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The 2:1 and 1:2 adducts of Au(I) and 1:2 adducts of Ag(I) with the diphosphine 2,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)maleic acid (dpmaa) have been prepared in high yields. Crystal structures have been determined for the neutral digold complex (AuCl)2(dpmaa) · 2thf (1) and the bis-chelated complex [Au(dpmaa)2]Cl · H2O · CH3OH (2). For 1, conformational rigidity imposed by the ethylenic bridge facilitates the formation of short intramolecular Au-Au contacts with no evidence of similar intermolecular contacts. Complex 2 crystallizes with [Au(dpmaa)2]+ cations hydrogen bonded through the carboxyl groups to a water molecule and chloride anion to form a H-bonded chain along the a axis. 31P NMR titration of 1 with dpmaa in acetone shows conversion to 2 at Au:P-P ratios less than 1:1 indicating similar high thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities to other bis-chelated [Au(P-P)2]+ complexes containing 5- or 6-membered chelate rings. The ionic Au(I) complex 2 and the analogous Ag(I) complex [Ag(dpmma)2]NO3 (3) are highly water soluble. The in vitro cytotoxic activity of 2 was assessed against eight different cell lines and no significant activity was found. The solubility properties and solution behaviour of the complexes are compared to the analogous 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe) complexes and the potential significance of these results to the antitumour properties of chelated 1:2 Au(I)diphosphine complexes are discussed.  相似文献   

Reaction of phenylisothiocyanate with different aromatic amines allowed the synthesis of compounds containing the thiourea moiety. By reacting silver bis(triphenylphosphine)nitrate with suitable ligands belonging to this family of sulphurated compounds, three new complexes have been afforded. Ligands and complexes were characterized also by X-ray diffraction. The structures reveal remarkable differences in the silver coordination geometry in function of the nature and size of the ligand. The emission properties of all compounds were characterized at 10 and at 298 K.  相似文献   

Two new linear and V-shaped tetradentate ligands, namely 1,4-bis(2-hexahydropyrimidyl)benzene (L) and 1,3-bis(2-hexahydropyrimidyl)benzene (L), and their silver(I) complexes, [Ag2L(μ-ONO2)](NO3) · 2H2O (1), [Ag2L(μ-pn)](NO3)2 (2), [Ag2L(μ-pn)](ClO4)2 (3) and [Ag4L2(H2O)](NO3)4 · 5H2O (4) (pn=1,3-diaminopropane) have been synthesized in situ and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. 1 and 2 were obtained from the same reaction solution but different crystallization conditions. 1 is an one-dimensional chain featuring cuboid tetranuclear silver(I) units interconnected through monoatomic nitrate bridges. Both 2 and 3 are ribbon-like helical compounds in which each L ligand acts in a tetradentate bridging mode to interconnect four metal atoms, and each pn ligand functions in a bidentate bridging mode to link a pair of metal atoms. 4 shows a truncated square-pyramidal tetranuclear motif arose by the V-shaped L ligand. Close Ag?Ag separations (2.901-2.939 Å) assisted by bis(hexahydropyrimidine) bridges were observed in 1 and 4, indicating metal-metal interactions. Photoluminescence of 1-4 has also been observed in the solid state and solution at room temperature and low temperature, respectively.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structures of four complexes, obtained by reaction of silver nitrate with four different heteroaryl thioethers, are described. In these compounds the ligands act as dinuclear bridges between silver atoms, with coordination exclusively through the nitrogen donor atoms. All ligands form dinuclear complexes, either as discrete species or as higher aggregates involving additional nitrate bridges. π–π Stacking interactions provide extra stabilisation in some of the structures.  相似文献   

Using the ligand 1,4,5-triazanaphthalene (abbreviated as tan) in combination with Cu(II) salts, three mononuclear compounds, Cu(tan)2Cl2 (1), Cu(tan)2Br2 (3), Cu(tan)2(NO3)2 (5) and three polynuclear compounds, [Cu(tan)Cl2]n (2), [Cu(tan)Br2]n (4), [Cu(tan)(NO3)2]n (6) have been synthesized and characterized by UV-Vis, EPR, FTIR and Far-FTIR spectroscopies. The crystal structures of compounds 1, 3, 5 and 6 are reported, as well as that of the dioxane adduct of compound 4, [Cu(tan)Br2(C4H8O2)](C4H8O2) (4A).The structure of (2) was solved by X-ray powder diffraction. The coordination geometry around the Cu(II) atoms is tetrahedral for (1) and (3), square-pyramidal for (4A) and distorted octahedral for (5) and (6). Magnetic susceptibility measurements on the polynuclear compounds revealed weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the Cu(II) atoms with interaction constants (J) of J = −9.1 and −10.5 cm−1, for 4 and 6, respectively. For compound 2 two options for possible interactions were considered, with interaction constants which vary for Jrung −22.0 to −13.5 cm−1 and Jrail −19.6 to −17.0 cm−1. These figures are discussed in the light of relevant structural parameters and literature.  相似文献   

