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[{C7F15CO2}2AgAu(PPh3)]2 is obtained in good yield from the reaction of [C7F15CO2Ag] with [ClAuPPh3] in THF solution. The crystal structure shows a zig-zag Au-Ag-Ag-Au core with fluorocarboxylate ligands bridging the Au-Ag and Ag-Ag bonds and triphenylphosphine groups bound to Au. Electrodeposition from acetonitrile yields Au-Ag alloys. The deposited alloys are Ag rich and the composition varies with deposition potential.  相似文献   

With exposure to trace amounts of air and moisture, the Cr2(II, II) complex Cr2(μ-3,5Cl2-form)4, where 3,5Cl2-form is [(3,5-Cl2C6H3)NC(H)N(3,5-Cl2C6H3)], undergoes an oxidative addition reaction. Structural information from the X-ray crystal structure of the edge-sharing bioctahedral (ESBO) Cr2(III, III) product Cr2(μ-OH)2(μ-3,5Cl2-form)22-3,5Cl2-form)2 (1) indicates 1 has a significantly longer Cr–Cr distance [2.732(2) Å] than Cr2(μ-3,5Cl2-form)4 [1.9162(10) Å], but the shortest Cr–Cr distance in an ESBO Cr2(III, III) complex recorded to date.  相似文献   

The reactions of [(H5C6)3P]2ReH6 with (CH3CN)3Cr(CO)3, (diglyme)Mo(CO)3 or (C3H7CN)3W(CO)3 led to the formation of [(H5C6)3P]2ReH6M(CO)3 (M = Cr, Mo, W) complexes. These have been characterized by IR and NMR spectroscopies, as well as elemental analyses. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study has also been carried out for the M = Cr complex as a K(18-crown-6)+ salt. The complex crystallizes as a THF monosolvate in the monoclinic space group P21/n with a = 22.323(6), B = 9.523(2), C = 27.502(5) Å, β = 104.98(2)0 and V = 5648 Å3 for Z = 4. The Re---Cr separation is 2.5745(12) Å, and the two phosphine ligands are oriented unsymmetrically. Although the hydride ligands were not found, the presence of three bridging hydrides and a dodecahedral coordination geometry about rhenium could be inferred. Low temperature 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopic studies did not reveal the low symmetry of the solid state structure.  相似文献   

The novel ferromagnetic coupling one-dimensional complex {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} (NIT3Py=2-(3-pyridyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) was synthesized and characterized structurally and magnetically. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group C2/c. The Cu(II) ion is in a distorted octahedral environment. The units of {Cu(NIT3Py)2[N(CN)2]2(H2O)2} were connected as one-dimensional structure by the intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Magnetic measurements show that there are intramolecular ferromagnetic interactions and intermolecular antiferromagnetic interactions within the chain.  相似文献   

Electron poor cationic complexes [(CF3PCP)Pt(L)]+ (where L = CO, NC5F5, or acetone) react with H2O in polar solvents via selective hydrolysis of a single P-CF3 substituent to afford the spectroscopically-characterized phosphinoyl-bridged complex {k3-P,C,P,k1-O-(CF3)2PCH2C6H3CH2P(CF3)O}2Pt2 (1) in good yield. X-ray diffraction confirms the presence of a six-member Pt-P-O-Pt-P-O ring in a chair conformation. The presumed intermediate aqua complex, (CF3PCP)Pt(H2O)+, is stable in dichloromethane, but when dissolved in more polar solvents readily converts to 1.  相似文献   

1:1 adducts of N,N′-bis(benzophenone)-1,2-diiminoethane (bz2en) with copper(I) chloride, bromide and iodide, [Cu(bz2en)2][CuX2] (X = Cl, Br, and I), have been synthesized and the structures of the solid bromide and iodide adducts were determined by X-ray crystallography from single-crystal data. The solid-state structure reveals ionic complexes containing a cation of copper(I) ion coordinated to four nitrogen atoms of two bz2en molecules (distorted tetrahedron) and a linear dibromocuprate(I) and a di-μ-iodo-diiododicuprate(I) anion for the bromo and iodo adducts, respectively. The bromo adduct structure contains CH?Br intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The complexes are very stable towards atmospheric oxygen in the solid state. The spectral properties of the above complexes are also discussed.  相似文献   

