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2009年至2012年研究组调查了中国南方汉族15154例(男性为7340例,女性为7814例)的身高、体重和16项测量指标,并计算出12项指数,将南方汉族与蒙古人种北亚类型族群、南亚类型族群及东亚类型族群的韩国人、日本人进行了比较。结果显示:1)南方汉族头面部主要指标介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间;南方汉族男性更接近于北亚类型族群,而南方汉族女性比男性头面部特征更接近南亚类型族群。2)南方汉族男性头部的长、宽、高、围度小于东亚类型族群,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄;南方汉族女性头的长、宽、围度、下颌角间宽值小于韩国人、日本人,头较高,面部比韩国人、日本人狭窄。南方汉族男性、女性与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。3)聚类分析结果提示,中国南方汉族与韩国人、日本人体质差异较大。南方汉族男性体质相对接近于北亚类型族群,女性体质介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间。华南汉族体质在南方汉族中有一定的特殊性。  相似文献   

隋唐以前欧洲人种的地中海类型一直是喀什地区古代居民的主要种族类型.北亚蒙古人种回鹘人西迁进入新疆后,与其他族群发生长期融合,逐渐形成维吾尔族.目前维吾尔族人种学特征如何,是学术界关注的问题.在维吾尔族最具代表性的喀什地区,采用人体测量方法对喀什维吾尔族560(男273,女287)例成人进行了测量.研究发现,维吾尔族体质中包含明显的欧亚人种的因素,也包含部分南亚与北亚成分,但更多的是东亚类型成分.从体质指数分型来看,喀什维吾尔族男性、女性身高均为中等型(男性已经达到中等型的上限),体重值较大,头较圆、较高,面较狭,中鼻型,头宽度中等(男)或较狭(女),胸较宽,肩较宽,骨盆较宽,躯干较长,腿长中等(男)或较短(女).在中国13个族群中,维吾尔族男性眼外角高率、鼻根中等率中等,有蒙古褶、凹鼻背率较低,维吾尔族女性眼外角高率、凹鼻背率中等,圆耳垂率高、鼻基部上翘率低.南疆维吾尔族比北疆维吾尔族更接近东亚类型族群.南疆维吾尔族头型、鼻型和蒙古族接近,北疆维吾尔族和蒙古族面型相对接近.维吾尔族上眼睑有皱褶率很高,一部分人眼内角有蒙古褶,眼外角多高于眼内角,眼色多为褐色,提示其具有蒙古人种的基本特征.维吾尔族与东亚类型族群面宽、头长、形态面高、头宽值相对接近.维吾尔族头较圆、头较高,上身相对较长,腿相对较短,具有东方人群体质的基本特征.研究发现,维吾尔族体质类型既具有亚洲东方人群特点,也具有欧亚人群特点.在亚洲东方各个类型中,维吾尔族体质更接近东亚类型族群,也具有一定的南亚类型、北亚类型族群的特点.维吾尔族体质特征反映出其多族群融合的历史进程.  相似文献   

在福建漳州地区调查了322例男性(城市男性为149例,乡村汉族男性为173例)和357例女性(城市女性为164例,乡村女性为193例)成人的86项体质指标,计算了24项体质指数,统计了指数分型情况,与我国族群资料进行了比较,对闽南人体质特征进行了初步分析。结果 1)闽南人有皱褶率高,有蒙古褶率低,眼裂高度眼裂多为狭窄型,眼外角多高于眼内角,鼻根高度多为中等型,直鼻背,颧部突出度多为微弱型;鼻基部男性多呈水平,女性多呈上翘;鼻翼高度多为中等,鼻孔最大径多为斜位,鼻翼较宽;男性耳垂多为圆形,女性多为三角形;上唇皮肤部高度多为中等,红唇男性薄型率、中等型均较高,女性薄型率最高,发黑,肤黄、眼褐。2)总体说来,闽南人头面部测量指标值介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间。3)从指数均数来看,闽南人男女性均为圆头型、高头型、狭面型,狭鼻型。城市女性为狭头型,城市男性、乡村男性、乡村女性为中头型。闽南人头面部指数值更接近于南亚类型族群。4)从体部指标值和体部指数来看。闽南人更接近于北亚类型族群。闽南人体质介于南亚与北亚类型族群之间,男性相对接近于北亚类型族群,女性相对接近于南亚类型族群。  相似文献   

