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Understanding the historical contributions of differing glacial refugia is key to evaluating the roles of microevolutionary forces, such as isolation, introgression, and selection in shaping genomic diversity in present‐day populations. In Europe, where both Mediterranean and extra‐Mediterranean (e.g., Carpathian) refugia of the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) have been identified, mtDNA indicates that extra‐Mediterranean refugia were the main source of colonization across the species range, while Mediterranean peninsulas harbor isolated, endemic lineages. Here, we critically evaluate this hypothesis using previously generated genomic data (>6,000 SNPs) for over 800 voles, focusing on genomic contributions to bank voles in central Europe, a key geographic area in considering range‐wide colonization. The results provide clear evidence that both extra‐Mediterranean (Carpathian) and Mediterranean (Spanish, Calabrian, and Balkan) refugia contributed to the ancestry and genomic diversity of bank vole populations across Europe. Few strong barriers to dispersal and frequent admixture events in central Europe have led to a prominent mid‐latitude peak in genomic diversity. Although the genomic contribution of the centrally located Carpathian refugium predominates, populations in different parts of Europe have admixed origins from Mediterranean (28%–47%) and the Carpathian (53%–72%) sources. We suggest that the admixture from Mediterranean refugia may have provisioned adaptive southern alleles to more northern populations, facilitating the end‐glacial spread of the admixed populations and contributing to increased bank vole diversity in central Europe. This study adds critical details to the complex end‐glacial colonization history of this well‐studied organism and underscores the importance of genomic data in phylogeographic interpretation.  相似文献   

The marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) is a critically endangered butterfly species in Denmark known to be particularly vulnerable to habitat fragmentation due to its poor dispersal capacity. We identified and genotyped 318 novel SNP loci across 273 individuals obtained from 10 small and fragmented populations in Denmark using a genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) approach to investigate its population genetic structure. Our results showed clear genetic substructuring and highly significant population differentiation based on genetic divergence (F ST) among the 10 populations. The populations clustered in three overall clusters, and due to further substructuring among these, it was possible to clearly distinguish six clusters in total. We found highly significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium due to heterozygote deficiency within every population investigated, which indicates substructuring and/or inbreeding (due to mating among closely related individuals). The stringent filtering procedure that we have applied to our genotype quality could have overestimated the heterozygote deficiency and the degree of substructuring of our clusters but is allowing relative comparisons of the genetic parameters among clusters. Genetic divergence increased significantly with geographic distance, suggesting limited gene flow at spatial scales comparable to the dispersal distance of individual butterflies and strong isolation by distance. Altogether, our results clearly indicate that the marsh fritillary populations are genetically isolated. Further, our results highlight that the relevant spatial scale for conservation of rare, low mobile species may be smaller than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure in the marine environment can be influenced by life‐history traits such as developmental mode (biphasic, with distinct adult and larval morphology, and direct development, in which larvae resemble adults) or habitat specificity, as well as geography and selection. Developmental mode is thought to significantly influence dispersal, with direct developers expected to have much lower dispersal potential. However, this prediction can be complicated by the presence of geophysical barriers to dispersal. In this study, we use a panel of 8,020 SNPs to investigate population structure and biogeography over multiple spatial scales for a direct‐developing species, the New Zealand endemic marine isopod Isocladus armatus. Because our sampling range is intersected by two well‐known biogeographic barriers (the East Cape and the Cook Strait), our study provides an opportunity to understand how such barriers influence dispersal in direct developers. On a small spatial scale (20 km), gene flow between locations is extremely high, suggestive of an island model of migration. However, over larger spatial scales (600 km), populations exhibit a clear pattern of isolation‐by‐distance. Our results indicate that I. armatus exhibits significant migration across the hypothesized barriers and suggest that large‐scale ocean currents associated with these locations do not present a barrier to dispersal. Interestingly, we find evidence of a north‐south population genetic break occurring between Māhia and Wellington. While no known geophysical barrier is apparent in this area, it coincides with the location of a proposed border between bioregions. Analysis of loci under selection revealed that both isolation‐by‐distance and adaption may be contributing to the degree of population structure we have observed here. We conclude that developmental life history largely predicts dispersal in the intertidal isopod I. armatus. However, localized biogeographic processes can disrupt this expectation, and this may explain the potential meta‐population detected in the Auckland region.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of historical relationships between geographic regions within a species’ range can indicate dispersal patterns and help predict future responses to shifts in climate. Ascaphus truei (coastal tailed frog) is an indicator species of the health of forests and perennial streams in the Coastal and Cascade Mountains of the Pacific Northwest of North America. We used two genetic techniques—microsatellite and genotype‐by‐sequencing (GBS)—to compare the within‐region genetic diversity of populations near the northern extent of the species’ range (British Columbia, Canada) to two geographic regions in British Columbia and two in Washington, USA, moving toward the core of the range. Allelic richness and heterozygosity declined substantially as latitude increased. The northernmost region had the lowest mean expected heterozygosities for both techniques (microsatellite, M = 0.20, SE = 0.080; GBS, M = 0.025, SE = 0.0010) and the southernmost region had the highest (microsatellite, M = 0.88, SE = 0.054; GBS, M = 0.20, SE = 0.0029). The northernmost regions (NC and MC) clustered together in population structure models for both genetic techniques. Our discovery of reduced diversity may have important conservation and management implications for population connectivity and the response of A. truei to climate change.  相似文献   

