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Question: How does the dominance of Calamagrostis epigejos influence species turnover of a grassland? Location: Loess grassland at the foothills of Bükk Mountains, Hungary (47°54’ N., 20°35’ E). Methods: Presence/absence of vascular plants and different performance attributes of C. epigejos were recorded in a plot‐subplot system between 2002 and 2005. Appearance and disappearance rates of grassland species were calculated for pairs of consecutive years. 1. Mean appearance and disappearance rates were compared in grassland plots dominated by C. epigejos and in plots free from this species, based on Monte Carlo randomization. 2. Mean appearance rates were assessed for categories of C. epigejos performance and their confidence intervals were calculated via Monte Carlo randomization. For two performance variables (percentage cover and shoot number) analyses were performed at two spatial scales. Results: 1. C. epigejos.‐dominated plots differed from unaffected ones by significantly lower appearance rates. 2. Change in appearance rates was best explained by differences in percentage cover of C. epigejos. Coarse‐scale C. epigejos performance had a closer correspondence with appearance rate change than fine‐scale performance. Low level C. epigejos performance enhanced appearance rate compared to intact stands, while high level performance decreased it, regardless of the choice of performance measure. Conclusions: C. epigejos lowers species number by hindering reappearance of species of the original grassland. This is best explained by the increased shading effect at the coarse scale. The marked non‐linear initial enhancement in appearance rate, however, can also be taken as an early sign of future species loss.  相似文献   

Restoration of semi-natural grasslands by cattle grazing is among the most practical options for reversing the decline of northern European floristic diversity, but no studies on this subject are available. In this work the success of restoration of abandoned, privately owned mesic semi-natural grasslands by farmers receiving support from the EU agri-environmental support scheme was studied in southwestern Finland. Three kinds of grasslands were compared: old (continuously cattle grazed), new (cattle grazing restarted 3–8 years ago) and abandoned pastures (grazing terminated >10 years ago). Plant species composition of the three pasture types was floristically different in multivariate analyses (non-metric multidimensional scaling). Total species richness, richness of grassland plants, indicator plants and rare plants were highest in old and lowest in abandoned pastures in all studied spatial scales (0.25–0.8 ha, 1 and 0.01 m2). The results were congruent with different scales and species list definitions, suggesting that species density scale (1 m2) can be used as a partial surrogate for large scale species richness. Species richness of new pastures was 20% higher on 0.25–0.8 ha, 40–50% higher on 1 m2 and 30% higher on the 0.01 m2 scale compared to abandoned grasslands. Rare species showed insignificant response to resumed grazing. Despite problems in management quality, this study showed promising results of restoration of abandoned grasslands by cattle grazing on private farms. However, populations of several rare grassland plants may not recover with present cattle grazing regimes. Management regulations in the agri-environmental support scheme need to be defined more precisely for successful restoration.  相似文献   

明晰放牧干扰下高寒草甸植物丰富度与生物量的相关关系,为草地植物不同生长时期生物量的预测提供依据。设置6个放牧强度样地,连续3a放牧,2014年进行3个季节(6月、8月、10月)的植物丰富度和地上、地下生物量调查,对比分析放牧干扰下物种和生活型丰富度(生活型的种类)分别与地上、地下生物量的相关关系。结果表明:(1)物种和生活型丰富度与地上生物量均受放牧强度的显著影响,物种丰富度仅在8月与放牧强度显著负相关,生活型丰富度在10月随放牧强度单峰变化,地上生物量在不同季节均与放牧强度显著负相关,而地下生物量与放牧强度无关。(2)物种丰富度与地上和地下生物量均受季节的显著影响,物种丰富度和地上生物量仅在低强度放牧区随季节呈单峰变化,地下生物量在中等强度放牧区随季节呈单峰变化;生活型丰富度与季节无关。(3)放牧干扰前物种和生活型丰富度与地上和地下生物量均显著正相关。3a放牧后仅在8月,物种丰富度只与地上生物量显著正相关,生活型丰富度与地上和地下生物量均显著正相关。(4)对于不同放牧强度,物种丰富度仅在低强度放牧区与地上生物量显著正相关,而生活型丰富度在所有放牧强度区均与地上生物量显著正相关。综上所述,放牧干扰扰乱了高寒草甸丰富度与生物量之间的关系,尤其影响了物种丰富度与地下生物量之间的相关关系。生活型丰富度与地上生物量之间的显著关系不受放牧强度干扰,使生活型丰富度在预测生物量方面表现出优势。  相似文献   

