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Transposable elements are well known for their ability to generate large- and small-scale rearrangements of the sequences flanking their insertion sites. These include deletions, inversions, and duplications. Tam3, a transposon from the Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), is highly active in the generation of such rearrangements. We have analysed a number of Tam3-induced rearrangements at the nivea (niv) locus by Southern blotting, cloning, and sequence determination. The data obtained from these analyses have led to an understanding of the mechanisms by which these complex alleles were formed. We have shown that the primary rearrangements usually occur without excision of the element and therefore result from aberrant transposition attempts. Subsequent rearrangements may occur on excision of the element. Finally, we suggest how the analysis of such rearrangements may not only provide information about Tam3 transposition but also show how transposon-induced rearrangements may influence the structure and function of the genome as a whole.  相似文献   

We describe two novel ways in which changes in gene expression in Antirrhinum majus may arise as a consequence of the Tam3 transposition mechanism. One involves excision of Tam3 from the nivea gene promoter and insertion of two new Tam3 copies 3.4 kb and 2.1 kb away, on either side of the excision site. One of the new insertions is in the nivea coding region and completely blocks production of an active gene product. This allele probably arose by a symmetrical double transposition, following chromosome replication. The second case involves a small deletion at one end of Tam3 in the pallida gene, flanked by a sequence typical of a Tam3 excision footprint. This suggests that the end of Tam3 was cleaved at an early step in an attempted transposition and re-ligated back to its original flanking sequence. The alteration restores some expression to the pallida gene, suggesting that the ends of the intact Tam3 element contain components which can actively inhibit gene expression. The implications of these findings for the mechanism of Tam3 transposition and for the effects of Tam3 on host gene expression are discussed.  相似文献   

 In this study we have focused on two copies of the transposon Tam3 isolated from an Antirrhinum majus plant which has flower variegation due to the excision of Tam3 from the nivea locus. These two copies possess a high homology, over 95%, to an active Tam3 element found in the nivea recurrence:Tam3 allele. Although somatic excision of the Tam3 copy from the nivea locus can be detected at 15°C by Southern blotting, neither of the two copies showed any sign of the excision. Both of the immobilized copies were also found in five varieties from different A. majus sources, all of which contain common fragments. The results suggest that the two copies have been fixed in the genomes of many A. majus varieties. Structural differences between these immobilized copies and the known active copy were mainly observed in the subterminal regions, including the terminal inverted repeats. The immobility of the two Tam3 copies might be due to mutations within the end regions of essential cis-elements in Tam3 transposition, as reported for Ac and En/Spm. Received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted: 5 August 1997  相似文献   

The extremely homogeneous organization of the transposon family Tam3 in Antirrhinum majus is in sharp contrast to the heterogeneity of the copies constituting many other transposon families. To address the issue of the Tam3 structural uniformity, we examined two possibilities: (1) recent invasion of Tam3 and (2) failure of gap repair, which is involved in conversion from autonomous forms to defective forms. The phylogenetic analysis of 17 Tam3 copies suggested that the invasion of Tam3 into the Antirrhinum genome occurred at least 5 mya, which is sufficiently long ago to have produced many aberrant copies by gap repair. Thus, we investigated gap repair events at the nivea(recurrens:Tam3) (niv(rec)::Tam3) allele, where Tam3 is actively excised. We show here that the gap repair of de novo somatic Tam3 excision was arrested immediately after initiation of the process. All of the identified gap repair products were short stretches, no longer than 150 bp from the ends. The Tam3 ends have hairpin structures with low free energies. We observed that the gap repair halted within the hairpin structure regions. Such small gap repair products appear to be distributed in the Antirrhinum genome, but are unlikely to be active. Our data strongly suggest that the structural homogeneity of Tam3 was caused by immunity to gap repair at the hairpins in both of the end regions. The frequency of extensive gap repair of de novo excision products in eukaryotic transposons was found to be correlated with the free energies of the secondary structures in the end regions. This fact suggests that the fates of transposon families might depend on the structures of their ends.  相似文献   

We have investigated the organization of the transposon Tam3 family in Antirrhinum majus. Genomic hybridization experiments and characterization of 40 independent Tam3 clones isolated from an A. majus plant revealed that the Tam3 family is quite conserved and the copy sizes are uniform. We did not find any copy with a deleted internal sequence, unlike what is usually observed in other transposons. This exceptionally conserved structure of the Tam3 family was confirmed by PCR and sequencing analyses. Sequencing analysis identified eight copies with sequences completely identical to that of the Tam3 transposase gene. These results suggested that a considerable number of autonomous Tam3 copies are present in the genome of A. majus. Among 24 copies which are surrounded by single copy regions of the genome, 14 copies are present as specific insertions in the line which we used, but absent in other lines. These copies are therefore predicted to be movable. If this ratio is the same for all Tam3 copies in a genome, then a maximum of 60% of the copies are estimated to be movable in the genome. The relatively high frequency of gene tagged by Tam3 might reflect the large number of movable copies in the genome.  相似文献   

