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Twenty-sevenPorphyra lines from 5 classes, including lines widely used in China, wild lines, and lines introduced to China from abroad in recent years, were screened by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with 24 primer pairs. From the generated AFLP products, 13 bands that showed stable and repeatable AFLP patterns amplified by primer pairs M-CGA/E-AA and M-CGA/E-TA were scored and used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 27Porphyra lines. Moreover, the DNA fingerprinting patterns were converted into computer language expressed with digitals 1 and 0, which represented the presence (numbered as 1) or absence (numbered as 0) of the corresponding band. On the basis of these results, computerized AFLP DNA fingerprints were constructed in which each of the 27Porphyra lines has its unique AFLP fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from others. Software called PGI-AFLP (Porphyra germ-plasm identification-AFLP) was designed for identification of the 27Porphyra lines. In addition, 21 specific AFLP markers from 15Porphyra lines were identified; 6 AFLP markers from 4Porphyra lines were sequenced, and 2 of them were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplification region) markers. The developed AFLP DNA fingerprinting and specific molecular markers provide useful ways for the identification, classification, and resource protection of thePorphyra lines.  相似文献   

The locations of thirty restriction endonuclease cleavage sites were determined on the genome of adenovirus type 4 (Ad4), the sole member of the subgroup E adenovirions. The restriction endonucleases BglII, EcoRI, HindIII, HpaI, KpnI, SalI, and XbaI cut Ad4 DNA 10, 3, 2, 3, 5, 5 and 3 times, respectively. Orientation of the linear Ad4 map with respect to left and right molecular ends was accomplished by taking advantage of the limited sequence homology between Ad2 and Ad4. Ten non-overlapping fragments of Ad4 DNA representing 98% of the genome, map units 1.6 to 99.6, have been cloned into the plasmid vector pKC7.  相似文献   

Studies of three Amerindian populations using nuclear DNA polymorphisms.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Three Amerindian populations, two from Rond?nia, Brazil (Karitiana and Rond?nia Suruí), and one from Campeche, Mexico (Mayan), were typed for up to 30 nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Heterozygosities, both observed and expected, were compared with those of Europeans. Average heterozygosity is reduced among these Amerindians (relative to that of Europeans) by 7.0% (Mayan) to 27.1% (Karitiana). This amount of heterozygosity in the nuclear DNA is nevertheless high enough that it is unlikely that there was a severe or prolonged bottleneck.  相似文献   

We surveyed exemplars from all 12 infrageneric taxa ofRibes (Grossulariaceae) for restriction site variation in two cpDNA regions, fromrbcL toaccD and fromrpoC1 torpoC2, in order to develop an explicit phylogenetic hypothesis and to assess the validity of infrageneric classifications. Maximum parsimony analysis resolves sect.Ribes (red currants), sect.Berisia (European alpine currants), sect.Symphocalyx (golden currants), sect.Grossularia plus sect.Grossularioides (true gooseberries and spiny currants), andHesperia, Lobbia, and probably sect.Robsonia (west North American gooseberries) as well-supported monophyletic groups. The clade of sectionsGrossularioides andGrossularia is unexpected, and suggests that subgenusGrossularia is not monophyletic. Alternatively, sect.Grossularioides may have acquired its cpDNA via hybridization and introgression. SectionsCoreosma (black currants) andHeritiera (dwarf currants) are apparently non monophyletic. Relationships among the well-supported lineages and the other sampled taxa remain unresolved. Maximum likelihood analysis is consistent with the parsimony results.  相似文献   

This is the first attempt to resolve the phylogenetic relationship between different syngens of Paramecium bursaria and to investigate at a molecular level the intraspecific differentiation of strains originating from very distant geographical locations. Herein we introduce a new collection of five P. bursaria syngens maintained at St Petersburg State University, as the international collection of syngens was lost in the 1960s. To analyze the degree of speciation within Paramecium bursaria, we examined 26 strains belonging to five different syngens from distant and geographically isolated localities using rDNA (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2-5'LSU) fragments, mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), and H4 gene fragments. It was shown that P. bursaria strains of the same syngens cluster together in all three inferred molecular phylogenies. The genetic diversity among the studied P. bursaria strains based on rDNA sequences was rather low. The COI divergence of Paramecium bursaria was also definitely lower than that observed in the Paramecium aurelia complex. The nucleotide sequences of the H4 gene analyzed in the present study indicate the extent of genetic differences between the syngens of Paramecium bursaria. Our study demonstrates the diagnostic value of molecular markers, which are important tools in the identification of Paramecium bursaria syngens.  相似文献   

