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Within populations, individual animals vary considerably in their behaviour, including mate choice and personality. There is mounting interest in the potential covariation between these two behaviours within individuals, such that personality would influence mate choice. We experimentally tested this proposition under controlled laboratory conditions using male Trinidadian guppies (Poecilia reticulata) as a model study system. We assayed repeatedly the mating preference of individual males for females based on their body size. Additionally, we assayed repeatedly two ecologically relevant personality traits in males, namely exploration of a novel environment and boldness under a simulated predation threat. Finally, we analysed whether male mating preference and personality traits were repeatable, and tested whether the personality of individual males was correlated (covaried) with their mating preference scores. Although all but one of the measures of exploration and boldness behaviour were repeatable over time, male mating preference scores were not repeatable. Measures of male exploration and boldness were not inter-correlated among individuals, suggesting the absence of a behavioural syndrome between exploration and boldness. Unexpectedly, males did not exhibit on average a significant mating preference for larger females over smaller ones; they chose randomly between the paired stimulus females. Overall, we found no compelling evidence for a relationship between individual personality traits and mating preference in male guppies, suggesting that personality does not predict mate choice, at least in our study population and under our experimental conditions. We discuss potential factors, other than male personality and body length, that might maintain inter-individual variation in male mating preferences in the guppy in the wild.  相似文献   

Alternative mating behaviour, personality traits and morphological characters are predicted to be correlated. Bolder, larger and more colourful males are expected to preferentially court females, while shy, small and drab‐coloured individuals are predicted to sneak copulations. We used males of Endler's guppy, Poecilia wingei, to test this association over a long temporal period (hence including ontogenetic changes) and under two social environments (male‐biased and female‐biased). We found that personality traits (exploration, boldness, activity) of P. wingei males were highly repeatable across long time spans, but they were not correlated (formed no behavioural syndrome). Male age and social environment had no effect on any personality trait, despite their effects on alternative mating behaviour. Young males with higher activity levels were more likely to attempt sneaking. In older fish, there was an association between orange coloration, courtship and boldness, but this was not observed in young males. Our results suggest that alternative mating behaviour is more flexible than personality traits and is independent of them. Non‐colour‐based morphological traits (gonopodium length, body length, caudal straps length, dorsal fin length) were not correlated with any particular mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Individual animals can react to the changes in their environment by exhibiting behaviors in an individual‐specific way leading to individual differences in phenotypic plasticity. However, the effect of multiple environmental factors on multiple traits is rarely tested. Such a complex approach is necessary to assess the generality of plasticity and to understand how among‐individual differences in the ability to adapt to changing environments evolve. This study examined whether individuals adjust different song traits to varying environmental conditions in the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis), a passerine with complex song. We also aimed to reveal among‐individual differences in behavioral responses by testing whether individual differences in plasticity were repeatable. The presence of general plasticity across traits and/or contexts was also tested. To assess plasticity, we documented (1) short‐scale temporal changes in song traits in different social contexts (after exposition to male stimulus, female stimulus or without stimuli), and (2) changes concerning the height from where the bird sang (singing position), used as a proxy of predation risk and acoustic transmission conditions. We found population‐level relationships between singing position and both song length (SL) and complexity, as well as social context‐dependent temporal changes in SL and maximum frequency (MF). We found among‐individual differences in plasticity of SL and MF along both the temporal and positional gradients. These among‐individual differences in plasticity were repeatable. Some of the plastic responses correlated across different song traits and environmental gradients. Overall, our results show that the plasticity of bird song (1) depends on the social context, (2) exists along different environmental gradients, and (3) there is evidence for trade‐offs between the responses of different traits to different environmental variables. Our results highlight the need to consider individual differences and to investigate multiple traits along multiple environmental axes when studying behavioral plasticity.  相似文献   

