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The moon can profoundly influence the activity patterns of animals. If predators are more successful under bright moonlight, prey species are likely to respond by shifting their own activity patterns (predator-avoidance hypothesis). However, the assumption that prey will necessarily avoid full-moon nights does not take into account that moonlight also allows prey to more easily detect predators, and to forage more efficiently. Thus, nightly activity patterns could depend on night vision capabilities (visual-acuity hypothesis). To consider the possible influences of moonlight and to distinguish between these hypotheses, we used camera-trapping records of a predator, the ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), and several of its night-active prey to compare activity patterns under different moonlight conditions. The ocelots' activity patterns were not strongly related to moonlight, but showed a slight tendency for higher activity during brighter nights. Tapeti rabbits (Sylvilagus brasiliensis) and brocket deer (Mazama americana) showed a clear preference for brighter nights. White-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris) also showed a trend to be less active in new moon light. In contrast, smaller grey four-eyed opossums (Philander opossum) and the poor eye-sight nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) showed similar activity patterns across all moon phases. Since activity patterns of most prey species were not shifted away from the activity of the ocelot, the differences between species are probably linked to their night vision capabilities, and emphasise the need for more information on the visual system of these taxa. Their activity patterns seem to be less strongly linked to avoidance of predation than previously thought, suggesting that foraging and predator detection benefits may play a more important role than usually acknowledged.  相似文献   

Knowledge of aquatic food resources entering terrestrial systems is important for food web studies and conservation planning. Bats, among other terrestrial consumers, often profit from aquatic insect emergence and their activity might be closely related to such events. However, there is a lack of studies which monitor bat activity simultaneously with aquatic insect emergence, especially from lakes. Thus, our aim was to understand the relationship between insect emergence and bat activity, and investigate whether there is a general spatial or seasonal pattern at lakeshores. We assessed whole‐night bat activity using acoustic monitoring and caught emerging and aerial flying insects at three different lakes through three seasons. We predicted that insect availability and seasonality explain the variation in bat activity, independent of the lake size and characteristics. Spatial (between lakes) differences of bat activity were stronger than temporal (seasonal) differences. Bat activity did not always correlate to insect emergence, probably because other factors, such as habitat characteristics, or bats’ energy requirements, play an important role as well. Aerial flying insects explained bat activity better than the emerged aquatic insects in the lake with lowest insect emergence. Bats were active throughout the night with some activity peaks, and the pattern of their activity also differed among lakes and seasons. Lakes are important habitats for bats, as they support diverse bat communities and activity throughout the night and the year when bats are active. Our study highlights that there are spatial and temporal differences in bat activity and its hourly nocturnal pattern, that should be considered when investigating aquatic–terrestrial interactions or designing conservation and monitoring plans.  相似文献   

Bat immune systems may allow them to respond to zoonotic agents more efficiently than other mammals. As the first line of defence, the taxonomically conserved acute phase immune reaction of leucocytosis and fever is crucial for coping with infections, but it is unknown if this response is a key constituent to bat immunological success. We investigated the acute phase reaction to a standard lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge in Pallas''s mastiff bats (Molossus molossus). Challenged bats lost mass, but in contrast to other mammals showed no leucocytosis or fever. There also was no influence on body temperature reduction during torpor. When compared to recent genome-wide assays for constituent immune genes, this lack of a conserved fever response to LPS contributes to a clearer understanding of the innate immune system in bat species and of the coevolution of bats with a wide diversity of pathogens.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) showed that CH2Cl2 extracts of the pelage from the Mexican free-tailed bats, Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana, contained only seven volatile compounds. They include two hydrocarbons, 1-octene and octane; three aldehydes, heptanal, octanal and nonanal; a carboxylic acid, nonanoic acid; and urea. It is likely that nonanal, at an average concentration 0.62 μg/mg hair, and the two homologues, heptanal and octanal found at 0.059 and 0.066 μg/mg hair, respectively, function as antimicrobial agents against mammalian skin bacteria and fungi. These three aldehydes may also act as a chemical protection against bat ectoparasites.  相似文献   

