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Although many species have similar total distributional ranges, they might be restricted to very different habitats and might have different phylogeographical histories. In the European Alps, our excellent knowledge of the evolutionary history of silicate‐dwelling (silicicole) plants is contrasted by a virtual lack of data from limestone‐dwelling (calcicole) plants. These two categories exhibit fundamentally different distribution patterns within the Alps and are expected to differ strongly with respect to their glacial history. The calcicole Ranunculus alpestris group comprises three diploid species of alpine habitats. Ranunculus alpestris s. str. is distributed over the southern European mountain system, while R. bilobus and R. traunfellneri are southern Alpine narrow endemics. To explore their phylogenetic relationships and phylogeographical history, we investigated the correlation between information given by nuclear and chloroplast DNA data. Analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprints and matK sequences gave incongruent results, indicative for reticulate evolution. Our data highlight historical episodes of range fragmentation and expansion, occasional long‐distance dispersal and on‐going gene flow as important processes shaping the genetic structure of the group. Genetic divergence, expressed as a rarity index (‘frequency‐down‐weighted marker values’) seems a better indicator of historical processes than patterns of genetic diversity, which rather mirror contemporary processes as connectivity of populations and population sizes. Three phylogeographical subgroups have been found within the R. alpestris group, neither following taxonomy nor geography. Genetic heterogeneity in the Southern Alps contrasts with Northern Alpine uniformity. The Carpathians have been stepwise‐colonised from the Eastern Alpine lineage, resulting in a marked diversity loss in the Southern Carpathians. The main divergence within the group, separating the ancestor of the two endemic species from R. alpestris s. str., predates the Quaternary. Therefore, range shifts produced by palaeoclimatic oscillations seem to have acted on the genetic structure of R. alpestris group on a more regional level, e.g. triggering an allopatric separation of R. traunfellneri from R. bilobus.  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent studies elucidating the glacial history of alpine plants have yielded controversial results. While some have favoured glacial survival on mountain tops above the glaciers (nunataks), others did not find support for this hypothesis. Furthermore, all of the published phylogeographic patterns are strikingly different. In order to provide more data for a future comparative phylogeographical approach, we investigated 53 populations of the high alpine cushion plant Androsace alpina (Primulaceae), endemic to the European Alps, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). While Principal Co-ordinate Analysis (PCoA) of populations revealed four genetically-defined phylogeographical groups corresponding to geographic regions, Neighbour Joining analysis (NJ) separated only three groups. Mantel tests were used to assess the goodness-of-fit between the grouping in PCoA and the genetic similarity matrix, and these showed high similarity between the two eastern phylogeographical groups. This, together with other lines of evidence, is interpreted as an indication for colonization of the eastern part of the distributional range of A. alpina from westerly adjacent populations. The phylogeographical groups can all be related to potential refugia for alpine plants, based on geological and palaeoclimatological data. However, due to the comparatively weak phylogeographical structure, our data do not allow us to rule out glacial survival on nunataks in central parts of the Pleistocene ice shield.  相似文献   

Many mountain ranges have been strongly glaciated during the Quaternary ice ages, and the locations of glacial refugia of mountain plants have been debated for a long time. A series of detailed molecular studies, investigating intraspecific genetic variation of mountain plants in the European Alps, now allows for a first synopsis. A comparison of the phylogeographic patterns with geological and palaeoenvironmental data demonstrates that glacial refugia were located along the southwestern, southern, eastern and northern border of the Alps. Additional glacial refugia were present in central Alpine areas, where high-elevation plants survived the last glaciation on ice-free mountain tops. The observed intraspecific phylogeographies suggest general patterns of glacial survival, which conform to well-known centres of Alpine species diversity and endemism. This implies that evolutionary or biogeographic processes induced by climatic fluctuations act on gene and species diversity in a similar way.  相似文献   

Ranunculus glacialis ssp. glacialis is an arctic-alpine plant growing in central and southern European and Scandinavian mountain ranges and the European Arctic. In order to elucidate the taxon's migration history, we applied amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to populations from the Pyrenees, Tatra mountains and Northern Europe and included data from a previous study on Alpine accessions. Populations from the Alps and the Tatra mountains were genetically highly divergent and harboured many private AFLP fragments, indicating old vicariance. Whereas nearly all Alpine populations of R. glacialis were genetically highly variable, the Tatrean population showed only little variation. Our data suggest that the Pyrenees were colonized more recently than the separation of the Tatra from the Alps. Populations in Northern Europe, by contrast, were similar to those of the Eastern Alps but showed only little genetic variation. They harboured no private AFLP fragments and only a subset of East Alpine ones, and they exhibited no phylogeographical structure. It is very likely therefore that R. glacialis colonized Northern Europe in postglacial times from source populations in the Eastern Alps.  相似文献   

