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Knowledge about the vertical movement of a protein with respect to the lipid bilayer plane is important to understand protein functionality in the biological membrane. In this work, the vertical displacement of bacteriophage M13 major coat protein in a lipid bilayer is used as a model system to study the molecular details of its anchoring mechanism in a homologue series of lipids with the same polar head group but different hydrophobic chain length. The major coat proteins were reconstituted into 14:1PC, 16:1PC, 18:1PC, 20:1PC, and 22:1PC bilayers, and the fluorescence spectra were measured of the intrinsic tryptophan at position 26 and BADAN attached to an introduced cysteine at position 46, located at the opposite ends of the transmembrane helix. The fluorescence maximum of tryptophan shifted for 700 cm-1 on going from 14:1PC to 22:1PC, the corresponding shift of the fluorescence maximum of BADAN at position 46 was approximately 10 times less (∼ 70 cm-1). Quenching of fluorescence with the spin label CAT 1 indicates that the tryptophan is becoming progressively inaccessible for the quencher with increasing bilayer thickness, whereas quenching of BADAN attached to the T46C mutant remained approximately unchanged. This supports the idea that the BADAN probe at position 46 remains at the same depth in the bilayer irrespective of its thickness and clearly indicates an asymmetrical nature of the protein dipping in the lipid bilayer. The anchoring strength at the C-terminal domain of the protein (provided by two phenylalanine residues together with four lysine residues) was estimated to be roughly 5 times larger than the anchoring strength of the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   

We have examined the kinetics of the adsorption of melittin, a secondary amphipathic peptide extracted from bee venom, on lipid membranes using three independent and complementary approaches. We probed (i) the change in the polarity of the 19Trp of the peptide upon binding, (ii) the insertion of this residue in the apolar core of the membrane, measuring the 19Trp-fluorescence quenching by bromine atoms attached on lipid acyl chains, and (iii) the folding of the peptide, by circular dichroism (CD). We report a tight coupling of the insertion of the peptide with its folding as an α-helix. For all the investigated membrane systems (cholesterol-containing, phosphoglycerol-containing, and pure phosphocholine bilayers), the decrease in the polarity of 19Trp was found to be significantly faster than the increase in the helical content of melittin. Therefore, from a kinetics point of view, the formation of the α-helix is a consequence of the insertion of melittin. The rate of melittin folding was found to be influenced by the lipid composition of the bilayer and we propose that this was achieved by the modulation of the kinetics of insertion. The study reports a clear example of the coupling existing between protein penetration and folding, an interconnection that must be considered in the general scheme of membrane protein folding.  相似文献   

The specific volumes of six 1,2-diacylphosphatidylcholines with monounsaturated acyl chains (diCn:1PC, n=14-24 is the even number of acyl chain carbons) in fluid bilayers in multilamellar vesicles dispersed in H(2)O were determined by the vibrating tube densitometry as a function of temperature. From the data obtained with diCn:1PC (n=14-22) vesicles in combination with the densitometric data from Tristram-Nagle et al. [Tristram-Nagle, S., Petrache, H.I., Nagle, J.F., 1998. Structure and interactions of fully hydrated dioleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. Biophys. J. 75, 917-925.] and Koenig and Gawrisch [Koenig, B.W., Gawrisch, K., 2005. Specific volumes of unsaturated phosphatidylcholines in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1715, 65-70.], the component volumes of phosphatidylcholines in fully hydrated fluid bilayers at 30 degrees C were obtained. The volume of the acyl chain CH and CH(2) group is V(CH)=22.30 A(3) and V(CH2) =A(3), respectively. The volume of the headgroup including the glyceryl and acyl carbonyls, V(H), and the ratio of acyl chain methyl and methylene group volumes, r=V(CH3):V(CH2) are linearly interdependent: V(H)=a-br, where a=434.41 A(3) and b=-55.36 A(3) at 30 degrees C. From the temperature dependencies of component volumes, their isobaric thermal expansivities (alpha(X)=V(X)(-1)(partial differential V(X)/ partial differential T) where X=CH(2), CH, or H were calculated: alpha(CH2)=118.4x10(-5)K(-1), alpha(CH)=71.0x10(-5)K(-1), alpha(H)=7.9x10(-5)K(-1) (for r=2) and alpha(H)=9.6x10(-5)K(-1) (for r=1.9). The specific volume of diC24:1PC changes at the main gel-fluid phase transition temperature, t(m)=26.7 degrees C, by 0.0621 ml/g, its specific volume is 0.9561 and 1.02634 ml/g at 20 and 30 degrees C, respectively, and its isobaric thermal expansivity alpha=68.7x10(-5) and 109.2x10(-5)K(-1) below and above t(m), respectively. The component volumes and thermal expansivities obtained can be used for the interpretation of X-ray and neutron scattering and diffraction experiments and for the guiding and testing molecular dynamics simulations of phosphatidylcholine bilayers in the fluid state.  相似文献   