周文萍  向丹  胡亚军  李志芳  陈保冬 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3383-3393
为探明人为干扰对草地生态系统生态恢复的影响,以不同放牧强度试验草地为研究对象,调查了围封14a后草地植物群落的多样性,并应用第二代高通量测序技术454测序法分析了植物根际土壤中AM真菌的群落结构。研究结果显示,14a围封保育使得不同放牧强度小区与长期封育小区植被盖度及植物多样性指数基本恢复至同一水平。土壤速效磷含量在重度放牧小区最低(1.00 mg/kg),轻度放牧区最高(2.25 mg/kg),其它土壤理化性质指标在不同小区之间没有显著差异。通过分子鉴定发现所有土壤样品中AM真菌共有87个分类单元(VT),隶属于Diversispora、Otospora、Scutellospora、Glomeraceae Glomus、Rhizophagus、Paraglomus和Archaeospora等7个属。对不同放牧强度小区AM真菌进行多样性分析,结果表明长期封育小区AM真菌Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数最低,且显著低于中度放牧区,而AM真菌多样性在各放牧小区之间差异不显著。本研究表明长期围封可以有效促进退化草地植物群落的恢复,而AM真菌表现出与植物群落恢复的不同步性。对于草地生态系统退化及恢复过程中植物和土壤功能微生物类群的协同关系还需要进一步系统深入的研究。  相似文献   

Plant community composition and its likely environmental controls were investigated for 200 sample plots (each 100 m2) from Mediterranean-type vegetation in the Little Desert National Park, Victoria. TWINSPAN classification revealed four readily identifiable vegetation types; mallee-broombush, heathland, stringybark open woodland, and an assemblage intermediate between mallee-broombush and heathland referred to here as broom-heath. Mallee-broombush was found on Parilla Sands characterized by high Ca levels relative to heathland and stringybark open woodlands on unconsolidated Lowan Sands. The first axis of a 2 dimensional non-metric MDS ordination also divided heathlands (high axis scores) from mallee-broombush (low scores), while the second separated these vegetation types from stringybark woodlands and broom-heath. Vector-fitting revealed significant correlations between the locations of samples in ordination space and exchangeable soil Ca, soil colour, aspect and Shannon–Weiner diversity. Highest species richness/diversity was associated with the ecotonal area between Parilla and Lowan Sands (i.e. broom-heath) where a number of species characteristic of different assemblages had overlapping ranges. The fire-sensitive conifer, Callitris rhomboidea, was preferentially located in stringybark woodland and broom-heath vegetation types. Its presence was positively associated with high species richness and aspects having a southerly component. Four Callitris stands sampled for population structure were all > 40 years old and showed evidence of interfire recruitment from seeds released by old, serotinous cones. Overall, results suggest that variations in plant community composition and structure in the eastern block of the Little Desert are primarily due to variations in soil properties associated with the distribution of the two dominant substrate types, Parilla Sand and Lowan Sand. However, the interplay of topography and fire behaviour has probably been more important than substrate type in determining the distribution and population structure of longer-lived, fire-sensitive species such as Callitris rhomboidea.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between the diversities of vegetation, adult nectar plants, and butterflies in and around the Aokigahara primary woodland on the northwestern footslopes of Mount Fuji, central Japan. The results showed that the nectar resource utilization by adult butterflies was significantly biased to herbaceous plants, especially to perennials, compared to woody species, although most of the study area was in and near a primary woodland. There were greater nectar plant species in sites with greater plant species richness. Among the butterfly community indices analyzed, the strongest correlation was detected between butterfly species richness and nectar plant species richness at each site. Another close correlation was detected between the species richness of nectar plants and herbaceous plants at each site. These results suggest that herbaceous plant species richness in a habitat plays a central role in its nectar plant species richness, and the nectar plant richness is a highly important factor supporting its adult butterfly species richness. Consequently, we propose that the maintenance and management of herbaceous plant species richness in a butterfly habitat, which lead to those of its nectar plant species richness, are very important for conservation of butterfly diversity even in and around woodland landscapes of temperate regions.  相似文献   