Animals do not behave in exactly the same way when repeatedly tested in the same context or situation, even once systematic variation, such as habituation, has been controlled for. This unpredictability is called intraindividual variability (IIV) and has been little studied in animals. Here we investigated how IIV in boldness (estimated by flight initiation distances) changed across two seasons—the dry, non-breeding season and the wet, breeding season—in a wild population of the Namibian rock agama, Agama planiceps. We found significant differences in IIV both between individuals and seasons, and IIV was higher in the wet season, suggesting plasticity in IIV. Further, IIV was highly repeatable (r = 0.61) between seasons and we found strong negative correlations between consistent individual differences in flight initiation distances, i.e. their boldness, and individuals'' IIVs. We suggest that to understand personality in animals, researchers should generate a personality ‘profile’ that includes not only the relative level of a trait (i.e. its personality), but also its plasticity and variability under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Individuals of a population may vary along a pace‐of‐life syndrome from highly fecund, short‐lived, bold, dispersive “fast” types at one end of the spectrum to less fecund, long‐lived, shy, plastic “slow” types at the other end. Risk‐taking behavior might mediate the underlying life history trade‐off, but empirical evidence supporting this hypothesis is still ambiguous. Using experimentally created populations of common voles (Microtus arvalis)—a species with distinct seasonal life history trajectories—we aimed to test whether individual differences in boldness behavior covary with risk taking, space use, and fitness. We quantified risk taking, space use (via automated tracking), survival, and reproductive success (via genetic parentage analysis) in 8 to 14 experimental, mixed‐sex populations of 113 common voles of known boldness type in large grassland enclosures over a significant part of their adult life span and two reproductive events. Populations were assorted to contain extreme boldness types (bold or shy) of both sexes. Bolder individuals took more risks than shyer ones, which did not affect survival. Bolder males but not females produced more offspring than shy conspecifics. Daily home range and core area sizes, based on 95% and 50% Kernel density estimates (20 ± 10 per individual, n = 54 individuals), were highly repeatable over time. Individual space use unfolded differently for sex‐boldness type combinations over the course of the experiment. While day ranges decreased for shy females, they increased for bold females and all males. Space use trajectories may, hence, indicate differences in coping styles when confronted with a novel social and physical environment. Thus, interindividual differences in boldness predict risk taking under near‐natural conditions and have consequences for fitness in males, which have a higher reproductive potential than females. Given extreme inter‐ and intra‐annual fluctuations in population density in the study species and its short life span, density‐dependent fluctuating selection operating differently on the sexes might maintain (co)variation in boldness, risk taking, and pace‐of‐life.  相似文献   

Animal personality can be defined as conspecific individuals consistently differing in behavioral tendencies. Personality is typically identified by behavioral repeatability, which occurs when within-individual variance is low relative to among-individual variance in the population. Intraspecific comparisons of behavioral repeatability in juveniles and adults within and across years are rare, but would be useful for testing hypotheses related to origins of animal personality and whether individuals exhibit stable or diverging behavior with ontogeny. To examine within- and across-year behavioral repeatability for eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina), we assessed boldness (movement latency after brief confinement) of captive-born juveniles twice within three days when eight months old. We then repeated these tests for the same individuals one year later. Juveniles exhibited repeatable boldness within and across years. Although increasing body temperature was slightly associated with decreased movement latency, test year (1 or 2), or housing experience (being raised in an enriched or unenriched condition) had no effects on boldness. We also assessed across-year repeatability of boldness (head emergence from the shell after brief confinement) for wild adults at 1–3 year intervals. Adults also exhibited repeatable across-year boldness that was of similar magnitude to juveniles. We found no indication that sex class or whether adults had been radio-tracked influenced boldness. Our results suggest eastern box turtles demonstrate consistent individuality in boldness from an early age that is largely unaffected by temporal or environmental variation, and these behavioral differences can be maintained for multiple years in captivity and the wild, contrasting with theoretical expectations for personality development. These findings add to recent accumulating evidence demonstrating juvenile and adult box turtles exhibit multiple repeatable behaviors over the short- and long-term. We suggest this species is quickly gaining traction as a model organism for studying the proximate and ultimate causes of personality development within long-lived animals.  相似文献   