R. Qiao  X. Li  X. Han  K. Wang  G. Lv  G. Ren  X. Li 《Animal genetics》2019,50(3):262-265
To investigate the population structure and genetic diversity of Henan indigenous pig breeds, samples from a total of 78 pigs of 11 breeds were collected, including four pig populations from Henan Province, three Western commercial breeds, three Chinese native pig breeds from other provinces and one Asian wild boar. The genotyping datasets were obtained by genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology. We found a high degree of polymorphism and rapid linkage disequilibrium decay in Henan pigs. A neighbor‐joining tree, principal component analysis and structure analysis revealed that the Huainan and Erhualian pigs were clustered together and that the Queshan black pigs were clearly grouped together but that the Nanyang and Yuxi pigs were extensively admixed with Western pigs. In addition, heterozygosity values might indicate that Henan indigenous pigs, especially the Queshan black and Huainan pigs, were subjected to little selection during domestication. The results presented here indicate that Henan pig breeds were admixed from Western breeds, especially Nanyang and Yuxi pigs. Therefore, establishment of purification and rejuvenation systems to implement conservation strategies is urgent. In addition, it is also necessary to accelerate genetic resources improvement and utilization using modern breeding technologies, such as genomic selection and genome‐wide association studies.  相似文献   

Understanding the drivers of successful species invasions is important for conserving native biodiversity and for mitigating the economic impacts of introduced species. However, whole‐genome resolution investigations of the underlying contributions of neutral and adaptive genetic variation in successful introductions are rare. Increased propagule pressure should result in greater neutral genetic variation, while environmental differences should elicit selective pressures on introduced populations, leading to adaptive differentiation. We investigated neutral and adaptive variation among nine introduced brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations using whole‐genome pooled sequencing. The populations inhabit isolated alpine lakes in western Canada and descend from a common source, with an average of ~19 (range of 7–41) generations since introduction. We found some evidence of bottlenecks without recovery, no strong evidence of purifying selection, and little support that varying propagule pressure or differences in local environments shaped observed neutral genetic variation differences. Putative adaptive loci analysis revealed nonconvergent patterns of adaptive differentiation among lakes with minimal putatively adaptive loci (0.001%–0.15%) that did not correspond with tested environmental variables. Our results suggest that (i) introduction success is not always strongly influenced by genetic load; (ii) observed differentiation among introduced populations can be idiosyncratic, population‐specific, or stochastic; and (iii) conservatively, in some introduced species, colonization barriers may be overcome by support through one aspect of propagule pressure or benign environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The flora of northern China forms the main part of the Sino‐Japanese floristic region and is located in a south–north vegetative transect in East Asia. Phylogeographic studies have demonstrated that an arid belt in this region has promoted divergence of plants in East Asia. However, little is known about how plants that are restricted to the arid belt of flora in northern China respond to climatic oscillation and environmental change. Here, we used genomic‐level data of Myripnois dioica across its distribution as a representative of northern China flora to reconstruct plant demographic history, examine local adaptation related to environmental disequilibrium, and investigate the factors related to effective population size change. Our results indicate M. dioica originated from the northern area and expanded to the southern area, with the Taihang Mountains serving as a physical barrier promoting population divergence. Genome‐wide evidence found strong correlation between genomic variation and environmental factors, specifically signatures associated with local adaptation to drought stress in heterogeneous environments. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed joint effects of population age, mean temperature of coldest quarter, and precipitation of wettest month on effective population size (Ne). Our current study uses M. dioica as a case for providing new insights into the evolutionary history and local adaptation of northern China flora and provides qualitative strategies for plant conservation.  相似文献   

