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2011 年7 ~8 月和2012 年7 ~ 8 月,采用瞬时扫描取样法和焦点动物取样法研究了新疆布尔根河狸保护区蒙新河狸夏季夜间行为节律和时间分配,结果表明:夏季蒙新河狸活动高峰呈晨昏型。觅食和移动行为分别占69.5% 和24.5% ,修饰、警戒和其他行为的时间比例依次是3.4% 、0.4% 、2.2% 。利用Pearson’s correlation 检验发现移动和警戒行为之间存在显著正相关,而觅食行为分别与移动、修饰和其他行为之间呈极显著负相关,与警戒存在显著负相关;Mann-Whitney U 检验表明年龄因素对河狸各种行为的影响不显著(P > 0. 05)。  相似文献   

The effects of food supply and population density on the nocturnal behaviour of Arion ater and Ariolimax columbianus were investigated. Density did not significantly affect A. ater's level of activity or short-term movement, resting, or feeding. A. columbianus was more active and moved, rested, and fed more frequently when slug density was high. A. ater foraged and rested more often, but fed less when good food was unavailable. Ariolimax's only response to the food regime was to feed more when good food was available. Seasonal changes in the level of activity and behaviour of Arion were evident, whereas Ariolimax's activity and behavioural repertoire were not similarly affected. Arion ater's nightly activity appeared to be mainly food oriented, while Ariolimax columbianus seemed most responsive to slug density during its nocturnal activity periods.  相似文献   

Forests that regenerate exclusively from seed following high‐severity fire are particularly vulnerable to local extinction if fire frequency leaves insufficient time for regenerating plants to reach sexual maturity. We evaluate the relative importance of extrinsic (such as fire weather and climate cycles) and intrinsic (such as proneness to fire due to stand age and structural development) factors in driving the decline of obligate seeder forests. We illustrate this using obligate seeding alpine ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis) forests in the montane regions of Victoria, Australia, that were burnt by megafires in 2003 (142,256 ha) or 2007 (79,902 ha), including some twice‐burnt areas (11,599 ha). Geospatial analyses showed only a small effect of stand age on the remote sensing estimates of crown defoliation, but a substantial effect of forest fire weather, as measured by forest fire danger index (FFDI). Analysis of meteorological data over the last century showed that 5‐year increases in FFDI precede cycle major fires in the E. delegatensis forests. Such strong extrinsic climate/weather driving of high‐severity fires is consistent with the ‘interval squeeze model’ that postulates the vulnerability of obligate seeder forests to landscape‐scale demographic collapse in response to worsening fire weather under climate change.  相似文献   

野猪是世界上分布最广的大型哺乳动物之一,也是东北虎豹国家公园内主要的有蹄类动物,东北虎主要的猎物之一。本文采集了中国虎豹观测网络架设在东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的红外相机完整一年的拍摄数据(2015年5月至2016年4月),通过占域模型和核密度分析,获得不同季节的野猪生境利用情况和日活动节律,探究人为因素、环境因素和生物因素对野猪生境利用的影响。结果显示,野猪偏好于针叶林和针阔混交林,在靠近居民点的区域活动增加。不同物种间的相互作用对野猪的生境利用产生不同影响,受捕食者压力野猪会倾向于躲避东北虎,但东北豹对野猪占域显示为正向影响。梅花鹿和狍对野猪的影响在不同季节呈现相反,梅花鹿对野猪的占域在冬季呈负向影响,而狍对野猪的占域则在夏季呈负向影响。本研究区域内的野猪夏季有2个活动高峰,冬季有1个活动高峰,在不同季节都倾向于白天和晨昏活动,在日落前达到活动最高峰。本研究揭示东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的野猪生境利用和活动节律是受到植被生境、大型食肉动物和人类因素等多种因素相互作用,长期相适应的结果。  相似文献   