The impact of the plant pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi and the fungicide phosphite on species assemblages, richness, abundance and vegetation structure was quantified at three sites in Kwongkan communities in the Southwest Australian Floristic Region. Healthy and diseased vegetation treated with phosphite over 7–16 years was compared with non‐treated healthy and diseased vegetation. After site differences, disease had the greatest effect on species assemblages, species richness and richness within families. Disease significantly reduced cover in the upper and lower shrub layers and increased sedge and bare ground cover. Seventeen of 21 species assessed from the families Ericaceae, Fabaceae, Myrtaceae and Proteaceae were significantly less abundant in non‐treated diseased vegetation. In diseased habitats, phosphite treatment significantly reduced the loss of shrub cover and reduced bare ground and sedge cover. In multivariate analysis of species assemblages, phosphite‐treated diseased plots grouped more closely with healthy plots. Seven of 17 susceptible species were significantly more abundant in phosphite‐treated diseased plots compared with diseased non‐treated plots. The abundance of seven of 10 Phytophthora‐susceptible species was significantly higher along transects in phosphite‐treated vegetation. Comparison of the floristics of healthy non‐treated with healthy‐treated plots showed no significant differences in species assemblages. Of 21 species assessed, three increased in abundance and only one decreased significantly in phosphite‐treated healthy plots. In three Kwongkan communities of the SWAFR, P. cinnamomi had a profound impact on species assemblages, richness, abundance and vegetation structure. There was no evidence of adverse effects of phosphite treatment on phosphorus‐sensitive species, even after fire. Treatment with phosphite enhanced the survival of key susceptible species and mitigated disease‐mediated changes in vegetation structure. In the absence of alternative methods of control in native communities, phosphite will continue to play an important role in the protection of high priority species and communities at risk of extinction due to P. cinnamomi.  相似文献   

Question: Is there any effect of cutting frequency and liming on P and K availability in the soil, biomass production and plant species composition after cessation of fertilizer application? Location: Eifel Mountains, SW Germany. Methods: The long‐term Grassland Extensification and Nutrient Depletion Experiment was established on a fertilized and mown pasture (Lolio‐Cynosuretum) in 1993. Treatments were: (1) two cuts per year without liming, (2) two cuts with liming, (3) four cuts without liming, (4) four cuts with liming and (5) continued intensive mowing as the control. Results: From 1993 to 2006, the plant available P concentration in the soil decreased substantially, whereas K concentration decreased only slightly. Biomass production decreased from 7 to 5 t DM ha?1. These trends were affected by cessation of NPK fertilizer application but not by cutting frequency or liming. In 2007, substantial differences in species composition between the control and the two‐cut and four‐cut treatments were recorded, whereas liming had no effect. Higher species richness was recorded in cut treatments compared to the control, but no effects of cutting frequency or liming were observed. Ellenberg indicator values indicated that soil nutrients influenced changes in species composition only marginally. Conclusions: The decrease in productivity and available soil P and K in favor of species richness was not achieved to any greater extent by four cuts than by two cuts, or by lime application. Although species richness slightly increased, we conclude that the restoration of low productive grasslands cannot be achieved by cutting management.  相似文献   

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