Most transposon families consist of heterogeneous copies with varying sizes. In contrast, the Tam3 copies in Antirrhinum majus are known to have exceptionally conserved structures of uniform size. Gap repair has been reported to be involved in the structural alteration of copies from several transposon families. In this study, we have asked whether or not gap repair has affected Tam3 copies. Five Tam3 copies carrying aberrant sequences were selected from 40 independent Tam3 clones and their sequences were analyzed. Two of the five copies contain insertions in the Tam3 sequence. These two insertions, designated Tam356 and Tam661, are typical transposon-like sequences, which have terminal inverted repeats and cause target site duplication. These nested transposons were obviously associated with transpositional events, and did not originate from the gap-repair process. The remaining three copies had lost large parts of the Tam3 sequence. We could not find any relationship between the deletions of Tam3 sequence in the three copies and gap repair. PCR analysis of a Tam3 excision site in the nivea recurrence:Tam3 mutant also showed that most of the repair events after the Tam3 excision involved end-joining. In addition to the results obtained here, among the other clones isolated, we could not find any of the internally deleted copies that comprise a major part of other transposon families. All of these data suggest that some feature of the Tam3 structure suppresses the structural alterations that are otherwise generated during the gap repair process.  相似文献   

Transposition of the Anthirrinum majus Tam3 element and the Zea mays Ac element has been monitored in petunia and tobacco plants. Plant vectors were constructed with the transposable elements cloned into the leader sequence of a marker gene. Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated leaf disc transformation was used to introduce the transposable element constructs into plant cells. In transgenic plants, excision of the transposable element restores gene expression and results in a clearly distinguishable phenotype. Based on restored expression of the hygromycin phosphotransferase II (HPTII) gene, we established that Tam3 excises in 30% of the transformed petunia plants and in 60% of the transformed tobacco plants. Ac excises from the HPTII gene with comparable frequencies (30%) in both plant species. When the -glucuronidase (GUS) gene was used to detect transposition of Tam3, a significantly lower excision frequency (13%) was found in both plant species. It could be shown that deletion of parts of the transposable elements Tam3 and Ac, removing either one of the terminal inverted repeats (TIR) or part of the presumptive transposase coding region, abolished the excision from the marker genes. This demonstrates that excision of the transposable element Tam3 in heterologous plant species, as documented for the autonomous element Ac, also depends on both properties. Southern blot hybridization shows the expected excision pattern and the reintegration of Tam3 and Ac elements into the genome of tobacco plants.  相似文献   

In this paper we determine which of the A binding sites in the attachment sites of phage Mu are required for the stimulatory activity of the transpositional enhancer (IAS). For this purpose the transposition frequencies of mini-Mu's with different truncated attachment sites to an Ftet target were measured both in the presence and the absence of the IAS. The results show that in our in vivo assay the L3 and R3 sites are dispensable for functioning of the IAS. An additional deletion of L2 or R2 however abolishes the stimulating activity of the enhancer suggesting an interaction between A molecules bound to these sites and the IAS. The residual transposition activity of a IAS-containing mini Mu in which R2 (and R3) are deleted is much lower than the activity of the comparable construct without the IAS. This means that in the absence of R2 the IAS is inhibiting transposition. Such an inhibition is not observed when L2 (and L3) are deleted. This suggests that the IAS interacts with the attachment sites in an ordered fashion, first with attL and then with attR. Furthermore we show that mini-Mu transposition is enhanced when Fpro-lac is used as a target instead of Ftet. We show that this elevated transposition is dependent on the Mu A binding sites L2,L3 and R2. These sequences could possibly mediate an interaction between the mini-Mu plasmid and sequences present on Fpro-lac.  相似文献   

The transposon Tam3 from Antirrhinum majus can transpose in a heterologous host (Nicotiana tabacum); thus the element is autonomous, probably encoding the specific information required for its own transposition. In transgenic tobacco Tam3 rapidly becomes methylated at its ends whilst adjacent flanking sequences remain hypomethylated. This methylation may account for our failure to detect Tam3 transposition in the progeny of transgenic tobacco. Treatment with the inhibitor of cytosine methylation, 5 aza-cytosine appeared to induce transposon related activity at a low level. In Antirrhinum methylation also appears to be associated with inactivation of Tam3 copies.  相似文献   

In rearrangement T(VLIVL)AR33 the segment of chromosome 2 bearing the nucleolus organizer is translocated to the end of chromosome 4. When AR33 is crossed by Normal sequence (N), one third of the viable progeny contain a stable nontandem duplication with two organizers per nucleus. The organizer-deficient complementary products are inviable. Chromosomes and nucleoli have been examined during meiosis and postmeiotic nuclear divisions in the ascus, comparing heterozygous AR33 × N crosses with N × N and with crosses heterozygous for other interchanges. When AR33 is heterozygous, asci are of three types having the nucleolus organizer duplicated in 0, 1 or 2 of the meiotic products. Frequencies of the ascus types are as expected from the known positions of rearrangement break points. Nucleoli formed by two organizers frequently fuse. Deficiency nuclei that contain no nucleolus organizer may form one or more small nucleolus-like bodies.  相似文献   

