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我国广西的桂东北地区大约有20,000人使用茶洞话,该群体的族源问题一直存在争议。本文为调查茶洞话群体的Y染色体遗传结构,探讨其父系起源,对临桂县使用茶洞话的21名无关男性个体的Y-STR和Y-SNP进行了检测分型,并对该群体与周边民族的遗传关系进行了研究分析。结果显示:茶洞话群体的17个Y-STR位点具有丰富的遗传多态性,适用于群体遗传学和法医学研究;Y染色体高频单倍群为O2*-P31和O2a1*-M95,表明茶洞话群体具有显著的百越民族系统侗傣族群的遗传背景;N-J树和主成分分析显示茶洞话群体与仫佬族的父系遗传关系较之与毛南族和汉族更亲近。本研究结果为茶洞话群体的族源研究提供了遗传学证据。 相似文献
刘树虎热比亚木.巴克布帕提玛穆.阿布都克热穆伊力哈木.乃扎木多力坤.买买提玉素甫 《生物技术》2017,(1):38-44
[目的]分析和田维吾尔族人群Y染色体遗传多样性及与不同人群的差异。[方法]运用基因芯片技术检测860个Y-SNP位点,挑选相关位点利用Genomestudio进行分析。[结果]共检出24种单倍群。其中,单倍群R-M207和O-M175(38.10%、14.28%)在和田维吾尔族中具有较高的频率。主成分和聚类分析显示:和田维吾尔族人群与南亚、中亚、西部欧亚人群有较近的亲缘关系;与东亚、美洲、西伯利亚人群遗传结构之间差异比较大。[结论]1和田维吾尔族Y染色体SNP突变位点多样性丰富,其中主单倍群的多样性为55%。2和田维吾尔族Y染色体的两大主单倍群:R-M207(38.10%)和O-M175(14.28%)。3和田和吐鲁番两个维吾尔族群体单倍群频率和类型十分接近无显著性差异(F=0.833,P=0.367)。4和田维吾尔族人群的单倍群频率显示明显的亚欧混合现象。 相似文献
克里雅人、罗布人、刀郎人是生活在我国西部边疆沙漠腹地、人口稀少的隔离人群。基于对这三个隔离人群179人Y染色体全序列的测序和分型,得到每个个体Y染色体所有突变的SNP位点和隶属的单倍群,并对各单倍群类型和频率进行了分析。以探知三个隔离人群的Y染色体遗传结构和遗传多样性。通过研究结果表明:克里雅人群检出12个单倍群,高频单倍群有J2a1b1(25.64%),R1a1a1b2a(20.51%),R2a(17.95%),R1a1a1b2a2(15.38%);罗布人群检出16个单倍群,高频单倍群有J2a1(43.75%),J2a2(14.06%),R2(9.38%),L1c(7.81%);刀郎人群检出40个单倍群,高频单倍群有R1b1a1a1(9.21%),R1a1a1b2a1a(7.89%),R1a1a1b2a2b(6.58%),C3c1(6.58%).三个隔离人群与维吾尔族、蒙古族、撒拉族亲缘关系较近;在单倍群类型和频率上与维吾尔族最接近且无显著性差异(f=0.833,p=0.367)。此外,三个隔离人群单倍群类型和频率显示明显的亚欧混合现象,经过长期基因融合使其具有中亚人群的典型特征,适用于法医遗传学。 相似文献
文章对我国广西仫佬族91个无关男性个体Y-STR、Y-SNP、mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ和mtDNA-SNP等进行检测分型, 探索仫佬族的分子遗传结构。结果显示:Y染色体单倍群O1a1-P203和O2a1*-M95在仫佬族中为高频单倍群, 利用Y-STR构建的N-J树中仫佬族与侗族聚类, 说明在父系遗传上仫佬族与侗族遗传关系较近; mtDNA中F1a、M*、B4a、B5a等4类单倍群高频出现, 体现出仫佬族在母系遗传方面具有典型的东亚南方群体特征。17个Y-STR位点和mtDNA HVS-Ⅰ具有丰富的遗传多态性, 在群体遗传学和法医学方面具有应用前景。 相似文献
调查陕西渭南地区汉族群体17个Y-STR基因座的多态性,探讨其群体遗传学及法医学应用价值。应用Y-fi ler荧光标记复合扩增系统,对413名陕西渭南地区汉族无关男性个体17个Y-STR基因座进行复合扩增,用ABI3130遗传分析仪进行基因分型,计算各基因座的群体遗传学参数,并结合已经发表的其他10个群体相应基因座的单倍型资料,分析各群体间的遗传距离。413名陕西渭南汉族个体共检出405种单倍型,其中397种单倍型仅出现1次,单倍型多样性达0.9999,基因多样性(GD)为0.4130(DYS391)~0.9734(DYS385a/b),累计GD值为0.9999。遗传距离分析提示,陕西渭南汉族与辽宁满族的遗传距离最小(0.00110),与青海藏族的遗传距离最大(0.22333)。结果表明,17个Y-STR基因座在陕西渭南汉族群体中具有丰富的遗传多态性和较高的非父排除能力,在法医学和人类群体遗传学研究中具有重要价值。 相似文献
本研究旨在调查13个快速突变Y染色体STR基因座(RMY-STR)在山东汉族人群中的等位基因频率以及遗传多态性。采集154个山东无关男性个体FTA卡血液样本。采用13个RMY-STRPCR复合扩增体系进行扩增以及AB3130XL遗传分析仪进行Y-STR分型,并对分型结果进行相关统计,检测13个RMY-STR位点遗传多态性分布。本研究在13个基因座上共检测出331个等位基因,基因型多态性(GD)分布在0.7643(DYS576)~0.9946(DYF399S1abc)之间。通过13个RMY-STR基因座在154名山东汉族男性无关个体中共检测出154种单倍型,无共享单倍型现象出现。总的单倍型多样性(HD值)为1,识别能力(DC值)为1。故13个RMY-STR基因座组成的分型系统在山东汉族人群中表现出很强的个体识别能力,具有重要的法医学应用价值。 相似文献
目的 东亚疆域辽阔,民族众多,有着广泛多样的语言。中国34个省级行政区可划分为7个地理分区,人群主要分属世界七大语系。已有研究主要集中在东亚人群的起源、迁徙、融合等遗传历史。本文基于5 147份世界人群个体的高密度单核苷酸多态性(SNP)数据,从地域及语言两个角度研究东亚人群尤其是中国人群与世界其他人群的遗传关系,研究中国人群的遗传关系和遗传结构。方法 收集了5 147份世界人群个体的高密度SNP数据,并对其进行质控、合并。通过频率差异分析方法对最终获得的32 789个SNP进行统计学检验,并进一步使用主成分分析、系统发育树、祖先成分分析和D检验统计等方法,对东亚人群与世界其他人群的遗传关系,以及中国人群的遗传关系和遗传结构进行研究。结果 研究发现东亚人群与非洲、美洲和欧洲人群存在显著差异。中国人群可分为7个亚群,不同人群间的遗传聚类与其地理分布、语系语族和族源历史有很强的相关性。结论 本文研究了中国人群与世界人群的遗传关系和差异,并系统研究了中国人群的遗传亚结构。这将丰富东亚人群的群体遗传学、法医遗传学等研究基础,为个体化医疗等工作提供数据支撑。 相似文献
