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The isolation and culturing of toxic Gambierdiscus species is desirable for obtaining reliable sources of toxins responsible for Ciguatera Fish Poisoning (CFP) in order to provide reference materials and purified standards for chemical analyses and bioassays. Gambierdiscus polynesiensis CAWD212, G. pacificus CAWD213 and G. australes CAWD149 and 216 have been isolated from samples of sea water from the Cook Islands. G. polynesiensis produced ciguatoxins (CTX; 18.2 pg per cell) and G. australes CAWD149 produced maitotoxin (MTX; 8.3 pg per cell) and in both extracts putative MTX-3 was detected. G. pacificus also produced putative MTX-3. The toxicities of extracts of G. polynesiensis and G. pacificus were similar by i.p. injection (LD50s of 1.0 mg/kg and 0.8 mg/kg respectively), but when administered by gavage, the MTX-3 analogue producing G. pacificus (LD50 251 mg/kg) was 30-times less toxic than the CTX-producing G. polynesiensis (LD50 7.9 mg/kg). Consumption of fish contaminated by CFP has caused illness and even death in the Cook Islands and throughout the Pacific region and is now considered a globally neglected disease. Large-scale cultures of these organisms are now available, and isolation of the toxins they produce is in progress.  相似文献   

Gambierdiscus is a genus of benthic dinoflagellates found worldwide. Some species produce neurotoxins (maitotoxins and ciguatoxins) that bioaccumulate and cause ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP), a potentially fatal food‐borne illness that is common worldwide in tropical regions. The investigation of toxigenic species of Gambierdiscus in CFP endemic regions in Australia is necessary as a first step to determine which species of Gambierdiscus are related to CFP cases occurring in this region. In this study, we characterized five strains of Gambierdiscus collected from Heron Island, Australia, a region in which ciguatera is endemic. Clonal cultures were assessed using (i) light microscopy; (ii) scanning electron microscopy; (iii) DNA sequencing based on the nuclear encoded ribosomal 18S and D8‐D10 28S regions; (iv) toxicity via mouse bioassay; and (v) toxin profile as determined by Liquid Chromatography‐Mass Spectrometry. Both the morphological and phylogenetic data indicated that these strains represent a new species of Gambierdiscus, G. lapillus sp. nov. (plate formula Po, 3′, 0a, 7″, 6c, 7‐8s, 5?, 0p, 2″″ and distinctive by size and hatchet‐shaped 2′ plate). Culture extracts were found to be toxic using the mouse bioassay. Using chemical analysis, it was determined that they did not contain maitotoxin (MTX1) or known algal‐derived ciguatoxin analogs (CTX3B, 3C, CTX4A, 4B), but that they contained putative MTX3, and likely other unknown compounds.  相似文献   

Viet Nam has a coastline of 3200 km with thousands of islands providing diverse habitats for benthic harmful algal species including species of Gambierdiscus. Some of these species produce ciguatera toxins, which may accumulate in large carnivore fish potentially posing major threats to public health. This study reports five species of Gambierdiscus from Vietnamese waters, notably G. australes, G. caribaeus, G. carpenteri, G. pacificus, and G. vietnamensis sp. nov. All species are identified morphologically by LM and SEM, and identifications are supported by molecular analyses of nuclear rDNA (D1–D3 and D8–D10 domains of LSU, SSU, and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region) based on cultured material collected during 2010–2021. Statistical analyses of morphometric measurements may be used to differentiate some species if a sufficiently large number of cells are examined. Gambierdiscus vietnamensis sp. nov. is morphologically similar to other strongly reticulated species, such as G. belizeanus and possibly G. pacificus; the latter species is morphologically indistinguishable from G. vietnamensis sp. nov., but they are genetically distinct, and molecular analysis is deemed necessary for proper identification of the new species. This study also revealed that strains denoted G. pacificus from Hainan Island (China) should be included in G. vietnamensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

A new benthic toxic dinoflagellate is described from the Celebes Sea. Gambierdiscus balechii sp. nov. was isolated from seaweeds growing in tidal ponds. Its morphology was studied by means of LM and SEM; G. balechii has a very ornamented theca, a hatchet shaped second apical plate, a narrow second antapical plate and an asymmetrical third precigular plate, a unique combination of characters among Gambierdiscus species. It has a very wide size range with widths from 36 to 88 μm. Phylogenetic analyses of two G. balechii strains, based on LSU rRNA (D8–D10) and partial SSUrRNA sequences confirmed that these clustererd in its’ own group, separated from the rest of Gambierdiscus species and with G. pacificus, G. belizeanus and G. scabrosus as its closest relatives. Thecate cysts are described from culture as non motile vegetative-like cells which germinated after being isolated and transferred to fresh medium. Mouse tests showed that this species is toxic and hence it is a potential cause of ciguatera in the Celebes Sea.  相似文献   

