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Parental care promotes offspring survival and, for livestock species, this care is provided solely by the mother. Maternal behaviour in the sheep has been exceptionally well-studied compared with other species and many of the underpinning biological processes leading to the expression of maternal care are known. In this review the current state of play with regard to the biology of maternal care will be reviewed, and its application to provide practical solutions to reduce lamb mortality considered. For maternal care to be elicited at birth the ewe requires elevated circulating oestradiol in late gestation, which stimulates the expression of oxytocin receptors in both peripheral and central areas (particularly the hypothalamic and limbic areas of the brain). At birth stretching of the vaginocervical canal elicits a spinal reflex which triggers the release of oxytocin primarily from neurones within the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus. Oxytocin release causes an increase in the neurotransmitters noradrenaline, acetylcholine, glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the olfactory bulb, and other brain regions important for maternal behaviour. Finally, sensory cues provided by the lamb, in particular the amniotic fluids surrounding it, lead to the expression of maternal behaviours (licking, low-pitched bleats, acceptance of the lamb at the udder and suckling). This allows the expression of the two facets of maternal behaviour in the ewe: nurturance of the young and maternal selectivity, whereby a specific olfactory memory for the ewes own lamb is formed and the expression of maternal care is restricted to this lamb. Variation in the expression of maternal care has been demonstrated in primiparous ewes compared with multiparous, in different sheep genotypes, with undernutrition, stress in pregnancy, following a difficult delivery, and may occur with variation in ewe temperament. An understanding of the importance of the timing of various events in late pregnancy and during parturition, as well as the factors that can disrupt these events, can help to design management activities to minimise risks to the successful onset of maternal behaviour. Management practices that work with the biology of the ewe will be the most successful in ensuring that maternal care is expressed, so improving the welfare of the ewe and lamb, and the profitability of the farm.  相似文献   

2014年4-9月,通过铗夜法对12种不同生境内的四川短尾鼩种群数量进行了调查,依据捕获率的大小及生境的干扰程度分析四川短尾鼩的生境选择倾向。利用人工捕捉模拟种群干扰,分别在干扰1个月、2个月、3个月、4个月时间之后,监测荒草地、废弃梨树林、灌丛和绿化林4种代表性生境内四川短尾鼩的种群数量、年龄结构、性比的变化,进而分析四川短尾鼩对人为干扰的生态响应。结果显示:(1)四川短尾鼩在12种典型生境中,按捕获率的大小依次分为4个等级:绿化林>废弃梨树林、景观林、荒草地、桉树林、蔬菜地、灌丛>人居村落、废弃葡萄园>竹林,葡萄园,油菜地;(2)四川短尾鼩的生境选择倾向为:异质性适中、适度干扰、竞争较低的生境>异质性较低、干扰较高的生境(宜觅食、竞争弱)或异质性较高、干扰较低的生境(宜栖身、竞争弱)>高竞争的生境>异质性低或强烈干扰或二者兼有的生境。(3)干扰之初,所有生境中四川短尾鼩种群密度明显降低,干扰2个月之后其种群数量均可恢复到正常状态;干扰后性比平均值增加3.52%,怀孕率变化不显著;全部生境中,成体组比例平均降低1.71%,老年组减少7.53%;幼年组的比例平均增长2.33%,亚成体增加6.91%。幼体和亚成体比例的增加,使种群数量在一定时间内保持稳定增长。  相似文献   

