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We present 12 variable microsatellite loci isolated from the invasive tropical house gecko, Hemidactylus mabouia. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were tested on 39 individuals from two locations in Miami, Florida. Heterozygote deficiency was detected for four loci, and we attribute this to possible null alleles or population substructure. Some loci successfully amplified PCR products in several congeners, indicating their potential for use in other geckos.  相似文献   

1. Rainbow (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) are widespread and invasive salmonids with important lethal effects as predators, although indirect effects are also possible. We used stable isotope analyses (δ15N, δ13C) to explore how the density of invasive trout in 25 Patagonian lakes alters the trophic niche (TN) of a widespread native fish, Galaxias platei (Galaxiidae). We also explored how the density of the galaxiid influences the TN of invasive trout. 2. We quantified two aspects of the TN: (i) the proportion of littoral carbon (PL) and (ii) trophic height (TH) (i.e. the ‘height’ at which the fish feeds in the food web). We related these measures of TN in a given species to the density of other species (as estimated by catch‐per‐unit‐effort). 3. As G. platei body size increased, their PL increased (increasing littoral feeding) in several lakes. However, none of the fish species investigated showed changes in PL with increasing density of the other fish species. TH increased with body size in all three species. In addition, the TH of large G. platei declined with increasing trout density and, reciprocally, the TH of large S. trutta decreased with decreasing G. platei density. 4. The reciprocal effects of native and the invasive fish on TH were as large as a shift of one trophic level. This pattern is consistent with an exhaustion of galaxiid prey for both piscivorous G. platei and S. trutta in lakes with high trout density. 5. These finding support the suggested management strategy of culling trout from overpopulated lakes, which should simultaneously protect native fish and enhance a lucrative sport fishery for large trout.  相似文献   

Aim The use of ecological niche models (ENMs) to predict potential distributions of species is steadily increasing. A necessary assumption is that climatic niches are conservative, but recent findings of niche shifts during biological invasion indicate that this assumption is not always valid. Selection of predictor variables may be one reason for the observed shifts. In this paper we assess differences in climatic niches in the native and invaded ranges of the Mediterranean house gecko (Hemidactylus turcicus) in terms of commonly applied climate variables in ENMs. We analyse which variables are more conserved versus relaxed (i.e. subject to niche shift). Furthermore, we study the predictive power of different sets of climate variables. Location The Mediterranean region and North America. Methods We developed models using Maxent and various subsets of variables out of 19 bioclimatic layers including: (1) two subsets comprising almost all variables excluding only highly collinear ones; (2) two subsets with minimalistic variable sets of water availability and energy measures; (3) two subsets focused on temperature‐related parameters; (4) two subsets with precipitation‐related parameters; and (5) one subset comprising variables combining temperature and precipitation characteristics. Occurrence data from the native Mediterranean range were used to predict the potential introduced range in North America and vice versa. Degrees of niche similarity and conservatism were assessed using both Schoener's index and Hellinger distances. The significance of the results was tested using null models. Results The degree of niche similarity and conservatism varied greatly among the predictors and variable sets applied. Shifts observed in some variables could be attributed to active habitat selection while others apparently reflected background effects. Main conclusions The study was based on comprehensive occurrence data from all regions where Hemidactylus turcicus is present in Europe and North America, providing a robust foundation. Our results clearly indicate that the degree of conservatism of niches in H. turcicus largely varies among predictors and variable sets applied. Therefore, the extent of niche conservatism of variables applied should always be tested in ENMs. This has an important impact on studies of biological invasion, impacts of climate change and niche evolution.  相似文献   

In many systems, native communities are being replaced by novel exotic-dominated ones. We experimentally compared species diversity decline between nine-species grassland communities under field conditions to test whether diversity maintenance mechanisms differed between communities containing all exotic or all native species using a pool of 40 species. Aboveground biomass was greater in exotic than native plots, and this difference was larger in mixtures than in monocultures. Species diversity declined more in exotic than native communities and declines were explained by different mechanisms. In exotic communities, overyielding species had high biomass in monoculture and diversity declined linearly as this selection effect increased. In native communities, however, overyielding species had low biomass in monoculture and there was no relationship between the selection effect and diversity decline. This suggests that, for this system, yielding behaviour is fundamentally different between presumably co-evolved natives and coevolutionarily naive exotic species, and that native-exotic status is important to consider.  相似文献   

