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Seasonal fluctuations of zooplankton biomass (dry weight) were determined during a year in two localities of Lake Xolotlán (Managua). Biomass estimations of the most common species of rotifers, cladocerans and copepods were made. The maximal zooplankton biomass was observed in February–April (dry season) in coincidence with the period of highest phytoplankton abundance. Copepods contributed with 78% and 84% to the mean zooplankton biomass at points 1 and 7, respectively. Cladocera biomass was lowest during most of the year, and it was probably controlled by fish predation. Development of rotifer biomass was more intense during the rainy season, when detritus particles were more abundant. Daily fluctuations of zooplankton biomass were not pronounced.  相似文献   

Long-term (1969–2002) data record of biomass distribution of rotifers in Lake Kinneret is combined with previously published information on their metabolic activity and newly calculated population dynamics parameters to synthesize a model of their seasonal dynamics in Lake Kinneret. Nineteen rotifer species were recorded in routine samples collected in Lake Kinneret (Israel) in 7 offshore (deeper than 5 m), stations, at 12 discrete depths during 1969–2002. Organisms were sorted and counted (including external egg carrying females), biomass was measured and calculated for the entire lake stock (gw.w m−2; mg l−1). Rates of grazing, respiration and production were measured experimentally at three different temperature ranges. Results were extrapolated to the lake community for months with similar temperatures. Rotifera comprised 7% of total zooplankton biomass in Lake Kinneret whilst Cladocera and Copepoda 58 and 35% respectively. Rotifers were found to be more abundant during December–June and decline in summer months. Monthly (1969–2001) means indicated total grazing capacity of rotifers as 11%, respiration as 9% and production as 3.7% of the total zooplankton metabolic activity. Positive relations were indicated between rotifer and small bodied cladoceran numerical concentrations. Population growth models suggest that rotifers are not food limited in Lake Kinneret but that fish predation plays an important role in regulating abundance in spring-summer and fall.  相似文献   

Temponeras  M.  Kristiansen  J.  Moustaka-Gouni  M. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,424(1-3):109-122
Phytoplankton species composition, seasonal dynamics and spatial distribution in the shallow Lake Doïrani were studied during the growth season of 1996 along with key physical and chemical variables of the water. Weak thermal stratification developed in the lake during the warm period of 1996. The low N:P ratio suggests that nitrogen was the potential limiting nutrient of phytoplankton in the lake. In the phytoplankton of the lake, Chlorophyceae were the most species-rich group followed by Cyanophyceae. The monthly fluctuations of the total phytoplankton biomass presented high levels of summer algal biomass resembling that of other eutrophic lakes. Dinophyceae was the group most represented in the phytoplankton followed by Cyanophyceae. Diatomophyceae dominated in spring and autumn. Nanoplankton comprised around 90% of the total biomass in early spring and less than 10% in summer. The seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton generally followed the typical pattern outlined for other eutrophic lakes. R-species (small diatoms), dominant in the early phase of succession, were replaced by S-species (Microcystis, Anabaena, Ceratium) in summer. With cooling of the water in September, the biomass of diatoms (R-species) increased. The summer algal maxima consisted of a combination of H and M species associations (sensu Reynolds). Phytoplankton development in 1996 was subject to the combined effect of the thermal regime, the small depth of mixing and the increased sediment-water interactions in the lake, which caused changes in the underwater light conditions and nutrient concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze the seasonal variations of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787) on a sandy beach in the southern region of Brazil. Crabs and hemolymph samples were collected monthly in the field. Hepatopancreas, gills, gonads and claw muscles were used for glycogen determination. In males, blood glucose levels increased in the summer and in the winter. The glycogen values increased significantly in the hepatopancreas in the winter, but remained constant in the muscle, gonads and gills. In females, hemolymph glucose levels, glycogen values in the hepatopancreas and in the gills remained constant throughout the year; however, muscular glycogen increased in the spring and gonad glycogen decreased in the summer. Hemolymph triglyceride levels of males and females and total cholesterol of males decreased significantly in the spring. In females, a significant increase of total cholesterol levels was found in the winter. The findings suggest that in O. quadrata lipids seem to be an important reserve of energy used during reproduction, both in males and females, while glycogen may be used during periods of intense activity or fasting.  相似文献   

