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Improving biological indicators to better assess the condition of streams   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Biological indicators of stream condition are in use by water resource managers worldwide. The State of Maryland and many other organizations that use Indices of Biotic Integrity (IBIs) must determine when and how to refine their IBIs so that better stream condition information is provided. With completion of the second statewide round in 2004, the Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS) had collected data from 2500 stream sites, more than doubling the number of sites that were available for the original IBI development. This larger dataset provided an opportunity for the MBSS to address the following shortcomings in the original IBIs: (1) substantial disturbance apparent in some reference sites, (2) fish IBIs could not be applied to very small streams, (3) natural variability within IBIs (based on regions) resulted in some stream types (e.g., coldwater and blackwater streams) receiving lower IBI scores and (4) one IBI was not able to discriminate degradation as desired (i.e., Coastal Plain fish IBI). Therefore, development of new fish and benthic macroinvertebrate IBIs was undertaken to achieve the goals of: (1) increased confidence that the reference conditions are minimally disturbed, (2) including more natural variation (such as stream size) across the geographic regions and stream types of Maryland and (3) increased sensitivity of IBIs by using more classes (strata) and different metric combinations. New fish IBIs were developed for four geographical and stream type strata: Coastal Plain, Eastern Piedmont, warmwater Highlands and coldwater Highlands streams; new benthic macroinvertebrate IBIs were developed for three geographical strata: Coastal Plain, Eastern Piedmont and Highlands streams. The addition of one new fish IBI and one new benthic macroinvertebrate IBI partitioned natural variability into more homogeneous strata. At the same time, smaller streams (i.e., those draining catchments <300 ac), which constituted a greater proportion of streams (25%) sampled in Round Two (2000–2004) than Round One (1995–1997), because of the finer map scale, were included in the reference conditions used to develop the new IBIs. The resulting new IBIs have high classification efficiencies of 83–96% and are well balanced between Type I and Type II errors. By scoring coldwater streams, smaller streams and to some extent blackwater streams higher, the new IBIs improve on the original IBIs. Overall, the new IBIs provide better assessments of stream condition to support sound management decisions, without requiring substantial changes by cooperating stream assessment programs.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to develop and apply a fish-based biotic integrity index to assess lowland streams in a highly deforested region of the Upper Paraná River basin. Fifty-six first-order segments were randomly selected for environmental and fish evaluation. Because previous analysis had identified the main type of effect on the streams of the region as physical habitat degradation, 22 qualitatively biological attributes were selected and tested over a physical condition gradient between reference and degraded sites. Sensitivity and redundancy of each attribute revealed that five metrics were adequate for discriminating higher quality from degraded sites. Of the fifty-six streams assessed, one (2%) was classified as good, four (7%) as fair, ten (18%) as poor, and forty-one (73%) as very poor, indicating that, on a regional scale, many aspects of biological integrity are altered, indicative of serious degradation. Considering that first-order segments amount to 11,000 km in total, it is noticeable that 10,000 km of the stream segments have no more than half of the expected conditions, indicative of poor or very poor biotic integrity conditions. Possible strategies of mitigating this scenario are discussed. Handling editor: S. M. Thomaz  相似文献   

Multimetric indices (MMI) have been widely used to assess ecosystem conditions because they are low-cost, employ a rapid field method, and can incorporate various biological metrics at different levels of biological organization. Our objective was to create a fish-based multimetric index applicable to all streams of the Brazilian savanna biome (Cerrado), the second largest biome in Brazil and deemed a global biodiversity hotspot. We evaluated 156 sites in two river basins (Paraná and São Francisco) and selected metrics capable of distinguishing stream-sites across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbances. We employed two different MMI approaches to determine if an MMI based on natural variation-adjusted metrics performed better than one based on unadjusted metrics. In addition, we assessed the performance of the two final MMIs and their sensitivity to anthropogenic pressures at local (LDI), catchment (CDI) and both scales integrated (IDI). Finally, we employed the power of a probability sample survey design to infer headwater stream conditions across a hydrologic region of approximately 47,000 km2. Our final MMI for Brazilian savanna streams included six metrics: % common species; % characiform individuals; % loricariid individuals; % trichomycterid individuals; % invertivore species, and % Poecilia reticulata individuals. MMI1 (unadjusted metrics) performed better than MMI2 (natural variation-adjusted metrics) in discriminating least- and most-disturbed sites, but MMI2 distinguished intermediate from most-disturbed sites better than MMI1. Both indices were negatively correlated with the CDI scores; however, only MMI2 was negatively correlated with the IDI scores. We inferred that 709 km (9.35%) of streams in the studied hydrologic region were in good condition, 8115 km (82.73%) were intermediate, and 641 km (7.91%) were in poor condition. We conclude that the MMIs proposed in this study have great potential for widespread application because they integrate data from two of the most important Brazilian river basins included in a biome that represents more than 20% of the country. Furthermore, the metrics retained in the indexes are easy to access with a rapid low-cost field method. However, their feasibility in areas influenced by mining, as well as in different biomes, should be tested.  相似文献   

