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广东楝科植物分类的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文是对广东楝科植物种类的初步整理、研究,记载了16属33种7交种,包括本省产的13属27种7变种和外来引种的3属6种。其中有1个新变种(封开地黄连Munronia hainanensis How et T. Chen var. microphyllina X. M. Chen),3个新组合(曾椤Amoora tsangii (Merr.) X. M. Chen, 雷楝Reinwardtiodendron dubium (Merr.) X. M. Chen, 毛香椿Toona sinensis (A. Juss.) M. J. Roem. var. schensiana (C. DC.) X. M. Chen), 3个分布新记录[雷楝属Reinwardtiodendron (我国新记录),鹧鸪花Trichilia connaroides (W. et A.) Bentv. var. connaroides(广东新记录),海南(木坚)木Dysoxylvm hainanense Merr. var. hainanense(广东大陆新记录)].  相似文献   

Generalized Procrustes Analysis is frequently used to find a consensus from sensory panel data. Recently King and Arents (1991) have proposed a goodness of fit of the consensus configuration based on Monte-Carlo simulations. A modified test is developed that retains the original assessor configurations by permutation of the data rows. This leads to a more powerful statistical test as is shown by application to data collected in the free-choice profiling of eight milk products.  相似文献   

One of the criteria sometimes used in distinguishing species in the genus Pandanus has been the number of carpels which make up each phalange of the fruit. An investigation of the dependability of this criterion yielded results which do not invalidate its use, but its applicability is restricted. In addition a more precise method of obtaining the information required for the use of the criterion is described, involving counts of carpels-per-phalange and phalanges-per-cephalium based on whole-cephalium samples. Graphs illustrate some of the variation with respect to carpel number in certain species of the genus. A specific example of the application of the criterion is provided, as are several other examples without detailed data. Cautious use of and limited dependence on the criterion are suggested, and some cases of variation in carpel number within one species are cited. Like all other taxonomic criteria, it should be used in conjunction with all other data and its applicability evaluated for each particular taxonomic case rather than depended upon for quick solutions to taxonomic problems.  相似文献   

棕头鸦雀分类问题商榷   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩联宪 《动物学研究》1991,12(2):117-124
棕头鸦雀的分类有过几次较为系统的整理研究。因其飞羽外缘有栗红色与褐色两种类型,前者又可分为红胸、灰胸两类群,故在分类上各学者持有不同意见。或将其分为3个种,或归并为1种。本文依据作者工作结果,从地理分布、形态及骨骼性状进行分析研究,认为棕头鸦雀具栗红翅缘的红胸、灰胸两类群在中国西南地区的云、贵、川三省的亚种分布接触地带彼此混交并有居间个体,不应独立为两个不同种。栗红翅缘褐色翅缘两大类群尚未发现重叠分布,形态明显间断,一直未见有中间类型。两大类群在头骨的泪骨突起和方骨形态上有明显差异,建议将它们分为Paradoxornis webbianus和paradoxornis brunneus。前者再分为红胸、灰胸两亚种组。对少数有争议的亚种也提出了处理意见。  相似文献   

BORON IN CITRUS TREES   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Haas AR 《Plant physiology》1945,20(3):323-343

Cluster analysis by four methods, ordination by principal component analysis (PCA) and simulation of evolutionary trees (Wagner Trees) were performed on morphological data from 43 characters of eight species of the South American genus Bulnesia (Zygophyllaceae). The results of cluster analysis and principal component analysis in general agree and show that there are three pairs of taxa that appear, or obviously are, closely related. These are the pairs B. arborea–B. carrapo, B. foliosa–B. schickendantzii and B. retama–B. chilensis. These methods also indicate that the southern species B. bonariensis occupies an intermediate position between the pair of northern tropical species (B. arborea, B. carrapo) and the remaining southern species. From the beginning it was assumed that these three multifoliolate species with large flowers may be rather primitive. The Prim network indicates that these three species are closely related among themselves. Also in two of the three Wagner Trees they are placed in a group. In all cases B. sarmientoi is shown as the more remote and isolated of all species. It is regarded as a unique, specialized arboreal species showing extreme reduction in number of leaflets and carpels, leaf and flower size, etc. All graphic representations (Fig. 1–3) show the phenetic similarity or the close phylogenetic relationships of the pairs B. foliosa–B. schickendantzii and B. retama–B. chilensis to each other. These four species would represent a rather advanced group. The most xerophytic species B. retama and B. chilensis are regarded as the most advanced taxa and the most specialized histophysiologically. These occupy extreme and distant positions in PCA diagrams and Prim network, and top positions in the Wagner Trees.  相似文献   