Animal personalities, composed of axes of consistent individual behaviors, are widely reported and can have important fitness consequences. However, despite theoretical predictions that life‐history trade‐offs may cause and maintain personality differences, our understanding of the evolutionary ecology of personality remains poor, especially in long‐lived species where trade‐offs and senescence have been shown to be stronger. Furthermore, although much theoretical and empirical work assumes selection shapes variation in personalities, studies exploring the genetic underpinnings of personality traits are rare. Here we study one standard axis of personality, the shy–bold continuum, in a long‐lived marine species, the wandering albatross from Possession Island, Crozet, by measuring the behavioral response to a human approach. Using generalized linear mixed models in a Bayesian framework, we show that boldness is highly repeatable and heritable. We also find strong differences in boldness between breeding colonies, which vary in size and density, suggesting birds are shyer in more dense colonies. These results demonstrate that in this seabird population, boldness is both heritable and repeatable and highlights the potential for ecological and evolutionary processes to shape personality traits in species with varying life‐history strategies.  相似文献   

Acute exposure to warming temperatures increases minimum energetic requirements in ectotherms. However, over and within multiple generations, increased temperatures may cause plastic and evolved changes that modify the temperature sensitivity of energy demand and alter individual behaviors. Here, we aimed to test whether populations recently exposed to geothermally elevated temperatures express an altered temperature sensitivity of metabolism and behavior. We expected that long‐term exposure to warming would moderate metabolic rate, reducing the temperature sensitivity of metabolism, with concomitant reductions in boldness and activity. We compared the temperature sensitivity of metabolic rate (acclimation at 20 vs. 30°C) and allometric slopes of routine, standard, and maximum metabolic rates, in addition to boldness and activity behaviors, across eight recently divergent populations of a widespread fish species (Gambusia affinis). Our data reveal that warm‐source populations express a reduced temperature sensitivity of metabolism, with relatively high metabolic rates at cool acclimation temperatures and relatively low metabolic rates at warm acclimation temperatures compared to ambient‐source populations. Allometric scaling of metabolism did not differ with thermal history. Across individuals from all populations combined, higher metabolic rates were associated with higher activity rates at 20°C and bolder behavior at 30°C. However, warm‐source populations displayed relatively bolder behavior at both acclimation temperatures compared to ambient‐source populations, despite their relatively low metabolic rates at warm acclimation temperatures. Overall, our data suggest that in response to warming, multigenerational exposure (e.g., plasticity, adaptation) may not result in trait change directed along a simple “pace‐of‐life syndrome” axis, instead causing relative decreases in metabolism and increases in boldness. Ultimately, our data suggest that multigenerational warming may produce a novel combination of physiological and behavioral traits, with consequences for animal performance in a warming world.  相似文献   

Studies documenting and quantifying personality traits are common in animal behavior. Such studies often consider the nature of individual variation and personality as correlated with a variety of natural history, physiological, or ecological traits, and therefore consider the importance of personality for strategies in wild systems. Though such studies have contributed markedly to our understanding of the important aspects of personality that may covary with a variety of factors that might affect fitness, much of the research on animal personalities is taxonomically limited. To supplement and compliment the laboratory study of reptile personality, we examined the patterns of multiple personality traits in wild Eastern painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in the field. We examined patterns of aggression, sociability, and boldness across these traits in different contexts in 103 adult, wild-caught turtles. We found strong correlations both within and among the focal behavioral axes, representing robust evidence for personality in this species. Specifically, we found strong relationships among many measures of aggression, as well as relationships between aggression and our measures of boldness. Finally, we note a tendency for sociability in our turtles, with animals scoring high on sociability showing lower tendency toward aggression. Overall, our study provides robust evidence for correlated suites of behavioral traits, or personality, in a semi-aquatic turtle surveyed in the wild. Future work should continue to expand the range of traits examined to more fully consider the ecological consequences of variation in personality in this and similar species.  相似文献   

