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Postweaning feed restriction preserves rabbit digestive health after weaning, but the underlying physiological mechanisms are not yet understood. To elucidate whether the feeding intake pattern modification related to feed restriction might be involved, we studied the effects of both feed intake quantity and intake frequency. Animals were allotted at weaning (28 d old) in a 2 × 2 factorial design: feed intake quantity (AL = ad libitum vs R = 75% of AL) and fragmented feed distribution (FFD) (1 vs 13 distributions), thus forming four groups (AL1, AL13, R1 and R13). New Zealand White growing rabbits were used from weaning to slaughter (70 d old), to analyse mortality, morbidity, performance, intake behaviour, digestion and microbial activity. Seven days after starting feed restriction (35 d old, group R1), rabbits consumed 44% of the feed within 2 h, 65% in 4 h and in 7 h over 95%. Over the 28–70 d period, mortality was low (5.3%) while morbidity averaged 18.5% and neither was affected by treatment. However, FFD tended to decrease the morbidity rate during the first 14 days after weaning (P = 0.06). Feed conversion (28–70 d) was improved by restriction (+15%, P < 0.001) and by FFD (+5%, P < 0.001). Nutrient digestibility was improved by restriction (+10% for energy, P < 0.01), but not by FFD. Fragmented feed distribution led to a lower stomachal pH, in the antrum (1.48 vs 2.13, P < 0.001) and in the fundus (1.52 vs 2.63, P < 0.001), while a higher pH was found in the caecum (6.07 vs 5.86, P < 0.001). Butyrate proportion in the caecum was reduced by four units for restricted groups. Fragmented feed distribution reduced the caecal VFA concentration by 23% within restricted rabbit groups only. A similar interaction between intake level and FFD was observed for fibrolytic activity (cellulase and xylanase). The diversity of caecal bacterial community was not modified by either of the two factors studied. Globally, fragmented meals have no major impacts on the caecal microbial activity, diversity, and thus would not be implicated in the better resistance of restricted rabbit to digestive troubles.  相似文献   

The energy budget, water balance and osmoregulation of the fruit bat, Rousettus aegyptiacus, were studied during normal hydration and during water restriction (oven-dried apple diet). The water input and output were balanced during both normal hydration and water restriction. The kidney of the fruit bat is well adapted to handle the water load from its fruit diet by excreting large volumes (14% of the body mass per day) of dilute urine (113±25 mosmol·kg H2P-1) as well as reducing urine volume (-95%) and increasing urine osmotic concentration (555±280 mosmol·kg H2O-1) during water restriction. The haematocrit, plasma haemoglobin and total protein concentrations did not increase during water restriction and heat exposure, suggesting the conservation of plasma volume. Gross energy intake was not alfected by water restriction. However, digested energy intake and digestibility were significantly reduced. The effective regulation of energy and water budgets during water restriction suggests that the fruit bat can cope with seasonal climatic changes and with variable fruit supply during various seasons.Abbreviations BM body mass - DEI digested energy intake - EWL evaporative water loss - GEL gross energy intake - NH normal hydration - T a ambient temperature - WR water restriction  相似文献   

