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Molecular clones containing the 3' half of newly integrated mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA with adjacent mouse cellular sequences were characterized. In addition, we cloned the long terminal redundancy joint from the unintegrated circular form of MMTV DNA. The entire nucleotide sequence of the integrated and part of the unintegrated terminal redundancy was determined; this allowed us to delineate the boundaries of the MMTV long terminal redundancy, which comprises 1,327 base pairs. The position of possible RNA polymerase II initiation and termination signals corresponded closely to the expected regions of viral RNA initiation and termination specified by current models. The MMTV long terminal redundancy also contained a large open reading frame with sufficient information for a protein of 198 amino acids. Initial comparison of flanking 3' cellular sequences from three independent integrated clones suggested there was no host sequence specificity in the MMTV integration event. However, specificity of integration with respect to viral sequences was precise.  相似文献   

The 3′ half of an endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus from a C3H mouse was cloned in the Charon 4A vector phage. A comparison of the proviral clone with previously published endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus restriction maps identified it as endogenous unit II (J. Cohen and H. Varmus, Nature [London] 278:418-423, 1979), which is present in all inbred mouse strains derived from the original Bagg albino × DBA cross. The nucleotide sequence of the unit II long terminal redundancy (LTR) was determined and compared with the sequence previously determined for the exogenous C3H virus LTR (Donehower et al., J. Virol. 37:226-238, 1981). Virtually all sequence differences between the two LTRs were base substitutions. The total amount of sequence divergence was 6.6%. The large open reading frame reported previously in the exogenous LTR was preserved in the endogenous LTR. In addition, the pattern of sequence divergence was highly nonrandom with respect to the putative amino acid codons of the two open reading frames. Most of the base substitutions in this region resulted in silent or conservative amino acid codon changes. The nonrandom divergence pattern indicates that selective forces are operating on this segment of DNA and argues that the putative protein is functional in the life cycle of mouse mammary tumor virus. Possible roles for the protein and its mode of expression are discussed.  相似文献   

Two novel exogenous mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTV), BALB2 and BALB14, that encode superantigens (Sags) with Vbeta2+ and Vbeta14+ specificities, respectively, were found in the BALB/cT mouse strain. BALB/cT females were crossed with AKR/J males to generate F1 females. Foster nursing of BALB/cT mice on (BALB/cT x AKR/J)F1 mothers resulted in the generation of a new mouse strain, BALB/cLA, that had acquired a new exogenous MMTV (hereafter called LA) with a Vbeta6+/Vbeta8.1+-T-cell-specific Sag. Sequence analysis of the long terminal repeats of the BALB2, BALB14, and LA viruses indicated that LA virus resulted from recombination between BALB14 and the endogenous Mtv-7 provirus. Mtv-7 is expressed only in lymphoid tissues but not the mammary glands of Mtv-7-containing mouse strains such as AKR. In contrast, LA virus was highly expressed in the mammary gland, although it had the sag-specific region from Mtv-7. The LA virus, as well as different recombinant viruses expressed in the mammary glands of (BALB/cT x AKR/J)F1 mice, acquired a specific DNA sequence from BALB14 virus that is required for the mammary-gland-specific expression of MMTV. Since the Sag encoded by LA virus strongly stimulated cognate T cells in vivo, selection for recombinant virus with the Mtv-7 sag most likely occurred because the increased T-cell proliferation resulted in greater lymphoid and mammary gland cell infection. As a result of the higher virus titer, 80% of BALB/cLA females developed mammary gland tumors, although the incidence was only 40% in BALB/cT mice.  相似文献   

We propose a revised standardized nomenclature for endogenous mouse mammary tumor viruses based on characterization by molecular cloning techniques and genetic segregation data.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a slowly transforming retrovirus associated primarily with the induction of mammary tumors. It is widely accepted that T-cell lymphomas of various mouse strains are associated with extra proviruses of MMTV. These extra proviruses showed site-specific rearrangements in the U3 region of long terminal repeats (LTRs), consisting of about 400 nucleotide deletions and occasional substitution resulting in unique tandem repeats. However, the question of whether these mutant MMTVs cause lymphomas has not been experimentally resolved. Here we present distinct evidence that they do. We constructed chimeric MMTVs by replacing the LTR of the recently constructed pathogenic MMTV provirus clone with rearranged LTRs of MMTV proviruses obtained from two DBA/2 mouse lymphoma cell lines, MLA and DL-8, and inoculated them into BALB/c mice. These mice developed lymphomas, but no mammary tumors, 4 to 11 months postinoculation, whereas the original pathogenic MMTV clone alone induced mammary tumors. These results showed that the tissue specificity of MMTV tumorigenesis is determined by the LTR structures.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) has long been implicated in mouse mammary carcinogenesis, and it is now well established that the long terminal repeat (LTR) contains regulatory sequences responsible for glucocorticoid-mediated induction of viral RNA. However, we have demonstrated previously that androgens as well as glucocorticoids can regulate MMTV RNA in the S115 mouse mammary tumor cell line. To determine if androgens act directly on the LTR in these cells, plasmids were constructed with the MMTV LTR joined to the coding sequences of genes not normally expressed in the cells. Following transfection of these chimeric genes into S115 cells, we show that the expression of the genes is regulated by both androgens and glucocorticoids. Furthermore, hormonal regulation is also conferred by the LTR on the neighboring guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (gpt) gene. Thus, androgens can act on the LTR of MMTV when the appropriate receptors are present in the cells, and this interaction can influence the expression of additional adjacent genes.  相似文献   

