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Conifer needles are typically long lived and can host a diverse community of fungal species with various effects on their host tree. The purpose of this study was to analyse shifts in the fungal community of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles on different spatial scales using 454 pyrosequencing. The fungal community composition changed gradually along a north-south gradient through Sweden, representing boreal to temperate vegetation zones. OTU richness and Shannon's diversity index increased with increasing latitude, but only in naturally regenerated forests. On the tree level, needles with symptoms of disease hosted a more diverse mycobiota compared to healthy needles, presumably supporting more pathogenic or saprotrophic species. This study provides a better insight into the patterns of fungal communities of Scots pine needles and highlights the need for further experimental research to identify specific environmental factors shaping the abundance of different fungal species.  相似文献   

A diverse range of fungi associate with ectomycorrhizal (EcM) root tips, however, their identity and the biotic and abiotic filters structuring these communities remain unknown. We employed a metabarcoding approach to characterize fungal communities associating with the EcM root tips of Quercus rubra along a natural soil nitrogen gradient. EcM communities and ectomycorrhizal associated fungi (EcAF) were tightly linked across the breadth of the soil gradient. Notably, EcAF communities were primarily shaped by the morphological attributes of EcM communities, particularly the relative abundance of EcM taxa forming rhizomorphic hyphae. Edaphic properties (soil C:N and net N mineralization) exerted minimal influence, suggesting a strong role of biotic interactions in EcAF community assembly. The presence of plants forming ericoid mycorrhizal associations also shapes the prevalence of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi associating with EcM root tips. Overall, EcAF communities were dominated by helotialean fungi, ericoid mycorrhizal fungi, dark septate endophytes, and the white-rot fungi Mycena.  相似文献   

Protozoan communities around roots with different types of ectomycorrhizae were distinct. These protozoan communities differed both qualitatively and quantitatively with the host (Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Picea sitchensis, Tsuga heterophylla and Abies grandis) and the ectomycorrhizal fungal species. Based on the species identified and the numbers of individuals of each species, six communities of protozoa were found associated with specific ectomycorrhizae. Previous researchers have shown that mycorrhizal colonization of roots alters the amounts and types of exudates produced by roots, which in turn alters the bacterial community present. Most likely, mycorrhizal colonization of roots influences the protozoan community around roots by controlling the bacterial community. However, the protozoan community may in turn influence the successional dynamics of ectomycorrhizal fungi on different host root systems by a variety of mechanisms. These mechanisms could include: (1) preying upon individuals and perhaps removing particular species of bacteria from the mycorrhizosphere; and (2) controlling nitrogen mineralization in the rhizosphere. Further work needs to be performed to determine the interaction between these quadrate (plant-bacteria-fungi-protozoa) associations.  相似文献   

Plant host species is considered an important factor influencing ectomycorrhizal (EM) communities. To gain insights into the role of host species in structuring EM communities, EM communities on sympatric oak (Quercus) species were compared in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California. Using molecular methods (polymerase chain reaction, cloning, restriction fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequencing), EM fungi on roots of deciduous Quercus douglasii and evergreen Quercus wislizeni trees were identified from 64 soil cores. The total EM species richness was 140, of which 40 taxa were detected on both oak hosts. Greater diversity and frequency of EM fungi with epigeous fruiting habit were found on Q. wislizeni, while taxa in the Ascomycota were more frequent and diverse on Q. douglasii. Using ordination, it was determined that both soil extractable phosphorus and oak host species explained a significant proportion of the variation in EM species distribution. These results indicate that plant host species can be an important factor influencing EM fungal community composition, even within congeneric trees.  相似文献   

