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海岸带综合管理及其研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
范学忠  袁琳  戴晓燕  张利权 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2756-2765
协调海岸带区域综合承载力与经济社会可持续发展的关系,加强和实施海岸带综合管理(ICZM)和可持续发展战略是当今政府与社会各界关注的热点。海岸带综合管理需要多部门协作配合,综合运用社会、经济、环境、法律等多方面技术实现科学的海岸带管理。根据当前发展趋势,海岸带综合管理进展可归纳为:人文与自然过程变化与海岸带响应;基于不同目标的海岸带规划;海岸带综合管理的评价;新技术与方法应用;利益冲突与关系协调;生态关键区保护与管理;政策与法规制定与调整。在综述海岸带综合管理的发展历程的基础上,探讨了海岸带综合管理的展望。  相似文献   

Achievement of environmental management goals and objectives in coastal areas, including how to measure success, remains a significant subject for discussion among scholars and practitioners, meanwhile four distinct management efforts potentially converge within the coastal zone: land-use planning (LUP), river basin management (RBM), marine spatial planning (MSP) and integrated coastal management (ICM). This paper examines the general lack of attention being paid to overlapping spatial boundaries within the landward and marine areas and proposes an indicator-based framework to measure the effectiveness of the individual planning instruments, as opposed to specific initiatives, in achieving management goals. The six indicators used in the framework (planning; participation; communication; integration; responsibility and balance) are based on a modified version of the Coastal Sustainability Standard methodology described by Gallagher (2010). The framework provides for four scenarios of progress in three geographical dimensions (river, municipality and marine area) to be assessed. For this study, the Caribbean coast of Colombia and Cuba were identified as the areas to test the feasibility and relevance of the indicator framework to monitor progress in the different management approaches established to achieve coastal sustainability. Several key observations and lessons from the indicator-based framework are discussed in order to analyze the overlapping of the four space-based instruments, identify areas for targeted intervention and improve their integration.  相似文献   

生态资产核算与生态系统服务评估:概念交汇与重点方向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘焱序  傅伯杰  赵文武  王帅 《生态学报》2018,38(23):8267-8276
面向“山水林田湖草”统一管理的现实目标,对生态资产的准确刻画加深了资源管理者和使用者对生态系统服务的认识,是生态系统服务理论从学术研讨向决策实践过渡的重要桥梁。然而,当前的生态资产核算结果仍存在着较大的不确定性,使其决策支持作用受到质疑。基于对生态资产研究近今进展的总结,生态资产实际核算一般取自然资本与生态系统服务的交集分别作为存量和流量。如若将生态资产作为干部离任审计依据,则须把握先实物量后价值量的原则。在当前国际研究中,生态资产已经成为区域景观管理和农户生计决策的重要绩效评估与情景优选工具。完善生态系统服务评估模型、明晰生态系统服务供需关系、规范生态资产价值核算方法、提升生态资产决策支持能力4项内容应引起未来生态资产研究的重点关注。  相似文献   

生态资产评估及管理研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯鹏  付卓  祝汉收  翟俊  陈妍  高海峰  金点点  杨旻 《生态学报》2020,40(24):8851-8860
生态资产是生态系统的自然资源属性和生态系统服务属性的综合体现,为人类社会可持续发展提供着基础支撑。如何准确评估生态资产状况和正确计量生态资产变化,实现生态资产的科学管理和合理使用,是实现人类社会可持续发展目标所需要解决的关键问题之一。对生态资产评估与管理的国外研究进行了系统梳理,提出了今后一段时期的研究重点。在生态资产内涵方面,尽管前期国内外学者理解有所不同,随着认知水平的不断发展,国内对生态资产的理解逐渐趋同于国外。在研究内容方面,生态资产评估与度量、核算与账户管理、服务于人类福祉和可持续发展等方面是研究的核心内容及热点领域,取得积极进展但也存在一些不足,特别是包括自然资源类和生态系统服务类的生态资产综合评估模型方面。今后需要加强基于自然生态系统的双重属性强化生态资产内涵研究和重要性认知研究,全要素生态资产评估方法及全流程核算与权衡管理研究。在我国,需要加强生态资产核算的基础标准、规范账户管理及应用体系研究。  相似文献   