Introgression arising from crop-to-wild gene flow provides novel sources of genetic variation in plant species complexes. Hybridization within the Beta vulgaris species complex is of immediate concern; crop lineages ( B .  vulgaris ssp. vulgaris ) hybridize easily with their wild relatives ( B .  vulgaris ssp. maritima ) thereby threatening wild beet gene diversity with genetic swamping. Hybridization 'hotspots' occur in European seed production areas because inland ruderal wild beets occur and reproduce in sympatry with cultivated beets. We studied gene flow occurring between seed-producing cultivars and ruderal wild B .  vulgaris in southwestern France to determine whether feral beets, arising from unharvested cultivated seed, represent an opportunity for crop-to-wild gene flow. We surveyed 42 inland ruderal beet populations located near seed production fields for nucleo-cytoplasmic variation and used a cytoplasmic marker diagnostic of cultivated lines. Occurrence of cultivated-type cytoplasm within ruderal populations clearly reflected events of crop seed escape. However, we found no genetic signatures of nuclear cultivated gene introgression, which suggests past introgression of cultivated cytoplasm into a wild nuclear background through seed escape rather than recent direct pollen flow. Overall, patterns of genetic structure suggested that inland ruderal wild beet populations act as a metapopulation, with founding events involving a few sib groups, followed by low rates of seed or pollen gene flow after populations are established. Altogether, our results indicate that a long-lived seed bank plays a key role in maintaining cultivated-type cytoplasm in the wild and highlight the need for careful management of seed production areas where wild and cultivated relatives co-occur.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation can lower migration rates and genetic connectivity among remaining populations of native species. Ducetia japonica is one of the most widespread katydids in China, but little is known about its genetic structure and phylogeographic distribution. We combined the five‐prime region of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI‐5P), 11 newly developed microsatellite loci coupled with an ecological niche model (ENM) to examine the genetic diversity and population structure of D. japonica in China and beyond to Laos and Singapore. Both Bayesian inference (BI) and haplotype network methods revealed six mitochondrial COI‐5P lineages. The distribution of COI‐5P haplotypes may not demonstrate significant phylogeographic structure (N ST > G ST, p > .05). The STRUCTURE analysis based on microsatellite data also revealed six genetic clusters, but discordant with those obtained from COI‐5P haplotypes. For both COI‐5P and microsatellite data, Mantel tests revealed a significant positive correlation between geographic and genetic distances in mainland China. Bayesian skyline plot (BSP) analyses indicated that the population size of D. japonica''s three major mitochondrial COI‐5P lineages were seemingly not affected by last glacial maximum (LGM, 0.015–0.025 Mya). The ecological niche models showed that the current distribution of D. japonica was similar to the species’ distribution during the LGM period and only slightly extended in northern China. Further phylogeographic studies based on more extensive sampling are needed to identify specific locations of glacial refugia in northern China.  相似文献   

