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Salt marsh vegetation is one important biological element for establishing the ecological quality status (EQS) while evaluating transitional waters (TW). This intertidal plant community is sensitive to the most important pressures present in estuaries. In this study, an ecological index based multi-metric was established taking into account the species composition and ecological relations in Portuguese salt marsh habitats. During the AQuA-Index elaboration it was found that the parameters that respond better to the variability of ecological conditions present nowadays are the Shannon Diversity Index, the Shannon Maximum Diversity Index, the number of halophytic species, the Margalef Diversity Index and the Pielou Equitability Index. The application of the AQuA-Index index to eight TW systems varying in morphology and pressures, demonstrated that the metric responds to the ecological quality of each system. Also, it showed some advantages in comparison with other approaches, in zones with a relevant proportion of middle and upper marsh and where historical data were not available. This way the AQuA-Index proved to be an efficient Index for ecological quality assessment, using salt marsh vegetation as indicator.  相似文献   

Patterns of ecological diversity in fossil and modern mammalian faunas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ecological diversity provides a means of analysing the community structure of fossil mammalian faunas in order to obtain information on the habitat of the fauna. As a basis for the analysis, 23 modern mammalian communities from distinct habitats have been used to establish patterns of community structure for tropical African habitats according to their species diversity by taxonomic group, size, locomotor zonal adaptation, and feeding adaptation. All the communities tested were in tropical Africa, but additional analyses on tropical forest communities in Australia, Malaya, and Panama have shown that these communities, which all have completely different species composition, nevertheless have community structures very similar to each other and to those of the African forest communities.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community pigment composition and water quality were measured seasonally along salinity gradients in two minimally urbanized salt marsh estuaries in South Carolina in order to examine their spatial and temporal distributions. The North Inlet estuary has a relatively small watershed with minimal fresh water input, while the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto (ACE) Basin is characterized by a relatively greater influence of riverine drainage. Sampling stations were located in regions of the estuaries experiencing frequent diurnal tidal mixing and had similar salinity and temperature regimens. Phytoplankton community pigment composition was assessed by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and multivariate statistical analyses. Shannon diversity index, principal-component, and cluster analyses revealed that phytoplankton community pigments in both estuaries were seasonally variable, with similar diversities but different compositions. The temporal pigment patterns indicated that there was a relatively weak correlation between the pigments in ACE Basin and the relative persistence of photopigment groups in North Inlet. The differences were presumably a consequence of the unpredictability and relatively greater influence of river discharge in the ACE Basin, in contrast to the greater environmental predictability of the more tidally influenced North Inlet. Furthermore, the timing, magnitude, and pigment composition of the annual phytoplankton bloom were different in the two estuaries. The bloom properties in North Inlet reflected the predominance of autochthonous ecological control (e.g., regenerated nutrients, grazing), and those in ACE Basin suggested that there was greater influence of allochthonous environmental factors (e.g., nutrient loading, changes in turbidity). These interestuarine differences in phytoplankton community structure and control provide insight into the organization of phytoplankton in estuaries.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton community pigment composition and water quality were measured seasonally along salinity gradients in two minimally urbanized salt marsh estuaries in South Carolina in order to examine their spatial and temporal distributions. The North Inlet estuary has a relatively small watershed with minimal fresh water input, while the Ashepoo, Combahee, and Edisto (ACE) Basin is characterized by a relatively greater influence of riverine drainage. Sampling stations were located in regions of the estuaries experiencing frequent diurnal tidal mixing and had similar salinity and temperature regimens. Phytoplankton community pigment composition was assessed by using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and multivariate statistical analyses. Shannon diversity index, principal-component, and cluster analyses revealed that phytoplankton community pigments in both estuaries were seasonally variable, with similar diversities but different compositions. The temporal pigment patterns indicated that there was a relatively weak correlation between the pigments in ACE Basin and the relative persistence of photopigment groups in North Inlet. The differences were presumably a consequence of the unpredictability and relatively greater influence of river discharge in the ACE Basin, in contrast to the greater environmental predictability of the more tidally influenced North Inlet. Furthermore, the timing, magnitude, and pigment composition of the annual phytoplankton bloom were different in the two estuaries. The bloom properties in North Inlet reflected the predominance of autochthonous ecological control (e.g., regenerated nutrients, grazing), and those in ACE Basin suggested that there was greater influence of allochthonous environmental factors (e.g., nutrient loading, changes in turbidity). These interestuarine differences in phytoplankton community structure and control provide insight into the organization of phytoplankton in estuaries.  相似文献   

