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DLC1 is a tumor suppressor protein whose full activity depends on its presence at focal adhesions, its Rho–GTPase activating protein (Rho-GAP) function, and its ability to bind several ligands, including tensin and talin. However, the mechanisms that regulate and coordinate these activities remain poorly understood. Here we identify CDK5, a predominantly cytoplasmic serine/threonine kinase, as an important regulator of DLC1 functions. The CDK5 kinase phosphorylates four serines in DLC1 located N-terminal to the Rho-GAP domain. When not phosphorylated, this N-terminal region functions as an autoinhibitory domain that places DLC1 in a closed, inactive conformation by efficiently binding to the Rho-GAP domain. CDK5 phosphorylation reduces this binding and orchestrates the coordinate activation DLC1, including its localization to focal adhesions, its Rho-GAP activity, and its ability to bind tensin and talin. In cancer, these anti-oncogenic effects of CDK5 can provide selective pressure for the down-regulation of DLC1, which occurs frequently in tumors, and can contribute to the pro-oncogenic activity of CDK5 in lung adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

During mitosis, the interaction between chromosomes and microtubules requires nuclear envelope disassembly in prophase. Two articles in this issue of Developmental Cell show that centrosomes have a role in promoting nuclear envelope breakdown (Hachet et al., 2007; Portier et al., 2007). Surprisingly, the role of the centrosome in this process is independent of its role as a microtubule nucleation organelle. Instead, the centrosome seems to act as a spatial regulator for the activation of the Aurora A kinase.  相似文献   

We present a new technology for super-resolution fluorescence imaging, based on conical diffraction. Conical diffraction is a linear, singular phenomenon, taking place when a laser beam is diffracted through a biaxial crystal. We use conical diffraction in a thin biaxial crystal to generate illumination patterns that are more compact than the classical Gaussian beam, and use them to generate a super-resolution imaging modality.

While there already exist several super-resolution modalities, our technology (biaxial super-resolution: BSR) is distinguished by the unique combination of several performance features. Using BSR super-resolution data are achieved using low light illumination significantly less than required for classical confocal imaging, which makes BSR ideal for live-cell, long-term time-lapse super-resolution imaging. Furthermore, no specific sample preparation is required, and any fluorophore can be used. Perhaps most exciting, improved resolution BSR-imaging resolution enhancement can be achieved with any type of objective no matter the magnification, numerical aperture, working distance, or the absence or presence of immersion medium.

In this article, we present the first implementation of BSR modality on a commercial confocal microscope. We acquire and analyze validation data, showing high quality super-resolved images of biological objects, and demonstrate the wide applicability of the technology. We report live-cell super-resolution imaging over a long period, and show that the light dose required for super-resolution imaging is far below the threshold likely to generate phototoxicity.  相似文献   

Zou X  Ji C  Jin F  Liu J  Wu M  Zheng H  Wang Y  Li X  Xu J  Gu S  Xie Y  Mao Y 《Genes & genetic systems》2004,79(3):177-182
Two novel splice variants of CDK5RAP1, named CDK5RAP1_v3 and CDK5RAP1_v4, were isolated through the large-scale sequencing analysis of a human fetal brain cDNA library. The CDK5RAP1_v3 and CDK5RAP1_v4 cDNAs are 1923bp and 1792bp in length, respectively. Sequence analysis revealed that CDK5RAP1_v4 lacked 1 exon, which was present in CDK5RAP1_v3, with the result that these cDNAs encoded different putative proteins. The deduced proteins were 574 amino acids (designated as CDK5RAP1_v3) and 426 amino acids (CDK5RAP1_v4) in length, and shared the 420 N-terminal amino acids. RT-PCR analysis showed that human CDK5RAP1_v3 was widely expressed in human tissues. The expression level of CDK5RAP1_v3 was relatively high in placenta and lung, whereas low levels of expression were detected in heart, brain, liver, skeletal muscle, pancreas, spleen, thymus, small intestine and peripheral blood leukocytes. In contrast, human CDK5RAP1_v4 was mainly expressed in brain, placenta and testis.  相似文献   