Lake Biwa is situated in western Honshu, and is the largest and oldest freshwater lake in Japan. During 1982–1983, a long core was drilled to a bottom depth of 1422 m in order to investigate the palaeolimnological record, which contains 911 m of various sedimentary units overlying Palaeozoic–Mesozoic basements. A 249.5-m core of the uppermost bed (T Bed) was palynologically examined at intervals of ca. 2 m. The investigated part of the core covers approximately the last 430,000 years of the mid-Upper Pleistocene and Holocene, and five glacial–interglacial cycles can be recognized. Ten major vegetational zones could be recognized from the bottom to the surface. The zones bearing even numbers, BW-10, 8, 6, 4 and 2, matched glacial periods in which pollen of subarctic taxa (Pinaceae, Betula) and cool–temperate taxa (Fagus, Lepidobalanus) was dominant. In the glacial periods, high pollen values for temperate conifers such as Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys indicate interstadial periods. Zones bearing odd numbers, BW-9, 7, 5, 3 and 1, matched interglacial periods with high pollen values for the warm–temperate taxon Cyclobalanopsis, or showed the characteristic appearance of Lagerstroemia, and temperate coniferous taxa (Cryptomeria, Cupressaceae). There were two vegetational types in the interglacial periods. One was the type indicated by BW-9 and 1 zones, when warm–temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees such as Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis showed high pollen values, and the warm–temperate deciduous broad-leaved tree Lagerstroemia was lacking. The climate of these interglacial periods seems to have been cold and dry in winter, and warm and wet in summer. The other was the vegetational type recorded in BW-7, 5 and 3 zones, where Lagerstroemia showed low pollen values, and the warm–temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees mentioned above were poorly represented. The climate seems to have been mild and wet in winter, and cool and wet in summer. The dominant pollen values for cool–temperate deciduous broad-leaved taxa such as Fagus and Lepidobalanus are very important indicators of the initiation of both glacial and interglacial periods in western Japan.  相似文献   

The temporal variation in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of particulate organic matter (POM) in the Rhone River was investigated on a monthly basis during a 2-year period (2004–2005). In spite of high month-to-month variation, interannually consistent seasonal trends appeared, with significantly lower δ13C (<?28.2‰) in spring than in the other seasons. In contrast, δ15N did not exhibit significant temporal variation. In spring and summer, high chlorophyll a and b concentrations were associated with low C/N values (<8) and a high percentage of organic carbon (%C) and organic nitrogen (%N), testifying to high development of autochthonous riverine phytoplankton (mainly diatoms and chlorophytes). In fall and winter, higher δ13C (>?27.2‰) and C/N (>8) values, and lower %C, %N, and chlorophylls concentrations indicated the predominance of allochthonous terrestrial detritus material in the river POM. The lower δ13C values recorded in spring–summer, when the phytoplankton biomass was high, were related to the lower carbon isotopic signatures of freshwater diatoms and chlorophytes compared to those of terrestrial plants. Overall, Rhone River POM was mainly composed of terrestrially derived material (90%), with autochthonous phytoplankton representing only 10% as a mean, in spite of a higher mean contribution of phytoplankton (27%) to river POM in summer.  相似文献   

The attenuation of down-welling quantum irradiance (400–700 nm) was monitored seasonally in three eutrophic Nebraska reservoirs from July, 1975, to June, 1976. Measurements were made at four stations in McConaughy, three in Pawnee, and three in Yankee Hill using a commercially available, quantum irradiance sensor. The mean vertical attenuation coefficient () for McConaughy varied within a range of thirty-four-fold (0.16 5.45 m-1), and this range is apparently the greatest reported and this range is apparently the greatest reported for a freshwater system in which data were collected with a quantum sensor. Annual average values for McConaughy, Yankee Hill, and Pawnee were 0.69 m–1, 1.08 m–1, and 1.25 m–1, respectively. The euphotic zone and the 1% level of subsurface irradiance is discussed with respect to the penetration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) into natural waters.This study was supported by a grant from the Office of Water Research and Technology, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, project number A-043-NEB, agreement number 14-34-0001-6028, to James R. Rosowski, School of Life Sciences, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.  相似文献   