The European Union Habitats Directive (HD) obliges member states to assess the conservation status of marine habitat types but no explicit methodologies for assessing the quality of habitats have been stated in the directive or accompanying documents. In this study, a system was developed to assess the structure and functioning of three important marine habitat types in the Estonian sea area: sandbanks (HD code 1110), mudflats (1140), and reefs (1170). The assessment system includes a list of ecological criteria and favourable reference values together with procedural rules and field sampling locations. The habitat types listed in the HD are broadly defined and may encompass different communities depending upon distinct environmental gradients. By considering these environmental gradients the habitat types reefs and sandbanks were zoned and the assessment criteria and corresponding favourable reference values were defined separately for each zone. A set of several metrics like benthos indices, community variables, presence of sensitive or typical species, proportions of functional or taxonomic groups were tested as potential criteria for determining habitat quality. The most appropriate criteria were selected for incorporation into the assessment system based on ecological eligibility, suitability to local conditions, occurrence rates of benthic species, responses to disturbances, statistical properties of distribution of measured values, and practical considerations. Extensive benthos database (records from the whole Estonian sea area, 1995–2014) was used to calculate values of criteria to support the selection of criteria and to derive reference values. In order to fully take into account their crucial role in maintaining the structure and functioning of habitats, the criteria on habitat-forming species were assigned higher hierarchical order in the assessment scheme compared to other criteria. Special field works were carried out to assess the status of the three habitat types in 2015. The quality of all three monitored habitats was assessed to be in a favourable status. Additionally, the distributions of the three habitat types were mapped. To date, this is the first study in the Baltic Sea region that formulates HD compliant explicit criteria, reference values, and assessment procedures for several marine habitat types. The main challenges of the study were to derive assessment criteria and favourable reference values that are ecologically relevant and practically feasible.  相似文献   

Climate‐driven range shifts of foundation species could alter ecosystem processes and community composition by providing different resources than resident foundation species. Along the US Atlantic coast, the northward expanding foundation species, black mangrove Avicennia germinans, is replacing the dominant salt marsh foundation species, marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. These species have distinct detrital attributes that ostensibly provide different resources to epifauna. We experimentally examined how detritus of these species affects decomposition and community composition in different habitat contexts at regional and local scales. First, we manipulated detritus identity (Avicennia, Spartina) at 13 sites across a 5° latitudinal gradient spanning mangrove, mixed marsh‐mangrove and salt marsh habitats. Across latitude, we found that Avicennia detritus decomposed 2–4 times faster than Spartina detritus, suggesting that detrital turnover will increase with mangrove expansion. Epifaunal abundance and richness increased 2–7 times from south to north (mangrove to salt marsh) and were equivalent between Avicennia and Spartina detritus except for crabs, a dominant taxonomic group that preferred Spartina detritus. Second, to examine the whether changing habitat context affected regional patterns, we manipulated detritus identity and surrounding habitat type (mangrove, salt marsh) at a single mixed site, also including inert mimics to separate structural and nutritional roles of detritus. Epifaunal richness was similar between the two detrital types, but crabs were 2–7 times more abundant in Spartina detritus due to its structural attributes. Surrounding habitat type did not influence decomposition rate or community patterns, which suggests that latitudinal influences, not surrounding habitat, drove the regional community patterns in the first experiment. Overall, mangrove expansion could alter epifaunal communities due to the lower structural value and faster turnover of mangrove detritus. As species shift with changing climate, understanding foundation species substitutability is critical to predict community change, but we must account for concomitant environmental changes that also modify communities.  相似文献   