Two oxazolone-derived potential ligands with enethioether substituents have been synthesized that differ by the terminal thioether moiety (S-Et in L1, S-C6H4(OMe)-2 in L2). Both L1 and L2 behave as bidentate {NS} chelate ligands to form stable complexes with copper(I) triflate that crystallize as dimeric complexes [L2Cu2(OTf)2] (4 and 5) featuring a central {Cu2S2} diamond core with distinctly different Cu-S bonds. L1 as well as 4 and 5 have been characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. NMR spectroscopy including 1H and 19F DOSY experiments reveals that 4 and 5 dissociate into monomeric species [LCu(OTf)] (4′ and 5′) in CDCl3 solutions. 4′ and 5′ retain the {NS} binding motif of the oxazolone-derived ligands, but are in slow equilibrium with their {OS} isomers 4″ and 5″ that result from E/Z isomerization of the exocyclic enethioether double bond.  相似文献   

The synthesis, characterization and crystal structures of three new copper complexes derived from 1,3-bis(aryl)triazenido ligands bearing either a methoxycarbonyl, methylthio or a hydroxymethyl group in the ortho position of one of the aromatic rings are reported. In addition to the coordination of the triazenido fragment, the Lewis basic groups coordinate to the copper centers to form complexes with different nuclearity: {1-[2-(methoxycarbonyl)phenyl]-3-[4-methylphenyl]}triazene and {1-[2-(methylthio)phenyl]-3-[4-methylphenyl]}triazene form stable dinuclear and tetranuclear Cu(I) complexes, respectively. Reaction of {1-[2-(hydroxymethyl)phenyl]-3-[4-methylphenyl]}triazene with either Cu(I) or Cu(II) results in a novel Cu(II) hexanuclear macrocyclic complex.  相似文献   

Herein, we describe the synthesis of N,N′,S donor ligands 2-(1-(3,5-diisopropyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-3-(methythio)propyl)-4-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyridine (L1) and 2-(1-(3,5-diisopropyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)-2-(methythio)ethyl)-4-methoxy-3,5-dimethylpyridine (L2). Cu(I) complexes were prepared by reacting L1 or L2 with [Cu(CH3CN)4]BF4 or CuCl. The coordination behavior of the thioether arm of the ligands was found to determine the nuclearity of the resulting complexes, in which [Cu(L1)PPh3]BF4 (1) is polynuclear, [Cu(L2)PPh3]BF4 (2) is mononuclear, while [Cu(L1)]2(BF4)2 (3), [Cu(L2)CH3CN]2(BF4)2 (4), and [Cu(L1)Cl]2 (5) are dinuclear. In the dimeric complex [Cu(L2)Cl]2 (6), the sulfur atoms are not metal-bound. Rather, the two bridging chloride ions link the two copper centers. Compounds 4-6 are luminescent in the solid state, and exhibit emission bands centered at 490 nm (4), 544 nm (5), and 562 nm (6), respectively. Their excitation spectra display bands at 280 nm and 380 nm. According to DFT calculations, the HOMO is distributed partially over the metal centers and partially over the chloride anions (5 and 6) or the sulfur atoms (4) of the ligands, while the LUMO is a π∗ antibonding pyridine orbital. This suggests that the emission properties are derived from metal-to-ligand charge-transfer (MLCT), halide-to-ligand charge-transfer (XLCT), and ligand-to-ligand charge-transfer (LLCT) excited states.  相似文献   

Bis-bidentate Schiff base ligand L and its two mononuclear complexes [CuL(CH3CN)2]ClO4 (1) and [CuL(PPh3)2]ClO4 (2) have been prepared and thoroughly characterized by elemental analyses, IR, UV-Vis, NMR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. In both the complexes the metal ion auxiliaries adopt tetrahedral coordination environment. Their reactivity, electrochemical and photophysical behavior have been studied. Complex 1 shows reversible CuII/I couple with potential 0.74 V versus Ag/AgCl in CH2Cl2. At room temperature L is weakly fluorescent in CH2Cl2, however in Cu(I) complexes 1 and 2 the emission in quenched.  相似文献   

