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We recently reported a two-hybrid trap for detecting protein–protein interactions in intact mammalian cells (MAPPIT). The bait protein was fused to a STAT recruitment-deficient, homodimeric cytokine receptor and the prey protein to functional STAT recruitment sites. In such a configuration, STAT-dependent responses can be used to monitor a given bait–prey interaction. Using this system, we were able to demonstrate both modification-independent and tyrosine phosphorylation- dependent interactions. Protein modification in this approach is, however, strictly dependent on the receptor-associated JAK tyrosine kinases. We have now extended this concept by using extracellular domains of the heteromeric granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor (GM-CSFR). Herein, the bait was fused to the βc chain and its modifying enzyme to the GM-CSFRα chain (or vice versa). We demonstrate several serine phosphorylation-dependent interactions in the TGFβ/Smad pathway using the catalytic domains of the ALK4 or ALK6 serine/threonine kinase receptors. In all cases tested, STAT-dependent signaling was completely abolished when mutant baits were used wherein critical serine residues were replaced by alanines. This approach operates both in transient and stable expression systems and may not be limited to serine phosphorylation but has the potential for studying various different types of protein modification-dependent interactions in intact cells.  相似文献   

Interactions between proteins are at the heart of the cellular machinery. It is therefore not surprising that altered interaction profiles caused by aberrant protein expression patterns or by the presence of mutations can trigger cellular dysfunction, eventually leading to disease. Moreover, many viral and bacterial pathogens rely on protein-protein interactions to exert their damaging effects. Interfering with such interactions is an obvious pharmaceutical goal, but detailed insights into the protein binding properties as well as efficient screening platforms are needed. In this report, we describe a cytokine receptor-based assay with a positive readout to screen for disrupters of designated protein-protein interactions in intact mammalian cells and evaluate this concept using polypeptides as well as small organic molecules. These reverse mammalian protein-protein interaction trap (MAPPIT) screens were developed to monitor interactions between the erythropoietin receptor (EpoR) and suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins, between FKBP12 and ALK4, and between MDM2 and p53.  相似文献   

Reverse mammalian protein-protein interaction trap (MAPPIT) is a mammalian reverse two-hybrid technology. The method is adapted from the forward MAPPIT technique, a two-hybrid complementation system in which the interaction between a bait-fusion protein and a prey-fusion protein restores ligand-dependent cytokine receptor signaling. In the reverse mode described in detail here, a positive readout is generated on disruption of the designated protein-protein interactions. Reverse MAPPIT functions in intact human cells, facilitating simultaneous analysis of disruption, toxicity and permeability of the tested compounds, making it particularly suitable for screening for molecules that target therapeutically interesting protein-protein interactions or for mapping the interaction interface between proteins. The total handling time of a typical reverse MAPPIT experiment is approximately 9 h and is spread over 4-5 d.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions are essential for almost all cellular processes, hence understanding these processes mainly depends on the identification and characterization of the relevant protein-protein interactions. In the present paper, we introduce the concept of TRS (trans-SUMOylation), a new method developed to identify and verify protein-protein interactions in mammalian cells in vivo. TRS utilizes Ubc9-fusion proteins that trans-SUMOylate co-expressed interacting proteins. Using TRS, we analysed interactions of 65 protein pairs co-expressed in HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells. We identified seven new and confirmed 16 known protein interactions, which were determined via endogenous SUMOylation sites of the binding partners or by using SUMOylation-site tags respectively. Four of the new protein interactions were confirmed by GST (glutathione transferase) pull-down and the p38α-Edr2 interaction was verified by co-localization analysis. Functionally, this p38α-Edr2 interaction could possibly be involved in the recruitment of p38α to the polycomb chromatin-remodelling complex to phosphorylate Bmi1. We also used TRS to characterize protein-interaction domains of the protein kinase pairs p38α-MK2 [MK is MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)-activated protein kinase] and ERK3 (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 3)-MK5 and of the p38α-p53 complex. The ability of TRS to monitor protein interactions in mammalian cells in vivo at levels similar to endogenous expression makes it an excellent new tool that can help in defining the protein interactome of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Although post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation mediate fundamental biological processes within the cell, relatively few methods exist that allow proteome-wide identification of proteins that interact with these modifications. We constructed a yeast surface-displayed human cDNA library and utilized it to identify protein fragments with affinity for phosphorylated peptides derived from the major tyrosine autophosphorylation sites of the epidermal growth factor receptor or focal adhesion kinase. We identified cDNAs encoding the Src homology 2 domains from adapter protein APS, phosphoinositide 3-kinase regulatory subunit 3, SH2B, and tensin, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach. Our results suggest that large libraries of functional human protein fragments can be efficiently displayed on the yeast surface. In addition to the analysis of post-translational modifications, yeast surface-displayed human cDNA libraries have many potential applications, including identifying targets and defining potential cross-reactive proteins for small molecules or drugs.  相似文献   