This study examined whether variation in the strength and direction of lateralization in a detour task was linked with variation in three common personality measurements: boldness, activity and sociability, in a population of wild guppies Poecilia reticulata. Additionally, the aim was to determine whether any consistent correlations between these behavioural traits, known as behavioural syndromes, were present in the study population. The results revealed that all three personality traits were highly repeatable over time in both sexes. Evidence of a complex syndrome in the form of a correlation between boldness, sociability and activity was found; however, this relationship was only present in males. Males that were more active in a familiar environment emerged more quickly from shelter into a novel environment and were more social. In general, male P. reticulata were bold, active and antisocial compared to females, with these differences probably a reflection of opposing life‐history strategies. Only a weak link between the strength of cerebral lateralisation and personality was discovered and this was mediated by sex.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behavior has been shown in a number of species, and several studies have found observable sex differences in these behaviors, yet their evolutionary implications remain unclear. Understanding the evolutionary dynamics of behavioral traits requires knowledge of their genetic architectures and whether this architecture differs between the sexes. We conducted a quantitative genetic study in a sexually size‐dimorphic spider, Larinioides sclopetarius, which exhibits sex differences in adult lifestyles. We observed pedigreed spiders for aggression, activity, exploration, and boldness and used animal models to disentangle genetic and environmental influences on these behaviors. We detected trends toward (i) higher additive genetic variances in aggression, activity, and exploration in males than females, and (ii) difference in variances due to common environment/maternal effects, permanent environment and residual variance in aggression and activity with the first two variances being higher in males for both behaviors. We found no sex differences in the amount of genetic and environmental variance in boldness. The mean heritability estimates of aggression, activity, exploration, and boldness range from 0.039 to 0.222 with no sizeable differences between females and males. We note that the credible intervals of the estimates are large, implying a high degree of uncertainty, which disallow a robust conclusion of sex differences in the quantitative genetic estimates. However, the observed estimates suggest that sex differences in the quantitative genetic architecture of the behaviors cannot be ruled out. Notably, the present study suggests that genetic underpinnings of behaviors may differ between sexes and it thus underscores the importance of taking sex differences into account in quantitative genetic studies.  相似文献   

The boldness of individual Brachyrhaphis episcopi , collected from regions of high and low predation, was investigated using two independent assays: (1) the time to emerge from cover and (2) the propensity to leave shoal mates and investigate a novel object. A strong correlation between the two assays was revealed such that fish that emerged from shelter sooner were also more likely to approach a novel object. This is indicative of a boldness personality axis acting across both behavioural contexts. Fish from high-predation areas were bolder than those from low-predation areas and males were bolder than females. A significant correlation between body mass, standard length ( L S) and boldness score was also found. In general, bold fish had a greater body mass at a given L S than shy fish. These results suggest that personality traits are strongly influenced by population-specific ecological variables and may have fitness consequences in wild populations.  相似文献   

Individual personality is an important source of variation in animal behavior. However, few studies have examined the reliability of individual behaviors across both time and context for even common temperament traits such as boldness, especially in mammals. We tested a laboratory colony of Siberian dwarf hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) in two similar assays, a tunnel maze and an open field, both provisioned with a home nestbox for shelter. Animals were tested in each assay at three ages, beginning at weaning. Principal components analysis on each assay identified an axis of activity level in both tests, boldness and reactivity in the tunnel maze, and nestbox orientation in the open field. All traits were moderately (7–18%) heritable. Individual activity level was the most reliably consistent trait, both within and between tests. Tunnel maze boldness, tunnel maze reactivity, and open field nestbox orientation did not correlate at any age. Correlation between boldness and activity changes from positive to negative as animals age, while reactivity was consistently negatively associated with activity. A negative correlation emerged in adults between open field activity and nestbox orientation. These results suggest that either development or habituation results in different personality trait associations in an individual over time. Individual temperament traits such as general activity level may be quite stable, but caution should be used in generalizing single assays to represent boldness across time and across contexts.  相似文献   

