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Habitat management within and outside protected areas is a key to effective conservation of wildlife. This is particularly vital for declining wildlife populations within the boundary of conservation areas, while sharing their potential habitat range with foraging livestock. In an effort to understand the habitat selection by Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) and explore any potential impacts of livestock grazing, we conducted the present study in a conservation area of central Nepal Himalaya. We recorded data on musk deer and livestock presence and absence (based on signs of fecal pellet, footprint, and resting site) along the elevational transect with associated topographic features (elevation, slope, aspect, distance to water, and vantage point distance) and vegetation features (tree spp., shrub spp., herb spp., and canopy-cover). Using logistic regression model we found that elevation, aspect, canopy-cover, and tree spp. in the area significantly affect the likelihood of habitat selection by musk deer. In particular, they selected the southern aspect of the area with elevation  3529 m, canopy-cover  42%, and with stands of Pinus spp. and Abies spp. Slope and canopy-cover significantly affected the foraging area selection by livestock. They selected the gentler slopes in the northern aspect of the area with altitude < 3529 m and canopy-cover < 42%. Also, presence of one group of herbivore (i.e. musk deer and livestock) was not found to affect the likelihood of habitat selection by the other group. These independent habitat selections are possibly the responses to morphological and behavioral adaptations than to impacts and interactions between these two groups of herbivores. We suggest to avoid any disturbances and livestock grazing on the area that disrupt the resources and conditions likely selected and occupied by musk deer population.  相似文献   

The cumulative movements of large mammals are expressed in many areas as semi-permanent wildlife trails. The mapping of semi-permanent trail networks offers a direct approach to assess habitat selection of high-use movement routes at relatively fine spatial scales across a landscape. Here we examine an ungulate trail network in north-central Utah created and maintained by the repeated movements of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and elk (Cervus elaphus). In a resource selection analysis using multivariable spatial regression analysis, we show that at a spatial scale of 70 m open and low cover and distance to water are important predictors of movement pathway density. We also demonstrate at a scale of 10 m that elk and deer movement pathways are less steep than adjacent terrain. The mapping of trail networks should be a particularly useful technique for examining functional connectivity among resource patches across a landscape and identifying important high-use movement routes.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2014,79(6):376-383
We studied the daily activity pattern and habitat use of the lowland tapir Tapirus terrestris and their relationship with environmental and anthropic variables. We used photographic records of tapirs obtained during five camera-trap surveys conducted in three areas of the Atlantic Forest of Argentina that differ in their protection against poaching. The daily activity pattern was analyzed with circular statistics and linear regression. The effect of protection against poaching and environmental variables on habitat use of tapirs was analyzed using occupancy modeling. Tapirs were nocturnal all year round, with 89% of the records between 1800 h and 0700 h. The proportion of nocturnal records and the recording rate did not change with mean daily temperature. The daily activity pattern of tapirs was not affected by the sex of the individuals, the lunar cycle or the protection level of the area. The probability of detecting tapirs increased with the distance to the nearest access points for poachers and decreased with the abundance of bamboo in the understory and increasing trail width. The probability of use of an area by tapirs increased with increasing protection against poaching and distance to the nearest access points for poachers. These results suggest that poaching is one of the factors with significant effect on habitat use by tapirs but not on their daily activity patterns.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability assessment is an essential and dynamic research method for determining and evaluating the environmental pressures faced by wildlife. From March to November 2011, we investigated the quality of habitat available to Sichuan sika deer (Cervus nippon sichuanicus) in Tiebu Nature Reserve, Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province, China. A habitat evaluation model established by the fuzzy assignment quadrature method was used to assess habitat suitability for Sichuan sika deer within the reserve by using the GIS spatial analysis function. The results showed that the area of actual available habitat was 220.8 km2 during the wet season and 213.2 km2 during the dry season, accounting for 80.8% and 78.02% of the total nature reserve area, respectively. The area of suitable habitat for Sichuan sika deer was much lower, 128.01 km2 during the wet season and 109.17 km2 during the dry season, accounting for 46.84% and 39.95% of the total nature reserve area respectively. The difference between available and suitable habitat is likely due to potentially good habitat having been lost as a result of human disturbance. Lost habitat makes up 4.55% of the total area while grass is green and 5.52% while grass is dry. Human disturbance levels in the form of roads and residential areas were constant throughout the year, but grazing by domestic animals had a higher impact during the dry season. Habitat suitability during this time, already reduced by the withering of the grass, was thus further reduced by the grazing of livestock.