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两种浒苔无机碳利用对温度响应的机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐军田  王学文  钟志海  姚东瑞 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7892-7897
为了探讨温度对大型海藻无机碳利用机制的影响,选择了潮间带常见的绿藻缘管浒苔 (Ulva linza)和浒苔(Ulva prolifera)为实验材料,研究了碳酸酐酶抑制剂乙酰唑磺胺(AZ)和己氧苯并噻唑磺胺(EZ)在不同的温度下对藻体光合作用的影响。实验设置6个温度梯度(5、10、15、20、25和30℃)。结果表明,缘管浒苔和浒苔都有很强的无机碳利用能力,而温度对此有显著的影响。但他们之间存在明显的种间差异。缘管浒苔对温度的依赖性要强于浒苔,其对温度的适应范围要窄于浒苔,尤其是在高温下(30℃),缘管浒苔的最大光合作用能力与最适温度相比下降了56%,而浒苔仅为20%,这表明在高温的情况下,浒苔比缘管浒苔具有更强的生存适应能力,这是浒苔能够在绿潮藻占有绝对优势的原因之一。对缘管浒苔来说,在低温(5℃)和高温(30℃)时,无机碳的转运主要是通过胞外碳酸酐酶的催化作用,而在15℃时,加入胞外碳酸酐酶的抑制剂对无机碳的转运没有明显的影响,这表明在此温度下其他无机碳转运形式可以有效补偿胞外碳酸酐酶的作用。在其他的温度下,胞外碳酸酐酶和其他无机碳转运方式各占一定的比例。而对于浒苔来说,在低温5℃时,其他无机碳转运形式占主要作用,而从10℃开始,胞外碳酸酐酶作用比例显著增加,并且保持在相同的水平上。  相似文献   

以烟台海域定生浒苔为研究对象,采用光暗转换法,研究了不同光强条件下浒苔充气叶状体内部氧气浓度的变化。结果表明,浒苔充气叶状体内部气体成分中含有氧气,其浓度在360μmol/m2.s光强下达到最高值且保持稳定,光暗转换法显示其最高稳态到最低稳态的过渡仅需约10 s,此外,最低稳态的氧浓度仍高于水体饱和溶氧浓度。  相似文献   

不同光强下高锰对黄瓜光合作用特性的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
采用营养液培养的方法,研究了不同光强下高锰对黄瓜植株生长、叶绿素含量、叶绿素荧光参数和光合作用的影响.结果表明,高锰处理抑制了黄瓜植株的生长,与弱光处理相比强光下抑制幅度更加显著.强光下,高锰处理显著降低叶绿素含量,但降低光强却增加其含量.强光下,高锰处理显著降低原初光能转换效率(Fv/Fm)、光合电子传递量子效率(ΦPSII)和光化学猝灭系数(qP);弱光下,高锰处理对Fv/FmqP无显著影响.高锰处理使净光合速率(Pn)和气孔导度(Gs)下降.尤其是在强光下下降幅度更大.高锰处理使细胞间CO2浓度(Ci)在强光下升高,而在弱光下则下降.与Ci相反,高锰处理使气孔限制值(Ls)在强光下下降,而在弱光下上升.因此,强光下高锰胁迫使净光合速率下降可能是由非气孔限制引起的,而弱光下高锰处理使净光合速率下降可能是由气孔因子限制引起的.  相似文献   

温度变化对烟草光合作用光响应特征的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过Li-6400光合测定系统控温,研究了大田条件下,烟草脚叶采烤期腰叶在17、20、25、30和35℃下的光合作用光响应特征。结果表明:随温度升高,净光合速率(Pn)、最大净光合速率(Pnmax)、初始斜率(α)和气孔导度(Gs)先上升后下降,在20℃下达最大值,35℃下净光合速率受强光的抑制作用明显;光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(Rd)随温度升高而上升,但35℃下二者较30℃时有所下降;光饱和点(LSP)随温度升高而呈下降-上升-下降的变化,30℃和17℃时LSP较高;蒸腾速率(Tr)随温度上升而增强,水分利用效率(WUE)则随温度升高而下降,但20℃时水分利用效率在强光下明显较其他温度下的高。结果说明,20℃最适合烟草光合作用,此温度下气孔的水、气调节能力最强,温度高于30℃则对烟草光合作用不利。  相似文献   

光强和施氮量对催吐萝芙木叶片生长及光合作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同光强(15%、40%和70%自然光强)和施氮量(15、30和60g/株)的盆栽试验,研究了不同光照强度和施氮量对催吐萝芙木(Rauvolfia vomitoria Afzel.)叶片生长和光合特性的影响。结果表明:光强和施氮量显著影响了催吐萝芙木叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、水分利用效率(WUE)、叶绿素含量(Chl)、比叶面积(SLA)和叶生物量比(LMR)(p〈0.01),Pn和Gs均随光强、施氮量的增加而增大,70%自然光强下叶片Pn和Gs显著高于15%和40%自然光强处理。总体而言,低光条件下,更有利于其叶绿素的合成,且施氮量对叶绿素含量的影响不大。低光处理和重度施氮量均有利于催吐萝芙木叶片SLA增大和叶生物量的分配,但实验中光强和施氮量处理并未引起催吐萝芙木叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm发生显著变化。光强和施氮量对催吐萝芙木叶片净光合速率(P)、气孔导度(G)、水分利用效率(WUE)等光合生理指标具有显著的交互作用(p〈0.05)。  相似文献   