Yuccas initiate far more flowers than they can mature as fruit, thereby providing opportunities for them to mature flowers of the highest quality. Flower quality in yuccas has both intrinsic and extrinsic components. Intrinsic components relate to flower morphology and inflorescence architecture. Yucca moths (Tegeticula spp., Incurvariidae), the sole pollinators and primary seed predators of most yuccas (Yucca spp., Agavaceae), mediate extrinsic components of flower quality through their ovipositions in flowers, and the quantity and quality of pollen that they transfer. In addition, intrinsic and extrinsic components interact as a function of flowering phenology and moth activity within inflorescences.
We investigated selective abscission of flowers in Y. kanabensis with respect to various combinations of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. First, we considered the effect of high and low pollen loads delivered to different subsets of flowers and in different presentation orders. In the absence of moth ovipositions, Y. kanabensis is sensitive to the amount of pollen that moths deliver and tends to retain high pollen flowers, even when all flowers receive sufficient pollen for full fertilization. However, pollen delivery sequence and the position of flowers with an inflorescence modify this high pollen effect. We then considered the interplay between high and low pollen combined with moth ovipositions and found that the number of ovipositions dominated the pollen effect. Finally, we considered number of ovipositions in conjunction with different flowers in the blooming sequence while controlling pollen levels and found that the clear effect of ovipositions on flower fate can be tempered by where the flower is in the blooming sequence.
These results have implications for the regulation of the mutualism between yuccas and yucca moths, indicating that yuccas are capable of regulating costs, retaining flowers of relative high quality and selectively abscising the rest. Yucca sensitivity to several intrinsic and extrinsic factors allows the plant to respond flexibly to the pollination environment and several species of moths.  相似文献   

This study evaluated night and day semen collection regimes in Holstein and Brahman bulls (four bulls of each breed) that were collected weekly, each during a morning and a night collection. Ejaculates (n=64) were obtained via artificial vagina over 4 weeks. The first collection of each week alternated between night and day. Two collection teams were employed. Bull behavior parameters included reaction time to first mount, time to ejaculation, a refractory period test, and a thrust intensity test. The numbers of interruptions were counted as a managerial parameter. Pre-freeze semen parameters included total volume, initial motility and concentration. Post-freeze semen parameters measured were: 0- and 3-h post-thaw motility; percent intact acrosomes; and percent sperm abnormalities. Data were analyzed by least squares methods. The bull within breed effect differed (P<0.05) for behavior parameters. The bull within breed effect for total motile sperm harvested was not significant. The bull within breed response was mixed for post-freeze semen viability parameters. Bull within breed was not significant for sperm abnormalities. The night versus day treatment was significant for the managerial parameter (P=0.002). Although a different collection schedule for Bos indicus cattle was not warranted, the efficiency of the collection process was affected by extraneous environmental conditions.  相似文献   

完全的竞争者不能共存,物种间生态位分化是同域物种长期稳定共存的基础。不同物种在同一分布区时间生态位的分化对其共存至关重要。为研究同域分布物种的共存机制,在2018年11月到2021年7月利用远红外相机监测技术对穆棱东北红豆杉国家级自然保护区同域分布的野猪(Sus scrofa)和狍(Capreolus pygargus)进行了野外监测研究,并利用核密度估计方法和雅各布斯选择指数(JSI)对日活动节律和一段时间内的活动周期选择进行了评估,同时还利用非参数检验评估了2个物种的活动与月光周期的关系。研究结果表明,狍不管在全年还是在不同的季节,日活动节律均为双峰模式,而野猪的活动模式表现出明显的可塑性,在全年和冷季为单峰型,暖季为双峰型,二者在日活动节律上的重叠程度较高(Dhat>0.59),在暖季的重叠系数最高(Dhat=0.65)。此外,在时间段的选择上,狍在全年和冷季更喜欢在黎明和黄昏活动(0.170.32),而野猪活动在全年和冷季对白天和黄昏的选择更多(JSI>0.3),暖季则更喜欢在白天活动(J...  相似文献   

Abstract The regulation of reproductive performance in small mammals may be determined by extrinsic or intrinsic parameters. In a large‐scale, replicated field experiment we monitored the seasonal fluctuation in food availability and tested the effects of food addition on the reproductive performance of wild house mice (Mus domesticus) in south‐eastern Australia. Ovulation rates and litter size increased during spring and peaked in October/November. Ovulation rate was consistently higher than litter size by approximately 1.2 embryos (19%). None of the extrinsic parameters measured (food quality and quantity, mouse abundance) had an impact on reproductive performance. The addition of food did not prevent the mid summer decrease in ovulation rates nor did it alter the difference between ovulation rates and litter size. While the number of previous pregnancies did not affect reproductive performance, the age of mice did: older mice tended to have higher ovulation rates than younger mice. The effect of age‐dependent changes in ovulation rates on population growth rates of house mice seemed to be of limited importance. We conclude that the reproductive output in wild house mice is determined by ovulation rates and not by litter size. The regulation of ovulation rates through an intrinsic factor (age) seems evident but the importance of food availability and house mouse abundance for ovulation rates is low.  相似文献   