Soil microbes are considered to be a key determinant of the aboveground plant community. They are not distributed uniformly in the environment, and their activity, abundance, and ecosystem functioning could vary across localities, characterized by high β-diversity. Investigating factors that contribute to high β-diversity can help infer the possible mechanisms of microbial community assembly, and predict the scale and extent of impacts that soil microbes have on the plant community. Because soil systems consist of multiple horizons (i.e., vertical stratification) associated with different soil properties, complete understanding of high β-diversity requires consideration of both horizontal and vertical spatial structures of soil microbial communities. We studied the community composition of soil fungi from the O- and A-horizons in a Castanopsis-dominated temperate forest, and compared horizontal spatial autocorrelation in species composition between the two soil horizons (O- versus A-horizons). Pyrosequencing analysis yielded 67,129 sequencing reads, summed across all the 48 forest soil samples. Clustering analysis resulted in 597 molecular operational taxonomic units (OTUs), 68 % of which were identified as fungi, represented by four phyla. The Mantel test revealed that the O-horizon communities are spatially clustered, and the observed high β-diversity was driven not only by changes in OTUs present, but also by high turnover in identities of OTUs in soil samples. Furthermore, Mantel correlogram analysis showed that the O-horizon communities resembled each other in composition within the range of 50 m, whereas the A-horizon communities lacked such horizontal autocorrelation. These differences in the scale patchiness could arise from two processes: (1) that environmental conditions could show higher heterogeneity in finer scale at the A-horizon than at the O-horizon; and/or (2) dispersal could be more frequent at the O-horizon than the A-horizon. The present study suggests that either environmental filtering (i.e., the niche-based process) or dispersal limitation (i.e., neutral process) could characterize the observed patterns of spatial clustering in the soil fungal community.  相似文献   

Fungi play a key role in soil–plant interactions, nutrient cycling and carbon flow and are essential for the functioning of arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Some studies have shown that the composition of fungal communities is highly sensitive to variations in environmental conditions, but little is known about how the conditions control the role of fungal communities (i.e., their ecosystem function). We used DNA metabarcoding to compare taxonomic and functional composition of fungal communities along a gradient of environmental severity in Northeast Greenland. We analysed soil samples from fell fields, heaths and snowbeds, three habitats with very contrasting abiotic conditions. We also assessed within‐habitat differences by comparing three widespread microhabitats (patches with high cover of Dryas, Salix, or bare soil). The data suggest that, along the sampled mesotopographic gradient, the greatest differences in both fungal richness and community composition are observed amongst habitats, while the effect of microhabitat is weaker, although still significant. Furthermore, we found that richness and community composition of fungi are shaped primarily by abiotic factors and to a lesser, though still significant extent, by floristic composition. Along this mesotopographic gradient, environmental severity is strongly correlated with richness in all fungal functional groups: positively in saprotrophic, pathogenic and lichenised fungi, and negatively in ectomycorrhizal and root endophytic fungi. Our results suggest complex interactions amongst functional groups, possibly due to nutrient limitation or competitive exclusion, with potential implications on soil carbon stocks. These findings are important in the light of the environmental changes predicted for the Arctic.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of microbial communities have been extensively surveyed in well‐developed soils, but few studies investigated the vertical distribution of micro‐organisms in newly developed soils after glacier retreat. We used 454‐pyrosequencing to assess whether bacterial and fungal community structures differed between stages of soil development (SSD) characterized by an increasing vegetation cover from barren (vegetation cover: 0%/age: 10 years), sparsely vegetated (13%/60 years), transient (60%/80 years) to vegetated (95%/110 years) and depths (surface, 5 and 20 cm) along the Damma glacier forefield (Switzerland). The SSD significantly influenced the bacterial and fungal communities. Based on indicator species analyses, metabolically versatile bacteria (e.g. Geobacter) and psychrophilic yeasts (e.g. Mrakia) characterized the barren soils. Vegetated soils with higher C, N and root biomass consisted of bacteria able to degrade complex organic compounds (e.g. Candidatus Solibacter), lignocellulolytic Ascomycota (e.g. Geoglossum) and ectomycorrhizal Basidiomycota (e.g. Laccaria). Soil depth only influenced bacterial and fungal communities in barren and sparsely vegetated soils. These changes were partly due to more silt and higher soil moisture in the surface. In both soil ages, the surface was characterized by OTUs affiliated to Phormidium and Sphingobacteriales. In lower depths, however, bacterial and fungal communities differed between SSD. Lower depths of sparsely vegetated soils consisted of OTUs affiliated to Acidobacteria and Geoglossum, whereas depths of barren soils were characterized by OTUs related to Gemmatimonadetes. Overall, plant establishment drives the soil microbiota along the successional gradient but does not influence the vertical distribution of microbiota in recently deglaciated soils.  相似文献   