Recent molecular phylogenetic studies of Gambierdiscus species flagged several new species and genotypes, thus leading to revitalizing its systematics. The inter-relationships of clades revealed by the primary sequence information of nuclear ribosomal genes (rDNA), however, can sometimes be equivocal, and therefore, in this study, the taxonomic status of a ribotype, Gambierdiscus sp. type 6, was evaluated using specimens collected from the original locality, Marakei Island, Republic of Kiribati; and specimens found in Rawa Island, Peninsular Malaysia, were further used for comparison. Morphologically, the ribotype cells resembled G. scabrosus, G. belizeanus, G. balechii, G. cheloniae and G. lapillus in thecal ornamentation, where the thecal surfaces are reticulate-foveated, but differed from G. scabrosus by its hatchet-shaped Plate 2′, and G. belizeanus by the asymmetrical Plate 3′. To identify the phylogenetic relationship of this ribotype, a large dataset of the large subunit (LSU) and small subunit (SSU) rDNAs were compiled, and performed comprehensive analyses, using Bayesian-inference, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood, for the latter two incorporating the sequence-structure information of the SSU rDNA. Both the LSU and SSU rDNA phylogenetic trees displayed an identical topology and supported the hypothesis that the relationship between Gambierdiscus sp. type 6 and G. balechii was monophyletic. As a result, the taxonomic status of Gambierdiscus sp. type 6 was revised, and assigned as Gambierdiscus balechii. Toxicity analysis using neuroblastoma N2A assay confirmed that the Central Pacific strains were toxic, ranging from 1.1 to 19.9 fg P-CTX-1 eq cell−1, but no toxicity was detected in a Western Pacific strain. This suggested that the species might be one of the species contributing to the high incidence rate of ciguatera fish poisoning in Marakei Island.  相似文献   

A new species of toxic benthic dinoflagellate is described based on laboratory cultures isolated from two locations from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and Bahia. The morphology was studied with SEM and LM. Cells are elliptical in right thecal view and flat. They are 37–44 μm long and 29–36 μm wide. The right thecal plate has a V shaped indentation where six platelets can be identified. The thecal surface of both thecal plates is smooth and has round or kidney shaped and uniformly distributed pores except in the central area of the cell, and a line of marginal pores. Some cells present an elongated depression on the central area of the apical part of the right thecal plate. Prorocentrum caipirignum is similar to Prorocentrum lima in its morphology, but can be differentiated by the general cell shape, being elliptical while P. lima is ovoid. In the phylogenetic trees based on ITS and LSU rDNA sequences, the P. caipirignum clade appears close to the clades of P. lima and Prorocentrum hoffmannianum. The Brazilian strains of P. caipirignum formed a clade with strains from Cuba, Hainan Island and Malaysia and it is therefore likely that this new species has a broad tropical distribution. Prorocentrum caipirignum is a toxic species that produces okadaic acid and the fast acting toxin prorocentrolide.  相似文献   

A new species of Tovellia, T. aveirensis, is described on the basis of light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of motile cells and resting cysts, complemented with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of flagellate cells and phylogenetic analysis of partial sequences of the large subunit ribosomal rRNA gene. Both vegetative cells and several stages of a life cycle involving sexual reproduction and the production of resting cysts were examined in cultures established from a tank in the University of Aveiro campus. Vegetative cells were round and little compressed dorsoventrally; planozygotes were longer and had a proportionally larger epicone. Chloroplast lobes were shown by TEM to radiate from a central, branched pyrenoid, although this was difficult to ascertain in LM. The amphiesma of flagellate cells had mainly 5 or 6-sided vesicles with thin plates, arranged in 5–7 latitudinal series on the epicone, 3–5 on the hypocone. The cingulum had 2 rows of plates, the posterior row extending into the hypocone and crossed by a series of small projecting knobs along the lower edge of the cingulum. A line of narrow amphiesmal plates extended over the cell apex, from near the cingulum on the ventral side to the middle of the dorsal side of the epicone. Eight or 9 narrow amphiesmal plates lined each side of this apical line of plates (ALP). Resting cysts differed from any described before in having numerous long, tapering spines with branched tips distributed over most of the surface. Most mature cysts showed an equatorial constriction. Neither cysts nor motile cells were seen to accumulate red cytoplasmic bodies in any stage of the cultures. The phylogenetic analysis placed, with high statistical support, the new species within the genus Tovellia; it formed a clade, with moderate support, with T. sanguinea, a species notable for its reddening cells.  相似文献   

