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猴痘(monkeypox)是由猴痘病毒感染引起的人畜共患传染病。近期,至少在11个非洲以外的国家出现了120多例猴痘患者。人猴痘很少在非洲以外的国家发生,其症状和天花相似。现对猴痘的起源、发病、检测及预防进行述评。  相似文献   

近期,全球各地相继出现了猴痘疫情。截至2022年7月31日,猴痘疫情已涉及全球超过78个国家或地区,共报道超过23 000例病例,其中包括8例死亡病例。与既往疫情最大不同的是,本次疫情病例蔓延到了欧洲和美国等猴痘的非流行区,出现人际间传播,并且以密切接触传播为主,其中通过男男性行为传播不容忽视,被世界卫生组织(world health organization,WHO)列为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”。本文结合2022年猴痘疫情探讨猴痘病毒感染,对猴痘的流行病学、病原学、临床表现、诊断以及防治措施进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:天花、猴痘可感染人并引起严重皮疹、发热等临床症状,均为烈性传染病,是潜在的生物恐怖因子,因此需要建立针对其感染的快速特异的诊断方法。方法:分别设计正痘病毒属通用型、天花病毒特异、猴痘病毒特异的引物与荧光标记探针,建立荧光定量实时PCR方法,对人工合成或模拟样本进行检测。结果:可在4h内对天花或猴痘病毒感染进行特异性鉴别诊断,检测灵敏度可达100拷贝/25μL反应体积。结论:本方法可作为一种检疫与反恐应急储备技术。  相似文献   

猴痘(Monkeypox,MPX)是由猴痘病毒(Monkeypox virus,MPXV)感染导致的一种罕见的人兽共患病,跨物种传播可以由动物传给人,并且发生人际传播。MPXV是一种双链DNA病毒,属于痘病毒科(Poxviridae)正痘病毒属(Orthopoxvirus)的成员,是天花病毒的近亲。被感染者通常会引起与天花病毒相似的急性、全身广泛性水疱或脓疱疹,以及淋巴结肿大、发热等主要症状。近期该病已在多国暴发,引起了医学工作者的警觉和全球广泛关注。本文总结了MPXV的研究进展,包括MPXV的病原学、流行病学、诊断与检测、防治,以期为我国MPXV的深入研究及防控工作提供一定的思路。  相似文献   

猴痘病毒(monkeypox virus, MPXV)和天花病毒同属于痘病毒科(Poxviridae)的正痘病毒属(Orthopoxvirus),二者具有高度的同源性和较强的传染性。20世纪80年代初,已经在世界范围内消灭了高致病性天花病毒,但致死率较低的MPXV至今却仍然是威胁人类生命健康的重大隐患之一。2022年初,欧美地区多个国家暴发了非典型性猴痘(atypical monkeypox)疫情,引起了世界范围的广泛关注。有研究者通过对MPXV全基因组进行测序比对发现,已出现了MPXV变异情况。随着猴痘疫情(monkeypox epidemic)的快速蔓延,全球公共卫生安全面临着严峻挑战。为有效应对MPXV流行,研制出更加安全、有效的猴痘疫苗(monkeypox vaccine)已迫在眉睫。现就猴痘疫苗及其研究进展作一概述。  相似文献   

鼠痘是由鼠痘病毒引的实验小鼠的一种烈性传染病,分为急性和慢性两型,但大部分为隐性感染。鼠痘的病理组织学特点是,出现皮疹,肝脏、脾脏、肠道、淋巴结、肾脏等出现程度不同的灶性坏死,在这些损伤部位的上皮细胞和内皮细胞出现境界清楚、周围有晕、成群存在、嗜酸性胞浆内包涵体.利用鼠痘抗体,通过免疫酶组织化学染色,可以对组织内鼠痘病毒进行定位诊断。电镜下,在肝脏等组织内可观察到鼠痘病毒颗粒。  相似文献   

