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Compared to ethanol, butanol offers many advantages as a substitute for gasoline because of higher energy content and higher hydrophobicity. Typically, 1-butanol is produced by Clostridium in a mixed-product fermentation. To facilitate strain improvement for specificity and productivity, we engineered a synthetic pathway in Escherichia coli and demonstrated the production of 1-butanol from this non-native user-friendly host. Alternative genes and competing pathway deletions were evaluated for 1-butanol production. Results show promise for using E. coli for 1-butanol production.  相似文献   

Vibriolysin, an extracellular protease of Vibrio proteolyticus, is synthesized as a preproenzyme. The N-terminal propeptide functions as an intramolecular chaperone and an inhibitor of the mature enzyme. Extracellular production of recombinant vibriolysin has been achieved in Bacillus subtilis, but not in Escherichia coli, which is widely used as a host for the production of recombinant proteins. Vibriolysin is expressed as an inactive form in E. coli possibly due to the inhibitory effect of the N-terminal propeptide. In this study, we isolated the novel vibriolysin engineered by in vivo random mutagenesis, which is expressed as active mature vibriolysin in E. coli. The Western blot analysis showed that the N-terminal propeptide of the engineered enzyme was processed and degraded, confirming that the propeptide inhibits the mature enzyme. Two mutations located within the engineered vibriolysin resulted in the substitution of stop codon for Trp at position 11 in the signal peptide and of Val for Ala at position 183 in the N-terminal propeptide (where position 1 is defined as the first methionine). It was found that the individual mutations are related to the enzyme activity. The novel vibriolysin was extracellularly overproduced in BL21(DE3) and purified from the culture supernatant by ion-exchange chromatography followed by hydrophobic-interaction chromatography, resulting in an overall yield of 2.2 mg/L of purified protein. This suggests that the novel engineered vibriolysin is useful for overproduction in an E. coli expression system.  相似文献   

Production of higher alcohols via the keto-acid intermediates found in microorganism's native amino-acid pathways has recently shown promising results. In this work, an Escherichia coli strain that produces 1-butanol and 1-propanol from glucose was constructed. The strain first converts glucose to 2-ketobutyrate, a common keto-acid intermediate for isoleucine biosynthesis. Then, 2-ketobutyrate is converted to 1-propanol through reactions catalyzed by the heterologous decarboxylase and dehydrogenase, or to 1-butanol via the chemistry involved in the synthesis of the unnatural amino acid norvaline. We systematically improved the synthesis of 1-propanol and 1-butanol through deregulation of amino-acid biosynthesis and elimination of competing pathways. The final strain demonstrated a production titer of 2 g/L with nearly 1:1 ratio of butanol and propanol.  相似文献   

High titer 1-butanol production in Escherichia coli has previously been achieved by overexpression of a modified clostridial 1-butanol production pathway and subsequent deletion of native fermentation pathways. This strategy couples growth with production as 1-butanol pathway offers the only available terminal electron acceptors required for growth in anaerobic conditions. With further inclusion of other well-established metabolic engineering principles, a titer of 15 g/L has been obtained. In achieving this titer, many currently existing strategies have been exhausted, and 1-butanol toxicity level has been surpassed. Therefore, continued engineering of the host strain for increased production requires implementation of alternative strategies that seek to identify non-obvious targets for improvement. In this study, a metabolomics-driven approach was used to reveal a CoA imbalance resulting from a pta deletion that caused undesirable accumulation of pyruvate, butanoate, and other CoA-derived compounds. Using metabolomics, the reduction of butanoyl-CoA to butanal catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase AdhE2 was determined as a rate-limiting step. Fine-tuning of this activity and subsequent release of free CoA restored the CoA balance that resulted in a titer of 18.3 g/L upon improvement of total free CoA levels using cysteine supplementation. By enhancing AdhE2 activity, carbon flux was directed towards 1-butanol production and undesirable accumulation of pyruvate and butanoate was diminished. This study represents the initial report describing the improvement of 1-butanol production in E. coli by resolving CoA imbalance, which was based on metabolome analysis and rational metabolic engineering strategies.  相似文献   

