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Jeltsch A 《Gene》2003,317(1-2):13-16
Bacteria frequently exchange DNA among each other by horizontal gene transfer. However, maintenance of species identity and in particular speciation requires a certain barrier against an unregulated uptake of foreign DNA. Here it is suggested that formation of such a barrier is one important biological function of restriction/modification systems, in addition to the classical function of protection of bacteria against bacteriophage infection. This model explains the extreme variability and wide distribution of restriction/modification systems among prokaryotes, the prevalence of RM-systems in pathogenic bacteria and the existence of several RM-systems in single bacterial strains.  相似文献   

Rainer Kiko 《Polar Biology》2010,33(4):543-556
Sea ice is permeated by small brine channels, which are characterised by sub-zero temperatures and varying salinities. Despite sometimes extreme conditions a diverse fauna and flora thrives within the brine channels. The dominant calanoid copepods of Antarctic sea ice are Stephos longipes and Paralabidocera antarctica. Here, I report for the first time thermal hysteresis (TH) in the haemolymph of a crustacean, S. longipes, whereas P. antarctica has no such activity. TH, the non-colligative prevention of ice growth, seems to enable S. longipes to exploit all available microhabitats within sea ice, especially the surface layer, in which strong temperature fluctuations can occur. In contrast, P. antarctica only thrives within the lowermost centimetres of sea ice, where temperature fluctuations are moderate. S. longipes possesses two isoforms of a protein with TH activity. A high homology to a group of (putative) antifreeze proteins from diatoms, bacteria and a snow mold and, in contrast, no homologs in any metazoan lineage suggest that this protein was obtained through horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Further analysis of available sequence data from sea-ice organisms indicates that these antifreeze proteins were probably transferred horizontally several times. Temperature and salinity fluctuations within the brine channel system are proposed to provide “natural transformation” conditions enabling HGT and thus making this habitat a potential “hot spot” for HGT.  相似文献   

The CRISPR (clustered, regularly, interspaced, short, palindromic repeats)–Cas (CRISPR-associated genes) systems of archaea and bacteria provide adaptive immunity against viruses and other selfish elements and are believed to curtail horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Limiting acquisition of new genetic material could be one of the sources of the fitness cost of CRISPR–Cas maintenance and one of the causes of the patchy distribution of CRISPR–Cas among bacteria, and across environments. We sought to test the hypothesis that the activity of CRISPR–Cas in microbes is negatively correlated with the extent of recent HGT. Using three independent measures of HGT, we found no significant dependence between the length of CRISPR arrays, which reflects the activity of the immune system, and the estimated number of recent HGT events. In contrast, we observed a significant negative dependence between the estimated extent of HGT and growth temperature of microbes, which could be explained by the lower genetic diversity in hotter environments. We hypothesize that the relevant events in the evolution of resistance to mobile elements and proclivity for HGT, to which CRISPR–Cas systems seem to substantially contribute, occur on the population scale rather than on the timescale of species evolution.  相似文献   

The Type IIB restriction–modification protein BcgI contains A and B subunits in a 2:1 ratio: A has the active sites for both endonuclease and methyltransferase functions while B recognizes the DNA. Like almost all Type IIB systems, BcgI needs two unmethylated sites for nuclease activity; it cuts both sites upstream and downstream of the recognition sequence, hydrolyzing eight phosphodiester bonds in a single synaptic complex. This complex may incorporate four A2B protomers to give the eight catalytic centres (one per A subunit) needed to cut all eight bonds. The BcgI recognition sequence contains one adenine in each strand that can be N6-methylated. Although most DNA methyltransferases operate at both unmethylated and hemi-methylated sites, BcgI methyltransferase is only effective at hemi-methylated sites, where the nuclease component is inactive. Unlike the nuclease, the methyltransferase acts at solitary sites, functioning catalytically rather than stoichiometrically. Though it transfers one methyl group at a time, presumably through a single A subunit, BcgI methyltransferase can be activated by adding extra A subunits, either individually or as part of A2B protomers, which indicates that it requires an assembly containing at least two A2B units.  相似文献   

