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虎舌兰属(Epipogium Gmelin ex Borkhausen)隶属于兰科(Orchidaceae)树兰族(Epidendreae),为一寡种属,分布于欧亚大陆、亚洲热带、非洲热带和大洋洲等地区。本属植物有3种,俱为腐生草本。  相似文献   

讨论了北美火烧兰 Epipactis gigantea、卵叶火烧兰 E.royleana和大叶火烧兰 E.mairei之间的异同。过去被许多作者认为是北美火烧兰 E.gigantea和卵叶火烧兰 E.royleana的中国植物实际上应是大叶火烧兰 E.mairei。卵叶火烧兰在中国仅局限于西藏东南部。  相似文献   

兰科舌唇兰属的一新亚属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者曾在1994年发表的“兰科植物区系中一些有意义属的地理分布格局的研究”一文中介绍了 此新亚属——显柱舌唇兰亚属的分布格局及其与舌唇兰亚属的区别。现将它正式发表。此新亚属含12种,其中1种为新组合种。  相似文献   

蒋宏 《云南植物研究》2006,28(3):259-260
报道了中国云南兰科鸟舌兰属植物一新变种,即红唇圆柱叶鸟舌兰Ascocentrum himalaicum(Deb.Sengupta et Malick)Christenson var.roseolum H.Jiang。它与原变种的区别在于唇瓣淡红色;花序轴长5~10cm,具花5~35朵;叶鞘具深紫色斑点。  相似文献   

秦岭兰科一新记录属——全唇兰属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全唇兰属(Myrmechis Bl.)隶属于兰科(Orchidaceae)鸟巢兰族(Neottieae)斑叶兰亚族(Goodyerinae),属的模式种M.gracilis(B1.)B1.分布于亚洲热带至亚热带地区的中国、日本、锡金、印度尼西亚[4,2]。该属植物有7种,均为陆生小草本。根状茎伸长,匍匐、肉质、具节,节上生根、叶很小。  相似文献   

报道了秦岭兰科植物分布新记录属——蛤兰属(Conchidium Griff.),及属下新记录种——高山蛤兰[Conchidium japonicum(Maxim.)S. C. Chen&J. J. Wood]该属种也是河南省兰科植物新记录。文中对其进行详细的形态描述,并提供野外照片。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科独蒜兰属2个未详知种:藏南独蒜兰(Pleione arunachalensis Hareesh, P.Kumar M.Sabu)和矮小独蒜兰[P.humilis (Sm.) D.Don],并提供了详细的形态描述和照片。凭证标本保存于云南省林业和草原科学院植物标本馆(YAF)。  相似文献   

报道了2017年发现于云南孟连县勐马镇腊福大黑山贺莫村附近海拔2 145m中山湿性常绿阔叶林的一种附生兰科植物——窄唇舌唇兰[Platanthera angustilabris Seidenf.]在中国的新分布记录,该物种过去记录仅分布在缅甸、泰国和越南。窄唇舌唇兰与长瓣舌唇兰相近,但前者的窄披针形叶片长度可以达到15cm,后者的披针形叶片仅可达7cm。凭证标本存放于中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆(KUN)。  相似文献   

报道了海南兰科植物1个新记录属—金唇兰属(基于金唇兰,并提供简要的描述、照片及属的分布图。  相似文献   

Five new species (Gastrochilus yei, Gastrochilus minimus, Luisia simaoensis, Taeniophyllum xizangense, Tuberolabium subulatum) and two newly recorded species (Cleisostoma tricornutum, Luisia inconspicua) of Vandeae (Orchidaceae) from China are described and illustrated. Gastrochilus yei is similar to G. affinis and G. nepalensis, but differs from them by having an epichile not lobed, the apex of the hypochile not bilobed, and a tine on the apex of the leaf. Gastrochilus minimus is similar to G. acinacifolius, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a flabellate epichile that is densely hirsute on the adaxial surface and an inconspicuous central cushion; in addition, the hypochile of G. minimus has a keel that extends to the apex of the epichile. Taeniophyllum xizangense is similar to T. stella and T. radiatum, but it is distinguished from them by having much bigger flowers, inflorescences densely covered with short-bristly hairs, papillae on the external surface of sepals, and bigger triangular-ovate viscidium. Luisia simaoensis is similar to L. magniflora and L. ramosii, but can be easily distinguished from them by having lateral sepals longer than dorsal sepals and petals, lip with irregular and waved margins, and lip with bilobed apex. Luisia inconspicua is moved from Gastrochilus to Luisia based on phylogenetic analyses of plastid matK sequence data. Tuberolabium subulatum is similar to T. carnosum, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by having an inflorescence much shorter than the leaves, yellow sepals and petals, and many small papillae outside the lip lobes.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科石豆兰属2新记录种,即普洱石豆兰(Bulbophylhum didymotropis Seidenf)和版纳石豆兰(Bulbophylhum protractum HK.f),并提供描述和图片.  相似文献   

中国兰科植物研究杂记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中国兰科植物一个新记录属和三个新记录种,短距兰属(Penkimia)、短距兰(P.na-galandensis)、长序大苞兰(Sunipia cirrhata)、白花叉喙兰(Uncifera thailandica).短距兰属(Penkimia)区别与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)在于侧萼片合抱蕊柱,唇瓣没有任何附属物以及锥形的距;长序大苞兰的花序长于叶,唇瓣基部具一个胼胝体;白花叉喙兰唇瓣的距后弯并朝向子房.  相似文献   

本文报道了核菌纲炭墩菌属的3个种,其中米勒炭墩菌K.milleri和夏威夷炭墩菌K.sandvicensis为中国新记录种。螺纹炭墩菌K.zonata过去仅在中国台湾省有记载,现在我国其他省份也发现该种。米勒炭墩菌采自湖南省,其主要特征是具有开放的子囊壳孔口;夏威夷炭墩菌采自云南省和湖南省,此菌牙缝长度接近孢子全长易于识别;螺纹炭墩菌K.zonata采自云南省、海南省和浙江省,其孢子较黑且较小。本文对此3个种的形态进行了描述,并提供了子座照片和显微照片。  相似文献   

Taxonomic notes of the genus Illicium Linn. are presented based mainly on herbarium studies involving more than 10 thousand speciemens from 120 herbaria worldwide, Three new combinations are made, viz, I. fargesii Finet & Gagnep. Subsp. szechuanensis (Cheng) Q. Lin, I. parvifolium Merr. Subsp. oligandrum (Merr. & Chun)Q. Lin and I. micranhum Dunn subsp. tsangii (A. C. Smith)Q. Lin, and thirteen species, six subspecies, three varieties and two forms are reduced to synonyms. Thirty-four species, three subspecies and one variety are recognized inthis genus.  相似文献   

两种狐尾藻属(小二仙草科)植物在中国的新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
互花狐尾藻 Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC.和刺果狐尾藻M.tuberculatum Roxb.为中国首次记录。  相似文献   

Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. and M. tuberculatum Roxb. of the Haloragaceae, are reported as new records in China.  相似文献   

A new name (Pteroceras semiteretifolium H. Æ. Peders.) and two new combinations (P. cladostachyum (Hook.f.) H. Æ. Peders., P. unguiculatum (Lindley) H. Æ. Peders.) are presented. The correct application of the name P. pallidum (Blume) Holttum is discussed.  相似文献   

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