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In Obese strain (OS) chickens the role of maternal antibodies, passively transferred through the egg to the developing chick, was evaluated as a causative factor in the early development of spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis (SAT). In the egg, passive antibody titers were highest in the yolk and lower in the allantoic fluid and sera of developing embryos. This passage of antibodies was documented by use of radiolabeled antibodies. In dams with high antibody titers, antibodies could be found in the sera of chicks at the time of hatch. Thyroglobulin was absent in the yolk of OS eggs during embryonal life, as compared with its detection in normal eggs. Immune complexes (thyroglobulin-autoantibody) detected in the thyroids of OS, but not CS, chicks at the time of hatch, or earlier, appear to reflect the presence of the maternally transferred antibodies. A pair of crosses between OS chickens, with thyroiditis, and the C strain (CS), without thyroiditis, was made to evaluate the role of transferred antibodies in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease. When an OS chicken was the dam, maternal antibodies could be passively transferred; when a CS chicken was the dam, no maternal antibodies were present to be transferred. Nevertheless, both hybrids developed full-blown thyroiditis, demonstrating that binding of transferred maternal antibody to thyroglobulin is not a prerequisite for the induction of SAT. However, presence of maternal antibodies precipitated the onset of disease. Immune complexes formed in the embryonic thyroid are likely to participate in early autoimmune disease, although the development of full-blown thyroiditis may await the competency of the chick's immune system to provide the characteristic cellular infiltrate.  相似文献   

Antigenic challenge as well as injection of lymphokine-containing media lead to a transient increase of serum glucocorticoids, a phenomenon that has been implicated in the regulation of the specificity of immune responses. In the present study we examined the dialogue between the immune and the neuroendocrine systems in Obese strain (OS) chickens, an animal model for human Hashimoto thyroiditis. The following results were obtained: A) OS and normal White Leghorn (NWL) chickens, 5-mo-old, were immunized with sheep red blood cells followed by daily monitoring of corticosterone (CN) serum levels. Whereas in NWL animals CN serum levels markedly increase 3 to 4 days after immunization, OS animals did not respond with CN elevation. B) A single i.v. injection of conditioned medium (CM) from concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells also led to a transient, dose-dependent peak in plasma CN (maximum after 30 min). This CN response to a given CM preparation was significantly lower in OS than in NWL animals. C) CM, whether obtained from OS or NWL splenocytes, were equally effective to stimulate CN production. D) A single i.v. injection of CM leads--concomitantly to the CN peak--to a decrease of the concanavalin A-mediated proliferative response of peripheral blood lymphocytes in both OS and NWL chickens. This suppression, however, was significantly more pronounced in NWL chickens. In summary, these data suggest a disturbance of the immune-neuroendocrine communication in OS chickens with spontaneous thyroid autoimmunity. The possible implications for the generation of "forbidden" autoimmune responses are discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of growth hormone (GH) to influence certain immune functions has been studied in 21 GH-deficient children aged 1.8-17.7 years, before and during therapy with biosynthetic methionyl-hGH (12 IU/m2) injected intramuscularly 3 times weekly. Blood was collected prior to GH treatment, then after 1 week, again at 3-6 months, and finally at 9-12 months of therapy. We studied (1) the distribution of the T lymphocyte subpopulations: T total (CD3), helper/inducer (CD4) and suppressor/cytotoxic (CD8) cells, using monoclonal antibodies (OKT3, OKT4, OKT8) and (2) the in vitro IgM production stimulated by pokeweed mitogen. Pretreatment CD3, CD4, CD8 values were within the normal range. They did not change after 1 week of GH therapy. Following 3-6 months of GH treatment, CD3 significantly increased (p less than 0.001), CD4 decreased (p less than 0.01), CD8 increased (p less than 0.001) and the CD4/CD8 ratio decreased (p less than 0.001). At 9-12 months of therapy, the percentages of the different groups of T cells was not significantly different from the pretreatment values. In vitro IgM production before and following 3-6 months of GH treatment was significantly lower (p less than 0.005) than that of 15 age-matched controls. At 9-12 months, GH therapy restored the in vitro IgM production. No variations in the levels of serum immunoglobulins were observed throughout the treatment period. These data suggest that GH plays a role in the development of the immune function in children.  相似文献   