The unusual cyclin-dependent protein kinase 5 (CDK5) was discovered based on its sequence homology to cell cycle regulating CDKs. CDK5 was found to be active in brain tissues, where it is not involved in cell cycle regulation but in the regulation of neuronal cell differentiation and neurocytoskeleton dynamics. An aberrant regulation of CDK5 leads to the development of various neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease. Although CDK5 is not regulated by cyclins, its activity does depend on the association with a protein activator and the presence or absence of further inhibitory factors. Recently, CDK5RAP1 was discovered to inhibit the active CDK5 kinase. Here, we show that CDK5RAP1 is a radical SAM enzyme, which postsynthetically converts the RNA modification N6-isopentenyladenosine (i(6)A) into 2-methylthio-N6-isopentenyladenosine (ms(2)i(6)A). This conversion is surprisingly not limited to mitochondrial tRNA, where the modification was known to exist. Instead, CDK5RAP1 introduces the modification also into nuclear RNA species establishing a link between postsynthetic kinase-based protein modification and postsynthetic RNA modification.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) is a serine/threonine kinase homologue attributed to the mitotic cyclin-dependent kinase family. Both the kinase activity and the biological effects of CDK5 in central nervous system are mainly dependent on association with its regulatory subunit 1 known as CDK5R1 (p35). In the present study, the full-length coding regions of CDK5 and CDK5R1 were cloned from pigs. Radiation hybrid mapping localized porcine CDK5 to chromosome 18q12-13, whereas CDK5R1 was electro-localized to chromosome 12q12. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) showed that CDK5 mRNA is ubiquitously present in all porcine tissues examined, with relatively high levels in cerebral cortex, cerebellum, testicle and lung. We also examined the expression profile of porcine CDK5/CDK5R1 in various tissues at different developmental stages. The results indicated that CDK5 mRNA reaches the highest level in cerebral cortex at two months of age and in cerebellum and liver at 4 months of age, respectively, whereas the peak level of CDK5R1 was observed in both cerebral cortex and cerebellum at two months of age, indicating the pivotal role of CDK5/CDK5R1 during the development of porcine brain.  相似文献   

Lin S  Wang J  Ye Z  Ip NY  Lin SC 《FEBS letters》2008,582(8):1197-1202
Dysfunction of E-cadherins often results in metastasis of cancerous cells. Here we show that p35, a critical regulator of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5), specifically depletes the precursor form of E-cadherin, but not the mature form, by using a precursor-specific antibody. Most intriguingly, this downregulation of precursor E-cadherin by p35 is unequivocally independent of CDK5. Moreover, we found that p35 forms complexes with E-cadherin proteins. We also found that p35 co-expression can target E-cadherin to lysosomes and that p35-triggered disappearance of E-cadherin precursor can be blocked specifically by lysosomal protease inhibitors, indicating that p35 induces endocytosis and subsequent degradation of precursor E-cadherin.  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is a tumor-suppressive process characterized by an irreversible cell cycle exit, a unique morphology, and expression of senescence-associated beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-Gal). We report here a role for CDK5 in induction of senescent cytoskeletal changes. CDK5 activation is upregulated in senescing cells. The increased activity of CDK5 further reduces GTPase Rac1 activity and Pak activation. The repression of the activity of the GTPase Rac1 by CDK5 is required for expression of the senescent phenotype. CDK5 regulation of Rac1 activity is necessary for actin polymerization accompanying senescent morphology in response to expression of pRb, activated Ras, or continuous passage. Inhibition of CDK5 attenuates SA-beta-Gal expression and blocks actin polymerization. These results point to a unique, nonneuronal role for CDK5 in regulation of Rac1 activity in senescence, illuminating the mechanisms underlying induction of senescence and the senescent shape change.  相似文献   