The spread of non-indigenous species into new marine habitats represents an increasing threat to global diversity. Genetic techniques provide basic understanding of the invasion processes. The ascidian Microcosmus squamiger is considered to be native to Australia, having been spread worldwide via transoceanic vessels. It has successfully invaded artificial and natural habitats where it has become a pest. We studied phylogeography and genetic structure of 12 M. squamiger populations, including samples from its native range (Australia) and introduced populations from the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. We amplified 574 bp of the mitochondrial COI gene in 258 individuals and found a total of 52 haplotypes. A haplotype tree revealed two main groups of haplotypes. The relative frequency of each group of haplotypes, multidimensional scaling, and analysis of molecular variance showed important differences between the western Australia localities and the remaining ones (eastern Australia and introduced populations). Furthermore, we found that the colonization of the different areas by M. squamiger has not occurred independently, as many introduced populations shared some low frequency alleles. A nested clade analysis showed a global pattern of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance, although we found episodes of long-distance dispersal in some clades. A contiguous range expansion was detected between Australian populations. We conclude that M. squamiger is native to Australia and has most likely expanded its range of distribution sequentially through worldwide shipping, especially from the harbours of the more populated eastern Australia. In introduced populations, we found a high genetic diversity which suggests enhanced invasive potential. Consequently, there is a need to control this species, as it outcompetes local biota and is an economic threat.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction is commonly thought to be associated with low genetic diversity in animals. Echmepteryx hageni (Insecta: 'Psocoptera') is one of several psocopteran species that are primarily parthenogenetic, but also exists in small, isolated sexual populations. We used mitochondrial DNA sequences to investigate the population history and genealogical relationships between the sexual and asexual forms of this species. The asexual population of E. hageni exhibits extremely high mitochondrial haplotype diversity (H=0.98), whereas the sexual forms had significantly lower haplotypic diversity (H=0.25, after correcting for sample size). This diversity in asexuals represents one the greatest genetic diversities reported for asexual animals in the literature. Nucleotide diversities were also higher in asexual compared to sexual populations (π=0.0071 vs. 0.00027). Compared to other reported estimates of π in insects, asexual nucleotide diversity is high, but not remarkably elevated. Three hypotheses might explain the elevated genetic diversity of asexual populations: (i) larger effective population size, (ii) greater mutation rate or (iii) possible recent origin of sexuals. In addition, phylogeographic analysis revealed little geographic structure among asexual E. hageni, although specimens from the upper Midwest form a single clade and are genetically differentiated. The mismatch distribution and neutrality tests indicate a historical population size increase, possibly associated with expansion from glacial refugia.  相似文献   

【目的】大豆食心虫Leguminivora glycinivorella (Matsumura)是一种危害大豆的主要害虫,在中国北方地区危害较重。本研究旨在探讨大豆食心虫在中国东北不同地理种群间的遗传变异。【方法】测定了10个不同地理种群153个个体的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ (mtCOI)基因的657 bp序列,利用DnaSP 5. 0和Arlequin 3. 5. 1. 2等软件对大豆食心虫种群间的遗传多样性、基因流水平和分子变异进行分析。【结果】结果表明:10个地理种群间的COI基因共有36个变异位点和17个单倍型,其中1个单倍型为10个种群所共享。总种群的单倍型多样性指数Hd为0.456,各地理种群单倍型多样度范围在0~0.634之间。总群体的固定系数Fst为0.12545,遗传分化系数Gst为0.06326,总基因流Nm为3.49,且各种群间的基因流均大于1,种群间基因交流的水平较高。【结论】大豆食心虫种群内遗传多样性水平处于中低等水平。总群体和各种群的Tajima’s D检验结果皆不显著,说明中国东北地区大豆食心虫在较近的历史时期内没有出现种群扩张现象。AMOVA分子变异分析结果表明,大豆食心虫的遗传分化主要来自种群内部,而种群间未发生明显的遗传分化。各地理种群的单倍型在系统发育树上和中介网络图上散布在不同的分布群中,缺乏明显的地理分布格局。各种群的遗传距离与地理距离之间没有显著线性相关性,种群间的基因交流并未受到地理距离的影响。  相似文献   

