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The 20- to 50-fold increase in cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity caused by the addition of 50 muM 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) at the onset of a one-way murine mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) between C57BL/6 and DBA/2 splenic lymphocytes appears to be unrelated to early events in the culture: if 2-ME was present for the first 24 hr of culture only, there was no increase on day 4, but if addition of 2-ME was delayed until the last 24 hr of culture, the CTL activity was almost as high as that of cultures that were exposed to 2-ME for the entire 4-day culture period. The increase of CTL activity caused by delayed addition of 2-ME ("2-ME rescue") was used to investigate the mechanism by which the thiol induces differentiation of CTL from precursor cells. 2-ME rescue was mimicked by two other thiols, dithiothreitol and cysteamine phosphate, but at higher concentrations. Because the latter compound has no free sulhydryl group until it diffuses into cells and is enzymatically dephosphorylated, we conclude that thiols may increase the differentiation of CTL from precursor cells by an intracellular process involving free sulphydryl groups rather than by interaction with membrane sulfhydryls or destruction of inhibitor cells or their products. Cell separation experiments indicated that 2-ME rescue was independent of the presence of B lymphocytes and of adherent cells (macrophages) and was restricted to a subpopulation of T lymphocytes that developed into large lymphoid precursor cells during the first 3 days in culture even without 2-ME. The development of this subpopulation required DNA synthesis between 24 nad 72 hr after the onset of MLC. When 2-ME was added to day-3 MLC, CTL activity increased slightly as early as 4 hr later, but the major increase occurred during the second half of the 24 hr "rescue"period. Because this increase was inhibited by cytosine arabinoside (ARA-C), it seems likely that DNA synthesis is associated with and may be required for the differentiation of large precursor lymphoid cells into CTL after the addition of 2-ME.  相似文献   

Antibody reactive with "recognition structures" (RS) of mouse lymphoid cells for alloantigens (anti-RS) was prepared by immunization of F1 hybrid mice with parentalstrain lymphoid cells or with antibody produced in one parental strain against alloantigens of the other parental strain. Such antisera prevented generation of the "product of antigenic recognition" (PAR) that is produced within a few hours in cultures prepared with a mixture of lymphoid cells from genetically disparate mice. However, treatment of responding lymphoid cells with anti-RS sera and complement did not inhibit generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC). Treatment of cells obtained from MLC with anti-RS sera and complement failed to inhibit cytolytic activity of such cells for specific alloantigens.  相似文献   

The in vitro generation of primary murine allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) from BALB/c (H-2d) spleen cell precursors in response to x-irradiated RDM4 (H-2k) tumor cells did not occur unless the cultures were supplemented with exogenous helper factors. Such CTL helper factors (CHF) could be provided by conditioned medium from cultures in which Sendai virus-immune BALB/c spleen cells were stimulated either with Sendai-infected cells (SC-CM) or with peptides cleaved by CNBr from intact virions (SP-CM). CHF activity stimulated by both antigens reached a maximum after day 3 of culture. In contrast, interleukin 2 (IL 2) activity peaked at day 2 and had essentially disappeared by day 4. Fractionation of day-4 SC-CM and SP-CM preparations by gel filtration revealed peaks of activity at apparent m.w. of 17,000 (CHF17) and 30,000 (CHF30). Under certain conditions, a peak of CHF activity appeared in the void volume with an apparent m.w. of 75,000 or greater. These results indicate that CHF activity is mediated by molecules distinct from IL 2.  相似文献   

Human cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the presence and absence of histamine in order to define the role of this autacoid in immune regulation. Histamine (10(-8)-10(-4) M) suppressed the generation of class I specific CTL but, at 10(-4) M, actually increased class II specific cytolysis. Histamine acted at the level of CTL generation; histamine was not present in the cytolytic assay. When histamine was added to the cytolytic assay with CTL grown without histamine, the lytic ability of the effector cells was similar to that of controls. Histamine-induced suppression of class I specific cytolysis was blocked by continuous culture with the H2 antagonist ranitidine but not with the H1 antagonist pyrilamine. These data suggest that suppression was mediated by the H2 receptor. Continuous culture with histamine had no effect on T cell proliferation or the expression of cell surface molecules. Histamine-induced suppression of class I specific cytolysis was reversed by the addition of PHA to the cytotoxicity assay, showing that the cytolytic machinery was intact. These data provide evidence that histamine is involved in regulation of cytolytic T cells.  相似文献   

