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Possibly the most far-reaching, controversial research currently being conducted in the international biological science community involves human gene therapy experimentation. In this paper, I report the dynamics of the political process which ultimately found the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RAC) of the National Institutes of Health approving for the first time protocols of this genre. A full appreciation of the policy-making dialogue shows that significant participants perceived the process from very different vantage points regarding the way in which the American political system works and the way in which it ought to work. I argue that, if we are to understand how the RAC should proceed in orchestrating a human gene therapy policy agenda, then we must flesh out and critically analyze these competing vantage points. To that end, I postulate seven possible "action models" for characterizing how protocol assessments of the type at issue might be developed given the nature of our politics, reaching the conclusion that one of these models holds out the most promise for synthesizing efficaciously the key factors involved. In conclusion, I discuss how the RAC might profitably employ this preferred strategy in these and other cases.  相似文献   

Oversight of recombinant DNA research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is predicated on ethical and scientific responsibilities that are akin, in many ways, to those that pertain to the oversight of animal research. The NIH system of oversight, which originated more than 25 years ago, is managed by the NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities (OBA), which uses various tools to fulfill its oversight responsibilities. These tools include the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules (NIH Guidelines) and the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee. The OBA also undertakes special initiatives to promote the analysis and dissemination of information key to our understanding of recombinant DNA, and in particular, human gene transfer research. These initiatives include a new query-capable database, an analytical board of scientific and medical experts, and conferences and symposia on timely scientific, safety, and policy issues. Veterinary scientists can play an important role in the oversight of recombinant DNA research and in enhancing our understanding of the many safety and scientific dimensions of the field. These roles include developing appropriate animal models, reporting key safety data, enhancing institutional biosafety review, and promoting compliance with the NIH Guidelines.  相似文献   

Summary The Center for Veterinary Medicine requires strain/construct-specific data for recombinant fermentation organisms used in the production of animal drugs and feed additives. Fermentation plant biocontainment schemes are chosen based, in part, upon the ability of the organism to survice and persist in the environment and to transfer genetic information to indigenous organisms. Survival and persistence study methods may include one of the following ecosystems: activated sludge, mammalian gut, soil or river water. Gene transfer protocols can be incorporated into a persistence study. These studies are designed to show that the recombinant construct behaves similarly to the host in a representative ecosystem where the organism could be introduced inadvertently. The studies need to provide repeatable results and reflect current state-of-art design and methods. Data verification is conducted by FDA investigators during Good Laboratory Practice inspections. Biocontainment guidelines, such as those developed by the NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, set general biocontainment goals for large groupings of recombinant organisms. The FDA, as required under the National Environmental Policy Act, must base its decision making on verifiable scientific data specific to each application. Therefore, in addition to using these guidelines as benchmarks, sponsors are required to submit strain/construct-specific data to support the selection of an appropriate biocontainment level. Once additional well-controlled studies for a variety of constructs are available, broader generalizations as to biocontainment may be drawn.  相似文献   

Institutional biosafety committees (IBCs) have been charged with the oversight and review of biosafety at thousands of biocontainment labs nationwide, hundreds of which are high-level BSL-3 and BSL-4 labs. In light of the recent rapid proliferation of BSL-3 and BSL-4 facilities and the increases in research in the areas of biodefense, select agents, recombinant DNA, and synthetic biology and dual-use research, questions have been raised about whether IBCs are fulfilling their oversight responsibilities. This article reviews information on the responsibilities and expectations of IBCs as currently constituted and provides an analysis of IBC performance from survey data of hundreds of research institutions over the past several years. The findings highlight serious ongoing problems with IBCs' adherence to NIH Guidelines. This raises questions about the current voluntary governance framework as an effective system to monitor and oversee U.S. research facilities, including high-containment facilities, and their research activities. The findings strongly suggest the need for immediate improvement or replacement of the IBC system.  相似文献   

