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Testing theories of dispersal is challenging in highly migratory species. In sea turtles, population size, geographic distance, natal homing, and ocean currents are hypothesized to affect dispersal. Little is known, however, about these mechanisms in sea turtles foraging along the South American coast. Green sea turtles feeding at Ubatuba (UB, n = 114) and Almofala (AF, n = 117), Brazil, were sequenced at the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region (486 bp) and genotyped at 7 microsatellite loci to test dispersal hypotheses. Fifteen mtDNA haplotypes were revealed, including a previously undescribed sequence, and the average observed heterozygosity (H(o)) was 76.4%. Overall short-term temporal differences were not detected, and differentiation was less pronounced in microsatellite than in mtDNA analyses. Mitochondrial results reveal significant differentiation between the Brazilian feeding grounds and most other Atlantic groups, whereas microsatellites uncover similarities to some of the geographically closest populations. Ubatuba and Almofala are mixed stocks, drawn primarily from Ascension, with lesser contributions from Surinam/Aves and Trindade. Costa Rica is also a significant source of individuals feeding at AF. The results are consistent with a model of juvenile natal homing impacted by other factors. Effective protection of turtles foraging along the extensive Brazilian coast may enhance breeding populations thousands of kilometers away.  相似文献   

Ecological and genetic studies of marine turtles generally support the hypothesis of natal homing, but leave open the question of the geographical scale of genetic exchange and the capacity of turtles to shift breeding sites. Here we combine analyses of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation and recapture data to assess the geographical scale of individual breeding populations and the distribution of such populations through Australasia. We conducted multiscale assessments of mtDNA variation among 714 samples from 27 green turtle rookeries and of adult female dispersal among nesting sites in eastern Australia. Many of these rookeries are on shelves that were flooded by rising sea levels less than 10 000 years (c. 450 generations) ago. Analyses of sequence variation among the mtDNA control region revealed 25 haplotypes, and their frequency distributions indicated 17 genetically distinct breeding stocks (Management Units) consisting either of individual rookeries or groups of rookeries in general that are separated by more than 500 km. The population structure inferred from mtDNA was consistent with the scale of movements observed in long-term mark-recapture studies of east Australian rookeries. Phylogenetic analysis of the haplotypes revealed five clades with significant partitioning of sequence diversity (Phi = 68.4) between Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asian/Indian Ocean rookeries. Isolation by distance was indicated for rookeries separated by up to 2000 km but explained only 12% of the genetic structure. The emerging general picture is one of dynamic population structure influenced by the capacity of females to relocate among proximal breeding sites, although this may be conditional on large population sizes as existed historically across this region.  相似文献   

In circumglobal populations of sea turtles, little nesting activity occurs during cold seasons when the sand temperature on a nesting beach is inappropriate for successful egg incubation. However, it is not known whether reproductive seasonality also occurs in year-round nesting rookeries where the sand temperature may be suitable throughout the year. Therefore, we examined the hypothesis that female turtles exhibit reproductive seasonality even in a year-round nesting population. To determine whether the time of nesting of individuals fluctuates between successive nesting seasons, a year-round nesting rookery of green turtles Chelonia mydas at Huyong Island, Thailand, was patrolled on foot every night for 3190 consecutive days, and nesting females were identified using microchips and metal tags. The date of first nesting within a season for an individual (nesting date) was considered the nesting season of each individual. We identified 94 females and 463 nests (including 47 unidentified nests) during the survey. Nesting dates were distributed throughout the year. Nineteen turtles remigrated to the nesting beach, and the nesting dates of the remigrated females occurred in the same seasons. This indicates that females have a fixed individual nesting season even in a year-round nesting rookery. The year-round nesting of green turtles may be attributed to a wide variation in the nesting seasons of individuals. Satellite tracking revealed that the mean travelling duration of post-nesting migrations in this population was 13.5±6.1 days. The proximity of locations for reproduction and feeding may also play an important role in sustaining year-round nesting in this population.  相似文献   

In previous studies on nesting green turtles under natural conditions from different geographical regions, 17-β-estradiol (E(2) ) was either undetectable or detected at very low levels. RIA and other related techniques were not sensitive enough to measure low E(2) values in the green turtles. In this study, a sensitive method was used in detecting low hormone concentrations: high performance liquid chromatography with tandem quadruple mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Using this technique, estradiol for the first time was detected in nesting green turtles during the peak season (June-October) at Ras Al-Hadd Reserve, Oman. The E(2) values recorded from this study were the highest ever recorded from nesting green turtles in any geographical region, but the levels did not vary significantly throughout different phases of nesting. The presence of E(2) during nesting presumably plays a role in the physiology and behavior of this species. Ras Al-Hadd hosts one of the largest nesting populations of green turtles in the world, and an understanding of their nesting patterns may be of value in conservation and management programs for this endangered species.  相似文献   

