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In 2009, the Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability (BCOP) test was accepted by the regulatory bodies for the identification of corrosive and severe ocular irritants (Global Harmonised System [GHS] Category 1). However, no in vitro test is currently accepted for the differentiation of ocular irritants (GHS Category 2) and non-irritants (GHS No Category). Human reconstructed tissue models have been suggested for incorporation into a tiered testing strategy to ultimately replace the Draize rabbit eye irritation test (OECD TG 405). The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the EpiOcular(TM) reconstructed cornea-like tissue model and the COLIPA pre-validated EpiOcular Eye Irritation Test (EpiOcular-EIT) could be used as suitable components of this testing strategy. The in-house validation of the EpiOcular-EIT was performed by using 60 test substances, including a broad variety of chemicals and formulations for which in vivo data (from the Draize rabbit eye irritation test) were available. The test substances fell into the following categories: 18 severe irritants/corrosives (Category 1), 21 irritants (Category 2), and 21 non-irritants (No Category). Test substances that decreased tissue viability to ≤ 60% (compared to the negative control tissue) were considered to be eye irritants (Category 1/2). Test substances resulting in tissue viability of > 60% were considered to be non-irritants (No Category). For the assessed dataset and the classification cut-off of 60% viability, the EpiOcular-EIT provided 98% and 84% sensitivity, 64% and 90% specificity, and 85% and 86% overall accuracy for the literature reference and BASF proprietary substances, respectively. Applying a 50% tissue viability cut-off to distinguish between irritants and non-irritants resulted in 93% and 82% sensitivity, 68% and 100% specificity, and 84% and 88% accuracy for the literature reference and BASF proprietary substances, respectively. Further, in the EpiOcular-EIT (60% cut-off), 100% of severely irritating substances under-predicted by the BCOP assay were classified as Category 1/2. The results obtained in this study, based on 60 test substances, indicate that the EpiOcular-EIT and the BCOP assay can be combined in a testing strategy to identify strong/severe eye irritants (Category 1), moderate and mild eye irritants (Category 2), and non-irritants (No Category) in routine testing. In particular, when the bottom-up strategy with the 60% viability cut-off was employed, none of the severely irritating substances (Category 1) were under-predicted to be non-irritant. Sensitivity for Category 1/2 substances was 100% for literature reference substances and 89% for BASF SE proprietary substances.  相似文献   

Agrochemicals must undergo numerous toxicological tests before registration. One of these experiments is the examination of eye irritation potential. To get knowledge about eye irritation, recently only the in vivo Draize-test is accepted, which is one of the most criticized methods because of the injuries inflicted on the test animals. Several in vitro methods have been used to investigate the toxicity of potential eye irritants with a view to replacing in vivo eye irritation testing. In the HET-CAM test chemicals are placed in direct contact with chorioallantoic membrane of the hen's egg. The occurrence of vascular injury or coagulation in response to a compound is the basis for employing this technique as an indication of the likelihood that a chemical would damage mucous membranes (especially the eye) in vivo. In our studies comparative screening was performed with a set of agrochemicals to establish paralell data on in vitro (HET-CAM) and in vivo (Draize) results in case of 6 agrochemicals. The solutions to be tested are added to the membrane and left in contact for 5 minutes and the membrane is examined for vascular damage at set time periods. Irritancy is scored according to the severity and speed at which damage occurs providing an indication of the likely irritant effect of the compound. Our study showed good correlation between results obtained by the HET-CAM test and those of the Draize rabbit eye test most cases. The present form of the HET-CAM test can be proposed as a pre-screen method of eye irritation tests.  相似文献   

Currently, there are no accepted alternative tests for the replacement of animals in ocular irritation testing. This study focused on the quantification of cellular viability as a measure of toxic events in immortalised human corneal cell cultures and a three-dimensional corneal construct. Simultaneous vital dye staining by calcein AM and ethidium homodimer-1 was used to provide "live" and "dead" probes, respectively. For further quantification, we have developed image processing tools to evaluate digital images obtained from confocal fluorescence scanning microscopy measurements. Based on the finding that ocular irritation can be related to the extent of cell injury at the various cell layers of the cornea, we extended our studies from corneal cell cultures to an in vitro human corneal equivalent system comprising epithelial, stromal keratocyte and endothelial layers. Our results showed that the microscopic measurement of cellular injury by using either cell cultures or in vitro corneal constructs, combined with image processed quantification, can provide insight into the extent of the toxic effects.  相似文献   