Identification of protein-protein interactions is essential for elucidating the biochemical mechanism of signal transduction. Purification and identification of individual proteins in mammalian cells have been difficult, however, due to the sheer complexity of protein mixtures obtained from cellular extracts. Recently, a tandem affinity purification (TAP) method has been developed as a tool that allows rapid purification of native protein complexes expressed at their natural level in engineered yeast cells. To adapt this method to mammalian cells, we have created a TAP tag retroviral expression vector to allow stable expression of the TAP-tagged protein at close to physiological levels. To demonstrate the utility of this vector, we have fused a TAP tag, consisting of a protein A tag, a cleavage site for the tobacco etch virus (TEV) protease, and the FLAG epitope, to the N terminus of human SMAD3 and SMAD4. We have stably expressed these proteins in mammalian cells at desirable levels by retroviral gene transfer and purified native SMAD3 protein complexes from cell lysates. The combination of two different affinity tags greatly reduced the number of nonspecific proteins in the mixture. We have identified HSP70 as a specific interacting protein of SMAD3. We demonstrated that SMAD3, but not SMAD1, binds HSP70 in vivo, validating the TAP purification approach. This method is applicable to virtually any protein and provides an efficient way to purify unknown proteins to homogeneity from the complex mixtures found in mammalian cell lysates in preparation for identification by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   



Regulated protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are pivotal molecular switches that are important for the regulation of signaling processes within eukaryotic cells. Cellular signaling is altered in various disease conditions and offers interesting options for pharmacological interventions. Constitutive PPIs are usually mediated by large interaction domains. In contrast, stimulus-regulated PPIs often depend on small post-translational modifications and are thus better suited targets for drug development. However, the detection of modification-dependent PPIs with biochemical methods still remains a labour- and material-intensive task, and many pivotal PPIs that are potentially suited for pharmacological intervention most likely remain to be identified. The availability of methods to easily identify and quantify stimulus-dependent, potentially also transient interaction events, is therefore essential. The assays should be applicable to intact mammalian cells, optimally also to primary cells in culture.  相似文献   

One of the major questions in signal transduction is how the specificities of protein-protein interactions determine the assembly of distinct signaling complexes in response to stimuli. Several peptide library methods have been developed and widely used to study protein-protein interactions. These approaches primarily rely on peptide or DNA sequencing to identify the peptide or consensus motif for binding and may prove too costly or difficult to accommodate high throughput applications. We report here an oriented peptide array library (OPAL) approach that should facilitate high throughput proteomic analysis of protein-protein interactions. OPAL integrates the principles of both the oriented peptide libraries and array technologies. Hundreds of pools of oriented peptide libraries are synthesized as amino acid scan arrays. We demonstrate that these arrays can be used to map the specificities of a variety of interactions, including antibodies, protein domains such Src homology 2 domains, and protein kinases.  相似文献   