Studies on resource sharing and partitioning generally consider species that occur in the same habitat. However, subsidies between linked habitats, such as streams and riparian zones, create potential for competition between populations which never directly interact. Evidence suggests that the abundance of riparian consumers declines after fish invasion and a subsequent increase in resource sharing of emerging insects. However, diet overlap has not been investigated. Here, we examine the trophic niche of native fish, invasive fish, and native spiders in South Africa using stable isotope analysis. We compared spider abundance and diet at upstream fishless and downstream fish sites and quantified niche overlap with invasive and native fish. Spider abundance was consistently higher at upstream fishless sites compared with paired downstream fish sites, suggesting that the fish reduced aquatic resource availability to riparian consumers. Spiders incorporated more aquatic than terrestrial insects in their diet, with aquatic insects accounting for 45–90% of spider mass. In three of four invaded trout rivers, we found that the average proportion of aquatic resources in web‐building spider diet was higher at fishless sites compared to fish sites. The probability of web‐building and ground spiders overlapping into the trophic niche of invasive brown and rainbow trout was as high as 26 and 51%, respectively. In contrast, the probability of spiders overlapping into the trophic niche of native fish was always less than 5%. Our results suggest that spiders share resources with invasive fish. In contrast, spiders had a low probability of trophic overlap with native fish indicating that the traits of invaders may be important in determining their influence on ecosystem subsidies. We have added to the growing body of evidence that invaders can have cross‐ecosystem impacts and demonstrated that this can be due to niche overlap.  相似文献   

Aim Western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) have been linked with the decline of native fish and amphibians throughout the world. Separation along the temperature niche axis may promote the long‐term coexistence of introduced western mosquitofish, with native species in temperate regions. Recent research has shown that western mosquitofish can reduce the recruitment of native least chub (Iothichthys phlegethontis) endemic to the Bonneville Basin. We tested the hypotheses that cold temperatures (≤ 15 °C in the summer, freezing winters) would: (1) reduce the aggressive and predatory effects of western mosquitofish on least chub, and (2) eliminate the overwinter survival and recruitment of western mosquitofish while having little effect on least chub recruitment. Location Bonneville Basin of Utah, USA. Methods We used short‐term tests in the laboratory at the level of individuals and manipulated temperature (warm, cold and seasonal treatments) in long‐term experiments using mesocosms at the population level. Results Cold temperatures (≤ 15 °C) reduced the aggression and predation of western mosquitofish on least chub at the level of individuals. At the population level, however, cool summers (≤ 15 °C) eliminated recruitment in both species because they required warm summers (c. 20–30 °C) to survive freezing winters. Although least chub had an overwinter advantage in survival (75% least chub, 45% western mosquitofish), it was overwhelmed by the rapid reproduction of western mosquitofish as temperatures increased in the summer. Main conclusions Studies at the level of populations are necessary to understand the ultimate effects of introduced species on native taxa. Separation along the temperature niche axis was not sufficient to promote coexistence between these species in habitats with warm summers (c. 30 °C). Although coexistence may be possible in habitats with cool summers (≤ 20 °C) and freezing winters, the ability of niche separation to promote long‐term coexistence between native and introduced species may ultimately depend on their respective rates of evolution. Long‐term coexistence may not be possible if introduced species can adapt to new environmental conditions faster than native species can evolve mechanisms to reduce their harmful effects.  相似文献   

Hybridization between native and non-native species has serious biological consequences, but our understanding of how dispersal and selection interact to influence invasive hybridization is limited. Here, we document the spread of genetic introgression between a native (Oncorhynchus clarkii) and invasive (Oncorhynchus mykiss) trout, and identify the mechanisms influencing genetic admixture. In two populations inhabiting contrasting environments, non-native admixture increased rapidly from 1984 to 2007 and was driven by surprisingly consistent processes. Individual admixture was related to two phenotypic traits associated with fitness: size at spawning and age of juvenile emigration. Fish with higher non-native admixture were larger and tended to emigrate at a younger age―relationships that are expected to confer fitness advantages to hybrid individuals. However, strong selection against non-native admixture was evident across streams and cohorts (mean selection coefficient against genotypes with non-native alleles (s) = 0.60; s.e. = 0.10). Nevertheless, hybridization was promoted in both streams by the continuous immigration of individuals with high levels of non-native admixture from other hybrid source populations. Thus, antagonistic relationships between dispersal and selection are mediating invasive hybridization between these fish, emphasizing that data on dispersal and natural selection are needed to fully understand the dynamics of introgression between native and non-native species.  相似文献   

