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本文对天津蓟县桃花园墓地明清时期101例缠足女性足骨形变情况进行了观察和分析。结果显示,不同个体的同名骨骼形变类型和程度不同,有的个体两侧足骨呈不对称状。跗骨在整体尺寸上缩小,且部分跗骨会产生形变。跖骨和近节趾骨因受缠足外力的影响在形态上会产生剧烈的变化,主要变现为跖骨和近节趾骨纤细、弓弯,关节面改变,其近、远端以及跖骨体和趾骨体的上下径和横径均产生形变。总体而言,跖骨和近节趾骨的形变程度较跗骨而言更大。本文总结了判断某个体是否缠足的依据,特别指出需要同时观察距骨和跟骨的形态改变。鉴于其他疾病(如高弓足、麻风病、风湿性关节炎)也可导致足骨的畸形样貌,在进行个体缠足判定时,需要进行综合成因分析。缠足由文化行为所导致,其足骨形变特征有别于因病理原因导致的足部畸形。功能压力分析能够有效地解释缠足个体足骨形变的成因及过程。  相似文献   

天津蓟县桃花园明清家族墓地人骨的身高推算(Ⅰ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对天津蓟县桃花园墓地2004年和2005年出土的171例成年人骨标本的身高推算,得出桃花园组男性居民的平均身高约为167.19cm,女性居民的平均身高约为152.89cm。男性居民的平均身高普遍高于古代北方居民,而低于现代北方居民。女性居民身高水平低于古代北方居民和我国现代北方居民。  相似文献   

女性缠足是山西洪洞西冯堡墓地埋葬人群中一处值得关注的文化现象,相关人骨遗存为研究山西地区明清时期的缠足习俗提供了珍贵的考古资料。本文主要对山西洪洞西冯堡清代墓地出土的93例女性人骨标本中与缠足行为关系较为密切的骨骼损伤和关节疾病现象进行统计与分析,以窥探缠足与未缠足女性的健康状况。统计结果显示: 1)在膝关节和足部骨关节上,缠足女性有更高的骨性关节炎发生率;2)在肘关节和左侧腕关节的患病程度上,缠足女性与未缠足女性群体基本相当;在右侧和双侧腕关节以及手部关节的患病等级上,缠足女性略大于未缠足女性;3)西冯堡墓地各椎段椎体周缘骨赘患病率上,缠足女性均高于未缠足女性,颈椎和腰椎是所有女性患病最严重的部位;4)两个群体的骨骼损伤和骨性关节炎的患病率和患病程度均未表现出显著差异,这可能是与下层平民家庭对女性经济价值追求的背景下缠足与未缠足女性均需承担体力劳动有关。  相似文献   

北票喇嘛洞墓地魏晋十六国时期人骨的错(牙合)畸形   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
张全超  刘政  朱泓 《人类学学报》2003,22(4):321-327
本文选择辽宁北票喇嘛洞墓地魏晋十六国时期人骨中牙列较完整的个体进行了错He畸形的调查。初步探讨了我国魏晋十六国时期古代居民中错He畸形的发病情况,结果显示:1)辽宁北票喇嘛洞墓地魏晋十六国时期人骨错He畸形的患病率为42.53%;在错He个体中,前牙拥挤所占比例最大,为56.76%;在Angle氏错He分类中,AngleⅠ类所占比例最大,为70.27%;2)错He畸形的患病率性别差异无统计学意义;3)人类经济类型所决定的饮食结构的改变与错He畸形的发病原因有关系。  相似文献   

本文对山东枣庄市916人足放射片进行了足籽骨的观察与测量。发现每足有1-7个籽骨,其中二个者占77.8%,三个者占16.9%;籽骨位于跖骨头下方者占94.5%,位于趾间关节下方者占5.5%;各跖骨头籽骨出现率:Ⅰ占99.9%、Ⅱ占 2.2%、Ⅲ占0.3%、Ⅳ占0.5%、Ⅴ占6.4%;(足母)趾趾间关节籽骨占12.6%;二分及三分籽骨出现率占3.9%,明显低于欧美人。此外,本文认为籽骨是在先天籽骨原基基础上,加以后天运动的影响而形成。  相似文献   