Early-life conditions have critical, long-lasting effects on the fate of individuals, yet early-life activity has rarely been linked to subsequent survival of animals in the wild. Using high-resolution GPS and body-acceleration data of 93 juvenile white storks (Ciconia ciconia), we examined the links between behaviour during both pre-fledging and post-fledging (fledging-to-migration) periods and subsequent first-year survival. Juvenile daily activity (based on overall dynamic body acceleration) showed repeatable between-individual variation, the juveniles'' pre- and post-fledging activity levels were correlated and both were positively associated with subsequent survival. Daily activity increased gradually throughout the post-fledging period, and the relationship between post-fledging activity and survival was stronger in individuals who increased their daily activity level faster (an interaction effect). We suggest that high activity profiles signified individuals with increased pre-migratory experience, higher individual quality and perhaps more proactive personality, which could underlie their superior survival rates. The duration of individuals’ fledging-to-migration periods had a hump-shaped relationship with survival: higher survival was associated with intermediate rather than short or long durations. Short durations reflect lower pre-migratory experience, whereas very long ones were associated with slower increases in daily activity level which possibly reflects slow behavioural development. In accordance with previous studies, heavier nestlings and those that hatched and migrated earlier had increased survival. Using extensive tracking data, our study exposed new links between early-life attributes and survival, suggesting that early activity profiles in migrating birds can explain variation in first-year survival.  相似文献   

The ‘Werribee farrowing pen' (WFP) was developed as a loose housing alternative to the farrowing crate. The WFP occupies about twice the space of a crate and comprises two compartments, a ‘nest' and a ‘non-nest' area. In this experiment, we investigated the effects of reducing total pen space by modifying the dimensions of the ‘nest'. The hypothesis was that modifying ‘nest' size and width would not negatively affect piglet survival. A reduction in total floor space in the WFP may increase attractiveness for adoption of the system by pig producers. The experiment had a 2×2 factorial design with nine replicates and a total of 72 primiparous sows (Large White×Landrace) and their litters. All subjects were included to day 4 of lactation, but production data to weaning (day 23) was restricted to 36 litters. We examined the effects of ‘nest' size (large: L vs. small: S) and width (wide: W vs. narrow: N) on sow and piglet behaviours and piglet survival. The W, as compared to N treatment sows, had longer mean bouts of standing in the ‘nest' during 16–8 h pre-farrowing (3.7 vs. 2.0 min, P<0.01), suggesting that pre-farrowing (‘nesting') behaviour may have been adversely affected by narrow nest width. On the first 2 days of lactation, sow suckling grunts occurred more in the W than N treatment (14.1 and 8.0% of observations, P<0.01). However, this was due to an approximately 50% lower incidence in the SN treatment, as compared to the other treatments combined (5.9 and 12.7%). Piglets spent more (P<0.01) time at the udder in L vs. S (41 and 30%) and W vs. N nests (40 and 31%) and performed more (P<0.05) sucking behaviour (i.e., drinking milk from a teat) in L vs. S nests (2.5 and 1.2%). These differences were due to SN treatment litters sucking less than other treatments combined (0.9 vs. 2.2%). Of the 680 piglets born (n=72 litters), 3.8% were stillborn and 6.8% died between birth and day 4 of lactation. From day 5 to weaning (n=36 litters), 3.5% of piglets died, all due to Escherichia coli infection. While there were no effects of treatment on piglet survival, liveborn piglets were less likely (P<0.05) to die from E. coli in the L vs. S treatments (9/24 vs. 23/33 piglets). In conclusion, our results provide evidence that the size and width of the farrowing ‘nest' in a loose farrowing system may effect sow and piglet behaviours that may be relevant to piglet survival.  相似文献   

Wild and domestic ungulates modify their behaviour in the presence of olfactory and visual cues of predators but investigations have not exposed a domestic species to a series of cues representing various predators and other ungulate herbivores. We used wolf (Canis lupus), mountain lion (Puma concolor), and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) stimuli (olfactory and visual), and a control (no stimuli) to experimentally test for differences in behaviour of cattle (Bos taurus) raised in Arizona. We measured (1) vigilance, (2) foraging rates, (3) giving up density (GUD) of high quality foods and (4) time spent in high quality forage locations in response to location of stimuli treatments. In general, we found a consistent pattern in that wolf and deer treatments caused disparate results in all 4 response variables. Wolf stimuli significantly increased cattle vigilance and decreased cattle foraging rates; conversely, deer stimuli significantly increased cattle foraging rate and increased cattle use of high quality forage areas containing stimuli. Mountain lion stimuli did not significantly impact any of the 4 response variables. Our findings suggest that domestic herbivores react to predatory stimuli, can differentiate between stimuli representing two predatory species, and suggest that cattle may reduce antipredatory behaviour when near heterospecifics.  相似文献   