The mitogenic response to Con A and the production of T cell growth factor or interleukin 2 (IL 2) by splenic and peripheral blood lymphocytes of obese strain (OS) chickens with spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis have been investigated. By using an optimized method with Con A-coated chicken erythrocytes (MRC), lymphocytes of OS chickens were found to exhibit significantly elevated mitogenic responses as compared with cells from either Normal White Leghorn chickens (NWL) or animals of the Cornell C-Strain (CS), from which the OS has originally been developed. This difference was observed throughout ontogeny up to 15 mo of age, and was associated with increased levels of IL 2 activity in the culture supernatants. The elevated responsiveness of OS T lymphocytes was also found to be manifested in the expression of receptors for IL 2, because Con A-stimulated lymphocytes of OS birds were significantly more effective than those from normal controls in absorbing IL 2 activity from conditioned media (CM) of stimulated spleen cells. High concentrations of CM were suppressive in IL 2 assays, signaling the presence of an inhibitory factor(s) in addition to IL 2. An additional indication for defective immunoregulation was that CM from OS lymphocyte cultures showed significantly less of this suppressive activity in comparison with CM of normal (NWL and CS) lymphocyte cultures. Finally, the spontaneous uptake of 125IUdR of embryonic and early post hatching OS spleen lymphocytes was consistently and significantly enhanced. This difference, however, in contrast to the one observed in Con A responses, was found to decrease with age. The data are discussed in view of the contradictory results concerning T cell functions reported for several autoimmune states in mammals.  相似文献   

The female sex develops autoimmune disease far more often than the male. This is claimed to be due to differences in peripheral sex steroid levels. We have examined in the bursa of Fabricius of Obese strain (OS) chickens, which spontaneously develop autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as in their healthy counterparts androgen(AR)-, estrogen(ER)-, progestin(PR)- and glucocorticoid(GR)-receptors in an attempt to elucidate possible further pathomechanisms, namely at the target site of steroid hormones. The characterization (affinity, specificity, association- and dissociation-rate, sedimentation behaviour) of all four types of receptors revealed no difference between sex or strain. Furthermore, the ontogeny study of the receptor capacity and affinity from the 7th embryonic day (i.e. before lymphocyte settlement) until bursa involution, again showed no difference between OS and healthy chickens of either sex. Thus, it can be concluded that the principal sex dependency of the susceptibility to autoimmune disease results predominantly from differences in sex steroid levels per se, although alterations in mechanisms beyond the cytosolic receptor level can presently not be excluded.  相似文献   

Basal plasma levels of corticosterone and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) have been investigated in Obese strain (OS) chickens afflicted with spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis (SAT). Corticosterone was determined radioimmunologically, and CBG by using a highly sensitive radioligand saturation assay. OS chickens displayed total corticosterone levels not different from healthy normal White Leghorn (NWL) chickens. CBG, however, was found to be twice as high in OS chickens as compared with their healthy counterparts, irrespective of sex or age. This quantitative difference in the CBG level is not compensated for by either altered affinity or specificity of the molecule. Furthermore, no differences were found in the response of OS and NWL lymphocytes to the suppressive effect of glucocorticoids in vitro. We therefore assume that OS animals are deficient in free, hormonally active corticosterone. An additional indication for such a diminished glucocorticoid tonus was that in vivo treatment of OS chickens with glucocorticoid hormones, thus increasing the free and active hormone fraction, normalizes the T cell hyperreactivity and significantly reduces thyroid infiltration. Possible pathophysiological implications of a diminished glucocorticoid tonus for spontaneous autoimmunity, as well as possible explanations for the beneficial effects of glucocorticoid treatment on the development of SAT, are discussed.  相似文献   

Obese subjects show a subnormal growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) release in response to a variety of stimuli. Fenfluramine, an anorexiant drug used in obesity therapy, may have some effects on hypothalamic-pituitary function mediated by serotoninergic stimulation. The present investigation in obese subjects was carried out to study the effects of fenfluramine (60 mg orally) on GH and PRL secretion after intravenous arginine infusion. Ten volunteer obese females were studied and compared with 10 volunteer normal weight controls. In the obese group the GH response to arginine was significantly lower than in control group. Fenfluramine administration restored the subnormal GH response to arginine in obese subjects. The PRL response to arginine in obese women was subnormal. Fenfluramine administration restored the response of PRL to arginine infusion to normal. In conclusion, fenfluramine--under acute circumstances--enhances the hypothalamic-pituitary response to arginine in obese subjects. The decreased GH and PRL output in obese subjects is not due to an absolute hormonal deficiency and this effect of fenfluramine on GH secretion may--due to its lipolysis stimulation--be useful in obesity treatment.  相似文献   

These studies examined the effect of neonatal thymectomy on the induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) in the guinea pigs. Thymectomy was found to result in a consistent and profound inhibition of the development of lesions of EAT in both strain 2 and strain 13 guinea pigs. Thymectomized guinea pigs also had reduced antibody titers to guinea pig thyroglobulin (GPTG), while delayed hypersensitivity reactions to GPTG were less markedly affected by thymectomy. Thymectomized guinea pigs had significant functional peripheral T cells as evidenced by normal responses of lymph node cells to T cell mitogens. These results indicate that a T cell subpopulation which is sensitive to neonatal thymectomy is required for the development of EAT and antithyroglobulin antibody in the guinea pig.  相似文献   

