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A. M. Jha Akhilesh C. Singh M. Kumari Bharti 《Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis》2002,521(1-2):11-17
Clastogenicity of carbazole was evaluated by employing mouse in vivo chromosomal aberration (CA) test. Carbazole administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) at the rate of 25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg/kg b.w. to Swiss albino mice in vivo resulted in mitotic depression and induction of chromosomal aberrations. Dose related decrease in mitotic index (MI) and increase in the frequencies of chromosomal aberrations per cell (CAs/cell) and percent abnormal cells were recorded in bone marrow cells. However, statistically significant reduction in MI and increase in CAs/cell and percent abnormal cells were found only for the two higher doses. The results obtained indicate that carbazole or its metabolite, if any, is moderately clastogenic in the bone marrow cells of Swiss albino mice. 相似文献
The time-course of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPCE) in mouse bone marrow and peripheral blood, induced by an acute 0.1 Gy dose of X-rays, was determined using flow cytometric analysis, which made frequent sampling possible and allowed use of a dose low enough not to affect erythroid cell proliferation. The frequency of MPCE (fMPCE) began to increase in the bone marrow at 10 h after irradiation and reached a maximum at 28 h after irradiation. In the peripheral blood fMPCE began to increase at 20 h after irradiation and peaked at about 40 h after irradiation. The time-course found is discussed on the basis of data on the differentiation of erythroid cells. The results indicate that the micronuclei registered in polychromatic erythrocytes may originate from lesions induced not only during the last cell cycle but also during earlier ones. After an acute dose of 1.0 Gy of X-rays the maximum fMPCE was delayed both in bone marrow and peripheral blood reflecting an effect on the cell cycle progression of erythroblasts. 相似文献
Summary The development of liver ploidy in mice aged up to 24 months was investigated by flow cytometry in four mouse strains. A mathematical procedure was applied for correction of flow cytometry histograms. In two of the mouse strains, C3H and DBA, both cellular and nuclear ploidy proceed in the same way. The octoploid cell with two tetraploid nuclei is the most numerous cell type in adulthood. On the other hand, strain NZB and the out-bred strain NMRI show at the corresponding age a higher proportion of diploid cells with strikingly low proportions of 4c cells. In addition, high values of 16c cells and nuclei are present in NMRI. In all strains the proportion of binucleate hepatocytes is in the same range (60%). However, the strains differ in ploidy classes of binucleate cells. Development of liver polyploidization does not depend on life span of the specific strain. 相似文献
Stephen D. Dertinger Yuhchyau Chen Richard K. Miller Kelly J. Brewer Therese Smudzin Dorothea K. Torous Nikki E. Hall Kristine A. Olvany Francis G. Murante Carol R. Tometsko 《Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis》2003,542(1-2):77-87
The frequency of micronuclei (also known as Howell–Jolly bodies) in peripheral blood erythrocytes of humans is extremely low due to the efficiency with which the spleen sequesters and destroys these aberrant cells. In the past, this has precluded erythrocyte-based analyses from effectively measuring chromosome damage. In this report, we describe a high-throughput, single-laser flow cytometric system for scoring the incidence of micronucleated reticulocytes (MN-RET) in human blood. Differential staining of these cells was accomplished by combining the immunochemical reagent anti-CD71-FITC with a nucleic acid dye (propidium iodide plus RNase). The immunochemical reagent anti-CD42b-PE was also incorporated into the procedure in order to exclude platelets which can interfere with analysis. This analytical system was evaluated with blood samples from ten healthy volunteers, one splenectomized subject, as well as samples collected from nine cancer patients before and over the course of radio- or chemotherapy. The mean frequency of MN-RET observed for the healthy subjects was 0.09%. This value is nearly two orders of magnitude higher than frequencies observed in mature erythrocytes, and is approximately half the MN-RET frequency observed for the splenectomized subject (0.20%). This suggests that the spleen’s effect on micronucleated cell incidence can be minimized by restricting analyses to the youngest (CD71-positive) fraction of reticulocytes. Furthermore, MN-RET frequencies were significantly elevated in patients undergoing cancer therapy. Collectively, these data establish that micronuclei can be quantified in human peripheral blood reticulocytes with a single-laser flow cytometer, and that these measurements reflect the level of chromosome damage which has occurred in red marrow space. 相似文献