为研究姓氏群体Y染色体特异STR单倍型的遗传多态性, 采用PCR复合扩增和ABI PrismTM 3100基因测序仪荧光检测方法对DYS426等9个Y-STR基因座进行基因分型, 检测深圳地区李姓无关男性个体血样139份、王姓无关男性个体118份、张姓无关男性个体119份。结果在139份李姓群体中, 共检出126种单倍型, 其中118种单倍型仅出现1次, 检出频率最高的1种单倍型出现6次, 单倍型多样性为0.9974; 118份王姓无关男性样本中, 共检出105种单倍型, 其中94种单倍型仅出现1次, 检出频率最高的1种单倍型出现4次, 单倍型多样性为0.9953; 张姓无关男性样本中, 共检出101种单倍型, 其中88种单倍型仅出现1次, 检出频率最高的1种单倍型出现4次, 单倍型多样性为0.9964。结果表明: 深圳地区李、王、张姓氏无关男性个体Y-STR单倍型的遗传多态性丰富, 与以往的汉族无关男性群体遗传资料相比较, 差异不显著。 相似文献
采用多重PCR技术, 结合ABI PRISMTM 377 DNA Sequencer四色荧光标记进行基因扫描分型, 对中国贵州三都水族群体进行7个Y-STR基因座的多态性分析, 计算其基因频率、遗传多样性及单倍型多样性, 获取相应的遗传多态信息.结果显示: 在94个无关男性样本中, DYS19、DYS389Ⅰ、DYS389Ⅱ、DYS390、DYS391、DYS392、DYS393等基因座分别检出6, 4, 6, 2, 3, 5, 4种等位基因, 遗传多样性在0.124(DYS389Ⅰ)~0.630(DYS19)之间; 由此组成的单倍型为27种, 单倍型多样性0.868.此7个Y-STR基因座在贵州三都水族群体中具有较好的多态性, 单倍型具有较高的遗传多态. 相似文献
Sandoval K Moreno-Estrada A Mendizabal I Underhill PA Lopez-Valenzuela M Peñaloza-Espinosa R Lopez-Lopez M Buentello-Malo L Avelino H Calafell F Comas D 《American journal of physical anthropology》2012,148(3):395-405
The genetic characterization of Native Mexicans is important to understand multiethnic based features influencing the medical genetics of present Mexican populations, as well as to the reconstruct the peopling of the Americas. We describe the Y-chromosome genetic diversity of 197 Native Mexicans from 11 populations and 1,044 individuals from 44 Native American populations after combining with publicly available data. We found extensive heterogeneity among Native Mexican populations and ample segregation of Q-M242* (46%) and Q-M3 (54%) haplogroups within Mexico. The northernmost sampled populations falling outside Mesoamerica (Pima and Tarahumara) showed a clear differentiation with respect to the other populations, which is in agreement with previous results from mtDNA lineages. However, our results point toward a complex genetic makeup of Native Mexicans whose maternal and paternal lineages reveal different narratives of their population history, with sex-biased continental contributions and different admixture proportions. At a continental scale, we found that Arctic populations and the northernmost groups from North America cluster together, but we did not find a clear differentiation within Mesoamerica and the rest of the continent, which coupled with the fact that the majority of individuals from Central and South American samples are restricted to the Q-M3 branch, supports the notion that most Native Americans from Mesoamerica southwards are descendants from a single wave of migration. This observation is compatible with the idea that present day Mexico might have constituted an area of transition in the diversification of paternal lineages during the colonization of the Americas. 相似文献