The tetrameric β-xylosidase from Selenomonas ruminantium is very stable in alkaline pH allowing it to easily immobilize by multipoint covalent attachments on highly activated glyoxyl agarose gels. Initial immobilization resulted only in slight stabilization in relation to the free enzyme, since involvement of all subunits was not achieved. Coating the catalyst with aldehyde-dextran or polyethylenimine, fully stabilized the quaternary structure of the enzyme rendering much more stabilization to the biocatalyst. The catalyst coated with polyethylenimine of molecular weight 1300 is the most stable one exhibiting an interesting half-life of more than 10 days at pH 5.0 and 50?°C, being, therefore, 240-fold more stable than free enzyme. Optimum activity was observed in the pH range 4.0–6.0 and at 55?°C. The catalyst retained its side activity against p-nitrophenyl α-l-arabinofuranoside and it was inhibited by xylose and glucose. Kinetic parameters with p-nitrophenyl β-d-xylopyranoside as substrate were Vmax 0.20?μmol.min?1?mg?prot.?1, Km 0.45?mM, Kcat 0.82?s?1, and Kcat/Km 1.82?s?1?mM?1. Xylose release was observed from the hydrolysis of xylooligosaccharides with a decrease in the rate of xylose release by increasing substrate chain-length. Due to the high thermostability and the complete stability after five reuse cycles, the applicability of this biocatalyst in biotechnological processes, such as for the degradation of lignocellulosic biomass, is highly increased.  相似文献   

As the most diverse group of animals on Earth, insects are key organisms in ecosystems. Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) refers to the transfer of genetic material between species by non-reproductive means. HGT is a major evolutionary force in prokaryotic genome evolution, but its importance in different eukaryotic groups, such as insects, has only recently begun to be understood. Genomic data from hundreds of insect species have enabled the detection of large numbers of HGT events and the elucidation of the functions of some of these foreign genes. Although quantification of the extent of HGT in insects broadens our understanding of its role in insect evolution, the scope of its influence and underlying mechanism(s) of its occurrence remain open questions for the field.  相似文献   

The origin of plant parasitism within the phylum Nematoda is intriguing. The ability to parasitize plants has originated independently at least three times during nematode evolution and, as more molecular data has emerged, it has become clear that multiple instances of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from bacteria and fungi have played a crucial role in the nematode's adaptation to this new lifestyle. The first reported HGT cases in plant-parasitic nematodes were genes encoding plant cell wall-degrading enzymes. Other putative examples of HGT were subsequently described, including genes that may be involved in the modulation of the plant's defense system, the establishment of a nematode feeding site, and the synthesis or processing of nutrients. Although, in many cases, it is difficult to pinpoint the donor organism, candidate donors are usually soil dwelling and are either plant-pathogenic or plant-associated microorganisms, hence occupying the same ecological niche as the nematodes. The exact mechanisms of transfer are unknown, although close contacts with donor microorganisms, such as symbiotic or trophic interactions, are a possibility. The widespread occurrence of horizontally transferred genes in evolutionarily independent plant-parasitic nematode lineages suggests that HGT may be a prerequisite for successful plant parasitism in nematodes.  相似文献   

We examined 2 cichlid fish species native to México, Cichlasoma callolepis and C. fenestratum, and 2 introduced African cichlids, Oreochromis aureus and O. niloticus, from 3 localities in southeastern México for monogeneans. Six monogenean species infected the African cichlids: Cichlidogyrus haplochromii, C. dossoui, C. longicornis longicornis, C. sclerosus, C. tilapiae, and Enterogyrus malmbergi. We found all these parasite species, except C. haplochromii and C. dossoui, on the native C. fenestratum and C. callolepis. Prevalences of Cichlidogyrus spp. were 3-10% and abundances ranged from 0.03 +/- 0.2 to 0.1 +/- 0.3 for native cichlids. We only recovered a single E. malmbergi from 1 C. callolepis. We found Sciadicleithrum bravohollisae, a monogenean of native Cichlasoma spp., on the gills of the introduced O. aureus from Lake Catemaco (prevalence 3%, abundance 0.03 +/- 0.2). Although prevalence and abundance in atypical hosts were fairly low, the present findings provide evidence of monogenean transfer from African to American cichlids and vice versa. This is the first record of exotic monogeneans in the genus Cichlidogyrus and Enterogyrus infecting native American cichlid fish. It is also the first record from southeastern México of a native American monogenean infecting introduced African cichlids.  相似文献   

gsiB, coding for glucose starvation-inducible protein B, is a characteristic member of the σ(Β) stress regulon of Bacillus subtilis and several other Gram-positive bacteria. Here we provide in silico evidence for the horizontal transfer of gsiB in lactic acid bacteria that are devoid of the σ(Β) factor.  相似文献   

