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The fitness effects of spontaneous mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. Spontaneous mutation to mildly deleterious alleles has emerged as a potentially unifying component of a variety of observations in evolutionary genetics and molecular evolution. However, the biological significance of hypotheses based on mildly deleterious mutation depends critically on the rate at which new mutations arise and on their average effects. A long-term mutation-accumulation experiment with replicate lines of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans maintained by single-progeny descent indicates that recurrent spontaneous mutation causes approximately 0.1% decline in fitness per generation, which is about an order of magnitude less than that suggested by previous studies with Drosophila . Two rather different approaches, Bateman-Mukai and maximum likelihood, suggest that this observation, along with the observed rate of increase in the variance of fitness among lines, is consistent with a genomic deleterious mutation rate for fitness of approximately 0.03 per generation and with an average homozygous effect of approximately 12%. The distribution of mutational effects for fitness appears to have a relatively low coefficient of variation, being no more extreme than expected for a negative exponential, and for one composite fitness measure (total progeny production) approaches constancy of effects. These results are derived from assays in a benign environment. At stressful temperatures, estimates of the genomic deleterious mutation rate (for genes expressed at such temperatures) is sixfold lower, whereas those for the average homozygous effect is approximately eightfold higher. Our results are reasonably compatible with existing estimates for flies, when one considers the differences between these species in the number of germ-line cell divisions per generation and the magnitude of transposable element activity.  相似文献   



The accumulation of deleterious mutations can drastically reduce population mean fitness. Self-fertilization is thought to be an effective means of purging deleterious mutations. However, widespread linkage disequilibrium generated and maintained by self-fertilization is predicted to reduce the efficacy of purging when mutations are present at multiple loci.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We tested the ability of self-fertilizing populations to purge deleterious mutations at multiple loci by exposing obligately self-fertilizing populations of Caenorhabditis elegans to a range of elevated mutation rates and found that mutations accumulated, as evidenced by a reduction in mean fitness, in each population. Therefore, purging in obligate selfing populations is overwhelmed by an increase in mutation rate. Surprisingly, we also found that obligate and predominantly self-fertilizing populations exposed to very high mutation rates exhibited consistently greater fitness than those subject to lesser increases in mutation rate, which contradicts the assumption that increases in mutation rate are negatively correlated with fitness. The high levels of genetic linkage inherent in self-fertilization could drive this fitness increase.


Compensatory mutations can be more frequent under high mutation rates and may alleviate a portion of the fitness lost due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations through epistatic interactions with deleterious mutations. The prolonged maintenance of tightly linked compensatory and deleterious mutations facilitated by self-fertilization may be responsible for the fitness increase as linkage disequilibrium between the compensatory and deleterious mutations preserves their epistatic interaction.  相似文献   

Bégin M  Schoen DJ 《Genetics》2006,174(4):2129-2136
Little is known about the role of transposable element (TE) insertion in the production of mutations with mild effects on fitness, the class of mutations thought to be central to the evolution of many basic features of natural populations. We propagated mutation-accumulation (MA) lines of two RNAi-deficient strains of Caenorhabditis elegans that exhibit germline transposition. We show here that the impact of TE activity was to raise the level of mildly deleterious mutation by 2- to 8.5-fold, as estimated from fecundity, longevity, and body length measurements, compared to that observed in a parallel MA experiment with a control strain characterized by a lack of germline transposition. Despite this increase, the rate of mildly deleterious mutation was between one and two orders of magnitude lower than the rate of TE accumulation, which was approximately two new insertions per genome per generation. This study suggests that high rates of TE activity do not necessarily translate into high rates of detectable nonlethal mutation.  相似文献   