Immunotherapy of cancer could be possible in cases in which competent effector T cells can be induced. Such an approach depends on expression of tumour-specific antigens by the tumour cells and on the availability of sufficient costimulatory support for activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Here, a strategy for helper T cell recruitment for induction of tumour-specific cytotoxic immune responses is presented. Allogenic MHC class II molecules were introduced into tumour cells by cell fusion. These hybrid cells, when injected into mice, induced rejection of an established tumour. The contribution of CD4-expressing helper T cells in the induction phase and of CD8-expressing T cells in the effector phase of the immune response was demonstrated. The approach described could be applicable to cases in which a suitable tumour antigen is present but not identified; it employs regulatory interactions that govern physiological immune responses and is designed to be minimally invasive.  相似文献   

A helper factor (CHF) necessary for the generation of primary allospecific CTL using BALB/c (H-2d) responder spleen cell and x-irradiated RDM4 (H-2k) stimulator tumor cells was obtained from cultures of mouse spleen cells stimulated for the production of secondary anti-Sendai virus CTL and fractionated by gel filtration chromatography to obtain a 30,000 m.w. species (CHF30). DEAE-cellulose chromatography separated CHF activity from the majority of interleukin 1 (IL 1), interleukin 2 (IL 2), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF), and interferon (IFN). Interleukin 3 (IL 3) and CHF co-eluted when this procedure was used. Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of CHF30 with a variety of elution conditions allowed the separation of CHF activity from IL 1, IL 2, IL 3, CSF, and IFN. IL 3 and CSF in the CHF30 preparation were stable at 80 degrees C for more than an hour, whereas CHF activity decreased rapidly during the first 10 min of incubation. Trypsin treatment of the same material showed that CHF activity was resistant to digestion for 40 min, whereas IL 3 and CSF lost most of their activities during the first 5 min of incubation. These results indicate that CHF activity is mediated by molecules biologically and biochemically distinct from the well characterized cytokines.  相似文献   

The generation of CTL in rat MLC was actively suppressed by a cell population present in spleen cell preparations from normal rats. These suppressor cells were characterized by using a variety of cell fractionation techniques. Suppressor cells were removed by passage of spleen cells through nylon wool columns or by treatment with carbonyl iron. Suppressive activity was present in the mononuclear cell fraction of spleen cells obtained by Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient centrifugation. After velocity sedimentation at unit gravity, enrichment of suppressive activity was demonstrated in the fractions containing large cells as compared to the fractions containing small cells. Populations rich in macrophages were shown to have similar suppressive activity upon CTL induction in MLC. These studies suggest that macrophages present in normal rat spleen cell preparations account for the difficulty in generating CTL in MLC prepared with rat cells.  相似文献   

In this study the capacity of T cells and monocytes to induce cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) in primary and secondary MLC was investigated. The T lymphocytes were enriched by rosetting with sheep red blood cells (E) and further purified by sedimentation at unit gravity, which completely removed the contaminating monocytes. In addition, a highly purified monocyte population was obtained by 1 X G sedimentation of the non-E rosette-forming cells. These purified T cells have a poor CML-inducing capacity in primary and secondary MLC. In contrast, monocytes were very effective in inducing CML in both primary and secondary MLC. Induction of CML by monocytes in primary MLC was inhibited by heterologous anti-Ia-like antisera, indicating that the induction of CML by monocytes was related to the presence of HLA-DR (Ia-like) antigens on these cells.  相似文献   