猴痘病毒(monkeypox virus, MPXV)是一种能引起人畜共患病的正痘病毒(orthopoxvirus, OPXV),与天花病毒(variola virus, VARV)同属,其宿主范围较广,人与动物的感染率都比较高。目前,MPXV在非流行国家和地区迅速蔓延,已成为对公共卫生影响最大的OPXV,且已证实出现人际传播。对MPXV快速、准确诊断与筛查是许多人畜共患病防控工作中的最重要工作。为我国制定防控措施,开发更高效、更准确的检测方法和技术提供参考,现就实验室MPXV诊断检测方法的技术原理、特点、应用场景,以及各诊断检测方法的优缺点作一概述。  相似文献   

目的:建立检测鼻咽癌(NPC)患者血清中EB病毒TK激酶的酶免疫测定(EIA)方法,用于筛选和辅助诊断早期NPC患者。方法:用基因工程高效表达的EB病毒TK激酶作为包被抗原,建立EIA检测方法,检测NPC患者和对照血清中的TK/IgG抗体。结果:在NPC患者血清中检出了特异的对EB病毒TK激酶的IgG抗体,而正常人血清中为抗体阴性。结论:首先建立了简便、快速、特异和敏感的早期诊断NPC的EIA方法,并作为我公司产品扩展应用。  相似文献   

马丽丽  蒋涛  赵晏强  刘欢 《病毒学报》2022,(5):1069-1079
2022年5月以来,非洲以及多个非流行国家相继报告猴痘确诊病例,三个多月已造成全球90余个国家超4万例病例,世界卫生组织已于2022年7月23日宣布此次猴痘疫情为“国际关注的突发公共卫生事件”。本文基于文献计量学方法对1962-2022年间国际猴痘病毒领域的研究论文进行了多维分析,对猴痘病毒领域的整体研究态势和研究主题进行了知识图谱呈现,以期为相关领域研究提供情报参考。结果表明,猴痘病毒研究领域可大体分为初始发展期、快速增长期、集中暴发期和徘徊持续期,美国在该研究领域具有独强优势,猴痘病毒的流行病学、分子遗传和致病机理、疫苗制备和药物研发是主要的研究主题。研究分析,我国在猴痘病毒遗传机制和致病机理、猴痘疫苗和药物研发、猴痘病毒病原学和相关新生物技术方法等领域的布局和研究需加强,猴痘病毒相关基础研究和应用技术储备值得相关科技机构和科研群体关注及提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为深入了解猴痘病毒(Monkeypox virus, MPXV)的CrmB(cytokine response modifier B)蛋白的结构特征和抗原表位,运用ORF Finder、ExPaSy、SignalP 6.0、TMHMM 2.0、Cell-Ploc、Conserved Domains、 SOPMA、SWISS-MODEL、NetNGlyc 1.0、NetPhos 3.1、IEDB、SYFPEITHI、Clustalx、MEGA 11.0、Prankweb、DrugBank等多种生物信息学方法,分析CrmB蛋白的开放阅读框、理化性质、信号肽、跨膜区、亚细胞定位、结构域、糖基化/磷酸化位点、二级/三级结构、B/T细胞抗原表位、抗原决定簇、蛋白同源性、配体结合位点、小分子抑制药物等。CrmB蛋白是由349个氨基酸组成的不稳定蛋白质,相对分子量为38 308.75;理论等电点为6.24,分子式为C1621H2550N460O550S32;二级结构以不规则卷曲为主,有信号肽...  相似文献   

流行性感冒(简称流感)严重威胁安全的公共卫生。流感防控采取的综合策略为加强流感监测、推广流感疫苗接种、做好疾病暴发的调查和控制、积极施予医疗救治等。我国正在推进新型城镇化建设,城市人口出现快速、规模化聚集,这给现行的流感防控体系带来巨大挑战。本文就新形势下流感防控和诊治的相关问题进行综述。  相似文献   

