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The lactococcal plasmid pFX2 belongs to a family of plasmids, whose prototype is the streptococcal plasmid pMV158, that replicates by the rolling circle mechanism. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the repX gene of pFX2 allowed us to make some minor corrections in the published sequence, and to show that the repX gene is identical to the rep gene of plasmid pWV01. We have established pFX2 in Escherichia coli and in Streptococcus pneumoniae. In the latter host, we have defined in vivo the nick site introduced by the RepX protein. Plasmid pFX2 and the pMV158 derivative pLS1 exhibit a moderate degree of incompatibility in S. pneumoniae. Cloning of the double strand origin (dso) of pFX2 into a high-copy-number plasmid that is compatible with the pMV158 replicon led to an increase in incompatibility toward pLS1. Plasmids pFX2 and pLS1 exhibit homologies in their Rep proteins and in their dso sequences, but not in their negative control elements. Thus, the observed incompatibility indicates that cross-recognition of Rep proteins and dso takes place. Received: 25 May 1998 / Accepted: 8 July 1998  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the 8.7-kb theta-replicating plasmid pUCL287 from Tetragenococcus halophilus (formerly Pediococcus halophilus) ATCC33315 has been determined. The replication region was identified and analyzed. Its nucleotide sequence contains an untranslated region, the replication origin, followed by two open reading frames (ORFs) encoding two proteins of 311 (RepA287) and 168 (RepB287) amino acids, respectively. Evidence is presented to show that RepA287 represents the plasmid replication protein. RepB287, which is non-essential for replication, is involved in the plasmid copy-number control and segregational stability. The roles of lactococcal proteins homologous to RepB287 have not been defined so far. Nevertheless, the structural organization of the pUCL287 replication region is remarkably similar to those of well known theta-replicating lactococcal plasmids despite the absence of homology of the replication origin and of the replication protein, and this suggests that pUCL287 uses the same mechanism of replication. Nucleotide sequence comparisons show that pSMB74, a pediococcal plasmid encoding bacteriocin production, is a member of the pUCL287 replicon family. Received: 22 May 1996 / Accepted: 11 April 1997  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of pRA2, an endogenous 33-kb plasmid from Pseudomonas alcaligenes NCIB 9867 (strain P25X), revealed the presence of a 6256-bp transposon of the Tn3 family, designated Tn5563. Tn5563, which is flanked by two 39-bp inverted repeats, encodes a transposase, a resolvase, and two open reading frames which share amino acid sequence similarities with the mercuric ion transport proteins MerT and MerP encoded by several mer operons. However, no other mer operon genes were found on Tn5563. Sequencing of a RP4::Xln hybrid plasmid indicates possible interactions between pRA2 and the P25X chromosome mediated by Tn5563.  相似文献   

The plasmid ColE2-P9 (ColE2) origin (32bp) is specifically recognized by the plasmid-specified Rep protein that initiates DNA replication. The ColE2 origin is divided into at least three functional subregions (I, II, and III), and three sites (a, b, and c) found in subregions I and II play important roles in Rep protein binding. We performed SELEX experiments of plasmid ColE2 to determine the optimal sequences for specific binding of the Rep protein. From these experiments, we obtained a common 16-bp sequence (5'-TGAGACCANATAAGCC-3'), which corresponds to about one half of the minimal ColE2 origin and contains sites a and b. Gel mobility shift assays using single-point mutant origins and the Rep protein further indicated that high affinity sequence-specific recognition by the Rep protein requires sites a, b, and c, but that mutations in site c were less disruptive to this recognition than those in sites a and b.  相似文献   

Summary At the XhoI site (45.08F) of plasmid mini-F a deletion of 649 bp was generated employing exonuclease Bal31. By this deletion nucleotide sequences functioning as origin II and the four 19 bp direct repeats constituting the incB region in front of the E protein gene were removed from the plasmid. Analysis of proteins radioactively labelled in Escherichia coli mini-cells indicated that all mini-F encoded proteins are expressed. However, the plasmid carrying the deletion was not capable of replicating from the primary origin (origin I, 42.6F). Recently a smaller deletion at the XhoI site (45.08F) of about 300 bp, removing only the region functioning as origin II and replicating from origin I, was described by Tanimoto and Iino (1984, 1985). The data presented suggest that the incB repeats are essential for the initiation of replication from origin I, and possibly also from origin II, and seem not to be engaged in the autoregulation of E protein expression.  相似文献   

Abstract The replication region of the phage resistance plasmid pCI528 from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris UC503 was localised to within a 10-kb Hin dIII restriction fragment. A 6.3-kb Bgl II- Hin dIII subclone of this fragment, cloned into a replication probe vector, allowed replication in Lactococcus but not in Bacillus or Lactobacillus . Sequence analysis revealed an ORF of 1152 bp preceded by a putative ori region containing a 22-bp sequence tandemly repeated three and three-quarter times, a second smaller direct repeat and two inverted repeats. Extensive homology was observed with the well characterised replication region of the small cryptic plasmid pCI305 (Hayes, F., Vos, P., Fitzgerald, G.F., de Vos, W. and Daly, C. Plasmid 25, 16–26).  相似文献   