Sources and implications of genetic diversity in agamic complexes are still under debate. Population studies (amplified fragment length polymorphisms, microsatellites) and karyological methods (Feulgen DNA image densitometry and flow cytometry) were employed for characterization of genetic diversity and ploidy levels of 10 populations of Ranunculus carpaticola in central Slovakia. Whereas two diploid populations showed high levels of genetic diversity, as expected for sexual reproduction, eight populations are hexaploid and harbour lower degrees of genotypic variation, but maintain high levels of heterozygosity at many loci, as is typical for apomicts. Polyploid populations consist either of a single AFLP genotype or of one dominant and a few deviating genotypes. genotype/genodive and character incompatibility analyses suggest that genotypic variation within apomictic populations is caused by mutations, but in one population probably also by recombination. This local facultative sexuality may have a great impact on regional genotypic diversity. Two microsatellite loci discriminated genotypes separated by the accumulation of few mutations ('clone mates') within each AFLP clone. Genetic diversity is partitioned mainly among apomictic populations and is not geographically structured, which may be due to facultative sexuality and/or multiple colonizations of sites by different clones. Habitat differentiation and a tendency to inhabit artificial meadows is more pronounced in apomictic than in sexual populations. We hypothesize that maintenance of genetic diversity and superior colonizing abilities of apomicts in temporally and spatially heterogeneous environments are important for their distributional success.  相似文献   

Neiman M  Lively CM 《Molecular ecology》2004,13(10):3085-3098
Pleistocene glaciation has been identified as an important factor shaping present-day patterns of phylogeographical structure in a diverse array of taxa. The purpose of this study was to use mitochondrial sequence data to address whether Pleistocene glaciation is also a major determinant of phylogeographical patterns in Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a freshwater snail native to New Zealand. We found that haplotypes were separated by no more than 3.7% sequence divergence, and major genetic divisions tended to occur on a north-south axis. These data fit the predictions of the hypothesis that isolation of P. antipodarum in glacial refugia at the northern and southern tip of the South Island of New Zealand during the Pleistocene glaciation underlies the present-day phylogeographical structure. Because sexual P. antipodarum occasionally produce asexual offspring, we also used these data to show that the appearance of asexuality is not phylogeographically constrained. This means that the maintenance of sex in P. antipodarum cannot be wholly due to limited contact between sexual and asexual lineages and must instead be linked to a selective advantage of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

秦岭毛茛属植物(毛茛科)的分类学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赵亮  田先华  任毅 《西北植物学报》2006,26(11):2360-2366
记载了产于秦岭的毛茛属植物共11种,4变种,其中含秦岭分布新记录4种、3变种,它们是:美丽毛茛、丽江毛茛(变种)、毛果毛茛(变种)、丝叶毛茛(变种)、褐鞘毛茛、愚毛茛、匍枝毛茛;另外,收录了《秦岭植物志》遗漏的另外2种,即太白山毛茛和细长喙毛茛。经研究认为,《秦岭植物志》原记载的小毛茛Ranunculus ternatusThunb.在秦岭无分布。给出了秦岭毛茛属植物分种(变种)检索表;对每一种及种下等级的产地及分布进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

Phyteuma globulariifolium is a high alpine plant species growing in the European Alps and the Pyrenees. In order to elucidate its glacial history, 325 individuals from 69 populations were analysed using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. A strongly hierarchical phylogeographical pattern was detected: Two major east-west vicariant groups can be separated along a gap in the distributional area. A further subdivision into at least four populational groups is in congruence with presumed peripheral glacial refugia. There is no indication for survival on unglaciated mountain tops (nunataks) in the interior of the Pleistocene ice shield covering the Alps. Our results favour glacial survival in peripheral, unglaciated or not fully glaciated areas. Populations of P. globulariifolium in the Pyrenees are the result of relatively recent long-distance dispersal. Within the Alps, there is strong differentiation among groups of populations, whereas within them the differentiation is weak. This suggests high levels of gene-flow over short to middle distances.  相似文献   