We describe a method to generate in vivo collections of mutants orders of magnitude larger than previously possible. The method favors accumulation of mutations in the target gene, rather than in the host chromosome. This is achieved by propagating the target gene on a plasmid, in Escherichia coli cells, within the region preferentially replicated by DNA polymerase I (Pol I), which replicates only a minor fraction of the chromosome. Mutagenesis is enhanced by a conjunction of a Pol I variant that has a low replication fidelity and the absence of the mutHLS system that corrects replication errors. The method was tested with two reporter genes, encoding lactose repressor or lipase. The proportion of mutants in the collection was estimated to reach 1% after one cycle of growth and 10% upon prolonged cell cultivation, resulting in collections of 1012–1013 mutants per liter of cell culture. The extended cultivation did not affect growth properties of the cells. We suggest that our method is well suited for generating protein variants too rare to be present in the collections established by methods used previously and for isolating the genes that encode such variants by submitting the cells of the collections to appropriate selection protocols.  相似文献   

Directed evolution relies on both random and site-directed mutagenesis of individual genes and regulatory elements to create variants with altered activity profiles for engineering applications. Central to these experiments is the construction of large libraries of related variants. However, a number of technical hurdles continue to limit routine construction of random mutagenesis libraries in Escherichia coli, in particular, inefficiencies during digestion and ligation steps. Here, we report a restriction enzyme-free approach to library generation using megaprimers termed MegAnneal. Target DNA is first exponentially amplified using error-prone polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and then linearly amplified with a single 3′ primer to generate long, randomly mutated, single-stranded megaprimers. These are annealed to single-stranded dUTP-containing template plasmid and extended with T7 polymerase to create a complementary strand, and the resulting termini are ligated with T4 DNA ligase. Using this approach, we are able to reliably generate libraries of approximately 107 colony-forming units (cfu)/μg DNA/transformation in a single day. We have created MegAnneal libraries based on three different single-chain antibodies and identified variants with enhanced expression and ligand-binding affinity. The key advantages of this approach include facile amplification, restriction enzyme-free library generation, and a significantly reduced risk of mutations outside the targeted region and wild-type contamination as compared with current methods.  相似文献   

1-Butanol, an important chemical feedstock and advanced biofuel, is produced by Clostridium species. Various efforts have been made to transfer the clostridial 1-butanol pathway into other microorganisms. However, in contrast to similar compounds, only limited titers of 1-butanol were attained. In this work, we constructed a modified clostridial 1-butanol pathway in Escherichia coli to provide an irreversible reaction catalyzed by trans-enoyl-coenzyme A (CoA) reductase (Ter) and created NADH and acetyl-CoA driving forces to direct the flux. We achieved high-titer (30 g/liter) and high-yield (70 to 88% of the theoretical) production of 1-butanol anaerobically, comparable to or exceeding the levels demonstrated by native producers. Without the NADH and acetyl-CoA driving forces, the Ter reaction alone only achieved about 1/10 the level of production. The engineered host platform also enables the selection of essential enzymes with better catalytic efficiency or expression by anaerobic growth rescue. These results demonstrate the importance of driving forces in the efficient production of nonnative products.  相似文献   