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impact such as overhunting and habitat fragmentation has reduced the total red deer population (Cervus elaphus) across Europe. In Germany remaining subpopulations are even confined to designated areas with limited or no gene flow among them. Red deer populations inhabiting the Bavarian–Bohemian forest ecosystem had been divided by a fortified State border between Germany and former Czechoslovakia. To assess red deer genetic diversity more than two decades after the removal of the fortifications, we analysed a population from the Bavarian Forest National Park, Germany, and one from the National Park ?umava, Czech Republic, using 11 microsatellite loci and a 910 bp long section of the mitochondrial control region (mtDNA). Bayesian analyses of microsatellite allele frequencies favoured the presence of a single population in the Bavarian-Bohemian forest ecosystem over other population genetic structures. This admixture was supported by a lack of population pairwise differentiation between German and Czech red deer microsatellite genotypes in the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA, FST = 0.009, p = 0.383). Contrastingly, AMOVA revealed a highly significant matrilinear differentiation of mtDNA between the two samples (ΦST = 0.285, p = 0.002), whereby German red deer belonged predominantly to haplogroup A (western Europe) and Czech red deer predominantly to haplogroup C (eastern Europe). In combination, these findings indicated a high degree of philopatry by does and extensive gene flow across the former border mediated by stags. They also identified the Bavarian–Bohemian forest ecosystem as part of a suture zone between western and eastern European red deer matrilines.  相似文献   

The appropriate stocking density for broiler chickens is a much discussed topic in animal welfare. To determine at which stocking density the level of crowding becomes aversive to 4–6-week-old broiler chickens, spatial distribution and behaviour of groups stocked at 8, 19, 29, 40, 45, 51, 61 or 72 birds per 3.3 m2 were analysed. Spatial distribution was evaluated using three different indices: inter-individual distances, nearest neighbour distances and Dirichlet polygon areas. The assumption was that broilers would increase the distance to their pen mates if high densities (i.e., close proximity to pen mates) were experienced as aversive, whereas they would decrease this distance if close proximity was experienced positively. Increased distances to pen mates would lead to increased nearest neighbour distances and a more homogeneous distribution (i.e., lower variation of inter-individual distances and of Dirichlet-polygon size) than expected by chance. The distribution expected by chance was determined from both a random distribution and a ‘resource-corrected’ random distribution (which incorporated environmental influences on spatial distribution but excluded social ones).Behavioural observations showed that at higher stocking densities more sitting bouts (P = 0.003) and adjustments of the sitting and lying posture (P < 0.001) occurred. It was also found that nearest neighbour distance varied according to behaviour (P = 0.001). Birds that were eating/drinking were further apart from their nearest neighbour than birds that were foraging, preening, adjusting their sitting or lying posture or showing “other” behaviour.The results from all three methods of spatial analysis suggested that broilers in groups ≥19 birds per 3.3 m2 (ultimately equivalent to 15 kg/m2) started to experience the proximity of conspecifics as aversive at some point during the last 3 weeks of rearing. However, nearest neighbour distance analysis showed evidence of aversiveness earlier in life than the other methods of analyzing spatial distribution (variation in inter-individual distance and polygon size), suggesting that nearest neighbour distance is the more sensitive indicator of space requirements.When uneven use of the different areas within the pen was reflected in the expected distribution (i.e., for comparisons to the resource-corrected random distribution) different results were obtained than when such measures were omitted (i.e., for comparisons to the random distribution). As such, this study emphasises the importance of accounting for environmental influences on distribution within a pen.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2010,94(2-3):165-170