Population density (number of propagules/l) of Pythium in the irrigation water has been studied in the reservoirs of the Poniente Almeriense (Almería, Spain). These reservoirs are habitually used in the watering of the greenhouse crops of the district. From October 1994 to August 1997, 17 sampling campaigns were carried out, 23 reservoirs were visited and three of them were sampled during three years. 300 ml of superficial water were sampled and analyzed in the laboratory by means of filtration with paper Whatman number 1, placed on Ponchet selective medium and incubated at 20 degrees C. Data of the physical-chemical characteristics of the water (temperature, pH, CE, anions and cations) were taken. The geographical and seasonal distributions of the population were correlated with the analyzed characteristics. The more frequent densities were among 0-100 propagules/l. A population's seasonality was observed, with a maximum in winter and a minimum in summer. When Cl- concentration was higher, the number of propagules/l was smaller.  相似文献   

164 taxa were identified in the net zooplankton of the pelagial of L. Peipsi-Pihkva in 1909–1987, including 3 species of protozoans, 74 species of rotifers, 58 species of cladocerans, 28 species of copepods and 1 mollusc. One rotifer species, Ploesoma peipsiense Mäemets et Kutikova, has been described as new for science here. The zooplankton of L. Peipsi-Pihkva is remarkably rich in species including rarities in Estonia: Limnosida frontosa, Drepanothrix dentata, Bythotrephes longimanus, B. cederstroemi etc. Due to its large surface area, L. Peipsi-Pihkva provides a large scale of biotopes of a diverse trophic state and humic content, which support species with different ecological requirements. Most of the aquatory of the lake has lately been mesotrophic, favouring the coexistence of indicators of oligo- and mesotrophic state and species preferring a higher trophic state. The occurrece of 10 species of the genus Bosmina including B. berolinensis, B. gibbera, B. lilljeborgi, B. thersites and B. crassicornis, sparse in Estonian lakes, is the most noteworthy feature of the zooplankton of L. Peipsi-Pihkva. The coexistence of B. coregoni and B. berolinensis, B. gibbera, B. lilljeborgi etc. which were earlier regarded as subspecies of B. c. coregoni proves that they are different species producing usually no hybrids. The species composition was subjected to certain changes during the years under consideration. Larvae of Dreissena were first found in zooplankton in 1962. The oligo-mesotrophic indicator Holopedium gibberum occurred in the lake in 1909–1964, but was lacking in later samples.  相似文献   