冬季小麦叶片光合作用对温度响应方式的变化   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
冬季田间生长的小麦离体叶片净光合速率(Pn)对温度的响应有两种方式。在12月上旬可以观测到第一种方式。在离体叶片周围空气温度从10℃逐步升到30℃后的1h内Pb逐渐升高,在随后气温逐步降低到10℃的过程中,Pn都比先前升温过程中同样温度下的数值高。30℃下叶片胞间CO2浓度(Ci)降低和叶片无机磷含量增高表明,这种响就态度苛能起因于一些光合碳同化酶活性的增高。在12月中旬以后可以观测到第二种方式。  相似文献   

温度的升高增加了银白杨叶片异戊二烯的释放水平;随着温度的升高,线粒体呼吸速率则有所下降。用线粒体呼吸途径的抑制剂处理叶片能够增加叶片异戊二烯的释放水平;然而,同样的处理对光系统II叶绿素荧光参数并没有显著性的影响,并降低了叶片的光合速率。基于以上结果,本文认为在温度上升时,异戊二烯的释放可能并不依赖于光合作用,而线粒体呼吸的上游底物流向异戊二烯的合成路径可能促进了温度上升时异戊二烯释放的增加。  相似文献   

冯玉龙  刘恩举 《植物研究》1996,16(2):214-218
30℃根温时蕃茄光合速率最大,根温降低或升高时,光合速率均降低。不同根温影响光合作用的机制不同,15℃根温影响了叶绿素 含量及a/b比;40℃根温影响叶片水导、叶内CO2分压并引起光合产物在叶片中的积累;20-30℃根温时叶肉阻力等因素可能是光合作用的限制因子。30℃根温时蕃茄蒸腾速率最大,水分利用率最小,根温降低或升高,蒸腾速率均下降,水分利用率升高。低根温时,气孔部分关闭;高根温时,气孔关闭的  相似文献   

温度对绿豆离体叶片光合作用的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
绿豆离体叶片分别经25、30、35、40、45、50、55℃处理60 min后,发现净光合速率和光系统Ⅱ的最大量子效率(Fv/Fm)当温度分别高于35和40℃时明显下降;细胞间隙CO2浓度的变化趋势与净光合速率的基本相反.因此认为,Fv/Fm比净光合速率(Pn)更能耐受高温;气孔因素不是各种温度处理中净光合速率升高或降低的主要原因.  相似文献   

在实验室条件下, 首次发现了带形蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia turuturu)盘状体产生的丝状体能够形成孢子, 暂命名为“盘丝体孢子”。研究详细观察了该盘丝体孢子的形成过程, 并探讨了不同温度6、12、16、20、24和30℃及不同光照强度10、30、45、60、90和120 μmol/(m2·s)对盘丝体孢子放散的影响。结果表明: (1) 带形蜈蚣藻雌配子体的囊果释放果孢子, 果孢子发育形成盘状体, 盘状体经过诱导再生出单列细胞的丝状体, 丝状体形成多室孢子囊, 并放散出大量盘丝体孢子; (2) 温度和光照强度均对丝状体中盘丝体孢子的放散产生显著影响。在温度为16℃、光照强度为60 μmol/(m2·s)时盘丝体孢子放散量有最大值; (3) 在温度低于12℃或高于24℃时, 盘丝体孢子的放散受到影响, 数量明显减少; (4) 在光照强度低于30 μmol/(m2·s)或高于90 μmol/(m2·s)时, 盘丝体孢子的放散明显受到抑制。研究结果补充了带形蜈蚣藻无性繁殖过程, 为其种质保存、人工育苗及养殖提供更为丰富的理论依据, 为探讨带形蜈蚣藻的起源与演化提供新思路。  相似文献   

1. Photosynthesis reaches its maximum rate at about the same light intensity over the whole range of chlorophyll concentrations studied. 2. Over this range the process shows the same relationship to temperature. The value of the temperature characteristic decreases gradually as the temperature rises. 3. The rate of photosynthesis is more depressed by prussic acid the lower the chlorophyll concentration. 4. These results are interpreted as indicating that photosynthesis possibly involves an autocatalytic reaction, and that chlorophyll must play some part in the process in addition to its rôle in the absorption of light.  相似文献   

