for achieving targets in complex landscapes is lacking. This paper applies a systematic landscape restoration model to a mixed-use, peri-urban landscape on the northern fringes of Adelaide, South Australia. The region contains fragments of remnant vegetation amongst a mosaic of high-value horticulture, light industry and urban development. Models produce maximally efficient solutions that meet comprehensive, adequate and representative conservation targets. Further constraints are added to the model to take into account the value of agricultural output, the biodiversity value of remnants, and property size and tenure. The effects on solution efficiencies as the number of constraints increase are investigated. This paper demonstrates the flexibility found in applying a systematic landscape restoration methodology. The process we present can be transferred to any rural–urban fringe region.  相似文献   

Global efforts to halt biodiversity loss mandate the establishment of protected areas. In the face of habitat loss and climate uncertainty, large-scale networks of protected areas connected by corridors are needed to increase the dispersal and persistence potential of biota. For example, the recent European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 defines clear targets for identifying, establishing and integrating ecological corridors, as part of a Trans-European Nature Network. Here, we examined whether rivers could serve as such corridors, facilitating landscape connectivity (i.e. extent to which landscape facilitates or impedes species movement, exchange of genes, natal dispersal and metapopulation dynamics) among protected areas hosted within different countries in the Balkan Peninsula, southeastern Europe. To quantitatively address this question, we calculated the proportion of the river network enclosed within a protected area per country to detect patterns of protection coverage and explored the degree to which spatial connections between 1878 protected areas are supported by the river network. Acknowledging that dams hinder instream continuity, we further quantified potential loss of connections between protected areas caused by the existence of already implemented or planned dam projects upon critical river habitats of endangered fish species. Our results highlight that Balkan rivers have great potential in providing the spatial connections needed to establish landscape connectivity between most of protected areas in the region. Still, heedless hydropower growth and dissimilarities in river protection between neighboring countries remain key challenges for the evolution of a relative framework. Transnational cooperation and systematic planning of infrastructure development could be the only efficient steps towards supporting the establishment of a river-based network to reconstruct connectivity between protected areas and meet biodiversity goals.  相似文献   

  1. Identifying critical uncertainties about ecological systems can help prioritize research efforts intended to inform management decisions. However, exclusively focusing on the ecological system neglects the objectives of natural resource managers and the associated social values tied to risks and rewards of actions.
  2. I demonstrate how to prioritize research efforts for a harvested population by applying expected value of perfect information (EVPI) to harvest decisions made with a density‐independent matrix population model. Research priorities identified by EVPI diverge from priorities identified by matrix elasticity analyses that ignore social utility.
  3. Using a density‐dependent harvest model, the value of information about the intrinsic productivity of a population is shown to be sensitive to the socially determined penalty for implementing a harvest rate that deviates from the goal because of imperfection in estimation.
  4. Synthesis and applications. The effect of including social values into harvest decision‐making depends on the assumed population model, uncertainty in population vital rates, and the particular form of the utility function used to represent risk/reward of harvest. EVPI analyses that include perceived utility of different outcomes can be used by managers seeking to optimize monitoring and research spending. Collaboration between applied ecologists and social scientists that quantitatively measure peoples'' values is needed in many structured decision‐making processes.

As part of a study on the ingestion and organ content of some trace elements of importance in radiological protection, additional work has been undertaken to acquire improved reference values for cesium, iodine, strontium, thorium, and uranium in four selected reference materials provided by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology. The materials are SRM-1548 Total Diet, SRM-1548a Typical Diet, SRM-1486 Bone Meal, and RM-8414 Bovine Muscle. A coordinated study was undertaken with the help of seven selected laboratories in five countries. Instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry were the analytical main techniques used.  相似文献   