A 60-year-old male physician is self-referred to your office for evaluation of his erectile dysfunction, which has been worsening for 5 years. He reports his erections rarely achieve fullness for penetration, and he is unable to ejaculate. He has tried sildenafil citrate (Viagra(R); Pfizer Inc, New York, NY) with mild success in the past. He has a strong libido and feels healthy. He rarely exercises, but is on his feet most of the day at work. He has been healthy his whole life and never seeks a doctor's attention. He has no other medical problems. His only medication is a baby aspirin once a day. His physical examination, including genitalia, is normal. As part of his initial visit, should his serum testosterone level be checked by his urologist?  相似文献   

In 9457 dairy farms located in an area with low prevalence of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) infection, bulk tank milk was examined to detect for the presence of antibodies using an ELISA test. If the result was positive or doubtful, serum of all animals in the farm was tested and bulk tank milk was tested again five times every 8-12 days. The results were used to establish decision rules in the event of a positive or doubtful result during mass screening.  相似文献   

Nagai T 《Theriogenology》2001,55(6):1291-1301
Recent advances in biotechnology have enabled us to produce cloned and genetically modified cattle and pigs by manipulating in vitro-produced embryos. However, the efficiency is still extremely low, mainly because of the low developmental competence of manipulated embryos. To improve this situation, IVM systems for bovine and porcine oocytes in in vitro embryo production systems must be improved. This paper addresses the selection of ovaries with competent follicles at a slaughterhouse and looking attached sight of oocytes at a lab, and the IVM of oocytes under redox state to enhance the developmental competence of IVM oocytes in cattle and pigs.  相似文献   

During the past decade, several validation studies have been conducted on in vitro methods for discriminating between skin irritating and non-irritating chemicals. The reconstructed human skin models, EpiDerm and EPISKIN, provided the most promising results. Based on experience of the similar performance of the two skin models, it was suggested that a common test protocol and prediction model should be developed for the prediction of skin irritation potential with the two models. When the EPISKIN protocol was applied with the EpiDerm model, an acceptable specificity (80%) was achieved, whereas the sensitivity (60%) was low. In 2003, the EPISKIN protocol was further refined by extending the post-incubation period following exposure to test chemicals. This extension and additional technical improvements to the EpiDerm protocol were evaluated with 19 chemicals from the prevalidation study. With the new test design, high sensitivity (80%) and specificity (78%) were obtained. The statistical probability for correct classifications was high, so the test was considered to be ready for formal validation. However, since test optimisation had been conducted with the same test chemicals as were used in the ECVAM prevalidation study, it was decided that the optimisation of the protocol had to be verified with a new set of chemicals. Thus, in the current study, 26 additional chemicals (10 rabbit irritants and 16 non-irritants), which had previously been selected and tested by LOREAL with EPISKIN, were evaluated in three independent experiments with EpiDerm. With this unbalanced testing set, a specificity of 94%, and a sensitivity of 60% were obtained, while the positive and negative predictivity and accuracy remained almost unchanged (around 80%) in comparison to the in vivo rabbit data. Overall, 45 chemicals (20 irritants and 25 non-irritants) were tested according to the final protocol. The resulting high positive (82%) and negative predictive values (79%) confirmed the reliability (accuracy of 80%) of the improved test protocol of the EpiDerm model.  相似文献   

Doughty MJ 《Tissue & cell》2000,32(6):478-493
AIM: The mammalian corneal stroma, like some other connective tissues, can absorb fluid, swell and become oedematous. Since studies on the corneal stroma have been carried out with different types of preparations and solutions, inter-study comparisons are very difficult. A study was thus undertaken on a standardised preparation to assess the relative magnitude of this swelling and its relationship to thickness of the preparations. METHODS: From selected recent post-mortem eyes of adult cattle, stroma preparations were cut from the central part of the cornea. These preparations were immersed in various solutions of known pH and osmolality, and the time-dependent changes in wet mass were assessed over 9 h at 37 degrees C. The relative rates and magnitude of the swelling of the tissue were then compared. RESULTS: A reference value for stromal swelling was obtained by incubation in a 35 mM bicarbonate-buffered mixed salts solution equilibrated with 5% CO2-air (pH 7.60) where a 3.39-fold increase in wet mass and a 4.58-fold increase in thickness was realised in 9 h, at an initial rate of 76 +/- 3%/h. The swelling was essentially the same in an organic buffer-mixed salt solution (pH 7.5) but progressively greater in phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.5), a range of phosphate buffers (10-67 mM, pH 7.5), NaCl solutions (0.025-1%) and with gross swelling observed in water (where a 15.9-fold increase in wet mass occurred along with a 25-fold increase in thickness, at an initial rate of 643 +/- 62%/h). Overall, the wet mass changes were strongly related to thickness (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The results confirm that the selection of solution(s) for studies on corneal stromal swelling is critical. The swelling (oedema) is lower in a physiologically-relevant solution (similar to the aqueous humour of the eye). This indicates that the swelling tendency of the corneal stroma has been overestimated in the past, and that a similar discrepancy may also exist for studies on other connective tissues ex vivo when non-physiological experimental solutions are used.  相似文献   