Few studies have addressed within-year temporal variation of IBI scores. We compared index of biotic integrity (IBI) scores for two summer sampling events from a large river during 25 annual periods. The results indicated that IBI scores calculated from June samples were not significantly different from July samples. Spatial autocorrelation was present, such that sites that were closer together produced similar IBI scores and could not be considered independent. Temporal autocorrelation was present, but was not strong. Lower quality sites (low IBI score) did not have higher variation than higher quality sites. Our results show that a single sample of fishes by boat electrofisher during the summer in a large river such as the Wabash River can produce a repeatable estimate of IBI score. Thus, repeated or additional sampling within the summer season to improve the quality of the evaluation is not warranted. Handling editor: J. Trexler  相似文献   

We developed a preliminary fish-based multimetric index (MMI) to assess biotic condition of Atlantic Rain Forest streams in Southeastern Brazil. We used least-disturbed sites as proxies of reference conditions for metric development. To determine the disturbance gradient we used an Integrated Disturbance Index (IDI) that summarized the multiple disturbances measured at local/regional catchment scales in a single index, describing the totality of exposure of the streams to human pressures. For our 48 sites, nine were least-disturbed (IDI < 0.25), five were most-disturbed (IDI > 1.35) and 34 were intermediate. Initially, we considered 41 candidate metrics selected primarily from previous studies. We screened this pool of candidate metrics using a series of tests: range test, signal-to-noise test, correlation with natural gradients, responsiveness test, and redundancy test. After screening, we selected six metrics for the MMI: % Characiform individuals, % water column native individuals, % benthic invertivorous individuals, % tolerant species, % intolerant species, and % detritivorous individuals. Metrics such as diversity, dominance, species richness and biomass that have been historically used for assessing ecosystem condition failed one or more screening tests. We conclude that an IDI and rigorous metric screening are critical to the MMI development process and for meaningful assessments of stream condition.  相似文献   

The development of a multi‐metric fish index, the Estuarine Fish Community Index (EFCI), for assessing estuarine environments is described. The index comprises 14 metrics or measures that represent four broad fish community attributes: species diversity and composition, species abundance, nursery function and trophic integrity. The individual metrics were evaluated using data that were collected on a South African estuary that was degraded and in which rehabilitation measures were implemented. The evaluation suggested that the selected metrics adequately measure the condition of separate but related components of estuarine fish communities and that these reflect environmental condition. Reference conditions and metric thresholds were derived from fish community data collected during an extensive national study. The final multi‐metric index was then constructed and evaluated. The EFCI combines both structural and functional attributes of estuarine fish communities and integrates these to provide both a robust and sensitive method for assessing the ecological condition of estuarine systems. It is also an effective communication tool for converting ecological information into an easily understood format for managers, policy makers and the general public.  相似文献   