Matsumurasca onukii (Matsuda, R. (1952). Oyo‐Kontyu Tokyo, 8(1): 19–21), one of the dominant pests in major tea production areas in Asia, currently is known to occur in Japan, Vietnam, and China, and severely threatens tea production, quality, and international trade. To elucidate the population genetic structure of this species, 1633 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 18 microsatellite markers (SSRs) were used to genotype samples from 27 sites representing 18 geographical populations distributed throughout the known range of the species in East Asia. Analyses of both SNPs and SSRs showed that M. onukii populations in Yunnan exhibit high‐genetic differentiation and structure compared with the other populations. The Kagoshima (JJ) and Shizuoka (JS) populations from Japan were separated from populations from China by SNPs, but clustered with populations from Jinhua (JH), Yingde (YD), Guilin (GL), Fuzhou (FZ), Hainan (HQ), Leshan (CT), Chongqing (CY), and Zunyi (ZY) tea plantations in China and the Vietnamese Vinh Phuc (VN) population based on the SSR data. In contrast, CT, CY, ZY, and Shaanxi (SX) populations clustered together based on SNPs, but were separated by SSRs. Both marker datasets identified significant geographic differentiation among the 18 populations. Various environmental and anthropogenic factors, including geographical barriers to migration, human transport of hosts (Camellia sinesis [L.] O. Kuntze) and adaptation of M. onukii to various local climatic zones possibly account for the rapid spread of this pest in Asia. The results demonstrate that SNPs from high‐throughput genotyping data can be used to reveal subtle genetic substructure at broad scales in r‐strategist insects.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations is an important determinant of the evolutionary potential of a species. Colonizing plants tend to be characterized by low within- and high among-population variability. Genetic differentiation of both floral traits and isozymes was studied in six populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum). Evidence for differentiation in both sets of traits was found, but patterns of differentiation of floral traits did not coincide with isozyme differentiation. Contrary to most colonizing species, wild radish showed high within- and only moderate among-population variability at isozyme loci. In addition, levels of differentiation did not correspond to geographic distance between the populations. These results are likely due at least in part to the self-incompatibility system of this species, long-distance movement of large numbers of wild radish seeds by humans, and introgression from cultivated radish (R. sativus).  相似文献   

How does range expansion affect genetic diversity in species with different ecologies, and do different types of genetic markers lead to different conclusions? We addressed these questions by assessing the genetic consequences of postglacial range expansion using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) sequencing in two congeneric and codistributed rodents with different ecological characteristics: the desert kangaroo rat (Dipodomys deserti), a sand specialist, and the Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami), a substrate generalist. For each species, we compared genetic variation between populations that retained stable distributions throughout glacial periods and those inferred to have expanded since the last glacial maximum. Our results suggest that expanded populations of both species experienced a loss of private mtDNA haplotypes and differentiation among populations, as well as a loss of nuclear single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) private alleles and polymorphic loci. However, only D. deserti experienced a loss of nucleotide diversity (both mtDNA and nuclear) and nuclear heterozygosity. For all indices of diversity and differentiation that showed reduced values in the expanded areas, D. deserti populations experienced a greater degree of loss than did D. merriami populations. Additionally, patterns of loss in genetic diversity in expanded populations were substantially less extreme (by two orders of magnitude in some cases) for nuclear SNPs in both species compared to that observed for mitochondrial data. Our results demonstrate that ecological characteristics may play a role in determining genetic variation associated with range expansions, yet mtDNA diversity loss is not necessarily accompanied by a matched magnitude of loss in nuclear diversity.  相似文献   

Population translocations occur for a variety of reasons, from displacement due to climate change to human‐induced transfers. Such actions have adverse effects on genetic variation and understanding their microevolutionary consequences requires monitoring. Here, we return to an experimental release of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in order to monitor the genomic effects of population translocations. In 1979, fish from each of two genetically (F ST = 0.16) and ecologically separate populations were simultaneously released, at one point in time, to a lake system previously void of brown trout. Here, whole‐genome sequencing of pooled DNA (Pool‐seq) is used to characterize diversity within and divergence between the introduced populations and fish inhabiting two lakes downstream of the release sites, sampled 30 years later (c. 5 generations). Present results suggest that while extensive hybridization has occurred, the two introduced populations are unequally represented in the lakes downstream of the release sites. One population, which is ecologically resident in its original habitat, mainly contributes to the lake closest to the release site. The other population, migratory in its natal habitat, is genetically more represented in the lake further downstream. Genomic regions putatively under directional selection in the new habitat are identified, where allele frequencies in both established populations are more similar to the introduced population stemming from a resident population than the migratory one. Results suggest that the microevolutionary consequences of population translocations, for example, hybridization and adaptation, can be rapid and that Pool‐seq can be used as an initial tool to monitor genome‐wide effects.  相似文献   

