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Genetic diversity and structure of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and P. reticulatum, large migratory South America catfishes, where overfishing and the construction of numerous dams in their feeding and reproducing areas are affecting their migratory processes negatively, were studied using microsatellites in samples from Paraguay (that comprises the Pantanal biome), and the upper and lower Paraná Basins. Genetic diversity was in accordance to that observed for other large migratory fishes, but the most geographically isolated populations of P. reticulatum and those P. corruscans subject to anthropogenic effects (stocking and dams) showed lower genetic diversity and evidences of bottlenecks compatible with low effective population size. Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum presented subtle genetic differentiation within the Paraguay area, especially between the edges of its distribution. Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, in this same area, presented a quite homogeneous but significant genetic break between the Paraguay and upper Paraná populations, apparently resulting from natural and historical isolation between the basins until recently. These data demonstrates that, although these Pseudoplatystoma spp. are abundant in the Pantanal area, anthropogenic events are leading to negative effects on their populations, particularly in the upper Paraná Basin. Genetic differentiation observed along each species distribution demands conservation actions to preserve each population's biodiversity. These results represent important genetic information using new microsatellite markers and the first genetic study of P. reticulatum covering this area of its native distribution. Data may also contribute to a better understanding of species migration patterns and to be used as a baseline for proper management.  相似文献   

We have studied a small isolated population of black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) in the Netherlands to examine the impact of isolation and reduction in numbers on genetic diversity. We compared the genetic diversity in the last extant Dutch population with Dutch museum samples and three other black grouse populations (from England, Austria and Norway, respectively) representing isolated and continuous populations. We found significantly lower allelic richness, observed and expected heterozygosities in the present Dutch population compared to the continuous populations (Austria and Norway) and also to the historical Dutch population. However, using a bottleneck test on each population, signs of heterozygosity excess were only found in the likewise isolated English population despite that strong genetic drift was evident in the present Dutch population in comparison to the reference populations, as assessed both in pairwise F(ST)and STRUCTURE analyses. Simulating the effect of a population reduction on the Dutch population from 1948 onwards, using census data and with the Dutch museum samples as a model for the genetic diversity in the initial population, revealed that the loss in number of alleles and observed heterozygosity was according to genetic drift expectations and within the standard error range of the present Dutch population. Thus, the effect of the strong decline in the number of grouse on genetic diversity was only detectable when using a reference from the past. The lack of evidence for a population reduction in the present Dutch population by using the program bottleneck was attributed to a rapidly found new equilibrium as a consequence of a very small effective population size.  相似文献   

Despite some populations of European wildcat Felis silvestris in central Europe are stable or increasing, the Iberian subpopulation is in decline and is listed as 'vulnerable'. In Portugal, little is known about wildcat populations, making conservation policies extremely difficult to define. Furthermore, the secretive behaviour of these mammals, along with low population densities, make data collection complicated. Thus, it is crucial to develop efficient analytical tools to interpret existing data for this species. In this study, we determine the home-range size and environmental factors related to wildcat spatial ecology in a Mediterranean ecosystem using a combined analysis of habitat selection and maximum entropy (Maxent) modelling. Simultaneously, we test the feasibility of using radio-tracking locations to construct an ecologically meaningful distribution model. Six wildcats were captured and tracked. The average home-range size (MCP95) was 2.28 km2 for females and 13.71 km2 for one male. The Maxent model built from radio-tracking locations indicated that the abundance of the European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus and limited human disturbance were the most important correlates of wildcat presence. Habitat selection analysis revealed that wildcats tend to use scrubland areas significantly more than expected by chance. A mosaic of scrublands and agricultural areas, with a higher proportion of the former, benefits wildcat presence in the study area; however, species distribution is mainly constrained by availability of prey and resting sites. The Maxent model validation with camera-trapping data indicated that highly adequate model performance. This technique may prove useful for recovering small radio-tracking datasets as it provides a new alternative for handling data and maximizing the ecological information on a target population, which can then be used for conservation planning.  相似文献   