New silver (I) derivatives containing monodentate tertiary phosphanes and anionic poly(triazol-1-yl)borate ligands have been prepared from the reaction of AgNO3 and PR3 (R = Ph, Bn, o-tolyl, m-tolyl, p-tolyl) and potassium dihydrobis(1,2,4-triazolyl)borate, K[H2B(tz)2], or potassium hydrotris(1,2,4-triazolyl)borate, K[HB(tz)3]; their solid state and solution properties have been investigated through analytical and spectroscopic measurements (IR, 1H-, and 31P NMR). The 1H- and 31P NMR solution spectra in some cases can be interpreted on the basis of a dissociation of [{H2B(tz)2}Ag(PR3)2] into [{H2B(tz)2}Ag(PR3)] and PR3. All the compounds are soluble in chlorinated solvents and are non-electrolytes in CH2Cl2 and acetone solutions. [{H2B(tz)2}Ag(PPh3)2] and [{H2B(tz)2}Ag{P(m-tolyl)3}2] are simple mononuclear arrays, the silver atoms lying in four-coordinate N2AgP2 environments. Owing to the presence of the methyl substituents on the phosphane ligand, the complex [{HB(tz)3}Ag{P(o-tolyl)3}], as expected, is mononuclear. In [{H2B(tz)2}Ag{P(p-tolyl)3}], the silver environment is still four-coordinate but PAgN3, utilizing the coordinating capability of one of the additional (‘exo’-) ring nitrogens not only to complete the four-coordinate array about the silver but, necessarily, to link successive asymmetric units into a single-stranded polymer.  相似文献   

We have prepared and characterized two cationic ligands and their Ag(I) coordination compounds. For the bidentate ligand 2, 2,2-bis-pyridin-2-ylmethyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-isoindolium bromide, we obtained the organometallic polymer [AgL]x[CF3SO3]2x (4), and the unimolecular complex [AgL2][PF6]3 (5). Compound 4 exists as an organometallic linear polymer with triflate anions either bonded to Ag(I) or non-bonded and sandwiched between the polymer chains. Complex 5 is the only unimolecular example in this series due to the non-interaction of anions with Ag(I) or with the cationic portion of the ligand. In the case of the tridentate cationic ligand 3-(3-pyridin-2-yl-2-pyridin-2-ylmethy-propyl)-benzyl-triethylammonium bromide (3), two dimeric Ag(I) complexes are formed, [Ag2L2][CF3SO3]4 (6), and [Ag2(CH3CN2)2L2][PF6]4 (7). Both of these dimers have essentially similar structures, with a closed-shell Ag(I)?Ag(I) interaction of approximately 3.00 Å in both cases; the pyridyl moieties of the ligands are forced into an electronically unfavourable face-to-face arrangement. The coordination spheres of the Ag(I) cations are completed by in the case of 6, and by CH3CN solvent in the case of 7. In the extended packing diagrams, the arrangements of 6 and 7 are driven by intermolecular π-stacking and cation-anion interactions.  相似文献   

The complexes [CuIN2(SMe)2](ClO4) (1) and [CuIIN2(SMe)2(CF3SO3)2] (2) in both CuI and CuII redox states from N2(SMe)2 ligand (N,N-(2-pyridylmethyl)bis(2-methyl-thiobenzyl)amine) have been synthesized and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. Electrochemical studies show that the two complexes interconvert during the one electron transfer. Comparison with another complex with tBu instead Me groups on the thioether ligand shows detectable changes in X-ray structures and in redox properties. Theoretical calculations on the different steps of the redox process have been performed. Values underline steric constraints induced by the substitutions on thioether alkyl groups.  相似文献   

The ligands bis-(imidazolium) hexafluorophosphate (Himy = -C3N2H3-, imidazolium; R = 1-naphthylmethylene, 1a; 9-anthracenylmethylene, 1b) with an oxoether chain were easily prepared by the reaction of substituted imidazole with the diglycol diiodide, followed by exchange of anions with . 1a and 1b reacted with Ag2O in DMSO or CH3CN to yield [2 + 2] dinuclear Ag(I) NHCs macrocyclic complexes 2a and 2b, which showed much different conformation in solid corresponding to the R- substituent. Carbene transmetalation reactions of 2a-b with Au(SMe2)Cl give dinuclear Au(I) analogs 3a and 3b. The new NHCs complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and the structures of 2a-b and 3a were confirmed by X-ray diffraction determination.  相似文献   