A good understanding of cell membrane properties is crucial for better controlled and reproducible experiments, particularly for cell electroporation where the mechanism of pore formation is not fully elucidated. In this article we study the influence on that process of several constituents found in natural membranes using bilayer lipid membranes. This is achieved by measuring the electroporation threshold (Vth) defined as the potential at which pores appear in the membrane. We start from highly stable 1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPhPC) membranes (Vth ∼ 200 mV), and subsequently add therein other phospholipids, cholesterol and a channel protein. While the phospholipid composition has a slight effect (100 mV ≤ Vth ≤ 290 mV), cholesterol gives a concentration-dependent effect: a slight stabilization until 5% weight (Vth ∼ 250 mV) followed by a noticeable destabilization (Vth ∼ 100 mV at 20%). Interestingly, the presence of a model protein, α-hemolysin, dramatically disfavours membrane poration and Vth shows a 4-fold increase (∼ 800 mV) from a protein density in the membrane of 24 × 10− 3 proteins/μm2. In general, we find that pore formation is affected by the molecular organization (packing and ordering) in the membrane and by its thickness. We correlate the resulting changes in molecular interactions to theories on pore formation.  相似文献   

The work presented here describes a new and simple method based on site-directed fluorescence labeling using the BADAN label that permits the examination of protein-lipid interactions in great detail. We applied this technique to a membrane-embedded, mainly α-helical reference protein, the M13 major coat protein. Using a high-throughput approach, 40 site-specific cysteine mutants were prepared of the 50-residues long protein. The steady-state fluorescence spectra were analyzed using a three-component spectral model that enabled the separation of Stokes shift contributions from water and internal label dynamics, and protein topology. We found that most of the fluorescence originated from BADAN labels that were hydrogen-bonded to water molecules even within the hydrophobic core of the membrane. Our spectral decomposition method revealed the embedment and topology of the labeled protein in the membrane bilayer under various conditions of headgroup charge and lipid chain length, as well as key characteristics of the membrane such as hydration level and local polarity, provided by the local dielectric constant.  相似文献   

A formalism for membrane protein structure determination was developed. This method is based on steady-state FRET data and information about the position of the fluorescence maxima on site-directed fluorescent labeled proteins in combination with global data analysis utilizing simulation-based fitting. The methodology was applied to determine the structural properties of the N-terminal domain of the major coat protein from bacteriophage M13 reconstituted into unilamellar DOPC/DOPG (4:1 mol/mol) vesicles. For our purpose, the cysteine mutants A7C, A9C, N12C, S13C, Q15C, A16C, S17C, and A18C in the N-terminal domain of this protein were produced and specifically labeled with the fluorescence probe AEDANS. The energy transfer data from the natural Trp-26 to AEDANS were analyzed assuming a two-helix protein model. Furthermore, the polarity Stokes shift of the AEDANS fluorescence maxima is taken into account. As a result the orientation and tilt of the N-terminal protein domain with respect to the bilayer interface were obtained, showing for the first time, to our knowledge, an overall alpha-helical protein conformation from amino acid residues 12-46, close to the protein conformation in the intact phage.  相似文献   