The molecular evolution and population genetics of migratory green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Greater Caribbean were examined with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region I sequences. A total of 488 base positions (bp) per individual were aligned for 44 individuals from four nesting populations in Florida, Costa Rica, Aves Island (Venezuela), and Surinam. Twelve sequence polymorphisms were detected, representing ten transitions, one transversion, and one 10-bp repeat. Sequence analyses of within- and between-population diversity revealed a deep divergence between western and eastern Caribbean nesting colonies and an inverse relationship between reproductive female population size and mtDNA diversity. In small populations, genetic admixture was important to maintaining high diversity, whereas larger populations appear to have experienced historical bottlenecks or resulted from founder effects. Mitochondrial DNA sequences of the control region offer an order of magnitude greater resolution than restriction site data for addressing questions about mtDNA variation, both within and between populations of green turtles.  相似文献   

Marine turtles produce hundreds of precocial offspring (“hatchlings”) that are virtually defenseless. Many are consumed by predators. Hatchlings improve their survival prospects by migrating to offshore “nursery” areas with lower predator densities and, as they grow, by developing morphological defenses. The flatback turtle (Natator depressus), however, remains in the predator-rich coastal waters of Australia. To gain insights into how they survive there, we compared patterns of early growth and morphological development in flatbacks to their closest relative, the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), which migrates offshore. We found that morphological structures likely to be used in defense are better developed in juvenile flatbacks than in juvenile green turtles. Those structures probably represent one of a suite of characters that enable young flatbacks to survive in coastal habitats where interactions with predators are likely to be more frequent.  相似文献   

A new species of trematode, Pleurogonius tortugueroi n. sp. (Digenea: Pronocephalidae) is described from the lower intestine of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. The new species differs from all other species of Pleurogonius by having a short oesophagus and oval testes close to lateral posterior limit of the body. It differs from all other species, except P. malaclemys Hunter 1961, by having an ovary between the testes; moreover the latter species is a parasite of freshwater turtles. All others members of the genus have a long oesophagus, testes placed to some distance from the posterior end, and the ovary is pretesticular. The new species appears most closely related to P. linearis Looss, 1901 but differs from it by having a different body shape, lappets of the head collar close at the cecal bifurcation level, a longer vitellarian field, different testis shape and position, ovary intertesticular, and different egg size.  相似文献   

Blood biochemical profiles and packed cell volumes were determined for 100 juvenile green turtles, Chelonia mydas, from a wild population in the southern Bahamas. There was a significant correlation of body size to 13 of the 26 blood parameters measured. Only plasma uric acid and cholesterol were significantly different between male and female turtles. The relationship between total plasma proteins and plasma refractive index was significant. The equation for converting refractive index (Y) to total plasma proteins (X) is Y = 1.34 + 0.00217(X).  相似文献   

Trematodes of the genus Rhytidodoides are parasitic in marine turtles. Of the already known species, Rhytidodoides similis Price, 1939, occurs especially in the gall bladder. In this study, we surveyed 73 green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the Ogasawara Islands, Japan, and detected Rhytidodoides sp. from the gall bladders of 18 turtles. A detailed morphological analysis revealed that the forebody of Rhytidodoides sp. differed slightly in shape from that of R. similis. There has been no information on DNA sequences of the family Rhytidodidae. A molecular phylogeny based on 28S rDNA sequences of Rhytidodoides sp. and related taxa suggested that the Rhytidodidae is sister to the other families of Echinostomatoidea. The intraspecific diversity of Rhytidodoides sp. was examined by using DNA sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene (COI). The population genetic features of the COI haplotypes demonstrated that Rhytidodoides sp. is highly diverse in the Ogasawara Islands. The DNA sequences determined in this study will contribute to the species identification of congeners and the taxonomic reconsideration of the Echinostomatoidea.  相似文献   