The role of microorganisms in microbialite formation remains unresolved: do they induce mineral precipitation (microbes first) or do they colonize and/or entrap abiotic mineral precipitates (minerals first)? Does this role vary from one species to another? And what is the impact of mineral precipitation on microbial ecology? To explore potential biogenic carbonate precipitation, we studied cyanobacteria–carbonate assemblages in modern hydromagnesite-dominated microbialites from the alkaline Lake Alchichica (Mexico), by coupling three-dimensional imaging of molecular fluorescence emitted by microorganisms, using confocal laser scanning microscopy, and Raman scattering/spectrometry from the associated minerals at a microscale level. Both hydromagnesite and aragonite precipitate within a complex biofilm composed of photosynthetic and other microorganisms. Morphology and pigment-content analysis of dominant photosynthetic microorganisms revealed up to six different cyanobacterial morphotypes belonging to Oscillatoriales, Chroococcales, Nostocales and Pleurocapsales, as well as several diatoms and other eukaryotic microalgae. Interestingly, one of these morphotypes, Pleurocapsa-like, appeared specifically associated with aragonite minerals, the oldest parts of actively growing Pleurocapsa-like colonies being always aragonite-encrusted. We hypothesize that actively growing cells of Pleurocapsales modify local environmental conditions favoring aragonite precipitation at the expense of hydromagnesite, which precipitates at seemingly random locations within the biofilm. Therefore, at least part of the mineral precipitation in Alchichica microbialites is most likely biogenic and the type of biominerals formed depends on the nature of the phylogenetic lineage involved. This observation may provide clues to identify lineage-specific biosignatures in fossil stromatolites from modern to Precambrian times.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》2006,60(2):130-144
Neodenticula seminae is an important component of pelagic diatom floras in the subarctic North Pacific and its adjacent seas. We conducted an SEM image analysis of four series of samples collected by sediment traps in the NW Pacific, in order to investigate the relations between its morphology, evolution, and environment. Seasonal variation in the skeletal morphology was common: lightly silicified morphs were dominant during spring blooms and in the summer (under oligotrophic conditions owing to surface water stratification and progressive nutrient limitation), whereas heavily silicified morphs became abundant in the fall and winter, subsequent to the onset of intensive vertical mixing. These observations suggest that the morphology of N. seminae is influenced by environmental factors including the nutrient availability as well as by its reproductive strategy.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of chemical analysis of Shira during summer (July-August). The chemical composition of waters in the water body was found to be fairly homogeneous horizontally. However, the concentrations of most ions increased with depth. The near-bottom layers were characterised by higher total mineral content and ash content, higher concentration of sulphates, sulphites, sulphide, phosphorus, ammonium nitrogen, as compared to the layers above. Maximum concentration of oxygen was recorded in 6–8 m stratum, where the photosynthetic processes were most active. The anaerobic layer which lay below the 12 m depth contained high concentrations of sulphide and sulphite. The composition of the lake water could be characterised as sulphate-chloride-bicarbonate sodium-magnesium. The changes in the water quality due to any anthropogenic emissions were not marked.  相似文献   

We examined birth records from Japanese statistics, 1975–1994, to investigate the seasonality of twin births. We could identify 198 924 pairs of twins (97.9% of all the registered twin records) and estimated the numbers of mono- and dizygotic twin pairs. The seasonal index of the twinning rate for each month was calculated by dividing the crude rate by the estimated trend value for the month. There were significant variations in the seasonal index for overall, dizygotic and monozygotic twinning rates. Peak months with values more than 3% higher than expected were July and October–December for dizygotic twins, and April and June for monozygotic twins; these seasonalities were statistically significant by analysis of variance and the patterns were similar in recent years, with a sharp increase in the total twinning rate. When observed year-by-year, however, there were years that did not show these typical seasonalities. It is suggested that the mechanisms for probable seasonal variations in twinning rates are different for dizygotic and monozygotic twin pregnancies, and that factors involved in these variations are not effective every year. Received: 2 September 1998 / Revised: 6 May 1999 / Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

Lead does not fulfill any physiological function in the human body. It is generally accepted that the blood lead level (BLL) is the best exposure index, as there is an excellent correlation between the actual exposure of the individual and the concentration of lead in blood. In Uruguay, lead contamination becomes a matter of public concern in 2001, giving rise to a sensitization in the population, which in many cases brought about a change in hygienic and dietary habits of the children. In 2004, after the leaded gasoline phasing out process in Uruguay was completed, we studied non-exposed children to correlate BLL with variables such as age, sex, area of residence, and available environmental lead data and compared these results with those from our similar screening studies 10years ago. The main result of this comparison is that BLL from children in our country had a significant decrease between 1994 and 2004.  相似文献   