Biogeographical patterns within the California Floristic Province have been greatly affected by geological and climatic events. Here, we investigate the phylogeography of foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana) in an effort to date its range disjunction using molecular data and to further our understanding of phylogeographical patterns for plants within the California Floristic Province. The distribution of foxtail pine is characterized by a 500-km disjunction separating populations located in the Klamath Mountains from those in the southern Sierra Nevada. Previous authors suggested that this disjunction occurred approximately 4000-8000 years ago during the Holocene Xerotherm when western North America became warmer and drier. Those dates, however, are inconsistent with the morphological differences that separate regional populations into formally recognized subspecies. Using the coalescent-based isolation with migration model and DNA sequence data from the chloroplast, mitochondrial, and nuclear genomes, we evaluate several hypotheses addressing the timing of this range disjunction and its effects on subsequent patterns of gene flow. Results from all three genomes are largely consistent with Middle to Early Pleistocene divergence dates. Those dates correspond to the Sherwin glaciation, which was the largest Pleistocene glacial episode in the Sierra Nevada. Gene flow, moreover, was only documented using data from the chloroplast genome, suggesting that low levels of long-distance pollen dispersal (N(e)m < 0.5) have occurred since this divergence event. These results are extended to a discussion of the biogeographical development of subalpine forests in California.  相似文献   

The geology and climate of the western Mediterranean area were strongly modified during the Late Tertiary and the Quaternary. These geological and climatic events are thought to have induced changes in the population histories of plants in the Iberian Peninsula. However, fine-scale genetic spatial architecture across western Mediterranean steppe plant refugia has rarely been investigated. A population genetic analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphism variation was conducted on present-day, relict populations of Ferula loscosii (Apiaceae). This species exhibits high individual/population numbers in the middle Ebro river valley and, according to the hypothesis of an abundant-centre distribution, these northern populations might represent a long-standing/ancestral distribution centre. However, our results suggest that the decimated southern and central Iberian populations are more variable and structured than the northeastern ones, representing the likely vestiges of an ancestral distribution centre of the species. Phylogeographical analysis suggests that F. loscosii likely originated in southern Spain and then migrated towards the central and northeastern ranges, further supporting a Late Miocene southern-bound Mediterranean migratory way for its oriental steppe ancestors. In addition, different glacial-induced conditions affected the southern and northern steppe Iberian refugia during the Quaternary. The contrasting genetic homogeneity of the Ebro valley range populations compared to the southern Iberian ones possibly reflects more severe bottlenecks and subsequent genetic drift experienced by populations of the northern Iberia refugium during the Pleistocene, followed by successful postglacial expansion from only a few founder plants.  相似文献   

The arctic–alpine Ranunculus glacialis s. l. is distributed in high‐mountain ranges of temperate Europe and in the North, where it displays an extreme disjunction between the North Atlantic Arctic and Beringia. Based on comprehensive sampling and employing plastid and nuclear marker systems, we (i) test whether the European/Beringian disjunction correlates with the main evolutionary diversification, (ii) reconstruct the phylogeographic history in the Arctic and in temperate mountains and (iii) assess the susceptibility of arctic and mountain populations to climate change. Both data sets revealed several well‐defined lineages, mostly with a coherent geographic distribution. The deepest evolutionary split did not coincide with the European/Beringian disjunction but occurred within the Alps. The Beringian lineage and North Atlantic Arctic populations, which reached their current distribution via rapid postglacial colonization, show connections to two divergent pools of Central European populations. Thus, immigration into the Arctic probably occurred at least twice. The presence of a rare cpDNA lineage related to Beringia in the Carpathians supports the role of these mountains as a stepping stone between temperate Europe and the non‐European Arctic, and as an important area of high‐mountain biodiversity. The temperate and arctic ranges presented contrasting phylogeographic histories: a largely static distribution in the former and rapid latitudinal spread in the latter. The persistence of ancient lineages with a strictly regional distribution suggests that the ability of R. glacialis to survive repeated climatic changes within southern mountain ranges is greater than what recently was predicted for alpine plants from climatic envelope modelling.  相似文献   

In the last decade a number of studies has illustrated quite different phylogeographical patterns amongst plants with a northern present‐day geographical distribution, spanning the entire circumboreal region and/or circumarctic region and southern mountains. These works, employing several marker systems, have brought to light the complex evolutionary histories of this group. Here I focus on one circumboreal plant species, Chamaedaphne calyculata (leatherleaf), to unravel its phylogeographical history and patterns of genetic diversity across its geographical range. A survey of 29 populations with combined analyses of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and AFLP markers revealed structuring into two groups: Eurasian/north‐western North American, and north‐eastern North American. The present geographical distribution of C. calyculata has resulted from colonization from two putative refugial areas: east Beringia and south‐eastern North America. The variation of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and ITS sequences strongly indicated that the evolutionary histories of the Eurasian/north‐western North American and the north‐eastern North American populations were independent of each other because of a geographical disjunction in the distribution area and ice‐sheet history between north‐eastern and north‐western North America. Mismatch analysis using ITS confirmed that the present‐day population structure is the result of rapid expansion, probably since the last glacial maximum. The AFLP data revealed low genetic diversity of C. calyculata (P = 19.5%, H = 0.085) over the whole geographical range, and there was no evidence of loss of genetic diversity within populations in the continuous range, either at the margins or in formerly glaciated and nonglaciated regions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 761–775.  相似文献   