The repeating unit of outer membrane beta-barrels from Gram-negative bacteria is the beta-hairpin, and representatives of this protein family always have an even strand number between eight and 22. Two dominant structural forms have eight and 16 strands, respectively, suggesting gene duplication as a possible mechanism for their evolution. We duplicated the sequence of OmpX, an eight-stranded beta-barrel protein of known structure, and obtained a beta-barrel, designated Omp2X, which can fold in vitro and in vivo. Using single-channel conductance measurements and PEG exclusion assays, we found that Omp2X has a pore size similar to that of OmpC, a natural 16-stranded barrel. Fusions of the homologous proteins OmpX, OmpA and OmpW were able to fold in vitro in all combinations tested, revealing that the general propensity to form a beta-barrel is sufficient to evolve larger barrels by simple genetic events.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides have raised much interest as pathogens become resistant against conventional antibiotics. We review biophysical studies that have been performed to better understand the interactions of linear amphipathic cationic peptides such as magainins, cecropins, dermaseptin, δ-lysin or melittin. The amphipathic character of these peptides and their interactions with membranes resemble the properties of detergent molecules and analogies between membrane-active peptide and detergents are presented. Several models have been suggested to explain the pore-forming, membrane-lytic and antibiotic activities of these peptides. Here we suggest that these might be ‘special cases’ within complicated phase diagrams describing the morphological plasticity of peptide/lipid supramolecular assemblies.  相似文献   

The specific volumes of seven 1,2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholines with symmetric, unbranched acyl chains containing one, four, or six cis double bonds per chain, or with a saturated sn-1 chain and one, four, or six cis double bonds in the sn-2 chain were determined by the neutral buoyancy method. Experiments were conducted in the liquid crystalline lamellar phase over the temperature range from 5 to 35 °C. It is demonstrated that the molecular volume of phosphatidylcholines can be well approximated as the sum of a constant volume of the polar lipid head region and the temperature-dependent volumes of hydrocarbon chain CH2, CH, and terminal CH3 groups. A linear dependence of chain segment volumes on temperature was observed. A self-consistent set of partially temperature-dependent volumes is obtained that allows prediction of phosphatidylcholine molecular volumes within very tight error margins.  相似文献   

Membrane lipids are increasingly being recognised as active participants in biological events. The precise roles that individual lipids or global properties of the lipid bilayer play in the folding of membrane proteins remain to be elucidated, Here, we find a significant effect of phosphatidylglycerol (PG) on the folding of a trimeric α helical membrane protein from Escherichia coli diacylglycerol kinase. Both the rate and the yield of folding are increased by increasing the amount of PG in lipid vesicles. Moreover, there is a direct correlation between the increase in yield and the increase in rate; thus, folding becomes more efficient in terms of speed and productivity. This effect of PG seems to be a specific requirement for this lipid, rather than a charge effect. We also find an effect of single-chain lyso lipids in decreasing the rate and yield of folding. We compare this to our previous work in which lyso lipids increased the rate and yield of another membrane protein, bacteriorhodopsin. The contrasting effect of lyso lipids on the two proteins can be explained by the different folding reaction mechanisms and key folding steps involved. Our findings provide information on the lipid determinants of membrane protein folding.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to produce 27 single cysteine mutants of bacteriophage M13 major coat protein spanning the whole primary sequence of the protein. Single-cysteine mutants were labeled with nitroxide spin labels and incorporated into phospholipid bilayers with increasing acyl chain length. The SDSL is combined with ESR and CD spectroscopy. CD spectroscopy provided information about the overall protein conformation in different mismatching lipids. The spin label ESR spectra were analyzed in terms of a new spectral simulation approach based on hybrid evolutionary optimization and solution condensation. This method gives the residue-level free rotational space (i.e., the effective space within which the spin label can wobble) and the diffusion constant of the spin label attached to the protein. The results suggest that the coat protein has a large structural flexibility, which facilitates a stable protein-to-membrane association in lipid bilayers with various degrees of hydrophobic mismatch.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclase-activating protein-2 (GCAP-2) is a retinal Ca2+ sensor protein. It is responsible for the regulation of both isoforms of the transmembrane photoreceptor guanylate cyclase, a key enzyme of vertebrate phototransduction. GCAP-2 is N-terminally myristoylated and full activation of its target proteins requires the presence of this lipid modification. The structural role of the myristoyl moiety in the interaction of GCAP-2 with the guanylate cyclases and the lipid membrane is currently not well understood. In the present work, we studied the binding of Ca2+-free myristoylated and non-myristoylated GCAP-2 to phospholipid vesicles consisting of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine or of a lipid mixture resembling the physiological membrane composition by a biochemical binding assay and 2H solid-state NMR. The NMR results clearly demonstrate the full-length insertion of the aliphatic chain of the myristoyl group into the membrane. Very similar geometrical parameters were determined from the 2H NMR spectra of the myristoyl group of GCAP-2 and the acyl chains of the host membranes, respectively. The myristoyl chain shows a moderate mobility within the lipid environment, comparable to the acyl chains of the host membrane lipids. This is in marked contrast to the behavior of other lipid-modified model proteins. Strikingly, the contribution of the myristoyl group to the free energy of membrane binding of GCAP-2 is only on the order of − 0.5 kJ/mol, and the electrostatic contribution is slightly unfavorable, which implies that the main driving forces for membrane localization arises through other, mainly hydrophobic, protein side chain-lipid interactions. These results suggest a role of the myristoyl group in the direct interaction of GCAP-2 with its target proteins, the retinal guanylate cyclases.  相似文献   