Most bioassessment programs in Brazil face difficulties when scaling up from small spatial scales because larger scales usually encompass great environmental variability. Covariance of anthropogenic pressures with natural environmental gradients can be a confounding factor in the evaluation of biologic responses to anthropogenic pressures. The objective of this study was to develop a multimetric index (MMI) with macroinvertebrates for two stream types and two ecoregions in the Atlantic Forest biome in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. We hypothesized that by using two approaches – (1) testing and adjusting metrics to landscape parameters, and (2) selecting metrics using a cluster analysis to avoid metrics redundancy – the final MMI would perform better than the traditional approach (unadjusted metrics, one metric representing each category). Four MMIs were thus developed: MMI-1 – adjusted MMI with metrics selected after cluster analysis); MMI-2 – adjusted MMI with one metric from each category; MMI-3 – unadjusted MMI with metrics selected after cluster analysis; MMI-4 – unadjusted MMI with one metric from each category. We used three decision criteria to assess MMI’s performance: precision, responsiveness and sensitivity. In addition, we tested the MMI’s by using an independent set of sites to validate the results. Although all MMIs performed well in the three criteria, adjusting metrics to natural variation increased MMI response and sensitivity to impairment. In addition, the selected MMI-2 was able to classify sites of two stream types and two ecoregions. The use of cluster analysis, however, did not avoid high redundancy between metrics of different branches. The MMI-4 had the poorest performance among all tested MMIs and it was not able to distinguish adequately reference and impaired sites from both ecoregions. We present some considerations on the use of metrics and on the development of MMI’s in Brazil and elsewhere.  相似文献   

EU countries are required to perform an assessment of all freshwater habitats larger than 50 ha by 2015 to meet the requirements set by the Water Framework Directive (2000). To achieve this, an array of indicators and multimetric indices has been developed to monitor European waters. In general, these indicators are developed for large water bodies, while they are still largely lacking for smaller wetlands. This is in contrast with the conservation value, valuable ecosystem services and the often unique biodiversity of these systems, and the fact that like large (>50 ha) wetlands they are also covered by the Ramsar Convention. In (semi) arid regions, such as the Mediterranean basin, small water bodies are often of a temporary nature, are abundant and provide an important source of water for the local people, their livestock and agriculture. The quantity and quality of temporary wetlands are, however, decreasing at an alarming rate worldwide. Although some monitoring techniques were recently proposed, there is still an urgent need for a consistent policy and a user friendly set of monitoring tools for temporary wetlands that can be applied in different regions. In the following review, we present a whole range of indicators used to monitor different types of freshwater habitats, and discuss how some of these methods could be applied to temporary wetlands. Finally, we formulate some recommendations for temporary wetland monitoring and conservation.  相似文献   

Biological indicators based on fish assemblage characteristics are used to assess stream condition worldwide. Fish-based bioassessment poses challenges in Southern New England, the USA, due to the effects of within-watershed thermal gradients on fish assemblage types, low regional species richness, and lack of minimally disturbed sites. Dual multi-metric indices (MMI) of biological condition were developed for wadeable streams based on fish assemblage characteristics sampled across watershed landscapes with varying levels of human disturbance. A coldwater MMI was developed using streams with drainage area of ≤15 km2, and a mixed-water MMI for streams with drainage areas of >15 km2. For each MMI development, candidate metrics represented by ecological classes were sequentially tested by metric range, within-year precision, correlation with stream size, responsiveness to landscape-level human disturbances, and redundancy. Resultant coldwater and mixed-water MMI were composed of 5 and 7 metrics, respectively. Stream sites tended to score similarly when the two MMI were applied to transitional sites, i.e., drainage areas of 5–40 km2. However, some sites received high scores from the mixed-water MMI and intermediate scores from the coldwater MMI. It was thus difficult to ascertain high-quality mixed-water streams from potential coldwater streams which currently support mixed-water assemblages due to ecological degradation. High-quality coldwater streams were restricted to stream sites with drainage areas ≤15 km2. The newly developed fish-based MMI will serve as a useful management tool and the dual-MMI development approach may be applicable to other regions with thermal gradients that transition from coldwater to warmwater within watersheds.  相似文献   

适应白洋淀湿地健康评价的IBI方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈展  林波  尚鹤  李勇 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6619-6627
IBI指数法是美国湿地生态系统健康评价的常用方法之一,在国内应用较少,目前为止只有少数学者尝试了底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)和鱼类完整性指数进行河流生态系统健康评价。试图建立适合白洋淀地区的生物完整性指数湿地健康状况评价的方法。在白洋淀的23个淀区进行土壤、水体、植物的实地调查与采样分析。根据已有研究所选择的植物属性,选择了30个植物属性作为备选参数。通过考察备选参数与人类干扰的相关性,最后确定了9个对人类干扰敏感的IBI参数。通过分析,建立了适合白洋淀湿地健康评价的标准:IBI,35-45,好;27-34,一般;19-26,差;<18,极差。评价结果表明,白洋淀23个淀区中,6个健康状况好,5个一般,7个差,5个很差。  相似文献   