  1. Many animal personality traits have implicit movement‐based definitions and can directly or indirectly influence ecological and evolutionary processes. It has therefore been proposed that animal movement studies could benefit from acknowledging and studying consistent interindividual differences (personality), and, conversely, animal personality studies could adopt a more quantitative representation of movement patterns.
  2. Using high‐resolution tracking data of three‐spined stickleback fish (Gasterosteus aculeatus), we examined the repeatability of four movement parameters commonly used in the analysis of discrete time series movement data (time stationary, step length, turning angle, burst frequency) and four behavioral parameters commonly used in animal personality studies (distance travelled, space use, time in free water, and time near objects).
  3. Fish showed repeatable interindividual differences in both movement and behavioral parameters when observed in a simple environment with two, three, or five shelters present. Moreover, individuals that spent less time stationary, took more direct paths, and less commonly burst travelled (movement parameters), were found to travel farther, explored more of the tank, and spent more time in open water (behavioral parameters).
  4. Our case study indicates that the two approaches—quantifying movement and behavioral parameters—are broadly equivalent, and we suggest that movement parameters can be viewed as “micropersonality” traits that give rise to broad‐scale consistent interindividual differences in behavior. This finding has implications for both personality and movement ecology research areas. For example, the study of movement parameters may provide a robust way to analyze individual personalities in species that are difficult or impossible to study using standardized behavioral assays.

Consistent individual differences in behaviour, termed personality, are common in animal populations and can constrain their responses to ecological and environmental variation, such as temperature. Here, we show for the first time that normal within-daytime fluctuations in temperature of less than 3°C have large effects on personality for two species of juvenile coral reef fish in both observational and manipulative experiments. On average, individual scores on three personality traits (PTs), activity, boldness and aggressiveness, increased from 2.5- to sixfold as a function of temperature. However, whereas most individuals became more active, aggressive and bold across temperature contexts (were plastic), others did not; this changed the individual rank order across temperatures and thus altered personality. In addition, correlations between PTs were consistent across temperature contexts, e.g. fish that were active at a given temperature also tended to be both bold and aggressive. These results (i) highlight the importance of very carefully controlling for temperature when studying behavioural variation among and within individuals and (ii) suggest that individual differences in energy metabolism may contribute to animal personality, given that temperature has large direct effects on metabolic rates in ectotherms.  相似文献   

Intrasexual interactions can determine which individuals within a population have access to limited resources. Despite their potential importance on fitness generally and mating success especially, female–female interactions are not often measured in the same species where male–male interactions are well‐defined. In this study, we characterized female–female interactions in Bolitotherus cornutus, a mycophagous beetle species native to Northeastern North America. We used dyadic, behavioral assays to determine whether females perform directly aggressive or indirectly exclusionary competitive behaviors. Polypore shelf fungus, an important food and egg‐laying resource for B. cornutus females, is patchily distributed and of variable quality, so we tested for competition over fungus as a resource. Behavior of females was assessed in three sets of dyadic trials with randomly paired female partners. Overall, females did not behave aggressively toward their female partner or perform exclusionary behaviors over the fungal resource. None of the behaviors performed by females were individually repeatable. Two scenarios may explain our lack of observed competition: our trial context may not induce competition, or female B. cornutus simply may not behave competitively in the wild. We compare our results to a similar study on male–male interactions in the same species and propose future studies on female–female interactions under different competitive contexts to expand the understanding of female competition.  相似文献   