J Silverman  SP Baker  CW Lidz 《Lab animal》2012,41(8):230-235
Nearly half of all external grants from the US National Institutes of Health require approval by the recipient organization's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) before the funds can be used for research with animals. Given that large sums of money are spent annually on research involving animals, studies evaluating the strengths, weaknesses and overall effectiveness of IACUCs and similar animal welfare committees are needed. The authors designed and carried out a self-assessment survey on IACUC function and effectiveness. They found that 98% of all respondents believed that their IACUCs advanced animal welfare, but in many instances, veterinarians' responses to individual survey items were significantly different from those of other IACUC members. Protocol compliance, protocol review training and better understanding among non-committee members of the need for regulatory oversight are some areas where improvements could be made. Less than 50% of respondents stated that literature searches to find alternatives to animal use or painful or distressful procedures were helpful.  相似文献   

Techniques in plant molecular biology--progress and problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Progress in plant molecular biology has been dependent on efficient methods of introducing foreign DNA into plant cells. Gene transfer into plant cells can be achieved by either direct uptake of DNA or the natural process of gene transfer carried out by the soil bacterium Agrobacterium. Versatile gene-transfer vectors have been developed for use with Agrobacterium and more recently vectors based on the genomes of plant viruses have become available. Using this technology the expression of foreign DNA, the functional analysis of plant DNA sequences, the investigation of the mechanism of viral DNA replication and cell to cell spread, as well as the study of transposition, can be carried out. In addition, the versatility of the gene-transfer vectors is such that they may be used to isolate genes not amenable to isolation using conventional protocols. This review concentrates on these aspects of plant molecular biology and discusses the limitations of the experimental systems that are currently available.  相似文献   

During 1999-2000, the US government published three xenotransplantation policy/guidance documents, one by the Public Health Service and two by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA also held two public meetings of the xenotransplantation subcommittee of the Biological Response Modifiers Advisory Committee to discuss particular issues in xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Seoul National University (SNU) plays a key role in monitoring and managing the humane use of animals in scientific research. Here, as one of the pioneers of the IACUC in Korea, we reported SNU-IACUC operations and activities including committee establishment and legal formulation, protocol review, and post-approval monitoring of protocols, which the IACUC has undertaken in the last decade. In addition, legal regulations and improvements were also discussed, and encompassed the limited number of committee members and the single IACUC policy in Korea. As of December, 2020, amendments are on the table at the National Assembly. We also emphasized the independent nature of the IACUC in protecting activities, including approval and monitoring animal experiments, and its public role in narrowing the knowledge gap between society and scientists. Thus, the aim of this report is to help society and scientists understand the operations of the SNU-IACUC and its role in animal welfare.  相似文献   

The protocol described in this report provides a simple, accurate and efficient assay for detection of transgenes and mutations in large colonies of rodents, using crude lysates prepared from the digit cut from the animals for identification purposes. This can be done as early as 6 days of age, minimizing trauma to the mice and allowing assays to be completed long before weaning. Editor's note: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had amended its regulations on good laboratory practice (GLP) for nonclinical laboratory studies regarding humane procedures for animal identification and expreimentation (Vol. 54 # 75). While discouraging use of toe clipping for animal identification, the FDA charged each facility's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) with the responsibility for evaluation and final approval. C.A.P.  相似文献   

美国生命科学两用性研究监管政策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:近年来高致病性禽流感H5N1病毒基因改造研究及美国国家生物安全科学咨询委员会的监管建议引起广泛争议,美国发布了生命科学两用性研究监管政策。本研究旨在通过对美国生命科学两用性研究监管政策进行分析,探讨两用性研究发展和监管趋势。方法:通过文献检索,获取生命科学两用性研究监管政策相关的情报源,对美国政府生命科学两用性研究监管的政策背景、主要内容、政策评论、政策动因进行系统梳理与分析。结果:美国政府出台的生命科学两用性研究监管政策,有助于美国对整个生命科学研究周期(从最初提交资助申请到研究结论和研究成果交流)潜在的误用风险进行管理。结论:美国生命科学两用性研究引发极大争议,两用性研究监管主要依靠生命科学团体的自我管理,政策具有指导性而非强制性。  相似文献   