Among the more than 40 genera of anthropoid primates (monkeys, apes, and humans), only the South American owl monkeys, genus Aotus, are nocturnal. However, the southernmostly distributed species, Aotus azarai azarai, of the Gran Chaco may show considerable amounts of its 24-h activity during bright daylight. Due to seasonal changes in the duration of photophase and climatic parameters in their subtropical habitat, the timing and pattern of their daily activity are expected to show significant seasonal variation. By quantitative long-term activity recordings with Actiwatch AW4 accelerometer data logger devices of 10 wild owl monkeys inhabiting a gallery forest in Formosa, Argentina, the authors analyzed the seasonal variation in the temporal niche and activity pattern resulting from entrainment and masking of the circadian activity rhythm by seasonally and diurnally varying environmental factors. The owl monkeys always displayed a distinct bimodal activity pattern, with prominent activity bouts and peaks during dusk and dawn. Their activity rhythm showed distinct lunar and seasonal variations in the timing and daily pattern. During the summer, the monkeys showed predominantly crepuscular/nocturnal behavior, and a crepuscular/cathemeral activity pattern with similar diurnal and nocturnal activity levels during the cold winter months. The peak times of the evening and morning activity bouts were more closely related to the times of sunset and sunrise, respectively, than activity-onset and -offset. Obviously, they were better circadian markers for the phase position of the entrained activity rhythm than activity-onset and -offset, which were subject to more masking effects of environmental and/or internal factors. Total daily activity was lowest during the two coldest lunar months, and almost twice as high during the warmest months. Nighttime (21:00-06:00 h) and daytime (09:00-18:00 h) activity varied significantly across the year, but in an opposite manner. Highest nighttime activity occurred in summer and maximal daytime activity during the cold winter months. Dusk and dawn activity, which together accounted for 43% of the total daily activity, barely changed. The monkeys tended to terminate their nightly activity period earlier on warm and rainy days, whereas the daily amount of activity showed no significant correlation either with temperature or precipitation. These data are consistent with the dual-oscillator hypothesis of circadian regulation. They suggest the seasonal variations of the timing and pattern of daily activity in wild owl monkeys of the Argentinean Chaco result from a specific interplay of light entrainment of circadian rhythmicity and strong masking effects of various endogenous and environmental factors. Since the phase position of the monkeys' evening and morning activity peaks did not vary considerably over the year, the seasonal change from a crepuscular/nocturnal activity pattern in summer to a more crepuscular/cathemeral one in winter does not depend on a corresponding phase shift of the entrained circadian rhythm, but mainly on masking effects. Thermoregulatory and energetic demands and constraints seem to play a crucial role.  相似文献   

Thirty-two specimens of 11 freshwater fish species from Lake Biwa, Japan were surveyed for coccidian infections. Four fish species proved to be infected with apicomplexans belonging to the genus Goussia. Altogether, seven Goussia species were found. Oöcysts of four species inhabiting the intestinal epithelium were shed at the sporulated stage. Two other intestinal species left the fish unsporulated. A few relatively large and aged oöcysts of a further species were found in the renal tubules. The sporulated intestinal species were described as Goussia biwaensis n. sp., G. grygieri n. sp., G. nipponica n. sp. and G. wakabayashii n. sp.  相似文献   

Three species of diatoms, Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve, Thalassiosira gravida Cleve, and T. pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, were grown in in situ dialysis culture in the Trondheimsfjord at depths of 0.5 and 4 m. The rates of growth and the chemical composition of exponentially growing cells were monitored and related to seasonal changes in illumination and temperature. Functions correlating growth rate with temperature were deduced. Growth took place from February to November. During this period temperature ranged from ?1 to 16°C, the average photon flux density (ifI) (per 24 h) from 9 to 570 μE · m?2 · s?1 (0.5 m depth), and the length of the days (I > 1 μE · m?2 · s?1) from 6 to 24 h. Light-limited growth was evident when the product of the average daily light and the chlorophyll/N ratio was < 10; this occurred mostly in early spring and late autumn. Peak densities (> 800 for the Thalassiosira spp. and > 1300–1400 μE · m?2 · s?1 for Skeletonema) seem to inhibit growth. The highest rates recorded were ≈1.6 doubl. · day?1 (July, 15–16°C).The three species exhibit different ecological behaviour. Skeletonema is eurythermal (Q10 = 1.8), whereas Thalassiosira pseudonana favours high temperatures, and T. gravida temperatures < 10°C. Moreover, Skeletonema has generally less chlorophyll and more phosphorus and ATP (≈ 1.4 ×) than the other two species. In Skeletonema, the ATP level seems related to the light-governed growth rate, and independent of temperature. In Thalassiosira no such correlation was found.  相似文献   