When a solution of [Co2(Ph2PCH2PPh2)(CO)6] in chloroform or deuterochloroform is allowed to stand in air at room temperature, it deposits dark green crystals of [Co{Ph2P(O)CH2P(O)Ph2}3][CoCl4] · 8CHCl3. The same product is formed more quickly and in much higher yield (80% based on Co) if the reaction is carried out in the presence of 2 equiv. of [Ph2PCH2PPh2]; the CoII appears to catalyse the air-oxidation of [Ph2PCH2PPh2]. The salt was characterised by X-ray crystallography and shown to contain octahedral CoII cations and CoII tetrahedral anions having normal bond lengths and angles.  相似文献   

A family of bis(2-amino-3,5-dihalopyridine)dihalocopper(II) compounds has been synthesized, including (3,5-diCAP)2CuCl2 (1), (3,5-diCAP)2CuBr2 (2), (3,5-diBAP)2CuCl2 (3), and (3,5-diBAP)2CuBr2 (4) [3,5-diCAP = 2-amino-3,5-dichloropyridine; 3,5-diBAP = 2-amino-3,5-dibromopyridine]. These complexes have been analyzed through single crystal X-ray diffraction and temperature dependant magnetic susceptibility. The compounds are all isostructural, forming bi-bridged chains with long Cu-X?Cu bridges in the crystal lattice. The two copper chloride compounds (1 and 3) exhibit weak antiferromagnetic interactions along these chains.  相似文献   

The reaction of lead(II) nitrate with trisodium citrate Na3(C6H5O7) in a 1:22.5 ratio at pH 4.8 provides crystals of {Na(H2O)3}[Pb5(H2O)3(C6H5O7)3(C6H6O7)]·9.5H2O (1). The structure of 1 is two-dimensional and exhibits five distinct Pb(II) sites and four different modes of citrate bonding. The five lead sites all display hemidirected coordination geometries, that is, irregular distribution of neighboring oxygen atoms resulting in obvious gaps in the coordination spheres. Consequently, the lead coordination geometries exhibit proximal bonding to a number of oxygen donors, as well as distal interactions with nearest neighbors. The coordination numbers vary from 8 to 10, with ‘5+3’, ‘5+4’, ‘6+4’ and ‘7+3’ coordination modes where the first number refers to the proximal ligands and the second to the distal set. The four crystallographically distinct citrate groups include three with deprotonated carboxylate groups (C6H5O7)3− and one with a single protonated carboxyl group (C6H6O7)2. The citrate ligands bridge 3, 5, 7 and 7 lead sites. Three of the citrate groups exhibit tridentate chelation coordination to a lead site through two carboxylate oxygen donors and the hydroxyl groups. One citrate group projects an uncoordinated -OH group and a pendant protonated carboxyl group into the interlamellar domain. This latter carboxyl group coordinates to a sodium cation, which exhibits five coordinate geometry defined by three aqua ligands and the carbonyl oxygen of the -CO2H groups in the basal plane and a citrate -OH donor in the apical position.  相似文献   

Carbamoyl methyl pyrazole compound of palladium(II) chloride of the type [PdCl2L2] (where L =  C5H7N2CH2CON(C4H9)2, C5H7N2CH2CON(iC4H9)2, C3H3N2CH2CON(C4H9)2, or C3H3N2CH2CON(iC4H9)2) has been synthesized and characterized by IR and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The structure of the compound [PdCl2{C3H3N2CH2CONiBu2}2] has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction and shows that the ligands are bonded through the soft pyrazolyl nitrogen atom to the palladium(II) chloride in a trans disposition.  相似文献   

New oxovanadium(V) complexes with internally functionalized oximes of the type VO{OPri}3−n{ONC(CH3)(Ar)}n] (where Ar = C4H3O-2, C4H3S-2 and C5H4N-2 and n = 1-3) have been prepared in quantitative yields by the reaction of VO(OPri)3 with the corresponding oximes in various stoichiometric ratios in refluxing anhydrous benzene. The products have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectroscopic (FT IR, 1H, 13C{1H} and 51V NMR) studies. FAB mass spectral analysis of [VO{OPri}{ONC(CH3)C4H3S}2] indicates the monomeric nature of the complex. 51V NMR values for these complexes suggest the formation of tetra-coordinate species in solution. However, the single crystal X-ray diffraction studies of [VO{ONC(CH3)(C4H3O-2)}3] and [VO{ONC(CH3)(C4H3S-2)}3] · 0.5C6H6 exhibit the presence of vanadium(V) atoms in a unique hepta-coordination state with distorted pentagonal bipyramidal geometry in the solid state. The oxo- atom occupies the axial position while the oximato ligands are bonded in a dihapto (η2-N,O) manner with the formation of three membered rings.  相似文献   

