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4-alpha-Glucanotransferase (GTase) is an essential enzyme in alpha-1,4-glucan metabolism in bacteria and plants. It catalyses the transfer of maltooligosaccharides from an 1,4-alpha-D-glucan molecule to the 4-hydroxyl group of an acceptor sugar molecule. The crystal structures of Thermotoga maritima GTase and its complex with the inhibitor acarbose have been determined at 2.6A and 2.5A resolution, respectively. The GTase structure consists of three domains, an N-terminal domain with the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel topology (domain A), a 65 residue domain, domain B, inserted between strand beta3 and helix alpha6 of the barrel, and a C-terminal domain, domain C, which forms an antiparallel beta-structure. Analysis of the complex of GTase with acarbose has revealed the locations of five sugar-binding subsites (-2 to +3) in the active-site cleft lying between domain B and the C-terminal end of the (beta/alpha)(8) barrel. The structure of GTase closely resembles the family 13 glycoside hydrolases and conservation of key catalytic residues previously identified for this family is consistent with a double-displacement catalytic mechanism for this enzyme. A distinguishing feature of GTase is a pair of tryptophan residues, W131 and W218, which, upon the carbohydrate inhibitor binding, form a remarkable aromatic "clamp" that captures the sugar rings at the acceptor-binding sites +1 and +2. Analysis of the structure of the complex shows that sugar residues occupying subsites from -2 to +2 engage in extensive interactions with the protein, whereas the +3 glucosyl residue makes relatively few contacts with the enzyme. Thus, the structure suggests that four subsites, from -2 to +2, play the dominant role in enzyme-substrate recognition, consistent with the observation that the smallest donor for T.maritima GTase is maltotetraose, the smallest chain transferred is a maltosyl unit and that the smallest residual fragment after transfer is maltose. A close similarity between the structures of GTase and oligo-1,6-glucosidase has allowed the structural features that determine differences in substrate specificity of these two enzymes to be analysed.  相似文献   

Fucosylated glycoconjugates are involved in numerous biological events, and alpha-l-fucosidases, the enzymes responsible for their processing, are therefore of crucial importance. Deficiency in alpha-l-fucosidase activity is associated with fucosidosis, a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by rapid neurodegeneration, resulting in severe mental and motor deterioration. To gain insight into alpha-l-fucosidase function at the molecular level, we have determined the crystal structure of Thermotoga maritima alpha-l-fucosidase. This enzyme assembles as a hexamer and displays a two-domain fold, composed of a catalytic (beta/alpha)(8)-like domain and a C-terminal beta-sandwich domain. The structures of an enzyme-product complex and of a covalent glycosyl-enzyme intermediate, coupled with kinetic and mutagenesis studies, allowed us to identify the catalytic nucleophile, Asp(244), and the Br?nsted acid/base, Glu(266). Because T. maritima alpha-l-fucosidase occupies a unique evolutionary position, being far more closely related to the mammalian enzymes than to any other prokaryotic homolog, a structural model of the human enzyme was built to document the structural consequences of the genetic mutations associated with fucosidosis.  相似文献   

Two high-resolution structures have been obtained for dihydrofolate reductase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima in its unliganded state, and in its ternary complex with the cofactor NADPH and the inhibitor, methotrexate. While the overall fold of the hyperthermophilic enzyme is closely similar to monomeric mesophilic dihydrofolate reductase molecules, its quaternary structure is exceptional, in that T. maritima dihydrofolate reductase forms a highly stable homodimer. Here, the molecular reasons for the high intrinsic stability of the enzyme are elaborated and put in context with the available data on the physical parameters governing the folding reaction. The molecule is extremely rigid, even with respect to structural changes during substrate binding and turnover. Subunit cooperativity can be excluded from structural and biochemical data. Major contributions to the high intrinsic stability of the enzyme result from the formation of the dimer. Within the monomer, only subtle stabilizing interactions are detectable, without clear evidence for any of the typical increments of thermal stabilization commonly reported for hyperthermophilic proteins. The docking of the subunits is optimized with respect to high packing density in the dimer interface, additional salt-bridges and beta-sheets. The enzyme does not show significant structural changes upon binding its coenzyme, NADPH, and the inhibitor, methotrexate. The active-site loop, which is known to play an important role in catalysis in mesophilic dihydrofolate reductase molecules, is rearranged, participating in the association of the subunits; it no longer participates in catalysis.  相似文献   