A new photosynthetic, sand‐dwelling marine dinoflagellate, Ailadinium reticulatum gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Jordanian coast in the Gulf of Aqaba, northern Red Sea, based on detailed morphological and molecular data. A. reticulatum is a large (53–61 μm long and 38–48 μm wide), dorsoventrally compressed species, with the epitheca smaller than the hypotheca. The theca of this new species is thick and peculiarly ornamented with round to polygonal depressions forming a foveate‐reticulate thecal surface structure. The Kofoidian thecal tabulation is APC (Po, cp), 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 1p, 1′′′′ or alternatively it can be interpreted as APC, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6c, 4s, 6′′′, 2′′′′. The plate pattern of A. reticulatum is noticeably different from described dinoflagellate genera. Phylogenetic analyses based on the SSU and LSU rDNA genes did not show any supported affinities with currently known thecate dinoflagellates.  相似文献   

Twenty arthroconidial yeasts were isolated from the digestive tract of basidiome-feeding beetles and lepidopteran larvae. All of the yeasts reproduced only asexually by arthroconidia and some by endo- or blastoconidia as well. Based on the comparisons of sequences in ribosomal RNA genes and other taxonomic characteristics, the yeasts were identified as three unknown Geotrichum species. The three new species are described as Geotrichum carabidarum (NRRL Y-27727T), G. histeridarum (NRRL Y-27729T), and G. cucujoidarum (NRRL Y-27731T). Phylogenetic analyses from ribosomal DNA sequences showed that members of the genus Geotrichum and related arthroconidial yeast taxa were divided into two major clades: (1) Dipodascus and Galactomyces with Geotrichum anamorphs including all the new species; and (2) Magnusiomyces with Saprochaete anamorphs. G. cucujoidarum formed a subclade with G. fermentans and Geotrichum sp. Y-5419, while the two closely related species, G. carabidarum and G. histeridarum, represent a new basal subclade in the clade of Geotrichum and its teleomorphs.  相似文献   

Grammatodinium Li & Shin is a monospecific genus described from the Tongyeong Bay area in Korea. In the current study, we describe its presence in the American Eastern Pacific coast for the first time, particularly in Acapulco Bay, Mexico, using morphological, molecular and environmental data. Sequences generated in this study with SSU and LSU formed a monophyletic group with other sequences from GenBank belonging to Gr. tongyeonginum, the only species known for the genus; however, genetic distance values between this species and our specimens (8.5% SSU; 2.8% LSU) were equivalent or even greater than those reported in other genera of dinoflagellates. Our phylogeny clearly showed the relationship of Grammatodinium with the families Pyrocystaceae and Gonyaulacaceae. In our specimens, cells appeared individually and in colonies of up to 16 cells, which were observed mainly during the dry season, so they could be confused with Gymnodinium catenatum, a common dinoflagellate in Acapulco with which they can coexist and share their general appearance, but they are clearly differentiated by the presence of longitudinal furrows throughout the body and a yellowish-green coloration, both absent in Gymnodinium catenatum. Although our evidence strongly suggests the presence of a new species for the region, more detailed morphological examinations are needed to confirm this statement.  相似文献   

Distinctive spindle‐shaped thecae first described by Samuel Eddy in 1930 and assigned to the genus Peridinium Ehrenberg are commonly reported from freshwater environments in eastern North America. We demonstrate that thecae incubated from cysts of Peridinium wisconsinense Eddy have six cingular plates and a protuberant apical pore complex characteristic of the family Thoracosphaeraceae Schiller 1930 emend. Tangen in Tangen et al . 1982. Small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences confirm the close genetic similarity with Chimonodinium lomnickii (Wo?oszyńska) Craveiro, Calado, Daugbjerg, Gert Hansen & Moestrup and with species recently reassigned to the genus Apocalathium Craveiro, Daugbjerg, Moestrup & Calado that was inferred from previously published LSU rDNA analysis of cysts of P. wisconsinense . Despite sharing identical tabulation with the thoracosphaeracean genera Chimonodinium Craveiro, Calado, Daugbjerg, Gert Hansen & Moestrup and Apocalathium , substantial morphological differences in the morphology of both the thecate and cyst stages of P. wisconsinense led us to reassign this species to the genus Fusiperidinium gen. nov. The phylogenetic position of Fusiperidinium wisconsinense comb. nov., inferred from concatenated data of SSU and LSU sequences, suggests that it evolved from the brackish Scrippsiella lineage, independently of the transition that produced the family Peridiniaceae. Cysts described as Geiselodinium tyonekensis Engelhardt from nonmarine strata from Alaska are apparently identical to the resistant cysts produced by F. wisconsinense . The palynologically‐constrained late Middle Miocene age for the Tyonek Formation provides a minimum age of 11.6 Ma for the evolution of this lineage, coinciding with a rapid glacioeustatic decline in sea level. Our findings also call into question the inclusion of the family Thoracosphaeraceae within the order Peridiniales Haeckel.  相似文献   