Compensatory growth (CG) is the ability of an animal to undergo accelerated growth after a period of restricted feeding. However, there is a dearth of information in relation to the effect of genotype on CG response, thus the objective of this study was to evaluate CG response in two contrasting breed types, namely Aberdeen Angus (AN) and Belgian Blue (BB). Crossbred AN × Holstein-Friesian or BB × Holstein-Friesian steers were assigned to one of two treatment groups in a two (genotypes) × two (diets) factorial design. For 99 days, one group (11 AN and 12 BB) was offered a high energy control diet (H-H) whereas the second group (11 AN and 12 BB) was offered an energy restricted diet (L-H). At the end of the differential feeding period (99 days), both groups of animals were then offered a high energy control diet for a further 200 days. All animals were then slaughtered on day-299 of the study. During feed restriction, L-H had lower DM intake (DMI), had greater feed conversion ratio (FCR) and lower plasma concentrations of insulin, IGF-1, leptin, glucose, urea, betahydroxybutyrate and smaller M. longissimus thoracis or lumborum muscle and fat depths compared to H-H steers. During realimentation, there was no difference in DMI between diets; however, L-H had greater live weight gain compared to H-H steers. Overall, H-H consumed greater quantities on a DM basis, however, had a higher FCR compared to L-H steers. By the end of the realimentation period, there was no difference in plasma metabolite or hormone concentrations, linear body measurements, ultrasonically scanned fat depths, carcass conformation, dressing percentage or fat class between H-H and L-H steers. At slaughter, carcass weights were affected by diet with greater values for H-H compared to L-H steers. Genotype affected measures associated with body composition including pelvic width and both muscle and fat depths (P < 0.05). Overall, L-H had a CG (or recovery) index of 0.52 and did not make up for the loss of gains during the differential feeding period; however, M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum, a tissue of high economic value, recovered completely making it a target of interest for further investigation.  相似文献   

Summary Regenerated adrenocortical nodules were obtained by implanting fragments of the capsular tissue of excised adrenal glands into the musculus gracilis of rats (Belloni et al. 1990). Five months after the operation, operated rats showed a normal basal blood level of corticosterone, but a very low concentration of circulating aldosterone associated with a slightly increased plasma renin activity (PRA). Regenerated nodules were well encapsulated and some septa extended into the parenchyma from the connective-tissue capsule. The majority of parenchymal cells were similar to those of the zonae fasciculata and reticularis of the normal adrenal gland, while zona glomerulosa-like cells were exclusively located around septa (juxta-septal zone; JZ). In vitro studies demonstrated that nodules were functioning as far as glucocorticoid production was concerned, while mineralocorticoid yield was very low. Prolonged sodium restriction significantly increased PRA and plasma aldosterone concentration, and provoked a marked hypertrophy of JZ, which was due to increases in both the number and average volume of JZ cells. Accordingly, the in vitro basal production of aldosterone and other 18-hydroxylated steroids was notably enhanced. The plasma level of corticosterone, as well as zona fasciculata/reticularis-like cells and in vitro production of glucocorticoids by regenerated nodules were not affected. These findings, indicating that autotransplanted adrenocortical nodules respond to a prolonged sodium restriction similar to the normal adrenal glands, suggest that the relative deficit in mineralocorticoid production is not due to an intrinsic defect of the zona glomerulosa-like JZ, but is probably caused by the impairment of its adequate stimulation under basal conditions. The hypothesis is advanced that the lack of splanchnic nerve supply and chromaffin medullary tissue in regenerated nodules may be the cause of such an impairment.  相似文献   

Reduced function mutations in the insulin/IGF-I signaling pathway increase maximal lifespan and health span in many species. Calorie restriction (CR) decreases serum IGF-1 concentration by ~40%, protects against cancer and slows aging in rodents. However, the long-term effects of CR with adequate nutrition on circulating IGF-1 levels in humans are unknown. Here we report data from two long-term CR studies (1 and 6 years) showing that severe CR without malnutrition did not change IGF-1 and IGF-1 : IGFBP-3 ratio levels in humans. In contrast, total and free IGF-1 concentrations were significantly lower in moderately protein-restricted individuals. Reducing protein intake from an average of 1.67 g kg(-1) of body weight per day to 0.95 g kg(-1) of body weight per day for 3 weeks in six volunteers practicing CR resulted in a reduction in serum IGF-1 from 194 ng mL(-1) to 152 ng mL(-1). These findings demonstrate that, unlike in rodents, long-term severe CR does not reduce serum IGF-1 concentration and IGF-1 : IGFBP-3 ratio in humans. In addition, our data provide evidence that protein intake is a key determinant of circulating IGF-1 levels in humans, and suggest that reduced protein intake may become an important component of anticancer and anti-aging dietary interventions.  相似文献   