The dual-use dilemma in the life sciences-that illicit applications draw on the same science and technology base as legitimate applications-makes it inherently difficult to control one without inhibiting the other. Since before the September 11 attacks, the science and security communities in the United States have struggled to develop governance processes that can simultaneously minimize the risk of misuse of the life sciences, promote their beneficial applications, and protect the public trust. What has become clear over that time is that while procedural steps can be specified for assessing and managing dual-use risks in the review of research proposals, oversight of ongoing research, and communication of research results, the actions or decisions to be taken at each of these steps to mitigate dual-use risk defy codification. Yet the stakes are too high to do nothing, or to be seen as doing nothing. The U.S. government should therefore adopt an oversight framework largely along the lines recommended by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity almost 5 years ago-one that builds on existing processes, can gain buy-in from the scientific community, and can be implemented at modest cost (both direct and opportunity), while providing assurance that a considered and independent examination of dual-use risks is being applied. Without extraordinary visibility into the actions of those who would misuse biology, it may be impossible to know how well such an oversight system will actually succeed at mitigating misuse. But maintaining the public trust will require a system to be established in which reasonably foreseeable dual-use consequences of life science research are anticipated, evaluated, and addressed.  相似文献   

During the workshop organized by ILSI/HESI on May 5-6, 2010 on the value of juvenile animal toxicity studies, the implementation of the European Pediatric Regulation and in particular the review process of the nonclinical part of the Pediatric Investigation Plan (PIP) were described. A PIP is intended to outline the development of a medicinal product in the pediatric population (i.e. quality, safety, efficacy of the medicine and timing of studies); it is reviewed and agreed by the Pediatric Committee (PDCO) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The Nonclinical Working Group (NcWG) supports the PDCO in the review process of the nonclinical part of a PIP and is composed of members from the PDCO, the EMA Safety Working Party, additional experts from national competent authorities and the FDA. This article summarizes the NcWG review process and outcomes of 97 approved or ongoing PIPs, from the establishment of the NcWG in November 2008 to May 2010, as presented during the workshop. Juvenile animal studies were proposed by the applicant in 33% or required by the NcWG in 26% of the PIPs. The requirements were mainly motivated by concerns regarding potential developmental toxicities, in view of the young age of the pediatric population to be investigated, the lack of knowledge concerning the maturation of the pharmacological target, the lack of sufficient (non)clinical data, observed toxicities in the adult (non)clinical studies and the long duration of the intended treatments. Most juvenile animal studies were in the therapeutic areas of oncology, infectious diseases and endocrinology. In about 14% of the PIPs submitted, the NcWG requested either justifications of, or amendments to the study designs proposed by the applicants (e.g. justification of endpoints, study duration, species selection and timing with regards to clinical pediatric studies). Generally, only one species was selected or proposed for the juvenile studies, the rat being the most prevalent. The number of juvenile studies initially proposed by the applicant plus those requested by the NcWG was higher than the number of studies included in the "key binding elements" of the PIP opinions. This apparent discrepancy was mainly due to additional information or justifications submitted by the applicant during the clock stop. It was noted that the PIPs initially submitted often lacked information relevant to the nonclinical evaluation. Therefore, during the workshop, the need to provide scientifically based justifications when no juvenile animal studies are proposed in the initial PIP submission was stressed.  相似文献   

The International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) was founded in 1974. Early members used the society as a forum for the exchange of scientific and technical information relevant to a newly emerging embryo transfer industry. The impact that embryo transfer could have on the international trade of livestock genetics was clear by 1982, so the IETS commissioned the Import/Export Committee. The initial challenge for this Committee was to deal with concerns about disease transmission via embryo transfer. Many of the early concerns have been dispelled, but at the time they threatened the continued development of a fledgling industry. Over the past two decades, many new critical challenges have been met and managed by this Committee, which was recently renamed the Health and Safety Advisory Committee (HASAC). Assessing risks of animal disease transmission via reproductive technologies and establishing protocols for managing these risks are still major issues for HASAC. However, additional concerns have developed as views of the society changed and as novel applications of biotechnology in farm animals were identified. This paper is intended to chronicle some of the major changes and challenges that were managed by members of the HASAC and its Subcommittees from the early years of embryo transfer to the current millennium with technological advances in molecular biology.  相似文献   