Host nutrient supply can mediate host–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions. In terrestrial systems, plant nutrient supply is mediated by soil microbes, suggesting a potential role of soil microbes in plant diseases beyond soil‐borne pathogens and induced plant defenses. Long‐term nitrogen (N) enrichment can shift pathogenic and nonpathogenic soil microbial community composition and function, but it is unclear if these shifts affect plant–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions. In a growth chamber experiment, we tested the effect of long‐term N enrichment on infection by Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV‐PAV) and Cereal Yellow Dwarf Virus (CYDV‐RPV), aphid‐vectored RNA viruses, in a grass host. We inoculated sterilized growing medium with soil collected from a long‐term N enrichment experiment (ambient, low, and high N soil treatments) to isolate effects mediated by the soil microbial community. We crossed soil treatments with a N supply treatment (low, high) and virus inoculation treatment (mock‐, singly‐, and co‐inoculated) to evaluate the effects of long‐term N enrichment on plant–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions, as mediated by N availability. We measured the proportion of plants infected (i.e., incidence), plant biomass, and leaf chlorophyll content. BYDV‐PAV incidence (0.96) declined with low N soil (to 0.46), high N supply (to 0.61), and co‐inoculation (to 0.32). Low N soil mediated the effect of N supply on BYDV‐PAV: instead of N supply reducing BYDV‐PAV incidence, the incidence increased. Additionally, ambient and low N soil ameliorated the negative effect of co‐inoculation on BYDV‐PAV incidence. BYDV‐PAV infection only reduced chlorophyll when plants were grown with low N supply and ambient N soil. There were no significant effects of long‐term N soil on CYDV‐RPV incidence. Soil inoculant with different levels of long‐term N enrichment had different effects on host–pathogen and pathogen–pathogen interactions, suggesting that shifts in soil microbial communities with long‐term N enrichment may mediate disease dynamics.  相似文献   

In species of great conservation concern, special attention must be paid to their phylogeography, in particular the origin of animals for captive breeding and reintroduction. The endangered European mink lives now in at least three well-separated populations in northeast, southeast and west Europe. Our aim is to assess the genetic structure of these populations to identify 'distinct population segments' (DPS) and advise captive breeding programmes. First, the mtDNA control region was completely sequenced in 176 minks and 10 polecats. The analysis revealed that the western population is characterized by a single mtDNA haplotype that is closely related to those in eastern regions but nevertheless, not found there to date. The northeast European animals are much more variable (pi = 0.012, h = 0.939), with the southeast samples intermediate (pi = 0.0012, h = 0.469). Second, 155 European mink were genotyped using six microsatellites. The latter display the same trends of genetic diversity among regions as mtDNA [gene diversity and allelic richness highest in northeast Europe (H(E) = 0.539, R(S) = 3.76), lowest in west Europe (H(E) = 0.379, R(S) = 2.12)], and provide evidences that the southeast and possibly the west populations have undergone a recent bottleneck. Our results indicate that the western population derives from a few animals which recently colonized this region, possibly after a human introduction. Microsatellite data also reveal that isolation by distance occurs in the western population, causing some inbreeding because related individuals mate. As genetic data indicate that the three populations have not undergone independent evolutionary histories for long (no phylogeographical structure), they should not be considered as distinct DPS. In conclusion, the captive breeding programme should use animals from different parts of the species' present distribution area.  相似文献   

