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我国金花茶组植物的地理分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
苏宗明  莫新礼   《广西植物》1988,(1):75-81
世界产金花茶组植物22种,其中我国20种,特有18种,仅产广西。其分布区在北纬21°30′—23°40′,东经106°40′—108°35′,北界基本上与广西北热带半常绿季雨林、湿润雨林地带北界吻合。该组植物分布于石灰(岩)土的13种,红壤的7种。它们出现的地段比较固定,天然林下,沟谷或溪边处,相对高度10—15米;峰丛圆洼地底部和荫蔽的坡面下部。该组植物个体最多的地区(几何中心)一个在防城县,一个在龙州县;种类最多的地区(最大变异中心)一个也在龙州县,9种,一个在扶绥县,7种。该分布区从南到北分化成六个小分区。其垂直分布一般在海拔700米以下。水平分布种的更替表现为:北纬21°31′为小瓣金花茶等五种;北纬22°10′—22°45′为鼻岗金花茶等八种更替;北纬22°50′为顶生金花茶等三种更替;北纬23°40′为平果金花茶更替。金花茶分布幅度最宽,可由北纬21°31′到22°55′。在土山,东西以东经107°30′为界,以东为金花茶等四种,以西为小瓣金花茶等二种。  相似文献   

山东白头鹎的一些生态观察   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
据记载白头鹎Pycnontus sinensis的分布区,北至山东南部郯城(东经118°17′—118°40′、北纬34°251—34°57′)……。1984—1988年作者在山东省泰山(东经117°5′—117°24′、北纬36°5′—36°75′)、徂徕山(东经117°16′—117°20′、北纬36°02′—36°07′)的连续观察和冬季采到的标本,得知此鸟在上述两地为留鸟。常在海拔500米以下的低山一带活动,多停落在树的  相似文献   

薄叶金花茶、小花金花茶和小瓣金花茶是三种濒危金花茶植物,为了解珍稀濒危植物遗传多样性和遗传结构,该研究利用微卫星标记对他们的7个种群共184个个体进行了遗传多样性和遗传结构分析。结果表明:11个位点共检测到等位基因92个。在物种水平上,小瓣金花茶平均等位基因数(N_A)为3.9、有效等位基因数(N_E)为2.328、观测杂合度(H_o)为0.520、期望杂合度(H_e)为0.501,高于薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶。在种群水平上,有效等位基因数(N_E)在1.788~2.466之间,期望杂合度(H_e)在0.379~0.543之间;种群间遗传分化系数(FST)在0.143 7~0.453 3之间,种群间基因流(N_m)在0.301 5~1.488 9之间。AMOVA分子变异分析显示65.72%的变异存在于种群内。三种金花茶具有较低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的种群间遗传分化。STRUCTURE和PCoA种群遗传结构分析结果将取样种群分为2组,即薄叶金花茶和小花金花茶大部分个体分为一组,小瓣金花茶大部分个体分为一组。现存所有种群应根据实际情况尽快采取就地保护或迁地保护措施。  相似文献   

暗腹雪鸡的繁殖及食性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
常城  刘乃发 《动物学报》1993,39(1):107-108
暗腹雪鸡 Tetraogallus himalayensis 属国家保护动物,郑作新等(1978)、沈孝宙等(1963)对其生态仅有零星报道。1984年4月至 1989年 5月,我们在甘肃东大山(39°00′—39°04′N;100°45′—100°51′E.)、冷龙岭(39°34′—38°14′N;101°49′—102°22′E.)和野马山(39°40′—39°50′N;95°15′—95°45′E.)对暗腹雪鸡青海亚种 T.h.koslowi 的繁殖和食性进行了研究。 一、暗腹雪鸡繁殖期的生态分布 在东大山,暗腹雪鸡繁殖期主要分布于海拔 2 400—3 200m的亚高山草甸、山地草原和荒漠草原。其中,山地草原是营巢区,余为觅食区。冷龙岭植被与东大山相似,暗腹雪鸡的生态分布也类似。野马山植被单调,暗腹雪鸡仅分布于山地草原。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿的分布、数量及栖息环境的调查   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
1992年 7月至 1 999年 8月野外调查发现 ,四川梅花鹿现残存于青藏高原东部边缘山地、岷山山系北段 3块相互完全隔离的区域。铁布分布区 (E1 0 2°46′~ 1 0 3°1 4′、 N33°58′~ 34°1 6′)属四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区和占哇乡、降扎乡 ,甘肃省迭部县益哇乡、电尕乡 ,面积 860 km2 ,有鹿 630~ 650只 ;巴西分布区 (E1 0 3°0 8′~ 1 0 3°35′、 N33°33′~ 33°46′)属若尔盖县巴西乡、求吉乡、阿西茸乡、包座乡和九寨沟县的大录乡 ,面积 60 3km2 ,有鹿 1 30~ 1 50只 ;白河分布区 (E1 0 3°59′~ 1 0 4°1 0′、N33°0 5′~ 33°2 0′)属四川省九寨沟县白河自然保护区和农康乡、白河乡、罗依乡、马家乡 ,面积 390 km2 ,有鹿 30~ 45只。高原与高山峡谷的过渡地貌、山地温带气候、森林与灌丛草甸相互镶合的植被 ,加之地域偏僻、人烟稀少 ,当地藏族群众视其为神鹿 ,使上述 3个区域成为四川梅花鹿最后的避难所。  相似文献   