Differentiation of Alpine marmot populations traced by DNA fingerprinting.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As revealed by allozyme studies, the genetic variation of the Alpine marmot (Marmota m. marmota) has been reduced by a species-wide bottleneck at the end of the last glaciation. Therefore the more variable microsatellite loci were used as a genetic marker system to investigate variablility and differentiation of four autochthonous and four allochthonous populations founded by the release of small numbers of individuals during the last 150 years. The microsatellite loci detected by the DNA-probe (ATCC)4 were found to be polymorphic in all populations, but the amount of variation was lower than in comparable mammalian species. In spite of founder effects the variation in the allochthonous populations was not significanlty reduced compared to the autochthonous populations. The autochthonous populations from Austria and from the eastern part of Switzerland were genetically similar, only the population from western Switzerland was clearly differentiated from the others. In the allochthonous populations similarities in the microsatellite patterns reveal genetic affinities to putative autochthonous source populations of the founder individuals.  相似文献   



The structure and diversity of grayling (Thymallus thymallus) populations have been well studied in most of its native habitat; however the southernmost populations of the Balkan Peninsula remain largely unexplored. The purpose of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of Serbian grayling populations, detect the impact of stocking and provide guidelines for conservation and management.


Eighty grayling individuals were collected from four rivers (Ibar, Lim, Drina and Rzav). The mitochondrial DNA control region (CR; 595 bp of the 3''end and 74 bp of flanking tRNA) and the ATP6 gene (630 bp fragment) were sequenced for 20 individuals (five from each locality). In addition, all individuals were genotyped with 12 microsatellite loci. The diversity and structure of the populations as well as the recent and ancient population declines were studied using specialized software.


We detected three new haplotypes in the mtDNA CR and four haplotypes in the ATP6 gene of which three had not been described before. Previously, one CR haplotype and two ATP6 gene haplotypes had been identified as allochthonous, originating from Slovenia. Reconstruction of phylogenetic relations placed the remaining two CR haplotypes from the River Danube drainage of Serbia into a new clade, which is related to the previously described sister Slovenian clade. These two clades form a new Balkan clade. Microsatellite marker analysis showed that all four populations are genetically distinct from each other without any sign of intra-population structure, although stocking of the most diverse population (Drina River) was confirmed by mtDNA analysis. Recent and historical population declines of Serbian grayling do not differ from those of other European populations.


Our study shows that (1) the Ibar, Lim and Drina Rivers grayling populations are genetically distinct from populations outside of Serbia and thus should be managed as native populations in spite of some introgression in the Drina River population and (2) the Rzav River population is not appropriate for further stocking activities since it originates from stocked Slovenian grayling. However, the Rzav River population does not represent an immediate danger to other populations because it is physically isolated from these.  相似文献   

Using multilocus DNA fingerprinting with phage M13 DNA as a probe, we have investigated a heterogeneous group of four human populations from Eastern Europe and Northeastern Asia. These populations belong to two language families: Indo-European (Eastern Slavonic branch: Russians, Belarussians) and Altaian (Turkic branch: Yakuts). The experimental results were treated by different statistical techniques: cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, and multiple correspondence analysis. Coefficients of genetic differentiation were estimated using similarity indices and heterozygosities. The results of our study demonstrated similarity of Belarussian populations and significant differences between the group of Slavonic populations and Yakuts.  相似文献   

We used DNA fingerprinting with M13 phage DNA as a probe to estimate the degree of genomic variability and genetic relationships in a heterogeneous group of 13 populations from Eastern Europe and Siberia. The popultaions belong to three language families: Indo-European (Slavonic: Russians, Byelorussians), Uralic (Finno-Ugric: Maris, Mordvinians, Udmurts), and Altaic (Turkic: Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashes, Yakuts). Multivariate statistical analyses were used (multidimensional scaling, cluster, and multiple correspondence analyses), and coefficients of gene differentiation (Gst) were evaluated. The level of interpopulation subdivision in the various ethnic groups appeared to be different: the Byelorussian populations revealed no regional differences, in contrast to the Bashkir populations, which formed a heterogeneous group. The populations subdivided into three general clusters: Slavonic populations formed a separate tight cluster characterized by a minimal level of interpopulation diversity, Bashkir and Yakut populations formed the second cluster, and the Finno-Ugric and several populations of the Turkic linguistic groups formed the third cluster. The robustness of these results obtained by different statistical data treatments reveals that multilocus DNA fingerprinting can be reliably used for population studies.Communicated by G. P. Georgiev  相似文献   