R. K. KOEHN B. L. BAYNE M. N. MOORE J. F. SIEBENALLER † 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1980,14(3-4):319-334
Aminopeptidase-I, the enzymatic product of the Lap locus, liberates N-terminal neutral and aromatic amino acids from oligopeptides. The enzyme is associated with the brush border of the intestine and the extensive lysosomal system in the digestive tubule cells; the enzyme functions in oligopeptide degradation and possibly amino acid transport. The Lap locus is genetically polymorphic and allele frequencies differ between populations according to environmental salinities.
Using cell-free lysosomes, we show salinity related differences in both lysosomal membrane latency and lysosomal and cytosolic free-amino acid concentrations. Differences in the response of the lysosomal aminopeptidase-I enzyme to differences or changes in salinity are discussed.
Antibodies against aminopeptidase-I enzyme were used to demonstrate that alleles of the Lap locus exhibit different specific activities per unit enzyme concentration. In oceanic populations, the concentrations of aminopeptidase-I enzyme of individual phenorypes are equal, suggesting that variation of specific activity among phenorypes is due to allele specific differences in catalytic efficiency. In estuarine populations, total enzyme activity is lower, which is partially due to a significantly lower concentration of aminopeptidase-I enzyme of one homozygote genotype.
The consequences of a change in environmental salinity can be measured on the biochemical, physiological, and population genetic levels. We discuss the possible mechanisms by which salinity variations are responsible for the genetic polymorphism of aminopeptidase-I. 相似文献
Using cell-free lysosomes, we show salinity related differences in both lysosomal membrane latency and lysosomal and cytosolic free-amino acid concentrations. Differences in the response of the lysosomal aminopeptidase-I enzyme to differences or changes in salinity are discussed.
Antibodies against aminopeptidase-I enzyme were used to demonstrate that alleles of the Lap locus exhibit different specific activities per unit enzyme concentration. In oceanic populations, the concentrations of aminopeptidase-I enzyme of individual phenorypes are equal, suggesting that variation of specific activity among phenorypes is due to allele specific differences in catalytic efficiency. In estuarine populations, total enzyme activity is lower, which is partially due to a significantly lower concentration of aminopeptidase-I enzyme of one homozygote genotype.
