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Significant amounts of radioactivity were associated with Hymenolepis diminuta following incubation in 3H-trypsin. Autoradiography of worms incubated in 3H-trypsin for 30 min demonstrated that all radioactivity was associated with the worm's surface (tegument). The amount of 3H-trypsin adsorbed by the worms was not sufficient to account for the inactivation of this enzyme in the presence of intact worms. Unlabeled trypsin and poly-L-glutamate (but not poly-L-lysine) inhibited adsorption of 3H-trypsin, but were without effect on trypsin inactivation by H. diminuta. Therefore, trypsin was adsorbed by intact H. diminuta, but the process of adsorption apparently did not play any role in inactivation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

In the presence of intact Hymenolepis diminuta, trypsin was inactivated; intact worms had no apparent effect on subtilisin, pepsin, or papain. Inactivation of trypsin was demonstrable using azoalbumin as a substrate, but the inactivated enzyme retained full catalytic activity against benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide, p-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester (low molecular weight synthetic trypsin substrates) and p-nitro-p-guanidinobenzoate (an active site titrant). Inactivation was not reversible under conditions of heating, freezing and thawing, or prolonged dialysis of the enzyme. Analyses of inactivated 3H-trypsin by cationic and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and gel chromatography failed to indicate the presence of a high molecular weight trypsin inhibitor associated with the inactivated enzyme; no low molecular weight, dissociable inhibitor was demonstrable following thermal denaturation of the inactivated enzyme. Analyses of trypsin after incubation in the presence of pulse-labeled worms also failed to demonstrate the presence of any inhibitor of worm origin associated with the inactivated enzyme. The data suggest that inactivation is the result of a small structural or conformational change in the enzyme molecule, a change which partially (rather than totally) inactivates the enzyme towards protein substrates.  相似文献   

Cycloleucine uptake by metacestodes of H. diminuta of various ages was investigated. Absorption occurs by active mediated transport, mean Kt = 0.28 mM. Vmax values are age-related, and can be correlated to developmental changes. Cycloleucine uptake in the metacestode is very similar to that in the adult worm and the implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

A membrane-bound monoamine oxidase (EC was demonstrated in homogenates of Hymenolepis diminuta. The enzyme oxidized a variety of biologically active amines (in decreasing order: dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline, tryptamine, tyramine, octopamine), there was, however, no activity with 5-hydroxytryptamine or benzylamine. No diamine oxidase (EC could be detected in H. diminuta (using histamine, cadaverine or putrescine as substrates). The monoamine oxidase from H. diminuta was not inhibited by azide, hydroxylamine or semicarbazide, but was inhibited by cupferron, alpha-alpha dipyridyl and iodoacetamide, and by the specific monoamine oxidase inhibitors pargyline, nialamide and iproniazid. Several anthelmintics were also found to be inhibitors of monoamine oxidase. The possible roles of monoamine oxidase in H. diminuta are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial membranes of adult Hymenolepis diminuta catalyzed inhibitor-sensitive ferricytochrome c reduction. Cytochrome c reductase activity was noted when NAD(P)H or succinate served as the reductant with the NADH-coupled reaction being most prominent. Both rotenone-sensitive and -insensitive reduced pyridine nucleotide-coupled activities were apparent. Ferrocytochrome c oxidase activity also was catalyzed by H. diminuta mitochondrial membranes and this reaction was sensitive to azide and cyanide. A cytochrome c peroxidase activity was associated primarily with the mitochondrial soluble fraction of adult H. diminuta. The possibility that the activities observed may contribute to the elimination of peroxide in the helminth system is considered.  相似文献   

An investigation of the chemotherapeutic and biochemical effects of two benzimidazole anthelmintics, thiabendazole (TBZ) and cambendazole (CBZ), on Hymenolepis diminuta in experimentally infected rats is reported. Thiabendazole was active against H. diminuta at a relatively high dosage. A single oral dose of TBZ at 250 mg/kg body weight on day 15 of infection eliminated 100% of the tapeworms as determined at necropsy 5 days after treatment. The chemotherapeutic actions of TBZ on H. diminuta were accompanied by marked changes in worm weight and chemical composition. Tapeworms recovered from rats that had received a therapeutically effective dose of TBZ 24 hr earlier were significantly smaller and contained much less glycogen (as a percent of the wet weight) than worms from unmedicated controls. Protein concentrations increased in TBZ-treated worms and at a rate sufficient to offset the decline in glycogen concentration. Glycogen/protein ratios in TBZ-treated worms were significantly lower than the corresponding control values. Cambendazole proved to be five times more potent than TBZ against H. diminuta and produced the same basic changes in worm weight and chemical composition within 18 hr of treatment of the host. Administration of a single oral dose of TBZ or CBZ to the host produced in H. diminuta another change, the onset of which coincided with, or preceded, the gross alterations in worm weight and chemical composition. That change, observed in in vitro studies carried out 14 hr after treatment, revealed that tapeworms from drug-treated rats absorbed and metabolized much smaller quantities of exogenous glucose than did the controls, and the ability of the worm to accumulate glucose against a concentration difference was significantly depressed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Thymidine uptake kinetics in 10-day old crowded (100 worms/rat), 10 day uncrowded (10 worms/rat) and 6-day old H. diminuta were investigated. Succinate, a partial mediator of the “crowding effect” was also tested for its effect on the thymidine uptake of uncrowded worms.
  • 2.2. Immature (6-day old) H. diminuta have a high affinity transport site for thymidine which persists in the anterior regions of 10-day old worms, but is overshadowed by the proliferation of lower affinity sites in the remainder of the 10-day old strobila.
  • 3.3. Lower rates of 3H thymidine incorporation into DNA by crowded or succinate-treated worms cannot be accounted for by differences in thymidine uptake characteristics.
  • 4.4. The inclusion of 14C-PEG in uptake experiments as a non-absorbable marker is of particular use when studying small, young worms with high surface to mass ratios.