Two new armoured, heterotrophic sand‐dwelling marine dinoflagellates, Amphidiniopsis uroensis Toriumi, Yoshimatsu et Dodge sp. nov. and Amphidiniopsis pectinaria Toriumi, Yoshimatsu et Dodge sp. nov. were collected from Japanese sandy beaches, and their morphological features observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cell size of A. uroensis is 28–31 μm in length and 23–28 μm in width. The plate formula is Po 3′, 3a, 6″, 3c, 4s (+1 acc.), 5″′, 2″″. The thecal surface is ornamented with small processes, pores and spines, however, the surface of plate 2a is smooth. The epitheca possesses a narrow ridge that is extended along on the suture between 1′ and 3′. Plate 1″ connects with the right sulcal (Sd) and right sulcal accessory (Sda) plates, so the cingulum is incomplete. A nucleus is situated in the central part of the cell. There are a few small spines at the antapex. There are no stigma or chloroplasts. Amphidiniopsis pectinaria cells are 33–40 urn in length and 29–35 μm in width. The plate formula is Po 4′, 3a, 7″, 3c, 4s (+1 acc.), 5″′, 2″″. Plate 1″ connects directly with Sd and Sda plates, so the cingulum is incomplete. The thecal surface is ornamented with small processes, spines and pores. The epitheca is provided with a narrow ridge that is extended along on the suture between plates 1′, 4′ and 7″. The ornamentation on the antapical plates is unique. It is arranged in 10 straight rows on the hypotheca; each row has a strong spine at its posterior end. In addition, there is a long spine at the antapex. There are no stigma or chloroplasts. A nucleus is located in the central part of the cell.  相似文献   

Kühn S  Medlin L  Eller G 《Protist》2004,155(2):143-156
Sequences of the nuclear encoded small subunit (SSU) rRNA were determined for Pirsonia diadema, P. guinardiae, P. punctigerae, P. verrucosa, P. mucosa and three newly isolated strains 99-1, 99-2, 99-S. Based on phylogenetic analysis all Pirsonia strains, except P. mucosa, clustered together in one clade, most closely related to Hyphochytrium catenoides within the group of stramenopiles. However, P. mucosa was most closely related to Cercomonas sp. SIC 7235 and Heteromita globosa and belongs to the heterogenic group of Cercozoa. In addition to the SSU rDNA sequences, P. mucosa differs from the stramenopile Pirsonia species in some characteristics and was therefore redescribed in this paper as Pseudopirsonia mucosa. The three newly isolated strains 99-1, 99-2, and 99-S differed by 28 bp in their SSU rDNA sequences from their closest neighbour P. diadema and only 1 to 3 bp among themselves. These base differences and a host range similar to P. formosa were sufficient to assign them as new strains of P. formosa.  相似文献   

It is difficult to differentiate similar trichodinids solely based on morphological examination, thus other identification methods, such as molecular identification, are necessary for identification. One mobilid ciliate named Trichodina pseudoheterodentata sp. n. was isolated from the gills of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, in Chongqing, China. In the present study, its SSU rDNA was sequenced for the first time. Based on the results from both morphological identification and SSU rDNA sequencing, the new species was identified and compared with similar species. The morphological analysis revealed that T. pseudoheterodentata is a large Trichodina species (cell diameter 73.0–82.5 μm) and possesses robust denticles with broad blades and well‐developed blade connections. Characterization of its primary and secondary SSU rDNA structures indicated that T. pseudoheterodentata was distinctly different from congeneric species in H12, H15, E10_1, and V4 regions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the genetic distances among the new species and similar species reached interspecific levels, furthermore, the phylogenetic study also validated the identification of T. pseudoheterodentata and its placement in the genus Trichodina.  相似文献   