The consequences of a change in environmental salinity can be measured on the biochemical, physiological, and population genetic levels. We discuss the possible mechanisms by which salinity variations are responsible for the genetic polymorphism of aminopeptidase-I. 相似文献
The selection coefficient, s, quantifies the strength of selection acting on a genetic variant. Despite this parameter's central importance to population genetic models, until recently we have known relatively little about the value of s in natural populations. With the development of molecular genetic techniques in the late 20th century and the sequencing technologies that followed, biologists are now able to identify genetic variants and directly relate them to organismal fitness. We reviewed the literature for published estimates of natural selection acting at the genetic level and found over 3000 estimates of selection coefficients from 79 studies. Selection coefficients were roughly exponentially distributed, suggesting that the impact of selection at the genetic level is generally weak but can occasionally be quite strong. We used both nonparametric statistics and formal random‐effects meta‐analysis to determine how selection varies across biological and methodological categories. Selection was stronger when measured over shorter timescales, with the mean magnitude of s greatest for studies that measured selection within a single generation. Our analyses found conflicting trends when considering how selection varies with the genetic scale (e.g., SNPs or haplotypes) at which it is measured, suggesting a need for further research. Besides these quantitative conclusions, we highlight key issues in the calculation, interpretation, and reporting of selection coefficients and provide recommendations for future research. 相似文献
Klarić IM Salihović MP Lauc LB Zhivotovsky LA Rootsi S Janićijević B 《American journal of physical anthropology》2009,138(3):333-342
The Bayash are a branch of Romanian speaking Roma living dispersedly in Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe. To better understand the molecular architecture and origin of the Croatian Bayash paternal gene pool, 151 Bayash Y chromosomes were analyzed for 16 SNPs and 17 STRs and compared with European Romani and non-Romani majority populations from Europe, Turkey, and South Asia. Two main layers of Bayash paternal gene pool were identified: ancestral (Indian) and recent (European). The reduced diversity and expansion signals of H1a patrilineages imply descent from closely related paternal ancestors who could have settled in the Indian subcontinent, possibly as early as between the eighth and tenth centuries AD. The recent layer of the Bayash paternal pool is dominated by a specific subset of E1b1b1a lineages that are not found in the Balkan majority populations. At least two private mutational events occurred in the Bayash during their migrations from the southern Balkans toward Romania. Additional admixture, evident in the low frequencies of typical European haplogroups, J2, R1a, I1, R1b1b2, G, and I2a, took place primarily during the early Bayash settlement in the Balkans and the Romani bondage in Romania. Our results indicate two phenomena in the Bayash and analyzed Roma: a significant preservation of ancestral H1a haplotypes as a result of considerable, but variable level of endogamy and isolation and differential distribution of less frequent, but typical European lineages due to different patterns of the early demographic history in Europe marked by differential admixture and genetic drift. 相似文献
W. C. Wells G. C. Weiser 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1989,78(3):365-368
Summary Breeders of self-pollinated legumes commonly use single-seed descent (SSD) or pod-bulk descent (PBD) to produce segregating populations of highly inbred individuals. We presented equations for the expected value of the additive genetic variance within populations derived by SSD (E(V
A)SSD) and PBD (E(V
A)PBD) in terms of the initial population size (N
0), the number of seed harvested per pod (M), the probability of survival of an individual (), and the generation at which the population is evaluated (S
t). Differences between (E(V
A)SSD) and (E(V
A)PBD) are due to differences in the expected amount of random drift which occurs with the two methods after the S
0 generation. With both methods, random drift occurs when progeny are sampled from heterozygous parents. An additional component of random drift occurs when sampled progeny fail to survive during SSD, or when sampling occurs amoung families during PBD. For values of N
0, M, , and S
t that are typical of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) breeding programs, (E(V
A)SSD) will be greater than (E(V
A)PBD). The ratio of (E(V
A)SSD) to (E(V
A)PBD) will: (1) increase as M and increase; (2) approach a value of 1.00 as N
0 increases; and (3) be a curvilinear function of S
t. Plant breeders should compare SSD and PBD based upon values of (E(V
A)SSD) and (E(V
A)PBD) and the expected cost of carrying out the two methods.Contribution No. 2910 of the South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Clemson University 相似文献