Whole cottonseed (WCS) is a potential supplemental feed for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in rangeland conditions because of its high digestible energy and protein content, moderate fiber content, and resistance to degradation in moist conditions. WCS also contains the polyphenolic secondary metabolite gossypol, which reduces palatability to non-target monogastric species but may be of concern for deer nutrition. Plasma gossypol stabilization when fed a constant dry matter intake, plasma gossypol depletion after WCS was removed from the diet, and the relationship between WCS consumption and plasma gossypol concentration was studied in 10 mature male (N = 5) and female (N = 5) captive white-tailed deer. Consumption of WCS by 73 free-ranging white-tailed deer (59 males, 14 females) was estimated using results of the captive study. Plasma gossypol concentrations declined exponentially and averaged 0.74 μg/mL 35 days after WCS was removed from the diet. Plasma gossypol concentration was linearly related to WCS consumption (P < 0.001), with females having 0.35 μg/mL greater (P = 0.04) plasma gossypol than males for a given rate of dry matter consumption. All female and 93% of male white-tailed deer captured in WCS supplemented pastures had detectable plasma gossypol. Female averaged 1.88 μg/mL of plasma gossypol and males averaged 4.84 μg/mL of plasma gossypol. Based on the captive deer data, these plasma values suggest an average WCS consumption of ∼2.6 g/kg BW/day for female free-ranging deer and ∼5.6 g/kg BW/day for male free-ranging deer. Inferentially, a large proportion of free-ranging white-tailed deer in rangeland conditions will consume WCS, with females consuming 125 g WCS/day and males consuming 428 g WCS/day. That plasma gossypol levels decrease rapidly after cottonseed is removed from the diet suggests that the long withdrawal periods often used prior to breeding season may not be needed. However, although 93% of gossypol was eliminated from the animals after a five-week withdrawal period, a small amount of gossypol can still be detected. While our preliminary data on these animals suggests that these levels are not detriment to animal health or reproduction, ranch managers may want to take a conservative approach to the feeding of WCS until these questions are answered.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between coastal habitats (sensu European Union Habitats Directive) and local dune morphology along a Mediterranean coastal dune system by integrating field collected vegetation data and remotely sensed imagery. Specifically, we described the morphological profile of each EC habitat based on the morphological variables that are most likely to affect their occurrence, including elevation, slope, curvature, northness, eastness and sea distance. In addition, we assessed the role and strength of each morphological variable in determining the occurrence of EC habitats.We used 394 random vegetation plots representative of six EC habitats (Habitat 1210: “Annual vegetation of drift lines”; Habitat 2110: “Embryonic shifting dunes”; Habitat 2120: “Shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria”; Habitat 2210 and 2230: “Crucianellion maritimae fixed beach dunes” and “Malcolmietalia dune grasslands”; Habitat 2250: “Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.”; Habitat 2260: “Cisto-Lavanduletalia dune sclerophyllous scrubs”) found along the Tyrrhenian coast of central Italy. We derived each morphological variable from a DTM (Digital Terrain Model) obtained from 2-m resolution LiDAR (Light Detection And Range) images. The mean value of each variable was calculated at different spatial scales using buffer areas of increasing radius (2 m, 4 m, 8 m) around each vegetation plot. Mean morphological values for each EC habitat were compared using Kruskal-Wallis rank test. The role and strength of the relationship between habitat type and the morphological variables were assessed using Generalized Linear Models.EC habitats occur differentially across dune morphology, and the role and strength of each morphological variable define habitat specificity. Dune elevation and sea distance were determined to be the key factors in shaping EC habitat occurrence along this section of the Mediterranean coast. Identification of the close relationship between habitat type and morphological variables deriving from airborne LiDAR imagery points to the high potential of such remote sensing tool for analyzing and monitoring the integrity of coastal dune ecosystems. As airborne LiDAR enables the rapid collection of extremely accurate topographic data over large areas, it also offers useful information for the management of these threatened and fragile ecosystems.  相似文献   

Presence-only models can aid conservation and management of threatened, elusive species. We developed a Maxent model for the rare cerambycid beetle Rosalia longicorn Rosalia alpina L. in Italy and neighbouring regions and identified the variables best explaining the species’ occurrence on a large scale. Once successfully validated, we used the model to (a) evaluate the current degree of fragmentation of R. alpina range in Italy; and (b) quantify the amount of the Italian territory with the highest probability of beetle presence within the existing national conservation areas (Natura 2000 network, parks and reserves). Low (<0.5) probability scores of R. alpina presence corresponded to 89% of the total area considered, whereas high scores (>0.9) covered only 2.5%. R. alpina was predicted to occur mostly in broadleaved deciduous forest at 1000–1700 m a.s.l. with warm maximum spring temperatures and May and November precipitation >80 mm. We found a high degree of fragmentation; gaps were mainly covered with farmland or other unsuitable habitat. Over 52% of potential habitat is unprotected. While the Natura 2000 network protects 42% of potential habitat, parks and reserve covers less than 29%. To preserve R. alpina, we urge to create, or restore, forest corridors to bridge the otherwise impermeable gaps our model detected and grant protection to the still largely unprotected area of the Italian territory e.g. by including it in further Natura 2000 sites. Models such as ours may also help focus field surveys in selected areas to save resources and increase survey success.  相似文献   