Reducing cellulase cost remains a major challenge for lignocellulose to fuel and chemical industries. In this study, mutants of a novel wild-type cellulolytic fungal strain Talaromyces pinophilus OPC4-1 were developed by consecutive UV irradiation, N-methyl-N`-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG) and ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS) treatment. A potential mutant EMM was obtained and displayed enhanced cellulase production. Using Solka Floc cellulose as the substrate, through fed-batch fermentation, mutant strain T. pinophilus EMM generated crude enzymes with an FPase activity of 27.0 IU/mL and yield of 900 IU/g substrate. When corncob powder was used, strain EMM produced crude enzymes with an FPase activity of 7.3 IU/mL and yield of 243.3 IU/g substrate. In addition, EMM crude enzymes contained 29.2 and 16.3 IU/mL β-glucosidase on Solka Floc cellulose and corncob power, respectively. The crude enzymes consequently displayed strong biomass hydrolysis performance. For corncob hydrolysis, without supplement of any commercial enzymes, glucose yields of 591.7 and 548.6 mg/g biomass were obtained using enzymes produced from Solka Floc cellulose and corncob powder, respectively. It was 553.9 mg/g biomass using the commercial enzyme mixture of Celluclast 1.5 L and Novozyme 188. Strain T. pinophilus EMM was therefore a potential fungus for on-site enzyme production in biorefinery processes.  相似文献   

L-tyrosine (L-tyr) overproducing Escherichia coli strain derived from an L-phenylalanine (L-phe) overproducing strain is characterized in 10 L and 200 L scale fermentations. Deletion of the chromosomal region encoding for the pheA gene, chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase, its leader peptide (pheL) and its associated promoter resulted in significant increase in L-tyr production (Olson et al., 2007. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 74(5):1031-1040). Further increase in titer was achieved by overexpressing tyrA, encoding chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydrogenase, from a strong non-native trc promoter (Olson et al., 2007. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 74(5):1031-1040). Fermentation optimization studies include media component selection; glucose feed optimization, antifoam agent selection, and understanding fermentation parameters affecting foaming. Generational stability of the strain was evaluated along with rate, titer, and yield of tyrosine formation from glucose. L-tyr titer of 55 g/L in 48 h was demonstrated in 200 L batches, is the highest titer published till date. We have also evaluated two primary separations schemes to isolate and purify L-tyr from the fermentation broth. Physical separation of L-tyr crystals from biomass using a decanter type centrifuge, based on the density difference between the solids, is compared and contrasted with a strategy where L-tyr is first dissolved at pH 11.5 and then acid precipitated from clarified supernatants following removal of biomass using membrane filtration. L-tyr product purity of 98% with yields ranging from 90% to 95% is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Osmolytes are accumulated intracellularly to offset the effects of osmotic stress and protect cellular proteins against denaturation. Because different taxa accumulate different osmolytes, they can also be used as "dietary biomarkers" to study foraging. Potential osmolyte biomarkers include glycine betaine, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), homarine, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), and the osmolyte analog arsenobetaine (AsB). We present a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay for the simultaneous measurement of these osmolytes in serum or plasma. Varying concentrations of osmolytes were added to serum and samples and extracted in 90% acetonitrile and 10% methanol containing 10 μM deuterated internal standards (D(9)-glycine betaine, D(9)-trimethylamine-N-oxide, (13)C(2)-arsenobetaine, D(6)-DMSP, and D(4)-homarine). Analytes were separated on a normal-phase modified silica column and detected using isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The assay was linear for all six compounds (r(2) values=0.983-0.996). Recoveries were greater than 85%, and precision for within-batch coefficients of variation (CVs) were less than 8.2% and between-batch CVs were less than 6.1%. Limits of detection ranged from 0.02 to 0.12 μmol/L. LC-MS/MS is a simple method with high throughput for measuring low levels of osmolytes that are often present in biological samples.  相似文献   

RpoS is a conserved alternative sigma factor that regulates the expression of many stress response genes in Escherichia coli. The RpoS regulon is large but has not yet been completely characterized. In this study, we report the identification of over 100 RpoS-dependent fusions in a genetic screen based on the differential expression of an operon-lacZ fusion bank in rpoS mutant and wild-type backgrounds. Forty-eight independent gene fusions were identified, including several in well-characterized RpoS-regulated genes, such as osmY, katE, and otsA. Many of the other fusions mapped to genes of unknown function or to genes that were not previously known to be under RpoS control. Based on the homology to other known bacterial genes, some of the RpoS-regulated genes of unknown functions are likely important in nutrient scavenging.  相似文献   