黑龙江省大兴安岭北部的塔河、阿木尔、图强和西林吉4个林业局地处北纬52°30′—54°51′,东经121°51′—125°5′之间,属大兴安岭寒温带明亮针叶林区,寒温带大陆性气候。气候严寒干燥,动植物组成种类贫乏,乔  相似文献   

唐山地区的蝗虫种类及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 地理概貌 唐山地区位于河北省东部,东经117°31′—119°19′,北纬38°55′—40°28′。全地区包括10个县3个区和芦台、汉沽两个农场,耕地面积890万亩,境内以小麦、水稻、玉米、高梁、甘  相似文献   

胶东海岸的沙生植被   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胶东半岛位于山东省东部,地处黄、渤海之滨,陆地海岸线全长1668.58km,占山东省陆地海岸线总长的一半以上。海岸地理位置约当北纬36°15′42″—38°24′00″,东经119°33′00″—122°42′18″之间,属暖温带生  相似文献   

江苏盐城沿海滩涂珍禽自然保护区,位于北纬32°32′-34°25′,东经119°55′-121°50′的盐城海滩内,由响水、滨海、射阳、大丰和东台5个县的滩涂组成。保护区面积二十四万多公顷,是以保护丹顶鹤等珍禽及  相似文献   

香港陆生脊椎动物简介徐延恭李迪强(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)香港(22°9′-22°37′N,113°52′-114°30′E)由大陆的一角、九龙半岛及其邻近的岛屿组成,陆地总面积达1078km2。它曾是覆盖着茂密常绿林和半常绿林的世外桃...  相似文献   

The first capture of the Greenland (or Black) halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Arctic Ocean on the border with the East Siberian Sea (79°03′–79°08′ N 139°59′–141°16′ E, 259–277 m) and the repeated findings of the species in the Laptev Sea (78°03′–78°04′ N 132°56′–133°04′ E, 307 m; 78°33′–78°35′ N 138°44′–138°48′ E, 125 m) are reported. Fish (79 specimens with the length of 15.0–44.5 cm) were caught during four bottom trawlings on the edge of the continental shelf of the two seas in the transformed waters of Atlantic origin, as evidenced by the discovery of the indicator species of these waters—the Glacier lanternfish Benthosema glaciale (Myctophidae)—in one of the stomachs of halibut. The other captures of Greenland halibut in the Arctic were also reviewed.  相似文献   

Questions: Fire is a strong filter in fire‐prone communities and is expected to assemble closely related species when functional traits are conserved in plant lineages. Do frequent fires assemble savannas with closely related species (phylogenetic clustering)? If so, what are the clades pruned by fire in the phylogenetic trees? Are species of semi‐deciduous seasonal forests, where fires are not frequent, less related than expected by chance (phylogenetic over‐dispersion)? Are life forms conserved in the phylogeny of the species? Location: Central and SE Brazilian savannas (Emas National Park, 18°18′S, 52°54′W; Brasília, 15°56′–15°57′S, 47°53′–47°56′W and Corumbataí‐Itirapina, 22°13′–22°15′S, 47°37′–47°39′W); and close semi‐deciduous seasonal forests (in Pirenópolis, 15°45′S, 49°04′W; Brasília, 15°33′S, 47°51′W; and São Carlos, 21°55′S, 47°48′W). Methods: We recorded woody species in savannas under different fire regimes and in semi‐deciduous seasonal forests. We obtained data from the literature and from field sampling. We compared mean phylogenetic distance of species of savanna and of nearby semi‐deciduous seasonal forest sites. We obtained significance by randomizing the species among the tips of phylogenetic trees. We also assessed whether life forms were evolutionary conserved across phylogeny of the studied plants (phylogenetic signal) with tests based on the variance of phylogenetic independent contrasts. Results: Some sites of savanna under high fire frequency were characterized by phylogenetic over‐dispersion of woody species whereas, in contrast, some sites of semi‐deciduous seasonal forest were characterized by phylogenetic clustering. We found phylogenetic signals in the traits across the phylogeny of the 801 species investigated. Conclusion: Fire may have different roles in assembling plant species in Brazilian savannas than in other fire‐prone communities. We postulate that the absence of phylogenetic clustering in the cerrado is mainly due to the persistence of long‐lived resprouting species from different plant lineages.  相似文献   