转换分析是一种基于贝叶斯统计的人骨年龄鉴定新方法,具有综合多种年龄标志物、不受参考样本影响、适用于老年个体等优势。本文将其用于陕西洛川月家庄墓地人骨年龄鉴定并与传统方法进行对比。结果表明,两种方法构建出的人群死亡年龄结构、生存过程有显著差异:转换分析得到的最高寿命、平均死亡年龄明显高于传统方法,更多个体可存活至中老年。两种方法鉴定出的年龄差值受样本保存状况、年龄阶段的影响,存在结构性差别。转换分析是人骨年龄鉴定方法的重大创新,使鉴定过程标准化、鉴定误差定量化。未来需使用一些年龄已知的个体开展更多验证研究,以评估该方法对我国人骨样本的适用性及不同软件间的差异。  相似文献   

魏东  曾雯  常喜恩  朱泓 《人类学学报》2012,31(2):176-186
本文是对出土于新疆哈密黑沟梁墓地古代人骨的病理、创伤及异常形态的综合研究。通过检查,笔者发现齿科疾病、关节疾病、创伤等病理现象在该人群中都有一定频率的出现。在对这些现象进行客观描述的基础上, 本文对这些病理现象出现的原因以及反映出该批人群的生活状况做出推论。文中同时对骨骼形态与功能的关系做了尝试性分析和讨论。  相似文献   

近几十年来,古代人群的食谱研究已经成为现代科技考古学的一个重要组成部分,也是当前国际科技考古学研究领域的一项前沿性课题。人类骨骼的化学元素分析为重建古代居民的食谱提供了大量信息。本文采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES),对新疆和静县察吾呼沟口四号墓地出土人骨中的Sr、P、Zn、Ca、Cu、Mg、Fe、Ba、Mn等8种化学元素进行了测定,结果显示:察吾呼沟口四号墓地古代居民的饮食结构中以肉类食物为主,植物类食物为辅。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨电针足少阳经穴联合本体感觉训练对膝关节骨性关节炎(KOA)患者步行能力、血液流变学和骨代谢的影响。方法:按照随机数字表法,将2019年8月~2022年1月期间于我院就诊的KOA患者204例分为对照组(102例,本体感觉训练)和研究组(102例,电针足少阳经穴联合本体感觉训练)。对比两组膝关节功能、疼痛症状、步行能力、血液流变学和骨代谢情况。结果:治疗4周后,两组视觉疼痛模拟评分(VAS)、西安大略和麦克马斯特大学骨关节炎调查量表(WOMAC)评分下降,Lysholm 膝关节功能评分升高,且研究组的改变程度大于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗4周后,两组双支撑相下降,步速、步长升高,且研究组的改变程度大于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗4周后,两组纤维蛋白原、红细胞聚集指数、全血黏度(高切)、全血黏度(低切)下降,研究组的改变程度大于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗4周后,两组碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、骨钙素(BGP)、骨特异性碱性磷酸酶(BALP)水平升高,研究组的改变程度大于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:电针足少阳经穴联合本体感觉训练可改善KOA患者的疼痛症状,促进膝关节功能恢复,改善步行能力,作用机制可能与调节血液流变学和骨代谢有关。  相似文献   

自然河流经过人工水网重塑与城市产生紧密联系,促进了沿岸城市功能区域的生长,形成了以水为中心的具有独特风貌的沿岸景观。以六朝(222—589年)和明代(1368—1644年)的秦淮河水系为研究对象,通过图解分析梳理其沿岸景观的要素构成、分布特征,包括桥梁、里坊、市肆、楼馆、文教建筑等功能建置,皇家园林、私家园林、寺观园林等园林景观和表现公共景观的景观文化3个层面;通过比较分析探究其背后的形成原因,把握水城共生的互动关系,以期对“人与自然和谐共生”的生态文明建设、城市河流景观资源的可持续发展提供借鉴  相似文献   

杨晓东 《生物信息学》2019,26(4):116-119
中国古典园林中竹文化的研究对于弘扬我国优秀传统文化和提升现代园林中竹景观的文化内涵都具有重要意义,现有研究主要集中在竹的空间营造、种植形式等方面,而从品题学角度对传统私家园林中的竹文化系统研究得还比较薄弱。以明清时期江南私家园林的景点题名为研究对象,采用文献查询和实地调研相结合的方法,对江南园林中的竹景点、常见题名意象及其所表达的精神内涵进行研究。结果表明明清时期竹在江南私家园林景点题名中应用非常普遍,常见的题名意象主要表达了道家的隐逸思想、儒家的比德思想、佛教的心无思想和民俗吉祥思想。从中可以看出,明清时期文人阶层天人合一的哲学观、三教并存的宗教观和雅俗共赏的审美观。  相似文献   