Social insects exhibit complex learning and memory mechanisms while foraging. Vespula germanica (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) is an invasive social wasp that frequently forages on undepleted food sources, making several flights between the resource and the nest. Previous studies have shown that during this relocating behavior, wasps learn to associate food with a certain site, and can recall this association 1 h later. In this work, we evaluated whether this wasp species is capable of retrieving an established association after 24 h. For this purpose, we trained free flying individuals to collect proteinaceous food from an experimental plate (feeder) located in an experimental array. A total of 150 individuals were allowed 2, 4, or 8 visits. After the training phase, the array was removed and set up again 24 h later, but this time a second baited plate was placed opposite to the first. After 24 h we recorded the rate of wasps that returned to the experimental area and those which collected food from the previously learned feeding station or the nonlearned one. During the testing phase, we observed that a low rate of wasps trained with 2 collecting visits returned to the experimental area (22%), whereas the rate of returning wasps trained with 4 or 8 collecting visits was higher (51% and 41%, respectively). Moreover, wasps trained with 8 feeding visits collected food from the previously learned feeding station at a higher rate than those that did from the nonlearned one. In contrast, wasps trained 2 or 4 times chose both feeding stations at a similar rate. Thus, significantly more wasps returned to the previously learned feeding station after 8 repeated foraging flights but not after only 2 or 4 visits. This is the first report that demonstrates the existence of long‐term spatial memory in V. germanica wasps.  相似文献   

Blue duck are conspicuous inhabitants of headwatersections of many rivers in the central North Island of NewZealand. These rivers are also home to a number ofhydro-electricity dams. One scheme in particular – the TongariroPower Development (TPD) involves the reduction and diversion ofwater flow from the headwaters of the Whakapapa, Whanganui andTongariro Rivers in the central North Island of New Zealand. Numbers of the endangered blue duck (Hymenolaimus malacorhynchos)on the Tongariro River have declined markedly in the last decade. Opinions have differed as to whether this indicated a reductionin the `health' of the population or simply a reduction in thecarrying capacity of the river. The issue centered aroundwhether the Tongariro River population was still self-sustaining,or reliant upon immigration from other source rivers. DNAmarkers were used to estimate the relative contributions tooverall recruitment of production from within the population andmigration from external sources. Up to 11 birds were collectedfrom one unmodified population, two stable modified populationsand one declining population. DNA fingerprinting results from twomultilocus probes were analysed using a one-way ANOVA and showedthat mean bandsharing among individuals from the Tongariro River(0.19) was significantly lower than values recorded from thethree other rivers (0.37–0.39). Discovery curves alsoindicated that the Tongariro population contains more geneticvariation than the other three. These results suggest that theTongariro River population is a `sink' dependent upon immigrationfrom a number of different source populations, rather than localproduction.  相似文献   

This study was set up to identify the long‐term effect of biochar on soil C sequestration of recent carbon inputs. Arable fields (n = 5) were found in Belgium with charcoal‐enriched black spots (>50 m2; n = 14) dating >150 years ago from historical charcoal production mound kilns. Topsoils from these ‘black spots’ had a higher organic C concentration [3.6 ± 0.9% organic carbon (OC)] than adjacent soils outside these black spots (2.1 ± 0.2% OC). The soils had been cropped with maize for at least 12 years which provided a continuous input of C with a C isotope signature (δ13C) ?13.1, distinct from the δ13C of soil organic carbon (?27.4 ‰) and charcoal (?25.7 ‰) collected in the surrounding area. The isotope signatures in the soil revealed that maize‐derived C concentration was significantly higher in charcoal‐amended samples (‘black spots’) than in adjacent unamended ones (0.44% vs. 0.31%; = 0.02). Topsoils were subsequently collected as a gradient across two ‘black spots’ along with corresponding adjacent soils outside these black spots and soil respiration, and physical soil fractionation was conducted. Total soil respiration (130 days) was unaffected by charcoal, but the maize‐derived C respiration per unit maize‐derived OC in soil significantly decreased about half (< 0.02) with increasing charcoal‐derived C in soil. Maize‐derived C was proportionally present more in protected soil aggregates in the presence of charcoal. The lower specific mineralization and increased C sequestration of recent C with charcoal are attributed to a combination of physical protection, C saturation of microbial communities and, potentially, slightly higher annual primary production. Overall, this study provides evidence of the capacity of biochar to enhance C sequestration in soils through reduced C turnover on the long term.  相似文献   