Deciduous forests may respond differently from coniferous forests to the anthropogenic deposition of nitrogen (N). Since fungi, especially ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, are known to be negatively affected by N deposition, the effects of N deposition on the soil microbial community, total fungal biomass and mycelial growth of EM fungi were studied in oak-dominated deciduous forests along a nitrogen deposition gradient in southern Sweden. In-growth mesh bags were used to estimate the production of mycelia by EM fungi in 19 oak stands in the N deposition gradient, and the results were compared with nitrate leaching data obtained previously. Soil samples from 154 oak forest sites were analysed regarding the content of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Thirty PLFAs associated with microbes were analysed and the PLFA 18:2ω6,9 was used as an indicator to estimate the total fungal biomass. Higher N deposition (20 kg N ha−1 y−1 compared with 10 kg N ha−1 y−1) tended to reduce EM mycelial growth. The total soil fungal biomass was not affected by N deposition or soil pH, while the PLFA 16:1ω5, a biomarker for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, was negatively affected by N deposition, but also positively correlated to soil pH. Other PLFAs positively affected by soil pH were, e.g., i14:0, a15:0, 16:1ω9, a17:0 and 18:1ω7, while some were negatively affected by pH, such as i15:0, 16:1ω7t, 10Me17:0 and cy19:0. In addition, N deposition had an effect on the PLFAs 16:1ω7c and 16:1ω9 (negatively) and cy19:0 (positively). The production of EM mycelia is probably more sensitive to N deposition than total fungal biomass according to the fungal biomarker PLFA 18:2ω6,9. Low amounts of EM mycelia covaried with increased nitrate leaching, suggesting that EM mycelia possibly play an important role in forest soil N retention at increased N input.  相似文献   

Molecular methods based on soil DNA extracts are increasingly being used to study the fungal diversity of ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungal communities in soil. Contrary to EM root tip identification, the use of molecular methods enables identification of extramatrical mycelia in soil. To compare fungal diversity as determined by root tip identification and mycelial identification, six soil samples were analysed. Root tips were extracted from the six samples and after amplification, the basidiomycete diversity on the root tips was analysed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The soil from the six samples was sieved, total soil DNA was extracted and after amplification, the basidiomycete diversity in the soil fractions was analysed by DGGE. Fourteen different bands were excised from the DGGE gel and sequenced; fungal taxon names could be assigned to eight bands. Out of a total of 14 fungal taxa detected in soil, 11 fungal taxa were found on root tips, of which seven were EM fungal taxa. To examine whether the sieving treatment would affect EM species diversity, two different sieve mesh sizes were used and in addition, the organic soil fraction was analysed separately. DGGE analysis showed no differences in banding pattern for the different soil fractions. The organic fraction gave the highest DGGE band intensities. This work demonstrates that there is a high correspondence between basidiomycete diversity detected by molecular analysis of root tips and soil samples, irrespective of the soil fraction being analysed.  相似文献   

Soil abiotic factors are considered to be important in determining the distribution of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal species; however, there are few field data to support this. Here, we relate ECM species distributions to changes in soil chemistry along a short (90-m), natural nutrient gradient. The ECM community was characterized, using morphological and molecular techniques, in soil samples collected at 10-m intervals. There were pronounced changes in ECM fungal community structure along the transect, with many taxa showing discrete distributions. Although there was a change of host from Pinus to Picea along the gradient, host-specific fungi did not account for the observed change in community structure. Ordination analyses showed that community structure was strongly correlated with soil characteristics, in particular extractable ammonium and base saturation. However, autocorrelation among soil parameters makes it difficult to isolate the effects of individual parameters. The distinctive changes in soil and vegetation along the transect used in this study provided an exceptional opportunity to examine the local-scale impact of natural spatial heterogeneity on an ECM fungal community.  相似文献   