Acoustic surveys of bats are one of the techniques most commonly used by ecological practitioners. The results are used in Ecological Impact Assessments to assess the likely impacts of future developments on species that are widely protected in law, and to monitor developments’ postconstruction. However, there is no standardized methodology for analyzing or interpreting these data, which can make the assessment of the ecological value of a site very subjective. Comparisons of sites and projects are therefore difficult for ecologists and decision‐makers, for example, when trying to identify the best location for a new road based on relative bat activity levels along alternative routes. Here, we present a new web‐based, data‐driven tool, Ecobat, which addresses the need for a more robust way of interpreting ecological data. Ecobat offers users an easy, standardized, and objective method for analyzing bat activity data. It allows ecological practitioners to compare bat activity data at regional and national scales and to generate a numerical indicator of the relative importance of a night's worth of bat activity. The tool is free and open‐source; because the underlying algorithms are already developed, it could easily be expanded to new geographical regions and species. Data donation is required to ensure the robustness of the analyses; we use a positive feedback mechanism to encourage ecological practitioners to share data by providing in return high quality, contextualized data analysis, and graphical visualizations for direct use in ecological reports.  相似文献   

Logging activities and the associated creation of roads and tracks can disturb and fragment forests, which may lead to a loss of forest‐dependent species and possibly favour nonforest generalists and edge species. The effects of such disturbance are poorly known for African insectivorous bats. We studied the activity patterns of insectivorous bats in a tropical African forest at Kibale National Park, Uganda, using an Anabat bat detector. The echolocation calls of the vespertilionid bat Neoromicia nana were the most frequently detected. This species was most active in the first 5 h after sunset with activity declining rapidly after midnight until sampling finished at 01:00 h. There was no difference in activity of N. nana levels between logged or undisturbed forest; however, this species exhibited higher levels of activity along the wide tracks running through the two forests than either 30 m off these tracks or along the narrow forest trails. The wing morphology and echolocation call of N. nana may be constraining it to flying in uncluttered space on the edge of the forest, penetrating mostly along wider tracks and roads. Further research (in particular radio‐telemetry) is required to test and validate these data.  相似文献   

Whilst the use of molecular genetic techniques is widespread in the fields of population and evolutionary biology, their application within the mammalian order Chiroptera neither reflects the species richness nor the ecological and behavioural diversity of the order. This is despite the fact that the Chiroptera are problematic to study using more direct observational techniques. Here, we standardize and synthesise the current data, assess the contribution of molecular research to the study of bat species and highlight the importance of its continued and expanded use. At an inter-population level, molecular studies have demonstrated a great diversity of population genetic structure within the order. Among populations of migratory species, genetic structure appears universally low, and hence seasonal movement is likely to be the prevailing influence. However, for sedentary species an array of factors including dispersal ability, extrinsic barriers to gene flow and historical events may determine the extent of genetic partitioning among populations. Intrinsic factors such as wing morphology or roost requirements may also influence population genetic structure in sedentary bat species, a proposal which requires further research. Molecular studies have also made important contributions towards an understanding of social organisation in bats. Evidence indicates that in many polygynous species male mating success does not translate directly into reproductive success, perhaps as a result of multiple mating by females. Estimates of relatedness within and genetic structure among colonies are, in general, very low; a finding which has important implications regarding theories concerning the formation and persistence of bat social groups. Molecular studies have provided new and important insights into the ecology of bats, and have opened up exciting and previously unexplored avenues of research. The data from these studies suggest not only a predictive framework for future studies, but also the use of genetic data in the management and conservation of bat species.  相似文献   

In North America, the greatest and most sudden threat to hibernating bats is white‐nose syndrome (WNS), which has caused massive declines in populations since 2006. Other determinants of bat dynamics, such as the climate, and the effect of reduction in the number of individuals sharing foraging space and summer roosting habitat may have an effect on population dynamics. We analyzed transect acoustic bat surveys conducted with ultrasonic detectors in 16 regions in Quebec, Canada, between 2000 and 2015. We used piecewise regression to describe changes in activity over time for each species and a meta‐analytic approach to measure its association with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). As expected, mouse‐eared bat (Myotis spp.) activity sharply declined after the onset of WNS, down by 79% after 3 years. In contrast, big brown/silver‐haired bat activity increased over the same period, possibly due to a release of competition. Hoary bats and red bats remained present, although their activity did not increase. Myotis activity was positively correlated with a one‐year lag to the NAO index, associated with cold conditions in winter, but warm autumns. Big brown/silver‐haired and hoary bats were also more active during NAO‐positive years but without a lag. We conclude that combinations of threats may create rapid shifts in community compositions and that a more balanced research agenda that integrates a wider range of threats would help better understand and manage those changes.  相似文献   