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are central to our understanding of protein function, biological processes and signaling pathways. Affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry (AP-MS) is a powerful approach for detecting PPIs and protein complexes and relies on the purification of bait proteins using bait-specific binding reagents. These binding reagents may recognize bait proteins directly or affinity tags that are fused to bait proteins. A limitation of the latter approach is that expression of affinity tagged baits is largely constrained to engineered or unnatural cell lines, which results in the AP-MS identification of PPIs that may not accurately reflect those seen in nature. Therefore, generating cell lines stably expressing affinity tagged bait proteins in a broad range of cell types and cell lines is important for identifying PPIs that are dependent on different contexts. To facilitate the identification of PPIs across many mammalian cell types, we developed the mammalian affinity purification and lentiviral expression (MAPLE) system. MAPLE uses recombinant lentiviral technology to stably and efficiently express affinity tagged complementary DNA (cDNA) in mammalian cells, including cells that are difficult to transfect and non-dividing cells. The MAPLE vectors contain a versatile affinity (VA) tag for multi-step protein purification schemes and subcellular localization studies. In this methods article, we present a step-by-step overview of the MAPLE system workflow.  相似文献   

It is generally difficult to block protein-protein interactions with small-molecule drugs. A novel pharmaceutical development strategy to block protein interactions is emerging: targeted covalent modification to sterically block interactions. By this approach, compounds first interact non-covalently with a specific target protein. This interaction juxtaposes a weakly reactive group of the drug with a target amino acid sidechain, which then react by virtue of their high local concentration.  相似文献   

Proteins and enzymes are now generally thought to be organized within the cell to form clusters in a dynamic and versatile way, and heterologous protein-protein interactions are believed to be involved in virtually all cellular events. Therefore we need appropriate tools to detect and study such interactions. Chromatographic techniques prove to be well suited for this kind of investigation. Real complexes formed between proteins can be studied by classic gel filtration. When enzymes are studied, active enzyme gel chromatography is a useful alternative. A variant of classic gel filtration is gel filtration equilibrium analysis, which is similar to equilibrium dialysis. When the association formed is only dynamic and equilibrates very rapidly, either the Hummel-Dryer method of equilibrium gel filtration or large-zone equilibrium filtration sometimes allows the interactions to be analyzed, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Very often, however, interactions between enzymes and proteins can only be evidenced in vitro in media that mimic the intracellular situation. Immobilized proteins are excellent tools for this type of research. Several examples are indeed known where the immobilization of an enzyme on a solid support does not affect its real properties, but rather changes its environment in such a way that the diffusion becomes limiting. Affinity chromatography using immobilized proteins allows the analysis of heterologous protein-protein interactions, both qualitatively and quantitatively. A useful alternative appears to be affinity electrophoresis. The latter technique, however, is exclusively qualitative. All these techniques are described and illustrated with examples taken from the literature.  相似文献   

Suppression analysis is well suited to study the interactions of gene products. It offers the advantage of simplicity for any organism for which a convenient genetic system has been developed, which holds for a wide spectrum of bacteria and an ever-increasing number of unicellular as well as complex eukaryotes. No other method provides as much information about the functional relationships of biological macromolecules. The intrinsic value of suppression analysis is enhanced by advances in genomics and in biophysical techniques for investigating the properties of nucleic acids and proteins, such as X-ray crystallography, liquid and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin labeling, and isothermal calorimetry. These approaches confirm and complement whatever is revealed by genetics. Despite these sterling qualities, suppression analysis has its dangers, less in execution than in conceptualization of experiments and interpretation of data. A consistent nomenclature is essential for a uniform and widespread understanding of the results. Familiarity with the genetic background and idiosyncracies of the organism studied is critical in avoiding extraneous phenomena that can affect the outcome. Finally, it is imperative not to underestimate potentially bizarre and improbable consequences that can transpire when rigorous genetic selection is maintained for an appreciable length of time. The article begins with a somewhat pedagogical discussion of genetic terminology. It then moves on to the necessary precautions to observe while planning and conducting suppression analysis. The remainder of the article considers different manifestations of suppression: bypass suppression; gradients of suppression; suppression by relaxed specificity; allele-specific "suppression at a distance"; and true conformational suppression. The treatment is not exhaustive, but representative examples have been gleaned from the recent bacterial literature.  相似文献   