周文萍  向丹  胡亚军  李志芳  陈保冬 《生态学报》2013,33(11):3383-3393
为探明人为干扰对草地生态系统生态恢复的影响,以不同放牧强度试验草地为研究对象,调查了围封14a后草地植物群落的多样性,并应用第二代高通量测序技术454测序法分析了植物根际土壤中AM真菌的群落结构。研究结果显示,14a围封保育使得不同放牧强度小区与长期封育小区植被盖度及植物多样性指数基本恢复至同一水平。土壤速效磷含量在重度放牧小区最低(1.00 mg/kg),轻度放牧区最高(2.25 mg/kg),其它土壤理化性质指标在不同小区之间没有显著差异。通过分子鉴定发现所有土壤样品中AM真菌共有87个分类单元(VT),隶属于Diversispora、Otospora、Scutellospora、Glomeraceae Glomus、Rhizophagus、Paraglomus和Archaeospora等7个属。对不同放牧强度小区AM真菌进行多样性分析,结果表明长期封育小区AM真菌Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数最低,且显著低于中度放牧区,而AM真菌多样性在各放牧小区之间差异不显著。本研究表明长期围封可以有效促进退化草地植物群落的恢复,而AM真菌表现出与植物群落恢复的不同步性。对于草地生态系统退化及恢复过程中植物和土壤功能微生物类群的协同关系还需要进一步系统深入的研究。  相似文献   

Maize, genetically modified with the insect toxin genes of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), is widely cultivated, yet its impacts on soil organisms are poorly understood. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiotic associations with plant roots and may be uniquely sensitive to genetic changes within a plant host. In this field study, the effects of nine different lines of Bt maize and their corresponding non‐Bt parental isolines were evaluated on AMF colonization and community diversity in plant roots. Plants were harvested 60 days after sowing, and data were collected on plant growth and per cent AMF colonization of roots. AMF community composition in roots was assessed using 454 pyrosequencing of the 28S rRNA genes, and spatial variation in mycorrhizal communities within replicated experimental field plots was examined. Growth responses, per cent AMF colonization of roots and AMF community diversity in roots did not differ between Bt and non‐Bt maize, but root and shoot biomass and per cent colonization by arbuscules varied by maize cultivar. Plot identity had the most significant effect on plant growth, AMF colonization and AMF community composition in roots, indicating spatial heterogeneity in the field. Mycorrhizal fungal communities in maize roots were autocorrelated within approximately 1 m, but at greater distances, AMF community composition of roots differed between plants. Our findings indicate that spatial variation and heterogeneity in the field has a greater effect on the structure of AMF communities than host plant cultivar or modification by Bt toxin genes.  相似文献   

Fungal communities play a key role in ecosystem functioning. However, only little is known about their composition in plant roots and the soil of biomass plantations. The goal of this study was to analyze fungal biodiversity in their belowground habitats and to gain information on the strategies by which ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi form colonies. In a 2-year-old plantation, fungal communities in the soil and roots of three different poplar genotypes (Populus × canescens, wildtype and two transgenic lines with suppressed cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity) were analyzed by 454 pyrosequencing targeting the rDNA internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS) region. The results were compared with the dynamics of the root-associated ECM community studied by morphotyping/Sanger sequencing in two subsequent years. Fungal species and family richness in the soil were surprisingly high in this simple plantation ecosystem, with 5944 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 186 described fungal families. These findings indicate the importance that fungal species are already available for colonization of plant roots (2399 OTUs and 115 families). The transgenic modification of poplar plants had no influence on fungal root or soil communities. Fungal families and OTUs were more evenly distributed in the soil than in roots, probably as a result of soil plowing before the establishment of the plantation. Saprophytic, pathogenic, and endophytic fungi were the dominating groups in soil, whereas ECMs were dominant in roots (87%). Arbuscular mycorrhizal diversity was higher in soil than in roots. Species richness of the root-associated ECM community, which was low compared with ECM fungi detected by 454 analyses, increased after 1 year. This increase was mainly caused by ECM fungal species already traced in the preceding year in roots. This result supports the priority concept that ECMs present on roots have a competitive advantage over soil-localized ECM fungi.  相似文献   