Lewis acid catalysts [Eu(NTf2)3] and [Yb(NTf2)3] can be easily crystallized from a p-xylene solution in the presence of carboxylic acids and a small amount of water to give a trihydrate and a pentahydrate, respectively. In the crystallization of [Eu(NTf2)3(H2O)3], linear molecules such as n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids act as templates to form crystals belonging to the trigonal space group with a hexagonal cylindrical structure, which is constructed by 3D hydrogen bonding network. On the other hand, [Eu(NTf2)3(H2O)3] crystallized in the cubic space group P213 in the presence of a bulkier carboxylic acid, cyclohexanecarboxylic acid. In both [Eu(NTf2)3(H2O)3] crystals, ligands act as bidentate ligands coordinating to the Eu atom through two oxygen atoms. [Yb(NTf2)3] crystallized as a pentahydrate in the monoclinic space group P21/n, in which ligands coordinated to the Yb atom with only one oxygen atom.  相似文献   

The preparation, crystal structures and magnetic properties of three copper(II) compounds of formulae [Cu2(dmphen)2(dca)4] (1), [Cu(dmphen)(dca)(NO3)]n (2) and [Cu(4,4-dmbpy)(H2O)(dca)2] (3) (dmphen=2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline, dca=dicyanamide and 4,4-dmbpy=4,4-dimethyl-2,2-bipyridine) are reported. The structure of 1 consists of discrete copper(II) dinuclear units with double end-to-end dca bridges whereas that of 2 is made up of neutral uniform copper(II) chains with a single symmetrical end-to-end dca bridge. Each copper atom in 1 and 2 is in a distorted square pyramidal environment: two (1) or one (2) nitrile-nitrogen atoms from bridging dca groups, one of the nitrogen atoms of the dmphen molecule (1 and 2) and either one nitrile-nitrogen from a terminal dca ligand (1) or a nitrate-oxygen atom (2) build the equatorial plane whereas the second nitrogen atom of the heterocyclic dmphen fills the axial position (1 and 2). The copper-copper separations through double (1) and single (2) end-to-end dca bridges are 7.1337(7) (1) and 7.6617(7) (2). Compound 3 is a mononuclear copper(II) complex whose structure contains two neutral and crystallographically independent [Cu(4,4-dmbpy)(H2O)(dca)2] molecules which are packed in two different layer arrangements running parallel to the bc-plane and alternating along the a-axis. The copper atoms in both molecules have slightly distorted square pyramidal surroundings with the two nitrogen atoms of the 4,4-dmbpy ligand and two dca nitrile-nitrogen atoms in the basal plane and a water oxygen in the apical position. A semi co-ordinated dca nitrile-nitrogen from a neighbour unit [2.952(6) Å for Cu(2)-N] is in trans position to the apical water molecule in one of the two molecules, this feature representing part of the difference in supramolecular connections in the alternating layers referred to above. Magnetic susceptibility measurements for 1-3 in the temperature range 1.9-290 K reveal the occurrence of weak antiferromagnetic interactions through double [J=−3.3 cm−1 (1), ] and single [J=−0.57 cm−1 (2), ] dca bridges and across intermolecular contacts [θ=−0.07 K (3)].  相似文献   

The copper(II) complex of the acyclic EBTA ligand (H4EBTA = 1,2-bis(2-aminoethoxy)benzene-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid) has been prepared and characterized by X-ray analysis. The two copper ions of the dinuclear unit present the same distorted octahedral coordination polyhedra. The EBTA ligand is shared between two copper coordination centres, with the formation of centrosymmetric dimers, which are linked in a supramolecular tridimensional structure via additional interactions through the coordinated waters molecules with adjacent carboxylic oxygen atoms. The stability and protonation constants of EBTA with Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions indicate a higher stability of these complexes with respect to the corresponding complexes with the more flexible EGTA ligand (H4EGTA = ethyleneglycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid). On the other hand, the lower stability of [Gd(EBTA)] than [Gd(EGTA)] results in a decreased overall selectivity (lower Ksel) of EBTA towards Gd(III) and suggests that this complex may undergoes transmetallation reactions under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Reaction of [Ru2(O2CMe)4]Cl with K3[Cr(CN)5NO] in water forms Hx[RuII/III2(O2CMe)4]3−x-[Cr(CN)5NO]·zH2O (x = 0.2) that magnetically orders at 4.0 K and possesses an interpenetrating body centered cubic [a = 13.2509(2) Å] structure with random locations of the bridging nitrosyl ligands, and x/3 vacant cation sites. Similarly, the aqueous reaction of [Ru2(O2CMe)4]Cl with Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] forms paramagnetic [Ru2(O2CMe)4]2[Fe(CN)5NO]·H2O, which has a similar tetragonal interpenetrating structure [a = 13.0186(1) Å, c = 13.0699(2) Å] where the NO ligands are presumably nonbridging and 1/3 of the expected cation sites are unoccupied. The presence of uncoordinated NO sites in addition to missing neighboring [Ru2(O2CMe)4]+ units, results in significant vacancies (or holes) in the lattice.  相似文献   