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria interacts with a CD14-independent receptor of mouse bone marrow granulocytes (BMC), and triggers in these cells the expression of CD14, an inducible type of LPS receptor (iLpsR). This particular response of BMC to LPS required the activation of protein tyrosine kinase and p38 MAP kinase. The inhibition of the LPS effect by the MEK inhibitor PD-98059 suggested that the ERK pathway was also involved. Unexpectedly, protein kinase C, myosin light chain kinase, cAMP-, cGMP-, and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinases, as well as ecto-protein kinases, were not required for iLpsR expression. However, other yet unidentified serine/threonine protein kinase(s) were implied since the BMC response to LPS was markedly reduced after exposure to three inhibitors of such kinases (K-252a, H-7, and KT-5823). The atypical kinase requirements observed in this study may be due either to a novel signaling LPS receptor complex present in BMC, or to the particular events involved in CD14 biosynthesis. 相似文献
Kivisäkk P Liu Z Trebst C Tucky B Wu L Stine J Mack M Rudick RA Campbell JJ Ransohoff RM 《Methods (San Diego, Calif.)》2003,29(4):319-325
Collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the lumbar subarachnoid space is a routine procedure in clinical neurology, providing an opportunity to obtain hematogenous cells from the central nervous system environment in vivo. The ability to study individual cells in samples with low cell numbers has made flow cytometry an attractive method for studies of chemokine receptor expression on such cells. Several methodological variables such as staining temperature and cell isolation techniques may, however, influence the final outcome of the staining. In addition, low numbers of cells in the normal lumbar CSF, together with a tendency of CSF cells to decay rapidly after sampling, require meticulous handling of the samples. Here, we describe the methodology used in our laboratory to study chemokine receptor expression on cells in paired samples from peripheral blood and CSF using flow cytometry. 相似文献
Stefano Amalfitano Stefano Fazi Alberto Puddu 《Journal of microbiological methods》2009,79(2):246-249
Appropriate detachment treatments are required to analyze prokaryotes associated with streambed sediments by flow cytometry. Using our previously optimized protocol, two groups of cells exhibiting different nucleic acid contents were easily detectable. However, the Nucleic Acid Double Staining assay proved that detachment procedures negatively affect the cell membrane integrity. 相似文献
目的:研究新鲜肺癌组织的DNA含量。方法:采用流式细胞术对30例新鲜肺癌组织和5例正常对照组组织制成的单细胞悬液进行了DNA含量分析。结果:肺癌组G0/G1、S、G2/M各时相比率和细胞增殖指数以及DNA指数与对照组存在显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论:肺病变组织细胞DNA的流式细胞术分析是判定肺部肿瘤恶性化的敏感指标。 相似文献
Kenji Kuwasako Kazuo Kitamura Johji Kato 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2009,384(2):249-385
The three receptor activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs1, -2, and -3) associate with a wide variety of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), including calcitonin receptor-like receptor (CRLR). In this study, we used flow cytometry to measure RAMP translocation to the cell surface as a marker of RAMP-receptor interaction. Because VPAC2 does not interact with RAMPs, although, like CRLR, it is a Family B peptide hormone receptor, we constructed a set of chimeric CRLR/VPAC2 receptors to evaluate the trafficking interactions between CRLR domains and each RAMP. We found that CRLR regions extending from transmembrane domain 1 (TM1) through TM5 are necessary and sufficient for the transport of RAMPs to the plasma membrane. In addition, the extracellular N-terminal domain of CRLR, its 3rd intracellular loop and/or TM6 were also important for the cell-surface translocation of RAMP2, but not RAMP1 or RAMP3. Other regions within CRLR were not involved in trafficking interactions with RAMPs. These findings provide new insight into the trafficking interactions between accessory proteins such as RAMPs and their receptor partners. 相似文献
不同流式抗体分选小鼠原位肝癌模型中髓系来源抑制性细胞的比较 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的比较不同的流式抗体分选小鼠原位肝癌模型骨髓中的髓系来源抑制性细胞(myeloid-derived suppressor cells,MDSCs)。方法建立BALB/c小鼠原位肝癌移植模型,10d后分离荷瘤小鼠骨髓细胞,分别进行CD11b、Gr-1单色标记及CD11b和Gr-1双色标记后,进行流式分选。比较这三种方式分选的MDSCs纯度、活力,并检测分选的细胞精氨酸代谢酶1(arginase-1,Arg-1)和诱导型一氧化氮合酶(inducible nitric oxide synthase,iNOS)的表达,并通过活性氧检测试剂盒检测MDSCs活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)表达。结果三种方法分选到的细胞活力和纯度都大于90%。CD11b标记进行分选操作最为方便,易于统一,但纯度略差;Gr-1标记进行分选时,细胞群不好确定,但纯度高;双色标记进行分选纯度最高。分选的细胞高表达Arg-1、iNOS和ROS。结论三种抗体标记方法均能从小鼠原位肝癌模型骨髓中的分选到纯度高、活力好的MDSCs,而用CD11b单色标记操作方便,易于统一,可作为首选方法。MDSCs的成功分选,对于后续开展MDSCs的生物学和免疫学功能研究奠定了基础。 相似文献
V M Benning M B Maratrat E C Fournier C P Melcion A C Cordier 《The journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry》1991,39(1):15-21