Polytomella is composed of colorless green algae closely related to Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Species in the genus have been used in diverse fields of biological research, most recently to study mitochondrial function and mitochondrial genome evolution in the Chlorophyceae, but the phylogenetic relationship between the various available taxa has not yet been clarified and it is not known whether they also possess fragmented mitochondrial genomes, as reported for Polytomella parva. We therefore examined cox1 sequence from seven Polytomella taxa with the goal of establishing their phylogenetic relationships and relating this information to their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragmentation pattern. We found that the Polytomella isolates examined fall into three distinct lineages, two of which possess fragmented mitochondrial genomes. The third and earliest branching lineage, represented by Polytomella capuana, appears to possess an intact mtDNA. In addition, there is evidence for variation in both size and number of mtDNA fragments between various Polytomella isolates, even within the same lineage. The considerable amount of sequence divergence between lineages seems to correlate with the geographic origin of the strains, leading us to believe that greater amounts of sequence divergence could be uncovered by a broader sampling of Polytomella.  相似文献   

Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) has been established for the transmission of specific nuclear DNA. However, the fate of donor mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) remains unclear. Here, we examined the fate of donor mtDNA in recloned pigs through third generations. Fibroblasts of recloned pigs were obtained from offspring of each generation produced by fusion of cultured fibroblasts from a Minnesota miniature pig (MMP) into enucleated oocytes of a Landrace pig. The D-loop regions from the mtDNA of donor and recipient differ at nucleotide sequence positions 16050 (A→T), 16062 (T→C), and 16135 (G→A). In order to determine the fate of donor mtDNA in recloned pigs, we analyzed the D-loop region of the donor's mtDNA by allele-specific PCR (AS-PCR) and real-time PCR. Donor mtDNA was successfully detected in all recloned offspring (F1, F2, and F3). These results indicate that heteroplasmy that originate from donor and recipient mtDNA is maintained in recloned pigs, resulting from SCNT, unlike natural reproduction.  相似文献   

Moenkhausia is one of the most speciose genera in Characidae, currently composed of 75 nominal species of small fishes distributed across South American hydrographic basins, primarily the Amazon and Guyanas. Despite the large number of described species, studies involving a substantial number of its species designed to better understand their relationships and putative monophyly are still lacking. In this study, we analysed a large number of species of Moenkhausia to test the monophyly of the genus based on the phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences of two mitochondrial and three nuclear genes. The in‐group included 29 species of Moenkhausia, and the out‐group was composed of representatives of Characidae and other members of Characiformes. All species of Moenkhausia belong to the same clade (Clade C); however, they appear distributed in five monophyletic groups along with other different genera, which means that Moenkhausia is polyphyletic and indicates the necessity of an extensive revision of the group.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of clupeiforms has been extensively studied, yet phylogenetic relationships among component taxa remain controversial or unresolved. Here we test current and new hypotheses of relationships among clupeiforms using mitochondrial rRNA genes (12S and 16S) and nuclear RAG1 and RAG2 sequences (total of 4749bp) for 37 clupeiform taxa representing all five extant families and all subfamilies of Clupeiformes, except Pristigasterinae, plus seven outgroups. Our results, based on maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses of these data, show that some traditional hypotheses are supported. These include the monophyly of the families Engraulidae, consisting of two monophyletic subfamilies, Engraulinae (Engraulis and Anchoa) and Coilinae (Coilia and Setipinna), and Pristigasteridae (here represented only by Ilisha and Pellona). The basal position of Denticeps among clupeiforms is consistent with the molecular data when base compositional biases are accounted for. However, the monophyly of Clupeidae was not supported. Some clupeids were more closely related to taxa assigned to Pristigasteridae and Chirocentridae (Chirocentrus). These results suggest that a major revision in the classification of clupeiform fishes may be necessary, but should await a more complete taxonomic sampling and additional data.  相似文献   