Studying patterns of species distributions along elevation gradients is frequently used to identify the primary factors that determine the distribution, diversity and assembly of species. However, despite their crucial role in ecosystem functioning, our understanding of the distribution of below‐ground fungi is still limited, calling for more comprehensive studies of fungal biogeography along environmental gradients at various scales (from regional to global). Here, we investigated the richness of taxa of soil fungi and their phylogenetic diversity across a wide range of grassland types along a 2800 m elevation gradient at a large number of sites (213), stratified across a region of the Western Swiss Alps (700 km2). We used 454 pyrosequencing to obtain fungal sequences that were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The OTU diversity–area relationship revealed uneven distribution of fungal taxa across the study area (i.e. not all taxa are everywhere) and fine‐scale spatial clustering. Fungal richness and phylogenetic diversity were found to be higher in lower temperatures and higher moisture conditions. Climatic and soil characteristics as well as plant community composition were related to OTU alpha, beta and phylogenetic diversity, with distinct fungal lineages suggesting distinct ecological tolerances. Soil fungi, thus, show lineage‐specific biogeographic patterns, even at a regional scale, and follow environmental determinism, mediated by interactions with plants.  相似文献   

With the expansion of cities around the world there is a growing interest in the factors that influence biodiversity and ecosystem processes in urban areas. Fungi are exceptionally diverse and play key roles in ecosystem function, yet despite predictions of negative impacts due to urbanization, fungi have been generally overlooked in urban ecological studies. We surveyed fungi in 16 remnant river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis: Myrtaceae) woodlands along a gradient of 4–35 km from the city of Melbourne (south‐east Australia). Using both sporocarp surveys and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T‐RFLP; primer pair ITS1‐F‐ITS4), we examined relationships between fungal community composition, landscape context (i.e. urbanization) and soil physicochemical properties. Community compositions from sporocarp data were significantly correlated with those from T‐RFLP data, largely because of correlations with ectomycorrhizal sporocarps (Spearman rank correlation coefficients ρ 0.31–0.42) rather than saprotrophic fungi (ρ 0.18–0.21). Principal components analysis of soil properties and non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordinations of fungal community composition showed no clear separation of sites according to urbanization, and there were no significant correlations between fungal community composition and urbanization. However, fungal community composition was significantly correlated with soil chemical properties (ρ 0.41–0.55). These data suggest that site‐scale soil properties, and associated effects of past and current land management activities, were more important in determining fungal community composition than the landscape‐level influences of urbanization.  相似文献   

Plant hybridization is common and important in ecological and economic contexts, however little is known about the impact of plant hybridization on ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) communities in natural habitats. We used a Populus hybrid system (P. angustifolia x P. fremontii) in a heterogeneous riparian landscape to address the hypothesis that EMF communities differ among hybrids and their parental species (cross types). Several key results emerged. (1) Cross type influenced EMF composition, with communities on hybrids being distinct from their parents. (2) Cross type influenced the composition of hyphal exploration types important for soil resource foraging, although contact and short distance exploration types were dominant on all cross types. (3) Cross type had a marginal influence on EMF colonization, with P. angustifolia highest and P. fremontii lowest. These results highlight the potential for tree hybridization to structure belowground communities in heterogeneous natural ecosystems.  相似文献   

The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is a key plant–microbe interaction in sustainable functioning ecosystems. Increasing anthropogenic disturbance poses a threat to AM fungal communities worldwide, but there is little empirical evidence about its potential negative consequences. In this global study, we sequenced AM fungal DNA in soil samples collected from pairs of natural (undisturbed) and anthropogenic (disturbed) plots in two ecosystem types (10 naturally wooded and six naturally unwooded ecosystems). We found that ecosystem type had stronger directional effects than anthropogenic disturbance on AM fungal alpha and beta diversity. However, disturbance increased alpha and beta diversity at sites where natural diversity was low and decreased diversity at sites where natural diversity was high. Cultured AM fungal taxa were more prevalent in anthropogenic than natural plots, probably due to their efficient colonization strategies and ability to recover from disturbance. We conclude that anthropogenic disturbance does not have a consistent directional effect on AM fungal diversity; rather, disturbance equalizes levels of diversity at large scales and causes changes in community functional structure.  相似文献   

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