1. Species invasions are a leading threat to native species and ecosystems. How populations of native species respond to the presence of invasive species will ultimately determine their long-term persistence.
2. In this study, we capitalise on a unique opportunity to compare the behaviour and growth of naïve and experienced virile crayfish ( Orconectes virilis Hagen) populations in the presence of invasive rusty crayfish ( O. rusticus Girard ) . In behavioural trials, experienced O. virilis (coexisted with O. rusticus for >30 years) showed more aggressive behaviour than their naïve counterparts. Naïve O . virilis retreated from aggressive interactions with O. rusticus 38% more often than experienced O . virilis. Experienced O. virilis spent 39% more time occupying shelter than naïve O. virilis.
3. There were also differences in O. rusticus behaviour: O. rusticus spent 24% more time occupying shelter with naïve O. virilis relative to experienced O. virilis .
4. In field mesocosm experiments with O. rusticus , naïve O . virilis declined in body mass by 1% while experienced O. virilis' body mass increased by 6%, thus highlighting the potential population-level implications of the previously observed behavioural effects.
5. Our work demonstrates significant behaviour and growth differences between naïve and experienced O. virilis in the presence of invasive O. rusticus. Whether this difference is the result of phenotypic plasticity or evolution by natural selection remains to be determined. Either way, this area of inquiry has implications for managing native populations and species in an increasingly invaded world.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizae affect grassland plant community composition and host plant nutrient uptake, and can mediate shifts in competitive outcome between plant species. Centaurea maculosa, an invasive forb from Eurasia, dominates more than 4 million hectares in the Rocky Mountain region of North America. We examined the role of AM for phosphorus (P) acquisition from a distant source for C. maculosa and Festuca idahoensis, a native bunchgrass. Plants were grown individually in pots divided by a barrier that either excluded plant roots and AM hyphae, or only plant roots. In the half of the pot without a plant, 1 of 3 P treatments was applied: no P, phosphate rock (PR) or triple superphosphate (TSP), applied at a rate of 144 mg P kg–1 soil. After 14 weeks of growth, C. maculosa was twice as large as F. idahoensis, and neither species biomass was affected by barrier type. Phosphorus fertilizer, and especially PR, moved across the barrier to the plant side of the pot. Tissue P concentration for C. maculosa was highest with the PR treatment, and was not affected by the barrier type. In contrast, F. idahoensis tissue P concentration did not vary with barrier or P treatments. There was more AM extra radical hyphae (ERH) associated with C. maculosa than F. idahoensis, suggesting that C. maculosa provides more carbon for the AM fungi, resulting in greater ERH production, ERH soil exploration and potential for soil nutrient pool exploitation. Although not tested in this study, differences between host plants may be the result of different physiological characteristics of the host plant or differences in AM fungal species that colonize the invader, with different fungal species accessing P from different distances.  相似文献   

1. Invasive alien species are a major threat to biodiversity. In addition to predation and parasitism, native species might suffer from competition when invasive alien species occupy a similar ecological niche. 2. This study focused on the potential interspecific interaction between two hornets: the Asian yellow‐legged hornet, Vespa velutina, a high‐concern invasive alien species recently arrived in Europe; and the native European hornet, Vespa crabro. The two species share a similar ecological niche and V. velutina is rapidly expanding across Europe, which suggests that V. crabro might suffer from competition. 3. Under laboratory‐controlled conditions, two life‐history traits that might cause the two species to compete were investigated: (i) the ability of workers to find food sources and their flexibility in exploiting them (through individual food item choice tests and exploration assays); and (ii) the worker resistance to pathogens (through immune challenge tests). 4. The results show that trophic preference of both species highly overlaps, with a marked dietary preference for honeybees compared with other insect prey and non‐prey protein items. No differences were observed in the exploratory behaviour of both species. Finally, constitutive antibacterial activity was greater in workers of the native species than in workers of the invasive hornet. 5. This laboratory study provides a first assessment under controlled conditions of the factors affecting competition between workers of two hornet species and proposes a framework to assess, in wild contexts, the magnitude of the competition and the impact of the introduced V. velutina on the native V. crabro.  相似文献   