Whilst the biological traits composition of invertebrate assemblages has been successfully used to monitor temperate rivers, it has been seldom tested in tropical areas. We compared the trait composition of Ephemeroptera assemblages (five traits, 21 modalities) in three categories of headwater streams of FG: reference (undisturbed) sites, sites formerly impacted by gold-mining, and sites currently impacted by gold-mining. Differences in macroinvertebrate assemblage according to environmental characteristics and disturbance were evaluated using correspondence analysis and MANOVA. Among the considered traits, food acquisition, respiration and locomotion detected both past and current disturbance associated with gold-mining in headwaters. A fuzzy correspondence analysis showed a significant segregation of currently gold-mined, formerly gold-mined, and reference sites according to species traits. Shifts in trait composition were mostly related to changes in assemblage composition. Interestingly, no significant decline in diversity indices was observed in formerly gold-mined sites compared to the reference sites, 2 years after abandonment, while the taxonomic and trait composition of communities changed at these sites. These results support the case for further fundamental quantification of species traits, and for the inclusion of sensitive, trait-related metrics in upcoming multimetric indices for the assessment of river health.  相似文献   

1. The spatial distribution and species richness of blackflies were evaluated at 58 stream sites in Central Amazonia, Brazil. Samples were taken along a north–south axis of approximately 130 km and a east–west axis of approximately 220 km.
2. Based on stream-site characteristics, the occurrence of larvae of the six most frequently collected species was highly predictable (79.3–91.5% accuracy in prediction of occurrence). The predictive value of stream size and the presence of impoundments agrees with results of similar work in the Holarctic Region, suggesting a general responses of blackflies to environmental parameters.
3. Although only 19.0% of interstream variation in species richness was explained by a regression model, results suggested that species richness was greater in larger, cooler, faster, covered streams with rocky beds than in smaller, warmer, slower, open streams with sandy bottoms. Overall, the species richness of blackflies (11 species in total) was lower than in the temperate zone suggesting, for some taxa at least, that aquatic communities do not follow the terrestrial pattern of greater species richness in the tropics.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates were sampled in the Chaguana river basin in SW Ecuador in the wet season (March) and the dry season (September) of 2005 and 2006. To assess the robustness of several biological indicators, correlations were calculated between both years and between the wet and the dry season. In addition, it was tested if the indices gave significantly different results for sites with a bad, poor, moderate and good ecological water quality. Composition measures performed poorly in most cases, however, abundance, diversity and richness measures often performed better and tolerance measures, the so-called biotic indices, performed very well, even indices developed for temperate regions. By using pruned multitarget clustering trees, it was possible to predict several well-performing ecological water quality indices simultaneously on the basis of the occurring key macroinvertebrate taxa or, alternatively, on the basis of key environmental variables. In contrast to unpruned trees, which resulted in complex trees that were difficult to interpret and performed inferiorly, pruning resulted in transparent trees. Water quality indices scored high when Hydropsychidae were present and even higher when in addition also Megapodagrionidae were present. When no Hydropsychidae nor Libellulidae were present, the indices reached the lowest scores. However, this model based on key taxa occurrences did not perform well during validation. Water quality indices scored higher with increasing dissolved oxygen concentrations and a strong current velocity. The latter model based on environmental variables also performed well during validation. In the presented study, the ecological water quality could thus be accurately predicted solely on the basis of dissolved oxygen concentration and current velocity. It can therefore be concluded that multitarget clustering trees can be easily used as a practical tool for cost-effective decision support by water quality managers.  相似文献   