Attempts to understand ecological processes within restored saltmarsh ecosystems have increased dramatically in recent years; and it is now generally agreed that marsh restoration success should be gauged relative to the recovery of ecosystem function. Studies of macroinfaunal recovery in created marshes typically employ faunistic metrics to examine colonization and succession. Few studies employ macrobenthic functional metrics. Here, we present an evaluative approach employing macrobenthic functional metrics for use in marsh restoration studies in the context of a comparative study. To illustrate the approach, a four-way comparison of functional and faunistic metrics is made between intertidal Spartina and adjacent subtidal habitats and between a set of created marsh islands that have been established for 27 years and a set of nearby natural marsh islands within Davis Bay, Mississippi. The suite of functional metrics used in this study characterizes the macroinfauna in terms of biological production based and community maturity based attributes. Several production-based attributes (e.g., production potential, normalized biomass size spectrum (NBSS) intercept residuals, total abundance) differed between habitats and between created and natural sites; and community maturity based attributes (e.g., mean size, NBSS slope, faunal turnover rate) differed between habitats. Of the functional metrics, NBSS intercept residuals were most effective for discerning created and natural sites, followed by production potential and total abundance. Of the faunistic metrics, faunal diversity and dominance did not differ between created and natural sites; however evenness was higher at the created site. Diversity and evenness differed significantly between habitats; and dominance almost differed between habitats. Community structure (Bray–Curtis similarity) differed between habitats and between created and natural marshes. This study illustrates how macrobenthic functional metrics can be practical and informative for tracking marsh restoration success. Functional metrics deliver additional insights and appear to be more effective than faunistic metrics. Not only do these functional metrics fulfill the need to understand the role of benthic processes within the context of marsh restoration; they can be related appropriately to other aspects of ecosystem function.  相似文献   

The gobiid assemblage of the Venice Lagoon shallow waters was investigated by means of a semi‐quantitative standardized sampling (using a small beach seine), stratified into five main types of shallow subtidal habitats and conducted on a seasonal basis during 1 year. The degree of overlap in resource utilization among six coexisting goby species was assessed, along both the time axis, by analysing the seasonal variation in abundance and reproductive status (as revealed by the gonado‐somatic index) and the habitat axis, by comparing species abundance across different habitat types and controlling for the effects of some abiotic factors. Smaller species, and especially the marbled goby Pomatoschistus marmoratus , dominated the local assemblage. Although the cycle of shallow water colonization and seasonal variation in total abundance were basically similar, species showed differences in timing of reproduction and recruitment, as well as in habitat preference. The larger species belonging to the genera Gobius and Zosterisessor tended to overlap their habitat use, being more abundant in seagrass habitats than in the unvegetated habitats, whereas the smaller species belonging to the genera Knipowitschia and Pomatoschistus avoided seagrasses, preferring in most cases mud flats and salt marsh creeks. Within these two groups of species some further slight differences in species habitat preference, relationship with abiotic factors and reproductive ecology could be detected. Results are discussed in the light of both ecological mechanisms underlying coexistence of closely related species and the current knowledge of the phylogeny of Mediterranean gobies.  相似文献   