Aim  Pathways linking grazing and detrital subsystems of terrestrial ecosystems are important for ecosystem processes and function, but remain poorly understood. The invasion of a generalist predator creates a unique opportunity to study the effects of predation across these subsystems. We examine here, the effects of a non-native generalist predator, the little red fire ant ( Wasmannia auropunctata, Roger) on both grazing and detrital invertebrate communities and ecosystem processes in a rain forest understorey.
Location  Gamba Protected Area Complex, south-western Gabon, Africa.
Methods  We measured abundances and diversities of understorey grazing and detrital invertebrate communities, soil nutrients, herbivory, litter fragmentation rates and leaf chemistry of a dominant understorey shrub inside and outside of 19 separate invasion fronts. We then explored possible trophic cascades and pathways of interaction using path analysis.
Results  Results suggest that invasive ants may alter herbivory regimes, grazing and detrital communities, and may indirectly alter litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in the soil by suppressing important microbivore and detritivore populations with consequences for leaf chemistry.
Main conclusions  These results demonstrate that generalist predators may be major drivers of both grazing and detrital subsystems by inducing strong shifts in adjacent communities that ultimately affect ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Phenology is a harbinger of climate change, with many species advancing flowering in response to rising temperatures. However, there is tremendous variation among species in phenological response to warming, and any phenological differences between native and non‐native species may influence invasion outcomes under global warming. We simulated global warming in the field and found that non‐native species flowered earlier and were more phenologically plastic to temperature than natives, which did not accelerate flowering in response to warming. Non‐native species' flowering also became more synchronous with other community members under warming. Earlier flowering was associated with greater geographic spread of non‐native species, implicating phenology as a potential trait associated with the successful establishment of non‐native species across large geographic regions. Such phenological differences in both timing and plasticity between native and non‐natives are hypothesised to promote invasion success and population persistence, potentially benefiting non‐native over native species under climate change.  相似文献   

The trophic interactions between 15 native and two introduced fish species, silverside Odontesthes bonariensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, collected in a major fishery area at Lake Titicaca were explored by integrating traditional ecological knowledge and stable‐isotope analyses (SIA). SIA suggested the existence of six trophic groups in this fish community based on δ13C and δ15N signatures. This was supported by ecological evidence illustrating marked spatial segregation between groups, but a similar trophic level for most of the native groups. Based on Bayesian ellipse analyses, niche overlap appeared to occur between small O. bonariensis (<90 mm) and benthopelagic native species (31·6%), and between the native pelagic killifish Orestias ispi and large O. bonariensis (39%) or O. mykiss (19·7%). In addition, Bayesian mixing models suggested that O. ispi and epipelagic species are likely to be the main prey items for the two introduced fish species. This study reveals a trophic link between native and introduced fish species, and demonstrates the utility of combining both SIA and traditional ecological knowledge to understand trophic relationships between fish species with similar feeding habits.  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is considered to have an important role on the persistence of populations in the face of habitat fragmentation, in particular, for species with conservation concern. However, it can also impose indirect negative effects on native species through the spread of invasive species. Here, we investigated direct and indirect effects of habitat connectivity on populations of invasive bullfrogs and native wrinkled frogs and how these effects are modified by the presence of common carp, a resident shared predator, in a farm pond system in Japan. The distribution pattern analysis using a hierarchical Bayesian modelling indicated that bullfrogs had negative effects on wrinkled frogs, and that these negative effects were enhanced with increasing habitat connectivity owing to the metapopulation structure of bullfrogs. The analysis also suggested that common carp mitigated these impacts, presumably owing to a top-down trophic cascade through preferential predation on bullfrog tadpoles. These presumed interspecific interactions were supported by evidence from laboratory experiments, i.e. predation by carp was more intense on bullfrog tadpoles than on wrinkled frog tadpoles owing to the difference in refuge use. Our results indicate that metacommunity perspectives could provide useful insights for establishing effective management strategies of invasive species living in patchy habitats.  相似文献   

1. Exotic invasive species can influence population dynamics of native species through top-down or bottom-up forces. The present study examined separate and interactive effects of multiple exotic species invasions on the native mustard white butterfly, Pieris napi oleracea Harris (Lepidoptera: Pieridae), using a stochastic simulation model. 2. P. n. oleracea populations in North America have decreased regionally since the 1860s. Competition with an exotic congener (P. rapae L.), loss of native host plants and parasitism by the introduced broconid wasp (Cotesia glomerata L.), have been suggested to be independently responsible for its decline. The present study examined these hypotheses, as well as an alternative, invasion by an exotic crucifer, garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata[Bieb.] Cavara & Grande). 3. A stochastic simulation model of P. n. oleracea population dynamics revealed that decreasing the number of host plants available for oviposition and larval development (i.e. habitat loss), sharply reduced the probability of populations persistence and decreased population size for those that persisted. 4. Simulated invasion by garlic mustard also substantially decreased both probability of persistence (= 0 at approximately 50% cover) and mean population size. Persistence probability never reached zero under any C. glomerata scenarios, even when larval mortality in the second generation due to parasitism was 100%. The impact of garlic mustard was intensified by the addition of C. glomerata parasitism. 5. Results suggest that bottom-up forces, loss of host plants through forest understorey loss and/or garlic mustard invasion are the most important forces driving P. n. oleracea population decline. Parasitism by C. glomerata may interact to reduce P. n. oleracea populations more rapidly, but appears insufficient alone to cause local extinction.  相似文献   