An existing version of a fish assemblage-basedindex of biotic integrity (IBI) for the streamsand rivers of west central Mexico was testedwith independent data to validate itsusefulness as a measure of ecosystem qualityand to determine the geographic area where itis effective. Fish assemblages from 63 uplandsites in 10 basins in central Mexico(Armería, Ameca, Coahuayana, Marabasco,Purificación, Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago, Lerma, Balsas and Pánuco) wereassessed using the metrics and scoring criteriafrom the existing IBI and then compared withindependent evaluations of habitat and waterquality. IBI scores were congruent withhabitat and water quality values in theArmería, Purificación and Marabascobasins, where the IBI was first developed, aswell as in the adjacent Ameca and Coahuayanabasins. We conclude that the IBI can be usedwithout modification to assess environmentalquality in non-coastal streams and riverswithin these five basins. Further data areneeded from the Grande de Morelia, Grande deSantiago and middle Lerma basins, but ourresults suggest that the existing IBI may alsobe effective here. However, the existing IBIdoes not consistently reflect habitat and waterquality conditions in the Balsas and Pánucobasins and must be modified before it can beapplied there. Necessary modifications in theBalsas basin appear to be small and relatedprimarily to changes in the scoring criteriafor metrics. However, in the Pánuco basinmore substantive changes in the nature of themetrics are required. Changes in the IBI forthese basins are proposed. The IBI is nowvalidated for use in river monitoring,conservation and restoration efforts in 5basins in west central Mexico and suggestionsfor its application in other basins areavailable here.  相似文献   

In agrarian economy of developing nations like India, smallholder dairy production is an important enterprise and its sustainability is vital for ensuring livelihood and nutritional security to the masses. Studies on methodological aspects of farm sustainability at micro-level are limited, either confined to a particular dimension of sustainability or based on complex data requirement which is not feasible to obtain in the context of smallholder dairy farms. This study has developed a multi-attribute farm level sustainability assessment method encompassing economic, social and ecological dimensions of sustainability and has applied it to assess the sustainability of dairy farming in north-western part of India. Based on data from 120 dairy farms located in rural area of Jaipur district from the state of Rajasthan, the study computed the composite Sustainable Dairy Farming Index (SDFI). The overall substantiality status of the smallholder dairy farms in the study area was not encouraging, implying that it may not be viable for future generation to take up the enterprise. Among the three dimensions of sustainability, the average scores of ecological dimension were highest followed by the economic and social sustainability scores. Some of the core attributes like feed productivity, management of animal genetic potential and gender equality are particularly weak aspects of the dairy production system in India. The direct relationship of economic sustainability with herd size suggests for farmers with very small herds (one to two) animals, increasing the number of dairy animals to about five to six, would be a good strategy to economize on input costs and generate more marketed surplus of milk.  相似文献   