1. The sterols of Hymenolepis diminuta are almost exclusively cholesterol or similar C-27 sterols; the free sterols of its environment (the lumen of the rat intestine) are cholesterol and various phytosterols. 2. During incubation of tapeworms with mixed micelles of taurocholate, glyceryl monooleate, and equimolar [3H]cholesterol and [14C]beta-sitosterol, the uptake of cholesterol is 40 times more rapid than the uptake of sitosterol. 3. Following uptake, the desorption of labeled sitosterol is six times more rapid than that of cholesterol. 4. We did not detect the esterification of absorbed sterols or the conversion of absorbed sitosterol of cholesterol. 5. The highly selective uptake of cholesterol and the moderately selective desorption of phytosterols can account for the selective accumulation of C-27 sterol by the tapeworm.  相似文献   

Uptake and serosal transfer of the vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and folic acid have been studied in vivo in normal and parasitized rats infected with Hymenolepis diminuta (Cestoda). Regional differences in intestinal uptake of all three vitamins in both uninfected and parasitized animals were not satistically significant. In the parasitized intestine mucosal uptake and serosal transfer of thiamine were significantly inhibited, with increased mucosal accumulation of the vitamin as luminal thiamine concentration increased. Apparent increased riboflavin mucosal uptake in parasitized animals, was not matched by the reduced serosal transfer, suggesting adsorption of the vitamin in the unstirred aqueous layers. Mucosal uptake of folic acid increased in the parasitized gut; serosal transfer and mucosal accumulation were not affected. These results, indicating vitamin malabsorption associated with infection by H. diminuta, are consistent with the parasite inhibiting mucosal passive transport mechanisms. This conclusion is supported by the changes in net water fluxes associated with vitamin uptake in the parasitized intestine.  相似文献   

In comparative study of respiratory metabolism, it was established that the relative proportions of respiratory end-products (succinic, acetic and lactic acids) differed consistently in two strains of Hymenolepis diminuta (Toronto and ANU). The ANU strain produced more lactic acid and less succinic acid under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In the shift from aerobic to anaerobic conditions both strains compensated by increasing their outputs of succinic acid. The ANU strain possessed significantly higher activities of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, cytosolic and mitochondrial malic enzyme and cytosolic α-glycerophosphate dehy drogenase. The Toronto strain had significantly higher activities of fumarase, succinate dehydrogenase, and fumarate reductase. There were no significant differences in the activities of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and malic dehydrogenase between strains. The fumarase activity in the Toronto strain was 16 times that of the ANU strain, its Km (malate) was 0.8mM, as opposed to 2.5 mM, and it was less sensitive to inhibition by NAD or ATP. These observations are consistent with the patterns of end-product formation in the two strains. Ratios of end-products and calculations of approximate redox balance suggest that the Toronto strain may have a greater capacity for aerobic metabolism.  相似文献   

1. With increasing cholesterol content in mixed micelles, the rate of cholesterol uptake by the tapeworm approaches a limiting, maximal value. 2. This uptake is inhibited only 32-40% by other sterols, but is not markedly dependent on medium pH or tapeworm energy metabolism. 3. The competitive exchange diffusion of absorbed [14C]cholesterol could not be demonstrated. 4. The above results partially support the hypothesis that the tapeworm absorbs cholesterol by a specific carrier-mediated process. 5. Cholesterol uptake is reduced when the capacity of the micellar phase of the medium is increased, suggesting that uptake involves the intermediate partitioning of sterol from micelles into the aqueous phase of the medium.  相似文献   

The intestinal morphology of rats given one, 10 or 100 cysticercoids of hymenolepis diminuta was examined by scanning electron microscopy. The presence of this tapeworm causes extensive villous atrophy and fusion. The most extreme changes in mucosal architecture were observed adjacent to the mature proglottides of the worm and in these areas the villi were reduced either to flattened plate-like structures or to low irregularly shaped undulations. The presence of one large H. diminuta resulted in more severe pathological damage than caused by several smaller worms. Colonization of the upper region of the ileum by long filamentous bacteria was also observed in rats infected with H. diminuta.  相似文献   

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