The temperature response of plant respiration varies between species and can acclimate to changing temperatures. Mitochondrial respiration in plants has two terminal oxidases: the cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and the cyanide-resistant alternative oxidase (AOX). In Populus × canadensis var. italica, a deciduous tree species, we investigated the temperature response of leaf respiration via the alternative and cytochrome pathways, as well as seasonal changes in these pathways, using the oxygen isotope fractionation technique. The electron partitioning through the alternative pathway (τ(a) ) increased from 0 to 30-40% with measurement temperatures from 6 to 30°C at all times measured throughout the growing season. τ(a) at the growth temperature (the average temperature during 3 days prior to sampling) increased from 12 to 29% from spring until late summer and decreased thereafter. Total respiration declined throughout the growing season by 50%, concomitantly with decreases in both AOX (64%) and COX (32%) protein abundances. Our results provide new insight into the natural variability of AOX protein abundances and alternative respiration electron partitioning over immediate and seasonal timescales.  相似文献   

From 1991–1996, the activity rhythms of 14 radio-collared pine martensMartes martes (Linnaeus, 1758) (6 males and 8 females) were studied in the pristine deciduous and mixed forests of the Białowieża National Park. Tracking data (5823 h) indicated that the activity rhythms of pine martens varied between sexes and seasons. In spring, male activity peaked at 20.00–00.00 h, whereas in summer and autumn-winter, activity was bimodal, peaking at 18.00–22.00 h and 02.00–04.00 h. Female activity in spring was more evenly distributed than that of males, but in summer their activity peaked at 20.00–00.00 h, while in autumn-winter females had a bimodal rhythm with peaks at 18.00–20.00 h and 02.00–06.00 h. In breeding females, activity rhythms changed in the course of pregnancy and nursing. On average, martens started their activity 73±209 (SD) min before sunset and finished 87±245 min after sunrise. Females became active earlier than males but both sexes terminated activity at the same time. For both males and females the daily activity rhythm was not related to the diurnal course of temperature.  相似文献   

During the extremely dry period between 2000 and 2003, the water level of Lake Balaton decreased by 82 cm and 80% of the stony littoral, an important habitat for the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), became dry. A recovery period started in 2004 due to intense precipitation, which increased water levels in the lake. Seasonal and spatial variations of the relative abundance, population density, population structure and biomass of the zebra mussel and the relative abundance of the amphipod Chelicorophium curvispinum were monitored in the period of 2003–2005 at four different shoreline sections and in two different portions (on the bottom and near the surface portion of the rip-rap) of Lake Balaton. Along with these studies, a quantitative survey of mussel larvae found in the plankton and of the abundance of mussel feeding diving ducks were made. As a consequence of the water level fall, on the dried part of the stony littoral, numerous zebra mussel druses perished. Following the dry period in early 2004, the relative abundance of the mussel on the bottom stones was smaller than in 2003 and the bottom community was dominated by C. curvispinum. By the end of 2004 and during 2005, the water level returned to normal and the surfaces of the reinundated stones were conducive to the successful colonization of zebra mussels. Hence, they returned as the dominant fauna in 2005. The stones near the surface might provide a new substrate for the recruitment of zebra mussels, probably offering more suitable substrata for the settlement in 2005 than in 2003. Therefore, the new substrata available in 2005 may have encouraged better and more rapid zebra mussel colonization than before. Zebra mussels may be better competitors for new space than C. curvispinum. A minor change of water-level fluctuation in 2005 and the reduction in population size of the mussel feeding waterfowl could have contributed to the intensive spread of zebra mussel by 2005.  相似文献   

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