This study describes the application of a protocol for biological assessment of water quality at first to third order streams at Serra dos órg?os, an area covered by Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Major impacts in the region are domestic effluents and deforestation. Our main objective is to establish biocriteria for the establishment of the Serra dos órg?os Multimetric Index (SOMI) based on benthic macroinvertebrates. We used data from previous studies, sampled by experienced biologists, from 1999 through 2002. The benthic macroinvertebrate community was sampled in 12 reference sites and seven impaired sites in three river basins: Guapimirim, Macaé and Grande, all from the same bioregion. From the 22 tested metrics, 6 were included in the SOMI (% Diptera, % Coleoptera, Family Taxa, EPT Taxa, BMWP-CETEC and % Shredders). Scores (5, 3 or 1) were developed for these metrics to allow for aggregation into the index. Seven intermediately impaired sites were used for evaluating the applicability of the multimetric index. We concluded that the SOMI is a robust easy-to-apply tool for biomonitoring programs in the Serra dos órg?os region, south-east Brazil. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorised users. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Probability-based survey designs are now being investigated to allow condition to be assessed for a discrete population of watershed management units and to infer probability of impairment to other unsampled watersheds. Results can be used to focus further monitoring and restoration efforts. Fish community data and index of biotic integrity (IBI) development were compared between the 1993 and 1998 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program Mid-Atlantic Integrated Assessment (EMAP-MAIA) survey and a West Virginia Regional EMAP (WV REMAP) survey conducted in 2001–2002. Both designs were based on probability surveys, but the EMAP design treated streams as a continuous linear network comprising an infinite population of points, while the REMAP design used a discrete set of watershed outlets as defined by 12-digit Hydrologic Cataloging Units (HUC12) as the sample population. The comparability of the watershed-based WV REMAP survey design results with the linear network-based EMAP-MAIA survey results for West Virginia was affected by the different size range of watershed areas included in each target population. Once similar watershed area ranges were considered by narrowing the size range included in the West Virginia EMAP-MAIA data set, virtually identical cumulative distribution functions for fish IBI scores were obtained. The reduced variability in reference conditions obtained by applying a restricted range of watershed areas allowed us to detect and correct for ecoregional differences in fish IBI metrics and scores, after excluding the biogeographically distinct Potomac River drainage basin located in the Central Appalachian Ridge and Valley Ecoregion. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Soils are one of the most important features of the natural capital of terrestrial ecosystems. There is a strong and increasing policy requirement for effective monitoring of soils at local, regional and national-scales. However, it remains unclear which properties of soils are most appropriately monitored. This is partly due to the wide range of goods and services that soils provide, but also their inherent chemical, physical and biological complexity. Given that the biota plays such fundamental roles in the majority of ecosystem services provided by soils, biological properties are logical candidates as effective indicators, to complement soil physico-chemical properties. A plethora of biological methods have been suggested as indicators for monitoring soils but few are used in national-scale monitoring or are published as international standards. A framework for selecting ecologically relevant biological indicators of soil quality, for national-scale soil monitoring, that cover the range of functions and services of soil was devised. The literature was surveyed to identify 183 candidate biological indicators which were then scored by experts and stakeholders against a wide range of scientific and technical criteria. The framework used the scores and weightings to then rank, prioritise and select the indicators. This semi-objective approach using a “logical sieve” allowed repeated iterations to take account of end-user requirements and expert opinion. A ranked list of 21 indicators was produced that covered a range of genotypic-, phenotypic- and functional-based indicators for different trophic groups. Four of these were not deemed sufficiently robust for ready deployment in a national-scale monitoring scheme without further methodological development. The suite of indicators identified offers the strongest potential candidates for deployment in national-scale soil monitoring schemes. However, standard operating procedures, their inherent sensitivity, ability to discriminate between soil:land use combinations, ecological interpretation all need to be confirmed. The power of the approach adopted here is that it provides a clear record and audit trail on the decision-making process, enables different priorities to be set contingent on the nature of the desired monitoring, and can direct and allow the inclusion of further methods or indicators into the framework.  相似文献   

Assessment of stream ecosystem ‘health’ traditionally uses structural indicators (e.g., invertebrate community composition) but often neglects indicators of ecosystem processes (e.g., decomposition rates), providing an incomplete picture of overall ecosystem condition. Given a lack of standardized process-based indicators, we present a protocol for measuring organic-matter decomposition, represented by the breakdown of cellulose in the form of woven cotton fabric. The material, used more conventionally as artists’ fabric, has been suggested as a replacement for a standard cotton material (Shirley Burial Test Fabric) that had been widely used in decomposition studies for decades but is no longer manufactured. In field trials, we incubated cotton strips made of artists’ fabric in 49 streams in the Midwest (USA), northern Michigan (USA), and in New Zealand to: (1) test the assay under field conditions, (2) provide an initial population of data to which future studies can be compared, and (3) assess some environmental conditions that might influence cotton-strip decay. Decomposition of the strips, as loss of tensile strength, differed among regions and, in some cases, among streams within regions, suggesting that the assay is sensitive to differences in environmental conditions at regional and watershed scales. Mean rates (and standard deviation) of tensile-strength loss across streams of tensile-strength loss were 2.3%/d (0.4), 1.8%/d (0.7), and 1.5%/d (1.0) for the midwestern, Michigan, and New Zealand streams, and 1.7%/d (0.8) overall. Principal components analysis indicated that stream water ammonium and soluble reactive phosphorus explained a small but significant amount of variation (R2 = 0.12) in tensile-strength loss among streams. Rates of respiration of cotton strips incubated in Michigan streams were positively related to tensile-strength loss (R2 = 0.70). When streams were classified by substrate size, cotton-strip tensile strength (but not respiration) differed among substrate size classes. We conclude that a cotton-strip assay based on the artists’ fabric holds promise for replacing the assay based on the Shirley material, and as a process-based indicator for assessing the condition of stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

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