Sodium P,P-diphenylphosphinothioate (2) was prepared by treatment of the free acid, Ph2P(S)OH (1), with sodium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide and isolated as its THF adduct. The zinc phosphonodithioate complex [Zn{S2P(OMe)C6H4OEt-p}2]2 (3) was obtained from ZnCl2 and the readily accessible sodium salt of the ligand. According to X-ray diffraction studies, both compounds form dimers in the solid state.  相似文献   

The reaction of [FeII(H2O)6](BF4)2 with tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (TPyA) and triethylamine in methanol under aerobic conditions forms [(TPyA)FFeIIIOFeIIIF(TPyA)](BF4)2 · 0.5MeOH (1), in which each Fe(III) ion is coordinated to a TPyA and an F ion as well as an oxo ion (O2−) linking two Fe(III) ions. 1 has offset face-to-face π-π interactions between the dimers, and possesses a supramolecular network structure. The magnetic susceptibility of 1 can be fit with g = 2.0, J/kB = − 153 K (106 cm−1), and θ = − 0.3 K [H = − 2JSa · Sb]. These indicate that very strong antiferromagnetic interactions occur via the oxo bridge within the Fe(III) dimer and weak antiferromagnetic interactions between the dimers.  相似文献   

A series of palladium complexes of the type [Pd(phPS2)(PAr3)] (phPS2) = [PhP(C6H4-2-S)2]2− have been synthesized in good yields and their crystal structures determined. Heck coupling reactions were carried out using the [Pd(phPS2)(PPh3)] (1), [Pd(phPS2){P(C6H4-4-Cl)3}] (2), [Pd(phPS2){P(C6H4-4-F)3}] (3), [Pd(phPS2){P(C6H4-4-CF3)3}] (4), [Pd(phPS2){P(C6H4-4-Me)3}] (5) and [Pd(phPS2){P(C6H4-4-OMe)3}] (6) complexes as catalyst precursors in order to examine the potential effect of the para-substituted triarylphosphines in the reaction of bromobenzene and styrene.  相似文献   

New silver(I) complexes have been synthesised from the reaction of AgNO3, monodentate PR3 (PR3 = P(o-tolyl)3, P(m-tolyl)3, P(p-tolyl)3, P(p-C6H4F), SeP(C6H5)3) or bidentate tertiary (dppe = bis(diphenylphosphane)ethane, dppf = 1,1′-bis(diphenylphosphane)ferrocene) phosphanes and potassium dihydrobis(3-nitro-1,2,4-triazolyl)borate, K[H2B(tzNO2)2]. These compounds have been characterized by elemental analyses, FT-IR, ESI-MS and multinuclear (1H and 31P) NMR spectral data. The adduct {[H2B(tzNO2)2]Ag[P(m-tolyl)3]2} has been characterized by single crystal X-ray studies. In the former, the H2B(tzNO2)2 acts as a monodentate ligand utilizing the coordinating capability of only one of the additional (exo-) ring nitrogens to complete the coordination array about the silver atom.  相似文献   

The reduction of the Re2 5+ core in 1,2,7-Re2Cl5(PR3)3 molecules, followed by addition of 1 equiv. of a different phosphine ligand, PR3 ′, allows the preparation of the mixed monodentate phosphine compounds of the Re2 4+ type, namely 1,2,7,8-Re2Cl4(PR3)3(PR3 ′). The stereochemistry of the starting materials dictates the stereochemistry of the final products. The one-electron reduction of the 1,2,7-isomer of Re2Cl5(PMe2Ph)3 with KC8 to the corresponding anion, [1,2,7-Re2Cl5(PMe2Ph)3] (1), followed by non-redox substitution of one chloride ion by one diethylphosphine, PEt2H, afforded the first mixed monodentate phosphine compound of the dirhenium(II) core, Re2Cl4(PMe2Ph)3(PEt2H) (2), in good yield. Crystal structure determination as well as other physical methods and elemental analysis unambiguously confirmed the formation of 2. The related system 1,2,7-Re2Cl5(PMe3)3---Co(C5H5)2---PEt2H leads to several products, one of which is 1,2,7,8-Re2Cl4(PMe3)3(PEt2H) (3).  相似文献   

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