Imaging protein-protein interactions in living cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The complex organization of plant cells makes it likely that the molecular behaviour of proteins in the test tube and the cell is different. For this reason, it is essential though a challenge to study proteins in their natural environment. Several innovative microspectroscopic approaches provide such possibilities, combining the high spatial resolution of microscopy with spectroscopic techniques to obtain information about the dynamical behaviour of molecules. Methods to visualize interaction can be based on FRET (fluorescence detected resonance energy transfer), for example in fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). Another method is based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) by which the diffusion rate of single molecules can be determined, giving insight into whether a protein is part of a larger complex or not. Here, both FRET- and FCS-based approaches to study protein-protein interactions in vivo are reviewed.  相似文献   

Multiprotein complexes partake in nearly all cell functions, thus the characterization and visualization of protein-protein interactions in living cells constitute an important step in the study of a large array of cellular mechanisms. Recently, noninvasive fluorescence-based methods using resonance energy transfer (RET), namely bioluminescence-RET (BRET) and fluorescence-RET (FRET), and those centered on protein fragment complementation, such as bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC), have been successfully used in the study of protein interactions. These new technologies are nowadays the most powerful approaches for visualizing the interactions occurring within protein complexes in living cells, thus enabling the investigation of protein behavior in their normal milieu. Here we address the individual strengths and weaknesses of these methods when applied to the study of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The adipocyte-secreted hormone leptin participates in the regulation of hematopoiesis and enhances proliferation of hematopoietic cells. We used an adaptation of the MAPPIT mammalian two-hybrid method to study leptin signalling in a hematopoietic setting. We confirmed the known interactions of suppressor of cytokine signalling 3 (SOCS3) and STAT5 with the Y985 and Y1077 motifs of the leptin receptor, respectively. We also provide evidence for novel interactions at the Y1077 motif, including phospholipase C gamma and several members of the SOCS protein family, further underscoring the important role of the Y1077 motif in leptin signalling.  相似文献   

The emerging field of proteomics has created a need for new high-throughput methodologies for the analysis of gene products. An attractive approach is to develop systems that allow for clonal selection of interacting protein pairs from large molecular libraries. In this study, we have characterized a novel approach for identification and selection of protein-protein interactions, denoted SPIRE (selection of protein interactions by receptor engagement), which is based on a mammalian expression system. We have demonstrated proof of concept by creating a general plasma membrane bound decoy receptor, by displaying a protein or a peptide genetically fused to a trunctated version of the CD40 molecule. When this decoy receptor is engaged by a ligand to the displayed protein/peptide, the receptor expressing cell is rescued from apoptosis. To design a high-throughput system with a highly parallel capacity, we utilized the B cell line WEHI-231, as carrier of the decoy receptor. One specific peptide-displaying cell could be identified and amplified, based on a specific receptor engagement, in a background of 12 500 wild-type cells after four selections. This demonstrates that the approach may serve as a tool in post-genomic research for identifying protein-protein interactions, without prior knowledge of either component.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation-dependent protein-protein interactions provide the mechanism for a large number of intracellular signal transduction pathways. One of the goals of signal transduction research is to understand more precisely the nature of these phosphorylation-dependent interactions. Here, we report a novel strategy based on quantitative proteomics that allows for the rapid analysis of peptide-protein interactions with more than one phosphorylation site involved. The phosphorylation of two tyrosine residues, Y342 and Y346, within the linker B region of the protein-tyrosine kinase Syk is important for optimal signaling from the B cell receptor for antigen. We employed four amino-specific, isobaric reagents to differentially label proteins interacting in vitro with four Syk peptides containing none, one, or two phosphates on tyrosine residues Y342 and Y346, respectively. In total, 76 proteins were identified and quantified, 11 of which were dependent on the phosphorylation of individual tyrosine residues. One of the proteins, peroxiredoxin 1, preferably bound to phosphorylated Y346, which was further verified by Western blotting results. Thus, we demonstrate that the use of 4-fold multiplexing allows for relative protein measurements simultaneously for the identification of interacting proteins dependent on the phosphorylation of specific residues.  相似文献   

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