Acetyl esterases from carbohydrate esterase family 7 exhibit unusual substrate specificity. These proteins catalyze the cleavage of disparate acetate esters with high efficiency, but are unreactive to larger acyl groups. The structural basis for this distinct selectivity profile is unknown. Here, we investigate a thermostable acetyl esterase (TM0077) from Thermotoga maritima using evolutionary relationships, structural information, fluorescent kinetic measurements, and site directed mutagenesis. We measured the kinetic and structural determinants for this specificity using a diverse series of small molecule enzyme substrates, including novel fluorogenic esters. These experiments identified two hydrophobic plasticity residues (Pro228, and Ile276) surrounding the nucleophilic serine that impart this specificity of TM0077 for small, straight-chain esters. Substitution of these residues with alanine imparts broader specificity to TM0077 for the hydrolysis of longer and bulkier esters. Our results suggest the specificity of acetyl esterases have been finely tuned by evolution to catalyze the removal of acetate groups from diverse substrates, but can be modified by focused amino acid substitutions to yield enzymes capable of cleaving larger ester functionalities.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the thermostable indoleglycerol-phosphate synthase from Thermotoga maritima (tIGPS) was determined at 2.5 A resolution. It was compared with the structures of the thermostable sIGPS from Sulfolobus solfataricus and of the thermolabile eIGPS from Escherichia coli. The main chains of the three (beta alpha)(8)-barrel proteins superimpose closely, and the packing of side chains in the beta-barrel cores, as well as the architecture of surface loops, is very similar. Both thermostable proteins have, however, 17 strong salt bridges, compared with only 10 in eIGPS. The number of additional salt bridges in tIGPS and sIGPS correlates well with their reduced rate of irreversible thermal inactivation at 90 degrees C. Only 3 of 17 salt bridges in tIGPS and sIGPS are topologically conserved. The major difference between the two proteins is the preference for interhelical salt bridges in sIGPS and intrahelical ones in tIGPS. The different implementation of salt bridges in the closely related proteins suggests that the stabilizing effect of salt bridges depends rather on the sum of their individual contributions than on their location. This observation is consistent with a protein unfolding mechanism where the simultaneous breakdown of all salt bridges is the rate-determining step.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima (TmIDH) catalyses NADP+- and metal-dependent oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to alpha-ketoglutarate. It belongs to the beta-decarboxylating dehydrogenase family and is the only hyperthermostable IDH identified within subfamily II. Furthermore, it is the only IDH that has been characterized as both dimeric and tetrameric in solution. We solved the crystal structure of the dimeric apo form of TmIDH at 2.2 A. The R-factor of the refined model was 18.5% (R(free) 22.4%). The conformation of the TmIDH structure was open and showed a domain rotation of 25-30 degrees compared with closed IDHs. The separate domains were found to be homologous to those of the mesophilic mammalian IDHs of subfamily II and were subjected to a comparative analysis in order to find differences that could explain the large difference in thermostability. Mutational studies revealed that stabilization of the N- and C-termini via long-range electrostatic interactions were important for the higher thermostability of TmIDH. Moreover, the number of intra- and intersubunit ion pairs was higher and the ionic networks were larger compared with the mesophilic IDHs. Other factors likely to confer higher stability in TmIDH were a less hydrophobic and more charged accessible surface, a more hydrophobic subunit interface, more hydrogen bonds per residue and a few loop deletions. The residues responsible for the binding of isocitrate and NADP+ were found to be highly conserved between TmIDH and the mammalian IDHs and it is likely that the reaction mechanism is the same.  相似文献   

Using protein from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima, we have determined the solution structure of CheW, an essential component in the formation of the bacterial chemotaxis signaling complex. The overall fold is similar to the regulatory domain of the chemotaxis kinase CheA. In addition, interactions of CheW with CheA were monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. The chemical shift perturbation data show the probable contacts that CheW makes with CheA. In combination with previous genetic data, the structure also suggests a possible binding site for the chemotaxis receptor. These results provide a structural basis for a model in which CheW acts as a molecular bridge between CheA and the cytoplasmic tails of the receptor.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima, which grows at up to 90°C, contains an L-glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH). Activity of this enzyme could be detected in T. maritima crude extracts, and appeared to be associated with a 47-kDa protein which cross-reacted with antibodies against purified GDH from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus woesei. The single-copy T. maritima gdh gene was cloned by complementation in a glutamate auxotrophic Escherichia coli strain. The nucleotide sequence of the gdh gene predicts a 416-residue protein with a calculated molecular weight of 45852. The gdh gene was inserted in an expression vector and expressed in E. coli as an active enzyme. The T. maritima GDH was purified to homogeneity. The NH2-terminal sequence of the purified enzyme was PEKSLYEMAVEQ, which is identical to positions 2–13 of the peptide sequence derived from the gdh gene. The purified native enzyme has a size of 265 kDa and a subunit size of 47 kDa, indicating that GDH is a homohexamer. Maximum activity of the enzyme was measured at 75°C and the pH optima are 8.3 and 8.8 for the anabolic and catabolic reaction, respectively. The enzyme was found to be very stable at 80°C, but appeared to lose activity quickly at higher temperatures. The T. maritima GDH shows the highest rate of activity with NADH (V max of 172U/mg protein), but also utilizes NADPH (V max of 12U/mg protein). Sequence comparisons showed that the T. maritima GDH is a member of the family II of hexameric GDHs which includes all the GDHs isolated so far from hyperthermophiles. Remarkably, phylogenetic analysis positions all these hyperthermophilic GDHs in the middle of the GDH family II tree, with the bacterial T. maritima GDH located between that of halophilic and thermophilic euryarchaeota. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 12 October 1996  相似文献   