Among the main promising systems to triggering therapeutic antitumor immunity is the blockade of immune checkpoints. Immune checkpoint pathways regulate the control and eradication of infections, malignancies, and resistance against a host of autoantigens. Initiation point of the immune response is T cells, which have a critical role in this pathway. As several immune checkpoints are initiated by ligand–receptor interactions, they can be freely blocked by antibodies or modulated by recombinant forms of ligands or receptors. Antibodies against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) were the first immunotherapeutics that achieved the US Food and Drug Administration approval. Preliminary clinical results with the blockers of additional immune checkpoint proteins, such as programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) indicate extensive and different chances to boost antitumor immunity with the objective of conferring permanent clinical effects. This study provides an overview of the immune checkpoint pathways, including CTLA-4, PD-1, lymphocyte activation gene 3, T-cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain 3, B7-H3, and diacylglycerol kinase α and implications of their inhibition in the cancer therapy.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis is presented of the dynamics of human CDK5 in complexes with the protein activator p25 and the purine-like inhibitor roscovitine. These and other findings related to the activation of CDK5 are critically reviewed from a molecular perspective. In addition, the results obtained on the behavior of CDK5 are compared with data on CDK2 to assess the differences and similarities between the two kinases in terms of (i) roscovitine binding, (ii) regulatory subunit association, (iii) conformational changes in the T-loop following CDK/regulatory subunit complex formation, and (iv) specificity in CDK/regulatory subunit recognition. An energy decomposition analysis, used for these purposes, revealed why the binding of p25 alone is sufficient to stabilize the extended active T-loop conformation of CDK5, whereas the equivalent conformational change in CDK2 requires both the binding of cyclin A and phosphorylation of the Thr(160) residue. The interaction energy of the CDK5 T-loop with p25 is about 26 kcal.mol(-1) greater than that of the CDK2 T-loop with cyclin A. The binding pattern between CDK5 and p25 was compared with that of CDK2/cyclin A to find specific regions involved in CDK/regulatory subunit recognition. The analyses performed revealed that the alphaNT-helix of cyclin A interacts with the alpha6-alpha7 loop and the alpha7 helix of CDK2, but these regions do not interact in the CDK5/p25 complex. Further differences between the CDK5/p25 and CDK2/cyclin A systems studied are discussed with respect to their specific functionality.  相似文献   

CDK5与神经退行性疾病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
CDK5是细胞周期素依赖性蛋白激酶 (CDK)家族一特殊成员 ,主要在神经系统中激活 ,是脑发育、神经定位、突触发生与传递的重要调节因子。磷酸化包括微管相关蛋白、τau蛋白和神经丝蛋白在内的多种蛋白质。缺乏CDK5小鼠在出生前后即死亡 ,CDK5过度激活则引发培养细胞凋亡。CDK5及其激活因子p35的异常调节与神经退行性疾病发病的关系 ,已成为细胞生物学和神经科学研究热点。本文仅就CDK5概况、CDK5功能与神经退行性疾病的关系作一概述  相似文献   

A decade of CDK5   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Since it was identified a decade ago, cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) has emerged as a crucial regulator of neuronal migration in the developing central nervous system. CDK5 phosphorylates a diverse list of substrates, implicating it in the regulation of a range of cellular processes - from adhesion and motility, to synaptic plasticity and drug addiction. Recent evidence indicates that deregulation of this kinase is involved in the pathology of neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

We have established a uniform procedure for the expression and purification of the cyclin-dependent kinases CDK7/CycH/MAT1, CDK8/CycC and CDK9/CycT1. We attach a His6-tag to one of the subunits of each complex and then co-express it together with the other subunits in Spodoptera frugiperda insect cells. The CDK complexes are subsequently purified by Ni2+-NTA and Mono S chromatography. This approach generates large amounts of active recombinant kinases that are devoid of contaminating kinase activities. Importantly, the properties of these recombinant kinases are similar to their natural counterparts (Pinhero et al. 2004, Eur J Biochem 271:1004–14). Our protocol provides a novel systematic approach for the purification of these three (and possibly other) recombinant CDKs. Published: August 18, 2004.  相似文献   

Mapelli M  Musacchio A 《Neuro-Signals》2003,12(4-5):164-172
Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) plays an essential role in the development of the central nervous system during mammalian embryogenesis. In the adult, CDK5 is required for the maintenance of neuronal architecture. Its deregulation has profound cytotoxic effects and has been implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In this review, we concentrate on the regulation of CDK5 activity, privileging a structural perspective based on a decade of structural analyses of different members of the CDK family, including CDK2 and CDK5. We review the activation mechanism of CDK5 and discuss its differences and similarities with that of CDK2 and of the other members of the CDK family.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(4):112316
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