李致远  谢花林 《生态学报》2024,44(12):5351-5366
基于森林资源生态产品价值实现的研究进程和实践经验,解析森林资源生态产品价值实现的理论逻辑、制度逻辑、技术逻辑,设计以政府主导的森林资源资产化、市场主导的森林资产资本化机制和政府与市场交叉的价值反馈机制,衔接关键要素的森林资源生态产品价值实现核心机制。从实践案例提炼出我国森林资源生态产品价值实现的典型--生态产业化经营模式、绿色金融模式、生态指标交易模式和林下经济模式,其中生态产业化经营模式包括森林资源流转、林业产业多元化发展和生态产业化;绿色金融模式包括生态运营中心模式和股权合作型生态修复;生态指标交易模式主要是森林碳汇交易;林下经济模式的核心做法是林业立体复合生产经营。最后聚焦森林资源生态产品价值实现的三大关键环节:"资源变资产"资产变资本"资本变资金",提出建立森林生态运营中心、采取金融资本化运营和实施森林资源生态产品分类经营的政策建议。  相似文献   

We explore a model of the interaction between banks and outside investors in which the ability of banks to issue inside money (short-term liabilities believed to be convertible into currency at par) can generate a collapse in asset prices and widespread bank insolvency. The banks and investors share a common belief about the future value of certain long-term assets, but they have different objective functions; changes to this common belief result in portfolio adjustments and trade. Positive belief shocks induce banks to buy risky assets from investors, and the banks finance those purchases by issuing new short-term liabilities. Negative belief shocks induce banks to sell assets in order to reduce their chance of insolvency to a tolerably low level, and they supply more assets at lower prices, which can result in multiple market-clearing prices. A sufficiently severe negative shock causes the set of equilibrium prices to contract (in a manner given by a cusp catastrophe), causing prices to plummet discontinuously and banks to become insolvent. Successive positive and negative shocks of equal magnitude do not cancel; rather, a banking catastrophe can occur even if beliefs simply return to their initial state. Capital requirements can prevent crises by curtailing the expansion of balance sheets when beliefs become more optimistic, but they can also force larger price declines. Emergency asset price supports can be understood as attempts by a central bank to coordinate expectations on an equilibrium with solvency.  相似文献   

This article presents a modeling framework that enhances our ability to analyze the implications of policy for future sustainability of industrial systems. The framework quantifies the relationship between physical input and waste flows, capital vintage, and investment behavior in the U.S. pulp and paper industry. A regional vintage model is developed that simultaneously incorporates investment decisions, vintage structure of the capital stock, and physical material and energy flows, in addition to paper demand. Each capital vintage is specified by size, output structure, and age-specific retirement rates, as well as fiber use and energy intensities. Both embodied and disembodied technological change are incorporated, as well as greenhouse gas emissions from fuel use, and decomposition and incineration of waste. Estimated equations are used to simulate industrial futures until 2020, from a system of nonlinear differential equations.
Our results demonstrate the economic and physical inter-dependence between material and energy flows and the central role energy prices have in decision-making. For instance, an increase in average energy prices, ceteris paribus , will on average discourage paper recycling, which has implications for greenhouse gas emissions as well as for changes in energy intensity. The analysis of the data reveals diminishing rates of energy self-generation, and the immense longevity of capital, which hampers rapid change in input and carbon intensity. This stresses the importance of investment-led strategies in facilitating faster capital turnover to enhance future sustainability of the system.  相似文献   

本研究以钱江源国家公园体制试点区(以下简称为钱江源国家公园)为例, 基于可持续生计分析框架, 构建农户生计资本评价指标体系, 运用熵权法、聚类分析和空间自相关分析, 开展钱江源国家公园农户生计资本评价, 并对其空间分布和集聚特征进行分析。结果表明: (1)不同农户类型的生计资本均值呈现非农户 > 兼业户 > 纯农户, 非农户的人力资本、社会资本和物质资本远高于兼业户和纯农户; (2)不同农户类型资产等级划分差异显著, 纯农户的中低资产较多, 非农户的高资产较多, 生计资本与生计活动类型密切相关; (3)农户生计资本总量在空间上呈现由西南向东北递增的趋势, 何田乡生计资本较为均衡, 齐溪镇、长虹乡和苏庄镇的生计资本搭配不合理; (4)不同功能区农户生计资本分布与功能定位和管理强度相关; (5)自然资本呈现显著空间自相关性, 其余资本及总量空间自相关性不显著。最后, 为改善钱江源国家公园农户生计状况提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