西藏块菌属的分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道产于西藏的块菌属3种,包括2个新种和1个新记录种。新种是刘氏块菌TuberliuiA.S.Xusp.nov.和西藏块菌TuberxizangenseA.S.Xusp.nov,新记录种是少孢块菌Tuberoligospermum(Tul.&C.Tul.)Trappe.标本全部保存于西藏高原生态研究所标本室(HXZE)。  相似文献   

用R聚类分析和主分量分析,定量研究了湖北菱科5种8变种37个形态和生态性状的变异及分类学价值。结果表明,植物体大小变异是形态演化的主要方向之一。形态演化的同时,也发生生态分化。除少数性状例外,形态演化与生态分化在相当程度上是独立的。  相似文献   

经研究整理,我国蛇床属(Cnidium Cuss.)植物有4种,2变种:蛇床(C.monnieri(L.)Cuss.),碱蛇床(C.salinum Turcz.),兴安蛇床(C.dahuricum(Jacq.)Turcz.ex Fisch.et Mey.),滨蛇床(C.japonicum Miq.),台湾蛇床(C.monnieri var.formosana(Yabe)Kitag.)和根茎碱蛇床(C.salinum var.rhizomaticum Ma),对原属蛇床属的两个种做了名称新组合:辛家山亮蛇床(Selinum sinchianum(Fu)Yuan et Li),无油管亮蛇床(Selinum nullivittatum(Fu)Yuan et Li)。对上述种类进行了分类研究、果实显微及扫描电镜观察和花粉粒扫描电镜观察。  相似文献   

云南复叶耳蕨属的分类修订   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究了云南产复叶耳蕨属植物,提出了新的分类处理。云南共有本属植物20种2变种,其中包括1新组,3个改级新组合,7个云南分布新记录,并清理出了54个云南及其他省区种类的新异名。  相似文献   

樊国盛  徐永椿   《广西植物》1989,9(1):31-33
<正> 本分类群最早由Miquel(1859)建立Bennettia属,以后Bentham和J. D.Hooker在Genera Plantarum中,Warburg(1893),Gilg(1925)在Engl.u.Prantl Nat.Pflanzenfam.的第一、第二版中均采用了此学名作为本类群的合法有效之名称。由于S.F.Gray(1821)在大戟科Euphorbiaceae中定了一属,名Bennettia,接着C. R.Brown(1852)在菊科Compositae中也定了一属,名Bennettia,虽然后来Bennettia在大戟科和  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜观察了伞形科东俄芹属(TongoloaH.Wolff)7个种的花粉形态,结果表明:除宜昌东俄芹T.dunnii(Boissieu)H.Wolff和城口东俄芹T.silaifolia(Boissieu)H.wolff的花粉为矩形类型外,其它几种的为菱形类型,然而并非都是原始的或典型的菱形,而是处于分化过程中的菱形类型,如纤细东俄芹T.gracilisH.Wolff,大东俄芹T.elataH.Wolff的花粉形态,表现出近菱形、近椭圆形和近矩形的特征,在我们近期的工作中曾涉及滇芎属PhysospermopsisH.Wolff类似的花粉形态及分化情况,从花粉资料启示,东俄芹属可能与滇芎属近缘。  相似文献   

中国胶锈属的分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告我国胶锈属15种,包括中国特有种4种,其中青城山胶锈(Gymnosporangium tsingchenensis)的冬孢子为单胞,是胶锈属在全世界已知种中唯一具有单胞冬孢子的种。另有4种为我国新记录,它们是杜松胶锈(G.cornutum、褐色胶锈(G.fuscum)、高又曼胶锈(G.gaeumannii)和鸟巢状胶锈(G.nidus-avis)。高又曼胶锈是在我国报告的唯一具有夏孢阶段的种。  相似文献   

中国粗叶木属(茜草科)植物的分类研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文修订了中国产粗叶木属植物,共记录31种、4亚种和10变种。其中,报道了一个新种、1个新亚种、2个新变种、8个新组合和9个分布新记录,新归并学名12个,并且对中国粗叶木属植物文献记载中的一些错误和混淆作了澄清。  相似文献   

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