Levels of parental relatedness can affect offspring survival and susceptibility to disease. We investigated parental relatedness of live and dead Halichoerus grypus pups between and within island populations and between possible causes of mortality. Nine microsatellites were used to calculate internal relatedness (IR) and standardized mean d2. We find that pups with higher than average levels of IR have significantly lower survival and that this varied between island populations and that certain loci contributed to the effect more than others. Although, there were no significant differences between causes of mortality, peritonitis, infection and stillborn had the highest levels of IR. These results provide evidence that parental relatedness is an important determinant of pre-weaning pup survival in the grey seal and that this may vary with cause of mortality given a larger sample size.  相似文献   

Fire is one of the main natural disturbances in Tropical Savannas, changing the diversity of species, altering the structure of species interactions, and driving the evolution of adaptations. Here, we investigated the effects of fire disturbance on interactions between ants and plants with extrafloral nectaries in Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna). We carried out the study in two different ecosystems of Brazilian Cerrado 700 km apart; Woody Cerrado and Rupestrian Grasslands. We conducted a Before-After-Control-Impact (BACI) experiment, in which the impact was the disturbance caused by fire. In Woody Cerrado, we found no evidence of fire affecting the diversity and composition of plants or its interactions. Fire also did not affect ant diversity but changed the interaction pattern of its interactions by reorganizing the paired interactions between species (i.e., rewiring). However, this effect did not result in changes on the overall structure of the network. In Rupestrian Grasslands, fire also did not affect the diversity and composition of plant species or its interactions, but it did increase the number of ant species and change its composition, leading to a reorganization of the its paired interactions. However, these fire disturbances in the ant level did not affect the overall structure of the network. Our findings indicate that the structure of ant-plant interaction networks is robust to fire disturbances, more in Woody Cerrado than Rupestrian Grasslands, confirming our hypothesis that ant-plant interactions in Cerrado are adapted to fire disturbances. In sum, our study enhances the understanding of the effects of environmental disturbances and the stability of the ant-plant interactions in fire-adapted ecosystems such as Brazilian Cerrado.  相似文献   

The increasing use of, and visits to, isolated territories by people (especially tourists) enables the investigation of how biodiversity reacts to evolutionarily novel pressures. We explored the behavioural reaction of a breeding seabird species, the Brown Noddy Anous stolidus, to our repeated visits at two study sites in the Chesterfield Islands, a newly classified reserve in the Coral Sea Natural Park. Repeated measures of flight-initiation distances (FIDs) at three sites and over time suggest that human visitations induced both a spatial phenotypical sorting or learning of individuals and a temporal habituation. In light of the novel ‘Sit and Defend’ mode of avian nest defence, the study finally provides the first dataset of FIDs for this species, and highlights management opportunities that could arise from the replication of such an approach to other breeding seabirds and therefore the conservation of remote island ecosystems.  相似文献   