R Oakey  C Tyler-Smith 《Genomics》1990,7(3):325-330
Three hypervariable Y chromosome DNA loci have been analyzed in human males. The haplotypes defined allow paternal lineages to be identified. Most of these lineages fall into two groups. This indicates that the ancestry of a large proportion of the men studied can be traced back to one of two males.  相似文献   

The facultative heterochromatic X chromosome in leptotene spermatocytes of the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans showed marked hypoacetylation for lysine 9 in the H3 histone (H3-K9) with no sign of histone H2AX phosphorylation. Since H3-K9 hypoacetylation precedes the meiotic appearance of phosphorylated H2AX (gamma-H2AX), which marks the beginning of recombinational DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), it seems that meiotic sex-chromosome inactivation (MSCI) in this grasshopper occurs prior to the beginning of recombination and hence synapsis (which in this species begins later than recombination). In addition, all constitutively heterochromatic chromosome regions harbouring a 180-bp tandem-repeat DNA and rDNA (B chromosomes and pericentromeric regions of A chromosomes) were H3-K9 hypoacetylated at early leptotene even though they will synapse at subsequent stages. This also suggests that meiotic silencing in this grasshopper might be independent of synapsis. The H3-K9 hypoacetylated state of facultative and constitutive heterochromatin persisted during subsequent meiotic stages and was even apparent in round spermatids. Finally, the fact that B chromosomes are differentially hypoacetylated in testis and embryo interphase cells suggests that they might be silenced early in development and remain this way for most (or all) life-cycle stages.  相似文献   

Metavinculin, the muscle-specific splice variant of the cell adhesion protein vinculin, is characterized by a 68-amino acid insert within the C-terminal tail domain. The findings that mutations within this region correlate with hereditary idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy in man suggest a specific contribution of metavinculin to the molecular architecture of muscular actin-membrane attachment sites, the nature of which, however, is still unknown. In mice, metavinculin is expressed in smooth and skeletal muscle, where it co-localizes with vinculin in dense plaques and costameres, respectively, but is of conspicuously low abundance in the heart. Immunoprecipitates suggest that both isoforms are present in the same complex. On the molecular level, both vinculin isoforms are regulated via an intramolecular head-tail interaction, with the metavinculin tail domain having a lower affinity for the head as compared with the vinculin tail. In addition, metavinculin displays impaired binding to acidic phospholipids and reduced homodimerization. Only in the presence of phospholipid-activated vinculin tail, the metavinculin tail domain is readily incorporated into heterodimers. Mutational analysis revealed that the metavinculin insert significantly alters binding of the C-terminal hairpin loop to acidic phospholipids. In summary, our data lead to a model in which unfurling of the metavinculin tail domain is impaired by the negative charges of the 68-amino acid insert, thus requiring vinculin to fully activate the metavinculin molecule. As a consequence, microfilament anchorage may be modulated at muscular adhesion sites through heterodimer formation.  相似文献   

Seven GATC sites that are nonmethylated in logarithmic growth phase cells using glycerol as a carbon source were isolated from the Escherichia coli chromosome. Three of these GATC sites are located upstream of the operons gut, mtl, and ppiA, whereas DNA sequences adjacent to three other nonmethylated GATC sites are not homologous to previously identified genes. The seventh nonmethylated GATC site is located downstream of uspA. The protection of this site from DNA methylation requires leucine-responsive regulatory protein and is leucine responsive. The carbon source and the growth phase influenced the protection of the GATC site 5' of the ppiA gene. The other five sites were protected under all the environmental conditions examined.  相似文献   

DiP , a gene from Antirrhinum majus , which encodes a protein with striking homology to other integral membrane proteins, was cloned. The gene was specifically expressed in mature seeds and during seedling germination, particularly in cotyledons of seedlings grown in the dark. The deduced product, called DiP, for dark intrinsic protein, shows strong homology with the MIP family of channel transporters which include; the bovine major intrinsic protein (MIP), the Escherichia coli glycerol facilitator (GlpF), the peribacteroid nodulin-26 (Nod26), and the tonoplast protein from kidney bean (TIP). DiP is most similar to other plant members of this family, and in particular to the tobacco protein TobRB7 which is expressed specifically in roots. However, the expression pattern of diP suggests that its product is functionally more similar to the tonoplast intrinsic protein from kidney bean since it is most highly expressed in the cotyledons of germinating seedlings, before the cells undergo expansion growth and become photosynthetic.  相似文献   

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