In view of the increasing need to identify non-animal tests able to predict acute skin irritation of chemicals, the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) focused on the evaluation of appropriate in vitro models. In vitro tests should be capable of discriminating between irritant (I) chemicals (EU risk: R38) and non-irritant (NI) chemicals (EU risk: "no classification"). Since major in vivo skin irritation assays rely on visual scoring, it is still a challenge to correlate in vivo clinical signs with in vitro biochemical measurements. Being particularly suited to test raw materials or chemicals with a wide variety of physical properties, in vitro skin models resembling in vivo human skin were involved in prevalidation processes. Among many other factors, cytotoxicity is known to trigger irritation processes, and can therefore be a first common event for irritants. A refined protocol (protocol 15min-18hours) for the EPISKIN model had been proposed for inclusion in the ECVAM formal validation study. A further improvement on this protocol, mainly based on a post-treatment incubation period of 42 hours (protocol 15min-42hours), the optimised protocol, was applied to a set of 48 chemicals. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy with the MTT assay-based prediction model (PM) were 85%, 78.6% and 81.3% respectively, with a low rate of false negatives (12%). The improved performance of this optimised protocol was confirmed by a higher robustness (homogeneity of individual responses) and a better discrimination between the I and NI classes. To improve the MTT viability-based PM, the release of a membrane damage marker, adenylate kinase (AK), and of cytokines IL-1alpha and IL-8 were also investigated. Combining these endpoints, a simple two-tiered strategy (TTS) was developed, with the MTT assay as the first, sort-out, stage. This resulted in a clear increase in sensitivity to 95%, and a fall in the false-positive rate (to 4.3%), thus demonstrating its usefulness as a "decision-making" tool. The optimised protocol proved, both by its higher performances and by its robustness, to be a good candidate for the validation process, as well as a potential alternative method for assessing acute skin irritation.  相似文献   

The use of fish cell line cytotoxicity tests as alternatives to acute lethality tests with fish is hampered by the clearly lower sensitivity of the fish cell line tests. Recently, it has been shown that this is not a unique feature of fish cells. In fact, the sensitivity of mammalian and human cell lines toward the cytotoxic actions of chemicals, in general, is comparable to that of fish cell lines. Reviewing some of our recent investigations, the objective of this paper is to show that the sensitivity of in vitro cytotoxicity testing and the correspondence between in vitro cytotoxic and acute fish toxic concentrations (LC50) can be increased, if: a) inhibition of cell growth instead of cell death is used as the endpoint; and b) the bioavailable free cytotoxic concentration (ECu50) of chemicals in vitro, instead of the nominal cytotoxic concentration (EC50), is used as the measure of cytotoxic potency. Based on these results, a pragmatic in vitro testing strategy for estimating the minimal aquatic toxic potency of chemicals is proposed.  相似文献   

In this study, hypoosmotic swelling (HOS), thermal stress (TS) and modified cervical mucus penetration (mCMP) tests have been used with routine tests for the assessment of semen quality. This is the first study in which the comparison of potential fertility estimation of fore-mention three tests was performed. Bull semen samples were divided into two fertility groups (high: n=3, low: n=3), according to their post-insemination NRR (non-return rate). Prior to the tests, post-thawed spermatological characteristics were assessed after which HOS, TS and mCMP tests were carried out. In the HOS test, the ratio of swollen cells, in the TS test the motility, and in the mCMP test the number of spermatozoa penetrating the cervical mucus, were examined. The relationship between the tests and fertility was also evaluated. HOS test was carried out according to different incubation times and temperatures (37 degrees C 60 min/41 degrees C 15 min/41 degrees C 30 min/46 degrees C 15 min/46 degrees C 30 min). For TS test, samples were subjected to various temperatures for different periods (no incubation (37 degrees C)/41 degrees C 15 min/41 degrees C 30 min/46 degrees C 15 min/46 degrees C 30 min). The mCMP test were subjected to various temperatures for the same period (37 degrees C 15 min/41 degrees C 15 min). In this study, post-thawed motility was found to be similar in high and low fertility groups. However, it has been determined that acrosomal (p<0.01) and other morphological defects (p<0.05) were low in the high fertility group. When HOS test was carried out at 37 degrees C, no difference was observed between the bulls with high and low fertility, but at 41 and 46 degrees C, results of high fertility group were significantly higher than those of low fertility group (p<0.01). Similarly in TS test, the progressive motility rates of high fertility bulls was higher after thermal practices at 41 and 46 degrees C (p<0.01). In mCMP test, at 37 degrees C, the number of cells that had penetrated was similar. However, significant differences were observed in the incubation at 41 degrees C (p<0.01). It has been concluded that for the estimation of potential fertility of bulls, HOS, TS and mCMP tests, in combination with routine spermatological tests can be used and the use of further penetration distance range (PDR2) in mCMP test and higher temperatures such as 41 degrees C instead of 37 degrees C, during the incubations in the afore-mentioned performance tests, is more determinative.  相似文献   