近50年来,新的冠状病毒不断出现,引起人类及动物的各种疾病。近期,在武汉肺炎患者中分离到新的冠状病毒。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)认为,中国在短期内即初步鉴定出新病原,且采取了有效管控措施,显示了科学家的科技实力及政府对突发新现传染病的处置能力。本文简要介绍了近年来新出现的冠状病毒并提出防控建议。  相似文献   

布鲁菌病(brucellosis)是布鲁菌入侵机体引起的传染-变态反应性人兽共患传染病,易被忽视。该病严重威胁人类健康,影响畜牧业、旅游业的发展,阻碍正常国际贸易,还会造成食品安全隐患。布鲁菌可通过消化道、呼吸道及皮肤黏膜破损处等途径传播至人。人群对布鲁菌的易感性无年龄和性别差异,可通过直接或间接接触感染。从事布鲁氏菌研究的实验室操作人员有发生实验室获得性感染的风险,但可通过有效的生物安全防护措施避免感染的发生。布鲁菌病是一种可防可控的疾病,必须早期诊断和正确治疗,防止疾病慢性化。本文对布鲁菌病的生物安全及其防控原则进行介绍。  相似文献   

Human monkeypox (MPX) is a rare zoonotic infection characterized by smallpox-like signs and symptoms. It is caused by monkeypox virus (MPXV), a double stranded DNA virus belonging to the genus Orthopoxvirus. MPX was first identified in 1970 and mostly prevailed in the rural rainforests of Central and West Africa in the past. Outside Africa, MPX was reported in the United Kingdom, the USA, Israel, and Singapore. In 2022, the resurgence of MPX in Europe and elsewhere posed a potential threat to humans. MPXV was transmitted by the animals-human or human-human pathway, and the symptoms of MPXV infection are similar to that of smallpox, but in a milder form and with lower mortality (1%–10%). Although the smallpox vaccination has been shown to provide 85% protection against MPXV infection, and two anti-smallpox virus drugs have been approved to treat MPXV, there are still no specific vaccines and drugs against MPXV infection. Therefore it is urgent to take active measures including the adoption of novel anti-MPXV strategies to control the spread of MPXV and prevent MPX epidemic. In this review, we summarize the biological features, epidemiology, pathogenicity, laboratory diagnosis, and prevention and treatment strategies on MPXV. This review provides the basic knowledge for prevention and control of future outbreaks of this emerging infection.  相似文献   

微生物组研究的发展推动了人类不断探索人体微生物群与疾病之间的相关性。然而,微生物组学在动物疫病防控中的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文对动物疫病防控领域中微生物组研究所发挥的6个作用进行了阐述:揭示疾病与菌群的相关性,鉴定新发病原体,确立有益于维持机体健康生长的菌群,筛选疾病防控的新药物和新制剂,开发新疫苗或改进疫苗的使用效果,提出更简单有效的防控措施。  相似文献   

Transformation-associated recombination (TAR) has been widely used to assemble large DNA constructs. One of the significant obstacles hindering assembly efficiency is the presence of error-prone DNA repair pathways in yeast, which results in vector backbone recircularization or illegitimate recombination products. To increase TAR assembly efficiency, we prepared a dual-selective TAR vector, pGFCS, by adding a PADH1-URA3 cassette to a previously described yeast-bacteria shuttle vector, pGF, harboring a PHIS3-HIS3 cassette as a positive selection marker. This new cassette works as a negative selection marker to ensure that yeast harboring a recircularized vector cannot propagate in the presence of 5-fluoroorotic acid. To prevent pGFCS bearing ura3 from recombining with endogenous ura3-52 in the yeast genome, a highly transformable Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, VL6-48B, was prepared by chromosomal substitution of ura3-52 with a transgene conferring resistance to blasticidin. A 55-kb genomic fragment of monkeypox virus encompassing primary detection targets for quantitative PCR was assembled by TAR using pGFCS in VL6-48B. The pGFCS-mediated TAR assembly showed a zero rate of vector recircularization and an average correct assembly yield of 79% indicating that the dual-selection strategy provides an efficient approach to optimizing TAR assembly.  相似文献   