Wild boar Sus scrofa L. rooting is a large and frequent disturbance, very extended all over the world. However, its impact in some sensitive habitats, such as alpine and subalpine grasslands remains unknown. These grasslands are considered important sites for biological conservation and traditional grazing activities, and are frequently affected by wild boar rootings. In this study, we selected three study sites representing a range of scenarios in Pyrenean alpine and subalpine grasslands, with differing protection status and grazing management. We assessed the extent of wild boar rooting, and determined the main variables that influence their distribution, taking into account the interactions among them. Our results showed that wild boar rooting significantly affected alpine and subalpine grasslands in the Pyrenees especially in protected non-hunting areas (up to 12% of the surface). The distribution of disturbed areas was influenced by a hierarchical suite of variables, among which vegetation, that is certain plant communities, was the most important. The apparent preference for dense grasslands might be associated with its soil depth, soil hardness and diversity of feeding resources. The importance of other variables, such as topography, distance to primary resources or grazing management, was site dependent. A broad understanding of the effects of variables and their relationships provide insights into the actual factors affecting the rooting selection. We hypothesize that the selection of feeding habitat, followed by the conditions of the soil to be uprooted and human management, are the main underlying factors that shape the distribution of wild boar rooting in alpine and subalpine grasslands.  相似文献   

The tide‐associated persistent activity rhythms of the ocypod crabs, Uca pugnax and U. pugilator were observed in constant conditions, some for as long as three months. In some animals the twice/day peaks of activity were found to scan the day at significantly different rates from one another. Individual peaks in some animals split into two fragments. And at times, one peak would fade and then return, or vanish completely. These examples of the independence between tide‐related activity peaks have become the basis for a hypothesis that each peak is controlled by its own clock(s). The basic period of these clocks is “circalunidian”, with periods varying up to about 4–8% on either side of 24.8 hours.  相似文献   

An  M.  Johnson  I. R.  Lovett  J. V. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):11-22
The mechanistic model of residue allelopathy that was constructed before only simulates allelopathic phenomena caused by decaying plant residues and does not include factors controlling expression of such phenomena. As both intrinsic and extrinsic factors are affecting the potential of residue allelopathy, the model has been developed further to include these factors. The concept of a constant for residue-allelopathic potential, functions for effects of temperature, water, and their combination on allelochemical concentrations were added to the model. As a result, the improved residue model is able to examine the responses to these phenomena under a wide variety of conditions. Several sets of published experimental data were compared with prediction from the model, and a good agreement has been achieved. Its significance in helping better understanding of residue allelopathy is discussed.  相似文献   

Human disturbance has been identified as a contributing factor to the worldwide changes in wildlife ecology. Particularly, the human disturbance forced wildlife from diurnal to nocturnal activity patterns. However, the impact of human disturbances on the spatiotemporal patterns small- and medium-sized terrestrial mammals is unknown. In this study, we then aimed to evaluate the impact of anthropogenic factors on spatial pattern and to clarify the differences in temporal patterns between human disturbed and undisturbed habitats. Our camera trap survey was conducted in northern Gifu Prefecture in central Japan from November 2019 to April 2021. We investigated the impact of human activity on relative abundance indices and the influence of the quantitative difference in human activities on diel activity patterns of 12 terrestrial mammals. In this study, the human population and bamboo forest category negatively affected the RAIs of sika deer and wild boars. Moreover, Asian black bears and wild boars showed crepuscular/nocturnal and cathemeral activity in the human undisturbed habitat, respectively, and nocturnal activity in the human disturbed habitat. Consequently, three large mammals avoided human activity temporally (Asian black bears), spatially (sika deer), and spatiotemporally (wild boars). On the other hand, there was no significant impact of human activity on the spatiotemporal patterns of other mammals. However, it is necessary for residents in the human disturbed habitat to be recognize the risk of human-wildlife conflicts.  相似文献   

For the first time, we measured the home range size and activity pattern of a White-tailed Sea Eagle (WTSE) by GPS telemetry. Positions were recorded three times a day and the activity pattern were continuously recorded by two acceleration sensors. From July to January, we obtained 475 positions and calculated a 95% kernel home range of 4.53 km2 and a 95% minimum convex polygon of 8.22 km2, indicating a rather small area explained by an optimal habitat and by the much more precise location method used here compared to reports in the literature. Biorhythmic analysis of activity data revealed nearly no night-activity, high day-activity with no fixed daily pattern and a strong 24-h period of activity. The stability and synchronisation between the eagle's activity and the environmental 24-h period was evaluated by calculating the degrees of functional coupling (DFC) and the harmonic part (HP). Mostly, DFC was 100% (meaning that the different physiological and behavioural functions are completely synchronised to each other and to the environmental 24-h period) and the few incursions of the DFC we assumed to be caused by clinically relevant lead intoxications. The agonal stage of the WTSE was indicated by a daily decreasing activity level and HPs and highly modified day–night relationship, and decreasing DFCs at the beginning and at the end of dying process, representing changes in the activity structure. The underlying reason for the behavioural changes was found to be a lethal lead intoxication due to an oral ingestion of particles of rifle ammunition. The new technology of a combined GPS receiver and an acceleration sensor allows the automatic measuring of positions and activity of wild animals at a very precise level over prolonged periods which cannot be achieved by manpower.  相似文献   