The hemolysin transport system was found to mediate the release of cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) into the extracellular medium when it was fused to the C-terminal 61 amino acids of HlyA (HlyAs(61)). To produce an improved-secretion variant, the hly components (hlyAs, hlyB and hlyD) were engineered by directed evolution using error-prone PCR. Hly mutants were screened on solid LB-starch plate for halo zone larger than the parent strain. Through screening of about 1 × 10(4) Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) transformants, we succeeded in isolating five mutants that showed a 35-217% increase in the secretion level of CGTase-HlyAs(61) relative to the wild-type strain. The mutation sites of each mutant were located at HlyB, primarily along the transmembrane domain, implying that the corresponding region was important for the improved secretion of the target protein. In this study we describe the finding of novel site(s) of HlyB responsible for enhancing secretion of CGTase in E. coli.  相似文献   

Limited secretion capacity remains a drawback of using Escherichia coli as the host for the production of recombinant proteins. In this report, random mutagenesis was performed within the N-terminal propeptide of thermostable WF146 protease, a subtilase from thermophilic Bacillus sp. WF146, generating a variant named WBMMT with improved capacity for extracellular production when expressed in E. coli. Two mutations, L(-57)Q and E(-10)D, were identified within the N-terminal propeptide. The amount of WBMMT in the culture medium was found to be about three times higher than that of wild type. Besides, the introduction of mutations L(-57)Q/E(-10)D into the N-terminal propeptide also accelerated the maturation of the enzyme. Biochemical analysis indicated that the thermostability and the catalytic activity of mature WBMMT were similar to those of wild type. Far-UV CD spectra analysis and limited proteolysis experiments suggested that the mutations L(-57)Q/E(-10)D resulted in a structural change in the N-terminal propeptide of the proform, and the N-terminal propeptide became more flexible, which might be beneficial for the proform to keep in a translocation-competent state. Our result indicates that N-terminal propeptide engineering may be a valuable approach for improving extracellular production of recombinant subtilases expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins with an alpha-hemolysin (HlyA) C-terminal signal sequence are known to be secreted by the HlyB-HlyD-TolC translocator in Escherichia coli. We aimed to establish an efficient Hly secretory expression system by random mutagenesis of hlyB and hlyD. The fusion protein of subtilisin E and the HlyA signal sequence (HlyA(218)) was used as a marker protein for evaluating secretion efficiency. Through screening of more than 1.5 x 10(4) E. coli JM109 transformants, whose hlyB and hlyD genes had been mutagenized by error-prone PCR, we succeeded in isolating two mutants that had 27- and 15-fold-higher levels of subtilisin E secretion activity than the wild type did at 23 degrees C. These mutants also exhibited increased activity levels for secretion of a single-chain antibody-HlyA(218) fusion protein at 23 and 30 degrees C but unexpectedly not at 37 degrees C, suggesting that this improvement seems to be dependent on low temperature. One mutant (AE104) was found to have seven point mutations in both HlyB and HlyD, and an L448F substitution in HlyB was responsible for the improved secretion activity. Another mutant (AE129) underwent a single amino acid substitution (G654S) in HlyB. Secretion of c-Myc-HlyA(218) was detected only in the L448F mutant (AE104F) at 23 degrees C, whereas no secretion was observed in the wild type at any temperature. Furthermore, for the PTEN-HlyA(218) fusion protein, AE104F showed a 10-fold-higher level of secretion activity than the wild type did at 37 degrees C. This result indicates that the improved secretion activity of AE104F is not always dependent on low temperature.  相似文献   

3-Methyl-1-butanol is a potential fuel additive or substitute. Previously this compound was identified in small quantities in yeast fermentation as one of the fusel alcohols. In this work, we engineered an Escherichia coli strain to produce 3-methyl-1-butanol from glucose via the host's amino acid biosynthetic pathways. Strain improvement with the removal of feedback inhibition and competing pathways increased the selectivity and productivity of 3-methyl-1-butanol. This work demonstrates the feasibility of production of 3-methyl-1-butanol as a biofuel and shows promise in using E. coli as a host for production.  相似文献   