Glycation has been observed in antibody therapeutics manufactured by the fed-batch fermentation process. It not only increases the heterogeneity of antibodies, but also potentially affects product safety and efficacy. In this study, non-glycated and glycated fractions enriched from a monoclonal antibody (mAb1) as well as glucose-stressed mAb1 were characterized using a variety of biochemical, biophysical and biological assays to determine the effects of glycation on the structure and function of mAb1. Glycation was detected at multiple lysine residues and reduced the antigen binding activity of mAb1. Heavy chain Lys100, which is located in the complementary-determining region of mAb1, had the highest levels of glycation in both stressed and unstressed samples, and glycation of this residue was likely responsible for the loss of antigen binding based on hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry analysis. Peptide mapping and intact liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) can both be used to monitor the glycation levels. Peptide mapping provides site specific glycation results, while intact LC-MS is a quicker and simpler method to quantitate the total glycation levels and is more useful for routine testing. Capillary isoelectric focusing (cIEF) can also be used to monitor glycation because glycation induces an acidic shift in the cIEF profile. As expected, total glycation measured by intact LC-MS correlated very well with the percentage of total acidic peaks or main peak measured by cIEF. In summary, we demonstrated that glycation can affect the function of a representative IgG1 mAb. The analytical characterization, as described here, should be generally applicable for other therapeutic mAbs.  相似文献   

The most common housing system for reproduction rabbits, individual cage housing on a wire floor, is increasingly scrutinized because of its potential detrimental impact on animal welfare. We compared three types of housing: (1) individual cage housing on a wire floor (3952 cm2/doe, maximum roof height 63 cm, one 1000 cm2 plastic footrest/doe), (2) semi-group housing on a wire floor (5000 cm2/doe, roofless, one 1000 cm2 plastic footrest/doe) and (3) the same semi-group housing, but with a fully plastic slatted floor. In all housing systems, does had free access to an elevated platform. In the semi-group housing pens, four does were housed communally during 21 days of the reproduction cycle (to allow more space for locomotion and to increase opportunities for social contact), and individually during the other 21 days of the cycle (to minimize doe–doe and doe–kit aggression that peaks around kindling). In all, 24 Hycole does were included per system. The does entered the experiment at 203 days of age (after their first parity). The experiment consisted of four reproductive cycles, ending at 369 days of age. Pododermatitis was scored in cycles 1, 2 and 4. At the end of the 4th cycle the does were euthanized and X-rays were taken to assess spinal deformation. Tibia and femur length, width and cortical thickness were determined and bone strength was assessed using a shear test, as a measure of bone quality. Although severe pododermatitis was absent, the prevalence of plantar hyperkeratosis (hair loss and callus formation) at the end of the 4th cycle was much greater on the wire floor (65% and 68% for semi-group housing and individual cages, respectively) than on the plastic floor (5%, P<0.0001), even though the wire floors were equipped with a plastic footrest known to decrease hyperkeratosis. In contrast to our expectations, semi-group housing did not affect the prevalence of spinal deformations (P>0.10), but in line with our expectations bone quality was affected favourably by semi-group housing. The tibial cortex (and to a lesser extent the femoral cortex) was thicker in semi-group housing than in individual cages (1.45, 1.46 and 1.38 mm for semi-group housing on wire, semi-group housing on plastic and individual housing on wire, respectively, P=0.045). What this increase in cortical thickness means in terms of doe welfare requires further study, as it may reflect an increase in activity resulting either from increased space for locomotion, or from fleeing aggressive pen mates.  相似文献   

庞云  龚立  彭思扬  朱乃硕 《生物工程学报》2009,25(10):1564-1571
乙肝表面抗原结合蛋白(HBsAg binding protein,SBP)是本实验室发现的一种人源蛋白,该蛋白与人乙型肝炎病毒HBV表面抗原HBsAg存在特异性的结合能力。此前的研究证实SBP具有增强乙肝疫苗免疫效果的作用。为进一步研究该蛋白的生理功能和作用机制,利用毕赤酵母表达系统进行了SBP的表达菌株构建,筛选得到了SBP的高效表达菌株。发酵产物经过分离纯化,最终得到了大量高纯度的真核来源的目的蛋白。通过SDS-PAGE、高效液相色谱、Western blotting和质谱鉴定,证实所得到的蛋白具有较高的纯度和完整性。通过ELISA方法初步证实了其与乙肝表面抗原具有较好的结合能力。该研究为进一步进行SBP的体内外功能研究及免疫增效研究打下了基础。  相似文献   