Many organisms use proton pump to earn energy for living. Some proton pumps start to work by light and one of the famous proteins are called proteorhodopsin (PR). From recent study it used not only protons but also mono-valent cations, divalent cations, or mono-valent anions during pumping activity. The goal of this study is to find new types of proton pumping proteins in the surface of the ocean. Metagenome samples were collected from the beach in Taean-gun and Incheon (Kkotji beach (36°30′0′′N, 126°19′56′′E), Kkotji mud (36°30′8′′N, 126°19′60′′E), Duegi beach (36°31′6′′N, 126°19′39′′E), Sorae salt pond (37°24′25′′N, 126°44′41′′E), swamp (37°24′59′′N, 126°44′54′′E) and reservoir (37°24′39′′N, 126°45′5′′E) in West Sea of Korea. Genomic DNA of each sample was isolated and used for PCR with specific primers for PR and sodium pumping rhodopsin. As a result, we obtained an unidentified PR in Duegi beach sample. The unidentified PR was expressed with chimeric expression system. It has 528 nm absorption maximum at pH 7. By the light differential spectrum measurement, putative M and O photo-intermediates were detected at around 400 and 600 nm, respectively. Similar to GPR, it has light driven outward proton transfer activity.  相似文献   

燕山地区表土花粉与植被间的数量关系   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
 根据表土花粉分析和植被样方调查,燕山地区各植被带的表土孢粉组合在总体面貌上代表了植被组成,但孢粉组合不等于植被组成,而影响其差异的原因是孢粉保存、孢粉产量、外来孢粉和孢粉鉴定。表土花粉的代表性因种属不同而差异颇大,乔木植物花粉中松(Pinus)、桦(Betula)、胡桃  相似文献   

The size and sex compositions, spawning period, and length at sexual maturity of the gilt sardine Sardinella aurita dwelling in the Central Eastern Atlantic in the area of 15°31′–26°32′ N and 14°09′–17°50′ W were examined from material of many years (1968–2004). The age and rate of linear growth and the relation of length and weight were determined.  相似文献   

The metazoan parasites of 403 specimens of the southern ray's bream Brama australis from three localities in southern Chile (Lebu 36° 70′ S; 73° 40′ W, Calbuco 41° 50′ S; 73° 08′ W and Punta Arenas 53° 10′ S; 70° 50′ W) were recorded. More than 23 400 parasite specimens belonging to 12 taxa were registered. Metazoan parasites were dominated by the copepod Hatschekia conifera, constituting 97% of the total number of parasites; the larval cestode Hepatoxylon trichiuri was the second most important parasite (2·1% of the total number of parasites). The remaining 10 species constituted <1% of the metazoan parasites. Parasitological evidence, based on univariate and multivariate analysis, does not support the existence of discrete stocks in the studied zone.  相似文献   

The male gametophyte of Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot is recorded for the first time in Norway. The plants were collected in the Bj?r?ya archipelago situated between 10° 46′-10° 52′ E and 64° 35·5′-64° 37′ N. Numerous large antheridia were present on the plants which were attached to the rock at a depth of 150–200 cm below E.L.W.S.  相似文献   

Investigations were conducted upon the epipelic algal community of a shallow eutrophic lake in central Alberta, Canada. The lake was Hastings Lake (longitudes 112° 50′ and 113° 00′ W; latitudes 53° 15′ and 53° 50′ N). The epipelic algae displayed both spatial and temporal distributions for species composition, standing crop as well as productivity. In situ cross incubation experiments showed the potential photosynthetic viability of epipelic algae living below the 1% irradiance level.  相似文献   

Classical potential functions (CPF) calculations on 3′-mononucleotides, the building blocks of nucleic acids, predict a correlation between the sugar ring pucker and the torsion angle Φ′ around the C3′? O3′ bond. In ribonucleotides, the value of Φ′ depends on the sugar pucker, viz. the C2′-endo sugar pucker is associated with Φ′ = 210° and 270°, while the C3′-endo sugar pucker favors only Φ′ = 210°. On the other hand, in deoxyribonucleotides, both sugar puckers show a preference for Φ′ = 180°. These theoretical predictions are fully corroborated by the results obtained from x-ray and nmr studies on mono-, di-, and polynucleotides.  相似文献   

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