Peters AD  Keightley PD 《Genetics》2000,156(4):1635-1647
Synergistic epistasis, in which deleterious mutations tend to magnify each other's effects, is a necessary component of the mutational deterministic hypothesis for the maintenance of sexual production. We tested for epistasis for life-history traits in the soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans by inducing mutations in two genetic backgrounds: a wild-type strain and a set of genetically loaded lines that contain large numbers of independent mildly detrimental mutations. There was no significant difference between the effect of new mutations on the wild-type background and the genetically loaded background for four out of five fitness correlates. In these four cases, the maximum level of epistasis compatible with the data was very low. The fifth trait, late productivity, is not likely to be an important component of fitness. This suggests either that specific environmental conditions are required to cause epistasis or that synergistic epistasis is not a general phenomenon. We also suggest a new mechanism by which deleterious mutations may provide an advantage to sexual reproduction under low selection coefficients.  相似文献   

In this study we have determined the utility of 254-nm ultraviolet light (UV) as a mutagenic tool in C. elegans. We have demonstrated that irradiation of adult hermaphrodites provides a simple method for the induction of heritable chromosomal rearrangements. A screening protocol was employed that identifies either recessive lethal mutations in the 40 map unit region balanced by the translocation eT1(III;V), or unc-36(III) duplications. Mutations were recovered in 3% of the chromosomes screened after a dose of 120 J/m2. This rate resembles that for 1500 R gamma-ray-induced mutations selected in a similar manner. The mutations were classified either as lethals [mapping to Linkage Group (LG)III or LGV] or as putative unc-36 duplications. In contrast to the majority of UV-induced mutations analysed in microorganisms, we found that a large fraction of the C. elegans UV-induced mutations are not simple intragenic lesions, but are deficiencies for more than one adjacent gene or more complex events. Preliminary evidence for this conclusion came from the high frequency of mutations that had a dominant effect causing reduced numbers of adult progeny. Subsequently 6 out of 9 analysed LGV mutations were found to be deficiencies. Other specific rearrangements also identified were: one translocation, sT5(II;III), and two unc-36 duplications, sDp8 and sDp9. It was concluded that UV irradiation can easily be used as an additional tool for the analysis of C. elegans chromosomes, and that C. elegans should prove to be a useful organism in which to study the mechanisms whereby UV acts as a mutagen in cells of complex eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Abstract Deleterious mutation accumulation has been implicated in many biological phenomena and as a potentially significant threat to human health and the persistence of small populations. The vast majority of mutations with effects on fitness are known to be deleterious in a given environment, and their accumulation results in mean population fitness decline. However, whether populations are capable of recovering from negative effects of prolonged genetic bottlenecks via beneficial or compensatory mutation accumulation has not previously been tested. To address this question, long-term mutation-accumulation lines of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans , previously propagated as single individuals each generation, were maintained in large population sizes under competitive conditions. Fitness assays of these lines and comparison to parallel mutation-accumulation lines and the ancestral control show that, while the process of fitness restoration was incomplete for some lines, full recovery of mean fitness was achieved in fewer than 80 generations. Several lines of evidence indicate that this fitness restoration was at least partially driven by compensatory mutation accumulation rather than a result of a generic form of laboratory adaptation. This surprising result has broad implications for the influence of the mutational process on many issues in evolutionary and conservation biology.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for the isolation of temperature-dependent paralytic mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, based on a screening procedure using short-time exposure to 30 degrees C. Of ten mutants isolated, eight lose their motilities between 30 degrees C and 33 degrees C without prominent changes in body forms. The other two strains that are mainly described in this report are accompanied by alterations in body forms. One mutation, cn101, is recessive and an allele of cha-1. The cn101 mutant shows reversible paralysis at 30 degrees, accompanied by a hypercontracted and coiled body form. At the restrictive temperature, the strain is resistant to all tested inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Another mutation, designated mah-2 (cn110), is a sex-linked semidominant that is mapped as 0.6 map units left of dpy-6. The cn110 mutant is rapidly paralyzed at the restrictive temperature and has a straight and rigid body form; the mutant rapidly recovers when the temperature is lowered. No disorganization of the muscle structure was detected by polarized light and electron microscopic inspection.  相似文献   