Determining the genetic characteristics of natural fish stocks is useful for conservation and aquaculture programs. For African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, genetic characterization could help identify populations suitable as brood stock for culture, and those in need of conservation. This study determined the genetic diversity, population structure, and demographic history of C. gariepinus from Lakes Victoria (LV), Kenyatta (LKE), Kamnarok (LKA), and Rivers Nyando (NR), Tana (TR) and Sosiani (SR) in Kenya. Using 128 DNA sequences of D-loop control region, 34 haplotypes were recovered, of which 79.4% were singletons. Only 7 haplotypes were shared between sites, implying little gene flow between sites. Number of haplotypes was highest in LKE and NR populations and lowest in SR. Haplotype diversity was highest in LV, and lowest in SR, while, nucleotide diversity was highest in LKA and lowest in LV. Phylogenetic analyses revealed five clusters: Lakes Victoria, Kamnarok and Kenyatta, and Rivers Tana and Nyando, from both maximum likelihood tree and minimum spanning network. This, together with significant F ST values among the sites imply population differentiation. Mismatch distributions were multi-modal in LKA, LKE, NR and TR, signifying demographic equilibria. Neutrality tests Tajima`s D values for the sampled populations were negative and significantly different, suggesting stable populations. These results show the existence of genetically distinct populations of C. gariepinus that require spatially explicit management actions such as reducing fishing pressure, pollution, minimizing habitat destruction and fragmentation for sustainable utilisation of stocks.  相似文献   

 Variation at seven microsatellite loci was investigated in three local E. alaskanus populations from Norway and microsatellite variation was compared with allozyme variation. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 81%, the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus was 5.7 and expected heterozygosity was 0.37. An F-statistic analysis revealed an overall 48% deficit of heterozygotes over Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Gene diversity is mainly explained by the within population component. The averaged between population differentiation coefficient, F st , over 7 loci is only 0.13, which accounts for only 13% of the whole diversity and was contrary to allozyme analysis. The mean genetic distance between populations was 0.12. However, a χ2 -test showed that allele frequencies were different (p < 0.05) among the populations at 5 of the 7 loci. In comparison with the genetic variation detected by allozymes, microsatellite loci showed higher levels of genetic variation. Microsatellite analysis revealed that population H10576 possesses the lowest genetic variation among the tested three populations, which concur with allozyme analysis. The dendrogram generated by microsatellites agreed very well with allozymic data. Our results suggest that natural selection may be an important factor in shaping the genetic diversity in these three local E. alaskanus populations. Possible explanations for deficit heterozygosity and incongruence between microsatellites and allozymes are discussed. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 24, 2002 Published online: November 14, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Genlou Sun (e-mail: Genlou.sun@STMARYS.CA), Biology Department, Saint Mary's University, Halifax. Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3, Canada. B. Salomon, R. von Bothmer, Department of Crop Science, The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, P.O. Box 44, SE-230 53, Alnarp, Sweden.  相似文献   

附子野生资源群体遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
侯大斌  任正隆  舒光明 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1833-1841
应用RAPD标记分析了分布在附子主栽区四川、重庆、陕西及湖北16个野生乌头种群的遗传变异。24个引物共检测到643个RAPD位点,多态位点602个,总的多态位点百分率达93.5%。Shannon多样性和Nei遗传分化结果一致显示重庆酉阳种群和重庆城口种群遗传多样性最高,四川盐源种群和陕西勉县种群的遗传多样性最低。Shannon指数测出的种群内的遗传变异(57.6%)略占优势,群体间的遗传分化达到42.4%;Nei基因分化系数(GST)达40.0%;分子方差分析(AMOVA)发现群体间遗传变异仅为25.37%;种群每代迁移数Nm为0.756。Nei相似性系数的UPGMA分析结果显示该地区的野生乌头分布上有一定的地域性,特别是同为附子道地产地江油供种的北川、安县和青川种群间遗传关系密切,说明种质资源在道地药材形成中具有重要作用。研究结果表明,附子主要栽培地区的乌头野生种群之间存在较大的遗传分化,遗传多样性较高,遗传种质资源较丰富,存在一定的特异性资源,为进一步开发利用乌头(川乌、附子)提供了丰富的种质资源。  相似文献   

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