The alpine white-flowered buttercup, Ranunculus kuepferi Greuter & Burdet, is a polyploid complex with diploids endemic to the southwestern Alps and polyploids – which have been previously described as apomictic – widespread throughout European mountains. Due to the polymorphic status of both its ploidy level and its reproductive mode, R. kuepferi represents a key species for understanding the evolution of polyploid lineages in alpine habitats. To disentangle the phylogeography of this polyploid taxon, we used cpDNA sequences and AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) markers in 33 populations of R. kuepferi representative of its ploidy level and distribution area. Polyploid individuals were shown to be the result of at least two polyploidization events that may have taken place in the southwestern Alps. From this region, one single main migration of tetraploids colonized the entire Alpine range, the Apennines and Corsica. Genetic recombination among tetraploids was also observed, revealing the facultative nature of the apomictic reproductive mode in R. kuepferi polyploids. Our study shows the contrasting role played by diploid lineages mostly restricted to persistent refugia and by tetraploids, whose dispersal abilities have permitted their range extension all over the previously glaciated Alpine area and throughout neighbouring mountain massifs.  相似文献   

The alpine sedge Carex curvula ssp. curvula is a clonal, dominant graminoid found in the European Alps, the Carpathians, the Pyrenees and in some of the Balkan Mountains. It is a late-successional species of acidophilous alpine meadows that occurs on sites that were covered by ice during the last glacial maximum (LGM). By applying the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) sequencing, we attempted to identify the recolonization routes followed by the species after the last ice retreat. We relied on the genetic diversity of 37 populations covering the entire distributional range of the species. As a wind-pollinated species, C. curvula is characterized by a low level of population genetic differentiation. Nuclear and chloroplast data both support the hypothesis of a long-term separation of Eastern (Balkans and Carpathians) and Western (Alps and Pyrenees) lineages. In the Alps, a continuum of genetic depauperation from the east to the west may be related to a recolonization wave originating in the eastern-most parts of the chain, where the main glacial refugium was likely located. The Pyrenean populations are nested within the western Alps group and show a low level of genetic diversity, probably due to recent long-distance colonization. In contrast to the Alps, we found no phylogeographical structure in the Carpathians. The combination of reduced ice extension during the Würm period and the presence of large areas of siliceous substrate at suitable elevation suggest that in contrast to populations in the Alps, the species in the Carpathians underwent a local vertical migration rather than extinction and recolonization over long distance.  相似文献   

A phylogeographical analysis of Ranunculus platanifolius, a typical European subalpine tall‐herb species, indicates the existence of two main genetic lineages based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. One group comprises populations from the Balkan Peninsula and the south‐eastern Carpathians and the other includes the remaining part of the range of the species, encompassing the western Carpathians, Sudetes, Alps, Pyrenees and Scandinavia. The main phylogeographical break observed in this species runs across the Carpathians and separates the main parts of this range (western and south‐eastern Carpathians), supporting a distinct glacial history of populations in these areas. The high genetic similarity of the Balkan Peninsula and south‐eastern Carpathian populations could indicate a common glacial refugium for these contemporarily isolated areas of species distribution. The western and northern part of the species range displays an additional weak differentiation into regional phylogeographical groups, which could have been shaped by isolation in glacial refugia or even by a postglacial isolation. The observed weak phylogeographical structure could also be linked with ecological requirements, allowing survival along streams in relatively low, forested mountain ranges. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