Conspicuous ornaments are often considered a result of evolution by sexual selection. According to the social selection hypothesis, such conspicuous traits may also evolve as badges of status associated with increased boldness or aggression toward conspecifics in conflicts about ecological resources. This study tested predictions from the social selection hypothesis to explain evolution of conspicuous red color of the pelvic spines of the three‐spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Wild nonreproducing sticklebacks were presented to pairs of dummies which differed at their pelvic spines, having either (i) normal‐sized gray or red pelvic spines or (ii) normal‐sized gray or large red pelvic spines. The experimental tank was illuminated by white or green light, since green light impedes the sticklebacks’ ability to detect red color. The dummies moved slowly around in circles at each end of the experimental tank. We quantified the parameters (i) which of the two dummies was visited first, (ii) time taken before the first visit to a dummy, (iii) distribution of the focal sticklebacks in the two zones close to each of the two dummies and in the neutral zone of the tank, (iv) close to which of the two dummies did the focal fish eat its first food‐piece, and (v) time spent until the first piece of food was eaten. This was carried out for 22 females and 29 males sticklebacks. The results suggested no effect of the color or size of the dummies’ pelvic spines, on none of the five behavioral parameters. Moreover, neither the color of the pelvic spines of the focal sticklebacks themselves (as opposed to redness of the dummies’ spines) nor their body length was associated with behavior toward the dummies. Thus, this study did not support predictions from the social selection hypothesis to explain evolution of red pelvic spines in sticklebacks.  相似文献   

The developmental perspectives of animal personality enhance our understanding of how personality structure changes in relation to life stage. Clonal animals are ideal models for developmental studies because personality differences can be solely attributed to environmental factors. Here, I investigated the presence of personality within a species of clonal gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris, at different developmental stages. For juveniles and adult geckos, I measured exploration (reaction to a novel situation) and boldness (risk-prone tendency) and evaluated repeatability and correlation of these behavioural traits. Each gecko exhibited different exploration and boldness with significant repeatability through time but no correlation between these behavioural traits. Small juveniles were composed of only bold and low explorative individuals but large juveniles and adults were composed of various personality type individuals. These results demonstrate that subject geckos have a similar personality structure across life stages and that exploration and boldness are independent personality without forming behavioural syndrome structure. Biased composition of personality type between life stages suggests that appearance of different personality type individuals during an early ontogenetic stage generates personality variation within the clonal population. This study provides developmental insight about personality structure and its composition in clonal animals living in the wild.  相似文献   

A common method to assess behavioral types in personality research involves the use of a single emergence test (employed by researchers working on fish, avian, mammal, amphibian, and invertebrate taxa), whereby a shorter latency to emerge from a holding container into a novel environment is inferred to represent greater ‘boldness’. Although any behavior might be context specific, studies using this single assay type must assume it reflects boldness in other similar contexts, otherwise it cannot reflect personality (defined as consistency across time and/or contexts). We attempted to validate whether a single assay of this type is correlated with other similar assays of boldness under more familiar, and less stressful, situations. We compared single emergence test scores of two species of damselfish (Pomacentrus wardi; Pamboinensis) in a novel environment, with two different behavioral assays of the same fish in subsequent repeated trials in home tanks. Although behavior was highly repeatable in home tanks, we found no correlation between emergence test scores in the novel environment and measures of latency to emerge from shelter following disturbance, or activity levels, on the first, second, or third observations in home tanks; there was also no correlation when we used average home tank scores from mixed models that accounted for individual differences (i.e., plasticity) in the rate of habituation (latency) and acclimation (activity). Our results therefore lead us to question the validity of using this single emergence test assay as a predictor of general boldness and to question the use of any single assay of behavior in personality research.  相似文献   

Individuals of all vertebrate species differ consistently in their reactions to mildly stressful challenges. These typical reactions, described as personalities or coping strategies, have a clear genetic basis, but the structure of their inheritance in natural populations is almost unknown. We carried out a quantitative genetic analysis of two personality traits (exploration and boldness) and the combination of these two traits (early exploratory behaviour). This study was carried out on the lines resulting from a two-directional artificial selection experiment on early exploratory behaviour (EEB) of great tits (Parus major) originating from a wild population. In analyses using the original lines, reciprocal F(1) and reciprocal first backcross generations, additive, dominance, maternal effects ands sex-dependent expression of exploration, boldness and EEB were estimated. Both additive and dominant genetic effects were important determinants of phenotypic variation in exploratory behaviour and boldness. However, no sex-dependent expression was observed in either of these personality traits. These results are discussed with respect to the maintenance of genetic variation in personality traits, and the expected genetic structure of other behavioural and life history traits in general.  相似文献   

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