A possible involvement of retroelements in the epigenetic regulation of human gene expression was considered by the example of methylation of long terminal repeats (LTRs) of the human endogenous retrovirus family K (HERV-K). The methylation status of six HERV-K LTRs was determined in various gene-enriched regions of the human genome. The methylation of four LTRs was shown to be tissue-specific. Our results correlated with published data on the tissue-specific changes in the expression level of human genes adjacent to the LTRs under study. The English version of the paper: Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004, vol. 30, no. 5; see also http: // www.maik.ru.  相似文献   

Starting from a biologically active recombinant DNA clone of exogenous unintegrated GR mouse mammary tumor virus, we have generated three subclones of PstI fragments of 1.45, 1.1, and 2.0 kb in the plasmid vector PBR322. The nucleotide sequence has been determined for the clone of 1.45 kb which includes almost the complete region of the long terminal repeat (LTR) plus an adjacent stretch of unique sequence DNA. A short region of the 2.0 kb clone, containing the beginning of the LTR, has also been sequenced. Starting with the A of an initiation codon outside the LTR, we detected an open reading frame of 960 nucleotides, potentially coding for a protein of 320 amino acids (36K). Two hundred nucleotides downstream from the termination codon, and approximately 25 nucleotides upstream from the presumptive initiation site of viral RNA synthesis, we found a promoter-like sequence. The sequence AGTAAA was detected approximately 15-20 nucleotides upstream from the 3'' end of virion RNA and probably serves as a polyadenylation signal. The 1.45 kb PstI fragment has been transfected into Ltk- cells together with a plasmid containing the thymidine kinase gene of herpes simplex virus. The virus-specific RNA synthesis detected in a Tk+ cell clone was strongly stimulated by the addition of dexamethasone.  相似文献   

We identified mouse mammary tumor proviral loci in the AKR/J, C3H/HeJ, C57BL/6J, C57L/J, DBA/2J, and SWR/J inbred mouse strains and determined their segregation patterns in the AKXD, AKXL, BXD, BXH, and SWXL recombinant inbred strain sets. Two new Mtv loci, Mtv-29 and Mtv-30, were identified. Mtv-30 was genetically mapped to chromosome 12. Additionally, two previously identified Mtv loci, Mtv-14 and Mtv-23, were genetically mapped to chromosome 4 and chromosome 6, respectively.  相似文献   

Restriction fragments of the mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) proviral DNA were obtained by molecular cloning procedures. A 4-kilobase fragment delimited by two PstI sites was isolated from unintegrated, linear MMTV DNA and amplified in the pBr322 plasmid vector. EcoRI fragments of proviral DNA, integrated into the genome of a GR mammary tumor cell line, were isolated as lambda recombinant molecules. Five different recombinant phages which contained the 3' region of the MMTV proviral DNA and adjacent host DNA sequences were isolated. Heteroduplex analysis and S1 nuclease digestion suggested that there is no extensive sequence homology in the host DNA flanking the different proviral genes. The cloned DNA was fractionated into site-specific restriction fragments which served as molecular probes in the analysis of the endogenous MMTV proviral copies of C3H, GR, BALB/c, and feral mice. This allowed the correlation of MMTV-specific EcoRI fragments obtained from genomic DNA of these strains with the 5' and 3' ends of the proviral gene. Restriction fragments of two clones which contained the proviral sequences adjacent to the flanking host DNA as well as 1 to 2 kilobases of host DNA were used as hybridization probes, and the results allow the following conclusions: the proviral DNA of both clones contains nucleotide sequences complementary to the 5' and 3' ends of proviral DNA; and the host DNA flanking one clone belongs to the unique class of genomic DNA, whereas the DNA flanking the second clone is reiterated at least 15 times within the mouse genome.  相似文献   

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