Summary To test the prediction that digestive responses digestibility, intake and passage time-of generalist herbivores vary with different diets, feeding trials were conducted in Venezuela with two sympatric tortoise species, Geochelone carbonaria and G. denticulata. Three single-species diets (two fruit, one foliage) were fed to both species. For a given diet, digestibility, mass-specific intake and passage time did not differ between the two tortoise species, nor did they vary by sex or body mass within each species. However, the digestive parameters varied for tortoises feeding on the different diets. The responses ranged from nearly abandoning cell wall fermentation and depending entirely on extraction of cell contents to relying heavily on cell wall fermentation. Therefore, these generalist herbivores have flexible digestive responses that are influenced by diet, not fixed digestive responses that limit the diet, as previously observed in other generalist herbivores. A three-part classification of herbivores (specialist, specialized mixed feeder and opportunistic mixed feeder) is suggested as an approach to understanding flexible and inflexible digestive strategies in herbivores.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of water restriction on nitrogen metabolism were compared in the semi-arid adapted tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) and a wallaby from a moist forest environment, the red-necked pademelon (Thylogale thetis).On a medium (9 to 13%) protein diet water restriction depressed dry matter and nitrogen intakes in both species. Nitrogen balance remained positive, but fell further in the pademelons. Urea excretion decreased in the tammars, but increased in the pademelons. Urea recycling as a proportion of urea entry rate tended to increase in the tammars but not in the pademelons. These findings suggest thatT. thetis is not as well adapted asM. eugenii to coping with water shortages.In a second experiment water restriction depressed nitrogen balance in tammars on both high (15%) and low (5%) protein diets, but only on the latter diet did nitrogen balance become negative. Urea recycling was greater on the low than on the high protein diet, but was unaffected by water restriction. Although better able to withstand water stress,M. eugenii was unable to cope with both water stress and a low protein diet together. The reported ability ofM. eugenii to maintain water intake by drinking sea water during the dry season when fresh water is unavailable and vegetation is of low protein content is thus of great ecological significance.  相似文献   

Dietary yeast culture supplementation can contribute to the performance and health of sows and piglets, but few studies have focused on the relationships between the effects of yeast culture and gut microbiota. This study investigated the effect of yeast culture (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supplementation from late gestation to weaning on the reproductive performance of lactating sows and their faecal microbiota. One hundred and six purebred Landrace sows, of parities two to six were selected and randomly assigned to a control (CON) and yeast culture supplementation (YC) groups based on parity and back fat thickness. The YC sows were individually fed with yeast culture at a dose of 24 g/d from day 90 of gestation to parturition and 40 g/d during lactational period. Blood samples were collected from sows on d 110 of gestation and at weaning at day 21 of lactation for plasma hormone and immunoglobulin analysis. Colostrum and milk on day 20 of lactation were collected for composition analysis. Faecal samples from sows on day 110 of gestation and day 20 of lactation were collected for short-chain fatty acid and faecal microbial analysis. Results showed that the farrowing performance of YC sows did not differ significantly from the CON group (P > 0.05). The average daily feed intake by the YC group during the lactation period was significantly increased by 9.98% (P = 0.004), the weaning-to-oestrus interval was shortened by 0.96 d (P = 0.046) and average daily weight gain of piglets increased by 7.14% (P = 0.036) compared with the CON group. Yeast culture supplementation also significantly improved the average daily milk yield in the first week of lactation (P = 0.035), lactose content in colostrum (P = 0.046), protein (P = 0.033) and DM (P < 0.001) content of milk. In the YC group, concentrations of plasma ghrelin (P = 0.02) and IgG (P = 0.015) were increased compared with the CON group, while that of glucagon-like peptide-1 was decreased (P = 0.006) on d 110 of gestation. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that faecal microbiota changed at taxonomic levels with yeast culture addition (P < 0.05). Dietary yeast culture supplementation from late gestation to lactation improved feed intake, immunity status, milk yield, milk quality and faecal microbiota of sows, resulting in the improved growth performance of piglets.  相似文献   

The change of the body composition, of the energy content, and of the energy and protein balances was studied in male and female broiler chicks from hatching to maturity (about 140 days).

The animals received corn, soybean meal and fish meal based diets which ensured maximal growth.