We examined the correlation between results obtained from the in vivo Draize test for ocular irritation and in vitro results obtained from the sheep red blood cell (RBC) haemolytic assay, which assesses haemolysis and protein denaturation in erythrocytes, induced by cosmetic products. We sought to validate the haemolytic assay as a preliminary test for identifying highly-irritative products, and also to evaluate the in vitro test as alternative assay for replacement of the in vivo test. In vitro and in vivo analyses were carried out on 19 cosmetic products, in order to correlate the lesions in the ocular structures with three in vitro parameters: (i) the extent of haemolysis (H50); (ii) the protein denaturation index (DI); and (iii) the H50/DI ratio, which reflects the irritation potential (IP). There was significant correlation between maximum average scores (MAS) and the parameters determined in vitro (r = 0.752-0.764). These results indicate that the RBC assay is a useful and rapid test for use as a screening method to assess the IP of cosmetic products, and for predicting the IP value with a high level of concordance (94.7%). The assay showed high sensitivity and specificity rates of 91.6% and 100%, respectively.  相似文献   

Prolactin plays an important regulatory function in mammary gland development, milk secretion, and expression of milk protein genes. Hence the PRL gene is a potential quantitative trait locus and genetic marker of production traits in dairy cattle. We analysed the sequence of the PRL gene to investigate whether mutations in this sequence might be responsible for quantitative variations in milk yield and composition. Using SSCP and direct sequencing, we detected six single-nucleotide polymorphisms within a 294-bp prolactin gene fragment involving exon 4. All detected mutations were silent with respect to the amino acid sequence of the protein. PCR-RFLP genotyping of SNP 8398 R (RsaI) was used to assess allele frequencies in 186 Black-and-White cows (0.113 and 0.887 for A and G, respectively) and in 138 Jersey cows (0.706 and 0.294 for A and G, respectively). Black-and-White cows with genotype AG showed the highest milk yield, while cows with genotype GG showed the highest fat content.  相似文献   

J L Flagg-Newton 《In vitro》1980,16(12):1043-1048
Mammalian cell-to-cell channels show polar permselective properties discriminating against negatively charged 14 A-wide molecules and are more restrictive than the channels of insect cell junctions. The channel permeability is modulated by conditions affecting the concentration of intracellular ionic Ca: elevation of the external Ca load (B cells), treatment of cell cultures with Ca-transporting ionophore (in the presence of external Ca, but not in its absence), treatment with a combination of cyanide and iodoacetate, or with high levels of carbon dioxide, all cause depression of channel permeability. Treatment of cell cultures with cyclic AMP or its more permeable derivative, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, produces increase in permeability. A similar channel up regulation is observed upon elevation of the endogenous level of cyclic AMP by serum deprivation or lowering of cell density.  相似文献   

Summary Mammalian cell-to-cell channels show polar permselective properties discriminating against negatively charged 14 ?-wide molecules and are more restrictive than the channels of insect cell junctions. The channel permeability is modulated by conditions affecting the concentration of intracellular ionic Ca: elevation of the external Ca load (B cells), treatment of cell cultures with Ca-transporting ionophore (in the presence of external Ca, but not in its absence), treatment with a combination of cyanide and iodoacetate, or with high levels of carbon dioxide, all cause depression of channel permeability. Treatment of cell cultures with cyclic AMP or its more permeable derivative, dibutyryl cyclic AMP, produces increase in permeability. A similar channel up regulation is observed upon elevation of the endogenous level of cyclic AMP by serum deprivation or lowering of cell density. Presented in the symposium on Molecular and Morphological Aspects of Cell-Cell Communication at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, St. Louis, Missouri, June 1–5, 1980. This symposium was supported in part by Contract 263-MD-025754 from the National Cancer Institute and the Fogarty International Center. This work was supported by grant number 5 R01 CA14464, awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DHEW.  相似文献   

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