The viral channel KcvNTS belongs to the smallest K+ channels known so far. A monomer of a functional homotetramer contains only 82 amino acids. As a consequence of the small size the protein is almost fully submerged into the membrane. This suggests that the channel is presumably sensitive to its lipid environment. Here we perform a comparative analysis for the function of the channel protein embedded in three different membrane environments. 1. Single-channel currents of KcvNTS were recorded with the patch clamp method on the plasma membrane of HEK293 cells. 2. They were also measured after reconstitution of recombinant channel protein into classical planar lipid bilayers and 3. into horizontal bilayers derived from giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs). The recombinant channel protein was either expressed and purified from Pichia pastoris or from a cell-free expression system; for the latter a new approach with nanolipoprotein particles was used. The data show that single-channel activity can be recorded under all experimental conditions. The main functional features of the channel like a large single-channel conductance (80 pS), high open-probability (> 50%) and the approximate duration of open and closed dwell times are maintained in all experimental systems. An apparent difference between the approaches was only observed with respect to the unitary conductance, which was ca. 35% lower in HEK293 cells than in the other systems. The reason for this might be explained by the fact that the channel is tagged by GFP when expressed in HEK293 cells. Collectively the data demonstrate that the small viral channel exhibits a robust function in different experimental systems. This justifies an extrapolation of functional data from these systems to the potential performance of the channel in the virus/host interaction. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Viral Membrane Proteins—Channels for Cellular Networking.  相似文献   

Chicken liver bile acid-binding protein (L-BABP) binds to anionic lipid membranes by electrostatic interactions and acquires a partly folded state [Nolan, V., Perduca, M., Monaco, H., Maggio, B. and Montich, G. G. (2003) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1611, 98-106]. We studied the infrared amide I′ band of L-BABP bound to dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG), dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) and palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylglycerol (POPG) in the range of 7 to 60 °C. Besides, the thermotrophic behaviour of DPPG and DMPG was studied in the absence and in the presence of bound-protein by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and infrared spectra of the stretching vibration of methylene and carbonyl groups. When L-BABP was bound to lipid membranes in the liquid-crystalline state (POPG between 7 and 30 °C) acquired a more unfolded conformation that in membranes in the gel state (DPPG between 7 and 30 °C). Nevertheless, this conformational change of the protein in DMPG did not occur at the temperature of the lipid gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition detected by infrared spectroscopy. Instead, the degree of unfolding in the protein was coincident with a phase transition in DMPG that occurs with heat absorption and without change in the lipid order.  相似文献   