Summary The structure of a 1.5-kb DNA sequence that is necessary and sufficient for the replication of an 8.2-kb cryptic plasmid, pFTB14, isolated from a strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been characterized. The 1.5-kb DNA sequence contains an open reading frame, rep, stretching for 1017 bp, a promoter region for rep expression, and a possible replication origin for the plasmid upstream of the promoter. The rep product is trans-active and essential for plasmid replication. The predicted rep protein is a basic protein, as are the RepC protein of pT181, RepB of pUB110 and protein A of pC194 (all these found in staphylococci) and the protein of the R6K plasmid of Escherichia coli. The predicted rep protein has highly homologous amino acid sequences with protein A of pC194 and RepC of pUB110 throughout the protein molecule, but not with RepC of pT181, of R6K or protein RepH encoded by and iniating the replication of pC194.  相似文献   

Summary We developed an in vitro replication system for ColE2 and ColE3 plasmids using cell extracts prepared from bacteria with or without these plasmids. DNA synthesis depended on host DNA polymerase I and was sensitive to rifampicin and chloramphenicol. Preincubation of the extracts with plasmid DNA, however, allowed replication of template DNA added subsequently in a plasmid-specific manner in the presence of rifampicin and chloramphenicol. The plasmid-specified trans-acting factor(s) was detected in cell extracts from bacteria carrying a recombinant plasmid with the region of ColE2 or ColE3 encoding the Rep protein. The plasmid-specified factor(s) consisted at least in part of protein, probably the Rep protein. In vitro replication started within a region of ColE2 or ColE3 containing the smallest cis-acting segment essential for in vivo replication and proceeded in a fixed direction.  相似文献   

Abstract A cryptic plasmid, pUCL287, was isolated from Tetragenococcus halophila (Pediococcus halophilus) ATCC 33315. It had a theta-type mechanism of replication in its natural host. Its minimal replicon, Rep 281, was isolated on a 1.6-kb Eco RI fragment. The Rep 287 host range included the genera Pediococcus, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus and Leuconostoc but not genus Lactococcus . Plasmids hybridizing to pUCL287 are rare among lactic acid bacteria. As assessed by hybridization, Rep2Sl is dissimilar to pAMβ1, pIP50l and pUCL22, representatives of the most common theta-type replicon groups in Gram-positive bacteria. Therefore, pUCL287 appears to represent a new theta-type replicon family from lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

 The 1882-bp nucleotide sequence of the cryptic plasmid pNB2 isolated from the thermophilic bacterium Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum was determined. pNB2 DNA has very low GC content (27%) and may serve as a model for studying the modes of maintenance and replication of AT-rich DNA under conditions of thermophilic growth. The plasmid sequence revealed three open reading frames (ORFs) which would encode polypeptides of 289, 68 and 59 amino acids, respectively, and these proteins were synthesized in E. coli extracts primed with the plasmid. We found that the product of ORF289 may be initiated at the non-ATG start codon, TTG, and has similarities with the conserved motifs of Rep proteins encoded by rolling circle (RC) plasmids of the pC194/pUB110 family. Southern hybridization analysis of lysates of C. thermosaccharolyticum cells harboring pNB2 revealed single-stranded intermediates, suggesting that this plasmid is able to replicate in clostridial cells via the RC mechanism. The most significant similarities are found between pNB2 Rep protein and the Rep proteins of three RC plasmids of the pC194 family (pTB913, pBC1 and pST1) isolated from thermophilic bacteria. Comparative analysis of these Rep proteins showed that despite the significant level of divergence, these Rep proteins share a high degree of similarity in the regions of five well-known conserved domains of RC Rep proteins and fall into two groups in accordance with the similarities found in their active sites. Received: 25 April 1996 / Accepted: 20 June 1996  相似文献   

【背景】植物乳杆菌含有丰富的天然质粒,分析这些质粒的序列特征有利于分析质粒所携带的遗传信息。【目的】分析从植物乳杆菌PC518分离的新质粒pLP224,聚类分析其所属家族质粒的保守性与多样性。【方法】提取植物乳杆菌PC518的质粒,酶切后构建质粒DNA文库,测序和BLAST鉴定文库中的新序列;通过反向PCR完成质粒全序列测定,注释新质粒;使用进化树软件MEGA X构建质粒的Rep蛋白进化树,并分析结合序列的变化。【结果】从植物乳杆菌PC518分离出一个质粒pLP224,大小为1766bp,其中(G+C)mol%含量为41.39%,与已知质粒的最大序列相似性为86.85%。推定其复制方式为滚环复制,属于pMV158家族成员。17个pMV158家族质粒的Rep蛋白分析表明:pMV158家族质粒的Rep蛋白进化距离越近,其dso位点的结合序列相似性越高,进化距离越远则其序列相似性越低。【结论】pLP224是pMV158家族的新成员。pMV158家族质粒在dso位点的切开序列上保守,在结合序列上多样。其Rep蛋白随结合序列变化而不同。这种差异有利于pMV158家族不同成员在同一宿主的共存,是家...  相似文献   