A system is presented that may simplify the study of accessory cell requirements for CTL generation. Cortisone resistant (CR) thymocytes containing alloreactive CTL precursors do not respond to allogeneic tumor cells unless non-T accessory cells are added to culture. In addition, splenic T cells do not respond to allogeneic tumor cells in the absence of non-T accessory cells. These accessory cells share several properties of macrophages.  相似文献   

Functionally defined clones and lines of murine lymphocytes including myelomas, helper, suppressor and cytolytic T lymphocytes were analyzed for their glycosphingolipids (GSLs). GSLs were characterized by thin-layer chromatography and by high-performance liquid chromatography. Lymphocytes with different functions displayed, besides a number of common GSLs, some characteristic GSLs that may be regarded as markers. Globotriaosylceramide was found on myelomas and B blasts, whereas globotetraosylceramide was confined to helper T cells. All T cells including cytolytic T lymphocytes displayed gangliotetraosylceramide (asialo-GM1) as a major GSL, which was further characterized by sequential degradation with exoglycosidases.  相似文献   

Human rIL-4 was studied for its capacity to induce lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cell activity. In contrast to IL-2, IL-4 was not able to induce LAK cell activity in cell cultures derived from peripheral blood. IL-4 added simultaneously with IL-2 to such cultures suppressed IL-2-induced LAK cell activity measured against Daudi and the melanoma cell line MEWO in a dose-dependent way. IL-4 also inhibited the induction of LAK cell activity in CD2+, CD3-, CD4-, CD8- cells, suggesting that IL-4 acts directly on LAK precursor cells. IL-4 added 24 h after the addition of IL-2 failed to inhibit the generation of LAK cell activity. Cytotoxic activity of various types of NK cell clones was not affected after incubation in IL-4 for 3 days, indicating that IL-4 does not affect the activity of already committed killer cells. No significant differences were observed in the percentages of Tac+, NKH-1+ and CD16+ cells after culturing PBL in IL-2, IL-4 or combinations of IL-2 and IL-4 for 3 days. IL-4 also inhibited the activation of non-specific cytotoxic activity in MLC, as measured against K-562 and MEWO cells. In contrast, the Ag-specific CTL activity against the stimulator cells was augmented by IL-4. Collectively, these data indicate that IL-4 prevents the activation of LAK cell precursors by IL-2, but does not inhibit the generation of Ag-specific CTL.  相似文献   

Influenza-specific immune cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) populations maintain a constant level of in vitro cytolytic activity. This is demonstrable with both heterogeneous populations of anti-viral CTL from immune donors and long-term CTL clones derived from primed CTL precursors. Cytolytic machinery is stably expressed by these CTL populations under a variety of in vitro cultivation conditions. This finding is in contrast to results with alloreactive CTL generated by stimulation of primed CTL precursors that lose cytolytic activity on a per cell basis with time after stimulation. The results indicate that virus-specific, cloned CTL that stably express cytolytic activity are representative of the heterogeneous populations from which they are derived and further suggest a qualitative difference in the regulation and expression of cytolytic machinery between heterogeneous populations of influenza-specific CTL and alloreactive CTL.  相似文献   