T. S. Judd 《Oecologia》1993,93(4):576-581
Mature capsules of four small-fruited Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus regnans, Leptospermum laevigatum, L. myrsinoides and Kunzea ambigua) were heated in a muffle furnace over a range of temperatures (200–750° C) and for various lengths of time (15–300s). In addition, the rise in intracapsular temperature with time was measured at 250° C and the lethal seed temperature for K. ambigua determined by heating loose seed in a controlled-temperature water bath. Encapsulated seed survived heating for only short periods event at the lower range of experimental temperatures, with no seed surviving for more than 2 min at 200° C and the highest temperature survived being 650° C for 15 s by L. laevigatum. The species were ranked E. regnans, K. ambigua, L. myrsinoides and L. laevigatum in increasing order of insulating capacity of their capsules, based on survival times of encapsulated seed and the rate of increase of intracapsular temperatures. Seed of K. ambigua was killed when heated in water for a few seconds at 90–100° C. This result agrees closely with the threshold lethal temperature derived for all species by superimposing seed survival versus time and intracapsular temperature versus time curves for capsules heated at 250° C. These results demonstrate that despite their in situ efficacy during fire, small myrtaceous capsules hre mediocre seed insulators. They also suggest that in the field, survival times for encapsulated seed are likely to be in the order of seconds rather than minutes, which points to brief flame residence times in individual tree or shrub canopies. This work has the potential to be developed as a simple but powerful method for the measurement and mapping of fire intensities.  相似文献   

We examined paternal care in the monogamous California mouse when wheel running was necessary to obtain food. Paternal and maternal care, pup survival and feeding were compared in litters with single females (Male Absent) and paired females (Male Present) under three different foraging requirements. When wheel running was required for obtaining food (Wheel Contingent), the male's presence significantly increased pup survival. There were no significant effects of the male's presence on pup survival in the No Wheel (standard laboratory housing with ad lib food) or Wheel Noncontingent (running wheel with ad lib food) groups. Males may have indirectly increased pup survival by helping generate food through wheel running and then subsequently spending less time eating than females. While females reduced the time spent in parental care as pups aged, males increased the time spent in parental care as pups aged. Thus as pups became larger and more expensive to rear, the male increased parental care. These results indicate that paternal care benefits pup survival more under conditions where the parents must forage to obtain food than when food is provided ad lib in the standard laboratory environment.  相似文献   

We investigated reactions of free-living silvery mole-rats (Heliophobius argenteocinereus) to anthropogenic disturbances. Mole-rats detected soil vibrations caused by man carefully walking at a distance of up to 6 m (proved by radio-telemetry). Occasionally, mole-rats encountered outside a nest retreated there after this type of disturbance. After having their burrows broken into, the mole-rats retreated into deep tunnels, separating themselves from the rest of the burrows by soil plugs. Trapping success of silvery mole-rats using live traps for subterranean rodents was low, which contrasts with data so far published on social bathyergids. Antipredatory function of examined behaviours is discussed.  相似文献   

Male excess mortality is widespread among mammals and frequently interpreted as a cost of sexually selected traits that enhance male reproductive success. Sex differences in the propensity to engage in risky behaviours are often invoked to explain the sex gap in survival. Here, we aim to isolate and quantify the survival consequences of two potentially risky male behavioural strategies in a small sexually monomorphic primate, the grey mouse lemur Microcebus murinus: (i) most females hibernate during a large part of the austral winter, whereas most males remain active and (ii) during the brief annual mating season males roam widely in search of receptive females. Using a 10-year capture-mark-recapture dataset from a population of M. murinus in Kirindy Forest, western Madagascar, we statistically modelled sex-specific seasonal survival probabilities. Surprisingly, we did not find any evidence for direct survival benefits of hibernation-winter survival did not differ between males and females. By contrast, during the breeding season males survived less well than females (sex gap: 16%). Consistent with the 'risky male behaviour' hypothesis, the period for lowered male survival was restricted to the short mating season. Thus, sex differences in survival in a promiscuous mammal can be substantial even in the absence of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