Correlation were established between the ingested feed and the body evolution both from the point of view of quantity and quality, determining the content of protein, fat, ash, water and energy.

By experiments of digestibility and by comparative slaughterings the energy and protein requirements both for maintenance and for protein and fat synthesis were determined.  相似文献   

Facilitation and competition between different vegetation layers may have a large impact on small-scale vegetation development. We propose that this should not only influence overall herbaceous layer yield but also species distribution and understory longevity, and hence the ecosystems carbon uptake capacity especially during spring. We analyzed the effects of trees on microclimate and soil properties (water and nitrate content) as well as the development of an herbaceous community layer regarding species composition, aboveground biomass and net water and carbon fluxes in a cork-oak woodland in Portugal, between April and November 2011.The presence of trees caused a significant reduction in photosynthetic active radiation of 35 mol m−2 d−1 and in soil temperature of 5 °C from April to October. At the same time differences in species composition between experimental plots located in open areas and directly below trees could be observed: species composition and abundance of functional groups became increasingly different between locations from mid April onwards. During late spring drought adapted native forbs had significantly higher cover and biomass in the open area while cover and biomass of grasses and nitrogen fixing forbs was highest under the trees. Further, evapotranspiration and net carbon exchange decreased significantly stronger under the tree crowns compared to the open during late spring and the die back of herbaceous plants occurred earlier and faster under trees. This was most likely caused by interspecific competition for water between trees and herbaceous plants, despite the more favorable microclimate conditions under the trees during the onset of summer drought.  相似文献   

A 3 to 4 week feed restriction of about 20% to 25% of the free intake is widely applied in rabbit breeding systems to reduce post-weaning digestive disorders. However, a short intensive feed restriction is described in few studies and can be beneficial for growing rabbits due to a longer re-alimentation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ad libitum (AL) and two restriction levels of feeding (50 and 65 g/rabbit per day) applied for 1 week on performance, gastrointestinal morphology and physiological parameters during the restriction and during the re-alimentation period. Rabbits were divided into three experimental groups: AL rabbits were fed AL, R1 rabbits were restricted from 42 to 49 days of age and received 50 g daily (29% of AL) and R2 rabbits were restricted at the same age and were fed 65 g of feed daily (37% of AL). In the 1st week after weaning and in the weeks after restriction, all the groups were fed AL. During the restriction period, daily weight gain (DWG) in R1 significantly dropped to 11% (experiment 1) and 5% (experiment 2) compared with rabbits in the AL group, although they were fed 29% of AL, whereas in the R2 group it decreased to 20% (experiment 1) and 10% (experiment 2). In the week following feed restriction, DWG in the restricted groups increased (P<0.001) to 166% and 148% in R1 and to 128% and 145% in R2. Restricted rabbits in both the experiments reached up to 90% to 93% of the final live weight (70 days) of the AL group. Over the entire experimental period, feed restriction significantly decreased feed intake to 85% to 88% of the AL group; however, the feed conversion ratio was lower (P<0.05) only in experiment 1 (−6% in R1 and −4% in R2). Digestibilities of CP and fat were not significantly higher during the restriction period and during the 1st week of re-alimentation compared with the AL group. Significant interactions between feeding regime and age revealed the shortest large intestine in the AL group at 49 days of age and the longest at 70 days in the AL and R1 groups. Small intestinal villi were significantly higher and the crypts were significantly deeper in the restricted groups. It could be concluded that short intensive feed restriction increased digestible area in the small and large intestines, including the height of villi and depth of crypts, which might be involved in the compensatory growth and defence mechanism.  相似文献   