Reexposure of day 14 murine mixed leukocyte culture (MLC) populations to the original irradiated allogeneic stimulating spleen cells has previously been found to result in the ratpid generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) associated with a net increase in cultured cell number. Under the experimental conditions used, day 5 MLC cells appeared unable to respond to the allogeneic stimulus. In order to characterize further the development of the potential for anamnestic reactivity during the course of MLC, C57BL/6 spleen cells were incubated with irradiated (1000 rads) DBA/2 spleen cells (primary MLC) for up to 3 weeks. At various time intervals after the onset of the primary MLC, the surviving cells were collected and reexposed, at varying cell concentrations, to irradiated DBA/2 spleen cells (secondary MLC). At daily intervals thereafter, CTL activity was assessed using a quantitative 51Cr-release assay system. A paradoxic effect of responding cell concentration on generation of CTL activity was observed; relatively greater increase in CTL activity was observed as the concentration of responding cells was decreased over a 100-fold range. This effect was more pronounced with responding cells reexposed to antigen after primary MLC for 20 days, but was observed even with normal cells. The apparent unresponsiveness of day 5 MLC cells to alloantigen restimulation could be overcome by simple dilution of responding cells. Cytotoxic activity at the time of restimulation with antigen seems to be a major factor determining the magnitude of the secondary response. Since intact cells bearing alloantigens are required for the generation of CTL in MLC, residual cytotoxic cells reduce the effective antigenic stimulus by destroying stimulating cells. This effect of concentration of responding cells on generation of CTL in MLC complicates interpretation of experiments investigating the role of "inhibitor" and "helper" cell in cell-mediated immune responses occurring in vitro. Under optimal conditions, the highest CTL activity and the largest increase in total cell number was observed 4 days after restimulation of day 10 MLC cells. On a per cell basis, the lytic activity was up to 4 times greater than that observed at the peak of a primary response, and the number of viable cells recovered was nearly 20 times higher than that at the onset. Such secondary MLC are thus a convenient source of lymphoid cells selected primarily on the basis of proliferation induced by alloantigens.  相似文献   

Stimulation of cells from long-term primary MLC with Con A resulted in the generation of CTL activity comparable in magnitude to that induced by reexposure of the cells to the original stimulating cellular antigen. CTL generated by stimulation of long-term MLC cells with ConA had lytic activity specific for the original stimulating alloantigen used in primary MLC. The pattern of stimulation of long-term MLC cells with Con A differed from that of restimulation with alloantigen in that there was no detectable CTL activity the first 24 hr after Con A stimulation and the peak lytic activity occurred later. Unlike restimulation with alloantigen early lytic activity after Con A stimulation was dependent on DNA synthesis. PHA also proved to be an effective agent for stimulating cytolytic activity in long-term MLC cells. The response to PHA was comparable in magnitude to that generated by Con A. Stimulation of long-term MLC cells with T cell mitogens gave decreased cell recoveries relative to restimulation with alloantigen, however, the lytic activity per cells recovered was generally greater in the mitogen-stimulated cultures.  相似文献   

Cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) specific for trinitrophenyl (TNP)-altered self antigens can be generated in vivo through the simultaneous injection of TNP-modified syngeneic spleen cells and H-2-compatible, minor histocompatibility locus (Mls)-disparate auxiliary spleen cells into the footpads of mice. The latter stimulates host helper cells to produce differentiative and proliferative signals required for the generation of CTL. Advent of this protocol allowed investigation of the initiation of two different cell-mediated immune responses, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and the generation of CTL, in the same experimental animal. Mice presensitized for CTL were able to develop DTH as well as normal controls. However, when mice were first sensitized for DTH, they were thereafter incapable of generating CTL. This effect was hapten specific, relatively long lasting, and preventable by treating mice with cyclophosphamide before sensitizing for DTH. Adoptive transfer of lymphoid cells from DTH-immune mice conferred DTH reactivity upon naive recipients but not a suppressed CTL response. Therefore, cells mediating DTH were not responsible for suppression of CTL. The mechanism for suppression has been discussed from the viewpoint of the suppressor-T-cell circuits that are known to be generated when animals are sensitized for DTH and which are susceptible to treatment with cyclophosphamide.  相似文献   