国产毛茛属植物五种一变种的核型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国产6种毛茛属(Ranunculus)植物进行了核型研究。它们的核型公式分别为:扇叶毛茛2n=4x=32=12m 20sm,云生毛茛2n=4x=32=16m 10sm 6st,曲升毛茛2n=4x=32=14m 16sm 2st及2n=5x=40=18m 16sm 4st 2T,西南毛茛2n=2x=16=12m 2sm 2st,匍枝毛茛2n=2x=16=8m 8st及2n=4x=32=12m 4sm 14st 2t,棱喙毛茛2n=2x=16=6m 6sm 4st。并结合形态及孢粉的资料就毛茛属植物核型不对称系数对分类的意义进行分析。  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that the subalpine Erinus alpinus survived the Pleistocene glaciation in southern French refugia peripheral to the Alps and postglacially immigrated to its northern Alpine distribution (tabula rasa hypothesis). However, E. alpinus is also known from nunataks in the northern Prealps. PCR–RFLP of the cpDNA revealed no variation, whereas AFLPs identified three phylogeographical groups among the 22 populations: (1) a central Swiss group, (2) a single central Swiss population on Mount Rigi, and (3) all other populations located to the west and east of the central Swiss group (west-eastern populations). The population representing the putative French refugium was not distinct from the west-eastern populations but was different from the populations of central Switzerland. We consider this support for locally restricted in situ survival of E. alpinus in the northern Prealps or nearby Jura mountains (dating back to 60–28 ky BP). However, the west-eastern gene-pool probably immigrated postglacially from southern France through the prealpine lowlands (not before 14.6 kyr BP), skirting central Switzerland. The near-absence of gene flow among the central Swiss and the west-eastern populations may be the reason why these historical genetic patterns are still detectable.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77, 87–103.  相似文献   

Aim The range of the subalpine species Hypochaeris uniflora covers the Alps, Carpathians and Sudetes Mountains. Whilst the genetic structure and post‐glacial history of many high‐mountain plant taxa of the Alps is relatively well documented, the Carpathian populations have often been neglected in phylogeographical studies. The aim of the present study is to compare the genetic variation of the species in two major European mountain systems – the Alps and the Carpathians. Location Alps and Carpathians. Methods The genetic variation of 77 populations, each consisting of three plants, was studied using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Results Neighbour joining and principal coordinate analyses revealed three well‐supported phylogeographical groups of populations corresponding to three disjunct geographical regions – the Alps and the western and south‐eastern Carpathians. Moreover, two further clusters could be distinguished within the latter mountain range, one consisting of populations from the eastern Carpathians and the second consisting of populations from the southern Carpathians. Populations from the Apuseni Mountains had an intermediate position between the eastern and southern Carpathians. The genetic clustering of populations into four groups was also supported by an analysis of molecular variance, which showed that most genetic variation (almost 46%) was found among these four groups. By far the highest within‐population variation was found in the eastern Carpathians, followed by populations from the southern and western Carpathians. Generally, the populations from the Alps were considerably less variable and displayed substantially fewer region‐diagnostic markers than those from the south‐eastern Carpathians. Although no clear geographical structure was found within the Alps, based on neighbour joining or principal coordinate analyses, some trends were obvious: populations from the easternmost part were genetically more variable and, together with those from the south‐western part, exhibited a higher proportion of rare AFLP fragments than populations in other areas. Moreover, the total number of AFLP fragments per population, the percentage of polymorphic loci and the proportion of rare AFLP fragments significantly decreased from east to west. Main conclusions Deep infraspecific phylogeographical gaps between the populations from the Alps and the western and south‐eastern Carpathians suggest the survival of H. uniflora in three separate refugia during the last glaciation. Our AFLP data provide molecular evidence for a long‐term geographical disjunction between the eastern and western Carpathians, previously suggested from the floristic composition at the end of 19th century. It is likely that Alpine populations survived the Last Glacial in the eastern part of the Alps, from where they rapidly colonized the rest of the Alps after the ice sheet retreated. Multiple founder effects may explain a gradual loss of genetic variation during westward colonization of the Alps.  相似文献   

Most research on the biological effects of Pleistocene glaciation and refugia has been undertaken in the northern hemisphere and focuses on lowland taxa. Using single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I, we explored the intraspecific phylogeography of a flightless orthopteran (the alpine scree weta, Deinacrida connectens) that is adapted to the alpine zone of South Island, New Zealand. We found that several mountain ranges and regions had their own reciprocally monophyletic, deeply differentiated lineages. Corrected genetic distance among lineages was 8.4% (Kimura 2-parameter [K2P]) / 13% (GTR + I + Gamma), whereas within-lineage distances were only 2.8% (K2P) / 3.2% (GTR + I + Gamma). We propose a model to explain this phylogeographical structure, which links the radiation of D. connectens to Pliocene mountain building, and maintenance of this structure through the combined effects of mountain-top isolation during Pleistocene interglacials and ice barriers to dispersal during glacials.  相似文献   

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