This article presents three case studies that take a socio-ecological perspective to highlight an interconnectedness between the environment, human participation and organization, and public health, in Western Australian marine, coastal, and near-coastal places. We examine the degree to which coastal zone planning and management interact with public health practitioner, and the consequences of this interaction for biophysical surroundings and human health. The case studies demonstrate the limited roles the public health sector has played, and the indispensable expanded role it might play, in what is traditionally seen as the domain of natural resource management. A socio-ecological analysis highlighted the value of decision-making processes for coastal developments that emphasize dialogue, place, public health issues, resource distribution, as well as ecology. These adaptive capabilities offer scope for understanding the consequences of coastal planning and management actions on both the biophysical condition of the environment and human health, break the cycles of reaction, and provide an alternative framework for regulating the developmental expansion of the Western Australian coastline.David Galloway is a sustainability designer and has undertaken work for some of the pastoralists on the Ningaloo coast. The analysis of the third case study is based, in part, on information gained through these consultancies.  相似文献   

县级生态资产价值评估——以河北丰宁县为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中高空间分辨率的Landsat-5 TM和SPOT-5遥感数据为主要数据源,以河北省丰宁县为例,提出了县级生态资产价值遥感评估的指标体系,研究建立了县级区域生态资产遥感测量的技术体系。研究结果表明,利用STAVFM时空尺度转换模型,可模拟获得县级区域全年时间序列的TM尺度 NDVI数据,模拟结果验证的均方根误差仅为0.0702,可满足县级区域生态资产价值评估中NPP高精度遥感估算的需要;2008年丰宁县总生态资产价值为414.44亿元,单位面积生态资产价值在1123元/ hm2至390029元/ hm2之间,其中,森林、灌丛和草地三者的生态资产价值达349.05亿元,占该县生态资产总价值的84.22%,可见自然生态系统在丰宁县生态资产中所占的重要地位。研究结果对推动县域生态资产核算体系的建立有指导意义。  相似文献   

Habitats and the ecosystem services they provide are part of the world’s portfolio of natural capital assets. Like many components of this portfolio, it is difficult to assess the full economic value of these services, which tends to over-emphasize the value of extractive activities such as coastal development. Building on recent ecological studies of species–habitat linkages, we use a bioeconomic model to value multiple types of habitats as natural capital, using mangroves, sea grass, and coral reefs as our model system. We show how key ecological variables and processes, including obligate and facultative behaviors map into habitat values and how the valuation of these ecological processes can inform decisions regarding coastal development (habitat clearing). Our stylized modeling framework also provides a clear and concise road map for researchers interested in understanding how to make the link between ecosystem function, ecosystem service, and conservation policy decisions. Our findings also highlight the importance of additional ecological research into how species utilize habitats and that this research is not just important for ecological science, but it can and will influence ecosystem service values that, in turn, will impact coastal land-use decisions. While refining valuation methods is not necessarily going to lead to more rational coastal land-use decisions, it will improve our understanding on the ecological–economic mechanisms that contribute to the value of our natural capital assets. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Chemical recycling (CR) could support a circular approach for municipal solid waste (MSW) treatment. In promoting the recirculation of recyclable carbon-containing waste as secondary feedstock for chemical production, it could contribute to resource conservation, emissions reduction, and supply security. To evaluate CR's contribution to the transition from a linear to a circular carbon economy—and correspondingly to the achievement of environmental, economic, and social sustainability as indicated in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGs)—this study builds on extant literature of life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) to investigate consequential environmental, economic, and social CR impacts. Specifically, an integrated approach whereby process-based life cycle assessment, techno-economic analysis, and social indicators are linked in the framework of an agent-based model is developed to investigate sustainability consequences of CR via gasification of residual MSW in Germany. Results suggest that CR contributes to reducing climate change and to addressing terrestrial acidification and fossil resource scarcity. However, its deployment will be associated with significant system costs. Hence, to promote CR implementation, measures such as obliging direct waste incineration to trade CO2 certificates—provided that certificate prices increase sharply in the future—as well as implementing a recycling rate are found to be necessary to gap economic disadvantages. This study not only contributes to extending life cycle approaches for LCSA methodologically, it furthermore provides valuable insights into temporal and spatial interactions in waste management systems to inform science, industry, and politics about the sustainability impacts of CR on the achievement of the UN-SDGs. This article met the requirements for a gold-gold JIE data openness badge described at http://jie.click/badges .   相似文献   