Mice immunized with soluble proteins such as human serum albumin (HSA) or ovalbumin (OA) develop in their spleens antigen-specific T and B lymphocytes. These populations of lymphocytes can be separated from each other by different means; e.g. treatment with anti-theta-antiserum and complement removes selectively T lymphocytes, whereas passage through glass bead columns coated with mouse immunoglobulin (Ig): anti-Ig complexes creates a relatively pure population of T lymphocytes. During the course of such separation studies it was observed that the helper capacity of HSA (or OA) immune mouse spleen cells after Ig:anti-Ig column passage frequently was higher than expected from the enrichment in theta-positive cells. In addition, after adsorption onto antigen coated Bio-Gel beads this effect was even more pronounced, i.e., and increase in the relative helper capacity of about 3 or 4 times compared with an increase in the content of theta-positive cells from about 30% to 40 to 50% after adsorption. The present results will demonstrate that the increased helper capacity was a specific phenomenon which was regulated by theta-positive cells. The regulatory cells specifically adsorbed onto antigen-coated Bio-Gel beads have not been successfully eluted by EDTA or excess-free antigen so far, and they were still adsorbed after pre-incubation with anti-Ig antibodies under conditions where specific B lymphocyte adsorption was almost prevented.  相似文献   

The role of macrophages in rat mixed leukocyte cultures was investigated. Previous studies indicated that macrophages in the responding cells suppressed the proliferative and cytotoxic responses. When, in the present study, macrophages were depleted from the stimulating cells, the proliferative and cytotoxic responses were greatly depressed. Reconstitution of the macrophage-depleted cultures with low concentrations of irradiated peritoneal exudate cells of the stimulator but not the responder haplotype resulted in the generation of strong cytotoxic responses. Further, highly purified stimulator peritoneal macrophage populations induced the generation of strongly cytotoxic effector cells, which suggested that macrophages are the predominant stimulating cells in rat mixed leukocyte cultures.  相似文献   

We have been examining the mechanisms that control in vivo development and down regulation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) to trinitrophenyl (TNP)-altered self antigens. In vivo generation of hapten-specific CTL requires an auxiliary antigenic stimulus, which can be provided by H-2 compatible but Mls-disparate cells. These experiments were designed to study the effect of tolerization with such Mls-disparate cells on CTL development. C3H/HeN (H-2k, Mlsc ) mice sensitized in the footpads with C3H-TNP spleen cells plus CBA/J (H-2k, Mlsd ) spleen cells develop CTL in the draining lymph nodes that will lyse 51Cr-labeled TNP-modified C3H targets. However, we have found that if C3H/HeN mice are given tolerizing doses of CBA/J spleen cells 5 to 7 days before sensitization, a splenic suppressor T cell (Ts) appears. This Ts will suppress CTL development in its tolerant host, and can be transferred adoptively to function in naive mice. Ts and its precursor are cyclophosphamide insensitive and therefore different from the naturally existing suppressor cell present in mice. When triggered by cells with Mlsd , the Ts produces a factor (TsF) that hinders helper factors from functioning in an in vitro CTL assay. Furthermore, TsF acts to prevent utilization of IL 2 by an IL 2-dependent cell line. Thus, evidence has been provided that the in vivo generation of CTL toward hapten-altered self can be down regulated at the level of helper signals by a Ts. The latter is inducible by the Mls-disparate cells that are needed at a different site to trigger the helper factors in this CTL system.  相似文献   

Some physical and proliferative characteristics of cytolytic thymus-derived lymphocytes (CTL) have been investigated in long-term mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC). Velocity sedimentation analysis of MLC cells restimulated by homologous alloantigens at low responding cell density indicated that a shift from large cycling CTL to much smaller (probably non-cycling) CTL occurred between the third and sixth day in secondary cultures. This change in physical characteristics as a function of growth phase was accompanied by a parallel change in the responsiveness of secondary MLC cells to a further alloantigenic stimulus; restimulated Day 3 secondary cells gave rise to a transient CTL response (peaking after 2–3 days) whereas the response of restimulated Day 6 secondary cells increased for 4 days and reached much higher peak levels. Repeated stimulation of MLC cells under the latter conditions led to dramatic increases in both CTL activity and viable cell number. In particular, four sequential restimulations at 7-day intervals resulted in a calculated absolute increase of approximately 500,000-fold in both parameters. Cells derived from such extensive proliferation retained their original lytic specificity and were uniquely T cells as determined by surface markers. These results raise interesting questions regarding the extent and regulation of CTL proliferation in MLC.  相似文献   

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