In light of a number of recent studies highlighting the increasing research interest in bruchids, it is crucial to validate suitable reference genes that could be used in quantitative gene expression studies. Callosobruchus maculatus is a serious pest of stored grains and field legumes in which reference genes have not been assessed and validated to date. The present study aimed to identify and validate reference genes in different developmental stages of C. maculatus shortlisted from commonly used reference genes such as VATPase, TRIP12, TBP, TF11D, ACTIN, GST, ANNEXIN, PTCD3, RPL32, and β -Tub in various insects. Dedicated algorithms like GeNorm, NormFinder, and BestKeeper were used to analyze the stability of these candidate genes, which revealed GST for third instar, ANNEXIN and PTCD3 for the fourth instar, TF11D and VATPase for male pupa, RPL32 and β-tub for female pupa, β-tub and TBP for adult male and VATPase and GST for adult females as suitable reference genes for expression studies in C. maculatus. The final comprehensive ranking using RefFinder identified GST and TBP as the best reference genes for all the developmental stages of C. maculatus. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report which evaluates and validates stable reference genes in C. maculatus. The information of stage-specific gene expression, generated in this study will be useful for future molecular, physiological, and biochemical studies on C. maculatus and other closely related bruchids.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101883
The egg parasitoid, Trichogramma spp., is an important biological control agent used against a broad range of Lepidopteran pests in agriculture and forestry. The biology of Trichogramma has been studied in details. Further studies should focus on the molecular mechanisms of Trichogramma by qualifying the expression of related genes It is critical to select appropriate reference genes for normalizing RT-qPCR results and establishing a robust method for quantifying target gene expression. This study aimed to identify and validate appropriate reference genes for use in RT-qPCR analysis of Trichogramma dendrolimi. Ten candidate housekeeping genes, namely beta-actin (ACTIN), forkhead box O (FOXO), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), heat shock protein 90 (HSP90), ribosomal protein L10a (RPL10a), L18 (RPL18), L28 (RPL28), S13 (RPS13), S15 (RPS15), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), were tested for their suitability as reference genes for developmental stage (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th day after parasitization), tissue (head, thorax, and abdomen of adults), sex of adults (male and female), and temperature (17℃, 25℃, and 32℃). According to the GeNorm analysis, a robust analysis should involve using an appropriate combination of reference genes, namely, at least three genes for different development stages, two genes for different tissues, two genes for different sex, and two genes for different temperatures, respectively. According to the RelFinder method by the integrated results of GeNorm, NormFinder, BestKeeper, and the ΔCt method, we identified the developmental stage-specific reference genes SOD, GAPDH, and ACTIN; tissue-specific reference genes RPL18 and RPS15; sex-specific reference genes RPL18 and SOD; and temperature-specific reference genes RPL18 and RPL10a. This study provides a standardized procedure for the quantification of gene expression in T. dendrolimi and will be helpful for future biological control programs using Trichogramma wasps.  相似文献   

海南岛生物多样性保护优先区评价与系统保护规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择海南岛140个濒危物种为指示物种,在物种栖息地评价的基础上,利用系统保护规划工具MARXAN模型进行迭代运算,提出了海南岛生物多样性保护优先区域,并对保护优先区进行评价.结果表明:海南岛保护优先区面积5383.7km2,占海南岛陆地面积的15.6%,集中分布于鹦哥岭、尖峰岭、五指山等林区和北部湿地;在保护优先区中,11个I级指示物种栖息地的保护比例均超过各自栖息地总面积的65%.通过对保护优先区与现有自然保护区的空缺分析,建议扩充尖峰岭保护区群、鹦哥岭-黎母山保护区群、五指山-吊罗山保护区群;新建抱龙林场-林鼻岭-福万岭保护体系;在海南岛北部建立以水源保护为主,同时兼顾珍稀物种保护的水源地保护带.  相似文献   

Functional genomics in whitefly, Bemisia tabaci is gaining impetus due to its polyphagous nature, worldwide distribution and recently sequenced whole genome. These studies require an in-depth evaluation and validation of reference genes in different development stages and variable experimental setups. Normalization with reference genes is an essential step in the gene expression studies. Rather than selecting a reference gene empirically, the suitability of these genes must be validated for an individual organism, its specific stage or even for particular experimental conditions. The Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) has evolved as an efficient and widely used technique for precise monitoring of gene expression. The prime focus of this study was to identify candidate reference genes in different developmental stages (adults, nymphs, eggs), sex (male and female), hosts (Gossypium hirsutum, G. arboreum), and under insecticidal and starvation stress. Expression stability of these genes in different experimental samples was evaluated by employing five different computational algorithms such as NormFinder, BestKeeper, Comparative delta-CT, geNorm and RefFinder. Our results identified a different set of reference genes under each experimental setup such as electron transfer flavoprotein-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF-QO), ubiquitin (UBIQ) and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as best reference genes in adult whitefly. In addition, glutathione S-transferase (GST) in eggs, cyclophilin (CYCLOPH) in red eyed nymph, GAPDH in third instar, tubulin (Tub) in female, ubiquitin ribosomal protein S27 (UBIRPS2) in male, succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit B (SDHB) under insecticidal stress, ETF-QO under starvation stress, UBIRPS2 under host influence were the top most stable genes. Our studies report the importance of selection of specific reference genes for accurate gene expression studies under various experimental setups in B. tabaci.  相似文献   