W A Deutschman  F W Dahlquist 《Biochemistry》2001,40(43):13107-13113
The CheY protein isolated from the hyperthermophile Thermotoga maritima is much more resistant to thermally induced unfolding than is its counterpart from the mesophile Bacillus subtilis. To determine the basis of this increased thermostability, the temperature dependence of the free energy of unfolding was determined for these CheY homologues using denaturant-induced unfolding experiments. This allowed comparison of T. maritima CheY with B. subtilis CheY and determination of the thermodynamic qualities responsible for the enhanced thermostability of T. maritima CheY. The stability of the thermophilic CheY protein is a direct result of the increased enthalpy contribution at the temperature of zero entropy, T(s), and the decreased heat capacity change upon unfolding, resulting in a decreased dependence of the free energy of unfolding on temperature. It was found that neither purely entropic nor purely enthalpic contributions alone (as reflected by T(s)) were sufficient to account for the increase in stability.  相似文献   

Tang WK  Wong KB  Lam YM  Cha SS  Cheng CH  Fong WP 《FEBS letters》2008,582(20):3090-3096
The crystal structure of seabream antiquitin in complex with the cofactor NAD(+) was solved at 2.8A resolution. The mouth of the substrate-binding pocket is guarded by two conserved residues, Glu120 and Arg300. To test the role of these two residues, we have prepared the two mutants E120A and R300A. Our model and kinetics data suggest that antiquitin's specificity towards the substrate alpha-aminoadipic semialdehyde is contributed mainly by Glu120 which interacts with the alpha-amino group of the substrate. On the other hand, Arg300 does not have any specific interaction with the alpha-carboxylate group of the substrate, but is important in maintaining the active site conformation.  相似文献   

NifS-like proteins are ubiquitous, homodimeric, proteins which belong to the alpha-family of pyridoxal-5'-phoshate dependent enzymes. They are proposed to donate elementary sulphur, generated from cysteine, via a cysteinepersulphide intermediate during iron sulphur cluster biosynthesis, an important albeit not well understood process. Here, we report on the crystal structure of a NifS-like protein from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima (tmNifS) at 2.0 A resolution. The tmNifS is structured into two domains, the larger bearing the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate-binding active site, the smaller hosting the active site cysteine in the middle of a highly flexible loop, 12 amino acid residues in length. Once charged with sulphur the loop could possibly deliver S(0) directly to regions far remote from the protein. Based on the three-dimensional structures of the native as well as the substrate complexed form and on spectrophotometric results, a mechanism of sulphur activation is proposed. The His99, which stacks on top of the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate co-factor, is assigned a crucial role during the catalytic cycle by acting as an acid-base catalyst and is believed to have a pK(a) value depending on the co-factor redox state.  相似文献   

From the lysosomal cysteine proteinase cathepsin B, isolated from human liver in its two-chain form, monoclinic crystals were obtained which contain two molecules per asymmetric unit. The molecular structure was solved by a combination of Patterson search and heavy atom replacement methods (simultaneously with rat cathepsin B) and refined to a crystallographic R value of 0.164 using X-ray data to 2.15 A resolution. The overall folding pattern of cathepsin B and the arrangement of the active site residues are similar to the related cysteine proteinases papain, actinidin and calotropin DI. 166 alpha-carbon atoms out of 248 defined cathepsin B residues are topologically equivalent (with an r.m.s. deviation of 1.04 A) with alpha-carbon atoms of papain. However, several large insertion loops are accommodated on the molecular surface and modify its properties. The disulphide connectivities recently determined for bovine cathepsin B by chemical means were shown to be correct. Some of the primed subsites are occluded by a novel insertion loop, which seems to favour binding of peptide substrates with two residues carboxy-terminal to the scissile peptide bond; two histidine residues (His110 and His111) in this "occluding loop' provide positively charged anchors for the C-terminal carboxylate group of such polypeptide substrates. These structural features explain the well-known dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase activity of cathepsin B. The other subsites adjacent to the reactive site Cys29 are relatively similar to papain; Glu245 in the S2 subsite favours basic P2-side chains. The above mentioned histidine residues, but also the buried Glu171 might represent the group with a pKa of approximately 5.5 near the active site, which governs endo- and exopeptidase activity. The "occluding loop' does not allow cystatin-like protein inhibitors to bind to cathepsin B as they do to papain, consistent with the reduced affinity of these protein inhibitors for cathepsin B compared with the related plant enzymes.  相似文献   