Treatment of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) with estradiol-17beta resulted in the induction of a 200 kDa plasma protein, consistent with vitellogenin (Vtg). The N-terminal 15 amino acids of the anion exchange purified protein shared sequence homologies with vitellogenins of several vertebrate species. Rabbit antiserum raised against purified Vtg recognized the plasma protein as well as several yolk proteins. Monoclonal antibody (Mab) HL1248, produced by inoculating mice with turtle yolk granules, showed specificity for plasma Vtg as well as a set of yolk proteins 120, 82, 43 and 32 kDa in size. The N-terminal 22 amino acids of the 43 kDa yolk protein was similar to the lipovitellin I subunit of Vtg of several vertebrate species. The peptide mass map of the 82 kDa yolk protein shared enough ions with that of purified plasma Vtg to support the conclusion that this protein was derived from plasma Vtg. Taken together, these results validate the specificity of Mab HL1248 for Vtg. Using purified Vtg concentration standards, competition and antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays (ELISAs) were shown to quantitatively detect Vtg in green turtle plasma. Pre-induced plasma of juvenile turtles had Vtg levels of 2-4 micrograms/ml whereas post-estradiol exposure samples had 38-40 mg/ml. The plasma Vtg concentration of a nesting female turtle was 4.6 mg/ml, approximately 20-fold higher than that of a non-nesting adult female. The antigen capture ELISA will be useful in population studies of this endangered species, to detect vitellogenesis in females that will nest in a given year and to detect inappropriate Vtg levels in turtles exposed to xenoestrogens.  相似文献   

We analyzed 88 control region sequences of green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) from around Hainan Island in the South China Sea. These sequences had a length of 489 bp and revealed 8 mtDNA haplotypes of which four haplotypes (CMC1, CMC4, CMC7, and CMC8) had not been discovered before. Haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) were 0.45 ± 0.054 and 0.0035 ± 0.0014, respectively. Neighbor-Joining tree based on control region sequences revealed that genetic relationship between green sea turtles from the South China Sea and from Japan Sea were very close. Clustering relationship based on control region sequences indicated that the South China Sea is an important breeding site and feeding habitat for green sea turtles, which connects with the Middle East Pacific, the Southwest Pacific and the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Characterization of a species mating systems is fundamental for understanding the natural history and evolution of that species. Polyandry can result in the multiple paternity of progeny arrays. The only previous study of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in the USA showed that within the large peninsular Florida subpopulation, multiple paternity occurs in approximately 30% of clutches. Our study tested clutches from the smaller northern subpopulation for the presence of multiple paternal contributions. We examined mothers and up to 20 offspring from 19.5% of clutches laid across three nesting seasons (2008–2010) on the small nesting beach on Wassaw Island, Georgia, USA. We found that 75% of clutches sampled had multiple fathers with an average of 2.65 fathers per nest (1–7 fathers found). The average number of fathers per clutch varied among years and increased with female size. There was no relationship between number of fathers and hatching success. Finally, we found 195 individual paternal genotypes and determined that each male contributed to no more than a single clutch over the 3‐year sampling period. Together these results suggest that the operational sex ratio is male‐biased at this site.  相似文献   

Climate, behavior, ecology, and oceanography shape patterns of biodiversity in marine faunas in the absence of obvious geographic barriers. Marine turtles are an example of highly migratory creatures with deep evolutionary lineages and complex life histories that span both terrestrial and marine environments. Previous studies have focused on the deep isolation of evolutionary lineages (>3 mya) through vicariance; however, little attention has been given to the pathways of colonization of the eastern Pacific and the processes that have shaped diversity within the most recent evolutionary time. We sequenced 770 bp of the mtDNA control region to examine the stock structure and phylogeography of 545 green turtles from eight different rookeries in the central and eastern Pacific. We found significant differentiation between the geographically separated nesting populations and identified five distinct stocks (FST = 0.08–0.44, P < 0.005). Central and eastern Pacific Chelonia mydas form a monophyletic group containing 3 subclades, with Hawaii more closely related to the eastern Pacific than western Pacific populations. The split between sampled central/eastern and western Pacific haplotypes was estimated at around 0.34 mya, suggesting that the Pacific region west of Hawaii has been a more formidable barrier to gene flow in C. mydas than the East Pacific Barrier. Our results suggest that the eastern Pacific was colonized from the western Pacific via the Central North Pacific and that the Revillagigedos Islands provided a stepping‐stone for radiation of green turtles from the Hawaiian Archipelago to the eastern Pacific. Our results fit with a broader paradigm that has been described for marine biodiversity, where oceanic islands, such as Hawaii and Revillagigedo, rather than being peripheral evolutionary “graveyards”, serve as sources and recipients of diversity and provide a mechanism for further radiation.  相似文献   

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