This study investigates hypotheses about partitioning of food resources among all species and several size classes in an assemblage of diurnal leaf-litter frogs in central Amazonia. All species in this assemblage change the type and size of prey as they grow. An ordination of diet composition was significantly associated with frog size and species-specific behaviour. However, a partial Mantel analysis indicated that species explained about 1.5 times more of the variation in diet overlap between individuals than frog size. Diet and foraging activity are correlated in juveniles, but not in adults, and this result holds whether species are considered as statistically independent observations or whether relationships are analysed using phylogenetically independent contrasts. This study showed that the partitioning of food resources between species changes with the population size structures. Thus, intraspecific and interspecific changes in diet, coupled with different patterns of juvenile recruitment, cause diet segregation among species due to temporal segregation of equivalent size classes. Received: 25 August 1997 / Accepted: 1 April 1998  相似文献   

There is a serious concern that white‐nose syndrome (WNS), a fungal disease causing severe population declines in North American bats, could soon threaten bats on the Australian continent. Despite an ‘almost certain' risk of incursion within the next ten years, and high virulence in naïve bat populations, we remain uncertain about the vulnerability of Australian bats to WNS. In this study, we intersected occurrences for the 27 cave roosting bat species in Australia with interpolated data on mean annual surface temperature, which provides a proxy for thermal conditions within a cave and hence its suitability for growth by the fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans. Our analysis identifies favourable roost thermal conditions within 30–100% of the ranges of eight bat species across south‐eastern Australia, including for seven species already listed as threatened with extinction. These results demonstrate the potential for widespread exposure to P. destructans and suggest that WNS could pose a serious risk to the conservation of Australia's bat fauna. The impacts of exposure to P. destructans will depend, however, on the sensitivity of bats to developing WNS, and a more comprehensive vulnerability assessment is currently prevented by a lack of information on the hibernation biology of Australian bats. Thus, given the clear potential for widespread exposure of Australia's bats to P. destructans demonstrated by our study, two specific policy actions seem justified: (i) urgent implementation of border controls that identify and decontaminate cave‐associated fomites and (ii) dedicated funding to enable research on key aspects of bat winter behaviour and hibernation physiology. Further, as accidental translocation of this fungus could also pose a risk to other naïve bat faunas in cooler regions of southern Africa and South America, we argue that a proactive, globally coordinated approach is required to understand and mitigate the potential impacts of WNS spreading to Southern Hemisphere bats.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical models have considered how nutritional status and predation risk affect the decision by an individual to forage. We consider the feeding behaviour of a scavenger under risk of predation. The intertidal gastropod Nassarius dorsatus Röding was used to test the following hypotheses: (1) a damaged conspecific should be a less preferred meal than a damaged predator or another species; (2) a scavenger should be able to discriminate between a damaged conspecific in the presence and one in the absence of its predator, preferring the latter; and (3) the decision by a scavenger to feed should reflect a trade-off between nutritional status and the above preferences. Results from the laboratory and field were consistent with predictions. Two hypotheses are suggested from the work: scavengers may generally be less willing to feed on carcases of conspecifics than on those of other species, and intertidal scavengers may commonly face a relative or absolute shortage of food.  相似文献   

Different methods for the preparation of active lipoxygenase (LOX) extracts from apples were compared. Highest activities were obtained using a 0.25 M phosphate buffer (pH 7) containing 1% Triton X-100 and 10?2 M metabisulphite as extraction solvent. LOX activity during storage was investigated in the core, flesh, and peel. Activity was always highest in the core and peel. On storage, activity was increased in each part of the fruit but especially in the core and peel. Increase in LOX preceded the browning of the core. LOX may be responsible for the browning and may be concerned in the induction of superficial scald.  相似文献   