B A Bridges  H Bates  F Sharif 《Génome》1989,31(2):572-577
Evidence for and against the involvement of the known nucleic acid polymerases in UV mutagenesis in Escherichia coli is reviewed. There is no evidence that rules out the participation of any of them when they are present but only one, the alpha subunit of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme (polC gene product) has been shown to be essential. It is argued that the PolC protein that functions in UV mutagenesis may not be immediately recognizable as one of the normal cellular polymerases or polymerase complexes.  相似文献   

Metabolons in nature have evolved to facilitate more efficient catalysis of multistep reactions through the co-localization of functionally related enzymes to cellular organelles or membrane structures. To mimic the natural metabolon architecture, we present a novel artificial metabolon that was created by targeting multi-enzyme cascade reactions onto inclusion body (IB) in Escherichia coli. The utility of this system was examined by co-localizing four heterologous enzymes of the 1-butanol pathway onto an IB that was formed in E. coli through overexpression of the cellulose binding domain (CBD) of Cellulomonas fimi exoglucanase. To target the 1-butanol pathway enzymes to the CBD IB, we utilized a peptide-peptide interaction between leucine zipper (LZ) peptides. We genetically fused the LZ peptide to the N-termini of four heterologous genes involved in the synthetic 1-butanol pathway, whereas an antiparallel LZ peptide was fused to the CBD gene. The in vivo activity of the CBD IB-based metabolon was examined through the determination of 1-butanol synthesis using E. coli transformed with two plasmids containing the LZ-fused CBD and LZ-fused 1-butanol pathway genes, respectively. In vivo synthesis of 1-butanol using the engineered E. coli yielded 1.98 g/L of 1-butanol from glucose, representing a 1.5-fold increase over that obtained from E. coli expressing the LZ-fused 1-butanol pathway genes alone. In an attempt to examine the in vitro 1-butanol productivity, we reconstituted CBD IB-based metabolon using CBD IB and individual enzymes of 1-butanol pathway. The 1-butanol productivity of in vitro reconstituted CBD IB-based metabolon using acetoacetyl-CoA as the starting material was 2.29 mg/L/h, 7.9-fold higher than that obtained from metabolon-free enzymes of 1-butanol pathway. Therefore, this novel CBD-based artificial metabolon may prove useful in metabolic engineering both in vivo and in vitro for the efficient production of desired products.  相似文献   

dl-Alanine was produced from glucose in an Escherichia coli pfl pps poxB ldhA aceEF pTrc99A-alaD strain which lacked pyruvate-formate lyase, phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) synthase, pyruvate oxidase, lactate dehydogenase, components of the pyruvate dehydogenase complex and over-produced alanine dehydrogenase (ALD). A two-phase process was developed with cell growth under aerobic conditions followed by alanine production under anaerobic conditions. Using the batch mode, cells grew to 5.3 g/l in 9 h with the accumulation of 6–10 g acetate/l, and under subsequent anaerobic conditions achieved 34 g alanine/l in 13 h with a yield of 0.86 g/g glucose. Using the fed-batch mode at μ = 0.15 h−1, only about 1 g acetate/l formed in the 25 h required for the cells to reach 5.6 g/l, and 88 g alanine/l accumulated during the subsequent 23 h. This fed-batch process attained an alanine volumetric productivity of 4 g/lh during the production phase, and a yield that was essentially 1 g/g.  相似文献   

对实验室构建的产琥珀酸大肠杆菌工程菌株(E.coliQZ1111)进行发酵工艺条件研究。以AM1低盐培养基为基础,研究不同C、N源及其质量浓度,培养基初始pH和发酵温度等因素对琥珀酸的影响,并在5L发酵罐中进行了补料-分批发酵实验。优化后的发酵条件为葡萄糖20g/L,玉米浆10g/L,pH6.4,发酵温度37℃。在5L发酵罐中培养,琥珀酸产量达到47.9g/L。  相似文献   

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