Membrane microdomains, such as caveolae and rafts, are enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin, display liquid-ordered phase properties, and putatively function as protein organizing platforms. The goal of this investigation was to identify sterol and sphingomyelin structural features that modulate surface compression and solubilization by detergent because liquid-ordered phase displays low lateral elasticity and resists solubilization by Triton X-100. Compared to cholesterol, sterol structural changes involved either altering the polar headgroup (e.g., 6-ketocholestanol) or eliminating the isooctyl hydrocarbon tail (e.g., 5-androsten-3beta-ol). Synthetic changes to sphingomyelin resulted in homogeneous acyl chains of differing length but of biological relevance. Using a Langmuir surface balance, surface compressional moduli were assessed at various surface pressures including those (pi > or =30 mN/m) that mimic biomembrane conditions. Sphingomyelin-sterol mixtures generally were less elastic in a lateral sense than chain-matched phosphatidylcholine-sterol mixtures at equivalent high sterol mole fractions. Increasing content of 6-ketocholestanol or 5-androsten-3beta-ol in sphingomyelin decreased lateral elasticity but much less effectively than cholesterol. Our results indicate that cholesterol is ideally structured for maximally reducing the lateral elasticity of membrane sphingolipids, for enabling resistance to Triton X-100 solubilization, and for interacting with sphingomyelins that contain saturated acyl chains similar in length to their sphingoid bases.  相似文献   

The influence of lipid bilayer properties on a defined and sequence-specific transmembrane helix-helix interaction is not well characterized yet. To study the potential impact of changing bilayer properties on a sequence-specific transmembrane helix-helix interaction, we have traced the association of fluorescent-labeled glycophorin A transmembrane peptides by fluorescence spectroscopy in model membranes with varying lipid compositions. The observed changes of the glycophorin A dimerization propensities in different lipid bilayers suggest that the lipid bilayer thickness severely influences the monomer-dimer equilibrium of this transmembrane domain, and dimerization was most efficient under hydrophobic matching conditions. Moreover, cholesterol considerably promotes self-association of transmembrane helices in model membranes by affecting the lipid acyl chain ordering. In general, the order of the lipid acyl chains appears to be an important factor involved in determining the strength and stability of transmembrane helix-helix interactions. As discussed, the described influences of membrane properties on transmembrane helix-helix interactions are highly important for understanding the mechanism of transmembrane protein folding and functioning as well as for gaining a deeper insight into the regulation of signal transduction via membrane integral proteins by bilayer properties.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids (GSLs) are important constituents of lipid rafts and caveolae, are essential for the normal development of cells, and are adhesion sites for various infectious agents. One strategy for modulating GSL composition in lipid rafts is to selectively transfer GSL to or from these putative membrane microdomains. Glycolipid transfer protein (GLTP) catalyzes selective intermembrane transfer of GSLs. To enable effective use of GLTP as a tool to modify the glycolipid content of membranes, it is imperative to understand how the membrane regulates GLTP action. In this study, GLTP partitioning to membranes was analyzed by monitoring the fluorescence resonance energy transfer from tryptophans and tyrosines of GLTP to N-(5-dimethyl-aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonyl)-1,2-dihexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-ethanolamine present in bilayer vesicles. GLTP partitioned to POPC vesicles even when no GSL was present. GLTP interaction with model membranes was nonpenetrating, as assessed by protein-induced changes in lipid monolayer surface pressure, and nonperturbing in that neither membrane fluidity nor order were affected, as monitored by anisotropy of 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene and 6-dodecanoyl-N,N-dimethyl-2-naphthylamine, even though the tryptophan anisotropy of GLTP increased in the presence of vesicles. Ionic strength, vesicle packing, and vesicle lipid composition affected GLTP partitioning to the membrane and led to the following conclusion: Conditions that increase the ratio of bound/unbound GLTP do not guarantee increased transfer activity, but conditions that decrease the ratio of bound/unbound GLTP always diminish transfer. A model of GLTP interaction with the membrane, based on the partitioning equilibrium data and consistent with the kinetics of GSL transfer, is presented and solved mathematically.  相似文献   