Hedgerows play important roles in agricultural landscapes and they increase biodiversity by providing habitat refugia for species sensitive to agricultural disturbance. We have studied the characteristics of the communities of harvestmen (Opiliones) inhabiting hedgerows. Harvestmen are terrestrial arachnids associated with soil surface and subsurface and sensitive to land-use and disturbance. We were specifically interested in quantifying how hedgerow characteristics (e.g., elevation, length, width, connectivity, and plant diversity) affect harvestman diversity and community composition. We expected harvestman diversity and community composition to be positively related to both hedgerow size (area, length, width) and biological attributes of hedgerows (e.g., connectivity, plant community diversity). We surveyed hedgerow characteristics and harvestman communities of 20 hedgerows in an upland agricultural landscape in the Western Carpathians. Hedgerow characteristics were measured in the field or derived from GIS layers and we used correlation and ordination methods to relate them to harvestman community metrics. We found surprisingly high taxonomic richness of harvestmen within the studied hedgerows (15 species). Importantly, the Shannon index of harvestman communities was positively related to hedgerow length and hedgerow tree layer species richness and diversity. Harvestman community composition varied with hedgerow area and width. Despite their small total area, hedgerows represented an important habitat for diverse harvestman communities and hedgerow attributes such as size and tree diversity significantly affected the composition and the Shannon index of harvestman communities. Thus, greater lengths and widths of hedgerows can provide habitats for a higher Shannon index of harvestman communities, within surrounding agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Seagrass habitats provide structural complexity in coastal estuarine and marine environments, which offer fish optimal foraging grounds and refuge from predation. However, seagrasses are some of the most threatened ecosystems globally, with anthropogenic activities such as population growth and environmental degradation leading to the fragmentation, thinning, and loss of these habitats. Rhabdosargus holubi is one of only a few vegetation-associated marine fish species in South African estuaries. Although field studies have shown a strong association with seagrass over other aquatic vegetation for the juveniles of this species, habitat choice has never been empirically tested. Here, we used artificial vegetation units to test habitat choice (different structural complexities) for this species. We also tested whether habitat choice is influenced by a predatory threat, with fish preferentially selecting dense habitat in the presence of a predator and whether this effect may be more apparent in smaller individuals. We found that R. holubi significantly prefer greater structural complexity over less complex habitats, in both the absence and presence of a predator and for both small and large juveniles, showing that R. holubi actively choose more complex structures and are attracted to the structure per se irrespective of the threat of predation. This study highlights the importance of dense seagrass as nursery areas for this species and demonstrates how the loss of these habitats could impact the nursery function of estuaries.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of bats to land use change depends on their foraging ecology, which varies among species based on ecomorphological traits. Additionally, because prey availability, vegetative clutter, and temperature change throughout the year, some species may display seasonal shifts in their nocturnal habitat use. In the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA, the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis), southeastern myotis (Myotis austroriparius), tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus), and northern yellow bat (Lasiurus intermedius) are species of conservation concern that are threatened by habitat loss. Our objective was to identify characteristics of habitat used by these species during their nightly active period and compare use between summer and winter. We conducted acoustic surveys at 125 sites during May–August and at 121 of the same 125 sites December–March 2018 and 2019 in upland forests, bottomland forests, fields, ponds, and salt marsh and used occupancy models to assess habitat use. The northern long-eared bat and southeastern myotis (i.e., myotis bats) used sites that were closer to hardwood stands, pine stands, and fresh water year-round. We did not identify any strong predictors of tri-colored bat habitat use in summer, but during winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than salt marsh and upland forests. During summer and winter, northern yellow bats used sites close to fresh water and salt marsh. Additionally, during summer they used fields, ponds, and salt marsh more than upland and bottomland forests, but in winter they used bottomland forests, fields, and ponds more than upland forest and salt marsh. Our results highlight important land cover types for bats in this area (e.g., bottomland forests, ponds, and salt marsh), and that habitat use changes between seasons. Accounting for and understanding how habitat use changes throughout the year will inform managers about how critical habitat features may vary in their importance to bats throughout the year. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Freshwater lakes and pools contained within peatlands are unique habitats that support rare and specialised species. Despite this, these ecosystems have been overlooked in conservation and management practices. One of these habitats, ‘3160 Natural dystrophic lakes and ponds’, is protected under the European Union (EU) Habitats Directive with a concerning proportion of these habitats having an “unfavourable-bad” or an “unfavourable-inadequate” conservation status across Europe. Our current understanding of the key physico-chemical and ecological features of this habitat is inadequate which is hindering the implementation of effective conservation measures. This review summarises the current knowledge of this protected lake habitat as defined under the EU Habitats Directive. With a focus on Ireland, we demonstrate how the current monitoring and assessment methods used to characterise and assess the structure and function and conservation status of this habitat, which relies largely on the use of macrophyte community composition and surrogate physico-chemical data collected under the EU Water Framework Directive, is ineffective. We propose the incorporation of further or alternative ecological metrics including, but not limited to, algae and macroinvertebrates which are needed to improve our understanding of the structure and function of this priority lake habitat. In addition, application of such data via ecological metrics would allow for the quantification of biodiversity and species rarity metrics which would aid in identifying sites of conservation importance.  相似文献   