Inbred lines of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans containing independent EMS-induced mutations were crossed to the ancestral wild-type strain (N2). Replicated inbred sublines were generated from the F1 offspring under conditions of minimal selection and, along with the N2 and mutant progenitor lines, were assayed for several fitness correlates including relative fitness (w). A modification of the Castle-Wright estimator and a maximum-likelihood (ML) method were used to estimate the numbers and effects of detectable mutations affecting these characters. The ML method allows for variation in mutational effects by fitting either one or two classes of mutational effect, and uses a Box-Cox power transformation of residual values to account for a skewed distribution of residuals. Both the Castle-Wright and the ML analyses suggest that most of the variation among sublines was due to a few (approximately 1.5-2.5 on average) large-effect mutations. Under ML, a model with two classes of mutational effects, including a class with small effects, fitted better than a single mutation class model, although not significantly better. Nonetheless, given that we expect there to be many mutations induced per line, our results support the hypothesis that mutations vary widely in their effects.  相似文献   

L L Vassilieva  M Lynch 《Genetics》1999,151(1):119-129
Spontaneous mutations were accumulated in 100 replicate lines of Caenorhabditis elegans over a period of approximately 50 generations. Periodic assays of these lines and comparison to a frozen control suggest that the deleterious mutation rate for typical life-history characters in this species is at least 0.05 per diploid genome per generation, with the average mutational effect on the order of 14% or less in the homozygous state and the average mutational heritability approximately 0.0034. While the average mutation rate per character and the average mutational heritability for this species are somewhat lower than previous estimates for Drosophila, these differences can be reconciled to a large extent when the biological differences between these species are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Keightley PD  Davies EK  Peters AD  Shaw RG 《Genetics》2000,156(1):143-154
The homozygous effects of ethylmethane sulfonate (EMS)-induced mutations in Caenorhabditis elegans are compared across life-history traits. Mutagenesis has a greater effect on early than late reproductive output, since EMS-induced mutations tend to cause delayed reproduction. Mutagenesis changes the mean and variance of longevity much less than reproductive output traits. Mutations that increase total or early productivity are not detected, but the net effect of mutations is to increase and decrease late productivity to approximately equal extents. Although most mutations decrease longevity, a mutant line with increased longevity was found. A flattening of mortality curves with age is noted, particularly in EMS lines. We infer that less than one-tenth of mutations that have fitness effects in natural conditions are detected in the laboratory, and such mutations have moderately large effects ( approximately 20% of the mean). Mutational correlations for life-history traits are strong and positive. Correlations between early or late productivity and longevity are of similar magnitude. We develop a maximum-likelihood procedure to infer bivariate distributions of mutation effects. We show that strong mutation-induced genetic correlations do not necessarily imply strong directional correlations between mutational effects, since correlation is also generated by lines carrying different numbers of mutations.  相似文献   

R Nielsen  D M Weinreich 《Genetics》1999,153(1):497-506
McDonald/Kreitman tests performed on animal mtDNA consistently reveal significant deviations from strict neutrality in the direction of an excess number of polymorphic nonsynonymous sites, which is consistent with purifying selection acting on nonsynonymous sites. We show that under models of recurrent neutral and deleterious mutations, the mean age of segregating neutral mutations is greater than the mean age of segregating selected mutations, even in the absence of recombination. We develop a test of the hypothesis that the mean age of segregating synonymous mutations equals the mean age of segregating nonsynonymous mutations in a sample of DNA sequences. The power of this age-of-mutation test and the power of the McDonald/Kreitman test are explored by computer simulations. We apply the new test to 25 previously published mitochondrial data sets and find weak evidence for selection against nonsynonymous mutations.  相似文献   