Disentangling the complexities that influence animal space use poses substantial challenges based on decision trade-offs and constraints imposed on animals. Optimal decisions suggest that the spatial complexity of home-range shapes should be inversely related to energy conservation and fitness. Hence, the most beneficial shape should be the circle. We evaluated whether shape complexity (i.e., an index of circularity) of home ranges was influenced by two extrinsic (spatial heterogeneity, preferred habitat [i.e., deciduous forest]), and three intrinsic (sex, season [breeding, non-breeding], intensity of use) factors, with intensity of use indexed as contours containing core and peripheral areas. We estimated utilization distributions of 39 radiomarked adult American black bears (Ursus americanus), a habitat generalist, using fixed-kernel techniques and estimated 50% (core area) and 95% (peripheral area) contours. We fit a set of 47 models using linear modeling and ranked models using small-sample Akaike Information Criterion. Coefficients for the best model were the intrinsic factors intensity of use (reference category = core; 0.118; 95% CL = 0.064–0.173), sex (reference = female; 0.105; 95% CL = 0.043–0.167), and intercept (0.229; 95% CL = 0.186–0.272). Shape complexity was less for core areas than peripheral areas and less for females than males. Considering complex resource selection patterns within a fragmented landscape, both sexes appeared to use energy-maximizing strategies, although the increase in shape complexity for males may be an allometric relationship based on size dimorphism. Our approach supported the phenomenon of optimality as manifested through home-range shape complexity, but we suggest that assessment of this phenomenon for habitat specialists may yield different results, including the potential importance of intrinsic factors based on more restrictive limiting factors.  相似文献   

Despite of the generalized expansion of wild ungulates in Europe, roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) is experiencing contrasted population trends; it is expanding in some regions while declining in others likely due to the expansion of other deer species. In both extremes, reliable methods to estimate population abundance are required. We evaluated different methods of estimating deer abundance in Mediterranean woodlands based on pellet group counts. Distance Sampling applied to pellet counts and a new easier and cost-effective method based on strip-variable transect counts (FST) were assessed comparing their estimates (pellet group density) with the abundance indices obtained from traditionally used reference methods (faecal standing crop) in 61 localities (n = 183 surveys). The average roe deer density estimated from faecal standing crop was 5.56 ± 0.75 (range 0.01–20.74) deer per 100 ha. Distance Sampling and FST estimates correlated with reference methods. As a first conclusion it may be noted that all indirect methods used here can be used to estimate roe deer abundance. The selection of a given method based on pellet counts to estimate roe deer population abundance should take into account the specific objectives of the research, resources available, and the timescale in which the information is required. Among them, Distance Sampling may be used when human resources and skills are enough but FST is a rapid and efficient alternative to estimate pellet group density when they are not.  相似文献   

Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are widely hunted throughout western North America and are experiencing population declines across much of their range. Consequently, understanding the direct and indirect effects of hunting is important for management of mule deer populations. Managers can influence deer mortality rates through changes in hunting season length or authorized tag numbers. Little is known, however, about how hunting can affect site fidelity patterns and subsequent habitat use and movement patterns of mule deer. Understanding these patterns is especially important for adult females because changes in behavior may influence their ability to acquire resources and ultimately affect their productivity. Between 2008 and 2013, we obtained global positioning system locations for 42 adult female deer at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeast Oregon, USA, during 5-day control and treatment periods in which hunters were absent (pre-hunt), present but not actively hunting (scout and post-hunt), and actively hunting male mule deer (hunt) on the landscape. We estimated summer home ranges and 5-day use areas during pre-hunt and hunt periods and calculated overlap metrics across home ranges and use areas to assess site fidelity within and across years. We used step selection functions to evaluate whether female mule deer responded to human hunters by adjusting fine-scale habitat selection and movement patterns during the hunting season compared to the pre-hunt period. Mule deer maintained site fidelity despite disturbance by hunters with 72 ± 4% (SE) within-year overlap between summer home ranges and hunt use areas and 54 ± 7% inter-annual overlap among pre-hunt use areas and 56 ± 7% among hunt use areas. Mule deer diurnal movement rates, when hunters are active on the landscape, were higher during the hunting period versus pre-hunt or scout periods. In contrast, nocturnal movement rates, when hunters are inactive on the landscape, were