In beef cattle, feeding behaviour and activity are associated with feed efficiency and methane (CH4) emissions. This study aimed to understand the underlying traits responsible for the contribution of cattle behaviour to individual differences in feed efficiency, performance and CH4 emissions. A total of 84 steers (530±114 kg BW) of two different breeds (crossbreed Charolais and Luing) were used. The experiment was a 2×2×3 factorial design with breed, basal diets (concentrate v. mixed) and dietary treatments (no additive, calcium nitrate or rapeseed cake) as the main factors. The individual dry matter intake (DMI; kg) was recorded daily and the BW was measured weekly over a 56-day period. Ultrasound fat depth was measured on day 56. Based on the previous data, the indexes average daily gain, food conversion and residual feed intake (RFI) were calculated. The frequency of meals, the duration per visit and the time spent feeding per day were taken as feeding behaviour measures. Daily activity was measured using the number of steps, the number of standing bouts and the time standing per day. Agonistic interactions (including the number of contacts, aggressive interactions, and displacements per day) between steers at the feeders were assessed as indicators of dominance. Temperament was assessed using the crush score test (which measures restlessness when restrained) and the flight speed on release from restraint. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate regression models. Steers that spent more time eating showed better feed efficiency (P=0.039), which can be due to greater secretion of saliva. Feeding time was longer with the mixed diet (P<0.001), Luings (P=0.009) and dominant steers (P=0.032). Higher activity (more steps) in the pen was associated with poorer RFI, possibly because of higher energy expenditure for muscle activity. Frequent meals contributed to a reduction in CH4 emissions per kg DMI. The meal frequency was higher with a mixed diet (P<0.001) and increased in more temperamental (P=0.003) and dominant (P=0.017) steers. In addition, feed intake was lower (P=0.032) in more temperamental steers. This study reveals that efficiency increases with a longer feeding time and CH4 emissions decrease with more frequent meals. As dominant steers eat more frequently and for longer, a reduction in competition at the feeder would improve both feed efficiency and CH4 emissions. Feed efficiency can also be improved through a reduction in activity. Selection for calmer cattle would reduce activity and increase feed intake, which may improve feed efficiency and promote growth, respectively.  相似文献   

干扰对典型草原生态系统土壤净呼吸特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于土地利用格局的改变和人类干扰活动的加剧,草地生态系统CO2排放与固定的平衡、碳循环特征以及碳储量越来越受到人们的重视。尤其是定量区分土壤净呼吸与土壤总呼吸量之间的比例关系,以及定量描述草地生态系统碳循环过程等方面的研究尚不够完善。以河北沽源的典型草原为研究对象,测定了火烧、灌溉、施肥、刈割干扰下的天然草地土壤净呼吸变化动态及其与主要控制因素之间的关系。结果表明:不同处理土壤净呼吸均表现出明显的季节性变化规律,变化趋势基本一致。火烧、灌溉和刈割处理分别比对照的土壤净呼吸通量降低了28.93%、16.25%和36.82%。土壤温度、土壤湿度与土壤净呼吸通量呈指数相关(P0.01)。对地上生物量、地下生物量、土壤有机碳含量和土壤全氮含量与土壤净呼吸之间进行逐步回归分析表明,土壤有机碳含量(SC)和土壤全氮含量(SN)是土壤净呼吸通量的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Question: Is plant capacity to regrow under different herbivore treatments related to herbivore increaser/decreaser plant status? Location: Grassland in Southeast England (GR 41/944691). Methods: A field experiment was established in order to understand the role of plant tolerance to herbivory in explaining the abundance of nine grassland species previously known as herbivore increasers or decreasers. Tolerance was measured as a plant's capacity to regrow after exposure to herbivores. The experiment was designed to measure the impact of rabbits, molluscs, insects and clipping (artificial damage). Plants were propagated by stolons, exposed to different treatments in the field and then allowed to recover in the greenhouse for a month. Results: Previous studies have stated that plants that are able to persist in a herbivore environment could be tolerant or resistant, in agreement with the later our results showed that rabbit increaser plants were tolerant to herbivory in terms of biomass regrowth. Nonetheless, insect and mollusc increasers did not show any particular pattern related to plant compensation and some decreaser species were intolerant. Conclusions: This study shows that tolerance to herbivory could be an important mechanism for rabbit increaser species survival in grazed ecosystems.  相似文献   

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