Agricultural sustainability: concepts, principles and evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Concerns about sustainability in agricultural systems centre on the need to develop technologies and practices that do not have adverse effects on environmental goods and services, are accessible to and effective for farmers, and lead to improvements in food productivity. Despite great progress in agricultural productivity in the past half-century, with crop and livestock productivity strongly driven by increased use of fertilizers, irrigation water, agricultural machinery, pesticides and land, it would be over-optimistic to assume that these relationships will remain linear in the future. New approaches are needed that will integrate biological and ecological processes into food production, minimize the use of those non-renewable inputs that cause harm to the environment or to the health of farmers and consumers, make productive use of the knowledge and skills of farmers, so substituting human capital for costly external inputs, and make productive use of people's collective capacities to work together to solve common agricultural and natural resource problems, such as for pest, watershed, irrigation, forest and credit management. These principles help to build important capital assets for agricultural systems: natural; social; human; physical; and financial capital. Improving natural capital is a central aim, and dividends can come from making the best use of the genotypes of crops and animals and the ecological conditions under which they are grown or raised. Agricultural sustainability suggests a focus on both genotype improvements through the full range of modern biological approaches and improved understanding of the benefits of ecological and agronomic management, manipulation and redesign. The ecological management of agroecosystems that addresses energy flows, nutrient cycling, population-regulating mechanisms and system resilience can lead to the redesign of agriculture at a landscape scale. Sustainable agriculture outcomes can be positive for food productivity, reduced pesticide use and carbon balances. Significant challenges, however, remain to develop national and international policies to support the wider emergence of more sustainable forms of agricultural production across both industrialized and developing countries.  相似文献   

Within the past two decades sustainability has become a key term in emphasizing and understanding relationships between economic progress and the protection of the environment. One key difficulty is in the definition of sustainability indicators based on information at different spatial and temporal scales. In this paper we formalize statistical models for the assessment of sustainability impact indicators using a public data source provided by the Austrian government. Our application example is the Eisenwurzen region in Austria, an old and famous mining area within the Alps. The total area covers 5.743 km2 and includes 99 municipalities. In our study we define 15 impact indicators covering economic, social and environmental impacts. For each of the impact indicators we develop response functions using the available public data sources. The results suggest that the available data are an important source for deriving sustainable impact indicators within specific regions. The presented approach may serve as diagnostic tool to provide insights into the regional drivers for assessing sustainability indicators.  相似文献   

随着医院财务制度的完善和医院精细化管理的推进,公立医院国有资产管理将更加注重科学有效的方法学。研究主要针对设备使用率低、库存物资闲置、无形资产保护不足等3个医院面临的主要资产管理问题,探讨需求分析、市场战略分析、成本效益分析、成本核算、预算控制等卫生经济学方法在公立医院资产管理中的应用与实践,以此探索公立医院资产管理的科学方法,提高资产管理效率。  相似文献   

The growing human demand for natural capital driven by anthropogenic activities may result in ecological overshoot, therefore, it has become inevitable to rethink sustainable pathways to conduct socioeconomic activities. In this regard, the criticality of international economic activities and the formation of heterogeneous financial, natural, and human assets for ecological systems has not been well understood. Against this backdrop, this study is the initial attempt to investigate the combined impact of economic openness and multifaceted capital (i.e., financial deepening, biological capacity, and human capital) on ecological sustainability in the stochastic impacts by regression on population, affluence, and technology model setting. We employed the state-of-the-art panel quantile regression estimator on a sample of selected 25 Belt and Road Initiative member economies from 1990 through 2018 and found that economic openness and financial deepening undermine ecological sustainability, particularly in BRI member countries with higher ecological footprints. Human capital formation strengthens countries' ecological sustainability across all quantile levels. However, biological capacity expansion supports ecological sustainability for countries with lower and medium ecological footprint levels, whereas it plays a neutral role for higher quantiles. The strengths of the relationships mentioned above increase from lower to higher quantiles. We found no evidence of the Environmental Kuznets Curve theory. Based on our results, we recommend enhancing green openness trade policies in BRI countries to prevent the ecological degradation influence of economic openness. Additionally, to turn the ecologically detrimental effects of financial deepening into useful ones, financial institutions should be incentivized to allocate credits and loans to ecologically friendly ventures. Ecological protection policies, including increasing forest rent, may prevent deforestation and conserve natural capital, contributing to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.  相似文献   