Monkeypox, caused by the monkeypox virus (MPXV), is a zoonotic disease endemic mainly in West and Central Africa. As of 27 September 2022, human monkeypox has occurred in more than 100 countries (mostly in non-endemic regions) and caused over 66,000 confirmed cases, which differs from previous epidemics that mainly affected African countries. Due to the increasing number of confirmed cases worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the monkeypox outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on July 23, 2022. The international outbreak of human monkeypox represents a novel route of transmission for MPXV, with genital lesions as the primary infection, and the emergence of monkeypox in the current outbreak is also new, as novel variants emerge. Clinical physicians and scientists should be aware of this emerging situation, which presents a different scenario from previous outbreaks. In this review, we will discuss the molecular virology, evasion of antiviral immunity, epidemiology, evolution, and detection of MPXV, as well as prophylaxis and treatment strategies for monkeypox. This review also emphasizes the integration of relevant epidemiological data with genomic surveillance data to obtain real-time data, which could formulate prevention and control measures to curb this outbreak.  相似文献   

The recent and sudden outbreak of monkeypox in numerous non-endemic countries requires expanding its surveillance immediately and understanding its origin and spread. As learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, appropriate detection techniques are crucial to achieving such a goal. Mass spectrometry has the advantages of a rapid response, low analytical interferences, better precision, and easier multiplexing to detect various pathogens and their variants. In this proteomic dataset, we report experimental data on the proteome of the monkeypox virus (MPXV) recorded by state-of-the-art shotgun proteomics, including data-dependent and data-independent acquisition for comprehensive coverage. We highlighted 152 viral proteins, corresponding to an overall proteome coverage of 79.5 %. Among the 1371 viral peptides detected, 35 peptides with the most intense signals in mass spectrometry were selected, representing a subset of 13 viral proteins. Their relevance as potential candidate markers for virus detection by targeted mass spectrometry is discussed. This report should assist the rapid development of mass spectrometry-based tests to detect a pathogen of increasing concern.  相似文献   

1 引  言近年来 ,我国城镇保护地蔬菜生产获迅猛发展 ,种植面积逐年扩大 ,品种不断增多 ,有力地缓解了城市居民蔬菜供应 .保护地内因环境的适应 ,蔬菜长势旺 ,但病害传播亦盛[1,2 ,5,8,9] .特别是不少菜农以市场需求及自身习惯 ,常在保护地内多茬、连茬种植单一菜种 ,根腐、枯萎等病猖獗[3 ,4,7] ,蔬菜生产严重受抑 ,产量降低 ,品质下降 .现行的防治方法是大量更新保护地土壤 ,拌施以多种化学药剂 ,但效果不甚明显 ,且耗资、耗力过大 .为此 ,人们着意开拓新的防治法 ,特别是近年来 ,无公害蔬菜市场的大量需求 ,其病害的生态防治受到了广…  相似文献   

鼠疫曾给人类带来3次世界性灾难,剥夺了上亿人的生命。作为危害人类健康最为严重的烈性传染病之一,鼠疫的防控工作显得尤为重要。新中国成立后,党和政府大力开展鼠疫防控工作,开展流行病调查,制定各项防控措施。虽然全国范围在较短的时间内遏制了鼠疫流行的猛烈势头,但在西部地区人间鼠疫时有发生。青海省地处我国西部,就其鼠疫流行特征制定了适合本地鼠疫的防控模式。本文就“青海模式”的工作机制、调查监测、宣传教育、人员培训、隐患排查等进行介绍,阐述青海省鼠疫防控工作的成效,为中国传染病防控策略发展提出新的思考。  相似文献   

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