邹兴淮  李新红 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):239-244
在蓝狐不同生长期日粮中, 分别添加不同剂量的复合酶制剂, 利用饲养试验、消化代谢试验等实验手段,从营养学角度探讨复合酶制剂对蓝狐蛋白质消化和代谢的影响。研究结果表明: 复合酶制剂能有效提高蛋白质的消化率和代谢率。育成期, 同对照组相比, III 组粗蛋白(CP) 消化率和代谢率分别提高了13.05 % ( P < 0.01)和13.28 % ( P < 0.05) , 在6 组中最高; 长冬毛期, II 组粗蛋白的消化率和代谢率最高, 同对照组相比, 分别提高了10.43 % ( P < 0.05) 和10.09 % ( P < 0.05) ; 复合酶制剂对蓝狐消化、代谢的影响与其剂量有关, 适宜剂量的复合酶制剂, 均能有效提高蓝狐对蛋白质的消化、代谢机能, 可在蓝狐养殖业中推广应用。从蓝狐养殖的经济效益分析, 育成期复合酶的适宜添加剂量为0.6 %; 而长冬毛期的适宜剂量为0.4 %。  相似文献   

A field enquiry mentioned the potential positive impact of a feed restriction on the health of young rabbits, but no objective information relates the intake to digestive health. The effects of a post-weaning feed restriction strategy were thus studied on digestive health and growth and carcass parameters of the growing rabbit, using a monofactorial design that produces a quantitative linear reduction of the intake, from ad libitum (AL group) to 80%, 70% and 60% of AL. The study was performed simultaneously in six experimental sites, on 1984 growing rabbits (496 per treatment) collectively caged from weaning (34 to 38 days of age, depending on the site) to slaughter (68 to 72 days). The feeding programme was applied as followed: restriction during 21 days after weaning, and then ad libitum till slaughter. During the feed restriction period the growth rate was linearly reduced with the restriction level, by 0.5 g/day for each percent of intake reduction. When returning to ad libitum intake (after 54 days old) a compensatory growth and a higher feed efficiency occurred. Therefore, the impact of the feeding programme on the slaughter weight (SW) was significant (-4.5 g/% of restriction), but relatively moderate: the weight loss of the more-restricted rabbits (60%) reached 7.7% (-200 g) compared to the AL group. Over the whole fattening period, the feed restriction reduced linearly and significantly the feed conversion (FC) (-0.0077 unit/% of restriction). Carcass traits were little affected by the feeding programme, except for a slightly lower decrease of the dressing percentage (mean: 1.2 units between AL and the three restricted groups). On the six experimental sites, mortality and morbidity were always caused by acute digestive disorders, namely diarrhoea and/or caecal impaction. Independent of the treatment, the mortality rate strongly varied according to the site (between 7% and 18% from weaning to 54 days and for the AL group). During feed restriction, the mortality was significantly lower from a restriction threshold of 80% (meanly: -9% compared to AL). The morbidity was also significantly reduced (-6%) for the two most restricted groups (70% and 60%). The favourable effect of a lower intake on health did not persist after returning to ad libitum intake (54 days to slaughter), since mortality and morbidity were not significantly different among the treatments. Such a feeding strategy thus represents a double benefit in terms of feed costs and lower losses of young rabbits.  相似文献   

Caloric restriction mimetics (CRMs) have been developed to mimic the effects of caloric restriction (CR). However, research reports for the effects of CRMs are often times inconsistent across different research groups. Therefore, in this study, we compared seven identified CRMs which extend the lifespans of various organisms including caffeine, curcumin, dapsone, metformin, rapamycin, resveratrol, and spermidine to CR for mitochondrial function in a single model, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this organism, rapamycin extended chronological lifespan (CLS), but other CRMs failed to extend CLS. Rapamycin enhanced mitochondrial function like CR did, but other CRMs did not. Both CR and rapamycin worked on mitochondrial function, but they worked at different windows of time during the chronological aging process.  相似文献   