  • 1 Classical swine fever has increased in economic importance since it has become endemic in some wild boar Sus scrofa populations in Europe. The mechanism of disease persistence is still not well understood, and several aspects of both the ecology of boar and the virus are claimed to be responsible for disease persistence.
  • 2 We review literature on the spread and persistence of the disease in free‐ranging wild boar. We determine whether the available knowledge can explain the observed patterns via mechanistic processes and their interactions, and assemble knowledge in a conceptual model.
  • 3 We speculate that the most important factor explaining disease persistence is an alteration in disease outcome, resulting in individual courses with prolonged infectiousness or a sustained reproductive population through immunity. This effect is reinforced by high wild boar numbers either within sites or scattered over larger areas.
  • 4 We highlight the sparse knowledge of disease transmission between wild boar. We derive management suggestions for different phases of an outbreak based on the conceptual model and advocate the use of model‐based investigations to test alternative management options.


Endogenous rhythms in intertidal organisms are often very complex and imprecise. Thus, confusing results are sometimes obtained when applying various interpretive analytical techniques. In an attempt to resolve this problem, ten different models representing typical organismic tidal‐rhythm displays were created and examined with five different inferential statistical techniques. The exercise was designed to test the relative effectiveness of these techniques in detecting the presence of known cycles in the models, and estimating their period lengths. The same comparison was then repeated on sets of animal‐derived data.

All of the five methods had their merits, but, depending on the model being examined, the results from the various methods were not identical. Three of the techniques produce harmonics, making data that contain multiple periods especially difficult to decipher. Often both tidal and circadian periods are displayed by shore dwellers; all five methods were able to find these two periods. But when the difference in circa period length was close, only one technique (array analysis) could make a distinction. This technique was also the only one able to handle data in which the period was not constant. Interestingly, this simplest of methods is probably the best all‐round method of discovery. Many more subtle, but important, differences were also noted, and it is recommended that more than one method always be used to ensure accuracy.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on locomotor activity in crowd‐reared first‐stadium nymphs of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria are investigated under continuous light conditions using an actograph apparatus. Nymphs show monomodal or bimodal patterns of locomotor activity with respect to the time after the start of measurements, depending on the age. Locomotor activity is suppressed by the presence of grass in nymphs aged 0–2 days old but a peak of activity observed shortly after hatching is not suppressed. The results suggest that newly‐hatched nymphs may try to disperse from the hatching site. Nymphs show higher locomotor activity levels under moist conditions than under dry conditions during the first 5‐h period of measurements. This enhanced locomotor activity may constitute attempts to avoid high humidity. Under dim‐light conditions (2 × 10?2 Wm?2), locomotor activity is suppressed during the first half day and increases to a high level thereafter in both grass‐fed and unfed individuals. This increased activity might indicate a possible involvement of circadian rhythms. Background colour has no significant effect on the locomotor activity. The present study provides new aspects of behaviour in nymphs as well as baseline data for behavioural analysis of locust locomotion in relation to phase polyphenism.  相似文献   

We examined the reproductive phenology of wild boar populations in four regions of the western Iberian Peninsula during the 1999/2000 hunting season (October–February). To estimate conception dates and birth distribution frequencies, we used foetal weights. Regions differed significantly, and we detected a relationship between region and birth distribution frequencies. Throughout the year, food availability had a major influence on the distribution of farrowing. Although a short period of high food availability leads to highly synchronous births, even in relatively harsh environmental conditions, adult females that exploit low-quality food items appear to be able to give birth at any time of the year.  相似文献   

Histological examination and dissection of a subcutaneous nodule removed from the right infraclavicular region of a 69-year-old woman from Oita, Kyushu, Japan, revealed a young female of Onchocerca dewittei japonica, a common parasite of wild boar in the Oita region. Distinctive morphologic characteristics of this Onchocerca species include the thick cuticle with very prominent and straight transverse ridges overlapping at the lateral sides, the lack of inner striae (scalloping) of the inner cuticle layer, the dorso-ventral symmetry, and the thick somatic muscles. Jointed with previous reports in the past decade, this case confirms the occasional transmission of the parasite from wild boar to humans in Oita.  相似文献   

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