Streblidae and Nycteribiidae are families of bloodsucking flies that parasitize bats exclusively. We studied the community of these flies in a Cerrado area in the Central-West Brazil. We captured 708 bats over 17 nights from October 2012 to March 2013. Forty-five per cent of the hosts were parasitized by 836 specimens of bat flies of 22 species. The most abundant flies were Trichobius joblingi on Carollia perspicillata, followed by Megistopoda aranea on Artibeus planirostris, and Strebla guajiro on C. perspicillata. All bat flies showed a high level of specificity for their hosts. Trichobius joblingi was the bat fly with the highest prevalence (80%) and mean intensity of infestation (3.5) on hosts with a representative sample size (n > 20). This result is likely related to the type of roosting (cavity) used by C. perspicillata, primary host of this fly species. Anoura caudifer hosted the largest infracommunities (n = 7). However, most bats were parasitized by a single fly species, suggesting a pattern in infestations. The aggregation index was high, indicating an unequal occurrence in parasite infestations. The majority of hosts were infested by few or no flies and few hosts were highly infested, showing a negative binomial distribution.  相似文献   

Interrelationships between ambient temperature, activity, and energy metabolism were explored in mice that had been selectively bred for high spontaneous wheel-running activity and their random-bred controls. Animals were exposed to three different ambient temperatures (10, 20 and 30°C) and wheel-running activity and metabolic rate were measured simultaneously. Wheel-running activity was decreased at low ambient temperatures in all animals and was increased in selected animals compared to controls at 20 and 30°C. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and daily energy expenditure (DEE) decreased with increasing ambient temperature. RMR did not differ between control and selected mice, but mass-specific DEE was increased in selected mice. The cost of activity (measured as the slope of the relationship between metabolic rate and running speed) was similar at all ambient temperatures and in control and selected mice. Heat generated by running apparently did not substitute for heat necessary for thermoregulation. The overall estimate of running costs was 1.2 kJ/km for control mice and selected mice.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for insect pollinated crops and high recent losses of honey bee colonies raise concerns about food security. Systemic insecticides are recognized as one of the drivers of worldwide honey and wild bee declines. Particularly honey bees in agricultural environments are exposed to pesticides when they collect crop pollen and nectar. However, landscape scale studies which analyze pollen use and foraging distances of honey bees on mass-flowering crops like maize to evaluate potential exposure risks are currently lacking. In an experimental approach on a landscape scale we took advantage of intra-colonial dance communication to gather information about the location of utilized pollen resources. During maize flowering, four observation hives were placed in and rotated between 11 different landscapes which covered a gradient from low to high maize acreage. A higher frequency of dances for foraging locations on maize fields compared to other land use types shows that maize is an intensively used pollen resource for honey bee colonies. Mean foraging distances were significantly shorter for maize pollen than for other pollen origins. The percentage of maize pollen foragers did not increase with maize acreage in the landscape. The proportion of grassland area providing alternative pollen sources did not reduce the percentage of maize pollen foragers. Our findings allow estimating the distance-related exposure risk of honey bee colonies to pollen from surrounding maize fields treated with systemic insecticides. Similarly, the results can be used to estimate the exposure to transgenic maize pollen, which is relevant for honey production in European countries. Provision of alternative pollen resources within agri-environmental schemes could potentially reduce exposure risk to pesticide contaminated crop pollen.  相似文献   

Park SY  Kim YW  Kim JE  Kim JY 《Life sciences》2006,79(23):2228-2233
In this study, to determine if age associated changes in fat metabolism in skeletal muscle and liver were related with sympathetic activity, we measured sympathetic activity and palmitate oxidation rate, carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1 (CPT-1) activity, and triglyceride concentration in skeletal muscle and liver of rats at 8, 30 and 60 weeks of age. Body weight, intra-abdominal percent of fat mass, and plasma level of insulin, leptin, and triglyceride were all significantly increased with age. Tissue triglyceride concentration was increased with age in liver and skeletal muscle. The palmitate oxidation rate in liver and skeletal muscle was reduced with age in rats and inversely correlated with tissue triglyceride concentration. CPT-1 activity was not altered with age. Plasma catecholamine concentration and sympathetic activity, as measured by spectral analysis of heart rate variability, were increased with age. Plasma norepinephrine or epinephrine and tissue triglyceride had a positive correlation in liver and skeletal muscle. Plasma norepinephrine or epinephrine to tissue triglyceride ratio was similar according to age. In summary, in spite of increased sympathetic activity with age, the tissue triglyceride concentration was increased. Increased sympathetic activity may be the compensatory response and the reduced capacity of fatty acid oxidation is a main cause of obesity.  相似文献   

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