Erythroblast proliferation and maturation in bone marrow are the processes leading to the formation of polychromatic erythrocytes (PE) and normochromatic erythrocytes (NE), respectively. PE contain RNA but no DNA, and can therefore be distinguished both from NE (which lack both RNA and DNA) and from nucleated cells (which contain both DNA and RNA). Cytotoxic agents that induce impairment of the maturation process change the PE:NE ratio. We have developed a simple and rapid method of determining the PE:NE ratio, based on flow cytometric analysis of formaldehyde-fixed, acridine orange (AO)-stained cells. The effects of cyclophosphamide (CP), mitomycin C (MMC), and vincristine (VC) were tested and the PE:NE ratio was evaluated over 7 days of treatment. In this study we monitored the kinetics of these compounds and were able to demonstrate both a time- and a dose-dependent effect. We detected a difference between the effects of the alkylating agents tested and those induced by the spindle inhibitor tested. Flow cytometry of fixed bone marrow samples stained with AO provides more information, better and more rapid statistical analysis, than conventional microscopic methods for counting the PE:NE ratio. 相似文献
Identification of parathyroid hormone-regulated proteins in mouse bone marrow cells by proteomics 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kim SH Jun S Jang HS Lim SK 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2005,330(2):423-429
The ability of parathyroid hormone (PTH) to enhance bone formation has recently been exploited in the treatment of osteoporosis. Several studies have suggested that the activation of bone marrow stromal cells could be preceded to show the anabolic effect of PTH on bone formation, but little is known of PTH-regulated proteins in bone marrow cells. Therefore, protein profiling in the intermittent PTH-treated bone marrow cells was evaluated using proteomics. Daily treatment for 5 days consisting of subcutaneous injection of either 150 microg/kg per day of mouse PTH (1-84) or vehicle (0.9% normal saline) was performed on the ICR mouse. At the end of the treatment period, bone marrow cells were separated and used in proteomics. The expression levels of seven proteins including vimentin were decreased, but those of four proteins including calreticulin and thioredoxin domain containing 7 protein (Txnde7) were increased. Among these, the decrease of vimentin and the increase of both calreticulin Txnde7 in mRNA levels were confirmed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. In PTH-treated mouse MC3T3-E1 osteoblast cells, mRNA expression levels were not totally consistent with the results observed in proteomics. In conclusion, the differentially expressed proteins in bone marrow cells depending on PTH could be highly linked to the differentiation of osteoprogenitor cells in the bone marrow into preosteoblast cells. 相似文献
Labile (i.e., free or loosely bound) zinc has the potential to modulate cellular function. Therefore, a flow cytometric assay for the measurement of labile zinc was developed to facilitate the investigation of the physiological roles of zinc. The zinc-sensitive fluorescent probe FluoZin-3 was used to quantify the amount of labile zinc in peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated from human blood. Maximal fluorescence and autofluorescence of the probe were measured after the addition of zinc in the presence of the ionophore pyrithione, or the membrane-permeant chelator N,N,N',N'-tetrakis-(2-pyridyl-methyl)ethylenediamine, respectively. In this way, the intracellular concentrations of labile zinc in resting cells were estimated to be 0.17 nM in monocytes and 0.35 nM in lymphocytes. The method was successfully employed to monitor phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced zinc release, which occurred in monocytes but not lymphocytes, and the displacement of protein-bound zinc by the mercury-containing compounds HgCl(2) and thimerosal. Costaining with dyes that emit at higher wavelengths than FluoZin-3 allows multiparameter measurements. Two combinations with other dyes are shown: loading with propidium iodide to measure cellular viability and labeling with antibodies against the surface antigen CD4. This method allows measurement of the concentration of biologically active labile zinc in distinct cell populations. 相似文献
M. A. Lysák M. Dolez˘elová J. P. Horry R. Swennen J. Dolez˘el 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1999,98(8):1344-1350
Nuclear genome size variation was studied in Musa acuminata (A genome), Musa balbisiana (B genome) and a range of triploid clones differing in genomic constitution (i.e. the relative number of A and B genomes).
Nuclear DNA content was estimated by flow cytometry of nuclei stained by propidium iodide. The A and B genomes of Musa differ in size, the B genome being smaller by 12% on average. No variation in genome size was found among the accessions
of M. balbisiana (average genome size 537 Mbp). Small, but statistically significant, variation was found among the subspecies and clones
of M. acuminata (ranging from 591 to 615 Mbp). This difference may relate to the geographical origin of the individual accessions. Larger
variation in genome size (8.8%) was found among the triploid Musa accessions (ranging from 559 to 613 Mbp). This variation may be due to different genomic constitutions as well as to differences
in the size of their A genomes. It is proposed that a comparative analysis of genome size in diploids and triploids may be
helpful in identifying putative diploid progenitors of cultivated triploid Musa clones. Statistical analysis of data on genome size resulted in a grouping which agreed fairly well with the generally accepted
taxonomic classification of Musa.
Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 29 September 1998 相似文献
Flow cytometric analysis of the localization of Helicobacter pylori antigens during different growth phases 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Previous studies on the localization of several different Helicobacter pylori antigens have been contradictory. We have therefore examined by using both one- and two-color flow cytometry (FCM), immunofluorescence (IF), and immunoelectron microscopy (IEM), the possible surface localization of some H. pylori antigens that may be important virulence factors. All four methods detected the lipopolysaccharide and the N-acetyl-neuroaminyllactose-binding hemagglutinin protein (HpaA) as surface-exposed, while the urease enzyme was not detected at all and the neutrophil activating protein only in low concentration on the surface of the H. pylori bacteria during culture of H. pylori in liquid broth for 11 days. The FCM analysis was found to be quite sensitive and specific and also extremely fast compared with IF and IEM, and therefore the preferred method for detection of surface-localized antigens of H. pylori. 相似文献
Abstract Flow cytometry employing several vital stains was used to study the colonisation of sterile compost by Bacillus subtilis 168 (pAB224). The dyes used included rhodamine 123 (Rh123), carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) and chemchrome B. The results demonstrated the ability of flow cytometry to detect and enumerate viable bacteria in filtered compost extracts. Flow cytometry was also used to detect and study the viability of an indigenous compost community. Although it was possible to detect a viable bacterial population, the numbers of viable bacteria estimated were significantly different to those estimated from cfu. 相似文献
Isolation and characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells from adult mouse bone marrow 总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40
Tropel P Noël D Platet N Legrand P Benabid AL Berger F 《Experimental cell research》2004,295(2):395-406
The future use of adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for human therapies depends on the establishment of preclinical studies with other mammals such as mouse. Surprisingly, purification and characterisation of murine MSCs were only poorly documented. The aim of this study was to purify mouse MSCs from adult bone marrow and to functionally characterise their abilities to differentiate along diverse lineages. Adherent cells from adult C57Bl/6J mouse bone marrow were depleted of granulo-monocytic cells and subsequently allowed to grow on fibronectin-coated dishes in presence of fetal bovine serum and growth factors. The growing fibroblastoid cell population primarily consisted of spindle- and star-shaped cells with significant renewal capacity as they were cultured until 30 passages (about 60 doubling population). We fully demonstrated the MSC phenotype of these cells by inducing them to differentiate along osteoblastic, adipocytic, and chondrocytic pathways. Mouse MSCs (mMSCs) sharing the same morphological and functional characteristics as human MSCs can be successfully isolated from adult bone marrow without previous mouse or bone marrow treatment. Therefore, mMSCs will be an important tool to study the in vivo behaviour and fate of this cell type after grafting in mouse pathology models. 相似文献
Development of liver regenerative therapy using glycoside-modified bone marrow cells 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Misawa R Ise H Takahashi M Morimoto H Kobayashi E Miyagawa S Ikeda U 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》2006,342(2):434-440
Several recent studies have reported that bone marrow cells (BMCs) have the ability to generate functional hepatocytes. However, the efficiency at which BMC transplantation generates functional hepatocytes is rather low. We assumed that if BMCs accumulated directly in liver, the functional BMC-derived hepatocytes should increase efficiently. We tried to increase the accumulation of BMCs directly in liver through the interaction between hepatic asialoglycoprotein receptor and desialylated BMCs. Desialylated BMCs were produced with treatment of neuraminidase. Desialylated BMCs that expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP) were injected into Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rats, a human Wilson's disease model, intravenously. At 3 and 5 months after transplantation, GFP-expressing hepatocyte nodules appeared in the liver of these BMC-transplanted LEC rats. These findings suggest that the functional BMC-derived hepatocytes can be generated by the direct accumulation of BMCs and that this strategy is new BMC therapy for liver regeneration. 相似文献
The mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay is anin vivo test commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry to evaluate the genotoxic potential of new compounds. The test detects agent-induced chromosomal damage or damage of the mitotic spindle apparatus. In this paper the state-of-the-art in automated rodent micronucleus evaluation using computerized image analyis in combination with high-quality slides obtained by the cellulose column fractionation technique is reviewed. The latter allows the effective removal of nucleated cells from rodent bone marrow. It has been found that automatic micronucleus scoring with the Leitz MIAC image analyzer is substantially faster than labor-intensive manual analysis. Automatic scoring can be performed overnight for up to 16 slides. We have been successfully using automatic micronucleus analysis for the testing of new pharmaceutical drugs for more than 3 years.Abbreviations MNE
NCE containing micronuclei
PCE containing micronuclei
normochromatic erythrocyte
polychromatic erythrocyte
deceased on 25 May 1994 相似文献