Growth rate and morphological characteristics of Dictyosphaerium pulchcllum were observed from populations maintained at 20 and 25 C under light intensities varying from 100 to 1200 ft-c. Growth rates, expressed as the number of times the population doubled in chlorophyll content per day, were 0.57 (100 ft-c) and 1.71 (1200 ft-c) at 20 C and 0.80 (100 ft-c) and 2.S7 (1200 ft-c) at 25 C. Cell size varied between 3.0 and 7.0 μ among all treatments at 20 C and mean cell size increased with an increase in light intensity. Agitation of asexually reproducing populations resulted in up to 95% of a population occurring in a unicellular form. The percentage of uni-cells was highest in vigorously agitated test tube cultures.  相似文献   

Using differential respirometry and air enriched to 3% CO2 (v/v), the rates of photosynthesis and dark respiration of the moss Bryum sandbergii were measured as influenced by temperature and light intensity. The optimal temperature for net (apparent) photosynthesis was between 24 to 30 C; however, the photosynthesis/respiration ratio was about 11 to 27 between 4 to 24 C and dropped to lower values at 34 C., which indicates a wide temperature tolerance for this moss in short-term experiments. The maximum temperature for photosynthesis was about 41 C and the minimum was below –5 C. At 20 C light saturation was approached at 6.2 mw cm–2 (ca. 700 ft-c) but not completely reached at 12 mw cm-2; the light compensation point was estimated to be 0.4 mw cm-2 (ca. 40 ft-c). At 4 C light saturation and the compensation point were at lower levels and apparently solarization occurred at 12 mw cm-2. Light intensity had little or no apparent effect on dark respiration. However, respiration increased with temperature over various ranges extending from –5 to 39 C with temperature quotients of about 2.5 to 1.2. The significance of these characteristics is discussed with respect to the ecological relationships of the species.  相似文献   

1. The effect on oxygen evolution of Chlorella vulgaris produced by light intensities up to about 40,000 f.-c. has been studied by the use of the Warburg technique. 2. Above a certain critical intensity, which is determined by the previous history of the cells, the rate of oxygen evolution decreases from the maximum to another constant rate. This depression is at first a completely reversible effect. 3. With a sufficiently high intensity this constant rate represents an oxygen uptake greater than the rate of dark respiration. During such a constant rate of oxygen uptake a progressive injury to the photosynthetic mechanism takes place. After a given oxygen consumption the rate falls off, approaching zero, and the cells are irreversibly injured. 4. The constant rate of oxygen evolution (2 and 3) decreases in a continuous manner with increasing light intensities, approaching a value which is approximately constant for all lots of cells regardless of previous history. 5. Two alternative hypotheses have been presented to explain the observed phenomena. The more acceptable of these proposes quick inactivation of the photosynthetic mechanism, the extent of inhibition depending on the light intensity. 6. In Chlorella vulgaris solarization is influenced by the previous history of the cells.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and light on cell division were studied in synchronized suspensions of the high-temperature strain Chlorella 7–11–05. It was found that the time for incipient cell division, the progress in the process after it started, and the number of cells produced are influenced by temperature and light intensity. Within limits, cell division is generally favored by the increase in temperature. The increase in light intensity first favors cell division then, after the optimal light intensity is attained, a further increase in light intensity inhibits cell division. Observations are discussed in connection with the findings of other investigators. The limitations of cell division by temperature and light intensity are considered to be separate from the effects of these factors on growth.  相似文献   

光强对砂仁叶片光合作用光抑制及热耗散的影响   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
通过测定不同光照条件下砂仁 (AmomumvillosumLour.)叶片气体交换和叶绿素荧光参数 ,探讨了光对其光合机构及其光破坏防御的影响。试验期间 ,上午 11:0 0之前有雾 ,光强较弱。上午砂仁阳生叶净光合速率 (Pn)与下午 (6 .5 3μmol·m-2 ·s-1)相似 ,高于阴生叶 (5 .94μmol·m-2 ·s-1) ,下午阴生叶Pn 高于上午 ,与阳生叶相似。下午砂仁叶片表观量子效率低于上午。其初始荧光 (Fo)、最大荧光 (Fm)、光系统Ⅱ (PSⅡ )最大光能转换效率 (Fv/Fm)、Fm/Fo 及PSⅡ的潜在效率 (Fv/Fo)随日光增强而降低 ,15 :0 0降至最低 ,表明光抑制逐渐加剧。之后随光强减弱这些叶绿素荧光参数升高 ,光抑制得到缓解。与此相反 ,非光化学猝灭系数 (qN)随光强的增加而升高 ,并一直维持在较高水平 ,表明依赖叶黄素循环的保护性反应逐渐增强。阳生叶的光抑制比阴生叶强烈 ,当日遮荫处理使光抑制缓解 ,但各处理间qN 差异不大 ,表明热耗散未受显著影响。结论 :弱光下砂仁叶片即发生光抑制 ,在不同光照下其光抑制的普遍发生 ,是依赖叶黄素循环的保护性反应 ,而非光破坏的结果 ;砂仁叶片叶黄素循环的启动不需过剩光能 ,不同光处理对其影响不大 ;砂仁对光的适应能力较强。  相似文献   

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