The copper(I) complexes {(bis-2,6-dimethylphenyl-penta-2,3-diiminato)Cu}2(μ-toluene), 3 has been prepared and its reactivity against Lewis bases and nitrous oxide investigated. Complex 3 crystallizes as a toluene-bridged dimer and forms mono- and dinuclear benzene adducts in C6D6 solution. It does not coordinate excess THF, but reacts quantitatively with 1 equiv. of acetonitrile. Reaction with 2,6-xylyl isonitrile yields (bis-2,6-dimethylphenyl-penta-2,3-diiminato)Cu(2,6-xylyl isonitrile), 5, (νCN = 2123 cm−1), which was characterized by an X-ray diffraction study. Complex 3 does not react with nitrous oxide in either C6D6 solution (5 days 50 °C) or in diethyl ether (13 days at ambient temperature).  相似文献   

The title compounds, for short Ag6(tsac)6 (1) and [Cu4(tsac)4(MeCN)2] · 2MeCN (2), were prepared by the reaction of thiosaccharin with Ag(I) or Cu(II) salts in different solvents. The new complexes were characterized by FT-IR, Raman, UV-Vis and NMR spectroscopy. Their crystal and molecular structures were determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The structures were solved from 1621 (1) and 7080 (2) reflections with I > 2σ(I) and refined to agreement R1-factors of 0.0261 (1) and 0.0456 (2). Ag6(tsac)6 molecule derives from the clustering of six Ag(tsac) moieties related to each other through the crystallographic 3-bar (S6) symmetry operations of the space group. This results in a highly regular molecular structure where the silver atoms are at the corners of an octahedral core slightly compressed along one of its three-fold axis [inter-metallic Ag?Ag contacts of 3.1723(4) and 3.1556(4) Å]. The six thiosaccharinate ligands bridge neighboring Ag atoms along the C3-axis through Ag-N bonds [d(Ag-N) = 2.285(2) Å] at one end and bifurcated Ag-S(thione)-Ag bonds [Ag-S distances of 2.4861(7) and 2.5014(8) Å] at the other end. In contrast, the 2 compound is arranged in the lattice as an irregular tetrameric copper complex [Cu4(tsac)4(MeCN)2] where the metals show different environments. Two copper ions are four-fold coordinated to three tsac ions through the N-atom of one tsac [Cu-N distances of 2.112(3) and 2.064(3) Å] and the thione sulfur atom of the other two [Cu-S distances in the range from 2.284(1) to 2.358(1) Å] and to a MeCN solvent molecule [Cu-N distances of 1.983(4) and 2.052(3) Å]. The other two copper ions are in three-fold environment, one trans-coordinated to two tsac ions [Cu-N distances of 1.912(3) and 1.920(3) Å] and to the thione S-atom of a third ligand [d(Cu-S) = 2.531(1) Å], the other one to the thione sulfur atom of three tsac ligands [Cu-S distances in the range from 2.229(1) to 2.334(1) Å]. The clustering renders the metals to short distances from each other, the shorter Cu?Cu distance being 2.6033(7) Å, as to presume the existence of weak inter-metallic interaction within the cluster.  相似文献   

1-Alkynyl-dimethyl(triorganophosphine)gold(III) complexes of the type cis-Me2(Ph3P)Au-CC-R with R = H, Me, Ph (1-3) have been prepared from the cis-Me2(Ph3P)AuX (X = Cl, I) complexes and lithium alkynyls. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 have been determined together with those of the reference compounds cis-Me2(Ph3P)AuX (X = Cl, I) and cis-Me2(Me3P)AuI. The molecules have a standard square planar geometry and are not associated into oligomers. Due to the different hybridization of the carbon orbitals, the Au-C(CR) bonds are found significantly shorter than the Au-CH3 bonds. Compounds 1-3 are stable colourless, crystalline solids at 20 °C but decompose on heating with selective (cis) reductive elimination of ethane and formation of the gold(I) alkynyls (Ph3P)Au-CC-R thus retaining the stronger gold-alkynyl bonds. Two complexes of this type have also been prepared by conventional routes from (R3P)AuX complexes and the crystal structures of (Me3P)Au-CC-Ph and [(p-Tol)3P]Au-CC-H have been determined. The former with the small Me3P ligand is associated into two different trimers via aurophilic bonding and further aggregated into chains via weak inter-trimer contacts, while the latter is a monomer owing to the steric bulk of the (p-Tol)3P ligand.  相似文献   