按照国际学术界规定方法, 在广东和江西共调查了650例男性(城市汉族男性为305例, 乡村汉族男性为345例)和704例女性(城市女性为331例, 乡村女性为373例)客家成年人的86项体质指标, 计算了24项体质指数, 统计了指数分型情况, 与中国族群资料进行了比较, 对客家人体质特征进行了初步分析. 结果表明: (ⅰ) 客家人上眼睑有皱褶率低, 有蒙古褶率高, 眼裂狭窄且多呈眼外角高, 鼻根高度中等, 直鼻背, 男性鼻基部多上翘, 女性鼻基部3种类型比例较接近, 鼻翼高度中等型与高型出现率较高且二者较接近, 鼻孔最大径男性水平率与倾斜率较高, 女性水平率最高, 鼻翼较宽, 耳垂圆形率最高, 上唇皮肤部高度多为中等, 红唇多为薄唇, 发黑, 眼褐、肤黄. (ⅱ) 客家人男性头长值大,额最小宽、面宽、唇高、眼内角间宽值接近于北亚类型族群, 头宽、形态面高、鼻宽、口裂宽、鼻高值接近南亚类型族群; 客家人女性头长值大, 额最小宽、面宽、唇高、眼内角间宽值接近于北亚类型族群, 头宽、鼻宽、口裂宽值接近南亚类型族群. (ⅲ) 客家人城市、乡村的男性与女性身高均属于中等身材. 客家人男女性均以中头型(头长宽指数)、高头型、中头型(头宽高指数)、中鼻型、长躯干型、亚短腿型、宽肩型、窄骨盆型率最高. (ⅳ) 主成分分析结果显示, 客家人体质特征介于南亚、北亚类型族群之间, 相对更接近中国北亚类型族群.  相似文献   

2013年9月在云南省西双版纳州测量了402例(男为197例,女为205例)傣族人的头面部、体部体质指标,并与汉族和中国北亚类型、南亚类型体质进行了比较。研究发现,西双版纳傣族男性、女性均为亚中等身材。西双版纳傣族与德宏州傣族体质特征差异较大。聚类分析结果表明,西双版纳傣族男性与克木人、佤族、水族、苗族在同一组中。总的看来,西双版纳傣族具有南亚类型族群体质特征。  相似文献   

在内蒙古呼伦贝尔市新巴尔虎左旗测量了巴尔虎人(男196例,女204例)的体质数据,与中国和国外族群体质资料进行了比较,得出了巴尔虎人的体质特征,初步探讨了巴尔虎人在人种学上的分型地位,分析了巴尔虎人体质形成的原因。结果表明:1)巴尔虎人多有上眼睑皱褶,有蒙古褶率为40%,鼻根高度中等、鼻翼高度中等,鼻背较低。直鼻背,颧部突出,红唇薄,发黑,肤黄,眼褐,下颏明显前凸。巴尔虎人具有蒙古人种的基本特征。2)巴尔虎人体部特征最明显的是体重大,其胸围、腹围、臀围、大腿围值在目前已经报道的中国族群中最大,其皮下脂肪层厚,BMI远远超过中国当代汉族乡村人。3)巴尔虎人男性与女性均为短头型、高头型、阔头型、中面型、中鼻型、宽胸型、中肩型、中骨盆型、中腿型、矮胖型。男性为长躯干型,女性为中躯干型。4)主成分分析结果显示,在蒙古族族群中巴尔虎人身材中等,体重大、头较长且较宽,口裂较窄,鼻高值小,鼻较宽,唇较薄。巴尔虎人与布里亚特人、图瓦人体质特征极为接近。5)巴尔虎人人种特征属于蒙古人种北亚类型贝加尔分支类型与中亚分支类型之间的中间类型,在其体质特征中还包含欧罗巴人种的成分。6)巴尔虎人由突厥语族族群逐渐成为蒙古语族族群,遗传因素是其体质特征形成的主要原因,生活环境、饮食成分对其体质特征形成也有重要作用。  相似文献   

三岩藏族体质特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三岩是西藏自治区贡觉县与四川省白玉县交界的金沙江峡谷区, 本文对三岩藏族活体的测量数据做了统计分析, 认为三岩藏族的体质特征为高身材、中头型、中鼻; 属于蒙古人种北亚类型, 他们的体质特征不仅与中国南方、北方的其他民族有明显的差别, 而且跟藏族的其他支系也有很大的差别。三岩藏族具有独特的体质特征。  相似文献   