Wild bees are threatened by multiple interacting stressors, such as habitat loss, land use change, parasites, and pathogens. However, vineyards with vegetated inter‐rows can offer high floral resources within viticultural landscapes and provide foraging and nesting habitats for wild bees. Here, we assess how vineyard management regimes (organic vs. conventional; inter‐row vegetation management) and landscape composition determine the inter‐row plant and wild bee assemblages, as well as how these variables relate to functional traits in 24 Austrian and 10 South African vineyards. Vineyards had either permanent vegetation cover in untilled inter‐rows or temporary vegetation cover in infrequently tilled inter‐rows. Proportion of seminatural habitats (e.g., fallows, grassland, field margins) and woody structures (e.g., woodlots, single trees, tree rows) were used as proxies for landscape composition and mapped within 500‐m radius around the study vineyards. Organic vineyard management increased functional richness (FRic) of wild bees and flowering plants, with woody structures marginally increasing species richness and FRic of wild bees. Wild bee and floral traits were differently associated across the countries. In Austria, several bee traits (e.g., lecty, pollen collection type, proboscis length) were associated with flower color and symmetry, while in South African vineyards, only bees’ proboscis length was positively correlated with floral traits characteristic of Asteraceae flowers (e.g., ray–disk morphology, yellow colors). Solitary bee species in Austria benefitted from infrequent tillage, while ground nesting species preferred inter‐rows with undisturbed soils. Higher proportions of woody structures in surrounding landscapes resulted in less solitary and corbiculate bees in Austria, but more aboveground nesting species in South Africa. In both countries, associations between FRic of wild bees and flowering plants were positive both in organic and in conventional vineyards. We recommend the use of diverse cover crop seed mixtures to enhance plant flowering diversity in inter‐rows, to increase wild bee richness in viticultural landscapes.  相似文献   

鉴于全球森林均呈现片段化(破碎化)的分布状态, 理解片段化森林群落构建的过程很有必要。该文通过综述群落构建的主要生态过程如生态漂变、扩散、选择和物种形成等在片段化森林群落构建中的相对作用, 发现因片段化森林形成方式的不同, 重构群落(片段化生境中通过次生演替重新形成的森林群落)和解构群落(原有森林被片段化后形成的森林群落)在不同演替阶段所受到的主要生态过程的相对作用有所不同。虽然利用基于群落内物种分布格局推测构建过程(如物种多度分布、零模型结合β多样性的方法、功能特征的收敛和发散等)、人工控制实验、群落结构动态分析等方法对片段化森林中群落构建的过程进行了有效的检验, 但是针对片段化森林群落构建过程的实验性研究仍然不足。未来有待在理论模型、群落构建过程的检验以及理论与物种保护相结合等方面继续开展深入的研究。  相似文献   

Aim To examine the relationship between ecoregions, as a proxy for regional climate and habitat type, and mammalian community structure, defined by species composition and richness (e.g. taxonomic structure) and ecological diversity (e.g. ecological structure) of non‐volant species. Location Madagascar. Methods Faunal lists of non‐volant mammal species occurring in 35 communities from five World Wildlife Fund ecoregions were collected from published and unpublished sources. Species were assigned to ecological groups defined by trophic status, locomotor habits, activity cycle and body mass. We used Mantel tests, cluster analysis and principal coordinates analysis to evaluate geographic patterning in taxonomic composition and species richness. We used stepwise multiple discriminant analysis to characterize patterns in the ecological diversity of the mammalian communities from each ecoregion. Communities from transitional habitats (e.g. representing more than one ecoregion) were used to test the predictive power of the analyses. Results Non‐volant mammal communities divided into clusters that correspond to ecoregions. There was a strong distance effect in the taxonomic structure of communities across the island and within both humid and dry forest communities, but this effect was weak within humid forest communities. Mammalian species richness was significantly lower in dry forest than in humid forest communities. The ecological structure of communities was also correlated with ecoregions. Changes in the relative percentages of omnivory, arboreal quadrupedalism, terrestrial/arboreal quadrupedalism and two body mass classes accounted for 98.1% of the variation in ecological structure. Transitional communities were projected in intermediate positions by the discriminant model. Main conclusions Our analysis demonstrates that the broad‐scale habitat and climate variables captured by the ecoregion model have shaped the assembly of non‐volant mammal communities in Madagascar over evolutionary time. The spatial pattern is consistent with ecological sorting of species ranges along environmental gradients. Historical processes, such as recent extinction and migration, may have also affected the structure of mammal communities, although these factors have played a secondary role.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To ensure adequate protection of nonbreeding habitats used by Neotropical migratory landbirds, we must first address questions about habitat use and quality. On the Yucatan peninsula, migrants use many habitats, several of which remain unstudied, and methodological differences preclude interhabitat comparisons based on studies to date. We used distance sampling along line transects in six habitats in northeast Belize to examine use of previously unstudied habitats (e.g., salt marsh) by Neotropical migrants and to permit comparison across habitats. We calculated unadjusted and adjusted (for detectability) density estimates for individual migrant species and for all species combined to generate hypotheses about habitat quality based on the assumption that density and quality are positively correlated. Adjusted density estimates for all migrants were highest in black mangrove habitat (1799 ± 110 ind/km2), intermediate in three forest types and milpa (range 598–802 ind/km2), and lowest in salt marsh (207 ± 32.3 ind/km2). By combining density estimates with habitat availability in our study region, we estimated that evergreen forest and black mangrove supported 70% and 9% of the region's migrant population, respectively. At the species level, five of the 10 most common species had habitat preferences (>50% detections in one habitat). Given the diversity of habitat preferences among species and apparent seasonal movements, our results indicate that Neotropical migrants in northeast Belize are dependent on a matrix of interconnected habitats.  相似文献   