Hydrophilic, monocationic [M(L)4]PF6 complexes (M = Cu or Ag; L: thp = tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine, L: PTA = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane, L: thpp = tris(hydroxypropyl)phosphine) were synthesized by ligand exchange reaction starting from [Cu(CH3CN)4]PF6 or AgPF6 precursors at room temperature in the presence of an excess of the relevant phosphine. The related [Au(L)4]PF6 complexes (L = thp, PTA or thpp) were synthesized by metathesis reactions starting from [Au(L)4]Cl at room temperature in the presence of equimolar quantity of TlPF6. The three series of complexes [M(L)4]PF6 were tested as cytotoxic agents against a panel of several human tumour cell lines also including a defined cisplatin resistant cell line. These investigations have been carried out in comparison with the clinically used metallodrug cisplatin and preliminary structure-activity relationships are presented. The best results in terms of in vitro antitumour activity were achieved with metal-thp species and, among the coinage metal complexes, copper derivatives were found to be the most efficient drugs. Preliminary studies concerning the mechanism of action of these [M(L)4]PF6 species pointed to thioredoxin reductase as one of the putative cellular targets of gold and silver complexes and provided evidence that copper derivatives mediated their cytotoxic effect through proteasome inhibition.  相似文献   

Two new mononuclear bis(oxamato) complexes with the formula [nBu4N]2[M(nabo)] M = Ni (4), Cu (5), with nabo = 2,3-naphthalene-bis(oxamato) have been synthesized as precursors for trinuclear oxamato-bridged transition metal complexes. Starting from 5 the homo-trinuclear complex [Cu3(nabo)(pmdta)2(BF4)](BF4) · MeCN · Et2O (7), with pmdta = N,N,N′,N″,N″-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine, has been prepared. The central N,N′-2,3-naphthalene bridge of 7 is so far the most extended π-conjugated bridge of trinuclear bis(oxamato) type transition metal complexes. The goal of this work was to verify the N,N′-2,3-naphthalene bridge of 7 on its magnetic properties in comparison to the N,N′-o-phenylene bridge of the related homo-trinuclear complex [Cu3(opba)(pmdta)2(NO3)](NO3) · 2MeCN (6) (opba = o-phenylene-bis(oxamato)). The crystal structures of 4-7 were solved. The magnetic properties of 6 and 7 were studied by susceptibility measurements versus temperature. For the intramolecular J parameter, values of −89 cm−1 (6) and −113 cm−1 (7) were obtained. The different J values are discussed based on the crystal structures of 6 and 7.  相似文献   

Jing Xu 《Inorganica chimica acta》2009,362(11):4002-4008
Three new coordination polymers {[Cu(HL)(H2O)]·H2O}n (1), [Ag(H2L)]n (2), and {[Co(HL)(phen)(H2O)]·8H2O}n (3) [H3L = 5-(1H-imidazol-4-ylmethyl)aminoisophthalic acid, phen = 1,10-phenanthroline] have been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that complex 1 displays (3, 3)-connected 2D network with (4, 82) topology, while complexes 2 and 3 have infinite 1D chain structure, in which one of the two carboxylic groups of H2L/HL2− is uncoordinated. The 2D layers of 1 or the 1D chains of 2 and 3 are further linked together by hydrogen bonds and π-π interactions to form 3D supramolecular frameworks. Moreover, the electrochemical properties of complexes 1 and 2 have been studied by modified glassy carbon electrodes of 1 (Cu-GCE) and 2 (Ag-GCE), and the results indicate that the Cu-GCE and Ag-GCE show one-electron redox peaks. In addition, both Cu-GCE and Ag-GCE have good electrocatalytic activities toward the reduction of H2O2 in phosphate buffer (pH 5.5) solution.  相似文献   

The multicopper oxidase CueO oxidizes toxic Cu(I) and is required for copper homeostasis in Escherichia coli. Like many proteins involved in copper homeostasis, CueO has a methionine-rich segment that is thought to be critical for copper handling. How such segments function is poorly understood. Here, we report the crystal structure of CueO at 1.1 Å with the 45-residue methionine-rich segment fully resolved, revealing an N-terminal helical segment with methionine residues juxtaposed for Cu(I) ligation and a C-terminal highly mobile segment rich in methionine and histidine residues. We also report structures of CueO with a C500S mutation, which leads to loss of the T1 copper, and CueO with six methionines changed to serine. Soaking C500S CueO crystals with Cu(I), or wild-type CueO crystals with Ag(I), leads to occupancy of three sites, the previously identified substrate-binding site and two new sites along the methionine-rich helix, involving methionines 358, 362, 368, and 376. Mutation of these residues leads to a ∼4-fold reduction in kcat for Cu(I) oxidation. Ag(I), which often appears with copper in nature, strongly inhibits CueO oxidase activities in vitro and compromises copper tolerance in vivo, particularly in the absence of the complementary copper efflux cus system. Together, these studies demonstrate a role for the methionine-rich insert of CueO in the binding and oxidation of Cu(I) and highlight the interplay among cue and cus systems in copper and silver homeostasis.  相似文献   

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