Cathepsin F is a lysosomal cysteine protease of the papain family, and likely plays a regulatory role in processing the invariant chain that is associated with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. Evidence suggests that inhibiting cathepsin F activity will block MHC class II processing in macrophages. Consequently, inhibitors of this enzyme may be useful in treating certain diseases that involve an inappropriate or excessive immune response. We have determined the 1.7A structure of the mature domain of human cathepsin F associated with an irreversible vinyl sulfone inhibitor. This structure provides a basis for understanding cathepsin F's substrate specificity, and suggests ways of identifying potent and selective inhibitors of this enzyme.  相似文献   

This paper describes the NMR screening of 141 small (<15 kDa) recombinant Thermotoga maritima proteins for globular folding. The experimental data shows that approximately 25% of the screened proteins are folded under our screening conditions, which makes this procedure an important step for selecting those proteins that are suitable for structure determination. A comparison of screening based either on 1D 1H NMR with unlabeled proteins or on 2D [1H,15N]-COSY with uniformly 15N-labeled proteins is presented, and a comprehensive analysis of the 1D 1H NMR screening data is described. As an illustration of the utility of these methods to structural proteomics, the NMR structure determination of TM1492 (ribosomal protein L29) is presented. This 66-residue protein consists of a N-terminal 3(10)-helix and two long alpha-helices connected by a tight turn centered about glycine 35, where conserved leucine and isoleucine residues in the two alpha-helices form a small hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

Thermotoga maritima, a thermophilic eubacterium, is motile at temperatures ranging from 50 to 105 degrees C. The cells are propelled by a single flagellum which most of the time spins clockwise. Changes in the swimming direction ("tumbles") are achieved by short reversals of the direction of filament rotation. The average speed of swimming cells depends on the temperature, reaching a maximum value of about 60 microns/s at 85 degrees C. The cells show a thermotactic response to temporal temperature changes. When the temperature is raised, the rate of tumbles is increased, while decreasing temperature decreases the tumbling rate.  相似文献   

New crystal forms of glutamine synthetase from Escherichia coli are reported. Two of these (II A and II B) demand that the dodecameric molecule contains a 2-fold axis of symmetry perpendicular to the apparent hexagonal face.Whereas forms II A and II B and others reported previously (I and III A) were grown from enzyme containing covalently bound AMP groups, a third new form (III C) was grown from enzyme lacking covalently bound AMP groups. Form III C is isomorphous with form III A. This demonstrates that the addition of AMP groups, which profoundly affect the catalytic and regulatory properties of glutamine synthetase, does not alter the dimensions of the molecular envelope. Thus adenylylation of the enzyme does not seem to cause a quaternary structural transition, though small changes of intensities suggest that there may be tertiary structural changes within the subunits.Other new forms include form III B, a low symmetry polymorph, closely related to form III A, and form IV, a trigonal polymorph with large asymmetric unit. All crystal forms are consistent with a symmetry of 622 for the glutamine synthetase molecule.  相似文献   

Cold-shock proteins (Csps) are a subgroup of the cold-induced proteins preferentially expressed in bacteria and other organisms on reduction of the growth temperature below the physiological temperature. They are related to the cold-shock domain found in eukaryotes and are some of the most conserved proteins known. Their exact function is still not known, but translational regulation, possibly via RNA chaperoning, has been discussed. Here we present the structure of a hyperthermophilic member of the Csp family. The NMR solution structure of TmCsp from Thermotoga maritima, the hyperthermophilic member of this class of proteins, was solved on the basis of 1015 conformational constraints. It contains five beta strands combined in two antiparallel beta sheets making up a beta barrel structure, in which beta strands 1-4 are arranged in a Greek-key topology. The side chain of R2, which is exclusively found in thermophilic members of the Csp family, probably participates in a peripheral ion cluster involving residues D20, R2, E47 and K63, suggesting that the thermostability of TmCsp is based on the peripheral ion cluster around the side chain of R2.  相似文献   

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