A screen was conducted for lethal mutations in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans in a strain containing the mutator mut-4 (st700)I to examine the nature of mutator-induced lethal mutations within two large chromosomal regions comprising a total of 49 map units (linkage group IV (right) and linkage group V (left)). The genetic analysis of 28 lethal mutations has revealed that the mutator locus mut-4(st700)I causes both putative single-gene mutations and deficiencies. We have identified lethal mutations in three different genes, in addition to seven deficiencies. There is a mutational hot spot on linkage group V (left) around the lin-40 locus. Six mutations appear to be alleles of lin-40. In addition, 5 of 7 deficiencies have breakpoints at or very near lin-40. All seven deficiencies delete the left-most known gene on linkage group V (left) and thus appear to delete the tip of the chromosome. This is in contrast to gamma ray and formaldehyde induced deficiencies, which infrequently delete the closest known gene to the tip of a chromosome.  相似文献   

The genome project of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is completed. It is important and useful to disrupt nematode genes to know their function. We treated wild-type animals with potential candidates for mutagens for reverse genetics, EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate), short-wavelength UV, and long-wavelength UV in the presence of TMP (trimethylpsoralen). We estimated forward mutation rates by counting the occurrence of a marker unc-22 mutation. We found that the forward mutation rate by TMP/UV could be comparable with EMS by improving the frequency one order higher than before. We next isolated mutants of another marker gene ben-1 and examined the probability for the deletion mutations by PCR and sequencing. Deletion mutations were found only by TMP/UV method, which suggested TMP/UV is the choice for deletion mutagenesis among these methods. As a pilot experiment, we could isolate actual deletion mutations at a much higher frequency than previously.  相似文献   

Summary Dominant genes are the main cause of the heterosis induced by fasciated mutants of different lines of Pisum sativum. Most of these cases were originally interpreted by different authors as examples of monogenic overdominance. Several not-closely-linked genes appear to have mutated simultaneously in most of the fasciated lines. Although fasciation itself is recessive, other mutant characters, such as lateness, increased stem length (number and length of internodes) and, in part, seed production per plant, show dominant inheritance. The latter two features are, however, to a considerable extent suppressed in the fasciated lines by unfavourable gene-interactions (epistasis). Crossing these lines with non-fasciated ones shows that the epistatic genes are recessive and the dominant genes are then no longer hindered in their action. By eliminating the epistatic genes from the genomes of fasciated lines by recombination, the heterosis phenomenon has been fixed on six independent occasions for different lines. The fasciata genes themselves were found to be the most probable cause of these cases of recessive epistasis. The question whether different kinds of fasciation affect heterosis differently is examined. Recessive epistasis and dominance explain most of the quantitative distinctions between the different hybrids. In addition, one example of heterosis between non-fasciated lines is given and the possible meaning of the overall results for plant breeding and population genetics is mentioned.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of population size on the inbreeding depression and genetic load caused by deleterious mutations at a single locus. Analysis shows how the inbreeding depression decreases as population size becomes smaller and/or the rate of inbreeding increases. This pattern contrasts with that for the load, which increases as population size becomes smaller but decreases as inbreeding rate goes up. The depression and load both approach asymptotic limits when the population size becomes very large or very small. Numerical results show that the transition between the small and the large population regimes is quite rapid, and occurs largely over a range of population sizes that vary by a factor of 10. The effects of drift on inbreeding depression may bias some estimates of the genomic rate of deleterious mutation. These effects could also be important in the evolution of breeding systems in hermaphroditic organisms and in the conservation of endangered populations.  相似文献   

Ageing is a complex phenomenon which remains a major challenge to modern biology. Although the evolutionary biology of ageing is well understood, the mechanisms that limit lifespan are unknown. The isolation and analysis of single-gene mutations which extend lifespan (Age mutations) is likely to reveal processes which influence ageing. Caenorhabditis elegans is the only metazoan in which Age mutations have been identified. The Age mutations not only prolong life, but also confer a complex array of other phenotypes. Some of these phenotypes provide clues to the evolutionary origins of these genes while others allude to mechanisms of lifespan-extension. Many of the Age genes interact and share a second common phenotype, that of stress resistance. Rather than invertebrate ageing being determined by a ‘clock mechanism’, a picture is emerging of ageing as a non-adaptive process determined, in part, by resistance to intrinsic stress mediated by stress-response genes.  相似文献   