similar between hunting and non-hunting periods. Additionally, during the hunt, female mule deer hourly movements increased in areas with high greenness values, indicating that mule deer spent less time in areas with more vegetative productivity. Female mule deer maintained consistent habitat selection patterns before and during hunts, selecting areas that offered more forest canopy cover and high levels of vegetative productivity. Our results indicate that deer at Starkey are adopting behavioral strategies in response to hunters by increasing their movement rates and selecting habitat in well-established ranges. Therefore, considering site fidelity behavior in management planning could provide important information about the spatial behavior of animals and potential energetic costs incurred, especially by non-target animals during hunting season. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Due to deforestation, intact tropical forest areas are increasingly transformed into a mixture of remaining forest patches and human modified areas. These forest fragments suffer from edge effects, which cause changes in ecological and ecosystem processes, undermining habitat quality and the offer of ecosystem services. Even though detailed and long term studies were developed on the topic of edge effects at local scale, understanding edge effect characteristics in fragmented forests on larger scales and finding indicators for its impact is crucial for predicting habitat loss and developing management options. Here we evaluate the spatial and temporal dimensions of edge effects in large areas using remote sensing. First we executed a neighborhood pixel analysis in 11 LANDSAT Tree Cover (LTC) scenes (180 × 185 km each, 8 in the tropics and 3 in temperate forested areas) using tree cover as an indicator of habitat quality and in relation to edge distance. Second, we executed a temporal analysis of LTC in a smaller area in the Brazilian Amazon forest where one larger forest fragment (25,890 ha) became completely fragmented in 5 years. Our results show that for all 11 scenes pixel neighborhood variation of LTC is much higher in the vicinity of forest edges, becoming lower towards the forest interior. This analysis suggests a maximum distance for edge effects and can indicate the location of unaffected core areas. However, LTC patterns in relation to fragment edge distance vary according to the analyzed region, and maximum edge distance may differ according to local conditions. Our temporal analysis illustrates the change in tree cover patterns after 5 years of fragmentation, becoming on average lower close to the edge (between 50 and 100 m). Although it is still unclear which are the main causes of LTC edge variability within and between regions, LANDSAT Tree Cover could be used as an accessible and efficient discriminator of edge and interior forest habitats in fragmented landscapes, and become invaluable for deriving qualitative spatial and temporal information of ecological and ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Conversion of native winter range into producing gas fields can affect the habitat selection and distribution patterns of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus). Understanding how levels of human activity influence mule deer is necessary to evaluate mitigation measures and reduce indirect habitat loss to mule deer on winter ranges with natural gas development. We examined how 3 types of well pads with varying levels of vehicle traffic influenced mule deer habitat selection in western Wyoming during the winters of 2005–2006 and 2006–2007. Well pad types included producing wells without a liquids gathering system (LGS), producing wells with a LGS, and well pads with active directional drilling. We used 36,699 Global Positioning System locations collected from a sample (n = 31) of adult (>1.5-yr-old) female mule deer to model probability of use as a function of traffic level and other habitat covariates. We treated each deer as the experimental unit and developed a population-level resource selection function for each winter by averaging coefficients among models for individual deer. Model coefficients and predictive maps for both winters suggested that mule deer avoided all types of well pads and selected areas further from well pads with high levels of traffic. Accordingly, impacts to mule deer could probably be reduced through technology and planning that minimizes the number of well pads and amount of human activity associated with them. Our results suggested that indirect habitat loss may be reduced by approximately 38–63% when condensate and produced water are collected in LGS pipelines rather than stored at well pads and removed via tanker trucks. The LGS seemed to reduce long-term (i.e., production phase) indirect habitat loss to wintering mule deer, whereas drilling in crucial winter range created a short-term (i.e., drilling phase) increase in deer disturbance and indirect habitat loss. Recognizing how mule deer respond to different types of well pads and traffic regimes may improve the ability of agencies and industry to estimate cumulative effects and quantify indirect habitat losses associated with different development scenarios.  相似文献   