TraG-like proteins are potential NTP hydrolases (NTPases) that are essential for DNA transfer in bacterial conjugation. They are thought to mediate interactions between the DNA-processing (Dtr) and the mating pair formation (Mpf) systems. TraG-like proteins also function as essential components of type IV secretion systems of several bacterial pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori. Here we present the biochemical characterization of three members of the family of TraG-like proteins, TraG (RP4), TraD (F), and HP0524 (H. pylori). These proteins were found to have a pronounced tendency to form oligomers and were shown to bind DNA without sequence specificity. Standard NTPase assays indicated that these TraG-like proteins do not possess postulated NTP-hydrolyzing activity. Surface plasmon resonance was used to demonstrate an interaction between TraG and relaxase TraI of RP4. Topology analysis of TraG revealed that TraG is a transmembrane protein with cytosolic N and C termini and a short periplasmic domain close to the N terminus. We predict that multimeric inner membrane protein TraG forms a pore. A model suggesting that the relaxosome binds to the TraG pore via TraG-DNA and TraG-TraI interactions is presented.  相似文献   

Among vertebrates, the sense of smell is mediated by olfactory receptors (ORs) expressed in sensory neurons within the olfactory epithelium. Comparative genomic studies suggest that the olfactory acuity of mammalian species correlates positively with both the total number and the proportion of functional OR genes encoded in their genomes. In contrast to mammals, avian olfaction is poorly understood, with birds widely regarded as relying primarily on visual and auditory inputs. Here, we show that in nine bird species from seven orders (blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus; black coucal, Centropus grillii; brown kiwi, Apteryx australis; canary, Serinus canaria; galah, Eolophus roseicapillus; red jungle fowl, Gallus gallus; kakapo, Strigops habroptilus; mallard, Anas platyrhynchos; snow petrel, Pagodroma nivea), the majority of amplified OR sequences are predicted to be from potentially functional genes. This finding is somewhat surprising as one previous report suggested that the majority of OR genes in an avian (red jungle fowl) genomic sequence are non-functional pseudogenes. We also show that it is not the estimated proportion of potentially functional OR genes, but rather the estimated total number of OR genes that correlates positively with relative olfactory bulb size, an anatomical correlate of olfactory capability. We further demonstrate that all the nine bird genomes examined encode OR genes belonging to a large gene clade, termed gamma-c, the expansion of which appears to be a shared characteristic of class Aves. In summary, our findings suggest that olfaction in birds may be a more important sense than generally believed.  相似文献   


A major barrier to both metabolic engineering and fundamental biological studies is the lack of genetic tools in most microorganisms. One example is Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405T, where genetic tools are not available to help validate decades of hypotheses. A significant barrier to DNA transformation is restriction–modification systems, which defend against foreign DNA methylated differently than the host. To determine the active restriction–modification systems in this strain, we performed complete methylome analysis via single-molecule, real-time sequencing to detect 6-methyladenine and 4-methylcytosine and the rarely used whole-genome bisulfite sequencing to detect 5-methylcytosine. Multiple active systems were identified, and corresponding DNA methyltransferases were expressed from the Escherichia coli chromosome to mimic the C. thermocellum methylome. Plasmid methylation was experimentally validated and successfully electroporated into C. thermocellum ATCC 27405. This combined approach enabled genetic modification of the C. thermocellum-type strain and acts as a blueprint for transformation of other non-model microorganisms.


Knoop V  Rüdinger M 《FEBS letters》2010,584(20):4287-4291
A particular type of pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins with variable length of the 35 aa PPR motifs and conserved carboxyterminal extensions, named the PLS proteins, was so far exclusively identified in land plants. Several PLS proteins with such domain extensions (E, E+, DYW) were shown to be involved in plant organellar RNA editing but their evolutionary origin had remained enigmatic. We here report the first case of DYW-type PLS proteins outside of the plant kingdom in the protist Naegleria gruberi and hypothesize on horizontal gene transfer in very early land plant evolution.  相似文献   

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