目的通过对2016-2017年襄阳市手足口病(hand, foot and mouth disease, HFMD)样品的分离与鉴定,了解主要病原之一的柯萨奇病毒A2型(Coxsackievirus, CV-A2)的分子生物学特征。方法收集2016年9月-2017年12月襄阳市HFMD患儿肛拭子样品,用人类横纹肌肉瘤细胞(RD细胞)培养,分离病毒。RT-PCR扩增CV-A2 VP1基因,Megalign软件分析VP1基因同源性,MEGA6软件构建系统发育树。比较3种疾病(急性迟缓性麻痹、手足口病和急性呼吸道感染)CV-A2分离株VP1氨基酸序列,分析可能的致病位点。扩增CV-A2代表株基因组全长序列,用SimPlot软件分析可能的重组事件。结果 2016-2017年CV-A2襄阳株之间VP1核苷酸及氨基酸同源性分别为96.4%~99.8%,98.0%~100.0%;襄阳株与CV-A2原型株(Fleetwood株)之间的核苷酸及氨基酸同源性分别为80.8%~81.9%,95.3%~95.9%。与襄阳株同源性最高的为2017年江西株(GenBank:MG926784),核苷酸及氨基酸同源性分别为96.7%~98.8%,98.0%~98.6%。襄阳市HFMD主要病原之一的CV-A2 VP1基因系统发育树显示,襄阳株与国内主要流行株同属于基因型D。3种疾病分离株的VP1氨基酸比对发现,急性迟缓性麻痹分离株和HFMD分离株在第21、60、82和215位存在差异;而HFMD分离株与呼吸道感染分离株之间只在167位存在差异,由谷氨酸变成天冬氨酸。CV-A2重组分析提示,襄阳株在P1区域与Fleetwood株同属一分支,在P2区域与CV-A5 Swartz株亲缘性最高,但在P3区域与CV-A16 G-10株有较高的相似度。结论虽然CV-A2襄阳株与其他流行株在VP1区序列上亲缘性较高,但其VP1氨基酸突变或与其他肠道病毒的型间重组可能导致其致病特性与流行病学特点发生变化。  相似文献   

The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines, is an extreme specialist and an important invasive pest that relies on olfaction for behaviors such as feeding, mating, and foraging. Odorant‐binding proteins (OBPs) play a vital role in olfaction by binding to volatile compounds and by regulating insect sensing of the environment. In this work we used rapid amplification of complementary DNA ends technology to identify and characterize 10 genes encoding A. glycines OBPs (AglyOBPs) belonging to 3 subfamilies, including 4 classic OBPs, 5 Plus‐C OBPs, and one Minus‐C OBP. Quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction demonstrated variable specific expression patterns for the 10 genes based on developmental stage and aphid tissue sampled. Expression levels of 7 AglyOBPs (2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 10) were highest in the 4th instar, indicating that the 4th nymphal instar is an important developmental period during which soybean aphids regulate feeding and search for host plants. Tissue‐specific expression results demonstrated that AglyOBP2, 7, and 9 exhibited significantly higher expression levels in antennae. Meanwhile, ligand‐binding analysis of 5 OBPs demonstrated binding of AglyOBP2 and AglyOBP3 to a broad spectrum of volatiles released by green leaf plants, with bias toward 6‐ to 8‐carbon chain volatiles and strong binding of AglyOBP7 to transβ‐farnesene. Taken together, our findings build a foundation of knowledge for use in the study of molecular olfaction mechanisms and provide insights to guide future soybean aphid research.  相似文献   

Long chain acylCoA esters (LCAs) act both as substrates and intermediates in intermediary metabolism and as regulators in various intracellular functions. AcylCoA binding protein (ACBP) binds LCAs with high affinity and is believed to play an important role in intracellular acylCoA transport and pool formation and therefore also for the function of LCAs as metabolites and regulators of cellular functions [1]. The major factors controlling the free concentration of cytosol long chain acylCoA ester (LCA) include ACBP [2], sterol carrier protein 2 (SCP2) [3] and fatty acid binding protein (FABP) [4]. Additional factors affecting the concentration of free LCA include feed back inhibition of the acylCoA synthetase [5], binding to acylCoA receptors (LCA-regulated molecules and enzymes), binding to membranes and the activity of acylCoA hydrolases [6].  相似文献   

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