To date, only a few studies using scan-sampling intervals to record neighbours in groups of animals explain how the interval length was chosen. In this study, we investigated the effects of different scan-sampling intervals, behavioural context, and the definition of neighbours on the accuracy of data as compared to a quasi-continuous observation. The data was collected from dairy cows kept in cubicle housing systems. Dairy herds of 22–43 cows on 6 farms were observed once a minute with an automatic tracking system for 6 days, and both the nearest neighbour and all neighbours within a defined distance of each cow were recorded with references to the activity, feeding and lying area and stored in neighbourship matrices. In the analysis, we used data collected at intervals of 2, 3, 4, …, 30 min, and correlated this simulated data with the data based on the 1-min interval using a specialised correlation coefficient for matrices τKr. This correlation coefficient was then used as the response variable in mixed-effects models. We found that the size of the correlation coefficients generally decreased as interval length increased. This decrease was less pronounced for all neighbours than for the nearest neighbour. Moreover, the decrease was greatest with data from the activity area and lowest with data from the lying area. We concluded that, even with the relatively slow dairy cows in a barn environment, neighbour recordings should be conducted at short scan-sampling intervals in order to achieve a minimum correlation of τKr = 0.8 with the quasi-continuous data. Intervals of every 2, 8 and 17 min are recommended for observation of neighbours in dairy cows for the activity, feeding and lying areas, respectively, and species that move faster may well require even shorter sampling intervals.  相似文献   

Increasing deer density can cause serious degradation of forests in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. To manage deer impacts, evaluating their current impacts on forest ecosystems is necessary, usually via vegetation indices. However, the relationship between vegetation indices and absolute deer density, while taking into account tree size, snow depth, light condition, and the type of understory vegetation, has never been investigated. We examined the relationship between various vegetation indices and absolute deer density in 344 study plots in the deciduous broad-leaved forest of Yamanashi Prefecture, central Japan. In each plot, debarking and browsing, along with the coverage and maximum height of understory vegetation, were surveyed. Estimated deer densities for 82 5 × 5-km mesh units ranged from 0.8 deer/km2 to 32.7 deer/km2. The percentages of debarked trees within a plot ranged from 0 to 84%. Debarking was promoted by high deer density, small tree size, and thick snow. The effect of tree size on debarking was stronger than that of deer density. Occurrence of browsing on understory vegetation was higher at higher deer densities, and where understory vegetation was dominated by evergreen dwarf bamboo. Coverage and maximum height of understory vegetation were unaffected by deer density but increased with canopy openness and the dominance of dwarf bamboo in the understory. Overall, we predict that debarking of small trees living in heavy snow areas should occur even at low deer densities (<10 deer/km2). Browsing on dwarf bamboo should occur at intermediate deer densities (10–30 deer/km2), while debarking of thick trees living in low snow areas should occur only at high deer densities (≥30 deer/km2). Our study shows that debarking and browsing on understory vegetation are appropriate indices for evaluating deer impacts on forest ecosystems, but that tree size, snow depth, and the type of understory vegetation should also be considered.  相似文献   

Red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) are two invasive freshwater species with a worldwide distribution. The objective of this work was to investigate how the two species move and use space in an area of recent coexistence. Simultaneously, we test the use of new tools and indices to describe their movement patterns. To accomplish this we performed a radio-tracking program within a river-type habitat during two different periods (September/October 2010 and June/July 2013). We used spatial analysis tools to map crayfish radio-location data with and without accounting for the curvature of the river. To assess the consistency of the direction of movement and of the distances traveled by crayfish, two indices were developed. To assess the habitat preferences of each species we applied Ivlev's Electivity Index and the Standardized Forage Ratio. Movement of P. clarkii and P. leniusculus differed. The average detected movement was 8.8 m day−1 for P. clarkii and 17.5 m day−1 for P. leniusculus. However, crayfish behavior ranged from almost complete immobility – sometimes during several days – to large movements, in half a day, up to a maximum of 255 m for P. clarkii and 461 m for P. leniusculus. The proportion of upstream or downstream movements was independent of the species and both species displayed no preference for either direction. The indices of consistency of movement showed a large interindividual variation. Species and period (2010 or 2013) affected the mean daily distance traveled, maximum observed distance from location of release and percentage of observations under vegetation cover. The Ivlev's Electivity Index and the Standardized Forage Ratio presented similar results. P. clarkii showed a preference for pool areas with riparian vegetation cover while P. leniusculus preferred riffle and pool areas with riparian vegetation cover. Our work provided new and valuable data for modeling the active dispersal of these two problematic invaders in a context of coexistence.  相似文献   

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