FDA oversight of medical devices, including in vitro diagnostic devices (IVDs or laboratory tests), in the United States was a direct result of the passage of the Medical Device Amendments of 1976. This law introduced a series of general controls for medical devices including registration and listing, requirements for production using good manufacturing practices, and requirements for post-market reporting of device failures. This produced for the first time a menu of laboratory tests on the market, a system to ensure these were produced consistently over time, and a mechanism for FDA to identify problems with device use and to work with companies to ensure corrective action. This law also introduced the requirement for premarket review of new versions of old devices and of fundamentally new medical devices.  相似文献   

The FDA proposed a parametric tolerance interval (PTI) test at the October 2005 Advisory Committee meeting as a replacement of the attribute (counting) test for delivered dose uniformity (DDU), published in the 1998 draft guidance for metered dose inhalers (MDIs) and dry powder inhalers (DPIs) and the 2002 final guidance for inhalation sprays and intranasal products. This article (first in a series of three) focuses on the test named by the FDA “87.5% coverage.” Unlike a typical two-sided PTI test, which controls the proportion of the DDU distribution within a target interval (coverage), this test is comprised of two one-sided tests (TOST) designed to control the maximum amount of DDU values in either tail of the distribution above and below the target interval. Through simulations, this article characterizes the properties and performance of the proposed PTI-TOST under different scenarios. The results show that coverages of 99% or greater are needed for a batch to have acceptance probability 98% or greater with the test named by the FDA “87.5% coverage” (95% confidence level), while batches with 87.5% coverage have less than 1% probability of being accepted. The results also illustrate that with this PTI-TOST, the coverage requirement for a given acceptance probability increases as the batch mean deviates from target. The accompanying articles study the effects of changing test parameters and the test robustness to deviations from normality.  相似文献   

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the New Drug Application for Wellbutrin sustained release (SR) 100 mg tablets on October 4, 1996. However, by 1998, the FDA expressed concern about the stability of this drug product based on an increase in the dissolution profile on storage. Data submitted in the annual report showed that this drug product could not meet the expiry of 18 months at the International Committee on Harmonization storage condition of 25°C/60% relative humidity. The FDA mandated a 12-month expiry and GlaxoWellcome tightened this further by instituting an expiry of 9 months. The FDA also requested a long-term solution to the stability of Wellbutrin SR 100 mg tablets. Investigations via colloidal solutions revealed that the dissolution rate increase on storage occurred due to acid hydrolysis of the release controlling polymer. This drug product was successfully reformulated by slowing the initial dissolution rate and having an increased ratio of release controlling polymer to acid stabilizer. The reformulation used the same ingredients and manufacturing unit processes as the original formulation. The reformulated drug product was approved by the FDA on October 11, 2000 with an 18-month shelf-life. The shelf-life was extended to 36 months in an annual update to the FDA on December 1, 2005.  相似文献   

In addition to the existence of several cryopreservation protocols, no systematic research has been carried out in order to confirm the suitable protocol for canine sperm. This study aims to assess the effect of adding 5% glycerol during cryopreservation at 37°C (one-step) and 5°C (two-steps), in addition of testing two thawing protocols (37°C for 30 seconds, and 70°C for 8 seconds). We used 12 sperm samples divided into four experimental groups: Single-Step - Slow Thawing Group; Two-Step - Slow Thawing Group; Single-Step - Fast Thawing Group; and Two-Step - Fast Thawing Group. Frozen-thawed samples were submitted to automated analysis of sperm motility, evaluation of plasmatic membrane integrity, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial activity, sperm morphology, sperm susceptibility to oxidative stress, and sperm binding assay to perivitellinic membrane of chicken egg yolk. Considering the comparison between freezing protocols, no statistical differences were verified for any of the response variables. When comparison between thawing protocols was performed, slow thawing protocol presented higher sperm count bound to perivitelline membrane of chicken egg yolk, compared to fast thawing protocol. Regardless of the freezing process, the slow thawing protocol can be recommended for the large scale cryopreservation of canine semen, since it shows a consistent better functional result.  相似文献   

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