The social and economic benefits of the coastal zone make it one of the most treasured environments on our planet. Yet it is vulnerable to increasing anthropogenic pressure and climate change. Coastal management aims to mitigate these pressures while augmenting the socio-economic benefits the coastal region has to offer. However, coastal management is challenged by inadequate sampling of key environmental indicators, partly due to issues relating to cost of data collection. Here, we investigate the use of recreational surfers as platforms to improve sampling coverage of environmental indicators in the coastal zone. We equipped a recreational surfer, based in the south west United Kingdom (UK), with a temperature sensor and Global Positioning System (GPS) device that they used when surfing for a period of one year (85 surfing sessions). The temperature sensor was used to derive estimates of sea-surface temperature (SST), an important environmental indicator, and the GPS device used to provide sample location and to extract information on surfer performance. SST data acquired by the surfer were compared with data from an oceanographic station in the south west UK and with satellite observations. Our results demonstrate: (i) high-quality SST data can be acquired by surfers using low cost sensors; and (ii) GPS data can provide information on surfing performance that may help motivate data collection by surfers. Using recent estimates of the UK surfing population, and frequency of surfer participation, we speculate around 40 million measurements on environmental indicators per year could be acquired at the UK coastline by surfers. This quantity of data is likely to enhance coastal monitoring and aid UK coastal management. Considering surfing is a world-wide sport, our results have global implications and the approach could be expanded to other popular marine recreational activities for coastal monitoring of environmental indicators.  相似文献   

Problems resulting from contemporary patterns of ocean use and threats to the viability of the marine environment have led to reconsideration of ocean use governance in a number of states, including the United States, Australia, and Canada. For its part, the European Union has been working on the development of a Marine Strategy to safeguard the environment and a more encompassing Maritime Policy into which the Marine Strategy would be folded. The desired Maritime Policy would reflect a holistic perspective of ocean space, embody an ecosystem-based approach to ocean use management, and provide a broad framework for ocean/coastal management. As has been seen elsewhere, developing such a governance system is difficult both in terms of conceptualization and, subsequently, in operationalization. The June 2006 European Commission Green Paper on Maritime Policy sets the stage for a year of consultations designed to develop an effective governance system for ocean management. Institutional and policy changes will be needed and it will be necessary to balance the objectives of economic growth and protection of environmental sustainability. This article examines current developments in efforts to devise a coherent and integrated European Union approach to ocean management.  相似文献   

Fishery sustainability and the extinction risk of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, are of global concern. The landings of the Japanese eel in Japan comprise a large part of the landings in East Asia. This study provides a compiled dataset of the annual fisheries statistics of the Japanese eel in Japan for stock assessment. The Japanese government has been recording Japanese eel statistics annually since 1984 in five series of annual reports by conducting systematic questionnaire surveys of fisheries managers and associations; however, most of these data are stored in analog format. The key variables in the dataset include the harvest weight of eels, the harvest weight and number of seeds for aquaculture, the number of eels stocked, and the number of management entities engaged in the eel fishery. The levels of spatial aggregation of the variables include the site (river and lake), prefecture, inland and coastal waters, and total in Japan. We also incorporated location data (latitude and longitude) of the site and prefecture into the dataset. Eel harvest includes primarily yellow eels (late juvenile stage) and silver eels (mature stage). Seed harvest in inland waters includes glass eels (intermediate stage between leptocephalus and elver) and elvers (early juvenile stage). Seed harvest from coastal waters comprises glass eels. This dataset provides information to assess long-term trends in the Japanese eel population.  相似文献   

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