The interactions between the higher trophic levels in a shallow eutrophic lake were studied during the course of a year. Three fish species determined the main pathways of organic matter flow within the system: the predominantly planktivorous bream (Abramis brama), the obligate planktivorous smelt (Osmerus eperlanus), and the piscivorous pikeperch (Stizostedion lucioperca). Of the thirteen common zooplankton taxa Daphnia hyalina and cyclopoid copepods were utilized most by the planktivorous fish, while the large production of small cladocerans is almost left unutilized.The seasonal variations of production and consumption are large. This is mainly affected by seasonal variation of the water temperature. The production of O + smelt is efficiently utilized by the pikeperch. Being the most important zooplankton consumer, as well as the most important prey group, O + fish plays a key role in the Tjeukemeer food web.  相似文献   

1. Management of invasive species benefits from detailed information on the biology of the invaders, both from where they have already invaded, and from within their areas of origin. Western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, is a widely invasive and destructive freshwater fish. However, within its native range, G. affinis co‐exists with many other fish species in a wide variety of habitats without obvious harm. 2. In this study, we used data on fish communities within the native range of G. affinis at 154 sites across a broad spatial scale to examine the effects of G. affinis on species richness and diversity of residual (species other than G. affinis) fish assemblages. We further used data based on annual samples at eight fixed river sites over 18 summers to examine temporal population dynamics of G. affinis and to test factors associated with population fluctuations. 3. Higher residual species richness occurred in the presence of G. affinis, but residual diversity did not differ. We found an inverse relationship between relative abundance of G. affinis and residual species richness (although effect size was extremely small), but no effect on residual diversity. 4. Gambusia affinis populations fluctuated markedly across summers at all eight fixed sites, but population sizes at a site over time were not autocorrelated. However, population fluctuations were highly correlated among sites across all years, suggesting that regional factors influenced population size. Regional abundance of G. affinis did not correlate with drought, rainfall or winter temperature, but varied with spring temperature. We suggest earlier onset of reproduction in warmer springs resulted in larger summer populations. 5. Overall, within its native range, G. affinis does not appear to impact negatively on the assemblages in which it occurs, possibly due to fluctuations in its density. These findings suggest that introduced Gambusia populations, and those of other invasive species, warrant careful monitoring over long periods of time where they have invaded. Long‐term monitoring of new populations can establish if they are prone to ‘boom and bust’ dynamics, in which case the invader may be less a threat than sometimes assumed. Population information from long‐term studies, either in their native ranges or at invaded sites, can thus help to form the basis of prudent, cost‐effective management strategies for invasive organisms.  相似文献   

1. The Ponto‐Caspian invader, Hemimysis anomala, was recently found in large numbers in a gravel‐pit lake connected to the Lower Rhine. Mysids were sampled with Perspex traps between September 2002 and April 2003 to study the population dynamics, vertical migration and feeding. 2. The abundance (as catch per unit effort, CPUE) of H. anomala declined from 270 individuals (ind.) trap?1 (4 h)?1 in December to below 4 ind. trap?1 (4 h)?1 in April. Average lengths ranged from 4.9 mm in autumn to 9.9 mm in March. The length–weight relationship of virgin females changed throughout the sampling period, from a size‐corrected wet weight of 5.1 mg in September to 16.6 mg in April for a female of 7.8 mm. 3. Successive monthly samples taken over 24 h revealed that H. anomala preferred the surface at twilight and night. During dawn the mysids migrated to the middle and bottom layers and were hardly found during day. Diel vertical migration clearly depends on the proximate factor light. 4. Stomach analyses revealed that larger H. anomala preferred zooplankton, whereas small individuals fed more on phytoplankton. The seasonal comparison showed an increasing percentage of zooplankton with increasing length. The proportion of zooplankton in the stomachs of large H. anomala individuals was highest during night and lowest during day. 5. The results suggest that H. anomala may become an important link between primary/secondary production and higher trophic levels in the food web of its new environments at the Lower Rhine.  相似文献   

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