The rather thin outermost layer of the mammalian skin, stratum corneum (SC), is a complex biomembrane which separates the water rich inside of the body from the dry outside. The skin surface can be exposed to rather extreme variations in ambient conditions (e.g. water activity, temperature and pH), with potential effects on the barrier function. Increased understanding of how the barrier is affected by such changes is highly relevant for regulation of transdermal uptake of exogenous chemicals. In the present study we investigate the effect of hydration and the use of a well-known humectant, urea, on skin barrier ultrastructure by means of confocal Raman microspectroscopy. We also perform dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) microbalance measurements to examine the water uptake capacity of SC pretreated with urea. Based on novel Raman images, constructed from 2D spectral maps, we can distinguish large water inclusions within the skin membrane exceeding the size of fully hydrated corneocytes. We show that these inclusions contain water with spectral properties similar to that of bulk water. The results furthermore show that the ambient water activity has an important impact on the formation of these water inclusions as well as on the hydration profile across the membrane. Urea significantly increases the water uptake when present in skin, as compared to skin without urea, and it promotes formation of larger water inclusions in the tissue. The results confirm that urea can be used as a humectant to increase skin hydration.  相似文献   

Dietary restriction increases life span and delays the development of age-related diseases in rodents. We have recently demonstrated that chronic dietary restriction is beneficial on recovery of heart function following ischemia. We studied whether the metabolic basis of this benefit is associated with alterations in mitochondrial respiration. Male Wistar rats were assigned to an ad libitum-fed (AL) group and a food restricted (FR) group, in which food intake was reduced to 55% of the amount consumed by the AL group. Following an 8-month period of restricted caloric intake, isolated working hearts perfused with glucose and high levels of fatty acids were subjected to global ischemia followed by reperfusion. At the end of reperfusion, total heart mitochondria was respiration was assessed in the presence of pyruvate, tricarboxylic acid intermediates, and palmitoylcarnitine. Recovery of heart function following ischemia was greater in FR hearts compared to AL hearts. Paralleling these changes in heart function was in increase in state 3 respiration with pyruvate. The respiratory control ratios in the presence of pyruvate and tricarboxylic acid intermediates were higher in FR hearts compared to AL hearts, indicating well-coupled mitochondria. Overall energy production, expressed as the ADP:O ratio and the oxidative phosphorylation rate, was also improved in FR hearts. Our results indicate that the beneficial effect of FR on recovery of heart function following ischemia is associated with changes in mitochondrial respiration.  相似文献   

The ability of young rabbits to digest a solid diet was evaluated according to the weaning age: 21 (W21, 12 litters) or 35 (W35, 12 litters) days of age. From 14 days onwards, the rabbits were fed the same pelleted feed. Three methods were compared to estimate the faecal digestibility in the young rabbits, between 24 to 28 and 38 to 42 days. Digestive balance at ileal and faecal levels was determined for the main nutrients provided by milk and solid feed. The W21 rabbits increased their solid feed intake only 2 days after their weaning, when compared with suckling rabbits. Thus, their crude protein (CP) intake remained lower until 26 days compared with the W35 rabbits (from 41%, P < 0.01), as well as their crude fat intake until 28 days (from 72%, P < 0.001). On the contrary, the W35 rabbits increased their solid feed intake without a delay after weaning, quickly reaching the intake level of the W21 rabbits. The amounts of organic matter (OM) and CP reaching the caecum were increased on day 28 by 56% and 42% in the W21 rabbits compared with the W35 rabbits, respectively (P < 0.05), and were similar between groups on day 42. Starch ileal digestibility coefficients were 94·2% and 95·4% in 28- and 42-day-old rabbits, respectively, irrespective of the weaning age. The amount of starch flowing through the ileo-caecal junction was low and only tended to be higher on day 28 in the W21 group (0.20 v. 0.15 g/day in the W35 group, P = 0.10). The digestive balance pointed out that the digestible energy intake was similar between weaned and suckling rabbits from 23 to 27 days, a phenomenon partly explained by a high ability of the W21 rabbits to digest starch (98%) and NDF (36%). Indeed, the amounts of starch and NDF digested by the W21 group were 2.0- and 2.4-fold higher than those of the W35 rabbits at this period (P < 0.001). However, they ate 20% less digestible proteins than still-suckling rabbits (P < 0.001). From 38 till 42 days, only a lower ability of the W21 rabbits to digest lipids was detected (P < 0.05). In conclusion, early-weaned rabbits were able to adapt quickly to digest large amounts of starch and fibres.  相似文献   

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