PurposeTo assess the dosimetric impact of a patient positioning device for prone breast radiotherapy and assess the accuracy of a treatment planning system (TPS) in predicting this impact.MethodsBeam attenuation and build-up dose perturbations, quantified by ionization chamber and radiochromic film dosimetry, were evaluated for 3 components of the patient positioning device: the carbon fiber baseplate, the support cushions and the support wedge for the contralateral breast. Dose calculations were performed using the XVMC dose engine implemented in the Monaco TPS. All components were included during planning CT acquisition.ResultsBeam attenuation amounted to 7.57% (6 MV) and 5.33% (15 MV) for beams obliquely intersecting the couchtop–baseplate combination. Beams traversing large sections of the support wedge were attenuated by 12.28% (6 MV) and 9.37% (15 MV). For the support cushion foam, beam attenuation remained limited to 0.11% (6 MV) and 0.08% (15 MV) per centimeter thickness. A substantial loss of dose build-up was detected when irradiating through any of the investigated components. TPS dose calculations accurately predicted beam attenuation by the baseplate and support wedge. A manual density overwrite was needed to model attenuation by the support cushion foam. TPS dose calculations in build-up regions differed considerably from measurements for both open beams and beams traversing the device components.ConclusionsIrradiating through the components of the positioning device resulted in a considerable degradation of skin sparing. Inclusion of the device components in the treatment planning CT allowed to accurately model the most important attenuation effect, but failed to accurately predict build-up doses.  相似文献   

Aim The study examined the potential for change in biome representation within Canada's national park system under multiple climate change scenarios and subsequent potential vulnerabilities in Parks Canada policy and planning frameworks. Location The study was conducted for Canada's 39 national parks. Methods The vegetation change scenarios were based on modelling results from the BIOME3 and MAPSS equilibrium process‐based global vegetation models (GVM), run with multiple doubled‐CO2 climate change scenarios. The six vegetation distribution scenarios were calculated at 0.5° latitude–longitude resolution and the boundaries of 39 national parks superimposed in a geographic information system (GIS). Park management plans and other planning documents were also reviewed as part of the analysis. Results The proportional distribution of biomes in Canada's national park system was very similar (within 3% of area for each biome) using BIOME3 and MAPSS under the current climate. Regardless of the GVM and climate change scenario used, the modelling results suggest the potential for substantial change in the biome representation in Canada's national park system. In five of six vegetation scenarios, a novel biome type appeared in more than half of the national parks and greater than 50% of all vegetation grid boxes changed biome type. The proportional representation of tundra and taiga/tundra in the national park system declined in each of the vegetation scenarios, while more southerly biomes (temperate forests and savanna/woodland) increased (in some scenarios doubling to quadrupling). Results for boreal forest varied among the climate change scenarios. A range of potential vulnerabilities in existing policy and planning frameworks were identified, including the national park system plan, individual park objectives, and fire and exotic species management plans. Conclusions Climate change represents an unprecedented challenge to Parks Canada and its ability to achieve its conservation mandate as presently legislated. Research is needed not only on ecosystem responses to climate change, but also on the capacity of conservation systems and agencies to adapt to climate change.  相似文献   

Species conservation requires an understanding of the factors and interactions affecting species distribution and behavior, habitat availability and use, and corresponding vital rates at multiple temporal and spatial scales. Opportunities to investigate these relationships across broad geographic regions are rare. We combined long-term waterfowl population surveys, and studies of habitat use and breeding success, to develop models that identify and incorporate these interactions for upland-nesting waterfowl in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of Canada. Specifically, we used data from the annual Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey (1961–2009) at the survey segment level and associated habitat covariates to model and map the long-term average duck density across the Canadian PPR. We analyzed nest location and fate data from approximately 25,000 duck nests found during 3 multi-year nesting studies (1994–2011) to model factors associated with nest survival and habitat selection through the nesting season for the 5 most common upland nesting duck species: mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), gadwall (Mareca strepera), blue-winged teal (Spatula discors), northern shoveler (Spatula clypeata), and northern pintail (Anas acuta). Duck density was highly variable across the Canadian PPR, reflecting positive responses to local wetland area and count, and amounts of cropland and grassland, a regional positive response to latitude, and a negative response to local amounts of tree cover. Nest survival was affected by temporal and spatial variables at multiple scales. Specifically, nest survival demonstrated interactive effects among species, nest initiation date, and nesting cover type and was influenced by relative annual wetness, population density, and surrounding landscape composition at landscape scales, and broad geographic gradients (east-west and north-south). Likewise, species-specific probability of nest habitat selection was influenced by timing of nest initiation, population density, relative annual wetness, herbaceous cover, and tree cover in the surrounding landscape, and location within the Canadian PPR. We combined these models, with estimates of breeding effort (nesting, renesting, and nest attempts) from existing literature, in a stochastic conservation planning model that estimates nest distribution and success given spatiotemporal variation in duck density, habitat availability, and influential covariates. We demonstrate the use of this model by examining various conservation planning scenarios. These models allow estimation of local, landscape, and regional influence of conservation investments and other landscape changes on the productivity of breeding duck populations across the PPR of Canada. These models lay the groundwork for the incorporation of conservation delivery costs for full return-on-investment analyses and scenario analyses of climate, habitat, and land use change in regional and continental population models.  相似文献   

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