Genetic population structure of Atlantic and Mediterranean albacore Thunnus alalunga was investigated using nucleotide sequence variations of the glucose‐6‐phosphate dehydrogenase gene intron ( G6PD ) and the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D‐loop region ( Dloop ). Restriction analysis using Ase I digestion detected two major restriction types ( A and B ) at the Dloop locus with strong frequency differences between Atlantic and Mediterranean samples. Thirty‐six individuals of 100 Mediterranean albacore were of the B type whereas no B type individuals were found in the Atlantic samples ( n  = 102). Phylogenetic analysis using nucleotide sequence data of the Dloop locus indicated that the B type lineage recently arose from the ancestral A lineage in the Mediterranean Sea and has not dispersed into the Atlantic Ocean. The frequencies of two alleles ( L and S ) at the G6PD locus were significantly different between the samples from the Atlantic ( L  = 0·495) and the Mediterranean ( L  = 0·725), but no significant heterogeneity was observed between mtDNA‐ A and ‐ B types of the Mediterranean sample. These molecular data indicate that gene flow between the Atlantic and Mediterranean albacore populations have been considerably restricted and strongly suggest these populations should continue to be treated as two distinct management units.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We examined genetic variation at 21 polymorphic allozyme loci, 15 nuclear DNA loci, and mitochondrial DNA in four spawning populations of sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) from Cook Inlet, Alaska, to test for differences in the patterns of divergence among different types of markers. We were specifically interested in testing the suggestion that natural selection at allozyme loci compromises the effectiveness of these markers for describing the amount and patterns of gene flow among populations. We found concordance among markers in the amount of genetic variation within and among populations, with the striking exception of one allozyme locus ( sAH ), which exhibited more than three times the amount of among-population differentiation as other loci. A consideration of reports of discordance between allozymes and other loci indicates that these differences usually result from one or two exceptional loci. We conclude that it is important to examine many loci when estimating genetic differentiation to infer historical amounts of gene flow and patterns of genetic exchange among populations. It is less important whether those loci are allozymes or nuclear DNA markers.  相似文献   

Frequent assimilation of mitochondrial DNA by grasshopper nuclear genomes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Multiple copies of mitochondrial-like DNA were found in the brown mountain grasshopper, Podisma pedestris (Orthoptera: Acrididae), paralogous to COI and ND5 regions. The same was discovered using the ND5 regions of nine other grasshopper species from four separate subfamilies (Podisminae, Calliptaminae, Cyrtacanthacridinae, and Gomphocerinae). The extra ND5-like sequences were shown to be nuclear in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Cyrtacanthacridinae), and probably so in P. pedestris and an Italopodisma sp. (Podisminae). Eighty-seven different ND5-like nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes (Numts) were sequenced from 12 grasshopper individuals. Different nuclear mitochondrial pseudogenes, if descended from the same mitochondrial immigrant, will have diverged from each other under no selective constraints because of their loss of functionality. Evidence of selective constraints in the differences between any two Numt sequences (e.g., if most differences are at third positions of codons) implies that they have separate mitochondrial origins. Through pairwise comparisons of pseudogene sequences, it was established that there have been at least 12 separate mtDNA integrations into P. pedestris nuclear genomes. This is the highest reported rate of horizontal transfer between organellar and nuclear genomes within a single animal species. The occurrence of numerous mitochondrial pseudogenes in nuclear genomes derived from separate integration events appears to be a common phenomenon among grasshoppers. More than one type of mechanism appears to have been involved in generating the observed grasshopper Numts.  相似文献   

The relationships between Cinara (Cupressobium) aphids inhabiting woody parts and leaves of conifers belonging to Cupressaceae have been studied using a mitochondrial gene (COI) and a nuclear gene (EF1-α). Based on the COI sequences, genetic distances between species ranged from 5.6 % between Cinara (C.) tujafilina (del Guercio) and Cinara (C.) juniperi (De Geer) to 10.5 % between C. (C.) tujafilina and Cinara (C.) mordvilkoi (Pa?ek). Genetic distances among EF1-α sequences were lower and showed from 0.1 % between C. cupressi and C. juniperi to 2.3 % between C. tujafilina and C. mordvilkoi. Molecular phylogenetic trees were constructed using the Bayesian inference (BI) phylogenetic analysis and maximum parsimony (MP) criterion. Phylogenetic trees obtained based on COI and EF1-α marker genes created two sister clades. Our results indicate that Cinara (Cupressobium) are a monophyletic group of aphids. Phylogenetic relationships amongst Cupressobium aphids do not result from the association with the host plant, but from the feeding site on the host plant or an ability to change the microhabitat on the plant. As closely related species inhabit similar microhabitats on different host plants, it suggests that the host switching is the main mode of speciation in this subgenus.  相似文献   

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