1. The effects of cold acclimation and cold exposure on the survival and reproductive capabilities of Alphitobius diaperinus (Tenebrionidae) adult beetles are examined. 2. First, the impact of temperature on survival duration was assessed by placing beetles in a range of cool temperature treatments. Second, the importance of acclimation duration was assessed. Third, the impact of thermal stress on subsequent reproductive ability was examined for beetles that had no previous cold exposure, and for beetles that had been subjected to previous cold exposure (i.e. acclimated) at various conditions, including fluctuating temperatures. 3. In all groups, the number of recorded survivors was strongly impacted by recovery period duration (i.e. 2 vs. 10 days). Survival of non‐acclimated and 3‐day acclimated beetles, expressed as lethal time for 50% of the samples, was reduced significantly when the insects were re‐assessed for survival at 10 days after being returned to optimal growth conditions (7.9 ± 0.4 vs. 5.1 ± 0.6 days and 8.8 ± 0.5 vs. 6.8 ± 0.6 days, respectively). 4. Insects that had been subject to cold acclimation expressed better subsequent reproduction success than non‐acclimated beetles. This beneficial impact increased when the acclimation period was prolonged, but some longer acclimation periods had no significant impact on survival. 5. Our results indicate that cold exposure has the capacity to irreversibly damage the reproductive system and that insect survival depends on the duration of the recovery period. Both the survival ability and subsequent reproductive output have to be examined to objectively determine insect cold resistance.  相似文献   

This study presents a new chemical double‐marking technique for European glass eels Anguilla anguilla by combing alizarin red S (ARS) and strontium chloride hexahydrate (Sr). Marked eels (double marked with ARS and Sr, but also single marked with ARS) were exposed in situ to brackish water (15 g l?1 artificial sea salt) for 14 days and did not exhibit increased mortalities compared with unmarked eels. Indeed, no mortality occurred in a marked group during the experiments. Moreover, an efficient mass‐marking approach with low handling effort for both single ARS and double ARS‐Sr techniques is described and was proven to be practicable for large‐scale stocking programmes.  相似文献   

The basis of the differential effect of anionic polysaccharides on replicative DNA synthesis in liver and hepatoma cell nuclei was investigated. The differential effect of heparin was lost when more than 40% of its sulfate was removed. DNA synthesis in liver nuclei was optimally stimulated by heparin of molecular weight 22 600 and sulfate to hexosamine ratio 2.42, but inhibited by heparin of molecular weight 4300 and sulfate to hexosamine ratio 2.35. A heparin fragment (molecular weight 2800 and sulfate to hexosamine ratio 1.81), prepared by partial nitrous acid treatment was a potent inhibitor of DNA synthesis in hepatoma nuclei. There was no significant difference in the rate of entry of heparin or its subfractions into either liver or hepatoma nuclei. In both cases less than 15% of added polysaccharide entered the nuclei and only about 4.5% was found associated with the chromatin. The influence of the anionic polysaccharides on DNA synthesis was correlated with their ability to complex with histones as determined by relative light scattering in a laser nephelometer. The relative light scattered on mixing with histones (H1, H2A + H3, H4) was high for DNA synthesis stimulators (heparin, dextran sulfate); medium for DNA synthesis inhibitors (chondroitin 4- and 6-sulfates, heparan sulfate) and low for non-effectors (keratan sulfate, hyaluronic acid). Heparin and chondroitin sulfate H, which at low concentrations stimulate DNA synthesis in liver nuclei, inhibited DNA synthesis by calf thymus DNA polymerase α at all concentrations. This inhibition was not simply due to electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   

Epinephelus itajara is one of the marine fish species most threatened for extinction and it is considered to be “critically endangered” by the IUCN. The present study evaluated the genetic diversity of the species and the genetic/evolutionary relationships of its populations along the Atlantic coast of South America. The results indicate relatively reduced genetic variation, re-emphasizing the low adaptive potential of the species. One of the populations presented relatively high degrees of genetic diversity and it is evolutionary isolated from the all other populations. The evidences indicate the existence of two Evolutionarily Significant Units comprising E. itajara in the Atlantic coast of South America and the conservation prospects for the species must take these evidences into account.  相似文献   

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