A new marine benthic Prorocentrum species from sandy habitats of South Brittany (northwestern France), P. consutum sp. nov., is described using LM and SEM and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Cells have a subcircular to broadly ovoid shape and are plainly flattened. They are 57–61 μm long and 52–55 μm wide. A central pyrenoid is present, and the kidney‐shaped nucleus is positioned in the posterior region. In right valve view, the periflagellar area is deeply excavated, and the left valve forms a prominent apical ridge. The periflagellar area consists of nine platelets, and a small narrow collar is present around the flagellar pore. The ornamentation of this new species is very peculiar and is characterized by a ring of round areolae located at the periphery of the valves, each areola containing three or four pores. Apart from this ring of areolae, the cell surface is smooth and with scattered pores. Pores are not present in the center of the right or left valve. The intercalary band is generally narrow and faintly striated horizontally. The molecular phylogenetic position of P. consutum sp. nov. was inferred using SSU and LSU rDNA. In both analyses, this species branched with high support in the clade comprising species with a symmetric shape and appeared to be a sister group to that formed by P. lima and other tropical benthic species, such as P. arenarium, P. belizeanum, P. hoffmannianum, and P. maculosum.  相似文献   

The new benthic toxic dinoflagellate, Ostreopsis fattorussoi sp. nov., is described from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon and Cyprus coasts, and is supported by morphological and molecular data. The plate formula, Po, 3′, 7″, 6c, 7s, 5?, 2′′′′, is typical for the Ostreopsis genus. It differs from all other Ostreopsis species in that (i) the curved suture between plates 1′ and 3′ makes them approximately hexagonal, (ii) the 1′ plate lies in the left half of the epitheca and is obliquely orientated leading to a characteristic shape of plate 6″. The round thecal pores are bigger than the other two Mediterranean species (O. cf. ovata and O. cf. siamensis). O. fattorussoi is among the smallest species of the genus (DV: 60.07 ± 5.63 μm, AP: 25.66 ± 2.97 μm, W: 39.81 ± 5.05 μm) along with O. ovata. Phylogenetic analyses based on the LSU and internal transcribed spacer rDNA shows that O. fattorussoi belongs to the Atlantic/Mediterranean Ostreopsis spp. clade separated from the other Ostreopsis species. Ostreopsis fattorussoi produces OVTX‐a and structural isomers OVTX‐d and ‐e, O. cf. ovata is the only other species of this genus known to produce these toxins. The Lebanese O. fattorussoi did not produce the new palytoxin‐like compounds (ovatoxin‐i, ovatoxin‐j1, ovatoxin‐j2, and ovatoxin‐k) that were previously found in O. fattorussoi from Cyprus. The toxin content was in the range of 0.28–0.94 pg · cell?1. On the Lebanon coast, O. fattorussoi was recorded throughout the year 2015 (temperature range 18°C–31.5°C), with peaks in June and August.  相似文献   

Since 1998, a heterokont flagellate initially named Chattonella aff. verruculosa has formed recurrent extensive blooms in the North Sea and the Skagerrak, causing fish mortalities. Cells were isolated from the 2001 bloom off the south coast of Norway, and monoalgal cultures were established and compared with the Chattonella verruculosa Y. Hara et Chihara reference strain NIES 670 from Japan. The cells in Norwegian cultured isolates were very variable in size and form, being large oblong (up to 34 μm long) to small rounded (5–9 μm in diameter) with two unequal flagella, numerous chloroplasts, and mucocysts. The SSU and partial LSU rDNA sequences of strains from Norway and Japan were compared and differed by 0.4% (SSU) and 1.3% (LSU), respectively. Five strains from Norway were identical in the LSU rDNA region. Phylogenetic analyses based on heterokont SSU and concatenated SSU + LSU rDNA sequences placed C. aff. verruculosa and the Japanese C. verruculosa within the clade of Dictyochophyceae, with the picoflagellate Florenciella parvula Eikrem as the closest relative. Ultrastructure, morphology, and pigment composition supported this affinity. We propose the name Verrucophora farcimen sp. et gen. nov. for this flagellate and systematically place it within the class Dictyochophyceae. Our studies also show that C. verruculosa from Japan is genetically and morphologically different but closely related to V. farcimen. The species is transferred from the class Raphidophyceae to the class Dictyochophyceae and renamed Verrucophora verruculosa. We propose a new order, Florenciellales, to accommodate V. farcimen, V. verruculosa, and F. parvula.  相似文献   

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