在海南文昌市调查了城市汉族315例(男为150例, 女为165例)和乡村汉族407例(男为216例, 女为191例)成人的73项体质指标, 计算了25项体质指数, 统计了指数分型情况, 与我国族群资料进行了比较, 对海南文昌汉族体质特征进行了初步分析。结果显示: 1)文昌汉族有上眼睑皱褶, 蒙古褶欠发达,眼裂窄且多呈眼外角高, 鼻根高度中等, 直鼻梁, 鼻基部上翘, 鼻翼高度中等, 鼻孔最大径斜位, 鼻翼宽, 耳垂多为圆形、三角形, 上唇皮肤部高度中等, 红唇较厚, 发色黑, 肤色、眼色较深。2)文昌汉族男女性均为特圆头型、高头型、中头型、中鼻型。男性还为中面型, 女性还为狭面型。3)文昌汉族男女性均为长躯干型、中胸型、中肩型、中骨盆型, 男性还为中腿型, 女性还为亚短腿型。文昌汉族城市、乡村的男性与女性身高均属于中等身材。4)文昌汉族头面部特征更接近于我国蒙古人种北亚类型族群。从体部指标来看。文昌汉族介于北亚类型族群与南亚类型族群之间, 更接近于北亚类型族群。  相似文献   

本文分析了在贵州黄平县调查的311例(男性为159例,女性为152例)(革)家人的体质数据,与我国族群资料进行了比较,结果表明:1)(革)家人上眼睑有皱褶率较高,有蒙古褶率低,眼裂狭窄率与中等型率较高,且多呈眼外角高,鼻根高度中等,直鼻背,男性颧骨体不突出,女性颧骨体较突出,鼻基部多上翘,鼻翼高度中等,鼻孔最大径男性多为倾斜,女性水平率最高,鼻翼宽男性中等型率和宽阔型率较高,女性多为中等型,耳垂圆形率最高,上唇皮肤部高度男性以中等型率最高,女性以低型率最高,红唇厚度中唇率最高;发黑,眼褐、肤黄.2)(革)家人男性头长、形态面高值小;头宽、面宽、鼻高、唇高、眼内角间宽值接近于南亚类型族群,口裂宽值接近于北亚类型族群,额最小宽、鼻宽值介于北亚、南亚类型族群之间,女性形态面高、鼻高值小,头长、头宽、额最小宽、面宽、鼻宽、唇高值接近于南亚类型族群,口裂宽、眼内角间宽值接近于北亚类型族群.3)(革)家人男性与女性身高均属于矮身材.(革)家人男性为圆头型、高头型、狭头型、阔面型、中鼻型,女性为中头型、高头型、中头型、中面型、中鼻型.(革)家人男女性均为中躯干型、宽肩型、宽骨盆型.男性还为中胸型、亚长腿型,女性还为宽胸型、中腿型.4)(革)家人属于蒙古人种南亚类型族群,与周围苗族体质特征存在较大差异.  相似文献   

在湖南省娄底地区调查了汉族湘语族群507例(男269例、女238例)高中学生的7项不对称行为特征(扣手、利手、叠臂、叠腿、利足、起步类型和优势眼)。研究结果显示:1)湘语族群叠臂与起步类型L型率高于R型率, 其余5项均R型率高于L型率。2)湘语族群利手、叠臂、利足出现率存在性别间差异, 其余4项出现率均不存在性别间差异。3)在已发表的资料中, 湘语族群扣手和起步类型右型率中等偏高, 利手右型率处于中等水平, 叠臂和叠腿右型率低,利足和优势眼右型率高。4)主成分分析结果显示, 汉族各族群不对称行为特征有一定的共性, 相对接近于中国北亚类型族群, 而与南亚类型族群差距较大。中国族群间不对称行为特征的差异, 主要反映在叠臂率差异、利足率差异。  相似文献   

西藏1000例藏族肤纹参数的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
汪宪平  张海国 《遗传学报》1991,18(5):385-393
本文报道了西藏1000例藏族14项肤纹参数。藏族与汉族的肤纹参数接近,与美国明尼苏达州白人的差异较大;在与12个民族的对比中与哈尼族、汉族的差异较小,与维吾尔族差异较大;在不同的地区,与四川平武地区的藏族差异较小,与甘肃甘南地区的藏族差异较大。本文提示肤纹参数在不同人种、不同民族、甚至同一民族不同地区人群间均不可混用。  相似文献   