[目的]分离鉴定植物乳杆菌PC518的质粒并分析滚环复制p C194家族复制起点特征。[方法]从植物乳杆菌PC518中提取质粒,HindⅢ单酶切后克隆测序,然后用反向PCR方法验证质粒序列的完整性。使用DNAMAN V6. 0软件和MEGA X软件对43个p C194家族质粒的复制起点序列和复制蛋白进行比对分析。[结果]分离得到一个3 325 bp的新质粒p LP325。43个p C194家族质粒复制起点中:24个在nick上、下游均有反向重复序列,12个只在nick上游有反向重复序列,4个只在下游有反向重复序列。复制蛋白的聚类与复制起点中反向重复序列的位置是对应的。[结论]p LP325的复制方式推定为滚环复制,属于p C194家族。p C194家族复制起点的bind以反向重复序列为特征,位于nick上游或下游。  相似文献   

TrfA is the only plasmid-encoded protein required for RK2 replication. We report here the construction and characterization of an RK2-based vector in which trfA is expressed from the inducible promoter Pm. The resulting construct, pJBSD1, was found to replicate in Escherichia coli DH5a (recA(-)) only in the presence of a Pm inducer. In two tested E. coli recA(+) strains pJBSD1 could replicate in the absence of inducer, but a replication inducer-dependent phenotype was obtained in these strains by introducing a mutation known to reduce the trfA expression level. The plasmid construct could be used as a conditional suicide vector system for targeted chromosomal integration via homologous recombination. This feature may potentially be used for many types of studies in microbial molecular biology.  相似文献   

Wu E  Jun L  Yuan Y  Yan J  Berry C  Yuan Z 《Plasmid》2007,57(3):296-305
A cryptic plasmid from Bacillus sphaericus strain LP1-G, designated as pLG, was sequenced and characterized. It was an 11,066bp circular molecule, with G+C content of 37%. The plasmid pLG was predicted to encode 23 putative ORFs, and ORF 21 shared the highest identity with Rep of pGI1 and pBMB9741, members of rolling-circle replication (RCR) pC194-family. Sequence analysis revealed a pC194-type double strand origin (dso) and a single strand origin (sso) like sequence located upstream and downstream of ORF 21, respectively. Moreover, Mung bean nuclease analysis and Southern hybridization confirmed the existence of single stranded DNA (ssDNA) intermediates, indicating that pLG belongs to the RCR pC194-family. Accumulation of multiple ssDNA intermediates in native strain LP1-G and decline of ssDNA and supercoiled DNA in rifampicin-treated strain implied that a special mechanism might be employed by pLG. Furthermore, the copy number of pLG in its original host was determined and about 58 copies of the plasmid exist in each cell. Subcloning and transformation experiments proved that the minimal replicon of pLG was within a 1.6-kb fragment, which was composed of rep gene and dso. These data are a good basis for the understanding of replication mechanisms and genetics of this B. sphaericus plasmid.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Gram-negative bacterium Psychrobacter sp. TA144 contains two small cryptic plasmids, called pTAUp and pTADw. pTAUp encodes a replication enzyme (PsyRep) whose activity is responsible for plasmid replication via the rolling circle replication pathway. Several attempts to produce the wild-type biologically active PsyRep in Escherichia coli failed, possibly due to auto-regulation of the protein population. However, the serendipitous occurrence of a frameshift mutation during the preparation of an expression vector resulted in the over-production of a recombinant protein, changed in its last 14 amino acid residues (PsyRep*), that precipitates in insoluble form. The purification of PsyRep* inclusion bodies and the successful refolding of the cold adapted enzyme allowed us to carry out its functional characterization. The mutated protein still displays a double stranded DNA nicking activity, while the change at the C-terminus impairs the enzyme specificity for the pTAUp cognate Ori+ sequence.  相似文献   

Ye X  Ou J  Ni L  Shi W  Shen P 《FEMS microbiology letters》2003,225(1):53-57
We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the 16341 bp plasmid pHH205 of the extremely halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum J7. The plasmid has a G+C content of 61.1%. A number of direct and inverted repeat sequences were found in pHH205, while no insertion sequences were found. Thirty-eight large open reading frames (ORFs) were identified in both strands, and most of them had no significant similarities to known proteins. A putative protein encoded by ORF31 showed 20-41% homology to some hypothetical proteins, which are annotated in several archaeal genome databases as predicted nucleic acid-binding proteins containing PIN domain. Sequence analysis using the GC skew procedure predicted a possible origin of replication. A 4.8 kb PvuII-SnaBI fragment containing both this region and ORF31 was shown to be able to restore replicate of pWL102, a replicon-deficient plasmid in Haloferax volcanii and in H. salinarum R1. Several methods failed to completely cure H. salinarum J7 of pHH205, suggesting that the plasmid probably played an important role in the growth and metabolism of the host. Our work describes a novel haloarchaeal replicon, which may be useful in the construction of cloning and shuttle vectors.  相似文献   

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