Using x-ray diffraction and NMR spectroscopy, we present structural and material properties of phosphatidylserine (PS) bilayers that may account for the well documented implications of PS headgroups in cell activity. At 30 degrees C, the 18-carbon monounsaturated DOPS in the fluid state has a cross-sectional area of 65.3 A(2) which is remarkably smaller than the area 72.5 A(2) of the DOPC analog, despite the extra electrostatic repulsion expected for charged PS headgroups. Similarly, at 20 degrees C, the 14-carbon disaturated DMPS in the gel phase has an area of 40.8 A(2) vs. 48.1 A(2) for DMPC. This condensation of area suggests an extra attractive interaction, perhaps hydrogen bonding, between PS headgroups. Unlike zwitterionic lipids, stacks of PS bilayers swell indefinitely as water is added. Data obtained for osmotic pressure versus interbilayer water spacing for fluid phase DOPS are well fit by electrostatic interactions calculated for the Gouy-Chapman regime. It is shown that the electrostatic interactions completely dominate the fluctuational pressure. Nevertheless, the x-ray data definitively exhibit the effects of fluctuations in fluid phase DOPS. From our measurements of fluctuations, we obtain the product of the bilayer bending modulus K(C) and the smectic compression modulus B. At the same interbilayer separation, the interbilayer fluctuations are smaller in DOPS than for DOPC, showing that B and/or K(C) are larger. Complementing the x-ray data, (31)P-chemical shift anisotropy measured by NMR suggest that the DOPS headgroups are less sensitive to osmotic pressure than DOPC headgroups, which is consistent with a larger K(C) in DOPS. Quadrupolar splittings for D(2)O decay less rapidly with increasing water content for DOPS than for DOPC, indicating greater perturbation of interlamellar water and suggesting a greater interlamellar hydration force in DOPS. Our comparisons between bilayers of PS and PC lipids with the same chains and the same temperature enable us to focus on the effects of these headgroups on bilayer properties.  相似文献   

Biologically important peptides such as the Alzheimer peptide Abeta(1-40) display a reversible random coil <==>beta-structure transition at anionic membrane surfaces. In contrast to the well-studied random coil left arrow over right arrow alpha-helix transition of amphipathic peptides, there is a dearth on information on the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters of the random coil left arrow over right arrow beta-structure transition. Here, we present a new method to quantitatively analyze the thermodynamic parameters of the membrane-induced beta-structure formation. We have used the model peptide (KIGAKI)(3) and eight analogues in which two adjacent amino acids were substituted by their d-enantiomers. The positions of the d,d pairs were shifted systematically along the three identical segments of the peptide chain. The beta-structure content of the peptides was measured in solution and when bound to anionic lipid membranes with circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic binding parameters were determined with isothermal titration calorimetry and the binding isotherms were analysed by combining a surface partition equilibrium with the Gouy-Chapman theory. The thermodynamic parameters were found to be linearly correlated with the extent of beta-structure formation. beta-Structure formation at the membrane surface is characterized by an enthalpy change of DeltaH(beta)=-0.23 kcal/mol per residue, an entropy change of DeltaS(beta)=-0.24 cal/mol K residue and a free energy change of DeltaG(beta)=-0.15 kcal/mol residue. An increase in temperature induces an unfolding of beta-structure. The residual free energy of membrane-induced beta-structure formation is close to that of membrane-induced alpha-helix formation.  相似文献   

Saposins A, B, C and D are soluble, non-enzymatic proteins that interact with lysosomal membranes to activate the breakdown and transfer of glycosphingolipids. The mechanisms of hydrolase activation and lipid transfer by saposins remain unknown. We have used in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) with simultaneous confocal fluorescence microscopy to investigate the interactions of saposins with lipid membranes. AFM images of the effect of saposins A, B and C on supported lipid bilayers showed a time and concentration-dependent nucleated spread of membrane transformation. Saposin B produced deep gaps that ultimately filled with granular material, while saposins A and C lead to localized areas of membrane that were reduced in height by approximately 1.5 nm. Fluorescence-labeled saposin C co-localized with the transformed areas of the bilayer, indicating stable binding to the membrane. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer confirmed a direct interaction between saposin C and lipid. Under certain conditions of membrane lipid composition and saposin concentration, extensive bilayer lipid removal was observed. We propose a multi-step mechanism that integrates the structural features and amphipathic properties of the saposin proteins.  相似文献   

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