Multiple Mitochondrial Dysfunctions Syndrome 1 (MMDS1) is a rare, autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the NFU1 gene. NFU1 is responsible for delivery of iron-sulfur clusters (ISCs) to recipient proteins which require these metallic cofactors for their function. Pathogenic variants of NFU1 lead to dysfunction of its target proteins within mitochondria. To date, 20 NFU1 variants have been reported and the unique contributions of each variant to MMDS1 pathogenesis is unknown. Given that over half of MMDS1 individuals are compound heterozygous for different NFU1 variants, it is valuable to investigate individual variants in an isogenic background. In order to understand the shared and unique phenotypes of NFU1 variants, we used CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing to recreate exact patient variants of NFU1 in the orthologous gene, nfu-1 (formerly lpd-8), in C. elegans. Five mutant C. elegans alleles focused on the presumptive iron-sulfur cluster interaction domain were generated and analyzed for mitochondrial phenotypes including respiratory dysfunction and oxidative stress. Phenotypes were variable between the mutant nfu-1 alleles and generally presented as an allelic series indicating that not all variants have lost complete function. Furthermore, reactive iron within mitochondria was evident in some, but not all, nfu-1 mutants indicating that iron dyshomeostasis may contribute to disease pathogenesis in some MMDS1 individuals.  相似文献   

In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, loss of function of many genes leads to increases in lifespan, sometimes of a very large magnitude. Could this reflect the occurrence of programmed death that, like apoptosis of cells, promotes fitness? The notion that programmed death evolves as a mechanism to remove worn out, old individuals in order to increase food availability for kin is not supported by classic evolutionary theory for most species. However, it may apply in organisms with colonies of closely related individuals such as C. elegans in which largely clonal populations subsist on spatially limited food patches. Here, we ask whether food competition between nonreproductive adults and their clonal progeny could favor programmed death by using an in silico model of C. elegans. Colony fitness was estimated as yield of dauer larva propagules from a limited food patch. Simulations showed that not only shorter lifespan but also shorter reproductive span and reduced adult feeding rate can increase colony fitness, potentially by reducing futile food consumption. Early adult death was particularly beneficial when adult food consumption rate was high. These results imply that programmed, adaptive death could promote colony fitness in C. elegans through a consumer sacrifice mechanism. Thus, C. elegans lifespan may be limited not by aging in the usual sense but rather by apoptosis‐like programmed death.  相似文献   

We have used standard tests to investigate the nature of gene expression of a new set of temperature-sensitive mutants defining 30 emb genes (essential for embryogenesis) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The mode of gene expression as determined by progeny tests for parental effects divides the genes into four classes. For 18 genes maternal gene expression is necessary and sufficient for normal embryogenesis; for 2 genes zygotic expression is necessary and sufficient; for 7 genes either maternal or zygotic expression is sufficient; for 3 genes both maternal and zygotic expression are necessary. One mutant displayed partial paternal sufficiency. The results of temperature-shift experiments define two “execution stages,” corresponding to the limits of the temperature-sensitive period (TSP), and indicate the nature and the time of action or synthesis of the gene products. Most of the maternally expressed genes have very early execution stages indicating translation before fertilization, but some are temperature sensitive late in embryogenesis. Early execution stages for 2 zygotically necessary genes demonstrate that the zygotic genome can be active in the earliest stages of embryogenesis. All taken together, the mode of gene expression, TSP, and arrest stage (terminal phenotype) allow us to classify functionally and begin to order the genes essential for embryogenesis. The results indicate a preeminent role for maternal genes and gene products in embryogenesis, in agreement with the results of others.  相似文献   

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