The objective of this pilot study was to determine if otolith signatures of juvenile summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus (Linnaeus) were differentiable between beach and marsh habitat types within two North Carolina (NC), U.S.A., estuarine systems. Elemental signatures were differentiable between habitats in both systems, and in one system at smaller spatial scales (<5 km) than have been reported for any estuarine species using otolith microchemistry. These results indicate the potential for using summer flounder otolith elemental analysis to assess the nursery role of habitats within NC estuaries.  相似文献   

A gap in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is addressed, aiming for the development of an ecological quality status assessment tool based solely on the Biological Quality Element benthic macroinvertebrates from intertidal rocky shores. The proposed Rocky shore Macroinvertebrates Assessment Tool (RMAT) was tested and validated along disturbance gradients (organic enrichment). During the whole process, the response of widely used metrics (e.g. Hurlbert index, Shannon-Wiener index, AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index; Bentix biotic index) and models (i.e., metrics combined) was compared to results provided by the Marine Macroalgae Assessment Tool to the same sampling sites.The RMAT is a multimetric index compliant with the WFD based on the benthic macroinvertebrates community, combining ‘abundance’ (Hurlbert index) and ‘taxonomic composition’ (Bentix index using density and biomass data) metrics. It performed well along anthropogenic disturbance gradients, showing ecological quality increasing from close to far away from the disturbance.The RMAT is a promising tool for rocky shore ecological assessment in the scope of the WFD or other monitoring activities worldwide.  相似文献   

Sarcocornia decussata, S. freitagii and S. tegetaria from South Africa are described as new taxa. Sarcocornia decussata and S. freitagii are narrow endemics of the West Coast of South Africa where they are found in inland saline habitats (quartz patches, salt pans and saline alluvia) while S. tegetaria is an endemic of southern African coasts (spanning Namibia, South Africa and Mozambique) where it is confined to low-lying intertidal habitats of estuaries.  相似文献   

Many species are shifting their ranges in response to the changing climate. In cases where such shifts lead to the colonization of a new ecosystem, it is critical to establish how the shifting species itself is impacted by novel environmental and biological interactions. Anthropogenic habitats that are analogous to the historic habitat of a shifting species may play a crucial role in the ability of that species to expand or persist in suboptimal colonized ecosystems. We tested if the anthropogenic habitat of docks, a likely mangrove analog, provides improved conditions for the range‐shifting mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii within the colonized suboptimal salt marsh ecosystem. To test if docks provided an improved habitat, we compared the impact of the salt marsh and dock habitats on ecological and life history traits that influence the ability of this species to persist and expand into the salt marsh and compared these back to baselines in the historic mangrove ecosystem. Specifically, we examined behavior, physiology, foraging, and the thermal conditions of A. pisonii in each habitat. We found that docks provide a more favorable thermal and foraging habitat than the surrounding salt marsh, while their ability to provide conditions which improved behavior and physiology was mixed. Our study shows that anthropogenic habitats can act as analogs to historic ecosystems and enhance the habitat quality for range‐shifting species in colonized suboptimal ecosystems. If the patterns that we document are general across systems, then anthropogenic habitats may play an important facilitative role in the range shifts of species with continued climate change.  相似文献   

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