To investigate the population structure and genetic diversity of Henan indigenous pig breeds, samples from a total of 78 pigs of 11 breeds were collected, including four pig populations from Henan Province, three Western commercial breeds, three Chinese native pig breeds from other provinces and one Asian wild boar. The genotyping datasets were obtained by genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology. We found a high degree of polymorphism and rapid linkage disequilibrium decay in Henan pigs. A neighbor‐joining tree, principal component analysis and structure analysis revealed that the Huainan and Erhualian pigs were clustered together and that the Queshan black pigs were clearly grouped together but that the Nanyang and Yuxi pigs were extensively admixed with Western pigs. In addition, heterozygosity values might indicate that Henan indigenous pigs, especially the Queshan black and Huainan pigs, were subjected to little selection during domestication. The results presented here indicate that Henan pig breeds were admixed from Western breeds, especially Nanyang and Yuxi pigs. Therefore, establishment of purification and rejuvenation systems to implement conservation strategies is urgent. In addition, it is also necessary to accelerate genetic resources improvement and utilization using modern breeding technologies, such as genomic selection and genome‐wide association studies. 相似文献
de Souza MI Salgueiro F Carnavale-Bottino M Félix DB Alves-Ferreira M Bittencourt JV Margis R 《Genetics and molecular biology》2009,32(3):546-556
Habitat fragmentation and a decrease in population size may lead to a loss in population genetic diversity. For the first time, the reduction in genetic diversity in the northernmost limit of natural occurence (southeastern Brazil) of Araucaria angustifolia in comparison with populations in the main area of the species continuous natural distribution (southern Brazil), was tested. The 673 AFLPs markers revealed a high level of genetic diversity for the species (Ht = 0.27), despite anthropogenic influence throughout the last century, and a decrease of H in isolated populations of southeastern Brazil (H = 0.16), thereby indicating the tendency for higher genetic diversity in remnant populations of continuous forests in southern Brazil, when compared to natural isolated populations in the southeastern region. A strong differentiation among southern and southeastern populations was detected (AMOVA variance ranged from 10%-15%). From Bayesian analysis, it is suggested that the nine populations tested form five "genetic clusters" (K = 5). Five of these populations, located in the northernmost limit of distribution of the species, represent three "genetic clusters". These results are in agreement with the pattern of geographic distribution of the studied populations. 相似文献
男性不育中, 原发无精、少精是最为重要的因素之一, 核型异常和无精子症因子(Azoospermia factor, AZF)微缺失能解释部分原发无精、少精的原因, 然而还有许多致病因素尚不清楚。Y染色体作为男性特有的染色体, 与男性生殖系统的正常功能密切相关。文章主要对Y染色体单倍群这一分子遗传背景与男性原发无精、严重少精症之间是否存在相关性进行探讨, 为进一步探索原发无精、严重少精症的遗传学致病原因提供依据和可行的方向。采集265名生精障碍患者(原发无精症患者193名, 原发严重少精症患者72名)以及193名正常男性样本的外周血, 进行核型分析和AZF缺失分析, 以排除有此两类异常的样本。将经过筛选的样本进行Y染色体单倍群分析, 并对其单倍群分布情况进行统计分析。分析显示, 生精障碍组和对照组分别在D1*、F*、K*、N1*和O3* 上有显著性差异(P=0.032, 0.022, 0.009, 0.009, 0.017, <0.05)。Y染色体单倍群, 这一Y染色体遗传背景与男性原发生精障碍的发生有相关性。 相似文献
Cruciani F La Fratta R Trombetta B Santolamazza P Sellitto D Colomb EB Dugoujon JM Crivellaro F Benincasa T Pascone R Moral P Watson E Melegh B Barbujani G Fuselli S Vona G Zagradisnik B Assum G Brdicka R Kozlov AI Efremov GD Coppa A Novelletto A Scozzari R 《Molecular biology and evolution》2007,24(6):1300-1311
Detailed population data were obtained on the distribution of novel biallelic markers that finely dissect the human Y-chromosome haplogroup E-M78. Among 6,501 Y chromosomes sampled in 81 human populations worldwide, we found 517 E-M78 chromosomes and assigned them to 10 subhaplogroups. Eleven microsatellite loci were used to further evaluate subhaplogroup internal diversification. The geographic and quantitative analyses of haplogroup and microsatellite diversity is strongly suggestive of a northeastern African origin of E-M78, with a corridor for bidirectional migrations between northeastern and eastern Africa (at least 2 episodes between 23.9-17.3 ky and 18.0-5.9 ky ago), trans-Mediterranean migrations directly from northern Africa to Europe (mainly in the last 13.0 ky), and flow from northeastern Africa to western Asia between 20.0 and 6.8 ky ago. A single clade within E-M78 (E-V13) highlights a range expansion in the Bronze Age of southeastern Europe, which is also detected by haplogroup J-M12. Phylogeography pattern of molecular radiation and coalescence estimates for both haplogroups are similar and reveal that the genetic landscape of this region is, to a large extent, the consequence of a recent population growth in situ rather than the result of a mere flow of western Asian migrants in the early Neolithic. Our results not only provide a refinement of previous evolutionary hypotheses but also well-defined time frames for past human movements both in northern/eastern Africa and western Eurasia. 相似文献