运用Heath-Carter人体测量法,对云南省迪庆400例康巴藏族成人和西藏林芝507例卫藏藏族成人进行了体型研究。卫藏藏族男性(5.0-6.2-1.1)和康巴藏族男性(4.4-5.1-1.6)均为偏内胚层的中胚层体型。卫藏藏族女性(5.7-6.1-0.8)和康巴藏族女性(5.6-5.7-1.1)均为内胚层-中胚层均衡型体型。总体上看,卫藏藏族和康巴藏族体型具有一致性,也存在差异。卫藏藏族男、女性和康巴藏族男、女性都属于身体线性度低,骨骼、肌肉发达,体脂丰满的体型。卫藏藏族男性、女性比康巴藏族男性、女性的脂肪更多一些,肌肉、骨骼更发达一些,体态更丰满一些。本文从藏族族源的形成以及生活环境的视角,探讨了同为藏族的卫藏与康巴藏族之间体型的异同,和同为生活在高海拔族群间体型差异产生的原因。研究结果提示藏族具有中国北方民族的体型特征。藏族的多脂肪,骨骼肌肉发达,身体粗壮的体型特征也是对高原环境的适应。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Background. Thailand is at the cultural cross roads between East and South Asia. It has been suggested that this is also the region where the predominant Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) genotype changes from East Asian to South Asian. Methods. We compared the molecular epidemiology and outcome of H. pylori infections among different ethnic groups in Thailand (Thai, Thai-Chinese and Chinese). H. pylori isolates were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction based on cagA, cag right end junction and vacA genotypes. Results. Ninety-eight isolates from 38 ethnic Thai, 20 ethnic Chinese and 40 Thai-Chinese were categorized into East Asian (45%), South/Central Asian (26%), Western (1%) or mixed type (29%). The East Asian genotype was the most common among Chinese (85%) and Thai-Chinese (55%) (p <.01 compared to ethnic Thai). The ethnicity of the mother among mixed Thai-Chinese marriages predicted the genotype of the child's H. pylori (e.g. when the mother was Chinese, 84% had East Asian type vs. 29% when the mother was Thai) (p <.001). Gastric cancer was common among ethnic Chinese with East Asian genotype (e.g. all Chinese with gastric cancer or peptic ulcer disease had East Asian genotype, whereas only 40% of Chinese with gastritis had this genotype). Conclusions. Immigration, intermarriage and the variety of H. pylori genotypes in Thailand suggest that Thailand is an ideal site for epidemiological studies attempting to relate H. pylori genotypes and host factors to outcome. Our data also support the hypothesis that the primary caretaker of the children is most likely the source of the infection.  相似文献   

The mtDNAs of 76 individuals representing the aboriginal populations of South Siberia, the Tuvinians and Buryats, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and control region hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) sequencing, and the resulting data were combined with those available for other Siberian and East Asian populations and subjected to statistical and phylogenetic analysis. This analysis showed that the majority of the Tuvinian and Buryat mtDNAs (94.4% and 92.5%, respectively) belong to haplogroups A, B, C, D, E, F, and M*, which are characteristic of Mongoloid populations. Furthermore, the Tuvinians and Buryats harbor four Asian- and Native American-specific haplogroups (A-D) with frequencies (72.2% and 55%, respectively) exceeding those reported previously for Mongolians, Chinese, and Tibetans. They represent, therefore, the populations that are most closely related to New World indigenous groups. Despite their geographical proximity, the Tuvinians and Buryats shared no HVS-I sequences in common, although individually they shared such sequences with a variety of other Siberian and East Asian populations. In addition, phylogenetic and principal component analyses data of mtDNA sequences show that the Tuvinians clustered more closely with Turkic-speaking Yakuts, whereas the Mongolic-speaking Buryats clustered closer to Korean populations. Furthermore, HVS-I sequences, comprising one-fourth of the Buryat lineages and characterized by the only C-to-T transition at nucleotide position 16223, were identified as different RFLP haplotypes (B, C, D, E, M*, and H). This finding appears to indicate the putative ancestral state of the 16223T HVS-I sequences to Mongoloid macrohaplogroup M, at least. Finally, the results of nucleotide diversity analysis in East Asian and Siberian populations suggest that Central and East Asia were the source areas from which the genetically heterogeneous Tuvinians and Buryats first emerged.  相似文献   