1. The effects of pulsatile and continuous intravenous administration of exogenous, pituitary-derived chicken growth hormone (p-cGH) on lipid metabolism and endocrine/metabolite levels of broiler-strain pullets were studied. 2. Eight-week-old pullets were administered p-cGH or vehicle over a 10 min period every 90 min for 7 days. 3. Pullets were also administered the same daily amount (123 micrograms/kg of body weight/day) continuously for 7 days. 4. Feed intake, body weight gain, in vitro lipogenesis and hepatic enzyme activities were determined with certain hormones identified with the control of growth. 5. Pulsatile p-cGH administration for 7 days lacked effect on weight gain, feed efficiency, muscle or bone development. 6. Abdominal fat pad size was decreased (P less than 0.05) by pulsatile but not continuous administration of p-cGH. Pulsatile p-cGH administration also decreased (P less than 0.05) in vitro lipogenesis. Liver malic enzyme and isocitrate dehydrogenase activities were increased (P less than 0.05) by pulsatile but not continuous administration of p-cGH. In contrast, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase activity was increased by a continuous infusion of p-cGH. 7. Plasma concentrations of T4 corticosterone and triglycerides were decreased (P less than 0.05) by a pulsatile but not a constant infusion of p-cGH. 8. Plasma T3 and GH were increased (P less than 0.05) by pulsatile p-cGH compared to both a continuous infusion of p-cGH and the saline controls. 9. This study is the first to prove that in the broiler chicken, the pattern of exogenous p-cGH administration is a factor influencing in vitro responses to the hormone.  相似文献   

A management programme is described for a small colony of Obese strain (OS) chickens afflicted with spontaneous hereditary thyroiditis. Animals of this White Leghorn line are used as an animal model for Hashimoto's thyroiditis of man to study possible mechanisms of autoimmunity in general and organ-specific autoimmune diseases in particular. Due to the severe mononuclear cell infiltration of the thyroid glands, OS chickens show symptoms of hypothyroidism, including small body size, subcutaneous and abdominal fat deposits, long silky feathers, small combs and wattles, cold sensitivity, low fertility and poor hatchability. Successful breeding of this line, especially in a small population, can therefore be done only if rigid precautions are taken in aspects of animal care. The selection of breeding stock, the principal requirements for adequate housing and food, the artificial insemination procedure, and recommendations for collecting and incubating chicken eggs are reported in detail. Precautions necessary during the incubation of fertilized eggs, and fertility and hatchability are reported. During the hatching period several specific features must be considered. The important role of staff involved in a small chicken breeding unit is emphasized.  相似文献   

Bromocryptine (CB-154) virtually abolished the rise of serum Pr after TRH stimulation in hypothyroid and euthyroid subjects. The response of serum TSH to TRH stimulation was significantly depressed in hypothyroid but not in euthyroid subjects. No significant changes of serum HGH, T4 and T3 after CB-154 were observed. The dual mode of action of CB-154 in pituitary and hypothalamus is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of a single injection of 10 micrograms chicken GH on circulating thyroid hormones as well as in vitro liver 5'-monodeiodination (5'-D) activity was studied in posthatch chicks submitted to different feeding conditions. One group was normally fed after hatching, a second group was only fed after three days and a third group was food deprived after 2 days of feeding. Combination of all results indicates that the start of food intake abolishes the stimulatory effect of a GH injection on circulating T3 and liver 5'-D activity. Food deprivation after a period of food intake restores the GH effect on plasma T3 but not on liver 5'-D.  相似文献   

The disturbed homeostasis of the immune system in Obese strain (OS) chickens with spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis consists in a general T cell hyperreactivity (concanavalin A hyperresponsiveness, interleukin 2 (IL 2) hypersecretion), particularly expressed by those lymphocytes which infiltrate the diseased thyroid gland. This abnormality has been attributed to a defective regulation of both IL 2 production and IL 2 function by low m.w. factors, which are present in serum and splenocyte culture supernatants of normal chickens, but deficient in the OS. In the present study we identified the cellular origin of IL 2 antagonistic activity as a nonlymphoid, adherent cell. Suppressor factor production in vitro was confined to the plastic adherent fraction of spleen cells and preincubation of splenocytes with nylon wool, silica particles, or carbonyl iron significantly reduced the nonspecific suppressive activity of the culture supernatant. Kinetic studies revealed the defect in nonspecific suppression to entail prolonged IL 2 production by concanavalin A-activated OS spleen cells. In vivo treatment of normal White Leghorn chickens with silica led to a decrease in suppressive serum activity down to the OS level, whereas neither neonatal thymectomy nor bursectomy had any effect. The defective suppressor factor production in autoimmune chickens appeared to be due to a functional, but not numeric defect of macrophages as revealed by phenol red staining. The possibility that this aberration in adherent cell function might be a secondary phenomenon to the recently described reduced corticosterone tonus in OS chickens was excluded by in vivo substitution with exogenous glucocorticoids which did not normalize the suppressor defect in serum or in conditioned medium. Finally, we present evidence that T lymphoblasts from OS animals are less susceptible to IL 2 antagonistic regulation than normal cells, which possibly further contributes to the T cell hyperfunction of this autoimmune strain.  相似文献   

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