Skin pigmentation is one of the most variable phenotypic traits in humans. A non-synonymous substitution (rs1426654) in the third exon of SLC24A5 accounts for lighter skin in Europeans but not in East Asians. A previous genome-wide association study carried out in a heterogeneous sample of UK immigrants of South Asian descent suggested that this gene also contributes significantly to skin pigmentation variation among South Asians. In the present study, we have quantitatively assessed skin pigmentation for a largely homogeneous cohort of 1228 individuals from the Southern region of the Indian subcontinent. Our data confirm significant association of rs1426654 SNP with skin pigmentation, explaining about 27% of total phenotypic variation in the cohort studied. Our extensive survey of the polymorphism in 1573 individuals from 54 ethnic populations across the Indian subcontinent reveals wide presence of the derived-A allele, although the frequencies vary substantially among populations. We also show that the geospatial pattern of this allele is complex, but most importantly, reflects strong influence of language, geography and demographic history of the populations. Sequencing 11.74 kb of SLC24A5 in 95 individuals worldwide reveals that the rs1426654-A alleles in South Asian and West Eurasian populations are monophyletic and occur on the background of a common haplotype that is characterized by low genetic diversity. We date the coalescence of the light skin associated allele at 22–28 KYA. Both our sequence and genome-wide genotype data confirm that this gene has been a target for positive selection among Europeans. However, the latter also shows additional evidence of selection in populations of the Middle East, Central Asia, Pakistan and North India but not in South India.  相似文献   

Finger dermatoglyphics of the Tibetans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Finger prints of 156 Tibetan males and 150 females have been analyzed. Whorls are more abundant in Tibetan males (60.24%) than in females (48.67%). The index of pattern intensity shows a higher value in males (15.95) than the females (14.65). The bimanual differences (both in males and females) are not statistically significant for the occurrence of pattern on the digits of the right and left hands. However, the difference between the sexes for the occurrence of patterns on the finger balls, are statistically significant. Ridge counting was done for each finger. On all fingers, Tibetan males have higher ridge-counts than females. The possible tendency for the right hands to possess higher ridge-counts cannot be demonstrated statistically. Tibetans show greater affinity with the Southern Mongoloids in the frequency distributions of pattern types on the finger balls. However, a more detailed dermatoglyphic study of all the Mongoloid populations in South East Asia, Central Asia and Far East would yield information of great value in disclosing the palmar pattern distributions among the Mongoloids.  相似文献   

Xu S  Li S  Yang Y  Tan J  Lou H  Jin W  Yang L  Pan X  Wang J  Shen Y  Wu B  Wang H  Jin L 《Molecular biology and evolution》2011,28(2):1003-1011
Genetic studies of Tibetans, an ethnic group with a long-lasting presence on the Tibetan Plateau which is known as the highest plateau in the world, may offer a unique opportunity to understand the biological adaptations of human beings to high-altitude environments. We conducted a genome-wide study of 1,000,000 genetic variants in 46 Tibetans (TBN) and 92 Han Chinese (HAN) for identifying the signals of high-altitude adaptations (HAAs) in Tibetan genomes. We discovered the most differentiated variants between TBN and HAN at chromosome 1q42.2 and 2p21. EGLN1 (or HIFPH2, MIM 606425) and EPAS1 (or HIF2A, MIM 603349), both related to hypoxia-inducible factor, were found most differentiated in the two regions, respectively. Strong positive correlations were also observed between the frequency of TBN-dominant haplotypes in the two gene regions and altitude in East Asian populations. Linkage disequilibrium and further haplotype network analyses of world-wide populations suggested the antiquity of the TBN-dominant haplotypes and long-term persistence of the natural selection. Finally, a "dominant haplotype carrier" hypothesis could describe the role of the two genes in HAA. All of our population genomic and statistical analyses indicate that EPAS1 and EGLN1 are most likely responsible for HAA of Tibetans. Interestingly, one each but not both of the two genes were also identified by three recent studies. We reanalyzed the available data and found the escaped top signal (EPAS1) could be recaptured with data quality control and our approaches. Based on this experience, we call for more attention to be paid to controlling data quality and batch effects introduced in public data integration. Our results also suggest limitations of extended haplotype homozygosity-based method due to its compromised power in case the natural selection initiated long time ago and particularly in genomic regions with recombination hotspots.  相似文献   

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